Ministry in End Times

Ministry is Different From Church

this photo shows how ministry in endtimes is different from church in buildingd.

 Pam Sheppard Ministries has  existed for 38 years.  Experience has schooled us that ministry is different from church. As a woman born again at home in 1977, two years later I had 3 consecutive dreams that directed me to a particular church.  Then in 1981, I was called to ministry by several dreams and visions. 

New to all religion, I did not know that a woman behind the pulpit   was a “no-no” in the institutional church. Once vehemently resisted and subsequently  informed,  I never argued with anyone whether or not women should be preaching or not preaching. In all honesty, I really didn’t know. I only new what I believed the Holy Spirit had  revealed to me in a personal way.  

Familiar early on  with an ability to hear  from God directly, I sought Him on the matter. As such,  I was prepared to step down at anytime in obedience to the Lord, if my stepping forward to preach was presumptuous. I read the same scriptures from the letters of Paul that antagonists used to deny women as ministers, yet I was not convinced by their interpretations that “a woman ought not to teach in the church.”

Just before my trial sermon, I was given a vivid dream.  I saw that I had ONE vote.  I approached several church members and asked them, “Did you vote for me to be licensed to preach?”  Each one of them responded in the negative.  Then a hand came forward and wrote on the entire wall, “I voted for you, signed, GOD!” Because of that dream, I moved forward and preached. 

 When the vote of the congregation  was taken, to my surprise,  everyone voted for me, even the dissenters. So for the next 25 years,  I simply followed the leading of the Holy Spirit as an ordained  pastor,  evangelist and  teacher, expecting that the Lord would reveal the truth about the woman in ministry matter,  “bye and bye.”

Today, 38 years later, I believe that I know the truth about the “woman question.” The answer to the debate is rather simple. With few exceptions, women were not called to pastor, preach or teach  in church  during almost ALL  of the age of the organized, religious institution,  at least up to the turn of the century  when the doors were swung open to women in the churches. 

Nevertheless,  “what if the church age is over?” The bible reveals that institutional church will continue into end times, become a harlot and then be destroyed. So church can, does  and will exist without God until and through the tribulation. Yet in God’s mind, “institutional church is OVER!” 

Yet called to ministry in 1981, it was in 2008 when I received a rather shocking revelation. In an audible voice, the Lord spoke and  I heard Him say   “Pam, those 3 dreams you had that sent you to that denomination  in 1979, were not from Me. When you joined church in 1979, the Holy Spirit was not there.”

 So  my understanding is that God called me at the end  of the season of  the institutional church to pioneer  the beginning of a new and last season of “ministry not in a building but online!” So my ministry never belonged to the institutional church.  I was not  called to it because I was not intended for it so the “can a woman be a minister in a church is moot, has no meaning and is  no longer relevant. 

So today I understand that when I preached my trial sermon behind a pulpit on October 25,  1981, the institutional church age was already OVER in God’s eyes!!!! 


My interpretation of these matters is THIS!  

Since  the Holy Spirit is not in the organized church, God is not there!!!!. Churches since the first one established in 313 AD by the Roman Emperor Constantine  are like every other  man-made institution.  The people are there but God is not!  

Men are in charge of the church  and have been for centuries.   Yet the ministry of end times  consists of 11th hour workers, including not only women of a particular age but   everybody, everywhere, other than in buildings where a man or a woman  stands behind  a pulpit and speaks to either   a few or a crowd in the name of a God whom he and she DO NOT KNOW!!!

Then came 2003.  The Lord spoke again  in a dream at a time when I was pastoring a church I found within the system in 1996. in the dream,  I saw the bottom of the Lord’s robe moving about as He spoke in a calm, almost “matter of fact” kind of way with : “Pam, see that candle under that bed?  That is YOU.  I cannot use you here.  You must leave.”   Then He turned around and almost like an after thought, He said “But let them put you out!”

I obeyed the Lord  and in June 25,  2004, “I let the religious hypocrites put me out.” It was clear that the Lord knew that these churchfolk could not put me out unless I let them.   So I let weak hypocrites    put me out because He told me to do so!!! !  “Why did they do put me out?”  It was because  of my  first website.  They considered my ministry  potentially dangerous to their existence. In a nutshell, I was speaking way too much truth for them to handle. 

But be warned. Over the last 12 years,  I have noticed a trend where church folk   recognize the frailties, the faults and the inconsistencies of religious organizations, of churches  have heeded the call to ‘COME OUT’ of the church.  Yet onlce  they  leave their denomination, their church, their fellowship, their clique, their group,  they  start a ‘church,’ a ministry, another group or fellowship that mirrors EXACTLY  what they JUST got delivered from or came out of!!!!!

Men as well as women  left  churches and started a ‘home’ group, then turn around and purchased  a pulpit and put it in their house, even purchased some clergy wear, and  some ordination papers, and started the whole wicked, outmoded, outdated, harlot system ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!Then when the crowds came, they purchased  a building.  And what they claim they were delivered FROM, they re-create and put God’s name on it. These new institutions are also “without the Holy Spirit.” 

What I’m convinced of is that most leaders are not aware of the fact that if God called you OUT of the church, it was FOR A REASON.  And it was NOT to perpetrate the same fraud (whether its your intention or not) that was committed within the organization you came out of. Does it make sense that God  called you out of an institution,  a church, an organization- showing you all of its glaring errors, and mishaps—only to have you come out from among them, be separate…and then cause you to reproduce the SAME ERROR you came out of.

 Its important to note that RELIGIOUS DEMONS are attracted to churches.  ANYTHING that looks like a church, ACTS like a church, SMELLS like a church, CONDUCTS itself like a church…you best believe YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE RELIGIOUS fallen angels and demons  flock to your buildings. Beware that if you try online to imitate church and its order of service and manner of preaching and teaching, you are simply re-inventing religion at its worst and you too have grieved and quenched the Holy Spirit. 

So  Brothers and Sisters, what do you do?  

First of all, expand your thinking and realize that you don’t need a building to minister. You are an 11th hour worker, called to preach, teach, deliver and heal in end times.  You can do this work around the world from your bedroom or your living room couch while your dinner is cooking and your kids are asleep. 

Therefore,  wait on the Lord for next steps. God knows what He is doing. Ministry is not the same as church. In this hour,  women, men of all races, the young and the old,  former sinners of all persuasions and backgrounds  are called to do God’s work. We are here to help you prepare. 

If  you need our help, call 888-818-1117 or email

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