Online Deliverance Training from the Comfort of Your HOME!!
It is my conviction that most of our religious world is deceived, even those who propose to “cast out demons in the name of Jesus.” The Lord Himself warned us in the word of God that the vast majority of humanity would enter the false door of religion and travel the broad way to destruction.
So therefore, once you decide to enroll in “Deliverance Essentials Prep” , I commit myself and every resource of PSM to teach you the demonic tricks of the spiritual warfare trade, so that you will be able to know the truth and the truth itself will enable YOU to set the captives free!
Did You Get WORST After Deliverance? Here is the Cause! NO POWER
Isaiah 44:20 He feeds on ashes, a deluded heart misleads him; he cannot save himself, or say, "Is not this thing in my right hand a lie?"
Isaiah 51:22 23 I will put it into the hands of your tormentors, who said to you, ( 'Fall prostrate that we may walk over you.' And you made your back like the ground, like a street to be walked over.
Chakras and kundalini, torment and blaspheming the Holy Ghost, deliverance prep.
For all individual resources,click here
Six (6) individual courses, including free links to 4 ebooks. The courses include Deliverance Prep ,Salvation, False Conversions, Torment and Irrational Fears, The Religious Demon and Religiosity, and Altered States And Chakras. The 4 ebooks are free links inside the document: The Church of the End Time Zombies, Faces of the Religious Demon, Come Out of Her’ God’s People and Be Delivered From Deliverance Ministries.
DEW 101 The Deliverance Essentials workshop (DEW) consists of 12 lectures, short answer and essay tests, and special projects , using 4 essential E-books. The titles of each workshop are: Know How Satan Tempts YOU, Know WHO Satan sends to You, Know How Satan Deceives YOU, and How to Stand and Not Stumble.
DEW 201 Walking in the Spirit. This workshop sheds light on what is required to be more than a conqueror in these times. The Deliverance Essentials are twofold: to know yourself as a soul who lives in a body to be led by your spirit, for God is a Spirit, and He communes Spirit to spirit. This course defines the differences between your soul and your spirit and how to operate and benefit from both, particularly your free will.
You will learn how Satan and his wicked spirit powers of the air, and demons can be overcome. The only way to be ultimately saved, and delivered from these powers is through the Gospel
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