
Take Back Your Invitation to Evil Spirits

I have been “in the spirit” since 1974: first as a psychic medium or channel and then as a born again Christian.

In 1981, I entered Christian ministry. So I have experienced and witnessed a few things with a lot more “on the way.” Lots of mistakes made from which I have learned the most. The supernatural world is more prevalent in these times for the simple reason that we have invited evil spirits to “get in touch with us” by the actions we have taken. One way or the other, we opened the gateways of our souls, widely referred to as “chakras.” Knowingly or ignorantly , the truth of the matter is that we made an invitation so as a result, evil spirits, sometimes pretending to be guardian angels or good spirits from the departed dead, we opened the doors so we have to close them.

Its as simple as THAT! You see, I was ignorant of the spirit realm when I made a few “invitations.” It began with studying and and practicing relaxation  therapy aka hypnosis, followed by plotting astrology charts which led to divination, and finally, I kicked the door to my soul wide open when initially playing around, I succumbed to conducting a seance and an “entity” appeared.

Quickly, one thing led to another and without asking me for permission, spirits began to enter  me when they chose to speak to anyone gathered.My spirit was outside of my body screaming “Let me back in,” but the people assembled could not hear me and the evil spirits  used m soul and my body as a rag doll until  God intervened wherein  I rose up and shouted, “this is ENOUGH!”

What I know to be true for the last 4 decades is that the  very first mandate to successfully uninviting evil spirits, crucial to your freedom  is THIS:

                                                                BE NOT AFRAID!

At Pam Sheppard Ministries, we have tools. If you are one who wants to work alone, we have ebooks, courses and workshops. If you need assisted self study, we have online groups. If you want continual help, we have one on one deliverance counseling on Zoom.If interested,  call 838-217-0104 and ask for Evan.  Send emails to psmontheweb@yahoo.com 

Just be aware of this most important step. In every case, YOU made the invitation. So, “YOU have to take it back!”

It aint easy but it  is doable!!!! Jesus Christ said it quite simply yet quite profoundly: you shall know the truth and its the truth that will MAKE  you FREE!!!




Hits: 5380

Pouvez-vous Choisir Jesus?

this image portrays the religious hyprocit who contends over tongues

Par Pam Sheppard, Elisabeth Palsy, translator

Une part importante de la phrase “ Je choisis Jésus” que disent souvent les fidèles dans les églises est “d’inviter Jésus dans notre coeur”.

Quiconque connaît un minimum ce qu’est le kundalini yoga et ce que sont les 7 chakras sait que chaque être humain a 7 portes spirituelles dans son corps. Des pratiques comme le yoga, la méditation, l’hypnose, les incantations et même le parler en langues plongent le fidèle dans ce qu’on appelle un état de conscience altéré. En y entrant de manière assez profonde, les portes spirituelles ou chakras finissent par s’ouvrir, l’une après l’autre. J’ajouterai également le fait de tomber en extase par l’esprit (voir slain in the spirit),  le saint rire, le danser dans l’esprit (ou holy dance), crier ou courir dans l’église et balancer sa tête d’avant en arrière comme pratiques agitant l’esprit du kundalini et ouvrant les 7 chakras.

Ces chakras sont en réalité des portes pour des dieux Hindous, ou plutôt les principautés et puissances dont parle la Bible. Chacune de ces entités gardent un des 7 portails. Au niveau de la couronne, c’est le dieu Shiva, le troisième oeil ou le front c’est Hakini, la gorge c’est Savashiva, le nombril c’est Bahni, les organes sexuels ce sont Vishnu et Rakeeni, l’anus c’est Brahma, et le coeur c’est Isha. 

Etant donné qu’il n’est suggéré nulle part dans la Bible d’inviter Jésus dans son cœur, l’ange déchu Isha, serviteur de Jésus Sananda Immanuel, le Faux Jésus, est celui qui répond aux fidèles inconscients de qui ils appellent. Et c’est ainsi que Isha ouvre le portail du cœur du croyant et que des démons religieux entrent et viennent s’installer. 

Comment je le sais, vous demandez-vous ?

Et bien, depuis 2002, je conduis des délivrances pour des chrétiens qui ont eu une fausse conversion en “invitant Jésus dans leur coeur et dans leur vie”. Ils étaient tous, sans exception, démoniaques à différents degrés. Certains sont incapables de connaître la tristesse selon Dieu qui produit la repentance (2 Corinthiens 7, 10), d’autres ne croient pas en la résurrection dans la chair du Seigneur, d’autres encore sont très légalistes et compulsifs dans leur pratique religieuse sans porter aucun fruit véritable pour Christ, et bien d’autres encore sont dans des situations plus handicapantes : ils entendent des voix accusatrices et de condamnation, ont des manifestations physiques de démons, des insomnies, des moments de dépersonnalisation, des paralysies du sommeil fréquentes, des pensées blasphématoires, suicidaires, des démons utilisant leur corps pour parler ou bouger des objets, et même des orgasmes spontanés d’origine démoniaque.

Qu’ont-ils tous en commun ? Ils ont, tous, répété la “prière du pécheur” (ou la prière du cœur selon les dénominations) à la fin d’un sermon télévisé ou radio, en lisant un tract ou bien ils sont allés au pied de l’autel pour “accepter Jésus”. La plupart parlaient aussi en langues mais pas tous. Certains viennent des dénominations principales mais aussi du mouvement Word of Faith ou des églises pentecôtistes-charismatiques. Ceux qui ont répété “Jésus, Jésus, Jésus” dans les églises pentecôtistes et ceux qui ont reçu une imposition des mains dans les églises charismatiques ou dans les ministères de délivrance sont dans un état bien pire par rapport aux autres. En particulier ceux qui sont allés de ministère de délivrance en ministère de délivrance.

Quelle est alors la solution ? L’invitation au Faux Jésus ayant été faite par le libre arbitre du croyant, celui-ci doit être fortifiée en rejetant les erreurs et mensonges appris, premièrement, en abandonnant les habitudes de passivité, deuxièmement, en recevant la Vérité, troisièmement, et enfin en rejetant Sananda et en révoquant l’invitation faite. Dans la plupart des cas, le démon religieux qui est entré dans la porte du cœur par l’autorité d’Isha doit être expulsé. 

Vous avez besoin d’aide à ce sujet ? Elle est disponible ici. Envoyez-nous un email à psmontheweb@yahoo.com.

Hits: 1168

Pam Sheppard’s Tough Love

Session with Pam 26th August 2021

                                         Do you even WANT to be free!?

I do not doubt the power of Jesus Christ of Nazareth or his name in the calling out of evil spirits. Nor do I doubt Pam as being one of the elect, with great faith in the Lord, his bodily resurrection, and the resurrection of the dead. I also respect her extensive experience dealing with tormented and spiritually deceived people both in her ministry and as her career as a counsellor. So why then do I continue to be tormented after intense deliverance sessions! Why is there still so much of a struggle going on inside? What is all my confusion about?

 I get the most breakthrough moments when she confronts me, and asks me, tough love, to the point questions. During my first ever session with her, she called me out on the Covid-19 vaccine. I had sent an email to her beforehand about my concern that my parents were getting the vaccine. I had been caught up in the anti-vaccine mindset, suspicious of everyone and everything. She opened the session with something along the lines of “who do you think you are to say what your parents should or shouldn’t do? Huh”. It took me by surprise at her immediate confrontation, but it burst 6 months of paranoia that had been circulating my mind. She was right! Who was I to know what is right for another person and why am I making it my business. It cut straight through the layer of lies and gave me back my common sense in regard to that situation. It was exactly what I needed.

After several months of counselling with Pam, I sent her an email saying that I wanted to take a break and focus on my physical/bodily symptoms for a while, giving her an explanation and thanking her for everything she had done for me so far. I had said that fixing my body symptoms may help solve my soul and spiritual ones. She accepted my leaving but again plainly saw through my reasoning for it. She wrote me a straight to the point email gracefully calling me out on my explanation. I had been trying to run away from working on my soul. I had gone from a firm decision to take a break (believing this was a good thing), to knowing that she was exactly right, she saw straight through me and knew the exact words to cut through my delusion. Not many people have been able to see through me and knowing that she did, made me trust her even more. Again it was her tough love, to the point approach that ripped away another layer of deceit and brought me back to my senses so to speak.

 You can probably tell I get very carried away and sucked in by lots of ideas and am easily found going down many rabbit holes. The further I delve the more my commonsense slips away, Pam pulls me back to reality and saves me from going deeper into distractions.

Fast forward to our most recent session and again she has helped me to see why I am still in bondage. I want more than anything to be free of the torment, I become obsessed with getting free and finding the whys and wherefores. So when she asked if I even wanted to be free I just didn’t know what to say, I put all my effort into doing exactly that and don’t know why I am not feeling better. I tried to find words but cried instead and felt waves of intense emotion come out of me. 

This interaction made me realise that I still believe I should be punished, that I am a bad person that does not deserve happiness. This belief and personality defect is allowing spirits into my soul and I am holding onto them. I always find a way to make something my fault, idolising guilt, being self-centred. This has got to stop, I need to allow myself to be free and stop letting the voices of indefinite condemnation pull me deeper. 

Pam’s upfront, no-nonsense way of approaching soulish and spiritual problems has kept me in check, bringing me back from being a lost sheep.

Pam Sheppard: A true shepherdess.

Hits: 1186

Inside A Reprobate Mind

“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to those things which are not fitting.” What is it like inside a reprobate mind? There are many “interpretations” of what a reprobate mind is, but all we need to understand for now in this article is: what’s going on in there? (For context see Romans 1:18-32).

The Wrath and The People

The Apostle Paul was revealed from heaven “the wrath of God.” God’s wrath is against all ungodliness and unrighteousness. 

Some Christians believe this wrath is directed toward those not destined for salvation. Yet, there is not an exact context of that in Romans. All who are not saved will experience the wrath of God, but also all who are “ungodly and unrighteous.” So, if one is born-again yet are ungodly and unrighteous in their sanctification, the wrath of God is against them also.

As he writes, the ungodly people he is speaking about, “Knew God.” They knew God because He was “manifest in them” and the invisible attributes of God are clearly seen by these people. To me, they sound like Christians. Because, how can sinners “know God” and see his invisible attributes when some don’t even believe in His existence?


Despite not knowing exactly “who” can have a reprobate mind, let’s look inside a reprobate mind.

Interestingly, this Greek word is divided into two root words “alpha” “dokimos.” The “alpha” is a negative particle so it means “without.” Apparently, in ancient Europe a “dokimos” was considered an honorable money-changer who did not “whittle” down the metal when making money coins. This gives context that a Dokimos is a trying, real-person with integrity. So, a reprobate mind is “without Dokimos,” or without a real, honest mind. 

We could also say that since ancient Dokimos worked harder to ensure the money they made was accurate, it’s safe to say they had common sense. So, inside a reprobate mind it does not have common sense, and “it exchanges the truth for a lie or deceit.” And, “it suppresses the truth in unrighteousness.”


It appears that a reprobate mind was not “always that way.” It seems that at some point, they had understanding. They had a conscience, and were intelligible. It also seems that God does not create a reprobate mind. He actually protects us from such a mental place.

Yet, at some point the “pre-reprobate mind” begins. It seems that the mind suppresses the truth about God and becomes unthankful. This mind refuses to see the good that God has provided them. Their minds then begin to think “futile” or “vain” thoughts that eventually darken the heart. At this point in the mind, there is still a “profession of being wise” but a contradiction within them, making them “foolish.” 

In this foolish state of their mind and heart, they engage in idolatry. It is here, God “gives them over” to uncleanness in the lust of their hearts. He gives them up to “vile passions” because they have “lost the safe ground” they had by their self-deception. From here, we see deeds of a reprobate mind rebel against the natural design and construction of human beings. 

Inside a reprobate mind is a heart full of unnatural and bizarre thoughts of lust and evil. 


A reprobate mind in full action is extremely evil and absolutely corrupt. Because inside a reprobate mind “there is no truth.” That which is true is traded for error, this makes them deceptive in nature. In which, the Devil can prey off of, leading these people into wickedness, sexual immorality, envy; into being whisperers, violent, proud, unforgiving, unloving and undiscerning.

Inside a reprobate mind is zero discernment. They can’t tell anything from God and the Devil and themselves. They are lost! This is why God protects us from such a mind! A reprobate mind is in a devastating place, far worse than being “uneducated.”


Can a reprobate mind be restored? Well, once the Holy Spirit moves on a reprobate mind to repent at the Cross of Jesus Christ of Nazareth then yes, I do believe a reprobate mind can be restored, but I am not sure. 

It also seems to me that a reprobate mind (in a way) “gives ground” to Satan to have such a mind. Perhaps if a reprobate mind is able to come to the truth about their developed mental condition they can gain back “a right mind.” But who knows, Satan might have such a strong claim on the mind that God “gave over” that it may not be possible.

Then, maybe the only people who can be restored are those predestined for salvation.

Hits: 2823

The Holy Spirit as A Helper in Deliverance Counseling

The Holy Spirit Helping the Counselor

By Pam Sheppard

Counseling has been my profession since 1968 and then in 1973, I became certified after obtaining a masters degree in social work and ultimately licensed to practice in NY.  Once I got born again in 1977, I began to periodically  notice when and how the Holy Spirit would help me with my clients. Yet before that in 1975, I also experienced how fallen angels can also  use a counselor to communicate with a client as well.  What fallen angels do with counselors who are open to the occult is use them  as  channels and actually speak through them to the client.  Devils simply move the counselor’s spirit aside, enter his or her  body and use his or her tongue to speak—either with the counselor’s own voice or a different one.

 On the contrary.  The Holy Spirit helps both the client and the counselor to effectively communicate with each other, with them not even being fully aware as to how He has significantly  “helped.” 

The Case of Gene: the Holy Spirit "Helped."

In a previous session,  I prayed for a client whose name I have changed to “Gene,” asking God to reveal to him the cause of his  torment. Then  in the next session, I suggested to Gene that he was spiritually blind. I turned to I Corinthians 4:2,3:  

For if our gospel is hid, it is hid to those who are lost, The god of this world has BLINDED the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 

In response, Gene recalls a dream he received that very morning.  In short, he was riding on a fast moving  rollercoaster, was blind and could not see anything. 

If Gene had revealed the dream at the beginning of the session, I would have certainly turned to II Corinthians 4:2,3 to interpret a dream about spiritual blindness.  That was a no brainer for me.  What was “supernatural” about these circumstances is that I actually interpreted Gene’s dream before I knew of its existence. Unknowingly, I interpreted a dream that I had not yet heard!  Impossible without HELP!  

As a result, I could not produce a session like that on my own professional skills.  Actually,  to be directed to that scripture was an answer to my prayer of the previous week.  I had asked God to reveal both the cause and the solution to Gene’s issues. Without my knowing anything at all about Gene’s dream, I found myself discussing spiritual blindness.  So occurring in this rather unusual turn of events only served to increase Gene’s faith to believe that God is quietly working in his life for a specific reason:  to undeceive him and bring him light and truth.  In just ONE  week after my prayer for Gene, we received both answers: the cause of the bondage is Gene’s lack ofspiritual insight— blocked by Satan and the solution– that I continue to feed him scriptures that reveal the Lord in all His glory. 

We also got a third answer.  

Gene may  not yet be born again but he is one of God’s elect. Why?  Because the Holy Spirit came to help Gene be undeceived.  In times past,  Gene  didn’t wait on God to call you to Himself, he prematurely jumped out and went into another direction—the broad way that the Lord says will lead to damnation. Gene was birthed into a false conversion by a fallen angel.  The roller coaster in the dream includes  several  idolatrous religious and occult practices.” The supernatural help of the Holy Ghost is an indication that Gene’s spiritual blindness shall be removed and that he will receive the light of the glorious gospel that shines in the face of Jesus. 

The way deliverance counseling is designed is an open door to the Holy Spirit to help us in the work, for I practice as an ordained minister and not as a licensed social worker.  PSM is a ministry that offers deliverance counseling around the world.  Yes, we get paid for our skills and our time.  Nevertheless, the Holy Spirit  enhances what we have learned  and PSM counselors are  prepared, due to our hands-on certification as well as   the help of the Holy Spirit.

So give deliverance counseling a try by setting up your first appointment on Zoom from any part of the world.  Send an email to deliverancecounseling@yahoo.com or call 888-818-1117

Hits: 5960

Sermon: Our Hope is in the Resurrection of the Dead

The Apostle Paul Preached the Resurrection of the Dead

Sermon Preached on Zoom by Pamela Sheppard in  July  2021  

Text: Acts 23:6

When we look at Acts 23:, we read: 

Then Paul, knowing that some of them were Sadducees and the others Pharisees, called out in the Sanhedrin, My brothers, I am a Pharisee, descended from Pharisees. I stand on trial because of the hope of the resurrection of the dead.

Now, if we look at that and get what the backdrop of that was – I believe at that point, he was arrested – he was being accused – we look at the 30th verse of Acts 22. We find out that – Paul was preaching to a crowd, and – there’s more, we have to go up a little bit more. He’s telling his rebirth experience – and who was he telling it to? I believe he’s arrested. He starts telling his testimony in the first and second verse of Acts 22. He says, “I’m a Jew;” says where he’s born; who he studied under; how he had persecuted the followers of Christianity to their death; how he had arrested both men and women, throwing them into prison, “5as the high priest and all the Council can themselves testify. I even obtained letters from them to their associates in Damascus, and went there to bring these people as prisoners to Jerusalem to be punished.”

Then Paul  goes into his rebirth experience. (IActs 22:6-30; and Acts 23:1-11).

So, what I’m focusing in on in this short sermon is: the resurrection of the dead. That is where the Christian hope is. 

Because of the Lord’s resurrection, we who are born again believe that we also, when we die, if we die, we will be raised from the dead. And that is the ultimate hope. And if you can believe that, this – Jesus didn’t give them all the answers in that first scripture we looked at when He cursed the fig tree. He said to them, “If you believe, and if you have hope, and you don’t doubt, that whatever it is you say, whatever it is you believe, it shall come to pass for you.”

So, that’s the bottom line here for you. When you said that your hope was based upon your upbringing, I heard that, but it’s not our upbringing that brings this kind of hope. It is the born again experience. Because what the born again experience says to you, to the world, and to the devil, is that, “I may have been dead in trespasses and sins, but now that I have believed on the Lord and believed on His resurrection, now my spirit is resurrected. I am no longer dead in my spirit.”

But the next point is to move to that level where, like the Apostle Paul . think of it. and he had just heard all this; but he, after seeing Jesus, he was ready to die for his faith and his belief in the resurrection of the dead. when en you get to that kind of level, you are not afraid of people killing you, you are not afraid of death. Why? Because you know you’re coming back. 

There it is. We preach about the Lord’s resurrection, but the entire purpose of His resurrection is that we be resurrected, first in the spirit and then in the body. When in the body? When He returns.

Summary of two Main Points

Point 1 Resurrection in the spirit  occurs the day you got born again. 

If you are born again, your  mind has been  renewed to enable you to cast down thoughts, fears, imaginations, casting them down and submitting them to Christ. He says it – you may want to look at it yourself: 2 Corinthians 10:5. Let’s see. Corinthians has been standing out a lot to me this week. 2 Corinthians 10:5. Ok. This is what we do in the sessions. 

4The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We demolish arguments and every pretension (thought) that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive (in other words, we snatch it) every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 6And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete. 7You are judging by appearances. (And that’s saying it to you right there: you are judging by appearances. Appearances are: the feelings in the head. Appearances are: what the world has to say about chakras and how they should be closed or not closed. That’s all the world). If anyone is confident that they belong to Christ, they should consider again that we belong to Christ just as much as they do.

The thing is, most I’d not all of you  belong to Christ. So, every  argument, every thought, every fear, should be put into obedience to Him. How do we do that? We learn more and more and we take confidence in what we are learning out of the scriptures. We don’t ignore the signs that He sends to us. I’m sure He’s sent you some signs.  There’s probably something there in your subconscious mind that He sent to show you what needs to be done. But you may have overlooked the sign. I don’t know. But I’m pretty sure there’s a sign. If you are in bondage, The Holy Spirit will send you a sign as to what you must do to be completely delivered. 

One of the signs that you got is that you didn’t have to do anything to be born again. You didn’t even have to give up anythingOk? You didn’t have to do anything. He just whooshed into your room for you and did what He did gently and so quietly., if you are afraid of the supernatural He will not  shake you up with the supernatural because He knew you’d be scared. So, He didn’t do you like He did me; He didn’t do you like He did Paul and blind him,. when Saul  got born again, the Lord made  him fall off his horse and sit there blind until Ananias came and said, “Be healed.” He won’t  do you every one like that. for you, . It may be very soft and easy. Because He knows you. He knows what would upset you. For me, He had to be supernatural because I was and still am a supernatural person. 

Point  2. Resurrection of the dead shall occur when the Lord returns to earth to rule. 


So, if we’ will be dead before The Lord Jesus returns, we don’t worry about it, now, because we know that one day, we’re coming back to earth with Him to get our bodies out the grave. And I do suspect that once we are dead, time is not the same as when we are alive; you know, going from day to day, year to year, thousands of years. I believe, just as the scripture says, a day is as a thousand years in the spirit real. —- on that other side. A day is as a thousand years, a thousand years is as a day.

Therefore,  I perceive that real spiritual maturity is manifested when  we get to the point where our hope in Christ includes not just our born again experience, but also that we believe that the dead shall be raised in Christ, and that is the completion of our faith. We hear a smattering of this messsage  at funerals, but most of the time it’s just glossed over. “We’ll see him one day again,” Have You ever seen that at a funeral, where they talk about the afterlife? They’ll say, “Oh, well this is not the end, we’ll see him again,” so forth and so on. Usually, they don’t explain why that is.

The WHY is of the Lord’s resurrection. Because of the Lord’s resurrection, and because we are His chosen ones, whether they kill us or they don’t – and that’s what the Apostle was facing right here. He was facing being killed by the Romans because the Jews were telling the Romans, “He’s a traitor. So Kill him.” So, Paul used his common sense, he knew the law, and he said, “I’m a Roman citizen, you can’t kill me like that. I have not been found guilty of anything.” And the Romans said, “That’s true. We can’t kill him, at least we can’t kill him now. He’s a Roman citizen.” pay attention that even though supernatural things were happening to the Apostle Paul, he still used his common sense and said, “Hey, you can’t kill me, because I’m a citizen of Rome.” And then the one who answered him said, “Well, I purchased my citizenship.” Paul said, “I was born here.” So, there you go.

Your hope has got to be built in Christ. There is a song that says – I don’t know if you know it. It’s a church song. I don’t know if the Catholics sing it. “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ and righteousness.” Do you know that It goes, “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” And it goes on. It’s all about hope, hope in Christ. That’s what your born again experience should help you to anchor on to, which is hope in Christ, hope in His resurrection and the resurrection of the dead in Christ. 

Father God, I come before You on behalf of those in this Zoom session and I ask You, Father, to give them hope. . And as the song says, our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Christ. So, Lord God, I pray that You would cause them  to see that putting hope in an action is not where we ought to be; but our hope should be in Christ, our hope should be in His resurrection/ And the hope that His resurrection means for us is that as we have faith in the resurrection of the dead, we fear no one. Not psychics, not shamans, not the devil. We do not fear them, that they can in any way hinder Those who need  deliverance. Lord God, I ask You to do what You know to be the best thing to do to cause demonic bondage  and torment from coming back.

 If it’s closing chakras, that’s fine. But we know, and we put it in Your hands, that You know what is best, and what action You deem ought to be taken. Right now, Father, I come together with those gathered, , putting our hope and our faith in the One that the Holy Spirit raised from the dead. We put our hope and our faith in that experience. We also put our hope and our faith in the fact that we have been called to be Your chosen people, and that there is coming a time when the Lord shall return and shout, and the dead in Christ shall return with Him to also be resurrected from their graves. So, the power we anchor our hope iOS  the Lord’s resurrection, our hope in our own resurrection in the spirit to be born again, and also our hope is in the ultimate resurrection where our bodies are transformed and made immortal we  come out of the grave. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray, 


Hits: 1088

Gospel Blindness in Laodicea

No Revelation of the "Resurrection of the Dead" in

One can read the Bible over and over again and miss its  essential message. Therefore, THE WORD OF GOD HAS TO BE REVEALED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT. Actually, the revealed word of God has been hidden for centuries.  Allow me to share some evidence of just how blind the church generation of Laodicea has been for centuries, existing not only without the power of the Lord’s resurrection, but moving forward decade after decade with no revelation of the resurrection of the dead in Christ.   

As a member of the Laodicean elect community since 1977, end time   blindness was recently revealed to me in a rather  personal way.  Since 2007, the Lord has delivered me from my own personal deception, while opening my eyes to  comprehend that  the world is in a religious trance. Over time,  I was shown how  religiosity has been giving birth to false conversions, long   before I entered the religious system in 1979.
 It was in 2007 and  2008 that I heard an audible voice say “I never sent you there,” referring to the day I joined an institutional church, having been born again at home in 1977.    From my 25 years experience of ministry within a denominational system, I knew there were serious problems but I thought they could be fixed.  Looking back, I now understand that my  perspective was way  too narrow, not considering  that the visible church is 2000 years old and it has worldwide influence and ramifications. 
 So here is a revelation I just received a few days ago.
For 20 years,  I have used I Corinthians 15 to confirm that the Lord’s resurrection is essential to being born again. Therefore, the hearer of God’s word  must understand the meaning of “He rose from the dead” in order to believe it. If the believer did not understand the Lord’s resurrection on the day of his or her  conversion, then he or she is not born again. 
Not that I was wrong, but the revelation goes a lot deeper than understanding and  believing in the Lord’s bodily resurrection from death. Without faith in the resurrection of the dead, our faith is vain and we are still in our sins. 
The Corinthians were born again people, moving in the gifts of the Spirit. Yet they stopped believing in the resurrection of the dead because when their brethren died in their midst about 2000 years ago, the Corinthians  witnessed no resurrection of their deceased brethren. Consequently, the Apostle Paul warned them that if there was to be no resurrection of the dead, then this would mean that Christ Himself is not risen. And if the Lord  is not risen, then the  faith of these believers had to be   vain and they were “still in their sins.” In other words, the two- —the resurrection of Jesus and the resurrection of the  dead among the elect of God —-are intricately connected. 
You can’t have one without the other.
Do you sense the ramifications of THAT?
Let me bring this into your own religious backyard.
 Have any of you heard the resurrection of the Lord Himself preached much less the preaching of the resurrection of the dead in Christ?  As a preacher in the religious system for 25 years,  I can personally answer my own question  with a resounding NOOOOOOO! Especially not the resurrection of the dead. The only time it’s mentioned is perhaps at a funeral, the last line of the eulogy in passing, as the casket is being lowered into the ground. The preacher says, “we will see our loved one again” or some such weak platitude.
No wonder Satan is in such control !!!!! HAS OUR  FAITH been VAIN AND ARE STILL WE STILL IN OUR SINS????!!!! (1 Cor 15:17)
What Did Spurgeon Say?

In a sermon the  well known and renowned minister Charles Haddon Spurgeon, preached on February 17, 1856—165 years ago___ he began to  reflect upon the sad state of the church in his time, wherein he noted  that the most outstanding  difference between the preaching  of the first   apostles   and the preaching of the 1800’s was “the resurrection of the dead.” 

He had never heard a message on the subject himself.  In fact, Spurgeon could find no books on the Lord’s  resurrection and nothing at all on the resurrection of the dead in the bookstores. Rather matter of fact, Spurgeon confessed  that in his day, there were very few Christians who believed on the resurrection of the dead.  On the contrary.  For the last 20 years, I have discovered that there are very few who even understand what “He rose from the dead even means.” 

In Spurgeon’s own words: 

The resurrection of the dead is quite another doctrine, dealing not with the soul, but with the body. The doctrine is that this actual body in which I now exist is to live with my soul; that not only is the “vital spark of heavenly flame” to burn in heaven, but the very censer in which the incense of my life doth smoke is holy unto the Lord, and is to be preserved for ever. The spirit, every one confesses, is eternal; but how many there are who deny that the bodies of men will actually start up from their graves at the great day? Many of you believe you will have a body in heaven, but you think it will be an airy fantastic body, instead of believing that it will be a body like to this—flesh and blood (although not the same kind of flesh, for all flesh is not the same flesh), a solid, substantial body, even such as we have here.”

What The Resurrection of the Dead Means to ME!
The reason why Satan has not been defeating me since 2001 is because on 9/11 of that year, I realized that the falling of the Towers marked the beginning of end times.  Immediately,  I began to  pay close  attention to end time clues in the scripture. I recalled  Jesus had said that a last days generation would not “pass away” or die off   on earth at the time of His return. Actually, the generation He referred to was the one birthed around the year  that  Israel would become a nation. That generation is those born around 1948. I realized  that I was born in  40’s.  what followed is that 20 years ago, I began to plan to keep myself healthy enough to be alive when the Lord returns. Why?  Because I had an aversion towards caskets and graves.  
What followed is that   I turned towards  the Apostle Paul’s words to the Thessalonians about those who would be alive when the Lord returns AND those dead whom the Lord would resurrect.(I Thes 4:12)
Therefore,  I have been believing in the Lord’s return to RAISE THE DEAD SINCE ABOUT 2001. Sept 11, 2021 will attest to 20 years of spiritual blindness removed from me by the bright light of Holy Spirit-inspired revelations. 
For example, it has recently been revealed to me why from time to time over the last 20 years , the devil has tried to get me to fear my own death.
 Its clear now. 
So the revealed truth is that I HAVE BEEN seeing MYSELF AS ALIVE WHEN THE LORD COMES. because changing those who are alive and resurrecting the dead will occur simultaneously, believing in the immortality of those living does not precede the resurrection of the dead, believing in one event is also believing in the other.  As long as I believe I will be alive and changed when the Lord comes, I am also believing in the resurrection of the dead. , Yet  whether I am alive when the Lord returns to earth is not  really the issue.
 THE ISSUE IS that  I believe the Lord is returning and that He will “raised the dead believers”.
with this recent revelation, In the last few days, I have stretched my faith even further.
 I AM NOT AFRAID OF THE GRAVE ANY LONGER!!!!! For even if I am not physically alive when the Lord returns, IT DOES NOT MATTER. If I am Alive I will be changed, and if dead, I WILL BE RAISED. 
Therefore as long as I live, I am armored TO DEFEAT SATAN AT EVERY TURN! !!!!

The anointing on PSM is greater than it has ever been in the last 40 years.  We are in the season of the Prophet Moses.  We are commanding Satan to let God’s People Go! 

As my life has continually been revealed by the revelations manifested through scripture, this ministry is being blessed to be used by God to help you uncover  your own spiritual revelations through deliverance counseling on Zoom, email counseling, group counseling, Assisted Self Study in End times (ASSET), mentoring, books, workshops  and courses.  

There is a thin line between helping someone in the flesh and helping someone in the spirit.  From personal experience, we know that the worst fear is the fear of death and the grave.  Let PSM help you overcome any torment or bondage that overshadows your own beliefs about the Lord and restore to you, His promises for an abundant fruitful rest of your life!

If you are in the US, you can book a session by clicking here.  Schedule your sessions according to Eastern Standard time.  If you are out of the country, call 888-818-1117 or email us at deliverancecounseling@yahoo.com

Hits: 1930

Assisted Self Deliverance: PSM Can Help!

PSM and Deliverance Ministry:
We Prefer the Term "Deliverance Counseling"

Perhaps you sought spiritual enlightenment by  practicing yoga, reiki, transcendental meditation or any other way that caused you to enter an altered state of consciousness, opening your chakras and activating the kundalini. You have not yet lost your mind or perhaps your crisis did end up at a mental health facility. You believe you opened your chakras and you want them closed. Once you believed that the manifestations you experienced were from God, but now you realize that portals have been opened due to the fact that the torment has increased.  

 You have sought help from the church, to no avail so you ended up finding a deliverance minister online, but your condition worsened as you have attempted to apply various prayers, principles  and practices you accumulated from various deliverances ministries but the truth is that “nothing is working.” 

At PSM, we will stand with you to fight YOUR battle. Simply put,  we believe that to be victorious, the fact that you took a stand to fight the enemy is admirable, as you have not passively waited  on others to wave a magic wand to set you free. In keeping with your active stand, our goal is to stand in agreement YOU as   Christian guides, mentors, counselors, trainers and spiritual consultants to assist you  in your fight for freedom, a factor that may or may not involve casting out evil spirits. For truth alone can make a captive FREE!!!

Nevertheless, many  of the terms or keywords descriptive  of traditional deliverance ministries are not applicable to deliverance counseling at PSM. In fact, the history of  “deliverance ministry” as both a term and a Christian practice  goes back to the 1970’s, with the publishing of books like “Pigs in the Parlor” by Frank and Ida Hammond and “They Shall Expel Demons” by Derek Prince.  These and  other likeminded ministries published additional   books from a deliverance ministry perspective that became a part of its general modality.  Consequently  other  terms became popular, like ”  ground, legal rights, strongholds, demonic doorways, demonic soul ties,  generational curses, et al.”

Some of what the Hammonds and other proponents of deliverance ministry  put together has a solid foundation in the scriptures.  Therefore, terms like legal rights, strongholds, ground, demonic doorways, demonic soul ties, binding and loosing  are used at PSM. Yet there are terms we find to be unscriptural. For example, we  don’t use “generational curses” as it is in contradiction to the Lord’s sacrifice at the cross. Those who are in Him are not under the bondage of a curse because of “ancestral idolatry.” Generational curses  is a doctrine of devils.  

 We also know from experience that there is no such evil spirit called “Jezebel.” Instead, there is a religious spirit or demon whose scriptural name is “the spirit of the antichrist.”  PSM workers  do not directly address any entity before we have built up a captive with truth and we have also established agreement with him or her. We  are not   proponents of tongues, the sinner’s prayer, accepting Jesus, falling slain, the bridal paradigm, fire tunnels etc, in short, we are not  in any way influenced  by charismatic witchcraft. 

Even so, we will not contend with you on what you have been believing and practicing.   Instead,  we  seek mutual scriptural agreement before moving forward.   For it is not our goal to  “turn you  off” with religious arrogance.  Using  commonsense and wisdom,  PSM workers will  assist and support you to distinguish  between what works and what does not work on your journey to complete deliverance in Christ,  with sound reasoning and discernment. 

You can book by clicking here. We are on Eastern standard time but you can book from anywhere in the world and we will send you a Zoom link to the PSM Personal Meeting Room.  

To learn more about deliverance counseling, click here

 To make personal enquiries, send an email to rescueonfb@icloud.com or call 888-818-1117. 


Hits: 1848

The Resurrection of the Dead: Do you believe in it?

Bodily Resurrection: The Lord's and Our's

For the last 20 years, I have been teaching and writing about the great falling away. which I have uncovered while  ministering online since 2002. Actually,  I noticed this when I was a pastor in an African American   church for 17 years of my 25 years there, from 1979-2004. Therefore,  I have known for about 20 years   that most religious people  do not really understand the Lord’s resurrection and therefore, they are not born again. I perceive this to be the great falling away.

 Two thousand years ago, those who saw the Lord alive after His death did not need faith because their very eyes witnessed Him physically ALIVE! . They were at the cross when He died and they were in the upper room when He bodily appeared. What we also  tend to forget is that right after Jesus was resurrected, the people of that day either saw or heard about how the earth quaked and the elect of God from the old testament came out of their tombs, went to the holy city and appeared to many people. (Matthew 27:51-53)

Consider the early saints who became martyrs , marching joyfully  to their deaths, singing! Let us not forget Stephen, who less than a decade later was willing to die for Christ, demonstrating not an ounce of fear as he was stoned to death.  Why? The martyrs of two centuries ago believed not only  in the Lord’s resurrection BUT IN THEIR OWN! Because they had witnessed or heard about the resurrection of  deceased old testament saints and of course they met the resurrected Jesus as well. As a result of their faith in the Lord and in their own future resurrection,  their fear of death was destroyed.

To be born again is to come back to life in the spirit after being dead. Those who are not born again are spiritually  dead, dead in trespasses and sins. They are physically alive but dead in spirit.The Lord Jesus proved how great the power of His life is through His resurrection. He established that resurrection life is a life that cannot be touched by death. YOU MAY KILL ME BUT I will return in my body when the Lord returns!.

I have generally understood  that without the Lord’s  resurrection, no one can cast out demons. This is why deliverance ministry is such a farce.  Most of the people involved, including the workers and the captives are not even born again.  Therefore there is no resurrection power among them  to defeat evil spirits. Its a mockery as fallen angels and demons pretend to flee but they are STILL there. Nevertheless, they will flee when they know the deliverance worker  believes in both the Lord’s resurrection and the resurrection of the dead. Consequently, the  worker  is not afraid of his or her own grave. As such, power to defeat Satan and his minions is released. 

In 1983, I did not know very much but I discovered it seemed by accident or coincidence that I had the power to cast out demons. So I began to study deliverance ministry including its teachers and its authors.  As time passed, I knew something important was missing.  As I was writing an article yesterday, it was revealed to me that all along, this generation’s problem is the fear of death.  Deliverance sessions produce  demonic manifestations,  yet without the resurrection power to defeat the enemy.  Why?  Because there is no belief in the resurrection of the dead or in the Lord’s resurrection.  THERE MUST BE BOTH!! (I Cor 15:12-17)

I have believed for a long time in the resurrection of the dead as evidenced by my consistent expectation that I will be alive when the Lord returns to earth.  The devil knows I believes that I won’t see death. Yet he wonders, ” Am I afraid of being in a coffin, in a grave?”  Perhaps.  

The Holy Spirit has revealed that the fear of death causes a believer to lose hope in the resurrection of our own bodies.  Yet, according to the Apostle Paul, if we are not resurrected, then Christ is not resurrected and therefore, we are still in our sins, NOT BORN AGAIN. If we are not born again, then we cannot cast out evil spirits.  Its Satan’s loophole so he wants all of the elect to fear dying. 

Yesterday, I got my answers.  Satan has been telling me that I am dying for the last 30 years and “I am still here!” LOL He stopped for a season,  recently “starting again,”  even spoke to me in an audible voice last month. I wondered “why would he waste his time in this matter.  I no longer fear death because I know my death is not in his hands but its in the Lord’s. Satan can not take me out because the Lord will not give him permission. 

Well, here is the subtle and interesting reason.  

The fear of death causes a believer to lose hope in their own resurrection from the dead.  If that hope is lost, then they are still in their sins.  To lose faith in both the resurrection of the Lord AND of the resurrection of the dead will cause us to weaken our authority to cast out evil spirits by the power of the Lord’s victory over the devil. think of it!  For 2000 years,  Satan has been  angry because he saw  the old testament elect of God  go into the graveyard and retrieve their immortal bodies.  And he knows that when the Lord returns, IT WILL HAPPEN AGAIN!!!!!

Yes, the devil knows his fate. He dreads  that “soon and very soon,” God’s people who dies since the Lord’s ascended into heaven will also be “raised from the dead” when Jesus meets them in the air and shouts!

So fear NOT!

Hits: 1230

The Gospel is the Key to Deliverance

What Did Jesus Say?

By Pam Sheppard
14 Later Jesus appeared to the Eleven as they were eating; he rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after he had risen. 
15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 
17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” 
19 After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. 20 Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.
Mark 16:14-20 – NIV


AFTER His  resurrection and BEFORE His ascension, the Lord declared to His Apostles: , “Go into ALL the world and preach the gospel.”

Has this been done?

Well, the church has definitely “gone into all the world” but has the full gospel been preached?  

No it has not! 

So what IS the FULL gospel? 

 Its so simple that practically every minister of the gospel in the last two thousand years has missed it.  

The full gospel is JESUS Himself!  

The Lord is not  only  crucified unto death for our sins but He is   is alive in His physical body, NEVER to die again!!! 

Therefore, the Lord’s resurrection is the part of the gospel that evil spirits dread the most.  His resurrection is the real power of the gospel because it defeats death in the minds of God’s people. The elect who are wise  know that “we never die.” We believe AND PREACH THAT   when the Lord returns, we who are alive shall NEVER SEE THE GRAVE!!!.  And we who are in the grave  shall return in our spirits with Jesus to retrieve our decayed bodies from the grave, fully restored and forever “physically” immortal.  

This is the full gospel of Jesus Christ!!! Have you heard this gospel in your churches, in the media, even online today?  

No, you have not!

Faith in the Lord’s resurrection put into our spirits by the Holy Ghost will cause us to be born again. In other words, our dead spirits have been raised and now we can see the kingdom in our earthly lifetime  and also enter it when our bodies die. We don’t really need to know about the Lord’s return and our resurrection to be born again.

However, deliverance from evil spirits is the SECOND part of the gospel. WE ARE TO CAST OUT DEVILS!  We are empowered to cast out demons by our faith that because of the Lord’s resurrection and our own resurrection in spirit and our future resurrection in our bodies. So when  we believe AND preach   the resurrection of the dead, our faith in spiritual warfare is increased and maximized.    Why? Because   the power of that    unique earth-shattering  FUTURE event SYMBOLIZES  the ultimate completion of the Lord’s full victory over death, HIS POWER TO COME THAT BY FAITH, WE WALK IN NOW!!!! Listen to the Apostle Paul’s warning to the Corinthians.  

“But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ can be raised.  And if Christ is not raised, our preaching is useless and vain.  More than that, we are found to be FALSE WITNESSES about God, for we have testified about God that He raised Christ from the dead.  But He did not raise Him if in fact, the dead are not raised.  For if the dead are not raised, then Christ has not been raised either.  And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; YOU ARE STILL IN YOUR SINS. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ ARE LOST.  If only for THIS life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people, most to be pitied.” (I Cor 15:12-19 NIV)

So  the Lord’s resurrection AND the resurrection of the dead are crucial to of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Not only has the Lord’s resurrection benn moth misunderstood and  de-emphasized, but   the resurrection of the dead in Christ when He returns is yet another  a significant part of the gospel that Christianity has either diluted, suppressed  or completely  ignored for centuries!!!  

So consider that   The Lord taught His disciples the importance of faith— that whatever they believe will manifest in their actions . If you believe in your heart that because of the Lord’s resurrection, you will never die, your faith will be able to overcome your fear of own death.  Faith comes by hearing when we hear the word of God through preaching. If you do not hear this teaching, your faith is weak and you evil spirits know that you have no power over them, whether you speak His name or not.  They will laugh at you in derision. 

The Lord anticipated all of this.  So during their three years of training with the Master, not only did His apostles and other disciples cast out demons while He was physically with them , the Lord  had already taught  them not only about  His resurrection but  also “the resurrection of the dead.” In fact, they witnessed the resurrection from the dead of the old testament elect as described in Matthew 27: 51-53:

At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus’ resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people. When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!”


 The apostles did not have internet but since they appeared “to many people,”  the news travelled fast.  


Are the Centurions of Today TERRIFIED? No, but They Should BE!!!!

As the Apostle Paul taught in Ephesians 6, we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, also known as fallen angels.  These beings go in and out of their prey as they cannot actually live in human flesh as do demons. Therefore, unlike demons, fallen angels cannot be cast out. 

These entities  are not terrified.  In fact, they are bold in their mockery of our confusion and deception–a spiritual condition  they have already led all of mankind into.  Fallen angels  are  disdainful to such a degree   that they have actually inspired us with THEIR own version of what we call “deliverance ministry.” this is why they know it won’t work.  We are being taught BY THEM!!!!   

Lately, at PSM Deliverance Counseling, I am noticing a shift on Zoom.  I don’t have to tussle and command them.  As I pray, I literally watch them leave the various opened chakras, most often they “yawn their way out.”  What has been revealed to me is that the “shift” is primarily because not only am I  preaching the Lord’s bodily resurrection, but lately  my new emphasis is also  on His return and “the resurrection of the dead in Christ.”  

If you need help,  don’t hesitate to book a deliverance counseling session, either by calling  888-818-1117 or send an email to rescueonfb@icloud.com

Hits: 906

Who Is thinking through YOUR Mind? Is it You?

Knowing Yourself is A Key to Lasting Deliverance and Freedom

Here is a  very simple example. 

You were at the gym and you ran into someone you used to bump into for years, always accompanied by her daughter, when you recall that you have not seen the young daughter  for quite sometime.  You are about to ask “how is your daughter” when a sort of pop-up thought enters your mind which is ” her daughter is dead. you don’t want to ask that question.”  Momentarily, you think “where did such a question come from—was it me, the devil or God”” —when “in walks the daughter.”  She is very much alive.

So right away, you know that the thought  did not emanated from  the Holy Spirit.  So you have two choices: was it you or was it the evil spirit assigned to you?.

  If you know yourself, you will be able to tell the difference.  If you don’t, then the evil spirit has obtained ground. If it were me, I don’t usually ask brief acquaintances any personal questions as I am not in to chit chat after a vigorous workout.   I smile, say “see you tomorrow’ , and “move on’ , so such a thought would not be mine.  

Therefore, I would have heard from the devil. 

In any case, most of the time, events don’t occur so quickly that you can immediately eliminate two or even  one of the  3 choices.  But if you “know yourself”, most of the time you will know if the thought originated from you.   If you are a person seeking the gifts of the spirit, if the daughter in this case was not with the mother, you may have assumed that the thought came from God, and that this woman’s daughter was actually deceased.  The way to try the spirits would be to simply enquire about the daughter and find out the truth.  Yet some are so deceived by thoughts sent to them by evil spirits  that they would not even attempt to try the spirits in this matter. 

 In such a case, the enemy knows you, better than you know yourself and he will cause you to believe that you heard from God.  

Your Normal Condition: Do You Remember It?

Some have been demonized for so long, that they don’t remember a normal condition.  In deliverance counseling, we will help you to define it.  once defined, we will help you to battle for victory.  Like any battle, there must be strategy.  Even though the adversary will try his best to retain the ground that he has won, PSM deliverance counselors are armed with divine counter strategies, the first one being to help you know yourself, the enemy and God.  

So contact PSM for help.  To set up your first appointment, call 888-818-1117 or send an email to rescueonfb@icloud.com 

Hits: 1096

When a Fallen Angel Attacks a Deliverance Counselor Through a Client

Counseling An Oppositional Client

By Pam Sheppard

Who are the principalities and powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high or heavenly places?  They are various levels and ranks of fallen angels.  Counselor and client may discover that he or she is not very likeable, one to the other.  That is why a deliverance counselor must first walk in the spirit so as not as to fulfill the lust of his or her flesh to dislike the client.  As  a deliverance counselor, I  may certainly not be compatible with the nature of a client’s flesh.  For example, I may consider the client to be selfish, cold, judgmental and highly critical.  Yet I won’t hold that against you.  Why?  Because my fight is not with the client.  My fight is with the evil spirit who have controlled, manipulated and downright deceived the client. 

Nevertheless, if the captive either willfully or ignorantly has chosen to be in league with fallen angels who either speak negatively about me through the client hearing voices, or having visions and dreams, the counseling relationship is seriously hindered and must stop, if not temporarily or even permanently.  My policy is that if someone seeks deliverance from PSM and fallen angels are in control, deliverance counseling must either pause for the cause or stop completely for the sake of not only the client, but the deliverance counselor as well. 

Soul Ties with Fallen Angels

Consider that I am your deliverance counselor, yet you have soul ties with fallen angels. Such a thing is a serious hindrance. Why?  Because as a deliverance counselor, the first strategy I employ is to seek AGREEMENT.  As for the fallen angel assigned to you, his first move is DISAGREEMENT.  IF I CANNOT OBTAIN AGREEMENT FROM A CLIENT FOR HIS OR HER OWN SAKE, MY ABILITY TO HIM OR HER IS SORELY LIMITED! 

Why?  Well, because you as a client are on the side of the enemy.  You are in agreement with fallen angels.  You are even  waiting on dreams, visions, voices TO HEAR THE MESSAGES AND ADVICE OF FALLEN ANGELS because a soul tie has developed between you and these entities.  This is the time for a deliverance counselor to back up.  

A Soul tie is the knitting together of two or more souls.  When that soul tie  is filled with  strong emotional negativity, what connects one   human soul to another is a fallen angel.  For example, if you find that you are counseling someone   who has continually  listened to and agreed with fallen angels against you, generally what happens is that even though the counselor thinks its a productive, healthy counselor/client relationship, the fact that the client  continually  and consistently harbors evil energy, this situation must be exposed.  Why?  Because both counselor and client are in spiritual peril from fallen angels who are empowered by human negative emotions and division.  Also, if the client is not revealing the truth to the deliverance counselor, fallen angels have the advantage for our major defense and offense against them is Christ, who is the truth!

 For example,  If the client  is under the  strong influence of a  fallen angel, the negativity within the  deliverance  counseling relationship can be used by evil spirits to   set up a trigger that will intrusively and compulsively  remind you of that person, the message that person is sending you, or both. More on triggers in part 2. 

When a client is rebelliously  defiant to a counselor over a prolonged period of time, yet he or she  pretends that “all is well,” simultaneously heeding counsel from fallen angels, counselor/client agreement nullified.  Therefore, deliverance counseling   has been  seriously hindered, perhaps beyond repair. 

How to "Fix It."

Words of Wisdom From Tina, a PSM Deliverance Pastoral Counselor

The importance of a religious detox has been minimized and most definitely under-estimated if the work and deceit of fallen angels is looked at as a big joke and not taken seriously.  

Some clients like to play with fire and then wonder how they got burned.  Its like a child rebelling in the face of a parent who says NO while instructing the child not to touch a hot stove.  The child looks at ya, appears to hear ya, yet turns around and touches it anyway! Its like spitting in the face of God!

Actually, anyone who takes for granted and continues to underestimate the value of PSM and her continual research, decades  of experience, love, humility, coupled with wisdom and revelation s a flowing stream, the pure word of God, the power and the fruits of the Holy Spirit, our Pastor’s diligence in trying the spirits, her patience in teaching, the plethora of teaching materials, the 18 books published, the hundreds of videos and thousands of articles, the blogs, workshops and courses, are actually spitting in OUR PASTOR’S FACE ALSO!

Those who appreciate what deliverance counseling has to offer, call us at 888-818-1117 or email PSM at deliverancecounseling@yahoo.com

Hits: 978

You Will Be Disqualified

Paul used the worldly Greek games of his times as a metaphor for born again Christians walking in the spirit. He compared it to an Olympic foot race that was common in ancient Greece. Runners had to qualify for the race, and once qualified—compete. All but one win a “wreath” made of plants and flowers, indicating the victor of the race. Yet, for the Greeks they competed for this wreath that decayed, but Christians compete for a crown of life that is eternal. Now, in your competition, there are certain things that if you continually partake in, you will be disqualified! 


How can you be qualified to run the race in Christ? Well, you must be born again! Why? Because in order to see the Kingdom you must be born again. The Kingdom of Christ is what rests at the “finish line.” How can you run, focused on a finish line you can’t see? You will be running blind!

Being born-again is the beginning “track shot” that fires off the moment you are born-again. Once you have your salvation, you have been qualified to run and you can see “the finish line” in order to receive a “winning prize” of the inheritance of the Kingdom. 


Paul mentions to the church of Corinth the examples of the Israelites and how we can learn from them.

Just as most races have rules in which, if runners break, they are disqualified from running and thus winning. So too, for us there are spiritual boundaries that if we cross, we will not obtain a crown of life and receive the inheritance of the Kingdom. 

Idolatry is the first way out of the race. After the Israelites were taken out of bondage, after they eye-witnessed the most miraculous powers of God…they still fell into idolatry. We may ask, “How was this possible?” Well, they made the golden calf because, “They did not know what had become of Moses.” There was a delay, so they panicked. They could not wait, they were anxious and uncomfortable. So, they turned to what they were used to in the culture of that time: idols. The world of Egypt was ingrained into them.

So, how often do we go to modern idols for comfort to distract our discomfort? How often, despite seeing glorious works of God’s goodness, when trouble and delays come, do we get anxious and escape to some kind of idol? An idol is a counterfeit god that we go to for power, healing, highness, and even love. ANYTHING CAN BECOME AN IDOL! For, we make them! And then, the spirits behind them come to seize us.

If you continue to participate in idolatry, which there are many different forms of, you will be disqualified from running the race!

Other Disqualifications

And so, just like idolatry has shape shifted in our era, so too with fornication. Interestingly, the Greek word for fornication is “porneuo.” Notice the word “porn” is in there? So, porn or “virtual sex” falls under fornication. Not only, but imagining flesh in your mind and masterbating is also fornication. All you have done is removed the porn screen and made it in your head! So, do these similar things and you will be disqualified. 

Another disqualification is tempting God. The example used here is when the Israelites became discouraged in the wilderness. They, “Spoke against God and Moses,” basically accusing God that they were being led to their deaths. To say, testing or tempting God is questioning His sovereignty, and denying His power and divine provision. This is another way you will be disqualified. Also, Jesus was tempted by Satan to tempt God and test His divine power. So, we can also tempt God by behaving foolishly and expect to “be saved.”

The final disqualification is complaining. The example used is when the Israelites complained about being hungry, and missed their past lives in Egypt with pots “full of meat.” A simple, basic need that God provides for birds was being complained about. So, have this kind of discontentment attitude and you will be disqualified from the race! 

Run To Win

At the finish line, is the Kingdom of Christ, or “the land of milk and honey.” We are so near it, we can almost taste it. 

Yet, we have to run with certainty, and focus. Professional athletes train, and discipline their bodies and live all in order to win. So to with us…

Satan knows his time is short so he is rushing his agenda. He will tempt us with all of these disqualifying ways. Especially with idolatry. A book that will help you get your sprint back is, “The New Idolatry.” This book will defeat deception, the number one weapon the enemy uses against us to hinder our race. 

Check out our ministry so you can run that race and win! You can also call our ministry hotline at 838-217-0104 for more information. We specialize in deliverance, deception, false doctrine, etc. Go ahead now, run, but break the rules and you will be disqualified! 

Hits: 996

What You Don’t Know About Fallen Angels

to portary how evil spirits cause us to hear voices,

Present-Day False Prophets Work For Fallen Angels

PSM has  some serious reservations toward traditional deliverance ministries as well as individual  practitioners  who   label what they do as either  spiritual warfare or intercessory prayer.  What has been revealed is that  the fallen angel Jesus Sananda Immanuel is most likely  the unseen power behind these deliverance and prayer ministries, especially if they also uphold the sinner’s prayer as well as teach others to ask  Jesus to “come into the hearts”  of the spiritually unaware.  Included also are self -proclaimed prophets who use terms like opening the gates as well as those who are proponents of territorial combat with principalities and powers. 

 Those who teach such subjects are like the blind leading the blind.  Even if they have the gift of discernment and can actually SEE into the spirit realm,  they do not realize that their vision is actually akin to  a mirage. Why?  Because   fallen angels are like skillful magicians. They will open up the veil and let us peek, yet at the same time they then stand back and laugh at us when we buy into their deception  hook, line and sinker. 

So each time I do this work with a new client seeking freedom from deception and torment, at first, I am shocked by a new revelation of their condition. Yet, the answers are always around me, slipping in and out of my conscious awareness. Some answers are difficult for me to hold on to, primarily because they are so simple, almost too obvious.

Here is the simple answer. The simple solution to freedom. 

Jesus Sananda must be denied and disavowed. 

That’s right. It is simple but its is also deep, profound and difficult. To obtain freedom, a religious captive must deny all aspects of his or her religiosity, including how that   evil spirit “caught” them. The goal is to cause  eyes to  open— to cause the client to realize that it was NOT the Holy Ghost that they “caught”. In fact, We don’t “catch the Holy Ghost.” He catches US in the midst of our sins and brings us to the cross of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He puts godly  conviction in our spirits. He causes us to feel what a sinner must feel to reach a state of godly sorrow. 

Then He drops into us the faith to believe that a dead man GOT UP in his material body  and is STILL alive, not just today but forever more. Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of kings and Lord of lords has been given all power over  ALL demons and fallen angels. One day, they will all   BOW TO HIM!!! The reason that they DO NOT BOW  NOW is because they have a God-given right to hold captive ANYONE who is worshiping their god, Jesus Sananda Immanuel. Once deliverance counseling clients deny  Sananda in ALL respects, then they are truly ready for the ministry of the Holy Ghost and deliverance counseling WILL WORK!!!.


What is "a Channel?" Are YOU a Channel?

I know what a channel is first hand because fallen angels were grooming me to BE one back in the early to mid 70’s.  In the 70’s, a channel was called a psychic medium. In order to get their messages across to their targeted  people, fallen angels need human channels.  In my case, a fallen angel, probably St. Germain, “walked in” and spoke through my throat to a group assembled, as my spirit stood in a corner screaming “let me back IN!.  The fallen angels  could not write through me but they  spoke a handful of times.  Once I became born again in 1977 and entered into ministry 40 years ago, for decades I sat  puzzled as I watched  in the pulpits of  denominational churches, fallen angels  actually walk into certain ministers.

Ironically, this is how I learned about Jesus Sananda Immanuel on the Internet and the other fallen angels that call themselves “ascended masters.” In the occult world, willing  and subservient channels passively  serve as vessels or conduits for fallen angels who “walk in” to them .  These spirits speak and share their  plans, purposes and  messages through human vessels aka channels.  Actually it was through New Age channels online that I came to know who the so- called “ascended masters” are and who they serve.  They are fallen angels who  serve Sanat Kamura— another name for Satan when you switch the “n” and the “t.” These beings are quite open with their followers, boastful and  eager to reveal through their channels how and why   they have infiltrated Christianity both in and outside the institutional churches,  in buildings and online. 

The problem that we all must face is that people who have been tormented by evil spirits have practically ALL sought help from deliverance ministers who themselves may have been unknowing channels for evil spirits, which explains that by the time they contact PSM, they  have already been indoctrinated by  those who  have been under the influence of fallen angels so they  too may even be a channel themselves. 

As a case in point, ten or more years ago, fallen angels used one of my clients to be a channel to me. Since  I routinely bar fallen angels in te name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth from speaking to me by phone, they decided to write me using my client as a channel.  It is quite interesting that I now understand the message  the fallen angel conveyed. 

As recorded in the book “the New Idolatry: Charismatic Witchcraft, Deliverance and Other Counterfeits:  A fallen angel used a client, (called Latonya) as a channel to send me a message, mocking the client, and referring to her as a fruitcake.  Yet he used her hand to type his message through her in an email.  The entire message is in the book.  However with 10 more years of experience under my belt, here is what he wrote that stands out in this hour:

In reference to Latonya as his channel, consider this: “We are not going to give up without a fight.  She will not get off scot free, as we have been using her for 7 years.  Pam, do you actually think that we are going to allow you to teach her the truth? She is not aware of who I am.  She has an idea but you KNOW who we are.”

The fallen angel was correct.  I was not able to teach her the truth.  Accordingly,  I suspect that since LaTonya was a member of a deliverance church and ministry for 7 years, the depth of her  involvement created hindering conditions not conducive to her deliverance.  What I am absolutely certain of is that I did the right thing by closing her case.  

So if you contact PSM for deliverance and it is discovered that you have been indoctrinated by the tenets and practices of various deliverance ministries and you struggle to hold on to what you have been taught, your case will certainly be closed.  


Because you are aiding and abetting fallen angels and you remain their channel. 

A few days ago, I learned of the death of a very popular deliverance minister whose practices I remained totally against, for years. The late TB Joshua was certainly “a channel” and he either willfully or ignorantly opened countless others to being used as channels by fallen angels.  Twenty years my junior, I wonder “why was he “taken out” like THIS?” 

  I suspect that TB Joshua  was sincere, but  obviously, moving in serious deception and fallen angelic power.  I don’t know his heart but I DO know how these beings operate.  If you are knowingly working hard to fulfill their cause, they WILL not kill you. They  will even make your way prosperous.  Therefore, by the process of elimination,  there is only one other choice.  

                               The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom!

So Be Forewarned!

If you have searched far and wide to be set free by various deliverance ministers, just know that if you contact PSM for deliverance counseling, we will have to deal with the fact that  you may very well have picked up religious fallen angels and demons as a result of your pursuit. In other words, “YOU COULD BE A CHANNEL!!!   Consequently, one of the first thing we must do together is dethrone these beings from your spiritual life by examining what you believe and where your thoughts and emotions may be in bondage. 

 If you are willing to be undeceived, then call 888-818-1117 or contact us at deliverancecounseling@yahoo.com

Hits: 2046

The Plagues of These Days

  1. “And the rest of the men which were not killed by these
    plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands,
    that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold,
    silver, brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can
    see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither repented they of their
    murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication,
    nor of their thefts. (Rev. 9:20, 21)

by Pam Sheppard


Among  those of us who HAVE SURVIVED the trumpet sound of the first worldwide plague called Covid-19, how many of us have repented for worshipping devils, for knowingly or ignorantly practicing witchcraft  and of sexual sin and perversion?  

This is a rhetorical question for which the obvious answer is “next to nobody!” 

When we consider the four horsemen riding on various colored
horses, chemical warfare is foreshadowed. (Rev 6:1-8) The word for
“pale” in the Greek is “chloros”, an offshoot of our English word
“chemical.” The rider of the pale horse—death— will destroy ¼ of
the world’s population. The red horse of war, the black horse of
famine and the pale horse of death are obvious. 

However, who is on the white horse? Some believe him to be Christ. , I believe
that he is the Antichrist, mimicking the true Christ who shall also
come on a white horse. (Rev 19:11-16) We should not be surprised
because the Antichrist is seeking to win the world by counterfeiting
Jesus and drawing people to worship him and the devil. In fact, it
stands to reason that the Antichrist a professing Christian himself.

For the last 40 years, I have been called to and groomed for a ministry that is totally out of the realm of possibility for me personally to accomplish. The Antichrist is already so prepared for endtime deception and I realize that I am no match for him.  In more ways than one,  I am like Moses and the Pharoah, not in any way “up to this huge mission!” 

What do I have?  Well,  I have relied on books, articles, courses, videos,.   private counseling sessions and small groups.  Since I am mandated to reach the entire world  totally online from the confines of a little office in  my home, God’s plan seems to my intellect to be absolutely ridiculous.  

Even though  I look and feel 25 years younger than my actual age, I will soon be like Moses in yet another way.  His ministry started when he was 80 years old.  I suspect that my ministry of 40 years thus far will soon break through with miracles that will turn the head of Moses himself when in no time, I will be 80 years old!!! 

Why? Did I have a dream or a prophetic word about this matter?  No, I have not.  It is a commonsense reasoning that is quite clear.  Why?  Because if PSM is of God, there is no other option but that God will give me a miraculous rod in the spirit!!!! 

IN THIS SEASON, I know for sure that the spirit of the Antichrist has and will continue to delude professing Christians. Even so, the bible gives the elect in  end times enough scriptural  information to keep us hopeful. As the Lord Jesus Himself prophesied, the wheat and the tare are undistinguishable in this season as the works of God and the devil stand side by side in the world and within institutional religion.  

Yet the Almighty knows His own. With this comforting thought in mind, is there anything that we should do in the natural to prepare for upcoming environmental disasters that cannot be denied in the prophetic words of God? For example, should we collect and store bottles of water, medicine, can goods and other foods that will not perish easily?

 I suggest that this is not a bad idea. Consider the children of Israel in the days of the famine in the time of the patriarch Joseph. The Lord prepared Joseph against the impending famine by advising him to “stock up” enough grain to feed the people for seven years. It won’t hurt to “stock up” also. However, even more than the details or specifics provided Joseph through divine advice, what stands out for me is that Joseph was shown the future in a dream. 

Like Joseph and also Daniel , I  too am A DREAMER SO I personally know what prophetic dreaming  experiences entail. Recently I have overcome a challenge through God showing me the future as I slept. The first dream occurred in 2011.  The dream began to manifest in reality from 2016-2020. Simultaneously, a dream received on 11/11/16 came to pass on 11/3/2020.   Looking back, from  2011-2021, I have been involved in “a practice run” on how to handle prophetic end time dreams. 

 With correct interpretations of   political events  and other experiences like it under my belt, I have developed  strong faith that if I am alive when the environmental judgments are in full force, the Holy Ghost will guide me through them and set up a division so that no judgment intended for unbelievers shall befall me. A thousand shall fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand, yet I shall be delivered. Case in point,  I was shown in a dream in May 2020 that Covid would try to overtake me but  the plague would “pass by me.”  . This dream was  a few months later, fulfilled on July 9, 2020. Simply put, a test for Covid proved that “the devil is a liar!'” What appeared to be Covid symptoms  were not and I was quickly restored, as was revealed to me in a dream. 

So what of future plagues to be released by the 4 horsemen? 

Where food, water, light and utilities are concerned, I serve a God of miracles. I shall be preserved. Those within the sheepfold of PSM shall also survive.  If not, then to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, and with Him, I will simply turn around in my immortal body, and return to earth to rule with Him for the next 1000 years until we all go into eternity with the Lord Jesus Christ!!!

So if you are one of His, keep yourself free from the deception and fret not!

Hits: 1205

10 Signs of a Judas Spirit

Defining a Judas Spirit

Satan was compelled to destroy both Peter and Judas.  So what caused  the different outcomes, with Peter’s life for Christ gloriously  exalted in spite of his denial  yet Judas ending up not only debased, but possessed by Satan himself.  Were not both men  anointed preachers who cast out devils and healed the sick under the Lord’s 3 year ministry? 

Peter denied Jesus but Judas betrayed the Lord. It is also noteworthy to consider that  Judas  simply was not enlightened with the necessary spiritual sight to understand that Jesus Christ Nazareth is actually God Almighty.  Also, take note that the scriptures report how  Jesus prayed that even though Satan would try to sift Peter  like wheat, that Peter’s faith fail him not. Yet there is no biblical record that the Lord prayed for Judas.  To Judas,  scriptures report that to Judas, the Lord said  “do what you are called to do yet do it quickly.”   I suspect that a person with a Judas Spirit is under the control of Satan cooperatively.  Even though  the Lord is capable of drawing followers by the leading of the Holy Spirit , Satan has no secret access to God’s chosen ones unless the person has  opened the door to him. 

Simply put, those with a Judas Spirit are simply not predestined to salvation.  They walk into darkness comfortably and willingly  because the love of Christ is not in them and can never be. They are what Jesus referred to as the tares—Satan’s children according to their own will. Clearly  prayer is incapable of convicting the tares. Manipulation, domination, and a desire for control is what opens them fully to the darkness. 

10 Signs or Attributes of The Judas Spirit

1. Rejection of the brethren is a major strategy of the Judas Spirit, particularly when another alleged “child of God” is functioning as your  messenger or even your prophet. .

How do I know this?  Well I spent the first  25 years of my spiritual life around counterfeit believers who had no love in them for others. Yet, because they were so religious, it never really crossed my mind that these religious folk were not even  born again. Years of observation led me to create two keyword phrases: premature births and counterfeit births.  A premature mature birth occurs when the elect of God did not wait on God to call him or her but used his own will to “accept Jesus” .  A false convert is a tare–one whom Satan has planted among us who will probably never be converted.  This is a Judas Spirit. .  

2. Remember that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against devils and
demons. Therefore, devils and demons are forced to use people as their messengers. Consequently, the enemy’s natural and spiritual emissaries are usually false brethren.

3. I have found that once my spiritual discernment has been exercised sufficiently to recognize good from evil, a counterfeit emissary cannot remain around me for very
long. There are times when I am contacted by email by people who have either visited my website or read one of my books or articles who sense that we are on the same
spiritual track. Yet as soon as a difference comes to the surface, they behave in unfriendly, unseemly and even disturbing ways. They have a Judas Spirit. 

3. No one has  to agree with you on EVERYTHING for them to continue loving you.
Christian love is manifested as tolerance and loving correction. Whether you left their home church or not, if they are true Christians, they ought to accept the fact that you love Christ and you are in obedience to Him, even though your path may be different from theirs. So a lack of tolerance, flexibility and sobriety is a sign of a Judas Spirit  and/or a premature or  a counterfeit birth. 

4. True brethren may not approve of your doctrine or even your lifestyle but to them, a prayerful spirit of freedom  and understanding is essential to Christian love. Rejection based upon doctrinal differences is of the devil. 

5. So keep this in mind. The religious fallen angel or demon assigned to you has an agenda centered on causing YOU to lose your salvation. So the Judas Spirit   will use human vessels to bring you to a point of discouragement by any means necessary. 

6. Whatever causes you to feel hopeless and without God in the world, is not the same factors that can be effective against someone else. So this demon will use different strategies but the goal is the same. 

7. The Judas Spirit will do whatever he is permitted to do by God in an effort to seduce you to hate God. Like Job’s wife, the enemy will find someone in your life to say by their actions and their message, “Curse God and DIE!”

8. So in order to defeat you and to set up his purposes to derail you, the religious faallen angels and demons  have  to counterfeit God Himself, both His presence and His workings.  The pretense is cleverly planned with all of your weaknesses in mind. 

9. The goal is to obtain YOUR cooperation each evil spirit  must obtain the consent of your will. To cause you the disappointment that he is seeking, the religious demon must first build up your confidence as a means to tear it down at the crucial time. 

10. The Judas Spirit  will use fake  believers, even family and friends to set you up for rejection. The  intent is to penetrate your soul  with thought/ feelings of acute darkness, confusion, strife, chaos and anxiety, often felt like a knife-like pain in your chest.

To Learn More

Hits: 8134

Deny or Betray Jesus: the Judas Spirit Today

A Warning From Jessie Penn-Lewis
More than a Century Ago!!!!

To maintain his defensive position, the believer needs to know what evil spirits can cause to be done to him, and about him, and be especially on guard lest he yields to their workings, thinking he is submitting to God. He must know that lying spirits can “burden’ other Christians about him; give visions to them, and misinterpret things about him; cause these ‘burdened” ones to write about him to others, and suggest thoughts to others to his detriment; in brief, use every possible device to move him from his position of victory over them in his own personal life and environment.

 The greater his position of triumph—“having overcome them all”—the keener the new schemes of the wily foe to dislodge the victorious one from his armour-encased position. If by any of these means they can get him to turn from the aggressive warfare upon them, or be disturbed by the apparent misjudgments of others, or beguiled into looking upon these things as a “cross” he must bear, he will have failed to discern the tactics of the wily foe. 

But when the believer knows what evil spirits can do to them, and about him, he can distinguish their workings through others, and, standing steadily in his defenced position, he  protects himself by aggressive warfare upon them as they work in these special ways, and does not settle down to accept all these things as ‘the will of God’, but sets himself to extinguish them by a systematic and persistent counter-prayer campaign. 

The Lord Led Me to Jessie in the year 2000

Because my spiritual life began in the New Age, occult realm in 1974, i have withstood and overcome a lot of deception simply because I was simply way too comfortable in all things supernatural. Even though I had a true born again experience in 1977, two years later upon joining  a church, the people were ill equipped to advise me on demonic deception, for they were totally in the dark on the ways of the devil.    From the 70’s to the year 2000, I believed that every voice I heard and every dream or vision I experienced was from the Lord—a very serious mistake. A significant cause of my deception was that I often anchored my faith into signs and wonders, supporting my position with scriptures taken out of context.  

Then in the year 2000, someone gave me a gift of Jessie’s book, “War on the Saints.”  Almost immediately,  Jessie’s book began  to open my eyes and undeceive me.   I recommend that you purchase a copy for yourself.  If you want to overcome the spirit of Judas, which is reflected in the present day Judas spirit, her book will open your eyes and you will be blessed by the impact this powerful woman of God can have over your life.  In my case, the Lord used Jessie’s wisdom to anoint me with wisdom and revelation, and inspired me to write 17 books of my own. 

10 Signs of a Judas Spirit

1. Rejection of the brethren is a major strategy of the Judas Spirit, particularly when another alleged “child of God” is functioning as your  messenger or even your prophet. .

How do I know this?  Well I spent the first  25 years of my spiritual life around counterfeit believers who had no love in them for others. Yet, because they were so religious, it never really crossed my mind that these religious folk were not even  born again. Years of observation led me to create two keyword phrases: premature births and counterfeit births.  A premature mature birth occurs when the elect of God did not wait on God to call him or her but used his own will to “accept Jesus” .  A false convert is a tare–one whom Satan has planted among us who will probably never be converted.  This is a Judas Spirit. .  

2. Remember that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against devils and
demons. Therefore, devils and demons are forced to use people as their messengers. Consequently, the enemy’s natural and spiritual emissaries are usually false brethren.

3. I have found that once my spiritual discernment has been exercised sufficiently to recognize good from evil, a counterfeit emissary cannot remain around me for very
long. There are times when I am contacted by email by people who have either visited my website or read one of my books or articles who sense that we are on the same
spiritual track. Yet as soon as a difference comes to the surface, they behave in unfriendly, unseemly and even disturbing ways. They have a Judas Spirit. 

3. No one has  to agree with you on EVERYTHING for them to continue loving you.
Christian love is manifested as tolerance and loving correction. Whether you left their home church or not, if they are true Christians, they ought to accept the fact that you love Christ and you are in obedience to Him, even though your path may be different from theirs. So a lack of tolerance, flexibility and sobriety is a sign of a Judas Spirit  and/or a premature or  a counterfeit birth. 

4. True brethren may not approve of your doctrine or even your lifestyle but to them, a prayerful spirit of freedom  and understanding is essential to Christian love. Rejection based upon doctrinal differences is of the devil. 

5. So keep this in mind. The religious fallen angel or demon assigned to you has an agenda centered on causing YOU to lose your salvation. So the Judas Spirit   will use human vessels to bring you to a point of discouragement by any means necessary. 

6. Whatever causes you to feel hopeless and without God in the world, is not the same factors that can be effective against someone else. So this demon will use different strategies but the goal is the same. 

7. The Judas Spirit will do whatever he is permitted to do by God in an effort to seduce you to hate God. Like Job’s wife, the enemy will find someone in your life to say by their actions and their message, “Curse God and DIE!”

8. So in order to defeat you and to set up his purposes to derail you, the religious faallen angels and demons  have  to counterfeit God Himself, both His presence and His workings.  The pretense is cleverly planned with all of your weaknesses in mind. 

9. The goal is to obtain YOUR cooperation each evil spirit  must obtain the consent of your will. To cause you the disappointment that he is seeking, the religious demon must first build up your confidence as a means to tear it down at the crucial time. 

10. The Judas Spirit  will use fake  believers, even family and friends to set you up for rejection. The  intent is to penetrate your soul  with thought/ feelings of acute darkness, confusion, strife, chaos and anxiety, often felt like a knife-like pain in your chest.

Hits: 1320

Can a REAL Christian Be Possessed?


By Pam Sheppard

I was once  possessed for a few minutes in time BEFORE I
became a Christian in 1977. Therefore, after 46 years possession-free,  I can look back and realize that I was actually taken over by a fallen angel  briefly on a particular day and about 4 or 5 more times within the space of a few weeks.    Believe me. For  what I am about to share with you has never happened again and with only one attempt made in the mid 80’s that was not successful. 

Consequently, what I am about to share is probably the most frightening experience anyone could have.

If you have ever been in a trance or have had an “out of body” experience then you might be able to understand. It happened in 1975  when I was using a Ouija board and then I graduated to automatic writing so as to more easily communicate  with whom I believed at the time  to be the spirits of dead human beings. I now know trhat they were fallen angels, let by the ascended master, St. Germain. 

practice forbidden in the bible, necromancy is where fallen angels and demons obtain their invitation to enter into the one who ignorantly creates conditions conducive to its entry.
On this eventful day, I had been in a psychic session for several hours when  I began to feel whoozy, like I was going to faint or something. 

Then suddenly, like the peeling of a banana, my spirit left my body
and stood in the corner of the room, looking back at myself sitting in a chair. Suddenly, I felt my throat being tugged seconds before the entity used my larynx to speak to those who were gathered. In the corner of the room, I could see my spirit body was jumping up and down screaming, “let me back in, let me back in!!!” But no one could hear me as my spirit body was invisible to them.  I
could see every one in the room, hear myself speak, but I was not the one who was

I could reason, think, feel emotions, but I had no control over my being.
An experience that lasted perhaps seconds, maybe minutes—seemed like hours. I say that I was “possessed” for that period of time simply because I could not control myself. I was being controlled by another force. I have since
discovered that because this being was a fallen angel and not
a demon, it could not stay in me for very long. This point
alone I have addressed in other articles. 

So in this instance, a fallen angel was in control of my spirit, my soul and my body for a few minutes on a few occasions in the 70’s.  Once I got born again on March 29, 1977, such possession  has never happened again. As a REAL  Christian,   a portion of  Holy Ghost has entered my spirit and is therefore the temple of God, a place that no evil spirit can enter. I believe that  no evil spirit can enter the spirit of a Christian. There are scriptures to support me on this so using myself as “a case study,” my 44 years as a Christian can attest to my belief that a TRUE Christian NEVER be possessed in his or her spirit.


However, every human being is a spirit, has a soul, both of which live inside of a human body. An evil spirit, be it fallen angel or demon,  can enter the
soul and the body of ANYONE, regardless of whether they are born again  or not. What I am finding after setting captives free since 1983, is that 95% of those whom I have worked with are religious, churchgoing people who believed that they became born again by “accepting Jesus and repeating a sinner’s prayer where Jesus was asked to “come into their heart,”  a false conversion was created, and an evil spirit entered their heart, aka heart chakra. Yet surprisingly, those who practiced the occult devoid of Christianity or Hinduism  have been  easier to set free than the non-religious. 

The good news is that it has been my experience that  REAL Christians who have been demonized were able to successfully resist the enemy themselves after two to 6 months of deliverance counseling. For once the client had submitted to truth, I spoke to the evil entities  and they left immediately without  much of a struggle. I have continued to pastor  them and they have remained  free.


A young female adult, raised in a Christian cult, entered into sin as a child with the pastor’s daughter. The two youngsters obtained magazines and practiced lesbian sex. Technically a virgin, Sarah continued to experience spontaneous orgasm. Furthermore, she continued to waver in her faith, as to whether or not she was really born again. After two years of counseling, Sarah is now  assured of her salvation and the spontaneous orgasms have ceased. She realizes that her problems began in church and that to return after being set free would be a dangerous thing to do.


Raised by parents who practiced Christian Science, upon adulthood, Cynthia entered into all aspects of the occult, including Indian religion, the use of crystals, and necromancy. A woman in her 50’s, Cynthia has been treated for 3 decades for OCD. Around the same time that she was diagnosed and treated with OCD, she began to frequent word of faith churches, where she spoke in tongues. However, she constantly hears voices that compel her to curse Jesus. She  also has spontaneous orgasms. When she attempts to read the bible out loud, she growls like an animal and hisses like a snake. She has been on anti-psychotic medication for years.


Raised in church, Joyce began to dabble in the occult. Once she took peyote, she began to hallucinate, having been hospitalized for mental illness on more than one occasion. Joyce believes that she is born again  because “her pastor told her that since she repeated the sinner’s prayer, she is saved.” She loves church and religion, but finds it difficult to enjoy life because of constantly hearing voices that either condemn her or try to control her daily activities. Joyce is very churched, very religious. She also speaks in tongues. 

To set up a Zoom Assessment with PSM, 

Write deliverancecounseling@yahoo.com or call toll free, 888-818-1117

Hits: 1509

Sleep Paralysis or the Haints?

I began to practice  the occult  in 1974. I experienced what is known as ‘sleep paralysis” just hours after I held my first seance.  

Prior to the early 70’s, I had no conception of a “spiritual” side. In fact, I considered myself either an atheist or an agnostic. I did not believe in the existence of God, but I qualified my disbelief with an attitude of nonchalance. In other words, if it turned out that God  actually existed, I did not care. 

So in ignorance and by curiosity,  I began to study and practice relaxation therapy, which is an introduction to hypnosis. In fact, relaxation therapy was  supplementary course to my obtaining a masters in a professional counseling field in 1973.  Almost immediately, I was bombarded by spiritual experiences of various kinds. Actually,  I suspect  that my practice of self hypnosis opened the door to the hidden side of my nature in particular, and to the spirit world, in general. 

In the first three years, I documented in a diary about 3000 dreams.
Sometimes I would dream, remember and document as many
as 10 different dreams in a night . In those early years, meditation, hypnosis and dreams were appetizers that stirred a hunger within me to know the truth of existence and creation. These appetizers also stimulated desire to investigate the reality of life after death and whether or not God really existed. I began to study astrology into the wee hours of the night. 

Consumed by what I believed to be cosmic or planetary predictors of the course of human life, I initiated a study of the astrology charts of the deceased. Within
the sample, emphasis was placed upon the lifespan of those who had died a violent death. On one particular occasion, I evenwent to the graveyard to obtain the exact date of a man’s birth and death from his tombstone, in order to construct charts of
these dates for my study. Later that same night, as I marvelled over the charts that I had constructed, a friend suggested thatI try to contact my “deceased subject” in a seance.

 I laughed.
I did not believe in such nonsense.

My World Was Turned Upside Down by A Seance!

However, that very night I held my first  séance in the summer
of 1974, never expecting that I would enter into a supernatural
realm of which I was totally unaware and ill prepared to contend with. As six (6) people,— three(3) children and three 3) adults— gathered around my friend’s dining room table in the dark, we began by making fun and nervously giggling.

We thought we were playing just another parlor game. As we
settled down and got quiet, to my amazement, when I raised
my head and focused my eyes toward the center of the room,
a spirit materialized in front of my face! It manifested in the
form of a head of a man, at least 3 times the size of a normal
human head. Its substance or essence looked like a thick
cloud or a dark room filled or like cigarette smoke. 

The “smoke” formed itself into a perfect shape of a man’s head,
with a “V” shaped hairline, sideburns, a chin beard, wearing
an old-fashioned ascot around his neck. The room had been
darkened by pulling the socket out of the walls while the lamp
had been lit. The “head” could not be seen in a lit room. I
inserted the plug in the socket and then removed it about three
times. While the room was dark, the “head” remained. The
third time that I darkened the room, the “head” disappeared
suddenly. POOF!

At first, I was not afraid, only excited and amazed that
my whole world of skepticism and unbelief was being turned
upside down. However, as I lay in my bed in the dark that night,
I began to experience a sense of apprehension. Finally I drifted
into sleep, only to have an ominous experience that African
Americans from the deep south have named “the haints.”

The “haints” is difficult to describe. Psychoanalysts would
probably classify the haints as an episode of the “Three D’s”:
disassociation, decompensation or disorientation. The haints
feel like you are choking. A heaviness comes on you where
you believe that someone is on top of you. I remember patting
my body and the bed to see who it was that was smothering
me. I tried to call for help. However, I had no voice—not
even a whisper— to give my call an audible utterance. This
experience was so disturbing, that my only response was to
pass out into a deep sleep. 

Simply put, I probably fainted.

That was 46 years ago!  Today, for me, the haints is small potatoes.  A sign that evil spirits have found access to you yet   nothing to fear.  BTW, I did not know it then but years later, it was revealed that the head that appeared at the seance  was that of the so-called ascended master, St. Germain. 

Be advised that the haints is only the beginning as Satan and his cohorts have become much more sophisticated  and ingenious with the entire realm of supernatural deception. both in and out of church. 

 Though in paperback at lulu.com, click the book cover above  to  immediately obtain the ebook of “the New Idolatry.”  This book  presents a clear and present  picture of how the enemy uses almost identical strokes in both the New Age and in Charismatic religion.  

If you need more direct help than a book, send an email to deliverancecounseling@yahoo.com or call 888-818-1117

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Know Yourself and Confuse the Devil!

Anytime you don’t know who you are
and why you are behaving the way that you do, you are
a prime target for demonic interference. That is why I
am less concerned about whether or not you ever
experimented with the occult or drugs than I am about
how you deal with “making mistakes.” It does not take a
great deal of education to become a great learner.
Learning involves listening and mimicking. Even if we
can’t read or write, life itself is going to teach us
something!!!” If you have never made a mistake then
you have not learned very much. 

For the Christian in particular, God designs the lessons of
life disguised in the form of obstacles, mistakes and
difficulties through a maize of trials, tribulations, troubles
and tests. 


Because the Christian walk in the spirit
by faith in God alone is what earns us our
eternal crowns. Without any ashes, there is no beauty.
Without failure, there is no glory. Without falling, we
really don’t know to get up or to stand. 

We are sinners who must totally rely on the Holy Spirit’s leading

in order to please a perfect God. 

He is pleased when we can resist the pride of our sinful nature and 

embrace our ashes.

To Resist the Devil Effectively

http://deliverancecounseling@yahoo. OmOnce you get undeceived, the biggest revelation you will receive in deliverance counseling is that when you resist pride, you confuse the devil. Be aware that  for 44 years and counting, fallen angels have fought long and hard over me. , to obtain just enough ground to keep me perpetually
deceived. With every little bit of counterfeit guidance, manifestations of
various chills and thrills to my body, whispers in my itching ears ever so
softly, the religious devil thought that he had firmly secured his
ground. The beauty of his  strategy is that without much effort on the
devil’s part, he actually used  my own faith and my sincerity, against me. in point of fact, keeping my deception in tact by using my own pride against me. 

In fact, for two decades, his knowledge of me seemed  foolproof. By means
of subtle suggestions, frequent, almost constant dreams, a few key
visions, and with outstanding prophecies of a future ministry lodged in
my mind, I personally validated the overall deception by my own
assumption that “it all was from God.”

So how did I escape? The road to freedom was as  the Lord Jesus
said. My love for the truth consistently and continually shut down each
and every road that led to the deception. At the same time, I CONTINUALLY DEALT WITH PRIDE AS I PROGRESSED, SO GOD DID NOT RESIST ME and THE ENEMY HAD TO FLEE FROM ME!

. Most important, as each experience proved to have been sent to me by the
deception of a fallen angel, I denounced it, not only verbally but in all of
my actions and practices.

The principles gleaned from my own journey are intricately built  into  deliverance counseling with PSM.  We will saturate you  with strategies akin to your own personality and struggles to enhance your  self knowledge. We  will equip you to  defeat the evil spirit assigned to you every time!


To book a session, call and ask for Evan at 838-217-0104 or request an appointment  at deliverancecounseling@yahoo.com





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Recognizing The True Brethren

Trying the spirits is a means of recognizing the true brethren by observing if a Christian convert actually loves the people of God.  Loving the brethren in these times is truly a challenging command in this lukewarm age of Laodicea—an age of rampant spiritual deception not comparatively faced by other generations. Today, the wheat and the tare are not only growing together in the natural everyday world, but in the realm of the spirit as well. The reality is that premature rebirths as well as false conversions have so rampantly muddied the waters where spiritual discernment of the truly born again has become  quite challenging.

The bible says one of the signs that salvation occurred  is whether the fruit of love is evident. So the way to discern spiritual counterfeits is rather simple, for as the Lord taught “we know them by their fruits” and the first fruit of the Spirit is love. Spiritual love  is not “mushy,” emotional love, a thing of the flesh. No! Love between the brethren goes beyond favoring someone or liking a particular personality type or even being in accord with a person’s opinions or ways. The key is that Jesus Christ is at the center of divine love.

The truth is that if  there is no love for the person that God used to draw someone out of darkness into the light, particularly a pastor or a minister, and the individual has no insight or capability to cut that person some slack but rather is judgmental and overly critical, it follows that the convert did not  become  born again. Why not? Because the Holy Ghost is shed abroad in the hearts of the wheat BY LOVE! As the Apostle Paul warned, “how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things. (Romans 10:14-15.)

A minister for almost 40 years, my experience is that those who have cut me no slack, but who seize on any and every  excuse to misjudge me, even though  I am the one whose “beautiful feet” brought him or her the  gospel of Jesus Christ, it stands to reason that I am not loved by that person. Consequently, , I question whether or not that he  actually became a true  born again Christian, regardless of how dramatic or visionary his or her  conversion was. For love is the central fruit. So if you cannot love me in Christ and I am the one whom God used to reveal the truth to you, then you are likely “not born again.” At least “not yet!” 

Yet today, it is so hard to tell the wheat from the tare because worldly religious people can’t be distinguished from worldly secular folk. They act alike, talk alike and if you correct them, they consider themselves rebuked and they immediately become offensively defensive, boarding on being disrespectful. Offended not only with their coworkers and their neighbors, but likewise with the brethren, yet with no clear difference in sight. This is not the fruit of love as manifested by the Holy Spirit.

Wisdom and Discernment are Required

Rejection of the brethren is a major strategy of the devil, particularly when another alleged “child of God” is the messenger.  I spent the 25 years of my spiritual life around counterfeit believers who had no love in them. Yet because of their religious ways, it did not even cross my mind that these “denominational” folk simply were not true Christian converts. God had to “call me out from among them” in order for me to discern the truth.  THOSE CHURCH MEMBERS WERE NOT THE BRETHREN!!!

Church members are not exclusive as a lack of a love for the brethren is also widespread online as well.  I have found that once my spiritual discernment was developed and I matured in Christ,  someone with a counterfeit-birth cannot remain around me for very long. There are times when I receive new email contacts who after visiting my website or reading a book or an article will assume that we are on the same track. Yet as soon as a difference surfaces, they behave in unfriendly, even unseemly ways.  

No one needs to agree on EVERYTHING to love you as a disciple of Jesus Christ! Christian love is manifested as tolerance and acceptance in spite of differences in viewpoint. If we are truly born again, we all need to accept the fact that if we really love Jesus Christ and if we are truly obedient to HIM, we need to be tolerant enough to realize that our paths will not  be identical.  So be advised that  a lack of tolerance, flexibility and wisdom is a sign of the presence of a religious fallen angel .  The truth is that although  true brethren may take issue with your doctrine, practices and even your lifestyle, truly  born again believers will   manifest the acceptance and understanding that is essential to Christian love.  

How PSM Supports the Brethren's Discernment

Things will happen to you that look good, but they are evil.  Things will happen to you that look bad, but God plans to use them for your good.  Our ministerial staff is equipped  to guide you through your struggles that will eventually become victories.  We provide both free ministries and those that have a reasonable fee. Just know that we do not seek after donations and you don’t have to join our fellowship.  So to set up a Zoom session, send an email to deliverancecounseling@yahoo.com or call 888-818-1117.  For books and other products, click here. 

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