When Satan Threatens Your Daily Bread


When Satan Threatens Your Daily Bread

When Satan threatens your daily bread, one may wonder how to handle this. Most of us maintain our daily bread by earning a living every day. I’ve wondered why for some, work life can be challenging, filled with distressing emotions: from anger, fear, to disappointment, embarrassment, and envy the list goes on and on. I’ve asked myself, is it stemming all from our mistakes? Is it everyone else’s fault and not ours? Or is it the devil?

 The answer is we ourselves can play a part in the down fall and decline in our work life based on our choices, difficult colleagues can make it a challenge to achieve success (if we allow them to), AND the enemy can play a hand in this as well. He can appear to threaten your daily bread. 

 When Satan threatens your daily bread, fear and worry are emotions that may ensue. The individual must realize this is what the enemy wants! He wants you to be afraid and think the worst of the worst is going to happen, whether at work or any other aspect of your life. 

We must not make every lecture, correction, mistakes pointed out seem like a catastrophic event and allow sheer panic to occur. This type of panic allows fear and worry to control us, to the point where we then may make errors that were avoidable. 

Your Daily Bread:The Influences of Religion and Fear 

Years ago, I used to often attend church on Sundays. I prayed, read the Bible, and requested for prayers. No matter the Christian religious activities I did, I was a fearful person, in every aspect of my life. To make it worse, I did not use my common sense when making decisions. I was religious and went to God for problems I could have taken care of myself by using the free will He gave me. Instead, I expected things would run smoothly without having to put much effort. 

I was passive and so religious that it caused me to overlook all the ways I could change for the better. When you use your God given free will, instead of religious passivity, you can improve in many ways. You can improve how you handle stress at work and your overall life. Instead of facing reality and working on strengthening areas that needed help, I unknowingly allowed fear to be my main fuel. That fear became a habit.

It was not until I discovered I had a false conversion that I realized how contradictory it was to profess to be a Christian but be so filled with worry and fear all the time. 

When you become truly born again in Jesus Christ of Nazareth and you walk in the Spirit and not the flesh, you have all the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23). With these fruits fear or worry will not rule you in any aspect of your life. 

When you have not conquered your fears, Satan takes advantage of this and plants thoughts of uncertainty in your mind. As your fear continues; confusion, distraction, irritation, anger, sadness, may also occur and this adds nothing but more heavy stress and worry in your daily living. 

The Nourishment: Jesus Rejects the Devils Temptations 

Our jobs give us our daily bread, but when Satan threatens our daily bread, we risk not staying focused because of worry. When this happens we can be tempted by the devil to make foolish decisions. Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and afterwards the devil appeared to him with temptations. Jesus was tempted by Satan at the wilderness, mocking him by saying, if you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread. Jesus responded with: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). Satan was trying hard to put thoughts into the Lord’s head. Despite Satan’s mockery, Jesus held strong and said he would not do that. 

Jesus did not have to prove anything to the devil. This was a clear temptation tactic to get Jesus to sin. Jesus knows what he can do, he knows what he is capable of, and he refused to let the enemy tell him to do something that was not right. This was clearly a set up to try to convince and coerce the Lord. The Lord not only refuses to turn those stones to become bread but he gives a strong answer representing his faith and certainty of God’s truth. 

Moreover, the Lord is telling the enemy: life is more than what you the devil are obsessing about. What’s important is not about showing off to you what I can do, what’s important is the word of God, it’s not about money, but God’s word is what fulfills me. God’s word is fulfilling and will sustain me even though right now I have no food. God gives me what he knows I need. 

The Lord was tempted to be a show off and try to prove himself. He was tempted to even feel insecure about God’s support of him, yet he didn’t fall for any of it. The Lord values God’s word more than trying to eat when he was not ready to eat. 

To all out there who are gaining from the truths you have learned at Pam Sheppard Ministries, the Holy Spirit may be giving some the belief and understanding about Satan’s deceptions, including in institutional church settings. It’s important to not let the devil distract you from what’s important. Our daily bread is certainly needed but when it appears to be threatened, panic is not the way to go. In fact, fear can cause you to unknowingly put yourself at risk of having an unhealthy way of living. 

The word of God is truth.The Lord’s truths are sustaining, nourishes, and supplies you with all you need, including your daily bread. 

How to Take Action

It’s important to not excessively worship the actual bread itself but be thankful for it.

We must in addition, be careful and evaluate how we think we got born again, because a majority of those that say they are Christians may have had a counterfeit birth experience. Those that may be waiting for the Holy Spirit to lead them to have a true salvation experience may be allowing themselves to worry unnecessarily. As he has done with me, when God chooses to show you your problems with fear, he gives you the opportunity to face this problem and leads you to a path to overcome it. 

So examine yourself, your salvation experience and how you think you got born again. Does fear run every aspect of your life? Do you think your daily bread is being threatened? Do you suspect you may have had a false conversion? Pam Sheppard Ministries can help you see if you’ve had a false conversion, and take you to the next steps to overturn it. If you want our help, call 1-888-818-1117 or email rescueonfb@icloud.com

The book The Church of the Endtime Zombies will open your eyes to all the ways deception and darkness has infiltrated the professing Christian world; including church, Christian TV, books, famous evangelist teachings, and all related to this. Click HERE

We also have a must see website that talks about how the devil has caused people to not understand and undervalue the resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It reveals how Satan and his cohorts twisted this essential part of the gospel, causing worldwide false conversions. Our website also offers membership levels and more details about this are available when you click HERE

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