Christian Zombies: Piety, Pretense, Pride and Phoniness

Religious Pride is Ugly!

I have found that Christians who are constantly apologizing for being “who they are” “doing what they want to do” and saying “what they meant to say,” generally are in bondage to  obeying  the word by the letter of the law rather than by the spirit. Since they are very “image conscious”, they worry that they may be perceived as  unloving or unmannerly and therein “not Christ-like”.  I view  excessive demonstrations  of this kind of anxiety as being a victim to the  4 false “p”s”  They are:  piety, pretense, pride and phoniness.

Here is a recent example.

On one my videos, I warn about the speaking in tongues. In the video, I admit that I once spoke fluently in an unknown tongue for 25 years when God revealed that the tongues spoken today are “not of Him.” What does the commentator do? In piety, she warns me that I should not be teaching and reminds me of the scripture “women be silent in the church.”

Unable to address the points I made,  she has hidden behind the pretense of her own ignorance and confusion. For if women are to keep silent and not teach, why is she breaking silence in an attempt to “teach ME?” Does not the scripture also apply even to herself? Too prideful to address the points I make which are either truth or lies, her supercilious belittling  of me is in itself “phony.’ In other words, to digress from the issues based upon WHO is bringing them is itself a cop-out. Incapable to address the points I made regarding false tongues,  too proud to deal with the challenges themselves, she digressed to attack my right to remove Pentecostal and Charismatic deception, rather than focus on the  salient issues at hand. 

One of the greatest revelations that I have   discovered out of  years of the 5 “T”S of  testing, temptation,  trial, tribulation  and trouble is that “we are never  as advanced as we believe ourselves to be.”  Merely having spiritual experiences does not make us “spiritual.” What makes us “spiritual” is abiding in Christ. To abide means to live, move and have our being in Him, consistently and steadfastly.  In other words, to abide is ” STANDING STRONG, PRESSING FORWARD AND NOT LOOKING BACK UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN YOKED TO JESUS AS A VINE IS  TO A BRANCH!!!”

 I admit that in the  first two decades, I had more spiritual experiences than I can now count or even remember. One gets “spiritual” when one can face the truth without flinching. Moreover,  what I have learned is that  when truth explodes upon  the  mind, it is not  an agreeable experience, nor is it easy to disbelieve absolutely, what we have consistently  believed so thoroughly.  Once I committed myself to truth, I find that I  no longer depend on signs or  supernatural experiences.  The knowledge and wisdom received in the last 3 years, and even more so, the last 3 months have been astounding. 

If you have been a zombie for Christ , when your eyes have finally been opened, look out!!!  Being deceived  can be taken as  a personal insult. To perceive that we have been duped: bamboozled, run a muck, gone astray, hoodwinked,  made a fool of. Don’t even go there in your thoughts  about all of that hard earned  money we put into the hands of religious demons.  Lord, Help!!!! 

 In “the Church of the End-time Zombies, we will examine the ways and the reasons why some have  invariably become “Zombies for Christ.” 

In this important book, you will learn how to deal with pious, proud, pretensive phonies who call themselves “Christian.” 

Hits: 197

What Babes in Christ Ought to Know!

Born Again Online:
Words of Wisdom for YOU!

Recently, God has moved in this ministry by causing members to be born again on Zoom, in their homes, in my home, anything but “church as usual.”It is the job of the pastor to nurture the sheep with godly wisdom via the word of God, to prepare them to escape the clutches of wolf.”  Yet the problem to day is that many pastors are wolves in sheeps clothing that lead  lambs into serious trouble.  For example, when I got born again in 1977, I was sent to a man brhind the pulpit who was actually  wolf.  So everything I know has been gained from trial, tribulation and trouble, in my effort to overturn error in my quest for the truth.  so let me share with you from my own born again experience  that led to spiritual maturity over the last 44 years in Christ: 


1.When saved online, do not go searching to find a church.

 In 1979, I received 3 dreams that sent me to a particular pastor and I assumed those dreams were sent by God because they seemed “so holy.”  Once I found this man and joined his church, it became clear that not only was he a closet homosexual, but he was also a witchcraft practitioner, skilled in the practice of Obeah. Be warned that this minister could really preach and bring forth a spirit of repentance that seemed genuine but it was not, for no one really repented in the church he pastored.  Practically all were sinning so there was no capacity for his members to spiritually grow in Christ.  

 2. Avoid works of the flesh. Don’t whitewash sin.

As a babe in Christ, I did not know how to try the spirits.  You won’t either.  So if the Lord did call you to Himself from some church pew, then you are going to have to learn on your own about the works of the flesh.  I am amazed at the people who have had a false conversion believing that it is “okay” to fornicate as long as they  don’t penetrate.  What a farcical deception! If I had a pastor who looked me in my face and declared “Pam, you are in sin,” I would have spiritually matured at a faster pace. 

Now even though fornication was my major sin,   I was not  really quite  that stupid to whitwash a work of the flesh.  Where I lost ground was by church association.  If I had been under the pastorate of a mature shepherd, I would not have compared my walk to that of his long time members.  They fornicated with impunity so I thought  to myself “they are prospering more than I am.  They all own homes, drive expensive  cars, but  my life just does not compare to how blessed their lives seem to be.”  So even though I stopped sinnng, I had a grievance with God in my heart, because from my vantage point, he was profusely blessing this sinful congregation while I was always a step away from poverty. 

Which brings me to number three.

3.  Never compare yourself with anyone else who claims to be a born again Christian. 

In church in the early 80’s, ministers were after me like sex crazed, ravening wolves.  In other words, I was prey for the hunt, especially when I entered into ministry myself in 1981.  I stood strong for a while but I began to once again, compare myself to others, particularly church women.  I began to covet what appeared to be a glorious life of a First Lady, a ministers wife.  I lusted after having  one of these “low-life” ministers for myself.  As a pastor , I wanted a man’s  spiritual covering.  In other words, I desired to be just another “Adam’s Rib.”  So I fell back into the sin of fornication. 

Looking back, I see now that it was a major fall from grace that God used to prune me so that I could bear more fruit.  When He picked me up from  my fall in 1983, He said in an audible voice 3 powerful words to me:  Come Out!  Separate!!! Come Out! Separate!  Come Out!  Separate!!!!

I say the same thing to YOU!!!  Come out!  Separate! Especially if you the reader are a woman.  You need to consider that it  is quite possible that there is “No Adam’s Rib” for you.  I married 3 times and looking back, I see clearly that God has other plans for me that do  not include  an exclusive partnership with anyone.  For I perceive that God has called me to be  a midwife for Christ, assisting the Holy Spirit in the birth of “new babes.” 

There is more to come. 

 I am just “getting started.”  this may develop into a new ebook. 






Hits: 242

Born Again Is Simple

The Call

Today I write this article as if I am speaking to you. Talking to you face to face. I desire to keep  that which is spiritual, SIMPLE! I start by saying that to be born again is the total work of the Holy Spirit.  He will draw you to the cross and the resurrection  in a moment in time. Yes,  God actually calls you, the Holy Spirit calls you and in a blink of an eye, He changes your spirit, He comes into your spirit, makes your spirit His temple in your body, and there’s no way He can come into you and you not really know it. So “accepting Jesus and asking Him into your heart” is ALL WRONG!!!!  It is dry.  A dry birth.  Way too dry for your salvation to stand against demonic oppression. YOU WILL FOLD!!!!

And the Holy Spirit gives you – He actually gives you the faith to believe on the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ!!! . Now  that’s all in the bible. LOOK IT UP YOURSELF!!! The faith to believe is not ours. The faith to believe is given to us by the Holy Spirit at the moment we ar born again. And He will order our steps to the cross and to the resurrection of the Lord. Once you  get directed to the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, ,there will  be no fear. Why? Because the scriptures say that for the born again, God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, power and of a sound mind.

Be warned that the enemy has perfected ways to simulate a born again experience.   Most who seek my help at PSM believe they are born again already.  When I ask them for details, their salvation testimony proves that they  have not yet   experienced a true rebirth. 

So my first task is to bring you the truth in a way that eventually you will confess that you are not born again.  THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF  OUR  WORK!  To  move forward, you must resolve in your mind and declare to yourself  “Ok, I’m not born again YET. What’s the next step?” The next step is what I call “detox from religion.” 

This step is based upon the harsh reality that several doctrines and practices have been taught  in the churches for at least one hundred years or MORE.   Anywhere you go in the world, you will hear that  salvation is ours to have and so therefore, it’s our choice to be BORN AGAIN!!!. WE make the decision to be God’s child even those His word says that HE CHOOSES THE ELECT.  A decisional gospel is  what is preached today, around the entire world, thanks to American missionaries and mega preachers. When I came to church in 1979, I was already born again for two years, yet a babe in Christ. So, as a babe, I assumed that  seasoned churchfolk  knew things of the spirit  better than me.

After all,  I had been an atheist, never raised in church at all, and so I went along with church leaders and members. But what I said to myself was, “Oh, so that’s how they do it. It didn’t happen to me like that, but I guess God’s got more than one way. Ok, so they’ve got to ask Jesus into their heart. They’ve got to accept Him. Ok.” 

So, I bought into the “I accept Jesus” practice in obedience to my church elders, even though I did not get born again “that way.” Two decades passed,  when  the Lord renewed my mind on salvation, using scripture to validate “how I  myself got born again.” . The wisdom of God revealed that  just like it happened for me, to be born again  is not our choice. For does not  the bible reveal how God chose everyone that He would choose before He framed the worlds? (Ephesians 1_1-7)

We are 3 in ONE: A Trinity

We are a three-part being: spirit, soul, and body. When we get born again, our spirit is immediately changed, and it’s made new. That’s the whole concept behind being born again. What is born again is not your body, it’s not your soul; it’s your spirit. And when your spirit gets born again, the Holy Spirit comes into your spirit and lives there. And as He is living there in your spirit, no demons can be there. You become “the temple of God” because the Holy Spirit lives in your spirit!
Now, in regards to the soul, I suspect that  demons can be in the soul hiding there when you get born again. But ultimately, soon, it will be revealed, and in essence, they will either leave on their own, or you can cast them from yourself, or someone else like myself could cast demons from you.
So, what I’m saying is that in the body, anybody can have a demon in the body. Think about the fact that Jesus came to the synagogue, and there was a woman who was in the synagogue constantly who had been bowed down for eighteen years by a spirit of infirmity. What did that spirit of infirmity do? It caused her to be crippled. That can happen in anybody’s body, whether they’re born again or not.
But, if you are born again, then you have power to command demons and at least keep them off of you. Think about it.  Have you been trying to cast evil  spirits from you and nothing happened? Did your condition worsen?  If so, you are not alone as I hear this all the time. 
You may tell me “Sometimes I feel better, but it doesn’t get completely better.”
 What the enemy will do is he will trick his subject to think that they are getting better, and the way he does that is he just takes his hand off of them for a minute. And so, when he takes his hand off of them, they will feel better. But it doesn’t last, because his hand is coming back. And that’s his way of tricking you into thinking that what it is you’re doing is having some success. It’s a setup; it’s a trick to keep you bound, doing the same ineffective things cause “you got better.” 
So, the evil spirit says, “Alright. I’ll lay my hands  off of him or her  for a minute.” And then everybody you know greets you with hopeful but useless words of praise and comfort like, “Oh, you’re doing so good.” And then, that spirit puts his hand right back on you. Why? Because he’s playing. He’s using his captives as a plaything. Why? Because they don’t know any better. They don’t know the truth. Its a set up.
So, the bottom line here is: with your will, you have power to take back any invitation that you made through a shaman, through theosophy, through reiki, hypnosis, through a psychi, an astrologer, through necromancy— whatever invitation  you made with your free will, you have the power to take it back.
 God gave the power of freewill to US! we are superior to demons and evil spirits in this regard, because God did not give them the same stature or level of free will as He has given human beings. You made the choice to follow after these demonic beliefs and practices. Yes, you were deceived. Yes, you were tricked. Yes, with your own free will, you made invitations. Yet in spite of all your bad, evil decisions, you  STILL have the power, as a human being, to use your free will and say, “No.” You say that the enemy is coming at you and asking you for your soul. Even while you are asleep, you have been given  the power to say, “No.” That is the power of YOU FREE WILL!!!

 Now, here’s the thing. All you really need to say is, “Ok. I’ve got the truth now. I realize that I made some invitations. Well, with my free will, I take this back and that back. I rebuke it. I tear up the contract. I annul the invitation. I command evil spirits to leave me.” Not in Jesus’ name unless you are born again, but by the power of your own free will, you declare “I won’t accept this.”
 What evil spirits attempt  to do is control us. What they’re looking for is ground. It’s like territory. It’s like the military, when soldiers are out there fighting to take a piece of land. These forces, these evil spirits, are out to take your ground, your space. And in order to do that, they’ve got to get your will. And that’s why they’re coming at you with, “Give me your soul. Give me your soul.” You can’t even give them your soul to be honest with you. God gave it to YOU. The only way you’re going to get rid of it is if God takes your soul away.

A part of your soul consists of your mind, your emotions, your personality; everything that makes you CH, that’s different from everybody else, that’s your soul. And a part of your soul is your free will. Your mind, your emotions, your free will, and your heart also is a part of your soul. That’s the essence of who you are as a person. That changes over time. Your spirit when you get born again changes immediately within the space of a second. What happens after you get born again is that your mind is renewed by the word of God, and through trial and testing and tribulation and blessings, your soul begins to transform and change. Over time.

 There’s certainly good in your soul, and there’s evil in your soul also. And those things are going to be worked out, the scripture says, with fear and trembling, meaning with respect and seriousness, that your soul begins to get worked out, conformed into the image of Christ. 
We are always working on our souls, whether we are born again or not. We actually make the decision in our souls as to whether or not we’re going to grow or whether or not we’re going to use drugs, whether or not we’re going to be a thief, whether or not we’re going to be a President. We work that out. 

That’s the nature of who we are. And everybody’s soul – even twins, their souls are different. It’s the essence of who you are. Nevertheless, evil spirits will have access to your unregenerate spirit. Access to your spirit is obtained  when you engage or invite them through supernatural means, like astrology, like reiki, and all of that.

Now,  those whom I have counseled remember that  my story began in 1973, when I  enrolled in a seminar, called relaxation therapy. Relaxation therapy is  really hypnosis with a nice name to it. I caught on quickly:  I became skilled at hypnotizing myself and others. And I liked it. And just like you, I thought I was going to benefit the world  by knowing these techniques and using them in therapy. That’s where I started.
However, hypnosis took me deeper. with psychics. I  went to them.  From visiting psychics to astrology you might say prophesied to me, did my astrology chart, and told me some fantastic things about my life. You see, an astrologer was used by the enemy to draw me into divination. Let us not forget my  graduate school   curriculum that included  hypnosis. So, that’s how the door opened, in very natural, socially acceptable, normalized ways  practices: school and college and career, and a popular, socially acceptable astrologer.
Then, the invitations got deeper.  Actually, they got really, really deep. Objects were moving around. Poltergeist. Gravity being defied. Fallen angels were  able to speak through me, and as I left my  my body. I stood in the corner of a room and watched some other being walking around in my body and speaking through my throat. I could feel them speaking, but it wasn’t my voice.
So, I got deeper and deeper into “making more and more invitations to the spirit realm.”
Now, was I a religious person? No, I was an atheist. But, I want to say this: when God came for me – I didn’t seek Him; He JUST came, uninvited!!. LOL When He came for me, all psychic power left me. All of it left me at once. But here was the mistake: after I got born again, I started to carry over some of the stuff that I had gotten from the spirit realm and mix it in into Christianity. And that way, they were able to deceive me on various things, until God opened my eyes and showed me the deception in 2007.
But what I’m saying is: nobody has ever cast out demons from me. I have never cast out demons from myself. God did it. Just whoosh! Now, did I have demons? I don’t think so; I had fallen angels. Like Sananda, Maitreya, Germain and that bunch. And what they would do is step into me at various points. It only happened about five times, and it was all before I was born again. What I’m saying is: once you get born again, there are things that evil spirits can no longer do. So, what they have to do is find a way to deceive, and to take you off of the narrow path with God and ease you over into the occult realm.
 I loved the occult realm. Evi spirits  did not torment me. Were they trying to drive me crazy? It’s possible, because I was allowed to see things that no human being would admit could happen and  not go crazy. So, I don’t know if they were trying to send me crazy. It was just that every new thing that happened, I was like, “Oh!  Give me some more! Give me some more! I want to see some more!” So, I was never afraid.
The issue that is empowering Satan’s kingdom today is FEAR.  Fear is key because as long as you have the fear, they have control. So, what should wipe away the fear is truth, your ability to accept the truth. And the very first place is to accept the truth is to try the spirits by examining what you believe is your evidence that you are born again.   Otherwise you will remain in the enemy’s hands.  
So you need to be made ready to accept thar your religiosity availed you nothing but demonic torment.  As such admit that  you are not born again. 
Does it mean that you are not God’s child? No, it doesn’t.Once you get rid of the old wine, the Holy Spirit will pour new wine into your spirit the day He calls you to Jesus Christ of Nazereth.

Hits: 1436

Conspiracy Theories: Send the Junk to PSM

Conspiracy Theories: Be Mentally Sound in Crazy Times!

How PSM Deals with Conspiracy Theories:


By Pam Sheppard
It’s one thing to hear about   conspiracy theories  and it’s another thing to grab a hold upon them , believe the substance of the fake news or report  immediately, and then begin to progressively send yourself crazy as you run your little fingers around the world by googling and pulling the crazy mess all together.  Consequently, , with my mentally challenged, fearful clients, I tell  them to send all of their conspiracy theory junk to PSM for review and assessment, keeping their minds unclogged from matters dangerous to their mental health. 
I serve as THE FILTER. I have trained others of PSM to do so as well. 
Take conspiracy theories about Covid as a good example.
 To a client I might say , “Look. Does it make sense that China would risk killing ALL of its people ???– Let us not forget that a noteable segment  of China’s own population were among the first to die of Covid-19. So does it make sense that China would risk its own natives,  just to destroy the rest of the world?” The anticipated response is “Well, China made a mistake! They dropped the specimen and Covid went around the world by accident!”
My response is: Ok. Is there any proof of this? Show me the proof. Don’t show me what this one thinks and that one thinks and this one said and that one said. Where is the proof? China is about selling and making money. If they kill off the entire world, especially the USA, how can they make their money???”
For those who have some semblance of sanity and good sense, they will say Thank you Pam, thank you Pam. I’m glad I have YOU so that I can come to you and just lay this all out before you.”
(The truth is that they know that if alone, they will be bugged out and crazy right now. So I take the heat. I look at the mess with a rational mind.)
So to our  clients, we say , Send the junk to PSM!!
Here is the deal. If you have been mentally challenged, you have to decide that you are going to control your own mind. That’s what you have to decide. So say to yourself “Come hell or high water, I’m not going to allow myself to become crazy again.”
Where conspiracy theories go, your next step is that you’ve got to focus on is rational thinking. “Show me the proof. You don’t have the proof, bingo, I delete this conspiracy theory, I wont even put put you in another file because I am not going to ruminate over this.” THE END!!!!
That’s it.
If  you need PSM to help you maintain a sound mind and help you to block you from being hospitalized AGAIN? Then you know what to do. 888-818-1117 and/or

Hits: 566

When Religion Cooperates With Evil Spirits

Witchcraft As A Lust of the Flesh for Sensory Manifestations

When I first communicated with evil spirits in 1974 , I did not know who they were because at the time, evil spirits  pretended to be the spirits of the dead—people who I knew and loved  who had died.  For 3 years, fallen angels impersonating the dead loved ones  tried to cause me to be religious, offering ‘Buddhism and Hinduism, since they knew how loathsome I found Christianity to be.   A staunch atheist “who could not be moved by anyone. but Christ Himself” , I became born  again in my livingroom on Monday, March 29, 1977 at 4pm in the state of New York. 

However, three years before God “sent me His call” to my spirit,  a form of mutual cooperation was established between  me and the evil spirits —a connection  that paved the way for physical, soulical and spiritual   manifestations to occur. The bible descibes this predisposition as lusts of the flesh for sensory, supernatural  manifestations  referred to in the bible as both idolatry and  witchcraft. 

So I know the sensations  of present day  generational  seekers. Its a feeling or energy  of ascendence to  super human power which uplifts an average  human being into a magical  realm of what appears to be ‘”the  miraculous.”  Case in point, I recall how elated I was when I saw my keys defy gravity, suspended in mid air for minutes, and then hurled to the ground as if an invisible person threw them down to me. Such a  feeling of ascendency  is akin to  a “superman” kind of persona.  Yet having lived in both the 20th and the 21st centuries, I have perceived a scriptural commonality and compatibility   with all idolators: it is  a lust  for sensory manifestations also known as “mysticism.” 

Those seeking “uniqueness” today have fallen prey to a  spiritual addiction akin to mysticism or in every day language, to MAGIC!   Yet what did not happen to me back in the early 70’s  is propelling   countless   present-day seekers toward debilitating, tormenting manifestations  around the world.  In my case, the fallen angels  pretended to be guardians, teachers and helpers.  They claimed their goal was to train me to be a psychic superior to both Jean Dixon and  Edgar Cayce. Even though I did not know what a psychic was, the lust of my flesh  liked the sound of “all things supernatural.” 

Yet only once did these spirits  threaten me  and it was in a manner that an earthly parent attempts  to scare a child “not to disobey.” So I was neither  mentally, physically or spiritually tormented during my three years within the occult world.     On the contrary,  today’s vulnerable seekers upon  entering  into the supernatural, spiritual realm  are  are most immediately and often  relentlessly  attacked in  spirit, soul and body. 


Its because religion has armed the occult.

It seems that religion and the occult do have a strong connection perhaps because the major intent of evil spirits is to defy God by either imitating Him or blaspheming Him as the spirit of the antichrist.    Since I had refused God and all that religion entails, it seems I was safe from torment.  

So that you understand what being tormented in spirit, soul and body is like, take the case of Martina.  Martina has a lust in her flesh for the occult which the bible calls “witchcraft.”  So she joined a church where the pastor was teaching that everyone can see Jesus face to face.  He even wrote a book on it, a man who has some significant worldwide notoriety  within in the religious sector.  So Martina was ever present in his church, where the pastor laid hands on her and she fell out more than once, slain in the spirit as well as she spoke in tongues.

Martina’s next communication with the spirit world began like this.  She was sitting at  her kitchen table when suddenly she heard  beautiful angelic voices singing a refrain of “Holy Master, Holy Holy Master, Master.” She also heard a male voice say “My Holy Spirit is with you now!”

For a few weeks, Martina was loving the supernatural singing, hearing voices and such,  until the pleasantness began to drastically change. The voices turned against her and changed the language to “I am Lucifer.  You belong to ME!!!!”

What followed was indescribable torment, including out of body experiences, hearing voices 24/7 and nightmares.  In Martina’s own words:  “As soon as I fell asleep each night, I was taken out of body, I flew around the room, and I could feel my physical body being choked. I sensed that I was descending down to hell.  I could hear multiple voices as they mockingly laughed at me.”  As time went on, every day the voices commanded me to kill myself.”

This is merely a small taste of the religious torment that produced manifestations not only on Martina’s  physical  body, but also created an  instability in her soul that led to the crisis intervention of the  mental health system where she was diagnosed and prescribed medication.  There is nothing mentally ill about Martina.  She simply had supernatural manifestations that her mind could not handle at the time and caused a temporary dysfunctional mental health crisis.  

Be advised that Martina never took drugs nor was she deeply involved in new age occultism as I was in 1974.   What she has in her soul  is the same thing that I have. Its a  lust of the flesh that the bible calls “witchcraft” which was triggered by charismatic, mystical Christian religion. 

If you find yourself in similar circumstances, reading a book can help.  I have been informed that the book “The Church of the End time Zombies,” has actually set people free while they were reading it.  I also recommend to you the Amazon Kindle book entitled “Face the Devil.” 

To enter into deliverance counseling. send an email to or call 888-818-1117.

Hits: 1909

Be Set Free!!!

The goal of the enemy is to get us built up with emotional baggage inside  our souls  and negative feelings in our hearts against one another, ourselves, and God. The strategy of deliverance counseling is  to devise  a spiritual warfare plan to arm you  to deal with the emotional issues of your  own souls so that the weapons of spiritual warfare will work for you.. 


Because rejection as a spiritual warfare issue  produces a harvest  of evil fruit which can widely vary from one person to another. Some of the common symptoms of rejection include: rebellion, fake personas, the need to fit in, a desire to always want to be a part of everything, inability to be corrected or to receive constructive criticism, self pity, being love starved, a tendency to blame God for being rejected, pride at being rejected, opinionated personality and a need to always be right, seeking of parental approval, envy, jealousy, insecurity, prideful independence, not able to depend on others because you expect rejection. 

The list of the  plethora of effects of rejection is mighty long. 

Traditional deliverance ministries assume that rejection is a demon.  Not so. 

Don’t let anyone fool you into believing that rejection can be cast out by as a demon.  Emotions of the soul cannot be cast out. Rejection is an emotion of the soul that evil spirits take advantaged of to keep you bound. Certainly, evil spirits  attack their prey with accusation, condemnation and guilt in order to stir up the emotion of rejection. . 

Yet, rejection is  a more subtle demonic strategy of choice. Deliverance ministries teach that there are demons called the spirits of accusation, condemnation and guilt. Deliverance counseling teaches that   accusation, condemnation, guilt  as well as  rejection are strategies or tools used by evil spirits and are therefor not actual demons with those names. The unseen being behind such attacks is the spirit of the Antichrist, aka  religious fallen angels and demons. 

Deliverance counseling works to renew your soul and put the power over ALL of your emotions back into YOUR  OWN HANDS so that you will never seek to be set free again by any deliverance ministry!! 

To know more about how to resist the devil , you need this book.
So click the cover!

Hits: 2516

Do You Need Deliverance Counseling?

This testimony is ! A mother has been delivered of evil visions for almost 8 years! Every day, she saw herself harming her babies, visions of strangling them or throwing them down a flight of stairs!

A Word from Pam Sheppard

The bible says that if we resist the devil, he will flee from us.  Deliverance counseling is focused toward helping our clients  resist evil spirits.  The Lord’s word is true.  the way to resist is to be willing to face our own character defects, repent, forgive,  humbly receive correction and grow into the image of our Lord Jesus Christ.  

A central strategy of deliverance counseling is to prepare the way for our clients to receive their own personal revelations of truth.  When blinders are removed from deceived eyes by the Holy Spirit, this is  the ultimate resistance that causes evil spirits to flee, and stay in the background, watching how successfully our clients continue to walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lusts of their flesh.  Those who are successful are equipped to set others free in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. .

To Book a Zoom Session,

Call, 888-818-1117 or email PSM at

Hits: 390

Do You Need Deliverance? Be Set Free with Deliverance Counseling!

As Jules shares in this video, eight years ago, she had horrific visions on a 24/7 basis that showed her harming her children. When she says that she had a god with a small “g,” what she means is that she was a Jehovah Witness. Deliverance counseling revealed that a false religion was at the root of her torment. The irony is that since false religion was “conceived to deceive,” it is a viable strategy for the enemy to use to entrap and torment the unsuspecting.

Yes, it took 6 months to be set free as yet she has been free for almost 8 years!!!! With PSM, deliverance counseling is not a quick fix, as it requires a great deal of work. Yet once you accept the truth, as the Lord said “the truth will MAKE you free!!!

To schedule your first session, either email or call 888-818-1117

There is no obligation to continue. If you do make that committment, like Jules, you will be glad you did!!!

Hits: 621

Deliverance Essentials: Workshops For Self Deliverance and Online Deliverance Workers!

Deliverance Workshop Description

The Workshop Model consists of a list of essentials that serve as the foundation of all spiritual warfare if captives are really going to be set free, and most of  all, REMAIN FREE! 

Each  Workshop (DEW) consists of 5 lectures, several articles, short answer quizes, Q and A and  narrative essays, using  1  essential E-book per workshop essential.

Specialties & Expertise

  • PSM expertise  includes but is not limited to hearing voices. narcissistic personality disorders
  • mental health versus demonization
  • fallen angels and the spirit of the Antichrist;
  • altered states, hypnosis, necromancy, 
  • cults, ancestral worship, Satanic wiles and strategies of
  • spiritual warfare and intercessory prayer,
  •  spirit, soul and body
  • the occult and charismatic witchcraft,incubus, spirit rape, 
  • MUch more and still learning!!!

Although DEW is designed like a college virtual course, it is clear and simple enough for anyone who can at least read at an 8th grade level. You will also be assigned your own personal coach trained and certified by PSM, who will:

  1. 1. Grade each student’s tests.

2. Assess the weak areas and develop an individualized deliverance treatment plan based on needs.

  1. 3. participate in certification of potential deliverance ministry candidates.
  3. 4.Make referrals

  Workshop Topics

Know How Satan Tempts You, Know  Who Satan Sends to You, Know How Satan Tricks You, Know Your God Given Rights, Know How to Fight and much more!

Once registration is complete, the DEW will be automatically sent to the student, as a Power Point Presentation. Each workshop last a month. 

Workshops Are Monthly and Ongoing!

Pre-Registration is Without Obligation


Hits: 1078

Reflexions on How to Try the Spirits by Dream Interpretation

In this crucial season, God will communicate to His elect to both advise and warn you on what is about to happen. this book will teach you how to try the spirits to see if they be of God.
As I was finishing up this book, I received future knowledge about the Coronavirus which actually confirmed that my dream was from God.

I wrote the word’s below a few months ago in an article. I think of it as the Ugly Gray Kiddie Covid 19 CAR. This dream was fulfilled yesterday, July 9, 2020. It has been clearly determined who sent this dream, was it God or Satan:

Here is the excerpt from a previous article:

Then in early March of 2020, as I was in the final stages of finishing the book “The Tribulation: Signs to Wonder About,” it was  noticed during the editing process  that I was mispelling the Covid-19  plague based on the sound of it, and writing CARonavirus.  Eventually I was “corrected” and I edited the book’s typos   accordingly to  the correct spelling, CORona. Yet it is important to note  that  both God and evil spirits  pay unwavering  attention to all things in my life,  including my typos.

Just a few days after the book’s publication, I dreamed that I was driving in my car on a one way highway with my daughter Zee, chatting and smiling as we usually do when we are sharing a ride together. The only difference from reality is that my daughter is usually driving, as she has the better car while I drive a rusted out 2003 PT Cruiser. Anyway, while driving in the dream, suddenly a dark gray “kiddy car” came out of no where and was about to hit us head on.

There was no driver behind the wheel of this “thing.” Also, the gray headlights covered by darkness, could only be seen about six feet away, because the size of the car hindered visibility. Before my instincts to swerve rose up, the little gray car suddenly swerved to the left which was my right. As it disappeared, and I woke up, the interpretation popped up in my mind, reminding me of my book’s typos. THE LITTLE GRAY CAR WAS CARONAVIRUS. The message? The plague shall “pass you by, Pam.”

Was this dream from God or the Devil?  

At this point, I am still trying the spirits as I do not know yet for sure. It could be either one. 

So in spite of the positive message within that CAR dream, I have continued to seriously practice social distancing.

Nevertheless, on July 4th, my daughter Zee got involved in all of this. I see now why she was in the dream. In the dream, I was the driver and she was the passenger. That means that I am the one in control. On July 4, I was in attendance at her small pool party. Well Christina had cancelled on the pool party because she had been having symptoms of a cold. She was advised by a Covid 19 hotline not to come to the July 4th gathering and to schedule a test for the following Monday.

Well, Zee got on the phone, considering that Christina was being ridiculously over cautious and my daughter actually persuaded Christina to come out to the pool party. Zee did not ask me about this but when she hung up the phone up, she yelled to all “Christina is coming.”

All in attendance yelled in glee. Everybody but ME. I felt I should have been consulted on this because I thought that Christina had made a wise Covid 19 choice and I thought Zee had made a presumptive play on this. But I said nothing.

We had a good time and I thought I had sufficiently kept up social distancing requirements. Yet two days later, I get a sore throat. I could not swallow. My history is that I really don’t get sick in the summer and if I feel a cold coming on, I suck on a lemon and it’s gone from me quickly.

Yet this flair up was different. The back of my throat was filling up with saliva and it felt like I could not breathe. Since I could not “cough it up” it felt the way Covid 19 patients describe how they feel. I began to think I was headed for a ventilator.

Thoughts came into my mind like “Well, if this is how I am going to “go out” I don’t know why God would do me this way, but I will find out bye and bye, for yet He slay me, I will trust Him.” I will still love Him. Can’t wait to see Him face to face. So all is still good.

Yet suddenly then I remembered the “Gray kidding car dream” that I wrote about a few months ago. I realized that it was about to be determined who that dream was from. if that dream was from God, I did not have “Car”ona virus. If that dream was from the devil, I have it and Satan decided to mock my faith in God. So off to my doctor’s office I went.

The first thing I planned in my mind to do once I know if I have a Corona” death in my near future is to design and sign a contractual agreement with an attorney for Abby and Evan to take over the ministry. I will turn over half of my life savings to them to do the work, and “move on out of here.” But first, I want to find out the results of Christina’s Covid 19 test.

To my dismay, Zee had been so persuasive with Christina, not only did she defy the advice given to her by the hotline on attending the July 4th pool party, Christina actually canceled the appointment to take the test. So if the dream is from Satan, I am not in the driver’s seat. Zee is and I am being mocked. So I need my own Covid -19 test. This “two plus two equals four” type of reasoning was suggesting to me that I was now Covid positive.

My doctor, Elizabeth SANDEL has this Corona thing on lockdown. You come to the office and stay in your car. A nurse comes outside and pokes you with some swab sticks up your nose. You are not released to come into the office unless you are not Covid positive. The test takes 15 minutes to produce results. I got the call and told “come on inside. You do not have Coronavirus.”

When I got inside, my doctor said “you may not have Covid 19 but what you DO have is a kiddie disease”, a huge abscess is behind your right tonsil that is causing this. I am afraid that the antibiotics I can prescribe will not work fast enough to kill the infection and your throat will increase with the mucous and cause you to feel like you are drowning in your own spit. Therefore, I am sending you to the ER to get that abscess cut and drained.

I thank God that Abbi, a registered nurse, was with me from 1 pm, spending the night at my house since the doctors in the ER were trying to get me to stay overnight and I had told the ER doctors “no thank you.” LOL”

Evan will be over today to give me the Christian fellowship I need to rejoice in God with me. For I was wondering if God had sent him from Florida to NY and also Abbi from California to NY to take over this ministry from me, because I may soon pass on to be with God. Well, not yet!!!LOL

I have lived my entire life in NY, 18 years in NYC and Almost 5 decades in upstate NY. So believe me, most in NY want to move to either Florida or California, just because we have cold weather for 3 out of 12 months!!!! Up here, we get no more than 2 serious snow storms in winter. Between the earthquakes and forest fires in Cali and the humidity and tropical storms in Florida, I LOVE NEW YORK!!!!

What I have which is quickly getting under control Is a bacterial ailment mostly suffered by children. THUS, THE KIDDIE CAR! All I have been doing, as children do in the summer, is swim. Every single day that the Sun is out, I am in Zee’s pool. they keep that pool immaculately clean. But who knows. The sun has been out here almost every single day in June. I follow the sun. Like the kiddies do. So since I still have my tonsils, I picked up a “kiddies disease.” I was also told that the bacteria could have come from a piece of meat.

Who knows. But What I have a kiddies disease. Just like my kiddie car dream suggested. It came up on me suddenly, looked like CARonavirus, but It took a swift turn to the right. A right turn in a dream is always an indication of a positive outcome.

So what is the moral of the story?

Where a dream of the future is at hand, stay in doubt and simply wait to find out if it is from God, the devil or your one soul. Also on a practical standpoint concerning the times in which we are now living, GET A CORONAVIRUS TEST.

I feel increased freedom having had the test. I had a few social distancing scares . I will allow no compromises on social distancing any longer.

For the dream book and the Tribulation book and other kindle ebooks, visit For paperbacks visit

Hits: 811

The Coronavirus and the Churches

Produced on Sunday, 5/3/20 on Zoom, this Christian virtual Zoom meeting  includes, prayer, scripture, song, a sermon and a group discussion within a space of 1 hour and 20 minutes.  Within a series of messages called “Let My People Go,” the primary subject of the second production  is to explore a major reason why “the doors of the church are now CLOSED!  So sit back and learn about “the Fake Jesus!”

Learn More About the Fake Jesus

From the days when Lucifer fell from heaven because of his rebellion against God, what compells Satan is that he desires to be worshipped like God.  As such, he will go to ANY lengths to obtain it, even deceive people who think they are worshipping the Son of God when in actuality, they are worshipping one of Satan’s cohorts, the fake Jesus aka Jesus Sananda Immanuel.   

Sananda is the god of both the occult and the false church. 

Hits: 649

The Tribulation and the Coronavirus

Tje purpose of this image is to recommend that people practice social distancing

Practicing Social Distancing

At the beginning of 2020, I had never even heard the the term “social distancing.” Yet looking back, it seems that I was subconsciously practicing social distancing in preparation  for what was to almost immediately transpire within a few  weeks. In Christian circles, we call this “led of the Spirit.” When we walk by faith, the Holy Spirit will order our steps by guiding  us into all truth, even in those areas where the facts are unknown to us. 

 By example, a  social person by nature, I found it unusual that I was becoming uncomfortably checked in my spirit by  what seemed totally out of character for me. My normal comfort zone has continued to embrace   regular weekend in-house vistations. In fact, my home has a kind of “nestling quality to it” where visitors arrive in the afternoon  and enjoy staying until after midnight!  Nevertheless, I was a bit troubled in my spirit, feeling like I really wanted to be alone.  In fact,  I found myself   arranging that  regular visitors settle in the back of the house, while I remained in the front, several feet away. I now realize the  spiritual truth—  I was actually unknowingly  practicing  social distancing a few weeks  BEFORE I was aware of Covid-19. 

Then in early March of 2020, as I was in the final stages of finishing the book “The Tribulation: Signs to Wonder About,” it was  noticed during the editing process  that I was mispelling the Covid-19  plague based on the sound of it, and writing CARonavirus.  Eventually I was “corrected” and I edited the book’s typos   accordingly to  the correct spelling, CORona. Yet it is important to note  that  both God and evil spirits  pay unwavering  attention to all things in my life,  including my typos.

Just a few days after the book’s publication, I dreamed that  I was driving  in my car on a one way highway with my daughter, chatting  and smiling as we usually do when we are sharing a ride together.  The only difference from reality is that my daughter is usually driving, as she has the better car while  I drive a rusted out 2003 PT Cruiser.  Anyway, while driving in the dream, suddenly a dark  gray “kiddy car” came out of no where and was about to hit us head on.  

There was no driver behind the wheel of this “thing” Also, the gray headlights covered by darkness, could only be seen about six feet away, because the size of the car hindered visibility.  Before my instincts to swerve rose up, the little gray car suddenly swerved to the left which was my right.  As it disappeared, and I woke up, the interpretation popped up in my mind, reminding me of  my book’s typos.  THE LITTLE GRAY CAR WAS CARONAVIRUS.  The message?  The plague shall “pass you  by, Pam.” 

Was this dream from God or the Devil?  

At this point, I am still trying the spirits as I do not know yet for sure. It could be either one. 

So in spite of the positive message within that CAR dream,  I have  continued to seriously practice social distancing.  In fact, only my daughter and my son-in law come in briefly, to deliver my groceries  or fix things around the house and on those infrequent occasions,   we remain 6 feet away from each other.   I do not allow anyone else through my front door. A friend who is like a daughter to me works in an outpatient clinic.  I was shocked to learn  yesterday that  several of the staff who surround her tested positive for Coronavirus, but  she tested negative. 

This wonderful news is certainly  in keeping with the message of the recent dream. Nevertheless, I will continue to maintain social distance from her.  Why?  Because the dream could have been a trap, a demonic setup, to cause me to drop my guard, and the day I let her in, unknown to herself, was the day she  picked up the virus and passes it on to me. 

Hello!!!!  Covid 19 is as serious as cancer!!! I am well aware that  the devil wants to take me out before my time.  Vigilance requires that I continue social distancing and not let up— not one inch! 

So take my advice and you continue to do the same.  The Lord Jesus Christ is returning very soon.  If you die now, your body  won’t have long to be in the grave.  Yet if you can live, what a thrill to be alive on earth when He comes!!!! 

A Question
"The Tribulation: Signs to Wonder About

The wheat and the tares are undistinguishable in as both the works of God and the works of the devil stand side by side  in the world and in the organized church. Yet the Almighty knows His own. With this comforting thought in mind, is there anything that we should do in the natural to prepare for upcoming environmental disasters that cannot be denied in the prophetic words of God?”


Hits: 462

God Speaks Through Coronavirus: Let My People Go!

The Institutional Church Is Pharoah!

the purpose of this image is to portray the church as present day Pharoah

I have known since 2007 that the Lord desires His people to come out of institutional churches. For 25 years, I was an ordained minister in a corrupt denomination as well as a devout student of charismatic teachings, a  financial  partner of various Charismatic mega-preachers like Kenneth Copeland and Fred Price. Though led out by God in 2004, it was in the summer of 2007 that I heard from God, His mind to my mind in a rather long “conversation.”  I was wide awake, sitting at my desk when He revealed to me  that the present day institutional church is Pharoah, and that I minister in the mantle of Moses, declaring “Let My  People Go.”  In fact, in 2010,  I published a autobiographical book called “Come Out of Her God’s People.”  So I perceive that at this very moment in time, the institutional church is Pharoah. 

So from firsthand knowledge through decades of experience,  I know the institutional church “pretty well.” First of all, I am acutely aware that it is  an impossible task for any human being to dethrone such a huge power base, even in possession of  a miraculous rod. Consequently, I  wondered “How will you do it Lord?”  I have certainly been relieved  that the Lord’s expectation of me was not to focus on trying to actively warn people to leave the institutions. I assumed from day one that God Himself  would be the one to accomplish a worldwide exodus. 

Astonishingly apparent, the month of March 2020 made  things quite clear. What is impossible with men is possible with God. God is using the social distancing requirement of  Coronavirus to empty the churches. ALL AT ONCE, HE HAS OPENED THE RED SEA.  Its a dangerous time.  If you remain disobedient, you will go down with the sinking ship. If you return to the churches after the crisis has passed, you will be like Lot’s wife, looking back at what God is destroying! 

You may ask why. 

Your question is both logical and understandable. To cut to the chase, the reason God wants His people to “come out of Her,” is because the spirit of the Antichrist has progressively crept into religious institutions for centuries and every last person, down to the preacher has continued to be  just plain unaware. Spiritually blind, in fact. After about 1700 years, these religious buildings are comparable to haunted houses. Though invisible, church buildings are filled with evil spirits who specialize in religion. 

This seems a shocking, unbelievable thing to you. Well, it should not be because it’s biblical. Consider that 2 centuries ago, the Apostle Paul warned Timothy that in the last days, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of Devils. To the church at Smyrna, the angel of the Lord declared to the Apostle John on the isle of Patmos:,

‘I know that you suffer and are poor. But you are rich! Some people say they are Jews but are not. I know that their words are evil. Their worship comes from Satan.” NIV, Revelation 2:9

And let us not forget the angel’s words to the church at where Satan is identified as “having a seat, and in other translations, “a throne.” I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: (Revelation 2:13 ) Therefore, it  stands to reason that  if Satan had a seat in the institutional church two centuries ago, it is not a stretch of the imagination to comprehend that in these times, there  has been an invisible takeover.

Social distancing is accomplishing the Lord’s will on several levels as it relates to the binding  of the power of the world over God’s people. In opposition,  the institutional church is fighting to hold on to its churchgoers during this pandemic. Some are running to online streaming but they haven’t figured out how to take the choir with them. Others are defying their state’s directives to conform with social distancing and they are  keeping their church doors open. The leaders are so deceived that they really don’t have a clue as to what is going on and as a result, they are fighting God’s command that Moses said to Egypt which the Coronavirus is echoing around the world: 

 Pharoah, Let My People Go!

I gotta’ tell you, God’s people in the churches  do not want to know a thing about seducing spirits. The pastors and leaders  do not   want YOU who attend their churches to know. The collective ministry shows no interest, and couldn’t give a hoot about an evil  spirit takeover of their churches in the form of the religious demons and fallen angels. Why? Because several in ministry are not born again. As a result, several are now hosting religious demons within their own souls .

Ironically, Satan is now using a churchgoers  ‘addiction’ to religion and churchianity against the elect of God, some of  whom  are now standing against public warnings. 

If you can’t come clean and effectively ‘detox’ , the enemy will keep a foothold in you. If you have ANYTHING in you that wants fame, fortune, popular acceptance, and approval, the enemy has yet another foothold in you. If you love attention, there is another one. If you love suffering, there is another one. if you love drama, there is another one.Just know that the more you continue in your detox from religion, the more you pursue truth, the more you will realize that your journey will NOT be popular. When you leave your church building behind, you WILL lose friendships…THAT’S A FACT. 


Satan has been out on bail ever since he pulled his greatest temptation on Eve then on Adam. It is just a matter of time before God’s verdict against him is enforced and he will be locked up for 1000 years, then released, and locked up for eternity in the lake of fire.  So he has got nothing to lose but time.  And he knows his time is short.  

Therefore, in this end-time season, you need to be prepared.

 Pam Sheppard Ministries  was enlisted by God in 2002 to help and guide you on your detox journey with books, videos, articles, correspondence courses, telephone and Zoom  counseling, coaching and deliverance,  private online group fellowship, bible studies, sermons and more. 

Just know that “we do nothing like your ex-church did it.” 


Hits: 1570

How Satan Uses the Bible

the purpose of this image is to portray that confusion comes from the devil, beginning in the Garden of Eden
Click Image for Amazon

Confusion Is of the Devil!

From the first days of human life, Satan has been interpreting and imitating what “thus sayeth the Lord God!” The scriptures even warn us that confusion is of the devil.

 14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.

15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish.

16 For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. (James 3:14-17


The bible also reinforcces that God Himself is not the author of Biblical confusion.  Faulty wisdom begins when uninformed seekers read the bible and take sciptures out of their natural context.  A common example is when scriptures not applicable to the born again experience of salvation are wrongfully applied. Many  believe that when they gave their lives  to Jesus, their decision and actions were in response to the scripture “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden,  and I will give you rest.” 

With any scripture, we need to ask “who are these words spoken to” before we apply it to ANYTHING.  We also need to remember that no one was born again until AFTER the Lord was raised from the dead.  Therefore, spoken to the Israelites, the Lord was not referring to the born again experience. 

 Also, consider this. If the devil had nerve enough to get “religious” by reciting scripture out of its  old testament context to tempt the Lord Jesus Himself, then Satan has also trained his demonic army to do likewise to all of us. (Matthew 4:1-11) 

“Out of context” preaching tends to draw those who have not truly repented nor have they been converted, seekers who are enticed to come to church by the excitement that scriptural hype can produce. Such preaching and teaching draws people to the building. Unfortunately, those who seek blessings to get their needs met or to fulfill their dreams have not really been drawn to Christ Himsel. Such churchgoers  are open to confusion. 

Here is what the devil’s religious cohorts are doing today. First, they suggest to you that you should “come to Jesus and accept Him.” You do so. What follows is a glorious, even powerful  experience so you are convinced that you are born again.  You may also have been given supernatural power that you believe without question is the Holy Spirit. 

Since you are really NOT born again, the enemy successfully  tempts you to  fall into an habitual sin that you cannot control without being born again!!! So what follows is a spirit of confusion, accusation and condemnation in order to convince their victim to believe that he or she has  blasphemed  the Holy Ghost and in an  apostate condition.  Finally.  out comes the out of context scripture from Hebrews 10:26:

26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.


Satanic Strategies of this Season

The Kindle Ebook, “Face the Devil  warns you as a believer how not to allow your weaknesses and character flaws to hinder you in spiritual warfare. Solid and dependable wisdom will wake you to Satan’s strategies. For his ultimate goal is to open demonic doorways in you for the express purpose of gaining access to your soul. Not only does this book reveal ways and methods the enemy employs to manipulate you with mystical phenomena, you will catch up to the endgame of how cohorts of evil spirits seek to allure, seduce to take advantage of you, as is revealed in this phenomenal book.

To overcome Satanic confusion, I am personally confident that you will be empowered with newly discovered  spiritual tools to protect yourself from the enemy’s seductive schemes as you recognize continually that confusion is of the devil. So as you read, pray and ask God to open your eyes and allow the wisdom within these pages to seep into your spirit and empower your soul. This book’s anointing applies more than enough spiritual knowledge for you to develop a discerning eye while living in a time of spiritual darkness.

Hits: 949

New Release!


The 5th Kindle Book in the Beware Christian Series

Hits: 1093

When Intercessory Prayer Is From the Devil!

Charismatic Witchcraft Intercession and Prayers

this image represents charismatic witchcraft interercession and prayer as presented in this article.

All The Lord ever asked us to do for the unsaved is preach. He never asked us to convict, convert or even to pray for someone’s soul to be saved. We are to pray for the well being of the elect, family and friends but only in a general sort of way. Why? Because prayers can be dangerous if they are out of God’s will. Intercession  becomes dangerous when it descends into charismatic witchcraft intercession and prayers. Manipulation occurs when the one who prays seeks to control the lives of others. Soulish prayers of this kind energize human psychic power by projecting  thought and words on to the persons prayed for, by saying that such and such a person ‘shall’ do this or that. Such prayers make demands upon God to “make something happen.” These prayers are answered by evil spirits. 

According to Jessie Penn Lewis,

“Every prayer should be directed Godward, and should never be telling the Lord what to do for somebody else. We may pray that God will direct them what to do, but we ought not to say that they ‘must’ do what WE THINK is God’s will they should do, or even that they ‘shall not’ do what we know is wrong.”

Strange Manifestations

The Charismatics have taken intercession to a new level and meaning as they have in like manner distorted  most biblical doctrine and practices, from “name it and claim it,” “slain in the spirit, speaking in tongues, decree and declare, the prosperity gospel and countless other deceptive teachings and practices, “departing from the faith and giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.” (I Timothy 4:1-4) 

Though a denominational minister with an occult background, it is not surprising that I too would gravitate to charismatic doctrine and practices. Entering denominational  ministry in 1981 yet studying Kenneth Copeland, the late Kenneth Hagin and their other mega-ministry cohorts, a strange thing started happening to me. Travail would “come upon me” like a cold blanket. Totally unexpected and “out of the blue,”suddenly a strong power would come upon me and  I would  weep and wail. Most of the time I did not know who or what for. Kenneth Copeland and the late Kenneth Hagin  defined this strange phenomena as “intercession” for souls. 

 This out of character and strange manifestation certainly appeared quite  holy. When this “power” came upon me in public,  everyone got quiet. I recall that my flesh liked it because it made me LOOK holy. So self sacrificing. My eyes would close and not be able to be opened at times as my lids were swollen  from the tears. Dropped to my knees,  I also groaned and wailed loudly. 

A person rejected most of my life because of my strength, I suspect I relished these time  because it is hard for people to hate and reject you when you are as BEATEN Down, humbled before them as I was.  I believed that  this was a sort of “intercession” wherein  God used  me to  save souls, and  bring down principalities and powers in a struggle to set captives free from the enemy’s hands. Unable to bring this about myself, I clearly knew this manifestation came upon me and I assumed it was from God. 

Eventually it was revealed to me that  charismatic witchcraft intercession prayer produce manifestations  induced by the enemy.  I got a sign in 2004 that exposed it as “not to be of God.” Since I KNEW it wasn’t me, if  it was not God,  the only choice left was the devil.  For 20 years, this strange power came upon me on an average of once a month. Once I learned and received the truth, It has not happened again for almost 16 years. 

Something “similar” minus the weeping, wailing, and falling to the ground  tried to creep up on me  this summer. A religious evil spirit tried to  convince me that a woman I never met was being healed of cancer. I was skeptical and I remained in control. Without the former manifestations, I  got a “the feeling” reminiscent of those “charismatic days” 20 years ago. Rather than “give in” to it, I simply tested it by waiting  to see if this woman was healed. THE WOMAN DIED 2 WEEKS LATER!!!!


Scripturally speaking, intercessory prayer  is only mentioned 3 times in the entire bible and it’s method  is not explained:

  1.   Romans 8: 34, Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.
  2. Isaiah 53:12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.
  3. 1 Timothy 2:1[ Instructions on Worship ] I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. 

The first two scriptures are referring to the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth in His role as Advocate.  While He is in heaven, He is interceding for His people daily. In the third scripture, Timothy is simply advised by the Apostle Paul that the elect should pray for all people. 


In conclusion, I have been born again since March 29, 1977.  I share my  “wacked out,” euphoric experiences to let people know that ANYBODY can be attacked, even oppressed, which includes the elect of God. After all,  even the Apostle Paul had his “thorn in the flesh” sent to buffet or harrass him. 

 However, being “demonized” is something quite different. It weakens or even nullifies your will. Only the unsaved can be possessed in spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells in the spirits of the born again and so the spirit is off limits. Travail and intercession as occurs among Charismatics may appear to be spiritual when actually, religious demons can  negatively impact the soul.  Certainly anyone can be oppressed or attacked in the soul and in the body. Even though it would be challenging to evil spirits to continually oppress a born again person who walks in the spirit and does not fulfill the lusts of the flesh,  evil spirits will certainly try a strong believer, just in case their deceptive efforts will work. 

If you wonder if you are up to the challenge, you might be interested in our ebooks and courses. 

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Sanctification: Distinct in the World

Sanctified Stranger in the World

To show the need to define the words sanctification and distinction

Sanctification is not an easy doctrine to understand mainly because when we are born into this world, we become “attached” to people, places and things.  Yet the bible reveals that the elect of God, a  chosen one, is a sanctified stranger in the world.   To clarify the definition, like Jesus, we come from outer space and this world is not our own. We are from above, not from beneath. So to be sanctified is connected to the world and the children of God’s separation from it both instantly and progressively. Another word that describes the elect of God’s place and position in this world is the word “distinct.” A nuance of being sanctified is to be different, standing out in the world without having to explain or be explained.

Nevertheless, the  elect  come into this world, growing as wheat while  developing alongside Satan’s tares. Yet not yet  born again, the sons  of God may not be    visibly distinct due to times and seasons of sin, where the elect appear non-distinguishable  from all others in the world.  Yet God knows who we are. So does the enemy because  the Lord’s  seal remains    implanted into our foreheads by the Holy Spirit before the Lord framed the worlds.

 Two centuries ago, Jesus Christ prayed that all of God’s people be sanctified or distinct in the world, in the world but not of the world. It is the job of the Holy Spirit to lead us to live as if we are sanctified. At rebirth, we receive His call.  All who are   chosen become   “called out” ones for  it is the calling that causes us to be distinct or sanctified. Both God’s calling and His sovereign choosing or election is the foundation for sanctification. 

The day we are born again, we have come out of the world as new creatures. Old things have passed away. All things have become new.  One of the new things is the progressive development of distinction and our detachment from the world both suddenly and over time. Even though we  live in this world, each waking day confirms that  we don’t belong to this world because  we   have a new home.  We come from above, and not from beneath. We have a new distinctive origin as citizens of heaven.


Sanctification and Purpose

to highlight a 1951 science fiction movie that serves as an example of the meaning of being a sanctified stranger in the world.

I perceive in the classic movie of 1951  the deep meaning of both sanctification and distinction. A black and white science fiction movie called “the Day the Earth Stood Still”  presents an alien from outer space  in the form of an average looking human being. Once he landed on earth, the alien  came out of his spaceship and moved into a boarding house. Mixing and mingling with the other boarders,   the spaceman  appeared  both normal and human, yet he was a  sanctified stranger  in the world. 

As the movie progresses, it even appeared to be an attraction brewing  between the alien and  one of the women who lived in the boarding house with her young son.  Though pleasant and engaging,  the alien remained detached and distinct in the world, primarily because of the purpose of his mission. For he  was sent to Earth to warn  inhabitants about ending the  wars that were destroying this planet. When the time to fulfill his mission was at hand, he gathered together every world leader, and they all  heard the message in their own language.  Once his message was delivered ,he entered the spaceship and he took off into the skies, without the movie’s love interest or  her son.

As the plot evolves, the distinction and sanctification of this alien was achieved because in spite of the world’s distractions, he remained dedicated to his mission and his purpose. He did not mix and mingle with the world yet he also did not cause  his neighbors to be uncomfortable, in spite of their  persistent inquisitive antics.  Set apart and remaining distinct, the alien prioritized   the task at hand. His  purpose took precedence over his emotions or any temptation that would draw him into a strong attachment to the world. The alien remained distinct. 

Today, the times are even shorter than 1951.  Therefore to overcome deception, the elect of God must be both sanctified and distinct—- sanctified strangers in the world.  This does not mean that the elect must be perfect.  For even though we are sanctified immediately at rebirth, with maturity anchored to purpose,  our sanctification will continue to grow and mature.

An important ongoing process of deliverance counseling and discipleship is to edify the elect of God by focusing on sanctification in a quest to reveal divine purpose. When  Jesus Christ is the barrier set in place between you  and the world, our ministry can help you to take a vital place in the world as a bearer and an example of light and truth. If you are ready to know more, contact us. 







Hits: 271

Divine Destiny and Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual Maturity and Predestined Purpose

this image symbolizes spiritual maturity to find one's pedstined purpose.

Spiritual maturity and  predestined  purpose  in the life of a  chosen one, not yet called  are centered in the thoughts and desires of the person’s  soul.  Nevertheless,   the purposes of  God are spiritual. In fact, without our knowledge, various  innate predispositions and unsuspecting life circumstances  often  foreshadow   the nature of our divine purpose.  For who we are and the traits  we manifest are  frequently foreshadowed by    God’s divine   will for us in the body of Christ. Our predestined purpose will  fit  perfectly within His overall plan  and  His ultimate goal.  Nevertheless, spiritual purpose is often unknown for decades , frequently remaining hidden within the inner parts of our spirits.  For there are things we do, including internal leanings and personality traits, that spiritual maturity will eventually unfold to our conscious minds. 

 The problem with religious purpose is that it usually masquerades as  divine when in reality, it is nothing but  “self-fulfillment” and not God fulfillment. For the purpose of religion is soulish while  God’s purpose is in the spirit or “spiritual” . When the time is right, God will reveal His purpose to the chosen ones.  The elect of God   will be surprised to see that He has implanted His purpose in our   DNA, manifested soon after we are born.

My Story: A Predestined Purpose

it was not possible for me to either conceive or understand  my predestined purpose when I was born again in 1977. Four decades ago, God’s will for how I  am to serve Him  was beyond my limited  scope and comprehension because  “I had to go  through some things.”  I will simply say that seeing through a glass darkly, I have only recently ingested the breath and depth of my divine  purpose.  Simply put, to fulfill my purpose for God, it is mandatory that I  be equipped to stand alone and not be distracted by public opinion. So I was led on a long journey to find my predestined purpose and spiritual maturity. 

Consequently, I have been internally designed for my purpose as manifested almost as soon as I could talk. I walked and talked earlier than most toddlers. I am built to be a pioneer, which means being a standing  alone person, ahead of the crowd, public opinion and protocol. In the earlier years,  I secretly wanted to be accepted and popular but I was not internally equipped for that. Looking back, I Understand now why I DID THINGS AND SAID  THINGS THAT CAUSED PEOPLE TO RISE UP IN ARMS!!! 

Hindsight shows that I was actually practicing along the path of for “such a time as this.” Here is an example. 

 When I was a child, my father introduced me to JA Rogers books. Rogers  wrote exclusively about black and African history and accomplishments. So when I got to school in the late 40’s, I was compelled to constantly lift up subjects that NO ONE WANTED TO HEAR. Early on, I was smart enough to realize  that I  WAS NOT POPULAR. Yet I continued to  blurt out  Rogers’ teachings the classroom in spite of anyone’s resistance. I UNDERSTOOD THAT MY COLORED PEERS WERE EMBARRASSED . MY eyes were opened to watch black children  PUT THEIR HEADS DOWN ON THE DESK AND COVERED THEIR EARS when I said “Negro” or “Black” .  

Even though THE TEACHERS WERE CLEARLY ANNOYED, I DID NOT STOP !!!! So as a child,  I was Negro and not “colored” , followed by being black and proud almost two decades BEFORE  Afrocentric life   was fashionable among “colored” people of my generation. You see, what I understand today is that my predestined purpose mandates me to be ahead of my times and to stand against compromise and conformity where God’s truth is concerned.  

As God’s purpose for me  requires, early on, I demonstrated as a child and a young adult  an ability to confront the world and not run from rejection and disapproval. I perceive today  that built into me from the start of my life is  an implanted inclination in my DNA  to confront worldly systems. From the time I was 5 years old,  I  willingly adapted to  being the most unpopular kid in school without compromise or regret.  I was fine with that because to me, THE TRUTH HAD TO BE TOLD. TRUTH HAS ALWAYS BEEN FIRST WITH ME. Being a truth teller is at the  center of my divine predestined purpose. 


Deliverance Counseling And Spiritual Maturity

Some assume that deliverance counseling is solely about freeing people from evil spirits.  Its not.  Truth not only sets captives free from demons and fallen angels, but it also helps you to “work out the salvation of your soul with fear and trembling.” In keeping, a central focus of the work includes:

  • identifying those factors within the soul which hinder maturity, toward the end of balance;
  • gaining a more realistic perspective on self by limiting wavering between self praise and self degradation;
  • overcoming passivity with a spirit of activity toward the goal of assertiveness without offense, overcome doubt and fear
  • losing excessive expectations while remaining hopeful and courageous
  • gaining an appreciation of being alone while at the same time, developing an appreciation for loving friendships
  • taking control of negative emotions that cause you to be depressed, agitated, guilt stricken, hostile, irritated, and tired.  

Depending on the natures of your divine purpose, it will be important to work on the salvation of your soul, to get prepared for your predestined purpose. I have designed Deliverance Counseling to  help you uncover your divine predestined purpose via spiritual maturity.  I perform my work by phone and online.  Call 888-818-1117 or email me at

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