Jesus Is The Name Above All Names

One of the major goals of the Enemy is to blow believers off course. He blows believers off the true path of salvation. How does he do it? He does it by operating through religion. His main goal is to twist
scripture by either passing off an outright lie or by mixing the Truth. We live in a society full of Information Overload. He interweaves spiritual lies in with a little of the truth to make the misinformation of lies palatable and believable. The goal is to get the believer to never suspect the lie or mixed truths. Mixed truths are pushed through religion to manipulate the minds of a sincere believer.

Mass Manipulation

Jesus warned us in the gospels that “false Christs” will arise and many will believe in a “Fake Jesus.” Satan and his henchmen have been using religion for centuries to distort scripture. One way he does this is by minimizing the divinity of our Lord Jesus. He manipulates believers through by placing emphasis on our
Heavenly Father while downplaying the divinity of Jesus. He does this by manipulating the minds of false teachers. False Teachers help spread lies that Jesus either has no divinity or is not the center of our worship. The Enemy uses clever techniques by shifting the emphasis on what names we shall call God.
Some religions like Jehovah’s Witnesses put great emphasis on calling God “Jehovah” while other religions insist on calling our Lord a Hebrew name like “Yahshua.” Despite religion, our Heavenly God makes it simple he commissioned that the name of Jesus is the Name above All names. This is one of the problems with religion is that religion complicates things but God intended for us to keep things simple. When we place our worship on the Father we actually quench the Holy Spirit. The Enemy loves to stir up confusion.

Stirring Up Confusion

Some religions only place Jesus at the back of worship teaching that Jesus is just a messenger or the Son God with no divinity. God is one depth but One that teaches simplicity that even a child could understand who Jesus truly is. However, our Heavenly Father makes it plain to us in the Hebrews that he
takes great delight in his son being God and keeping his son’s name simple. The Enemy minimizes the divinity of our Lord Jesus by complicating matters by distorting the name of God. The Enemy loves to gain worship for himself. He does this by minimizing our Trinity God as the true God and tricking
believers in worshipping “another Jesus” with a little ‘g’. When believers fall for ‘another Jesus with a little ‘g’ then Satan has accomplished his purpose and that is to deceive.

Come Out of Confusion

God is waking up his chosen Elect and he has instructed us to “Come out of Her.” When God says to “come out of her” he means that we wants us to come out from religion and mass confusion. You will need to detox and dry out from religion. More importantly, you will need to come out from serving “another
Jesus” with a little “g.” If you have fallen for false doctrines like the ‘I accept’ doctrine or perhaps the prosperity doctrine then you have fallen prey to a mixed truth and mass deception. If you are ready to break out of religious
confusion, consider purchasing this book. Buy Spiritual Gold, get this book! Or, if you have questions or if you would like to be counseled, call Pastor Pam toll free at 1-888-818-1117 at Pam Sheppard Ministries.

Hits: 589

Legalism Produces Cookie Cutter Christians

Legalism is nothing more than a list of do’s and don’ts. Satan is the god of this world and he has found a way to pollute the hearts and minds of the sincere. He pollutes the hearts and minds of believers by instilling undue fear. Undue Fear often stems from being told that a person must “beware of this or that.” Believers are wrongly taught to operate from a religious checklist.

Is A Religious Checklist God’s Way?

A religious checklist goes like this. Don’t eat pork. Don’t wear makeup. You must “accept God” in order to evade hell. The Enemy entices a believer with either a half truth or with an outright lie in order to get a person to react in a religious manner. Satan masquerades as an “angel of light” in hopes of getting a believer to accept a lie. Once a lie is accepted,  he then steals that person’s God given free will.  The Enemy’s goal is to gain worship for himself.  In turn, the religious trap is set. The trap is to make a person appear holy without any real divine power from God. For instance, he may trick people into believing that they must God consult on trivial matters. For instance, some believers fall for the lie that they must consult God on what shirt to wear. Something similar happened to me.

Leaving Legalism Behind

When I was a child, I grew up under a legalistic, religious group. Under this religious group, I picked up a legalistic mindset.  For instance, I was told that getting a college degree was useless because the “end is coming.” Nevertheless, I am glad I let commonsense prevail and I got my degree. Secondly, I believed their falsehoods about Jesus. For instance, I fell for the lie that Jesus is just the Son of God and not God. In fact, I learned through this ministry that Jesus is fully divine as God in the Flesh. Also, I falsely believed that I had to attend church or that I had to do some religious activity to know God. In fact, God does not want our vain, religious works. Instead, God that calls us and he orders our steps towards HIM by the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Dare To Be Different

Religion teaches people that the way to Christ is meeting a checklist. Eventually I left that group and I now realize that God does not want robots. Legalism is a poor attempt to legislate morality. God wants us to be unique, real, and open to bare our souls. Are you ready to challenge yourself? Do you dare to be different? If so, I recommend that you watch this video. In this video, Pastor Pam addresses the pitfalls of legalism.

Pam Sheppard Ministries is a safe place to bare your soul and we are here to help you detox from the toxicity of religion.

Here are 3 different ways you can reach this ministry:

1.) Call Pastor Pam toll free at 888-818-1117

2.) Email us at

3.) Join our RESCUE Fellowship discussion group on Facebook at

Hits: 1435

Is Salvation Dependent On Natural Faith Or Divine Faith?

It is important to understand that there are two kinds of faith: natural and divine or God’s own  faith, given to human beings. This article will explore the difference between the two kinds of faith. So the question becomes…is salvation dependent on natural faith or divine faith?

Consider what Pastor Pam wrote about faith:


Natural Faith Is Inherent in Us

The bible suggests that faith is evidence of what you actually believe. If it is snowing out real hard, and you stand at a bus stop waiting for the bus to come, that is natural faith. Your standing there is evidence of your faith in the bus company. This kind of natural faith is based on the fact that you have some experience with the bus company that supports the fact that snow does not stop them. If you did not know that, then standing there for hours without any sort of proof would be blind, irrational faith.

We go to bed at night, expecting to wake up in the morning by natural faith. We go to work, expecting a paycheck because we have a history with working first and receiving a paycheck later. The fact that we work without pay for two weeks or more is the evidence of our faith in our employer’s ability and inclination to pay us AFTER the fact.

When we get born again, we are given divine faith to believe on the bodily resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. No one can believe in the resurrection on human faith or natural based faith because we have no experience in the natural with anyone dying, coming back to life, never to die again. Certainly, we read about this in the bible but we have not experienced it ourselves. So God has to give us the faith to believe it.

To walk in the spirit, we do so on divine faith, given to us in a measure by the Holy Spirit. The more experiences and dealings with God we have, the stronger our faith becomes because it is built on trust.

Divine Faith

Part of trust is understanding that the Holy Spirit must be the one to bring to into reality a supernatural faith of substance that pleases God. Our own human based faith is simply deficient. Unfortunately, this current church system has wrongly taught that salvation is man’s choice to choose God. Nothing can be further from the truth, we have no ability to choose nor accept Jesus. Instead, we must wait on the divine calling of the Holy Spirit. It is the sole job of the Holy Spirit to cause the Elect to believe in the bodily resurrection. We can not truly walk in the spirit until the Holy Spirit gives a believer divine faith that is sufficient in the Eyes of God.

Our natural faith on its own can not reconcile or regenerate a dead spirit. A false conversion is spiritual conversion built on a religious lie. If this describes your current spiritual walk, there is very good news. Our mission is to Help you get on the right track and on to the narrow path of salvation. As you await salvation, Truth can help boost up your natural faith in order to have the patience to wait on the Holy Spirit’s timing and prompting to real salvation.

I was once like you, I believed so many religious lies. However, it is was my torment that caused me to understand that something was wrong with my spiritual walk. In fact, this ministry helped me get passed my torment and I became born again not by my doing, but by the Power of the Holy Spirit. If you feel that God is showing you that “something just ain’t right”. I highly suggest that you examine your salvation. This ministry offers a  course in examining your salvation where you receive 2 ebooks plus a video course. If you are interested in taking this course, click here.

Hits: 684