Nigerian Witchcraft and It’s Dangers

     Written by Abbi


Nigerian witchcraft and it’s dangers is something my Nigerian family often mentioned to me. Growing up in America, I remember hearing about Nigerian witchcraft; there was so much that I didn’t understand, especially why it was so popular. Some of the things I saw were professing Christians practicing witchcraft type behaviors and seeing nothing wrong with it. I saw Nigerians blend witchcraft practices into their everyday lives. Eventually, those same patterns of occult witchcraft started to influence me, particularly when I was emotionally stressed. This led to turmoil and unhappiness in my life.

The Problems of Nigerian Witchcraft Are Commonly Known Among Nigerians

Many Nigerian families have had conversations about Nigerian witchcraft and it’s dangers. It is portrayed in Nigerian movies; whether as a parody or used as a life lesson warning about why it is so dangerous. I became used to hearing stories of disturbing or unusual potions put together to achieve some desired goal. The inevitable result was; tragedies happening to that person who started those potions and it was the talk of the town. Other Nigerian Americans I knew had similar experiences hearing these stories.

Nigerian witchcraft and it’s dangerous risks are still present despite the knowledge of it’s damaging effects. The love of money, fear, desperation, greed, pride, lust, and generational influences may drive witchcraft behavior. Generational influences that promote witchcraft as acceptable can be passed down. Parents can influence children to believe in witchcraft. The expectation and pressure to continue any cultural witchcraft can be strong.

Fear is an emotion that can lead people to witchcraft. This can grow to the point where the individual loses common sense judgment to make sound decisions. I believe that fear is important for everyone to address. It’s also key to identify what are your deep fears; this knowledge can reduce the risk of seeking witchcraft.

The Damaging Attacks and Control

Witchcraft can cause evil spirits to attack that individual who partakes in it, leading to emotional pain, mental aguish, and repetitive harmful choices in ones life. Demons and fallen angels coming in control of ones life can lead to spiritual torment; evil spirits will continue to fight your individuality, and they will work to try to destroy you in whatever way they think they can. The individual who partakes in witchcraft can be controlled in a way that they lose sight of who they are, and become bound to evil spirits, as if they are in prison. It is noteworthy to point out; since demons and fallen angels hate all humans, the end result is that those evil spirits will eventually turn on you.

I am happy that God saved and protected me from witchcraft. Amazingly, despite my unwise participation; he intervened. What’s even more wonderful is that; miraculously, God caused me to have an unforgettable salvation experience in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Regardless of how long it took for me to realize that all forms of witchcraft and occultism is a recipe for disaster, it was a powerful lesson learned. I am grateful that God saved me from the dangers of witchcraft occult.

Resist Nigerian Witchcraft Practices

It’s important to take action against Nigerian witchcraft. Resisting it’s practices helps one break free from this evil. No matter how small the act is or how meaningless it may seem, these practices risk having a long lasting harmful presence in your life. It will grow into a burden of continuous darkness. I also believe that superstitious behaviors can influence a person to do witchcraft behaviors. This should be examined and addressed to see if it’s a problem that needs to be overturned in your life.

Nigerian witchcraft can begin at a young age. Parents can invoke fear to children that witchcraft is a last resort when things go wrong. This can continue on as an adult. When it comes to prayer, it can be used as a form of witchcraft; some are taught that this is acceptable. Those who do controlling prayers to cause harm to another person are doing a form of witchcraft.

Examine Yourself

Professing Christians who do witchcraft type behaviors likely do not realize they had a false born again experience. Deceiving spirits strongly influence these individuals. It’s up to the Holy Spirit to give that person a wake up call that it’s deceiving spirits who strongly influence these individuals. A professing Christian’s faith must be examined, especially if the individual finds that he or she is drawn to seducing spirits.

Spells, magic, curses lead to the dark world of evil and can ruin an individuals life. These acts attach the person to the evil spirit realm causing one to be the devils toy. Plus, it gives the enemy permission to control their life. The goal of evil spirits is to eventually destroy the individual in whatever way they can. Many are blind to the fact that evil spirits do not like humans at all. They may try to allude to trying to help the individual, but their ultimate goal is to try to take you down, no matter who you are.

Human Sinful Desires

People use Nigerian witchcraft to get something they want. The sinful nature of all humans are reasons that often lead one to Nigerian witchcraft and it’s dangers. Examples are that a person’s goal may be to steal from others or get rich quickly. Other times it could be to find love or lust. In Nigerian witchcraft, the practicing person, intends to cause harm to another. Nigerians grow up hearing stories about ghastly witchcraft outcomes. Time after time, the story ends with the person who did witchcraft, going through dangerous despair themselves as a result of the witchcraft practiced.

The many angles of Nigerian witchcraft can become filled with patterns of unrealism and thoughts. When a person becomes drawn by these thoughts, the individual becomes a captive to the idea of witchcraft. They let witchcraft take over their lives and cause fear in them. As a result, the aspects of witchcraft, controls their life. That individual must learn to remove the obsession and fear of witchcraft and renounce it.

The Importance of Rejecting Nigerian Witchcraft

I am glad to hear about Nigerians who want to stop the spread of Nigerian witchcraft and it’s dangers in Nigerian society. I urge Nigerians to continue to be alert and cautious to the many ways that witchcraft still exist. The controlling aspect of witchcraft often goes unnoticed, and it puts those who are easily influenced, at risk of being subjected to witchcraft personalities.

Despite generational impact that Nigerian witchcraft can have on a person, the good news is that one can rebuke those witchcraft influences! This is one of the most encouraging things that I learned when I came into Pam Sheppard Ministries; the truth strengthened me as I rid myself of occultist desires.

Nigerian witchcraft can lead to a road of spiritual torment, especially if the individual chooses to mix Christianity. Pam Sheppard Ministries is able to help with any sort of struggle like this.

Get Help So That You Can Overcome

Pastor Pam helped give me the strength to overcome witchcraft influences. She was formerly involved in the occult and became born again in Jesus Christ of Nazareth on March 29, 1977. She coached and counseled me so that I can recover from the aspects of witchcraft and many other spiritual problems. I also read her various meaty books. Those books gave me in depth insight about the deceptive witchcraft evil spirits, coming into individuals lives.

A helpful book to read is: The New Idolatry. This is a book that really helped me. For this book, click the book image below. To contact PSM, call 1-888-818-1117 or email

Hits: 1903

Saying No To Passivity Leads to the Path of Freedom

Get rid of passivity and be led to freedom

When it comes to deliverance, saying no to passivity leads to the path of freedom. Passivity refers to inactivity, particularly inactivity of who you are, your thoughts, decisions, and free will power. The topic of passivity is so important during these times for several reasons: one of them is that passivity is providing an invitation to evil spirits and as a result, there are people suffering. People all over the world are experiencing the spiritual battles that fallen angels and demons are igniting.

Christians Influenced to Be Passive

The church system promotes that Christians should be passive in order to be blessed by God. Their teachings lead to heavy influences. This causes people to let go of their common sense thinking. Christian religious followers who believe in false doctrines, rely on a false god to make decisions for them. In addition, when the dark forces of evil spirits pretend to be of God, a professing Christian is at risk of accepting any messages that imposter sends to them.

When I was an avid churchgoer I thought I needed God to make basic, common sense decisions for me. I depended on God to decide almost everything for me. What words I should say, what choices I should make, what housing I should live in, and so on. The passivity continued spiritually when I would assume that all supernatural type experiences were from God. As a result, I without hesitation, listened to the messages. That turned out to be a disaster because those messages were not from God but from evil spirits pretending to be God.

Passivity Leads To Attacks By The Enemy

The evil spirits weapon of choice used against me were futuristic dreams, visions and hearing of voices. This caused a lot of damage to a time in my life that I had to recover from by the grace of God’s help.

As I continued in a church system that never provided me the spiritual truth, depth, or meat I was looking for, I became lost in who I was. It took the grace of God and the help of the Holy Spirit to show me that I had a false salvation experience when I followed the alter call.

I realized that I was worshipping the fake Jesus. How did God reveal this to me? He led me to find Pastor Pam Sheppard, who had the knowledge to teach me that because I had been obeying a religious and witchcraft spirit, it had gained such access to my soul, and I provided them with fuel to continue to torment me. With her help, I learned about the tricks and deception that evil spirits were spreading in the church system and all over the world. Others were not able to teach me and help me like she did.

Darkness in The Church System

I realized that tricks of evil spirits where hidden within the church system and they even attempted to influence my family members. Fallen angels and demons can use people that you know to influence you. If allowed, they can speak through to people at times. They often use those who are deceived about the manipulation that Satan is causing in the institutional church system.

Some religious believers professing to be Christian can unknowingly spread Satan’s agenda. As a result, it leads to spoken words that appear to be Godly, or prophetic but are false, psychic predictions. The devil spreads lies and tries to cause ruin in their targets life. The person who accepts these words without testing these words are an example of that individual being passive.

Unbeknownst to many, there is an enormous population that are worshipping a religious evil spirit. When this happens the enemy strikes and can cause spiritual manifestations. Manifestations like hearing voices, tormenting visions, spirit rape, demonic nightmares and even physical torment are just some examples.

The Invitation

Passivity invites evil spirits inside a person’s soul when they go into an altered state. Being in an altered state is a very specific form and doorway to passivity. In the religious church system, certain acts induce an altered state and a passive mind, and thus usher in the worship of a religious evil spirit. Holy dancing, being slain in the spirit are a few examples that happen in the institutional church system.

Those who engage in meditation, yoga, Buddhist, and Hindu practices may have heard about chakras. People are trying to open their chakras and channel Kundalini energy. This claims to enlighten the person. These acts are one of the popular forms of spiritual passivity happening in many parts of the world. People are also doing this in the United States, and it can be very dangerous! For more information about this topic, click here for this article. One of the big takeaways about the subject matter of passivity is that in order for demons to get into your soul, being in an altered state gives demons that doorway access.

Passivity can occur in all walks of life because the world has a tendency to say in various ways, that their ways are the best. In addition, there is a frequent push to promote that your free will common sense needs to be tossed aside. When one gets involved in the religious church system, the risk of being passive, becomes 10 fold.

Resist Passivity

When I continued counseling with Pastor Pam, I strengthened up my will power to be able to fight for myself in a healthy way. It was assertion that she helped me build up. Saying no to passivity leads to the path of freedom and I used my free will to resist the devil and all his tactics. Building up my free will led me down the road to recovery. I received freedom from the bombarding words of evil spirits speaking to me continuously.

When a psychic approached me after I had been in counseling with Pastor Pam, I ignored the psychics advances to try to give me a a psychic reading because I knew that by stopping to listen to that woman say words that supposedly predicted my future, it was an attempt of setting me up by witchcraft evil spirits. They attempted to manipulate me by trying to get me to listen to their words for a long time, and cause danger. See scriptures on the dangers of fortune tellers and psychics ( Deuteronomy 18:9-12; Leviticus 19-31; 1 Chronicles 10:13-14: Isaiah 8:19, 2 Chronicles 33:6)

I shed that religious expectation that I needed to be passive at all times. Importantly I got rid of that religious thinking that I had to accept every religious prediction, religious prayer, and “special message.” That sort of teaching promotes one to accept every word of faith doctrine, laying of hands, “thus sayeth the Lord” message. When your safety is in jeopardy, it’s important to think about your safety and be careful not to agree to what is malicious.

Breaking Free From Passivity

Your talents and personality that make you different than others, become preserved when you continue to break free from passivity. One must be aware to the wiles of the enemy in all systems, including the institutional church system, so that you do not fall prey to demonic and fallen angel spirits that try to ensnare you by getting you to worship them.

My pastor, Pam Sheppard, continued to mentor me and my passivity lessened. The religious have tried to influence me. Some tried to put strange ideas in my head that did not originate from me. When this happened, I would stand my ground. I encountered pushy people at work, and some random strangers. It started to become easy to say “No that is not what I believe, No this is not what I want.” The devil has tried it’s different methods to use people to try to influence me in ways that would be harmful to my well being, however, saying no to passivity leads to the path of freedom. Not being passive was the key to my strength in this arena

The Importance of Your Will Power

After I left the institutional church system, tormenting religious evil spirits started to lessen. Evil spirits will try to send messages to you, so the will power must be utilized at all times. The goal is for your mind to resist and block away any of these messages and prevent you from being under demonic control. Your will power is essential to getting you down the road to recovery. It is one of the biggest components to deliverance.

Evil spirits will take advantage of those who are both passive in the natural and spiritually passive. Getting rid of passivity is the armor that you will need to break free from the bondage of captivity by evil spirits. Learning to stop being passive can take time and you may likely need help with this. You can receive help from PSM. We offer coaching, counseling and mentorship to help you with any spiritual battles you may be experiencing. You can also get the help that you need by reading books by Pastor Pam. In particular the book: The Church of the End time Zombies, is a great resource for you when it comes to learning about passivity and getting led down to the path of freedom.ed

Click the Image Below for the Book: The Church of The End-Time Zombies

Hits: 952

Fear No Evil: A Reflection

Whether born again or not born again yet, we all can benefit from this audio by Pastor Pamela Sheppard. It’s encouraging. There is reassurance with passionate delivery, as this subject was taught. I am reminded of how faith in Christ gives a born again person unforgettable strength. Both spiritual and resilience in many ways. Based on my experience, this strength grows and grows.  Christ defeated death himself, so it makes sense that a born again person in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, does not panic when it comes to the idea of death.

The saved born again person relies on God’s plan and has peace because of faith that God will fulfill his purpose with his elect before their time comes. One day those born again elect, their bodies will be immortal and Spirit is eternally changed.

The devil wants us to panic and he gleefully and easily wreaks havoc when it comes to curses. Fear of curses are prominent in Africa. I’ve heard of many stories from my own family. It seems like every part of Africa has that same thinking that if a series of bad things are happening then it means that someone put a curse on them. Once that thought is planted in the person’s mind that they have been cursed, this is when the chaos gets worse. The panic occurs. The fear, and drastic behaviors that can even put them in harms way, start to happen. So, the person doesn’t realize they are pretty much working along with the so called curse to happen or just straight up cursing their self.

There are many other races that allow themselves to believe the same things that Africans do about curses, including black folk. One lets the devil win when they allow a supposed curse to come to life in their minds. 

After listening to this I thought, yes! Those born again in Jesus Christ of Nazareth are warriors. We are fighters. Faith in Christ means you do not whimper in fear when things go wrong. Instead, you are encouraged and empowered because you have faith in Christ. For example, personally speaking, I understand the love from God that he has given to us because of Christs sacrifice and then his powerful resurrection. Ones entire nature changes when you get born again. Translated out of darkness and out of that tendency to be fearful like the world so often tries to cause. A true born again person is a soldier. A fighter that is spiritually strong and filled with courage. This audio is a great message.

For more about the subject of fearing no evil, click below for a copy of Kindle Book: Face The Devil.

Hits: 1201

Seeking Approval From Others

Seeking Approval From Others: A Closer Look

Are you a Christian seeking approval from others? Are you bending over backwards, trying to fit in somewhere? There are some that are anxiously seeking approval from others. This can lead to a lack of identity. It can also lead to people pleasing a group or a person so that they can fit in. There can be this expectation that one must morph into an unrealistic person. Yet time and time again, life shows us this is unhealthy. Being who you are and accepted for that is the beauty of true friendship and love. Many times I have seen in Christian religious settings how badly people pretend to be who they are not.

The Role That Church Plays

The church system in today’s age has a part in all this. Countless individuals lose their sense of self. They spend time trying to be a person that they are not. For example one of the most common things the church pressures is to have instant faith in Jesus.

Individuals not yet born again in the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth are trying to create instant salvation. The person may do this in order to impress their peers in the church. This results in a false conversion and false faith. However, the person continues to sin over and over again. In addition the person is subjected to unknowingly worshipping a religious evil spirit. These spirits will find a way to wreak some sort of unhealthy chaos in their life.

The Real You Matters

The Real You

It is common to feel the need to be appreciated but pretending to be who you are not doesn’t help a real relationship grow for the better. A group, friend, or any type of relationship you value should be allowed to see the real you and if there is fear of showing who one really is, that needs to be examined and prodded into why this is so. An individual acting different than who they are becomes a secretive person. Then the one on the receiving end has no idea who this person really is.

Wanting Approval in Church

Unfortunately a lot of this is going on in the institutional church system. People are putting on a fake persona and may do religious practices as a result. To add to this people have the idea that attending church regularly makes you automatically “good”. A person can trick their mind into thinking that doing habitual religious church practices means they are holy but unfortunately that persons dark sinful nature likely gets excused away.

Churches, historically in the Bible were meant to teach and preach the gospel of Christ, in addition edify born again Christians who were given faith to believe in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and warn true believers of evil among their environment. Now in the church system, they are about promoting people to “accept Jesus” and making it seem like an individual can make a decision to be a born again Christian. Many actually have no desire for Christ at all.

It is human pattern to want varying types of relationships. When it gets to the extent that a person becomes desperate for acceptance we need to stop and think why we are doing this. What is the underlying issue? An individual struggling with seeking approval from others should evaluate their selves. Has it gotten to the extent where one is pretending to be who they are not? Is this a self esteem issue? Are we incapable of facing our fears?

Seeking Approval

Seeking approval from others was a problem for me in the past. I had to fight against this issue. Years ago I went to church consistently. I didn’t get the support I was looking for and could not find real genuine love and encouragement from people that claimed to offer this. There was a struggle with standing firm with who I was. I tried to fit into the idealism of who the church system thought I should be. This didn’t help me at all. In fact it worsened my struggles with this issue.

Thankfully, the Holy Spirit led me to Pastor Pamela Sheppard and her Ministry. I learned to detox from religious bondage. I broke free! Pastor Pam realistically empowered me to strive to be the best me I can be. As she has continued to mentor, coach and counsel me, she has shown what true support and love is and that being the real me is valued. I understand the importance of being my true self.

Seeking Approval: Help Is Available

At Pam Sheppard Ministries we have the ability to help you if you are struggling with this problem. Also, we are able to provide counseling for your specific target problem areas. If you want our help, call 1-888-818-1117 or email We also have many resources that can help you, including varying books, e-books, and Kindle books that can guide you. The Kindle Book Beware Christian: Religion Produces Zombies is certainly an eye opener!

We also have another website: Resurrection Solutions available for you to learn the uncovered truths that have been hidden to many. You can view our membership options and select which choice you think is best for you.

Hits: 1460

Let the Truth Break the Shackles of Captivity!

Freedom From Captivity By Truth
Freedom From Captivity By Truth

In order to let the truth break the shackles of captivity, truth in all aspects must be embraced. Those who are in need of deliverance often go straight to wanting demons to be cast out from them. The common problem is the lack of knowledge that a person can actually let the truth break the shackles of captivity. Many do not realize the power the truth truly has on an individual seeking to be set free from demonic captivity.

There is a reason an individual becomes in bondage to a demon. A demon cannot have access to an individual unless that person becomes passive, gives up their free will, and allows that demon to infiltrate their life. An altered state of consciousness is the pathway demons use to access your soul. Captivity can cause a religious or witchcraft demon to carry out emotional distress such as torment, fear, anxiety, and worry. Also these evil spirits can produce demonic manifestations of visions, dreams, hallucinations, and hearing voices.

Be Undeceived in Order to Undeceive Others

When the individual becomes a captive, the person that captive goes to for help, is key. At Pam Sheppard Ministries, we have discovered that many individuals that have found themselves in demonic captivity, professed to be Christians. Here lies a big part of the problem. A vast majority of the professing Christian world have often unknowingly, accepted a religious demon or religious fallen angel, during Christian worship. So the deliverance worker must be free from such evil spirit deception in order to help the captive. How can a person who themself is unknowingly worshipping a demonic spirit masquerading as Jesus Christ, help set free a captive in need of deliverance? So the deliverance worker who is undeceived and not kept bound by demons is important.

It’s important for the deliverance worker to have the knowledge of what a true salvation experience is. Knowledge about the demonic deception happening all over the world, including in the professing Christian community is also vital. When truly casting out demons from a captive, true salvation in Jesus Christ of Nazareth is important. The Lord did set captives free by casting demons out, yet other times he set people free by truth. A deliverance counselor not yet born again but thoroughly equipped with the truth of all the deceptive ways evil spirits operate, may help set the captive free by truth!!

Deliverance By Truth

The truth alone can definitely set free a captive. The truth in deliverance is such a powerful weapon against all sorts of evil spirits: whether witchcraft, occult, or religious. If it is a fallen angel, this sort of evil spirit does not enter and stay in the individual like a demon does. Fallen angels and demons can walk away when the individual is set free by truth. The truth packs a powerful punch in this world of extreme deception by evil spirits. In scripture, Paul states that Satan is the god of this age and that he has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. (2 Corinthians 4:4). Satan has blinded the minds of unbelievers and is the deceiver of the world, relentlessly seeking to hide any form of truth to whoever he can, even those on the path to salvation. He will even try to deceive those who have been born again in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, in other various methods so the born again individual must still be vigilant.

An Agenda of Lies

In this world of worldwide Satanic deception, lies are the norm in every system the world has to offer. Whether corporate, business, politics, education, and yes religion, Satan has a seat in it. He has an agenda of lies and secrets set to cause destruction to whom he can possibly get a hold of. Even those who profess to be Christians in the institutional church carry out secretive or hidden ways as evidenced by portraying a façade personality, passive aggressiveness, and religious phony behaviors.

All Things in Jesus Christ Brings Freedom

Satan and his armies rely so heavily on lies in order to implement their deception and bondage; this includes partial truths, because a “partial truth” is still a lie. Since this is the case, one can see why the knowledge and embracing of the truth is highly essential during spiritual warfare against evil spirits. A professing Christian who was tricked to worship a religious evil spirit can be set free by truth in many ways. An example is to discover how and why the individual had a false conversion and was led to worship a false Christ. As a result, that individual can renounce the evil spirit they were unknowingly worshipping. Another is when the captive is truthful in all ways about who they really are and as they reveal the truth, gives the deliverance counselor the ability to uncover what secrets and lies the enemy is holding against the captive. When it comes to the truth, Jesus said: he is the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through him. (John 14:6).

The Unfolding of Truths and the Road to Freedom

The truth may be hard at first to accept but it is freeing! We’ve become accustomed to live in a world where all we want to hear is what we want to hear. People tend to ignore the truth because it may not be what they want or expect but ultimately the truth is freeing and that’s what deliverance is all about. Yes the sting of the truth may occur but eventually you are healed!! Suppose a parent suspects their child is engaging in dangerous activity but is afraid to know the truth so they ignore and avoid all the warning signs. But suppose that parent confronts the truth..yes the sting and pain of finding out may be there, but at least it’s freeing to know what their child is going through. They can then take the necessary steps of how to handle their situation.

My Own Connection to Deliverance and Truth

I myself have personal knowledge and experience with needing deliverance and thankfully have received freedom from demonic captivity with the help of counseling by Pastor Pam Sheppard, who has worked with me so well, due to her undeniable embrace of the truth in all ways. Counseling with her has revealed my strengths, weaknesses, talents, mistakes, flaws, improvements, and successes. In counseling, I do not get “puffed up” and my weaknesses may certainly be pointed out. I get the real truth and nothing but it. The truth not only strengthened me but set me free.

The Keys to Unlock the Shackles Are Obtainable

It’s so important to embrace the truth in every aspect otherwise if demons already have a strong hold over you, they will try to make you suffer by surrounding you with lies. If you choose to live in a fantasy, or accept lies then you live in darkness and refuse to accept what is real. This all causes you to stay a captive instead of freed. This is why it’s important to let the truth break the shackles of captivity.

To learn more about deliverance and deliverance counseling from Pam Sheppard Ministries, call 1-888-818-1117.

We also have a website that centers on the power of the truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. All deception and lies are uncovered. For those interested in membership, several options are available.

Hits: 1207

When Satan Threatens Your Daily Bread


When Satan Threatens Your Daily Bread

When Satan threatens your daily bread, one may wonder how to handle this. Most of us maintain our daily bread by earning a living every day. I’ve wondered why for some, work life can be challenging, filled with distressing emotions: from anger, fear, to disappointment, embarrassment, and envy the list goes on and on. I’ve asked myself, is it stemming all from our mistakes? Is it everyone else’s fault and not ours? Or is it the devil?

 The answer is we ourselves can play a part in the down fall and decline in our work life based on our choices, difficult colleagues can make it a challenge to achieve success (if we allow them to), AND the enemy can play a hand in this as well. He can appear to threaten your daily bread. 

 When Satan threatens your daily bread, fear and worry are emotions that may ensue. The individual must realize this is what the enemy wants! He wants you to be afraid and think the worst of the worst is going to happen, whether at work or any other aspect of your life. 

We must not make every lecture, correction, mistakes pointed out seem like a catastrophic event and allow sheer panic to occur. This type of panic allows fear and worry to control us, to the point where we then may make errors that were avoidable. 

Your Daily Bread:The Influences of Religion and Fear 

Years ago, I used to often attend church on Sundays. I prayed, read the Bible, and requested for prayers. No matter the Christian religious activities I did, I was a fearful person, in every aspect of my life. To make it worse, I did not use my common sense when making decisions. I was religious and went to God for problems I could have taken care of myself by using the free will He gave me. Instead, I expected things would run smoothly without having to put much effort. 

I was passive and so religious that it caused me to overlook all the ways I could change for the better. When you use your God given free will, instead of religious passivity, you can improve in many ways. You can improve how you handle stress at work and your overall life. Instead of facing reality and working on strengthening areas that needed help, I unknowingly allowed fear to be my main fuel. That fear became a habit.

It was not until I discovered I had a false conversion that I realized how contradictory it was to profess to be a Christian but be so filled with worry and fear all the time. 

When you become truly born again in Jesus Christ of Nazareth and you walk in the Spirit and not the flesh, you have all the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23). With these fruits fear or worry will not rule you in any aspect of your life. 

When you have not conquered your fears, Satan takes advantage of this and plants thoughts of uncertainty in your mind. As your fear continues; confusion, distraction, irritation, anger, sadness, may also occur and this adds nothing but more heavy stress and worry in your daily living. 

The Nourishment: Jesus Rejects the Devils Temptations 

Our jobs give us our daily bread, but when Satan threatens our daily bread, we risk not staying focused because of worry. When this happens we can be tempted by the devil to make foolish decisions. Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and afterwards the devil appeared to him with temptations. Jesus was tempted by Satan at the wilderness, mocking him by saying, if you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread. Jesus responded with: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). Satan was trying hard to put thoughts into the Lord’s head. Despite Satan’s mockery, Jesus held strong and said he would not do that. 

Jesus did not have to prove anything to the devil. This was a clear temptation tactic to get Jesus to sin. Jesus knows what he can do, he knows what he is capable of, and he refused to let the enemy tell him to do something that was not right. This was clearly a set up to try to convince and coerce the Lord. The Lord not only refuses to turn those stones to become bread but he gives a strong answer representing his faith and certainty of God’s truth. 

Moreover, the Lord is telling the enemy: life is more than what you the devil are obsessing about. What’s important is not about showing off to you what I can do, what’s important is the word of God, it’s not about money, but God’s word is what fulfills me. God’s word is fulfilling and will sustain me even though right now I have no food. God gives me what he knows I need. 

The Lord was tempted to be a show off and try to prove himself. He was tempted to even feel insecure about God’s support of him, yet he didn’t fall for any of it. The Lord values God’s word more than trying to eat when he was not ready to eat. 

To all out there who are gaining from the truths you have learned at Pam Sheppard Ministries, the Holy Spirit may be giving some the belief and understanding about Satan’s deceptions, including in institutional church settings. It’s important to not let the devil distract you from what’s important. Our daily bread is certainly needed but when it appears to be threatened, panic is not the way to go. In fact, fear can cause you to unknowingly put yourself at risk of having an unhealthy way of living. 

The word of God is truth.The Lord’s truths are sustaining, nourishes, and supplies you with all you need, including your daily bread. 

How to Take Action

It’s important to not excessively worship the actual bread itself but be thankful for it.

We must in addition, be careful and evaluate how we think we got born again, because a majority of those that say they are Christians may have had a counterfeit birth experience. Those that may be waiting for the Holy Spirit to lead them to have a true salvation experience may be allowing themselves to worry unnecessarily. As he has done with me, when God chooses to show you your problems with fear, he gives you the opportunity to face this problem and leads you to a path to overcome it. 

So examine yourself, your salvation experience and how you think you got born again. Does fear run every aspect of your life? Do you think your daily bread is being threatened? Do you suspect you may have had a false conversion? Pam Sheppard Ministries can help you see if you’ve had a false conversion, and take you to the next steps to overturn it. If you want our help, call 1-888-818-1117 or email

The book The Church of the Endtime Zombies will open your eyes to all the ways deception and darkness has infiltrated the professing Christian world; including church, Christian TV, books, famous evangelist teachings, and all related to this. Click HERE

We also have a must see website that talks about how the devil has caused people to not understand and undervalue the resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It reveals how Satan and his cohorts twisted this essential part of the gospel, causing worldwide false conversions. Our website also offers membership levels and more details about this are available when you click HERE

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How to Pray: Exposing Misconceptions

Most people don’t realize there is lack of knowledge when it comes to how to pray. Many assume that we need to tell God how he must handle our lives and the lives of others. This often leads to controlling, witchcraft like prayers that only do more harm than good. The underlying problem, first of all, that is causing people to have problems on knowing how to pray according to God’s accord, is that there are countless, untold masses that have had false conversions.

Before, establishing faithful prayer with God, those who have had a false conversion must realize they had one, renounce it, and overturn it.

The false conversion was started by a preacher named Charles Finney who in the 1830’s, introduced the I accept Jesus practice. Before the persuasion to “accept Jesus” took over, the gospel of Jesus was focused on and there was knowledge that salvation is given to us by God not of ourselves.

A historic document was prepared in 1689 called the Second London Baptist Confession, and was written by Particular Baptists, who held to a Calvinistic Soteriology in England to give a formal expression of their Christian faith from a Baptist perspective. This confession, like the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) and the Savoy Declaration (1658), was written by Puritans who were concerned that their particular church organisation reflect what they perceived to be Biblical teaching. Because it was adopted by the Philadelphia Association of Baptist Churches in the 18th century, it is also known as the Philadelphia Confession of Faith. The confession was first published in London in 1677 under the title “A confession of Faith put forth by the Elders and Brethren of many Congregations of Christians, Baptized upon Profession of their Faith in London and the Country. 

This document highlights man, by his fall into a state of sin, has completely lost all ability of will to perform any of the spiritual good which accompanies salvation. In short, the document shows that man is not reliable enough to choose God because his free will is too corrupt. So clearly, the Holy Spirit was in the church, prior to Charles Finney and the sinner’s prayer treachery. 

So when you accept Jesus, what is happening is many are worshiping a fallen angel religious evil spirit, pretending to be Jesus and that fallen angel is interepting their prayers. This leads people to be led astray when it comes to how to pray. The devil is confusing them, keeping them in darkness, and preventing them from praying with faith in God instead of fear. There is also the tendency to pray according to what one wants to satisfy their own flesh, wants, and needs, oftentimes these needs are entirely selfish and is not in line with what God has in store for them.

Want to pray to God in a way where you are able to be led in truth and down his path? When you pray, ask the Lord to expose the darkness surrounding you. You may be surprised what God reveals to you, as many who have done this have been shown just how much darkness and deception Satan has kept them in bondage to. He may also reveal what you are doing to repeatedly keep yourself in the dark and allow yourself to be easy prey to the devils schemes and deception.

Whether born again or not, you can learn a lot about God when you pray, yet praying according to God’s will is important. For the born again Christian, prayer is a special way to communicate with God and continue to build in your understanding of his ways so that you may better serve him but it is crucial to find out if you mistakenly are worshiping the fake Jesus.

During salvation, God comes to you, he calls you in his due time, he will show you your true wicked ways, when he is ready, and the Holy Spirit will lead you to repent. The key thing to understand is that God and the Holy Spirit shows this to you. Yes mans free will is granted and one of the multitudes of gifts from God, but when it comes to the grace of salvation from the life, death, and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, this gift is a supernatural experience, a gift entirely given by God; it is not of our own doing but God and the Holy Spirit leads us to salvation. He gives us the faith to believe in the death and ressurection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Such confusion about how to pray often has to do with folks underestimating God’s wisdom and fear often intertwines among this thinking. We then often think we must tell God what he must do for us in order to fix everything, leading us down the wrong path when it comes to how to pray. Often times when trouble arises in life, fear sets in, all common sense goes out the window, and leads to frantic prayers that may draw more fear, misunderstanding to your life.

Prayer IS a valuable form of communication with God, but it is essential to be conscious of whether we are going about it the wrong way. So let us consider wisdom when we come to terms of whether we even need to pray or not.

Many fail to understand that part of wisdom is being careful, observant, and knowing when to speak and when to listen (Proverbs 29: 3-11). An example that you may have already received God’s wisdom, would be, God revealing to you that you have put yourself under bondage to the devil by doing witchcraft, occult practices ( yoga, visiting psychic mediums, meditation, reading tarot cards, ) and yet still professing to be a Chriatian, as a result this is the reason you are battling with demons.

For help on how to pray, focus on exposure of what is hidden and what is God’s will, what does he intend for you. If you realize you where worshipping the fake Jesus and still struggling with ritualistic prayer, try letting go of expectating your every need and desire to be granted to you. Recognize that God does not grant us our every wish. Sometimes what we think is best for us, God may not think the same. Take hold of your God given common sense as your guide when you are making decisions, even difficult ones; when they are difficult remove your emotional hang ups and try to decide with logic, reasoning, and rational thought: and when you do this you may find that you may not need to pray. Allow yourself to be rid of a false conversion and worshipping the fake Jesus, so that one day God will birth you in his due time to be a new creature in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Then, enjoy prayer with an established faith and foundation with God.

For help regarding this topic, contact 1-888-818-1117 or email

The Fake Jesus is an excellent resource and may answer many more questions you may have; click on the book title link.

Are you interested in arming yourself with spiritual warfare? Click here

For courses, click on the link below

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Evil Spirits and Hearing Voices

to portary how evil spirits cause us to hear voices,

by gailatrescue


Evil spirits and hearing voices came into my life 5 years ago. I struggled with contention against them. At that time, evil spirits and hearing voices constantly and consistently appeared, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. It all started gradually when they would say one word every 5 to 10 minutes. They would say things like “leave”. Later on, it gradually turned into constant, long running words telling me to do things and talking about Jesus.

Those evil spirits and hearing voices grew stronger after I visited a psychic, who claimed that she could help me. The voices started telling me to leave my job and not to go back into that building. One day, I obeyed those evil spirits and I left my job. That was a big mistake. As soon as I obeyed them, I gave them authority and control over me, and with that, those evil spirits continued a 24/7 harassment, and not giving me any breaks or pauses.

Then, I discovered an article online written by Pastor Pam Sheppard. I called her and when we spoke about my situation, she had knowledge about evil spirits and hearing voices, and understood what was happening to me. One of the ways her knowledge was evident was when she made it clear that me obeying those spirits was the absolute wrong thing to do. She discerned fear coming from me, and she also knew that I was not really born again, even though I thought I was.

Eventually, Pastor Pam started counseling me and I watched many of her videos, read her articles, and read her books. One of the many great things that Pastor Pam and the Holy Spirit did for me was help me take back my free will. Like she says in the video below, we worked and worked and worked until I took back my God given free will!!! And yes, I am holding it dear to me.

There’s more. After being in counseling and mentoring with Pastor Pam for 5 years I have progressed tremendously. Those evil spirits and hearing voices dramatically decreased to the point where I would go days without hearing from them. To me that is a true miracle. I have found multiple jobs and have been able to easily work in different areas that I felt was a better fit for me, compared to before where I was living in fear about being unemployed and unsure of when I would ever receive another pay check again.

Then on July 21st, 2019 at 12 pm God did something tremendous for me. He gave me a true salvation experience, which was truly supernatural, and absolutely not of my own doing. I had no idea I would become born again that day and was definitely not expecting it.

You see, years ago as a teenager I “accepted Jesus”, when prompted by the preacher to walk down the aisle and do such a thing. Yet looking back I realized I accepted Jesus out of pressure and fear to do what was expected of me and because of the promise suggesting I would be saved just by accepting him.

Yet when those evil spirits and hearing voices, came to harass me, my prayers, church attendance, and reading the Bible only made the voices come stronger and led to an increasing mention about what Jesus thinks I should do. Yet their words about Jesus didn’t make sense. Everything they wanted me to do was not fruitful, did not help me in my life whatsoever. In contrast, anything I listened to them about, put me in danger. After being in counseling with Pastor Pam, she taught me that I had a false conversion and everything that I felt didn’t quite add up during my time of being religious, started to make sense to me. I was worshipping the fake Jesus and praying to him and when I found that out, I stopped worshipping the fake Fake Jesus completely, and I removed myself from all religious behaviors that had been deeply rooted in my life.

One of the ways I advanced against those evil spirits and hearing voices harassing me, was when I renounced my false conversion. Not too long after that, I no longer heard voices in my head saying “Jesus thinks this”, “Jesus thinks that”. At that point, my goal was to get those evil spirits and hearing voices to leave me alone and not talk to me about anything at all because they were still commenting about everything I was doing. Thankfully, the sound and hearing from them reduced significantly and dramatically as I continued being counseled and mentored by Pastor Pam and I was feeling relieved and grateful for this.

As far as true salvation, I learned from Pastor Pam about waiting on God’s call to cause my salvation. Besides, there was plenty of work I needed to do on my soul, due to all the years, since childhood, of damage, pain, insecurity, and worries lodged deep inside me.

Then, my day arrived. On July 21st, 2019, at Pastor Pam’s annual workshop, after she preached an incredibly powerful sermon the day before, a sermon so powerful that after hearing it, the next day, the Holy Spirit led me to think about Jesus. Next, the Holy Spirit led me to repent, have Godly sorrow, GAVE me a clear understanding of the resurrection, and GAVE me the pure awe, shock, happiness, and excitement that Jesus actually is alive!! I went from loudly sobbing and to joyful astonishment that Jesus is actually alive. As this was all happening, all who were in attendance at that workshop were cheerful and encouraging witnesses to this occasion.

Now today, I know that I am a new creation in Christ. His grace of everything he has done and the power that is Him with the faith given to me that He defeated death, has a resounding and continuing impact on me.

As for those evil spirits and hearing voices, even before I got born again, they had already dramatically reduced. Since my rebirth less than 2 months ago, I have observed even more change and improvement. My salvation experience is so unforgettable, that it is my weapon and shield against them. The peace that I have is wonderfully more consistent than before I got born again and the evil spirits and hearing voices continue to decrease even more and more than before. Each week, I notice even more improvement against them, in that their presence has and continues to diminish.

One would wonder was waiting for Five years for the Lord and my born again experience worth it? It definitely was. Why? Because in the first few years, once I realized I had a false conversion and was progressively undeceived, I realized how much of a gift that it was to be undeceived and aware of all of the devils schemes, plots. His countless and often hidden tactics to destroy have been uncovered and as a person who became privy to this information, I used this knowledge to my healthy advantage, going about my life, safely altering, adjusting my life decisions based on what I knew about Satan’s deception tactics. God has blessed me with the truth of all the enemy’s deception and I am continually grateful for that. So in the midst of waiting for my salvation experience, that gratefulness was sweet to have in itself, just like the first bite into your favorite fruit you’ve been longing for, that sweetness of truth was and is refreshing.

So over a five year period, I overturned my false conversion, realized that salvation is a gift from God, not of mans own doing, and I did not waver but remained steadfast to what I continued to learn from the help I received in weekly deliverance counseling sessions.

With guidance and counseling from Pastor Pam Sheppard, her teaching, experience, and own born again history, Once flighty, I am now resilient. I know that God intended to cause me to eventually enter His family.

For me, Being born again is worth all the waiting I have done, because the new creation that salvation in Jesus Christ has given to me is extremely fulfilling, rewarding, and sustains me. The grace of salvation by Christ is everlasting and irreplaceable of anything the world offers. The peace the Lord has given to me , I am thankful for it and will always be thankful for it. The Lord has taken me out of Satan’s dark world and and into his light of truth.

Pam Sheppard Ministries is THE place to be if you are lost and in the dark. The answers you have been looking for are right here. There are people who have been struggling with torment of all sorts whether by demons, fallen angels, or the family members and friends the enemy is using against them. Call 1-888-818-1117 if you would like to know more about Pam Sheppard Ministries and what help you can be offered.

To view Pastor Pam’s testimonials, click here.


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