Fallen Angels Have No Mercy

I recently watched a documentary called “Jesus Camp” were hundreds of children (and more) are indoctrinated to be evangelical pentecostals at a camp in Kansas. The shock, and horror of this film grieved me. What I realized is that, fallen angels have no mercy. 

Fallen Angels Mimic

Fallen angels are under Satan’s governing command. They operate under his rule and statues. With that being said, as revealed in the book, The Fake Jesus, “fallen angels specialize in false religion. One particular demon masquerades as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only begotten Son of God. Very often that demon comes into persons who have experienced being slain in the spirit.” And that demon is a fallen angel, the spirit of the Antichrist. 

What I’ve come to realize is that, they do not have morals. Whenever they see an opportunity to spread their darkness, they seize it. Over 250 million worldwide Christians claim to be Pentecostal. In the U.S. there are about 90 to 100 million American Evangelicals. What does this mean? It means that fallen angels have taken over both the international, and national levels of religion.

Fallen angels have mastered the art of deception, and infiltration. They will target any age, any sex, any person who is open to their direction. It’s clear we see the occult connection spreading through these avenues of religion, as well as the mixing of worldly politics and religion.

Fallen Angels Can Be Nice

Well now, Satan can come as an angel of light. He and the fallen angels were at the throne of God. They know about virtues, and such things. But, when it comes down to it, their nature is not godly. 

Fallen angels will get along with you if you agree with them. It’s like a mafia deal. “You do your part, I’ll supply the money.” But, mess up “your part” and they come after you! Fallen angels have no mercy. Although they may initially appear merciful when mimicking God, but beyond that facade is a godless nature.

Also, we can see the “benevolence” too with fallen angels interacting with the New Age. They come as ascended masters of wisdom, and appear to be peaceful, enlightened, as noted in the book, The Fake Jesus, “Channels are demonically gifted to receive messages from a “teaching-spirit” of advanced wisdom known as ascended masters.”

When Hell Came To Me

Hell came to me when I needed escape from my occultist ways. Yet, when I entered the church it was like my soul became abused. 

Since I was in agreement with occult fallen angels and demons, when I entered religion I was “breaking my contract.” To say, that I stopped practicing occult things, which angered them. Me stopping those practices did not give them as much access. And, instead my new “religious” practices gave new beings, new access. 

Did they care about my soul? No, they just wanted to use me up. I was just a pawn in Satan’s chess game. I was an “innocent” young man, but the powers of darkness could careless—I was in their zone for use. 

That’s Why

Satan does not care about us, as in our well being. He only cares when he can use us, steal us, destroy us, and deceive us. 

Why? Because Satan is an unauthorized ruler over the world. He wants vengeance against the punishments and pending sentences he has received from God. So, Satan does what he can to achieve his goal. 

That’s why him and his fallen angels have no mercy because their time is short. They are using children as their pawns. Twisting their flexible minds to have false imaginations about God. We see children being used as military soldiers across the world. Children also being lured into meditations and occult practices. It’s no wonder why many children suffer from nightmares and terrors and other psychological issues. 

With the number mentioned above, they are only growing. The entire earth is deceived by the Devil as prophesied in the Book of Revelation.

Be Prepared Not Unaware

Our ministry is here to help you detox. Detox from ALL the negative things of both religion and occult. No matter how long you’ve been in it. My emotional, mental and spiritual health was saved by God using this ministry. And I was in the occult for seven years and two years in religion! 

I used spirit boards and tarot cards regularly at age thirteen… 

I literally use to tell every guest I checked in (some days over 100), “Jesus loves you” because I feared condemnation if I didn’t. My entire mindset was brainwashed to only focus on religious indoctrination, and everything else was “the Devil.” 

If you are seeking for relief, feel free to check us out. You can call 838-217-0104 and ask for Evan who is a coordinator of Pam Sheppard Ministries.  

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