Be Patient While Detoxing

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While learning the truth can be shocking, and growing in the truth can be exciting, it’s important to be patient while detoxing. At times we want to move too quickly, move a step ahead when the next step isn’t quite what we expect. We can be a little too “optimistic” while growing spiritually. 

Just Chill

“Just chill” is a phrase sometimes that needs to be heard. When you begin your detox process from religion, you can “just chill” and work your way out of passivity, and renouncing false doctrine. There doesn’t need to be this “urge” or “itch” to scramble onto the next thing. The Lord Jesus when He taught His disciples for three years never rushed or pushed them to a point that they would not be ready for. He knew exactly when to send them out in action. 

Likewise with us, what we are being taught requires us to be calm in learning so the content can be fully absorbed.

It’s important that the “seeds” planted can stay planted and grow. Just like we can’t force plants and trees to grow, we can’t force the truth and detox process to fully mature either.

Detox Analogy 

Naturally, when you have eaten foods that are processed, unhealthy, and bad for you, your body absorbs these harmful substances. When you detox physically, you first have to abstain from the harmful substances. Then nurture your body with antioxidants to flush out the toxins. And finally, continually consume good substances to maintain your body’s health.

If you don’t take your time to fully abstain, detox, and maintain then you will find the whole process of detox not very whole. In fact, it will be partial and you’ll still have “toxins” lingering around that are harmful presently and potentially. 

So, take your time! Detoxing is suppose to be “relaxing.” A time to rest from the toxicity. Over activity isn’t what overcoming passivity means. True overcoming of passivity is being active with and according to the TRUTH. To actively stop believing in doctrines of demons, actively working out your soul, actively learning the truth, actively detoxing from religion…

Yet all this activity is SIMPLE, and does not require over-thought, and difficult effort…

Being Thankful

Being thankful during the detox process is important. Going back to the physical detox analogy, when detoxing it can be an “uncomfortable” process at first. Because your body is use to harmful substances as “good” when the healthy substances come in it appears “distasteful” but eventually does far more good. It’s during this time that the “itch” to get it over with happens, or even to quit. 

Being thankful on the journey to detox from religion helps those extra needed cleansing moments rest easy. Because, although now it appears hard, but as you are patient and look further down the path there is a serenity and deliverance that comes with being patient while detoxing. So, take your time and be patient while detoxing!

Hits: 371

Why Do We Believe In Lies?

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Many Christians know that the Devil is the father of lies. In the Christendom-Sphere there’s a great deal of people who are aware that Satan lies, but they are still caught in his deception. This has to make us wonder, why do we believe in lies? Not just by sheer ignorance, but when we know the truth, why do we follow after what is false?

Origin Of Human Deception

In order to understand why we believe in lies, we must understand the origin of human deception that begins with Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were “higher-human beings” and had not known sin. Their minds were sound, untouched by darkness or corrupted by sinfulness. They simply knew God’s presence, and His truth.

Both Adam and Eve were the spiritual authorities on the earth. They ruled over the earth by the authority given by God. So, to say that they were powerful and glorious, as God had intended they be.

One specific truth He gave, was that the Tree of Knowledge if eaten will result in death. Adam and Eve both understood this commandment from God. They simply knew it resulted in death. However, this is were the lies of the Devil come in, and begin the downward spiral of human deception.

Shaking Up Of Faith

When Satan approached Eve in the garden, he first asked Eve if God truly said what He said. This seems to be obvious, however Satan is “stirring up” doubt into Eve. This is only the initial phase of his temptation. Eve, never questioned what God had commanded her and no one else ever had either for that matter. She did not have any doubts, questions, or examined what she believed in. Simply because, she didn’t have to question God, she fully knew His goodness.

But, Satan knowing this, sought the opportunity to exploit this. Eve responded with the truth that she cannot eat or touch the Tree of Knowledge or she will die, despite “touch” not being in the commandment (see Genesis 2:17). Either way, this is where the Deceiver comes in and says, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Genesis 3:1-6). It’s obvious to anyone who reads that Satan is lying, but let’s remember Eve’s perspectives:

The only thing Adam and Eve knew about the Tree of Knowledge was that it caused death. There was no other mention, or explanation of “whys,” or a longer version of the story of what the Tree of Knowledge is. Other than, it’s a Tree of “knowledge of good and evil.” So, when Eve hears this “new” thing about this tree, and that “God knows” it will make her wise, her faith changes; the lies intrigued her.

Fall Of Faith

The deceptions of Satan begin to make Eve feel as though, “her eyes are closed.” There is now a sense that “there’s something this tree has that I don’t.” And from there does Eve’s vision begin to change, and the Tree of knowledge is now desirable to eat, pleasant to the eyes, and able to make her “wise.”

What is happening in this moment, is that Eve’s faith, that was in the truth: “You shall not eat of the tree of knowledge or you will die” is being “loosened” so to speak and “bound” into the lie: “you won’t die but be wiser like God.” And, as her faith then becomes made in Satan’s lies, she then eats of the fruit, and then Adam, and then they died.

So, why do we believe in lies from this observation? It’s simply that the lie’s “truth” makes more “sense” to us. There’s something within lies that is more believable than truth. And therefore, we believe in them. This is the essence we can take from Adam and Eve’s deception.

Lying Spirits And Saints

What’s the difference between a devil and a saint? A devil has faith in the lies of Satan. While, a saint has faith in the truth of God.

Lying spirits are meant to shake up our faith in the truth. No matter how they can achieve this. What Satan does in order to shake us up, is no different than what he did to Eve, and even attempted with Christ in the wilderness: DOUBT.

Satan sends out his evil emissaries to get our faith weak in the revealed truth of God. On top of that, to also make sure we remain ignorant. If our faith is weaken in the truth, we will begin to see things differently. We, like Eve, will see what’s evil as “good, and pleasant to the eyes.” Our sight, which was once on the truth, now becomes focused on what is false, and illusory. And once our vision is shifted, our faith is not too far at being turned over to the deception of our Adversary.

Satan and his wicked fallen angels and demons are waiting for one unstable soul willing to have faith in their lies; as they ask, “Who will believe in us and what we say?”

So, now, we need to ask ourselves, “Why do we believe in lies?”

Final Thoughts

Believing in lies is simply a lack of faith. But, the lie is not the “issue” necessarily, but it’s what we believe to be the truth. If from the beginning Eve had her focus on this, then she would have been able to resist the Devil and his cunning speech and he would have fled.

It’s the fact that, the lie had more attention than the truth.

Christians are not free of the lies and deceptions of Satan. Adam and Eve were spiritual rulers of the earth when Satan came to deceive them. And Jesus Christ the God-Man Himself wasn’t exempt from the Devil’s deceptions. We cannot let Satan’s lies deteriorate our faith in what’s real, and factual of God. The substance of Christ is far more powerful and liberating because of the fact: IT IS TRUTH!

Religion, and the world are slay by Satan, because of his lies. And that’s why when you become born again by God giving HIS FAITH IN HIS SON is what delivers you from your “fallen faith in lies” and removes you out of the world and darkness of this age and INTO THE TRUTH and light of Christ! Our ministry has our faith UNITED in the TRUTH that binds us as ONE BODY OF CHRIST. Together we strive with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to destroy the lies of Satan. For more information, check out our website by clicking here.

Any further thoughts on why do we believe in lies?



Hits: 538

The Cause Of These Australian Wildfires?

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Is it possible that people can unknowingly cause disasters? It has now been discerned that the wildfires in Australia could have been started by both Charismatic revivalists, and people praying unspiritually with soul-power. So, are ungodly people the cause of these Australian wildfires?

Charismatic Interference

During my religious bondage I was involved with a Charismatic group of Christians. These people were all about “anointing,” prophesy, tongues, fire, converting unbelievers, “Israel,” and intercession.

The pastor of this group was part of “huge” revival movement that was prophesied to take place in Australia. He claim that God told him, “My Spirit hovers over it (Australia).” But, with the truth revealed in the Scriptures is that there will be no revival, in fact quite the opposite. The whole world will “wax worse and worse” and into the rule of the Anti-Christ.

So, since their revival is not according to the truth, and they apparently “hear from God.” What’s happening? These revivalist are actually praying, and working for fallen angels, and are ignorantly under the control of the “god of this world.” Satan, the “Prince of the power of the air” is the one receiving their prayers, and work.

Further Synopsis

These Charismatic’s are counterfeit born-again believers. Who are really soulish, carnal people proclaiming Christianity. Because of their deception, Satan has ground over them to use their prayers, and work to carry out destruction since he is a “murderer from the beginning” (John 8:44).

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On top of that, all the other religions in the world also “praying” to “God.” Many religions have become gravitated toward the “new religion” of environmentalism. While, yes the, “righteous man regards the life of his animal” (Pro. 12:10). There’s a difference between genuine care for God’s creation, and “worshiping the creation” and trying to bring about salvation of the “earth.” Also, not realizing that this earth will be destroyed by God and will be made new (Rev. 21:1).

What is happening in the spirit-realm, is that the souls of men are sending up requests not to God, but to fallen angels, and wicked spirits. Since, Satan is a fallen angel, and governs over the wicked spirits. He simply will take these psychic powers and direct them toward destruction.

Discerning The Cause

It is entirely possible for righteous people to pray for weather, like Elijah did. “Righteous” as in born-again believers in Christ. And, it’s entirely possible for God Himself to ordain destruction, and use nature for His purposes and will. And, it’s also possible too that Satan can use the “elemental” forces for his purposes also…

The reason I perceive that these wildfires are because of ungodly people is that God Himself has condemned their revival. Or, that Satan has used their prayers for ground to murder. Either way, the cause of the Australian wildfires is because of ungodly people.

This Begs The Question

This begs the question, how many “disasters” have been caused by psychic prayers taken by evil spirits? The church and synagogue shootings, tornadoes, tsunamis, crime, cancer, diseases, famine, could some of these causes be because of the ungodly prayers “floating” around in in the spirit-realm, unheard and unanswered by the true God?

It doesn’t matter what you ask devils. You are in “communion” with them, that gives them ground to manipulate your prayer. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE EVIL. When you pray to God as a regenerated person, He is good, and will do good. But, when your soul makes contact with an evil spirit, they can’t do good, ONLY EVIL. Despite what “good” you asked for. Can the devil bring about “good”? Sure to the undiscerning, the devil can grant people materialistic and worldly power, as seen with his temptations with Christ. But, it’s not good in light of the truth…

To close the matter, people are ignorantly praying to wicked spirits that cause pain, suffering, and destruction. Simply because their prayers are sinful and sourced from the flesh. And these sinful prayers are at work in the atmosphere, with the “Prince of the power of the air” using them. And are the cause of these Australian wildfires.

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The More Prayer The More Desctruction

As this “prayer” and “meditation” movement continues within the world that is slay in the power of the devil, the more the movement goes forth of destruction. Ironically, people think their prayers “work” when the wicked Strategist may temporarily grant your request to keep your prayers directed toward the evil one that he is.

The more appropriate word for this movement of “mindfulness” and prayer is: consent. Consent to be used by Satan; consent to give ground to wicked spirits. And, consent to the Wicked One using your prayers and thoughts. As an interesting scheme, Satan is in fact using these horrible events inspired by him, and the prayers he receives. More people then, since most only pray during terrible circumstances, pray to the god of this world and add to the fuel of sinful prayers in the air.

“MY PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE” (Hosea 4:6). Not to mention, that people REJECT knowledge. Because of this ignorant, and rebellious age, the destruction WILL CONTINUE. Only, until the Gospel is touching the fallen spirits of men, bringing about salvation, can we see a glimpse of PEACE on this earth…

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Hits: 265

Meeting Of The Brethren

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During the times of the early believers, they had an “assembly” of saints. A time when they would gather together in Christ for a “meeting.” Many times Church people hurl the phrase, “do not forsake the meeting of the brethren.” However, they do not understand the context. Let’s take a look at what is the meeting of the brethren.

What Is A “Meeting”?

“Not forsaking the meeting of the brethren, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another. And so much the more, as ye see the Day approaching” (Heb. 10:25). This word in Greek can also mean “assemble, gather together.”

Paul mentions in other letters to churches he oversaw about a “gathering” in the name of the Lord (1 Cor 5:4). So, it’s apparent that believers both then and now where to assemble together in fellowship to exhort each other.

The Assembly: Further Analysis

Let’s consider that when this Epistle was written, it was written to a group of Jews. These Jews were believers and expelled from the second temple (hence why the writer had to explain much about the terms of the New Covenant). They had no church, no organized building to go to. They themselves gathered together as a group without a building.

In fact, this is how it was all across the land of the believers in Christ. There was no buildings. They would often meet or “gather” in homes of other people. Since, they most likely understood that they themselves were the “building” or church of Christ and did not need to construct a building for God. This assembly, seen in the Scriptures is simply a physically united individual believers in the Lord.

The Meeting In Our Times

God works in mysterious ways using things to achieve a way for His people. Even in different times. God does not change, but His light that shines down to us can change in order to work for a particular situation for His name.

Since our ministry is not a church, nor are we an organized religion. We nevertheless are a physical diaspora of believers in Christ. And therefore are not to forsake gathering together. God has provided a usable resource for use of light with the invention of modern technology. We now can meet together on social media and other platforms to exhort one another and prepare for the glorious moment of the Lord’s return.

The Cost Of Forsaking

Many times people do not realize that forgetting about meeting together can disturb your spiritual growth. Part of “exhortation” is also to prevent sin’s deceit from hardening you heart. When you do not join the simple social media gatherings, or even if you are there but don’t participate you set yourself up for deceit!

There still is an assembling, even if you are detoxing. However there is a COUNTERFEIT assembling and a TRUE gathering of born-again believers and follower of Christ. We cannot force anyone to come and join the meeting on our social platforms that God has graciously provided. But, we ask you to join for YOUR benefit. Therefore brethren, I urge you to continue gathering with us and participating as we approach the Day CLOSER AND CLOSER!

Hits: 645

Works Of The Flesh And Fruit Of The Spirit

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The Apostle Paul goes into detail of the war between the flesh and the Spirit. He also writes concerning the results of those who “walk according to the flesh” and those who “walk in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16-25). The English language does a decent job at portraying the words the Apostle chooses to describes these two different lifestyles. But, a detailed look into the Greek with give a further insight to exactly what the words mean. The works of the flesh, and fruit of the Spirit will have some more insight by this study.

Works Of The Flesh

“Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these:…

…Adultery, which is specifically having sex with someone who is married. Or having sex with another person who is not your martial spouse (Modern pornography and other sexual pleasures apply to this too). It should also be noted that, “Anyone who looks at a women with lust has committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matt. 5:27).

…Fornication, which is simply premarital sex or having sexual experiences outside of martial sex (pornography, masturbation included in this too).

…Uncleanliness (akatharsia) the root word indicates moral uncleanliness. Living in lust, and being unclean in thought and deed.

…Lasciviousness (aselgeia) this word is used to describe “unbridled lusts.” It’s used as in “excessive” desires for morally filthy things.

…Idolatry is when something other than the Holy One acts as a “god” over you. Since an idol is a “carved image” that’s made as a god. In essence, it’s “making things” as god. Rather than God being the Source and Head of all things, the things “carve” you away from God.

…Witchcraft (pharmakeia) or “sorcery.” The word in Greek usually gives the idea to the use of potions (or drugs) for influence and power. In essence, this work is having power and influence over others, by whatever means it is achieved.

Works Of The Flesh Continued…

…Hatred (echthra) or “enmity.” The word is used to describe an “enemy.”

…Variance (eris) or “strife.” This word is used in other places for “quarrel, debate, and contention.”

…Emulations (zēlos) comes from the root word “fervent.” However in this instance it’s used to describe jealousy, and envy. Or a passionate contention.

…Wrath (thymos) or “fierce anger.” Note, this can be manifested in short outbursts of “fierce anger.”

…Strife (eritheia) figurative for “to put oneself forward.” This word is specifically used for ones who create fractions.

…Seditions (dichostasia) or “divisions.” Found in other places of Scripture alluding to “disunion, dissension.”

…Heresies (hairesis) or ” a sect.” The concept of heresies were sections or “a party.” A heretical person is one who “sections off” from the truth.

…Envyings (phthonos) comes from a root word that means “corrupt.” It also can be used to describe “ill-will.” Primarily used for envious people.

…Murders, but it also should be noted, “Anyone who is angry with his brother without cause shall be in danger of the judgment” (Matt. 5:22).

…Drunkenness, not simply being “tipsy” but heavy intoxication.

…Revelings (kōmos) is used to denote “rioting.” But, more specifically “carousing around while intoxicated.”

…And such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have told you in the times pasts, that they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.”

Fruit Of The Spirit

“But the fruit of the Spirit is:…

…Love, the greatest example of this is Jesus Christ and the work He achieved for His elect. Selfless love, and Paul describes much of this love in 1 Corinthians 13. Much could be said about this manifest fruit of the Spirit!

…Joy (chara) the Greek word is similar to “grace” and “thankfulness.” It also can be used to describe “gladness.”

…Peace (eirēnē) in this instance is not blissful emotions. The Greek language uses this word to describe “being set at one.” In other words, “wholesome.” Also, it’s used throughout the Bible to describe nations that were at war, but became “tranquil and safe.”

…Longsuffering (makrothymia) interestingly it means “long-nose.” It’s a metaphor to describe someone who is patient, and has a calm-breath. Also, it means “forbearance” or “not avenging after received wrongs.”

…Gentleness (chrēstotēs) the Greek word really means “moral goodness or kindness.” Also, it’s used to describe, “integrity, benignity (tolerance toward others).”

…Goodness (agathōsynē) this word denotes the idea of “uprightness of heart and life.” This word can be used for someone with high virtues.

…Faith, which can also mean “trust or believe.” For example, “Love believeth all things” [“believeth is the same word in the Greek “pistis”] (1 Cor. 13:7) which tells us that it can mean trusting others.

The Exhortation

Now that we specifically have seen the works of the flesh and fruit of the Spirit, let’s conclude with this exhortation from the Apostle:

“This I say, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law… And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”

Do you have a greater understanding of what the works of the flesh and fruit of the Spirit are?



Hits: 1450

Guarding Our Hearts In 2020

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The heart is the seat of thought, desires, emotions, and our relationships. “From it is the springs the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23). If we are to look back at our 2019, we can see that perhaps many of our issues of life sprung from the heart. Our choices, and desires that caused “issues.” This is why it’s time for guarding our hearts in 2020.

Relationships Primary Issue

I’d say, that most of our issues can arises from our hearts making poor relationship choices. Who we trust, give our time to, share our thoughts with, in other words share our heart with: the “who” is key…

Many times, our hearts can crave emotional satisfaction. And at times, certain people can come in and “fill” that void, and need. But those people (that seem good) may be actually holding you back from your well-being and future. This emotional desire comes from a “lack of guard.” Since, guarding your heart allows you to fulfill that desire for social connection and emotional satisfaction with the right people who will better you.

Guarding, Not Cutting Out

I’m not suggesting you take a radical approach with your relationships and “cut every person out.” I am simply exhorting you TO GUARD YOUR HEART from people. Think of it this way. Your heart and relationships operate much like a neighborhood. In Hebrew, the word for heart is “levav” which is made up of two “Bets” or “Beth” which means “house.” Your heart works as a “home” in a neighborhood. Your neighborhood are people you have “near” your heart. Then there are people, you invite into “your home.” Do you see where this analogy goes?

For example, cutting out people would be if you were to “remove the houses” in your neighborhood. And yes, there are times when some people need to be “removed from your neighborhood.” But, more importantly the “doors” to your home should have “HOMELAND SECURITY” WITH THEM! Because when you let a person into your heart or “your home,” you give them access to your “treasures,” your secrets, your emotions, your “keys,” your desires, your plans, your thoughts. And not only that, but you receive their desires, secrets, emotions, treasures, and I think you get the idea…

Keep Your 2020 Relationships On Guard!

With all that’s been said, common sense simply teaches us that if you guard your heart. And by guarding (practically speaking), if you are diligent, careful, cautious, and wise in WHO you share your heart with and allow into your “home,” guarding your heart from the subtle wrong relationships… you will have a year with VERY LITTLE ISSUES!

On that note, we are all in this together with guarding our hearts in 2020. I hope with all my HEART you have a wonderful NEW YEAR! And, remember you always have the “‘Home’ of Pam Sheppard Ministries” to go to for relationships that will aid you in all things! Cheers!

Hits: 885

How To Stop Being Irritated With Irritations

Irritation is subtle bitterness to the soul.

Man, I know there are times when people, circumstances and things irritate me. That, “You have got to be kidding” sigh. Irritation is of the flesh, the “little anger burst.” Irritation tends to creep up on our souls, and grooms us overtime to set us up into anger and bitterness. Let’s see how to stop being irritated with irritations.

Dead To Flesh

As with any fleshly problem, or sin, we must stand on Romans 6. Being dead to sin. Death of the flesh, that is being in the likeliness of Christ’s death is how to overcome any work of the flesh. We must not be ignorant and know that our old man and all it’s irritations have been crucified with Christ and buried with Him.

Ultimately the flesh is already dead. It’s our understanding of how truly dead our flesh is that can be sluggish. It’s a matter of the mind be renewed to grasp the reality of the Cross and what it means for the nature of the flesh.

Put Off The Old

There now is an active “putting off.” “For those who have been baptized with Christ have put on Christ” (Gal. 3:27). At rebirth and baptism the old has been “put off” and the new (that is Christ) has been “put on.”

We must “put off” (or “cast off”) the irritations of our flesh. Whether certain behaviors of people, objects, circumstances, and so on. All the things that provoke you must be cast off. Instead “cast on Christ” which is patient and loving. “Love is not easily provoked” (1 Cor 13).

The Devil Loves To Irritate

Now, there is a wicked agenda to irritation. Satan’s craft and cunningness is to set the elect up into sin. His strategy with irritations is ultimately progressive. “A little irritation here, and little irritation there.” A sort of “light sprinkle” of tiny irritable circumstances and traits of other people come showering your way from the enemy.

This is to provoke the elect to ungodly anger and impatience, and even bitterness. “Watch lest any fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness spring up and contaminate many” (Hebrews 12:15).

Finally, recognizing satanic plots to cause irritation is important. You must be watching. Be ready for that “sprinkle shower” of irritations the devil will rain on you and around you. Yet, if you are truly dead to sin and cast off the old and put on Christ you will be able to resist and overcome irritations. That is how to stop being irritated with irritations.

Hits: 298

Recognize And Overcome Service Hinderances

Recognize and overcome service hindrances upon being born-again children of God is important because we have been called to service. God’s service involves an active fulfillment, “For if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the unclean, sanctifies for purifying of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? (Heb. 9:13-14). Indeed, in Christ you are a priest of God and of Christ (Rev. 20:6). Therefore let’s see how to recognize and overcome service hinderances.

The lord has flames in his eyes

God doesn’t need us to do anything. In truth, God can do everything on His own. We are the ones who need God. And God has called us to service while needing Him. Although, we can miss out on the call because of lukewarm passivity.

God has equipped all saints and placed in us the will to work, but when there is not fulfillment nor execution we become lukewarm in God’s work. Lukewarm mentality will be hot and cold, on and off. Highly committed at one point and then completely off target or cold.

This is why the Lord with flames in His eyes says, “You cannot be hot and cold. Therefore repent, be zealous and choose before I spit you out of My mouth” (Rev 3:21 paraphrasing). Repentance is the key to overcoming lukewarm passivity and then being zealous or fervent (ie. Hot).

Hinderance 101

Satan comes as a hindering thief. He knows exactly the things to introduce into your life to block you from either seeing your call to service or fulfilling it. He also knows how to install thoughts and mindsets that keep you away from service. What the Spirit desires you to walk in, the adversary-lion will “roar” various things into your mind, preventing you from either understanding the desire of the Spirit or continuing in the Spirit’s desire.

Being born-again means our sinful debts are paid by Christ, yet we are still debtors NOT to live according to the flesh but to the Spirit (Romans 8:12). And the Spirit has led us to ministry and given us talents that we are to be stewards of and abound (Matt. 25:15).

Satan will bring in certain people, things, circumstances, “burdens,” thoughts, feelings, desires into your life all designed to prevent you from your call to service. But these are not excuses. Look at Christ! Did He allow the people hating Him, mocking Him, betraying Him and throwing stones at Him to become an excuse to not do God’s service? No, He endure through and resisted Satan’s hindering tricks and fulfilled the “good works God prepared Him to walk in.”

Take heed then

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God created beforehand that we should walk in them” (Eph. 2:10). “Workmanship” can also mean “product.” Beloved, do you truly see yourself as a product of God, that is being used by Him for hot good works?

At times we can ignore the conscience of our spirit trying to be led by the Holy Spirit. We can disregard that intuitive understanding that we are not zealous for serving God and fulfilling the ministry we were called to. Recognize and overcome service hinderances.

Easy Yoke no jOke

The Lord said His yoke is easy. “Yoke” is a metaphor for service. Truly, the “spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” This service to the flesh is weak, complicated, “difficult” but to the spirit it is easy, light and simple. Truly doing the Lord’s service by the leading of the Spirit is easy! The flesh makes it complicated…

If you are struggling to recognize and overcome service hinderances, it’s written in prayer, “The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation of knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling…” (Eph. 1:17-18).

Remember, it’s His calling and not yours, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” (James) and He will draw near with His calling He has prepared for you, as you draw near inquiring.

Hits: 266

Overcoming The World

Overcoming the world is both something past and present. The world is the system on earth that does not have Christ as it’s God. Instead, “the whole world lies in the power of the wicked one” (1 John 5:19). There are two results: the world overcomes us, or we overcome the world.

Warning, And One Of The Upmost Importance

The Apostle John warned, “Little children do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world the love of the Father is not in him,” and the Apostle James said also, “Whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God” (1 John 2:15, James 4:4). The world is a serious subtle threat to us. “The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life,” are in the world, and not of the Father, but of the world. The world contaminates us, draws us away from Christ—making us enemies of God, and lures us into ultimate destruction. We not be friends with the world, but even if we “wish” to be, we make ourselves enemies of God…

At times we can be “standing tall” and think we are doing well at hating the world, and loving God. But, I can honestly confess that like Lot’s wife, although all my “possessions” are left in “Sodom” I nevertheless still “look back” within my heart from time to time. My soul clinging to self-preservation and self-seekingness that the world offers. It’s been my constant battle to overcome the world, but in order to presently overcome, I need to look at what has been overcome.

Believe It Or Not, You Have Overcome

“For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that overcomes the world: our faith” (1 John 5:4). 1) If you are born-again you have overcome the world by God’s gift of salvation given to you and 2) the faith He gave you to believe in Jesus Christ “is the victory that overcomes the world.” This is where you must first stand, in order to overcome the world. Next, “But far be it from me,” the Apostle Paul says, “to boast except in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world” (Galatians 6:4). This is the next ground to stand, personal crucifixion to the world. Notice Paul says, “to me”? Paul considered the world crucified to him, and him to the world. You personally must embrace the world crucified to you, and you to the world— more importantly, realize that it has been at the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, for he says “by which.”

Don’t Forget There Is A Present Overcoming

Since you have overcome, there is now an “overcoming” to fulfill. “And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever,” this is why the Apostle Paul says, “Be not conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that by testing you may be able to discern what the will of God is; what is good, perfect and acceptable” (1 John 2:17, Romans 12:2-3). 1) You must recognize the world’s lusts, and pride are not eternal substances. There is nothing the world has that lasts, but everything in it is perishing 2) You must first, stop conforming to the world by resistance, then submit your mind to be renewed in the truth and Word in order to understand with testing what God’s will is and 3) Once you know His will, do it and you will “abide forever.”

Simplicity In Overcoming

This really is the simple essence of overcoming the world: 1) Being born again 2) God’s faith given to you to believe in Christ 3) United in Christ’s death at His Cross, realizing your personal crucifixion to the world and the world to you 4) Be not conformed to the world, but be transformed in mind and 5) Do the will of God.

Pam Sheppard Ministries has such rich experience in how to overcome the world. We offer exhortation, counsel, and wisdom to bring light and truth to your walk in the world and not being of the world. The Lord prayed that His disciples not be taken out of the world, but that the Father keep them from the evil one (John 17:15). We cannot run away from the world and live in a cave. We must be in the world and do the will of God. Contact 888-818-1117 if you are struggling with the world, temptation, and oppression. We can help!

Saints, continue to be found, “overcoming the world.”

Hits: 302

Having Faith In Perilous Times

It’s without doubt how we are emerging into what will be the most perilous times. Times never seen on the history of the earth. We will see specifically why they are perilous, to have faith, and to overcome. It’s either have faith in perilous times, or fall away…

The Prophecy Of Paul—Last Days Wicked “Christians”

Wickedness is not new under the sun. There has always been wicked times in the world. However, the wickedness in the world is unique now, because of the overall working of lawlessness. Fallen angels interfering with men. The global deception. And specifically, “God’s people” departing from the faith, and wicked men claiming to belong to Christ.

The Apostle Paul warned about men in the last days who would come in, claiming to be followers of Christ. Many Christians erroneously think that Paul is talking about the “unsaved” but Paul is speaking to Timothy and giving counsel on how to oversee God’s people. It says,

“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men (professing Christians) will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” (2 Tim. 3:1-5)

The overall denial of the faith from the majority professing to be Christian is a huge reason for why there’s peril. This Scripture is Paul’s prophetic insight in the last days, and this is why times will be hard, “for Christians will be as these.”

Having Faith To Leave The Perilous Environment

Notice how he says, “turn away from people like this”? And how many people, churches, and “believers” who profess Christianity are as these? And indeed, we must turn away from Christians who are like these. We must have faith, and leave. Having faith is the key to walk through trials and the fires that surround them. Even in our unique wicked times, it’s the way to overcome.

At Pam Sheppard Ministries we are a place that you can run to. Every church is the reason why the times are peril, because of “men like these,” the overall apostasy of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel, and their religious works of death. We are here for you, as a ministry to help you have faith in these times. To encourage you, by the grace given to us.

Overcoming Means Being Surrounded By True Believers

This is how you overcome, “to be encouraged by one another day by day” (Hebrews 3:13). It’s within each day of encouragement that sin does not deceive us and make in us a harden heart. Our ministry, is a ministry if you are trying to overcome the perilous times, remain faithful, and not be deceived.

You will not overcome the peril of the last days if you are surrounded by a bunch of “lovers of themselves, money, pleasure” and so on. How can you? “Bad company corrupts good morals.” You can not possibly think that being surround by end times Christians as Paul prophesied about and not be effected by them.

We understand, for most of us here were once in the religious system. Contact us at 888-818-1117 if you need help, counsel, and are struggling with your faith, and feeling overcome by the peril. God did not design His people to be overcome by evil, but for His people to overcome evil with good.

Hits: 1077

The Reason For Counseling

“Image from Small Council”

King Solomon, next to Christ, was the wisest man who ever lived. In the Proverbs he wrote by the Spirit, “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisors there is deliverance,” and, “Plans are established by counsel; by wise guidance wage war” (Pro. 15:22, 20:18). This is the reason for counseling: success.

In our day and age deliverance is not as simple as it seems in the Gospels. Only one person who had demons cast out of her, remained an active follower of Christ, Mary Magdalene. All other accounts of demonic deliverance we don’t hear of them more in the Scriptures. Of course, they may not have needed to be mentioned, but regardless this is to tell us something.

The reason why deliverance is more complicated now, is because of the highly unusual amount of demonic activity in the world. There simply is too much occult, religious, and spiritual deception at work that makes casting out demons potentially futile if all the grounds of Satan are not exposed and taken back and recovered by the captive soul.

Many people, like those in the Gospel, simply want to be “free” from the grip of demons but they ultimately ignore what true freedom is, namely Christ. Their vision of freedom is only to the extent of their bondage being broken, but not seeing that further down the line of freedom is the ultimate deliverance of being born-again in Christ and becoming an heir of salvation.

This is why at our ministry, we do not simply “cast out demons.” Although we have the authority to do so, we are more centered on Christ and desiring that you experience the ultimate freedom of being born-again. This entire concept does require counsel.

Counsel is in essence “guidance.” Guidance is for one who is “lost” and confused and needs to find the right way. This is what our ministry achieves, and why there is a success of long-term freedom for those who comply. Because if one does not receive counsel, even after being delivered, as Solomon says, “their plans will fail.” The plans will fail because they don’t have the resources provided by advisors to keep them in step on the right path. This is why an abundance of advisors there is deliverance, because plans are achieved and succeed. The “failure” or “fall” that could have happen is absent, and the person is able to walk in freedom and succeed, the reason for counseling.

Spiritual warfare cannot be achieved without wisdom and that wisdom comes from the wise and counselors. Since counselors are able to give “wise guidance” in order for you to “wage war.” You cannot wage war with Satan, the Deceiver of the entire Earth, if you don’t have wise guidance given by someone with experience and skilled in righteousness. What’s horrible to see is someone think they can do it all without counsel, and then become “devoured” by the adversary lion that Satan is because simply the person was not “sober” in mind, and they forgot the reason for counseling.

Sober mindedness is achieved by heeding to the warning of others, and remember the reason for counseling. Warning comes from one who is skilled in counsel, and has wise guidance. You see where this goes? Either be sober and listen and receive counsel and achieve; or be not-alert and hard-hearted and ignore counsel and thus fail…..

Hits: 922