Stories of Hope and Faith – “God Saves Online”

A sunrise behind  the text "2021" representing a brand new year of hope and beginnings. The 1 is replaced by a cross. Here, it's symbolic for Christ's Resurrection becoming the upmost important for maintaining a peace of mind during this uncertain timeframe.
“In a dark but difficult time, let these stories of hope and faith give you something to rejoice about what God is doing in the world.” -Pastor Pam Sheppard

As 2020 draws to a close, it leaves behind a trail of destruction in its wake. Everyone was left helpless as they watched the world plunge into a state of perpetual despair: Death after death; disaster after disaster; and calamity after calamity. Amid the Coronavirus, a plague that has brought over 2.05 million people to their graves, lively churches have shut their doors. Their inner walls a scene of utter emptiness and desolation. Stemming from the pandemic, many Christians remain in despair from an inability to worship God. They may fear for their mental wellbeing, they may fear for their salvation. Nevertheless, the book “God Saves Online” is proof that the Lord isn’t restricted to a building and truly He is an omniscient, perfect God. Beloved, if you’re in need of reassurance during one of the darkest periods of the modern era, let this gem of faith ease your mind.

Most Christians attempt to walk a road of painful stones under their feet to prove themselves more justly saved than their non-religious counterparts. In an attempt to please God, they block themselves from loving the sin, yet they hinder themselves from loving the sinner. In doing so, they cast judgement upon those they deem fit. Such religious behavior leads to a life of spiritual self-harm, attempting to reach a pinnacle of perfection that cannot be made by man’s efforts alone.

Consequently, we need to experience a full spiritual rebirth, transforming our very essence into the ability to walk in His will. Otherwise, we may feel that we are never good enough for God’s standards. We live our lives as though in an infinite loop of repentance and sinning: No improvement of our spiritual condition in sight. Worse, we may internalize our own frustrations and lash out at other people: Homosexuals, false converts, mentally ill, the occultists, and those hearing voices or other supernatural experiences are among those whom God shall save. 

 Yet God has a plan for each one of His Elect. No matter if they were the greatest sinner or the most virtuous saint, He endowed each individual an unmovable, special time stamp to become born again. He has selected these pivotal times before He laid the very foundations of the Earth. The time when a person is called by the voice of God to be His child. Their old, sinful selves are fully rinsed clean to walk the straight and narrow path with grace and ease.

“God Saves Online” brings promising testimonies of hope to all walks of life. Even those who some may consider the most wretched of souls. The Lord has a special plan for reaching each one of His Elect. Pam Sheppard Ministries has witnessed a recent rainfall of individuals rinsed clean of their former nature and translated into the kingdom of God. A unique commonality amongst these testimonies are these people’s previous connections to witchcraft, the occult, and idolatry.

The Holy Spirit saves a former New Agist, gender-confused man after he heard the powerful story of the Gospel, emphasizing Christ’s Resurrection. His rebirth experience didn’t take place in the church but at his own home—the Holy Spirit used YouTube videos to save his spirit for eternity! Another instance includes a woman, who was born again live on a Zoom broadcast. The features of her face changed in front of Pastor Pam’s very eyes after she heard the Gospel, reaching a deep place of godly sorrow: Her past as an ancestral worshiper, dabbling in reiki, and yoga all wiped away by the wind of the Holy Ghost. The words, “I accept Jesus” never even left her lips. God found her! Opening chakras, singing bowls, receiving a voodoo doll—None of these events disqualifies nor prevents His Elect from hearing the sound of His call.

Read for yourself the book’s chapters written by 5 newly found sheep, “for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45). Be edified in your faith, trusting that God is seeking lost members of His flock, no matter how entrenched into the world they are.

If you ever think God has abandoned you, or you’re beyond saving—the Lord is the God of possibilities. Right now, He’s ushering people into His Kingdom online in a 21st century way, beyond the circumstances of the pandemic or anything else thrown in our midst. Don’t forget who the universe’s maker is! He is the ultimate decider of one’s eternal destiny. No one else has that right to determine who is too sinful and who is not to be born again. All that is required of a non-born-again member of the Elect is to wait for God’s timing: No other work is necessary to be graced with salvation. 

If you’re inquiring to join our virtual ministry, perhaps you may consider our Facebook group, “Let My People Go” linked here. It is constantly updated with day-to-day posts, including helpful videos providing essential information for those needing spiritual guidance. There is also a constant crew of ministry members willing to give additional support and encouragement for people requiring attention. You also can call Pastor Pam at 888-818-1117 for a private, phone session if you’d prefer one-on-one deliverance counseling. Compassionately, God has ways of reaching his Elect far beyond that of a church building. He continues to console His church through uncertainties and perils.

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Professionalizing Deliverance Ministry With Deliverance Counseling

Deliverance counselling offered by Pam Sheppard Ministries is dedicated to assisting, guiding, and supporting individuals of all backgrounds, wherever they might be on their spiritual walk.
Deliverance counselling offered by Pam Sheppard Ministries is dedicated to assisting, guiding, and supporting individuals of all backgrounds, wherever they might be on their spiritual walk.

Pastor Pam Sheppard has closely supervised, trained, and developed a cadre of qualified, deliverance coaches. They were formally spiritual captives themselves, victims of torment. Now, they have transitioned to capable opponents against the Enemy, committed to helping those who also suffer from demonic oppression. The coaches of Pam Sheppard Ministries (PSM) each have closely studied the wiles of the devil and liberated themselves from spiritual bondage. Under the direction of Pastor Pam, whose had 38 years’ worth of deliverance ministry experience, they learned how to distinguish between mental illness and spiritual afflictions.

Just like soldiers, PSM’s coaches stand ready and able to serve the Elect of Christ and provide one-on-one assistance to individuals if necessary. Here is a sneak-preview of our coaches swiftly formulating a treatment plan for a client, whose case was extremely intricate. It involved both infirmities of the mind and anguish from evil spirits. Training under Pastor Pam, their responses derived of 2-8 years of preparation refining their skills.

The anonymous client suffered from Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), formally known as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD.) It is a mental-health disorder in which a person has two or more distinct identities or alternate personalities who share control over the body. DID is common in people who have undergone serious trauma, having fragmented themselves as a coping mechanism. Although, evil spirits may reciprocally pose as a person’s alternate personality for safe-shelter and assert complete domination over the individual’s free-will. Thereby, they attempt to overwrite their victim’s consciousness and personality entirely. Also, she/he was a repeated victim of astral rape: A phenomenon best described as a nonconsensual sexual encounter involving a spiritual entity. These entities are best known as ‘incubi’ or ‘succubi’ and have a completely demonic nature. (Although, a fallen angel or a human spirit could have reasonably conducted the assault as well. The latter example capable by occultists who have mastered the ability ‘to walk-out’ and force their spirits onto unwilling individuals.) Here is a presentation of our coaches in action, quickly reacting at a peak level of professionalism.

As one would expect, such a complex deliverance requires an adroit, experienced hand to ensure the client’s mental and spiritual wellbeing. Sexual assault aside, the client’s ‘schizophrenic’ symptoms underscores the possibility of medication becoming an issue if they are without it. Also, their multiple personalities could be caused by severe, underlying trauma, which would negate the need for a deliverance entirely. In such a situation, the case should be referred to a clinical professional instead of deliverance. Casting out evil spirits is not the only job of a deliverance worker. It is a sophisticated profession that involves studying a client’s past physical, mental, and spiritual history. The client may could have been offered to ancestral deities as a child and endured severe, mental torment from these spirits if she/he crossed into Christianity. They also could be the victim of witchcraft, either knowingly or unknowingly by opening a spiritual door to themselves, where entities are entering and existing her body freely. Therefore, the coaches of PSM are taught to thoroughly assess all possible avenues of how a client has reached their current condition: physically, mentally, and spiritually.

The case as it was submitted to Pam Sheppard Ministries

I am writing to you because I need your assistance in dealing with a Schizophrenic patient that I saw this past Sunday as I went to minister to a church in Harrisburg, PA.

I have been in the deliverance ministry for many years, but this time I am serious about learning more about these mentally challenged people of God, who are suffering tremendous demonic attacks. I have a young woman, who is being attacked by an Incubus, but she has multiple personalities; I am not sure if she needs deliverance in each personality, which I am feeling led to do.

I would love to have the opportunity in speaking with you. Perhaps she can speak to you, or you can train me in how to proceed.”

Treatment Proposals Prescribed and Responses Written in Less Than 48 Hours

Jasmine West: “Foremost is each personality do not need deliverance as this may serve to bring greater torment to the person. I believe that the person needs to be away from the church setting and stop all religious activity to start the deliverance through counselling process. Once the person has started their detox, I believe they may be in a better frame of mind to discuss their issues in order to identify the root causes of this multiple personality disorder…traumatic events can be the catalyst for creating coping mechanisms by way of multiple personalities to channel various emotions/alter egos. Once these are identified, treated with and the person learns how to manage their will and passivity they will be empowered and strengthened to stand against negative thoughts and emotions that can throw them back into their dysfunctional cycle/behaviours. I believe once they learn the truth about assumptions and half-truths that may have led to guilt and condemnation as well as other openings, the “incubus” will eventually lose ground to reside in.”

Mark Hughes: “She needs to go to a psychologist NOT deliverance, unless “demonic attacks” is more detailed. What KIND of attacks is she experiencing? Personality disorder could be of evil spirits, but it could just be a mental health condition. She needs to go to the medical field first with that. I would maybe get the details of each personality and see if they are demonic, harmful, and what not. But like I said she should seek the mental health department first.”

Gabrielle Jannette: “Pastor Pam, I see why you do an assessment form something might get missed. Deliverance workers in the IC make too many assumptions. Just like when we go the doctor in the natural. We list our history and it is writing for present and future observations. No doctor nor deliverance worker should be working on a patient without a history…”

Aysha Sanders: “‘Ministering in a church’ is the first thing that pops out to me. Are they born again believers or religious folk? When did the torment start? Detox from religion and seeing a doctor should be the first thing. The deeper I got into religion the worse off I was.”

Jaime Richards: “…if she is already seeking deliverables this means she has already taken the first step, this woman knows that this is demonic therefore she is seeking help from churches. What I have learned out of experience is that these spirits have a way to manipulate u in a way that they can make you believe yourself they can even send you to wrong deliverance ministries to seek help and then act for a while that they gone, but then the next time the come they come with stronger demons as before and you end up more possessed as before.”

Madeline Porter: “…the deliverance minister definitely needs to be assessed herself. What does she know about deliverance? Does she herself need to be delivered from fallen angels or demons? Did she have a false conversion? Is she willing to listen to how you manage deliverance? Also…more information needs to be known before deciding how to proceed with her. It does sound like the young woman has already been involved with mental health so…we need to find out what specific type of treatment is she getting. Is she on meds? If so, is it working? Is she regularly seeing a therapist, psychologist, or any type of mental health worker? Has she been committed in a psych ward? How often? Also, definitely we got to know all her religious background. Did she go to church? If so, how often? Did she “accept Jesus”? Does she think she is born again? Did she do witchcraft? Did she do occult practices? This is why the deliverance assessment form is really important. If she has been seen by mental health, which I’m guessing she has, her being compliant is necessary…we would be working with her in conjunction with mental health.”

Joshua Stewart: “I would say start with the basics. See if you can figure out what are the biggest current triggers of instability with her. I wonder if she’s doing something which is currently exacerbating mental instability. If you can get her to stop or detox from whatever are the biggest things she is doing, that’s going to help her a lot. I can empathize with people who are dealing with mental health issues. If they’re God’s people, then I think they should not be minimized; the individual is important. But I would guess there’s some basic things that such an individual needs to stop their involvement with right away, which could lead to a mental improvement.”

Amelia Peters: “The multiple personalities could actually be caused by entities, who have invaded the soul. One might have to make a live assessment to get a better idea, however, one can tell the individual is already demon-oppressed/possessed through the Incubus interaction. (Pastor Pam also mentioned this one of her comments.) It might be a team of demons victimizing the person. Considering the extent of the torment, this person’s root personality needs to be sorted out and she would need to strongly need to strengthen her free-will before going any further. This woman needs to detox from religion (her church-service needs to end or be tampered off immediately; and if she’s been trying to make any protective prayers for herself, it’s religious legal ground that also has to stop.) We would also need to know if the person is medicated or not: The fact she is diagnosed is a good sign. Although, she needs have her mental illness squared away for the evil spirits to not take any more advantage over her than they already have.”

Pam Sheppard Ministries is currently offering a Deliverance Workshop (DEW) which consists of spiritual warfare materials that ensure captives will obtain and retain newfound freedom in Christ. Each workshop contains 5 lectures, several articles, short answer quizzes, Q&A using narrative essays, and an ebook per essential. Most importantly, captives will be partnered with a coach who will oversee their progress and develop an individualized deliverance treatment plan tailored to their needs. Sign-up to obtain a 20% discount available for the first 200 pre-registrants. PSM specializes in a multitude of deliverance cases including: hearing voices, narcissistic personality disorders (NPDs), discerning between demonic oppression/possession, fallen angels, the spirit of the antichrist, cults, necromancy, spirit rape, charismatic/occult witchcraft, ancestral worship, and working against Satanic wiles and strategies. It is not a matter of can PSM help you. Rather, it is a matter of how:

  1. Courses are available for $20 that includes ebooks, sneak a preview by clicking here,

  2. Sign-up for the Deliverance Workshop (DEW) with a full name sent to

  3. For deliverance counseling by Zoom or enter a resurrection power group, set up an appointment at or call 888-818-1117.

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The Dichotomy Between Mental Health and the Wiles of the Devil

Humans are comprised of three different components: spirit, soul, and body. Consequently, there are professional fields specialized to maintain these areas of the human condition. Doctors treat a person’s body using scientific reasoning. Psychologists, therapists, and counselors resolve issues related to a person’s soul, which comprises of their will, mind, and emotions. Deliverance ministers dedicate themselves to protect, heal, and console a captive’s spirit by combating unseen, oppressive forces of the devil.

That said, deliverance ministry is often mocked and ridiculed as evidenced by the recent toxic treatment of Dr. Stella Immanuel, a board certified physician as well as a deliverance minister. Dr. Immanuel’s credibility as a doctor was attacked on the basis of her belief in the existence of demons. Simply put, the world does not want to recognize the existence of evil spirits. The globe’s harsh reaction to Dr. Immanuel for embracing the existence of demons is akin to repudiating someone for believing in ‘the germ theory.’

Nevertheless, Dr. Immanuel is not the only clinical professional to be convinced of an otherworldly evil. The late M. Scott Peck, a famous psychiatrist, also pondered the existence of the devil. At first, he was firmly convinced the devil did not exist: An attitude shared with “99% of psychiatrists and the majority of the clergy.” Peck was led to come to terms with the undeniable reality of evil spirits after he was involved in two exorcisms.

Physicians must have at least eight years of medical school to treat a body; and psychologists and other therapists must have 6 or more years of college to treat a mind. On the contrary, deliverance workers are mostly without training in a fully established school that specializes in deliverance as a means to set captives free. They often must depend upon Self Study of scriptures and books written by a select group of Christian authors. Towards this end, Pam Sheppard Ministries currently offers its expertise. 

PSM has overseen hundreds of online deliverance cases since 2002. Having trained a cadre of former captives set free by deliverance counseling, once delivered, several have been equipped and armed with spiritual revelations and insights cultivated and documented by Pastor Pam Sheppard since 1983. former captives now serve as deliverance coaches, certified and supervised by Pastor Pam, who was called and ordained in 1981.

Join our Facebook group for fellowship by clicking here. If you’d like one-on-one deliverance counseling call Pastor Pam at 888-818-1117, or send an email to

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Perfect Love in Christ Conquers Fear

A person successfully conquers a mountain of  fear, rejection, evil, and temptation through love: It alludes to how the love of Christ helps overcome all obstacles and turmoil of the world.
“Love takes no pleasure in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Corinthians 13:6).

While I’m not born-again, here is a testimony of how I came across Pam Sheppard Ministries and how I learned love and trust in the Lord conquers fear.

My mother and I were extremely into the occult. We read the books of Edgar Cayse, bought healing stones, visited psychic fairs at his headquarters, etc. I myself was particularly involved in the New Age Movement through receiving energy healing (reiki) through videos on the Internet to alleviate severe Eczema. Usually, I had a set number of channels that I would receive the reiki from: There was about 3-4 of them that I preferred. However, I sought a new user that could offer stronger ‘benefits.’ The subsequent Youtuber I found claimed that he could open all 72 chakras of the body through various spirits and reiki symbols, which he would send to those viewing his videos. He also had an assistant with him that would amplify the effects.

Now moving back slightly earlier in the week, my mother had just recently started reading the Bible and gotten increasing religious. She quoted the verse Deuteronomy 18:10-12 and wished for me to refrain from New Age practices like she had, “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, practices divination or conjury, interprets omens, practices sorcery, casts spells, consults a medium or familiar spirit, or inquires of the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD.” Personally, I felt like the occult had more meat, love, and understanding than any Christian church that I had ever seen. So, I was resistant.

Needless to say, after watching the Youtuber, I felt increasingly ‘off’ for the next 1-2 days. The symptoms were like a spiritual cold: I felt inexplicably weak, drained, and off-center. It was when I had to admit, my mother was probably right: The New Age was no good after all. Therefore, I threw out all my New Age stuff and got ready to start a new leaf as a dedicated, religious Christian. (At that point, I thought ‘religious’ was potentially a good word. I’ve come a long way since then.)

A major problem was my mother had no idea about how repentance worked. She claims at each night, we should ask God to forgive us and cleanse us of our sins. We must make it our resolve to be clean in the sight of the Lord and pray constantly for the spiritual wellbeing of ourselves and our loved ones. The latter is understandable. Although, it also echoed the behavior of Job, whose fear and lack of trust in the Lord resulted in him becoming self-righteous, fearful, and most of all RELIGIOUS. Everything seemed to be like more of a perfectionistic performance where no one garnered any enjoyment, let alone bear any fruit.

I was choking on all the sins that I would do throughout the day. I was counting them up like ants. Not to mention, I was struggling with changing my mindset from the laxity of the occult to the rigidness of religiosity. It seemed like every thought seemed like the wrong one. Then, I heard a doctrine where the Lord hears your thoughts and uses them to place judgment upon you from a pastor, who also joked about people sent to Hell if they didn’t accept Jesus. That’s when I got really torn-up on the inside: I felt incredibly guilty for my involvement in the occult and most of all, I was afraid. Terrified of myself and everyone around me. Scared to death of my mistakes and other people’s.

That is when blasphemous thoughts ramped up in my mind. All day. Every day. Every hour. Things got so bad between the endless onslaught of thoughts against Christ and worshiping the Devil. I was throwing up after nearly every meal from anxiety of where my salvation stood. I lost twelve pounds. A doctor mentioned that my blood pressure was low, likely from the lack of food.

I started attending church to curb my ceaseless torment from what I felt was a spiritual attack from the Enemy for leaving the occult. From what I understood, the Enemy couldn’t attack you in church. Yet, I was. It didn’t make sense to me. The deeper I was falling into religion, the deeper I was falling into insanity.

It was in this severe condition that I found Pam Sheppard Ministries through an article that I found on opening chakras and torment. After some deliberation, I took the leap to question everything I have ever known and embark on a spiritual journey (which I still continue today.)

Making that comment asking for Pastor Pam’s help was the best decision that I’ve ever made in my life.

From Pastor Pam, I learned that I wasn’t born again. It wasn’t my job to make myself repent to Christ. I had to wait on the Holy Spirit to rebirth my spirit on the Lord’s time. One bad thought wasn’t condemning than any other thought that I’ve had. I also learned God wasn’t looking for perfection. He often uses mistakes for spiritual growth and development. If people could reach perfection like religious people (myself at one time) tend to, then why did God need to die and be resurrected at the cross to cleanse His Elect’s sins?

Most importantly, my torment was virtually defeated by this simple lesson:

Trust in the Lord. He knows you better than you know you. If there is no defeat, there is no getting saved. He /loves/ you.

You got to understand, Pastor Pam saved my life with her love, guidance, and experience. She’s always patient and kind, telling the truth in love. I owe the bright, young woman that I am today to her. She gave me the affirmation which said, ‘In Christ, there is nothing to fear, and HE says perfect love casts out fear.’

It’s an honor to be a part of Pastor Pam’s ministry and serve under its namesake. I know without the Lord guiding me here, I might not be walking the planet nor find unfathomable trust in Him for my salvation.

Here is the link to Pastor Pam’s article that overhauled everything that I’ve ever known about religion and the occult: It started the journey that led me here.…/christians-who-open…/

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The Writing on the Wall: A Vision in the Fire

With each passing day, the world sinks deeper into the spiritual deceitfulness of the end-times. Wisdom becomes increasingly necessary to navigate the deceitful church age of Laodicea. Otherwise known as ‘eleventh hour,’ it is defined by a time of chronic, rampant idolatry. Christians have partaken to corrupt doctrines of the Enemy’s design as they attempt to enroot their faith in the material world.

Popular teachings such as the Prosperity Gospel, ‘I accept Jesus’ movement, ‘falling slain in the spirit,’ and speaking tongues are just some of the ways that the Enemy has successfully managed to infiltrate the institutional church system. It’s on the same level of corruption and toxicity as today’s worldly institutions. 

People walk without realizing that the ascension of the Antichrist is near and the time of the Lord is at hand. Watch the embedded video above for insight into how to obtain god-given wisdom. Use the newfound knowledge for interpreting the cataclysmic, current events that correlate to those described in the biblical book of Daniel and Revelation. Learn how not to be caught unaware by the Lord’s subsequent return. Recall, He will turn to many Christians and declare at the gates of Heaven, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” (Matthew 7:23). 

In a well-delivered, timely sermon, Pastor Pam compares the majority of today’s individuals similar to the Babylonians chronicled in Daniel 5, who were unaware of their spiritual impropriety. King Belshazzar brought holy gold and silver goblets from Jerusalem’s temple for wine-drinking during a royal feast. At which, those present had praised gods of the material. Suddenly, a hand of human fingers appeared and wrote a message on the wall. Yet, no one had the wisdom nor discernment to understand the message sent by the Lord.

More than two millennia afterward, God is writing a message through the unprecedented developments occurring across the Earth. No one can discern their figurative meanings as to how they exactly correlate to the broad scope of God’s plan. However, it’s still important to remain as alert and prepared as possible to survive the daunting times ahead. No matter how seemingly peaceful, the Lord’s return still draws closer every day.

Two weeks ago, a mysterious photograph was taken of a burning building. Various shades of the bright flames: a light amber; medium orange; and dark red-orange. They coalesced into several images that are relevant to ongoing headlines in the media. The contents are also disclosed within the video, specifically with am interpretation crafted through Pastor Pam’s experience of walking with the Lord for more than forty years.

During the video recording, she steps into a role akin of the prophet Daniel, deciphering the vision in the fire for all ears willing to hear. Two members of ‘the unholy trinity’ are named for everyone to know. The date which reveals the antichrist’s identity is provided, at least forty days away.

After Pastor Pam’s sermon, the following discussion provides information about how the Enemy has successfully infiltrated the institutional church by a lack of knowledge. The members of Pam Sheppard Ministries testify how humbling themselves provided them with newfound clarity. Someone must be willing to start from scratch if they truly yearn for godly wisdom.

They also provide relatable testimony of having to walk the delicate line between the Lord’s truth and the Enemy’s realm. Learn how obtaining wisdom edifies the soul to look beyond one’s fleshly desires to escape the devil’s temptations. The only one stopping you from receiving a potentially life-changing message about acquiring godly wisdom is you

This is a call to wake up during the time of the eleventh hour. Christians must be wise, and we have to be open to partake in new ideas. Many times religious individuals have a “stiff-neck” which causes a narrow, funnel vision and a closed-minded, “zero debate” mentality that disregards any possibility of truth or revelation from God. 

If you want to be wise in these times, you have to be “open to reason.” Open to the fact that you might not have a clue who God is, and what He wants from us or wants us to know. For one-on-one counseling to address how you may acquire wisdom and discernment for your spiritual development, Pastor Pam is available by phone call, toll-free at 888-818–1117.

Eye-opening Kindle Books

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Laodicea, the Parables and Satan

As soon as the clock struck midnight of January 1, 1901, Rev. Pamela Sheppard suspects that the world’s descent into the biblical church age of Laodicea began, and therefore the 21st century marks the end of the 20th century’s Laodiceans age aka the age of the gentiles. 

As predicted in the scripture, the Lord describes the lukewarm Christians of the Laodicean-era as “neither cold nor hot” (Revelations 3:15)—-a boastful generation of material wealth and prosperity. Does not this scripture point to the popularity of the present day “prosperity gospel?” 

Why are church leaders continuing to assemble in spite of evidence of deadly outbreaks of the Coronavirus’s claim on the lives of both clergy and congregates alike? The phenomenon is reported by the media in numerous headlines. In fact, pastors determined to keep their churches open are dying of the disease. Unfortunately,  the lives of congregates are taken alongside them. False healers are themselves sickened. 

Nevertheless, religious churchgoers cannot remain in their homes on Sunday, as they itch to seek a boundless, infinite God within the confines of a building. Keep in mind, these individuals are supposed to be the most zealous and faithful of the Lord’s crop. Why would He allow the Coronavirus to circulate amongst His own households of worship?  Could it be that His protective spirit wasn’t present in the first place? 

Enter the church age of Laodicea, where professing Christians crave material and monitorial wealth from the Lord. Yet, they have no discerning knowledge of false doctrine nor a solid understanding of the Lord’s resurrection to keep themselves safe from the wiles of the Enemy. For you, dear reader, that can change right now. The key to surviving through the eleventh hour before the Lord’s Return is at the touch of your fingertips in the embedded video above.

Listen to Pastor Pam provide a brief chronology of previous church eras, within a clear commentary of the consequences resulting from when Constantine organized the Institutional church system in the fourth century AD.  Watch as she also unravels the simple, yet hidden meaning behind the Lord’s parables such as ‘the Mustard Seed’ and ‘the Foolish Virgins.’ 

Learn for yourself, if you unknowingly need your empty lamps full of oil. For you will discover how to buy gold from the Lord, His request to all those living currently during the church age of Laodicea, forged in such a way that any fiery darts of the Enemy shall be quenched. Simply put, “using gold” from the Lord through the likes of the Prosperity Gospel by ‘sowing’ any seed through a tithe is a foolish teaching. 

Within their discussion, Pastor Pam’s disciples will challenge professing Christians to ponder their own spiritual journey. you will be inspired and motivated By their personal experiences of the Enemy attempting to sabotage their livelihood, particularly through religion after attending church or “accepting Jesus.” During the eleventh hour, an increasing number of Christians are becoming tormented through blasphemous thoughts, obsessive behaviors, unexplainable visions, or distortion of their sexuality. 

Pam Sheppard Ministries offers a unique curriculum of deliverance counseling to combat the Enemy’s assault on the Elect, while he still has access to them during his temporary reign on the Earth. Each disciple in the video presents a living testimony of how the Institutional Church failing to meet the quintessential needs of the sheep. You may see yourself within the testimony that each disciple presents. As they were and ill-equipped for the Enemy’s subtle trickery as religious churchgoers, each disciple has reclaimed the ground of his or her soul that was previously held hostage. Besides deliverance and healing,  under Pastor Pam’s tutelage and pastoral counseling, they continue to be prepared to fulfill their role as eleventh hour workers, the last of God’s stewards to His flock before His inevitable return to the Earth.

As a licensed master degree counselor by profession since 1973 and licensed to preach in 1981, Rev. Pamela Sheppard was ordained in 1988 by a presiding Bishop within a well known denomination. She has over 35 years of experience as a pastor and numerous years treating those in bondage to the Enemy’s wicked schemes.  The  founder of a Christian model called deliverance counseling, Pastor Pam’s  methods stand firm by helping clients examine their salvation experience and pinpoint any possibility of a false conversion (salvation which isn’t granted by the Holy Spirit but through man-centered actions, such as “accepting Jesus” or religious sacraments such as “baptism” as a child.) Next steps involve an assessment of the religious or occultic doorways necessary to shutdown and dethrone, followed by the crafting of a treatment plan designed to ensure that all demonic doorways are permanently closed.  Those set free are provided with their very own spiritual tools to manage and keep the Enemy’s schemes at bay long after sessions are over. 

Consider those who are becoming spiritually freed from the shackles of the Enemy outside of the institutional church system. One should wonder about the invisible forces responsible for “the Holy dance,” “slain in the spirit,” or the “miraculous healings” that occur there, especially if God’s spirit has been quenched or grieved. the truth is that the Enemy masquerades as an angel of light.  How is that possible? The institutional church system no longer has clergy who can properly treat those infected by spiritual illness. Nor do they possess the sound advice necessary to free their members from the Enemy’s simplest of deceits.

Something is seriously wrong in Laodicea. There are at least 31,000 Protestant denominations each with their own path to the road of salvation. Though one denomination, the Catholic Church, 3.1 billion members.  It’s wise to gain some wisdom of how to burn hotly for the Lord during a time of spiritual disease and murkiness. 

Don’t we need to use our God given commonsense? For if the church age of Laodicea is as affluent in the spirit as it has been in the material, then all its denominations should all agree on a common Gospel and a proper salvation experience. The first place to start is to agree that salvation does not occur with accepting Jesus into your heart. 

So, what’s the one true, narrow path? Watch the embedded video above to find out! Better find out the truth here than to risk the Coronavirus amongst lukewarm pews.

Relevant Reading

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A Parable, A Prophecy and A Plan

Coming out of a Latina-Catholic background, the majority of toxic ‘Machismo’ culture seems to have come out of the Catholic Church’s tendency to undermine women and make them subservient to their male relatives (including their husbands, their fathers, or their own sons) out of religious motivation. That mainly comes from the interpretation of the verse, “Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire [shall be] to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee” (Genesis 3:16). Traditionalist Latinos and Mexicans often refuse to acknowledge or even think that a woman could take on a leadership position of power such as a priest or a minister. It’s a hypocritical culture of ‘no’s.’

‘No, a woman cannot become an authoritative figure in the church system.’

“No, you have too much of a past…”

‘No, you’re too young to know what you’re talking about.”

“No, you’re too old…”

Thankfully, Pastor Pam has brought forth a liberating message for women around all around the world in this video. God can use your gifts and talents for His glory, no matter your age, history, ethnicity, or gender. Where man is unwilling to use you, He certainly would. As she spoke, “The first shall be last and the last shall be first.” As long as God is intent on using them for His purpose, the eleventh hour workers shall know no visible mold nor will be limited by location. The Internet has enabled the Lord’s Elect to connect with the leadership which He has appointed and vice-versa. The Body of Christ may now come together regardless of location and have each person treated according to their needs in a live, time-efficient format. An eleventh hour worker may have sheep encompassing the globe from Nigeria, France, to even Japan.

I’m the utmost grateful for working as an eleventh hour worker during this perilous time. And I’m continuously thankful to have found Pam Sheppard Ministries during the darkest of time in terms of my spiritual walk. Each person here is exceptionally gifted and talented; and I’m beholden to be in their midst…especially Pastor Pam, who has interwoven all our stories together by God’s purposeful hand.

Yes! We are are the Lord’s eleventh hour workers; and I cannot wait until the clock strikes twelve. That shall be a time when we will stand united upon the Lord’s Return as one cohesive unit and family. I look forward to that day with the joyful zeal and happiness in my heart until then!

Take a look at the embedded video above for Pastor Pam’s unprecedented interpretation of the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16), the Prophecy of Joel (Acts 2:17-21), and the Lord’s commentary on the end-times (Matthew 24) that reveal that the workers of the eleventh hour shall be unlike any of their predecessors. See if you can find solid-footing and commonality with the brethren recorded as they provide their own personal testimonies and observations of the unparalleled times of today. They themselves undergoing training to become ministers, mentors, and group leaders under Pastor Pam’s tutelage as her disciples.

If you require one-on-one attention during the spiritually perilous time of the eleventh hour, you may call Pastor Pam for one-on-one counseling sessions at 888-818-1117 or ask questions by email at

Hits: 634

Discipleship: Detoxing from Religion

The original gatherings of early Christian believers comprised of sermons, singing, and praying. Numerous churches have elaborated on these elements in some sort of fashion. Some denominations have even added specific practices making their sect’s services solely unique from others. Nevertheless, today’s churches have lost sight of a crucial component in their worship gatherings: The camaraderie.

Listen to Pastor Pam’s disciples provide their personal testimonies of their experiences with the Institutional church system. Each person has a relatable, enduring narrative for any ear willing to hear:

Evan: A bright, young man on a personal quest to find something more than the superficialities of religion. While he manages to stumble out of the darkness of the occult, he finds something much more disturbingly sinister in the very place where he attempts to find spiritual nourishment. Hear Evan’s firsthand account of his alarming experience that has become typical across the country.

Christina: An earnest, young lady, who had no peace over salvation after saying the Sinner’s prayer and trying to repent multiple times. Instead of feeling the liberation of Christ, she felt increasingly under religious pressure to act out a ‘Christian’ lifestyle and the burden of leading her relatives to God. Discover how Christina’s soul found solace in the Lord’s eternal plan for salvation. 

Abbi: A sincere, candid woman, who had a history as a regular churchgoer. Over time, she began to realize her church’s passive, lukewarm nature. It wasn’t long before her spiritual life starts to head downhill after stating the Sinner’s prayer to receive salvation. Uncover Abbi’s path to discovering the power of her divine free-will and overcoming the religious spirits, who attempted to block her from receiving salvation. Listen to her past testimony in the above video. Then, read about her own born-again experience, after waiting five years at Pam Sheppard Ministries.

George: A well-spoken, thoughtful individual, who found himself ensnared with the religious foundation that he grew up with as a child. It was the Enemy’s weapon of choice to prevent him from the salvation experience by which he is currently awaiting. Listen to his experience in the institutional church system that left his starving spirit yearning for sufficient meat. The praying, singing, and bible-studying that he had absorbed into practice was no match for the evil spirit that appeared to him as an angel of light. Listen to George’s testimony of (the false) Jesus appearing after his prayers for salvation but leaving him with a feeling of damnation.

Danielle: As a young girl, her pastors always seemed to preach a different Word than what her Bible read. Over the years, she found herself wanting to scream at times, “You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Nevertheless, she was still drawn back to the Institutional church for her love of music and a desire to share her vocal talent. After finding Pastor Pam, learn how she becomes bold enough to leave her own church, bringing alongside her brother.

The members featured in the embedded video are currently in training to become ministers, mentors, group leaders, and bible teachers, and deliverance workers while also learning to work as a team. Their testimonies mainly involve receiving a false conversion, trademarked by thinking one has received salvation that hasn’t occurred. (It mostly happens out of people not completely understanding nor hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ. His bodily Resurrection is often the most distorted portion.) Each person has in-training sessions with Pastor Pam on a bimonthly or weekly basis for their individual development and growth.

They provide his and her insights as they share their testimonies regarding the subject “Does Jesus Know You?” Observe the harmony and solidarity amongst one another as they reveal some of their most personal, vulnerable spiritual moments. Think of your personal church experience and recall if similar support has ever been extended by the leadership of deacons, bishops, ministers, or priests.

Testimonies like these do not weave themselves together in the blink of an eye. They come from the persistent diligence of Pastor Pam, who has conducted deliverance counseling through her experience both as a licensed counselor by the profession and a minister by ordination since 1973 and 1981 respectively. Conducting private sessions online since 2002, Pastor Pam added virtual group deliverance counseling on April 14, 2012.  She also began facilitating group work as early as eight years ago. Her own personal experiences are documented and written by her own hand in a myriad of books: The Fake Jesus, Church of the Endtime Zombies, and Come out of Her God’s People among others. They were motivated after a series of events involving divine, godly intervention. Two of which are the supernatural nature of her born again experience after 33 years of atheistic views, as of 43 years ago; and later, God’s call to leave the institutional church system after twenty-five years of service. The nature of her work as a deliverance counselor also is included.

At PSM, not one person is put to ridicule or shame for their past. So, they’re liberated to grow spiritually and obtain spiritual sustenance per their specific needs through daily counselor sessions and constant fellowship support.

Take a glance at the group discussion that demonstrates the possibilities produced from honest camaraderie in ways that churches were meant to support and educate their fellow constituents! (In other words, the way that the church should be today and should’ve always stayed.)

Click here to hear Pastor Pam’s riveting sermon that inspired the questions answered in the recording! Perhaps you may also find yourself motivated to select a book culminated from her personal experiences and otherworldly inquiries such as “The New Idolatry” which uncovers additional information about spiritual fallacies occurring in the Institutional church system and increasing amalgamation with the occult.

Part 1: Prayer, Sermon and Song

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Prayer, Sermon and Song

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness” (Matthew 7:21-23).

A sermon is crucial for tying a service together. It provides the primary source material for the topic at hand. In the embedded video above, Matthew 72:21-23 are essential verses to having those with a religious background understand that ‘accepting Jesus’ will not guarantee their salvation nor forthcoming in the name of the ‘true’ Jesus in the first place. The sermon is coupled with Pastor Pam’s commentary of personal experience, providing the head to a spear in the Zoom video fittingly titled, “Does Jesus Know You?”

Without listening to the sermon above, the rest of the recorded Zoom discussion will not hold as much merit to a listener, who hasn’t heard of Pam Sheppard Ministries nor its teachings offered. The subsequent discussion would be like a stick without the flint or metal enabling it to become a spear, a weapon of choice during a time of monumental spiritual warfare between the Lord’s truth and the lies of the Devil.

In this case, two examples of churchgoing women becoming demonized on the payroll out of institutional church should make a person’s ears wide to hear. If a top-tithing, tongue-speaking churchgoer rises out of her wheelchair, under the control of evil spirits, then those individuals practicing these activities should also pay particular attention. Just recently, someone became demonized decades simply by hearing a prophecy given to them on church-grounds. Put these two events with the context of Matthew 72:21—23, it should make a person stop to think about their current list of experiences in the church-system.

The latter example happened only within the previous week, and there are other people with similar testimonies of becoming tormented after attending church-services too. With such in mind, it becomes increasingly plausible Jesus ‘doesn’t know’ the typical churchgoer, who are adhering to daily religious activity modeled by today’s churches. Otherwise, the aforementioned cases of the demonized Christians would not exist according to the traditional beliefs of popular denominations. 

Pastor Pam’s sermons are similar to essay introductions everything develops and flows. The discussion chronicled throughout the rest of the recording session would not hold the same gravity without her cultivated, background knowledge.  They are like spears slicing through the thick deception for those currently at odds with the Institutional church. (So, I’d very much hope you’d pay close attention throughout subsequent Zoom sessions for them.)

Anyone inquiring about the interpretation of Matthew 7:21-23, should look no further than the embedded YouTube video above or here via YouTube. Prepare for a spiritually nourishing service that demonstrates the proper composition of a church service: a soul-riveting prayer; an insightful, perceptive sermon; and a riveting song to soothe the spirit during the Corona epidemic. The goal is to set God’s people free from the rampant, spiritual darkness occurring in the church age of Laodicea.

Take heed to the words of Pastor Pam, who has liberated numerous individuals from religious bondage and supernatural torment in over thirty-five years of experience. The folks at church may know you, but find out why that doesn’t signify that Jesus does. The price of that knowledge won’t require paying a tithe, consuming communion, or becoming slain-in-the-spirit; but only requires time to listen. Occasionally, spending time with the Lord requires faith to let go of the noisy spiritual clutter to see things clearly for their true nature. The simplistic, sincere elements found in the worship services of early believers are a far cry from the churches still attempting to remain open today. Yet, the recorded service above takes Christian service back to its roots with a prayer, sermon, and song all based on a word to hear: “Let my people go!”

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Walking in Spiritual Darkness: Are You Woke?

A blindfolded woman faces toward an unknown source of light.

Right now, Are you Spiritually Woke?

Today, the majority of the Lord’s Elect tread within a world of spiritual darkness. Walking eyes half-closed, religion darkens countless people’s spiritual sight causing these individuals to “miss the mark.” Understand, the main goal of a person of Christ is waiting on the Holy Spirit to bring a true, enduring rebirth. However, the Devil uses religion to blindfold people into believing that salvation rests in the hands of the sinner. Although that is like trying to hit a target in the dark without a bow, it’s absolutely impossible for a mortal sinner to change their alienated, spiritual nature. Nevertheless, the devil has convinced numerous people to try to complete this completely unnecessary, problematic, task of self-driven salvation. It’s all a scheme known as a false conversion or a counterfeit birth. These days, the majority of the Elect find themselves aimlessly wandering through this spiritual darkness. Yet, the institutional church fails to emit any guiding light. Most people are caught ignorantly unaware in the dark. Are you spiritually aware? In other words, are you spiritually woke?

We Cannot Guide Ourselves to Salvation:

Those who experience a false conversion are like vulnerable prey inside of the Enemy’s teeth, except they’re caught ignorantly unaware. During the deceiving Church Age of Laodicea, people are religiously taught not to wait on the process of rebirth but to simply decide to be saved. Thereby, they wait on a trip to Heaven without necessarily receiving the ticket granted by waiting upon God’s spiritual rebirth. In a recent conversation, a friend of mine asked what my resolution for this year is. So, I replied that my resolution is to prepare for the Lord’s Return. Believers need to understand that we are not simply entitled to salvation. God has to cause a believer to become born again. We are spiritually lost in the dark, so we need to be found. The first step to becoming ‘woke’ is gaining knowledge, renouncing your false conversion, and waiting on the Holy Spirit for true salvation. He’ll act as our light and guide during this era of darkness, and He’ll help ensure that we’ll see past the Enemy’s devices. 

The First Step into Becoming ‘Woke’:

God told Noah to prepare his people for the coming of the flood and yet the religious mindset of people who lost their lives to flood didn’t take note of the times. Only 8 people survived. God told Joseph to prepare for famine and he did. Yet, numerous people took no heed. God is telling his people to hear the full Gospel or the entire story of Jesus and to wait on a rebirth yet they will remain “religious,” because they will not take notes of the times. This ministry that Pastor Pam has crafted by the Holy Spirit is designed to help people develop a prepared mind. A prepared mind means stripping away any and all religious lies. A prepared mindset is knowing that Jesus is coming to Return to overturn all systems and bring Truth, love, balance, and order back to Earth. No other person, not anyone else, but the Lord has such power. Are you ready to have a prepared mind? Are you ready to be found? 

The Urgency to be Spiritually ‘Woke’ is Scriptural:

“Understand this: If a homeowner knew exactly when a burglar was coming, he would keep watch and not permit his house to be broken into. You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected.” (Matthew 24:43-44).

Most Importantly, Know your Enemy:

While waiting on the Lord, you may continue to prepare yourself by becoming spiritually woke. Pam Sheppard Ministries has countless books illustrating the strategies of the Enemy. They range from false conversions to occultic healing. His ultimate goal is to open demonic doorways for him to gain access to your soul. So, he can manipulate you with mystical phenomena. His endgame is to allure his victims into a trap by following his supernatural breadcrumbs. Dreams are one of his favored devices because he custom-make tempting devices particularly for you. A soul attracted to the supernatural might receive precise, accurate visions of the future. Meanwhile, someone else more romantical in nature might receive a dream about a possible partner in their midst. Both cases could’ve easily come from the devil. Yet, these individuals might automatically give credit to the Lord by mistake. Learn to protect yourself from the Enemy’s seductive schemes. You will need to develop a discerning eye while living in a time of spiritual darkness. So, walk insightfully with your eyes wide open. Be woke!

Beware, Be woke…! Some Dreams Are Nothing But Schemes:

We are dedicated to aiding others to test the spirits by helping discern whether dreams, visions, or prophecies are God-given or Enemy-stricken. For further reading, Pastor Pam has recently written a book specifically about dreams, “This book is your guide through deception, confusion and the imminent storms and dangers that surround and affect your life, as powerfully manifested in your dreams in the night.”  For your convenience, it is affordably priced and downloadable online. Click the image below for Amazon Kindle. 

A picture of a book - BEWARE Christians: DREAMS: Dreams Are From God, Satan, and Your own Soul

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Pam Sheppard: A Spiritual General

Pastor Pam is our general reporting directly under Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our Lord and commander-in-chief. Most people know that a general is an army’s highest ranked soldier as they work to critically analyze and cultivate strategies to combat the Enemy.

Similarly, Pastor Pam is also our dedicated General who helps untie believers from the masts of false doctrines and practices. By examining someone’s history, she formulates a unique battle plan to rid them of both mental confusion and spiritual torment. Overall, her role involves developing other disciples to continue to spread Truth. Single-handedly, she has written 9 books and numerous articles and she recorded over 400 videos to feed the epidemic of spiritually starving people who do not have an understanding of the Gospel. 

Far too often, believers have unknowingly or knowingly allowed the Enemy to plunder their soul by receiving religious falsehoods. So, they have become canon-fodder of the Enemy. As the Bible reads, “In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house without first tying him up. Then he can plunder the strong man’s house” (Mark 3:27). Consequently, the absolute goal of Pastor Pam is to craft the damaged spiritually wounded into capable spiritual warriors. She helps to untie folk with the truth, so they can defend their own house, which is themselves and what belongs to them!

As one of our members writes: “Without Pastor Pam, I wouldn’t have begun to understand how important my free will is against combating evil spirits. The simple word ‘no’ carries more weight than people realize. No, I’m not going to put up with torment. No, I’m not going back to church. No, I’m not looking back…No, I’m not going to sweat the little stuff. Without Pastor Pam, I would not have learned the utmost capability of my free will and the substantial power of ‘no.’ Thanks to her, I can walk with my head held high. I cannot begin to thank her enough for her service to the Elect and myself. Thank you, Pastor Pam!”

The person quoted above  (Laura) was plagued with haunting whispers and intrusive thoughts from evil spirits. One of her major weaknesses was her fear of judgement, resulting in crippling anxiety that left her bedridden for a short period of time. The Enemy’s evil spirits had no problem with terrorizing her through her religious tendencies and perfectionistic personality. So, Pastor Pam, like with her previous clients, helped with identifying and subduing these strongholds, so that Laura could make a recovery at a breakneck pace. 

Needless to say, there are many analogies to illustrate Pastor Pam’s role as our ministry’s General. Disclosing the Enemy’s strategies to the Lord’s troops, she arms the Elect with critical ammunition to defend against diverse forms of spiritual attack. Not limited to a purely offensive function, Pastor Pam also fulfills the duty of supportive caretaker by acting as a parent to the spiritually orphaned. Amongst her disciples, she also acts as a wise counselor and seasoned healer, providing guidance throughout their walk with the Lord. 

Overall, Pastor Pam’s calling as General cannot easily be constrained to one word, aside from perhaps ‘leader.’  Leaders establish direction, expanding upon a new, contemporary perspective to create something mesmerizingly original. Her leadership is found upon helping the Elect navigate themselves to spiritual victory, receiving salvation upon the Lord’s appointed time. 

One of the most pervasive problems that plague many believers today is the counterfeit rebirth known as a false conversion. A false conversion occurs when a person is led to believe they became born again, but they were never actually born again in the first place. As a spiritual leader, Pastor Pam helps guide believers into examining their salvation experience. If a false conversion is determined, she will help a believer overturn it. Even if you’re a non-believer in Christ, she will still examine what drew our Adversary to you and help you close that doorway. Unless you turn her away first, our leader will do everything that she possibly can to help you. She is a true General who fights for everyone if you’re willing to give her a chance! 

As a seasoned Godly General, Pastor Pam has over 35 years of experience as a pastor and countless years as a deliverance counselor. 

…So what can a person expect from deliverance counseling?

Pastor Pam will:

• Examine your salvation experience 

• Assess what religious or occultic doorways need to be closed

• Draw up a treatment plan to close ALL demonic doorways

• Provide you with   tried and true spiritual tools to keep those doorways closed

If you’re a spiritual POW and would like to have an audience with our General to help map out strategies and treatment plans to gain true freedom in Christ, call Pastor Pam at 1-888-818-1117. She will help monitor your progress, and help you stand on your own two feet, so we can stand as soldiers in Christ together. You may watch this video to know what to expect by clicking here. There are no promises of a quick fix; but the truth of Lord Jesus Christ and his General Pastor Pam has the power to heal and set you free! 

Hits: 399

Religious Parents Taking Matters into their Hands: Are Babies Born Sinners?

Religious parents either think their children are devils or angels. Therefore, they treat them as such with less than stellar results in term's of salvation's sake.


The Lord knows ourselves better than we do.

The Fall of Adam and Eve resulted in the totality of mankind to be spiritually entrenched in sin. Consequently, anyone born of the flesh must be spiritually reborn to be reconciled with God. Needless to say, the process is triggered by the Holy Spirit’s timing. When a person’s spirit becomes born again, the Holy Spirit first inspires a Godly sorrow. From there, they would be led to Lord Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. Then, they supernaturally realize that their sins were paid by the blood of the Christ. So, they spiritually rejoice for His Resurrection upon their rebirth.

That is the only path to salvation as validated in the Bible, “Jesus answered, ‘I tell you the solemn truth, unless a person is born of water and spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit…The wind blows wherever it will, and you hear the sound it makes, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going. So, it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit” (John 3:3-7).

However, that doesn’t stop religious parents from taking matters into their own hands. They attempt to usurp power from the Holy Spirit through rituals like baptism. However, the truth is simple. Through God’s grace, salvation comes from the Holy Spirit’s revelation. Babies might be born sinners, however, that doesn’t mean they are not one of the saved.

Religious parents still attempt to strike salvation into their children in vain. Often, their strategies involve capitalizing on the fear of Hell. Other times, they passively lead their babies into receiving half-hearted baptisms or making their children speak an impartial creed. However, these supposedly helpful rites of passage often triggers spiritual hindrance by the child becoming frightened about committing sin, augmenting judgmental behavior, and fretting loved ones’ salvation.

Since a true conversion of the Lord can only be led by the Holy Spirit, these religious parents often lead their children into a man-made, false conversion. Once a false conversion takes place, intricate work must usually be done to undo the façade before their true conversion takes places. Consequently, religious parents trying to force their faith onto their youth results in more harm than good. Out of fright or malice, they throw their metaphorical baby birds off the cliff without knowing if they are truly ready to fly. Hence, there is an importance of understanding that the all-knowing Holy Spirit must lead the salvation process. He is the only one who knows when a person is truly prepared for conversion. 

Many religious parents fail to understand that salvation is not for a human to seek themselves. Rather, a person must focus to avoid the alluring influences of the occult and the false doctrines of the church-system. Hence, a parent’s responsibility to their child isn’t to enact their salvation but to clear the path for an easy spiritual rebirth process. That way, the child’s spirit might be easier for the Holy Spirit to rebirth without receiving spiritual lies.

The possibility begins to diminish for a quick deliverance when parents attempt to teach ‘spiritual truths’ that might actually be fallacies. Keep in mind, the Holy Spirit knows everyone’s rebirthday. So, no one is going to get left behind that wasn’t supposed to. It is not the fallen nature of the human spirit to revive itself. That would be like thirsty flowers trying to water themselves. If a parent is actively still concerned, they may teach their children the basics of the Gospel, but they must leave out the urgency for repentance. Babies may be born sinners, but they can still be led to the light in time.

These days, everyone wonders why the suicide-rate is so high among children. The answer is the increasing number of non-benevolent caretakers. Most parents think they know best, but they still hold the responsibility to examine the fruit of their parental-style. If their son or daughter is acting out or having mental issues, parents must look to themselves to change their strategy. Sadly, often parents are too stubborn to change. So, everyone pays the price once the parent’s child consequently snaps and finally takes things into their own hands.

Indeed, there is a balance between planting seeds of faith in a child’s spirit and screeching religiosity into a child’s ear. It is not a parent’s job to force their children to want God. While the Enemy might charm the child’s sinful nature, a faithful parent must trust that the Holy Spirit will guide them out of their vices. All in all, salvation is out of everyone’s hands. Instead, it lies in the Spirit of the Lord. At first, babies are born sinners, but they just might be saved by the wind of the Holy Ghost on His time. 

At Resurrection Solutions, there is a fellowship group offered on Facebook for people willing to detox from religion.

Based on the topic, members have written:

“The love of God is grace and control is counterproductive to grace. As a parent I try to be careful not to be controlling and to allow my children to make their own mistakes and try to help them learn from it.”

“[I had] a mother who used religion to control me. I remember feeling suicidal as a child because I felt unloved and misunderstood. People are sincere but being controlling is not love. Thank God, I grew out of how I was feeling at the time.”

If you’re like-minded and would like to join our Facebook page, the link is here:

For further studying, check out these books:

Hits: 211

The New Age Movement vs. Christianity

How’s your spiritual palate?

During the 19th century, American grocers could infuse whatever they wanted into their products. However, the Pure Food and Drug Act was established to prevent things like cyanide to be served at the dinner table. Sadly, spiritual food isn’t near as regulated as the food that we put in our mouths. Every day, countless Christians consume false doctrines of deceiving cults/religions. One of the most notorious. toxic “grocers” is the New Age Movement. Adhering to East Asian, Middle Eastern, and other religions of the world, the New Age Movement has blossomed into a particularly dangerous conduit of deception. 

An amalgamation of many cults and religions, the New Age Movement hides behind a masquerade of Christian ideals. However, it’s chimeric origin plays to numerous false doctrines. With an “everything goes” attitude, the New Age Movement has become an occult-converting factory, encouraging the use of tarot cards, energy healers, psychic mediums, and countless other forms of idolatry. So, here are some pointers to differentiate the false New Age Christianity (and other worldly religions) and biblical Christianity.

Simply put, the New Age Movement attempts to glorify the self. Meanwhile, Christianity glories God. The deadly, attractive poison of the New Age is that people are baited into acting on anything that pleases their flesh. When trying to get people to open their sacral (sex) chakra, I recall a reiki healer saying along the lines of, “Don’t be afraid to be sexual, just let go! There’s no shame in your sexuality. ~ Is that really the right thing though, or is that something they’d would want the right thing to be?

If a belief system is attempting to get someone to actively indulge their bodies, it’s absolutely the opposite of Christianity. As according to the Bible, “…offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God–this is your true and proper worship.” In other words, your flesh is meant to be ‘cut out’ in favor of developing your spirit to be free of sin, instead of smothered in it.  The New Agers say, “Follow your heart and do what makes you happy.” Meanwhile, Christianity counters, “Follow and obey Jesus for the heart is deceitful.” 

The New Age Movement also enforces the concept of “self-saving”, in other words, taking matters into our own hands. Instead of trusting and following in the Holy Trinity, the New Age turns to ascended masters, spirit guides, astrology, and angels for their personal guidance. (When in reality, these are empowered by malevolent spirits who disguise their evil in their messages of good.) Particularly, such divination practices demonstrate how the New Agers attempts to predict and control their lives, especially the future. Hence, they display that they aren’t really at peace, but rather they are in the illusion of peace.

To put bluntly, there wouldn’t be enough horoscopes to give them a peace of mind, there’s always a worry for tomorrow. They’re anxiety is constantly cycling without end. So, they always need a word from someone, somewhere, or anywhere. Although, without spiritual discernment, they play a game of Russian Roulette. It’s a trap of unregulated food products when you get into divination as evil spirits are quite listed on the box of crystal stones, the label of the tarot cards, or the latest Ouija board.  

The New Age Movement also distorted the message of the Gospel. This is like the way Charles Finney deceived the institutional church in the 19th century with the ‘I accept Jesus’ practice. Graphing such easy believism into their narrative, the New Age Movement has added their own variations of Finney’s guide to salvation, adding to the palate’s menu yet more false doctrines of cults/religions.

In fact, many of the New Age Movement claim that Jesus Christ is a meager “ascended master” or a laid back, enlightened individual. While the TRUTH is that Jesus was fully God and fully man during his walk on the Earth. Continuously, they negate the essence of Christ’s teachings, the existence of sin, hell, devil, and demons. Meanwhile, these lessons are a badge of honor to those following true Christianity.

More so, that badge is earned once people are redeemed by the blood that Jesus shed on the Cross, born-again, and SAVED from their sins for eternity. There is no reiki, subliminal, or astral projection that would ever produce that kind of supernatural release from the world. Of which, many in the New Age Movement still seek after, not even realizing that they make their own bondage by trying to make peace with their flesh, an insatiable animal.  With so many in the dark, these individuals do not know the taste of proper spiritual food to decide whether their own doctrines are safe or poisonous. 

If you need help refining your spiritual palate, Resurrection Solutions provides countless posts, articles, and commentary on false doctrines, as well as 9 absolutely essential books. You’d know the Enemy’s lies so well, you wouldn’t even need to ponder if something sounds legit or not. After I left the New Age Movement, I felt so confused and conflicted, who was the God that I was trying to serve? Is he merciful? Is he judgmental?

Through Resurrection Solutions, I’m learning step-by-step, no hassle or rushing. You learn at your own pace. When you have questions, there are numerous, welcoming people waiting to answer questions, including myself. So, you’ll never feel lost or overwhelmed. At Resurrection Solutions, we offer a place of soulful clarity and spiritual rest! Give us a chance at:

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