Saying No To Passivity Leads to the Path of Freedom

Get rid of passivity and be led to freedom

When it comes to deliverance, saying no to passivity leads to the path of freedom. Passivity refers to inactivity, particularly inactivity of who you are, your thoughts, decisions, and free will power. The topic of passivity is so important during these times for several reasons: one of them is that passivity is providing an invitation to evil spirits and as a result, there are people suffering. People all over the world are experiencing the spiritual battles that fallen angels and demons are igniting.

Christians Influenced to Be Passive

The church system promotes that Christians should be passive in order to be blessed by God. Their teachings lead to heavy influences. This causes people to let go of their common sense thinking. Christian religious followers who believe in false doctrines, rely on a false god to make decisions for them. In addition, when the dark forces of evil spirits pretend to be of God, a professing Christian is at risk of accepting any messages that imposter sends to them.

When I was an avid churchgoer I thought I needed God to make basic, common sense decisions for me. I depended on God to decide almost everything for me. What words I should say, what choices I should make, what housing I should live in, and so on. The passivity continued spiritually when I would assume that all supernatural type experiences were from God. As a result, I without hesitation, listened to the messages. That turned out to be a disaster because those messages were not from God but from evil spirits pretending to be God.

Passivity Leads To Attacks By The Enemy

The evil spirits weapon of choice used against me were futuristic dreams, visions and hearing of voices. This caused a lot of damage to a time in my life that I had to recover from by the grace of God’s help.

As I continued in a church system that never provided me the spiritual truth, depth, or meat I was looking for, I became lost in who I was. It took the grace of God and the help of the Holy Spirit to show me that I had a false salvation experience when I followed the alter call.

I realized that I was worshipping the fake Jesus. How did God reveal this to me? He led me to find Pastor Pam Sheppard, who had the knowledge to teach me that because I had been obeying a religious and witchcraft spirit, it had gained such access to my soul, and I provided them with fuel to continue to torment me. With her help, I learned about the tricks and deception that evil spirits were spreading in the church system and all over the world. Others were not able to teach me and help me like she did.

Darkness in The Church System

I realized that tricks of evil spirits where hidden within the church system and they even attempted to influence my family members. Fallen angels and demons can use people that you know to influence you. If allowed, they can speak through to people at times. They often use those who are deceived about the manipulation that Satan is causing in the institutional church system.

Some religious believers professing to be Christian can unknowingly spread Satan’s agenda. As a result, it leads to spoken words that appear to be Godly, or prophetic but are false, psychic predictions. The devil spreads lies and tries to cause ruin in their targets life. The person who accepts these words without testing these words are an example of that individual being passive.

Unbeknownst to many, there is an enormous population that are worshipping a religious evil spirit. When this happens the enemy strikes and can cause spiritual manifestations. Manifestations like hearing voices, tormenting visions, spirit rape, demonic nightmares and even physical torment are just some examples.

The Invitation

Passivity invites evil spirits inside a person’s soul when they go into an altered state. Being in an altered state is a very specific form and doorway to passivity. In the religious church system, certain acts induce an altered state and a passive mind, and thus usher in the worship of a religious evil spirit. Holy dancing, being slain in the spirit are a few examples that happen in the institutional church system.

Those who engage in meditation, yoga, Buddhist, and Hindu practices may have heard about chakras. People are trying to open their chakras and channel Kundalini energy. This claims to enlighten the person. These acts are one of the popular forms of spiritual passivity happening in many parts of the world. People are also doing this in the United States, and it can be very dangerous! For more information about this topic, click here for this article. One of the big takeaways about the subject matter of passivity is that in order for demons to get into your soul, being in an altered state gives demons that doorway access.

Passivity can occur in all walks of life because the world has a tendency to say in various ways, that their ways are the best. In addition, there is a frequent push to promote that your free will common sense needs to be tossed aside. When one gets involved in the religious church system, the risk of being passive, becomes 10 fold.

Resist Passivity

When I continued counseling with Pastor Pam, I strengthened up my will power to be able to fight for myself in a healthy way. It was assertion that she helped me build up. Saying no to passivity leads to the path of freedom and I used my free will to resist the devil and all his tactics. Building up my free will led me down the road to recovery. I received freedom from the bombarding words of evil spirits speaking to me continuously.

When a psychic approached me after I had been in counseling with Pastor Pam, I ignored the psychics advances to try to give me a a psychic reading because I knew that by stopping to listen to that woman say words that supposedly predicted my future, it was an attempt of setting me up by witchcraft evil spirits. They attempted to manipulate me by trying to get me to listen to their words for a long time, and cause danger. See scriptures on the dangers of fortune tellers and psychics ( Deuteronomy 18:9-12; Leviticus 19-31; 1 Chronicles 10:13-14: Isaiah 8:19, 2 Chronicles 33:6)

I shed that religious expectation that I needed to be passive at all times. Importantly I got rid of that religious thinking that I had to accept every religious prediction, religious prayer, and “special message.” That sort of teaching promotes one to accept every word of faith doctrine, laying of hands, “thus sayeth the Lord” message. When your safety is in jeopardy, it’s important to think about your safety and be careful not to agree to what is malicious.

Breaking Free From Passivity

Your talents and personality that make you different than others, become preserved when you continue to break free from passivity. One must be aware to the wiles of the enemy in all systems, including the institutional church system, so that you do not fall prey to demonic and fallen angel spirits that try to ensnare you by getting you to worship them.

My pastor, Pam Sheppard, continued to mentor me and my passivity lessened. The religious have tried to influence me. Some tried to put strange ideas in my head that did not originate from me. When this happened, I would stand my ground. I encountered pushy people at work, and some random strangers. It started to become easy to say “No that is not what I believe, No this is not what I want.” The devil has tried it’s different methods to use people to try to influence me in ways that would be harmful to my well being, however, saying no to passivity leads to the path of freedom. Not being passive was the key to my strength in this arena

The Importance of Your Will Power

After I left the institutional church system, tormenting religious evil spirits started to lessen. Evil spirits will try to send messages to you, so the will power must be utilized at all times. The goal is for your mind to resist and block away any of these messages and prevent you from being under demonic control. Your will power is essential to getting you down the road to recovery. It is one of the biggest components to deliverance.

Evil spirits will take advantage of those who are both passive in the natural and spiritually passive. Getting rid of passivity is the armor that you will need to break free from the bondage of captivity by evil spirits. Learning to stop being passive can take time and you may likely need help with this. You can receive help from PSM. We offer coaching, counseling and mentorship to help you with any spiritual battles you may be experiencing. You can also get the help that you need by reading books by Pastor Pam. In particular the book: The Church of the End time Zombies, is a great resource for you when it comes to learning about passivity and getting led down to the path of freedom.ed

Click the Image Below for the Book: The Church of The End-Time Zombies

Hits: 952

Perfect Love in Christ Conquers Fear

A person successfully conquers a mountain of  fear, rejection, evil, and temptation through love: It alludes to how the love of Christ helps overcome all obstacles and turmoil of the world.
“Love takes no pleasure in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Corinthians 13:6).

While I’m not born-again, here is a testimony of how I came across Pam Sheppard Ministries and how I learned love and trust in the Lord conquers fear.

My mother and I were extremely into the occult. We read the books of Edgar Cayse, bought healing stones, visited psychic fairs at his headquarters, etc. I myself was particularly involved in the New Age Movement through receiving energy healing (reiki) through videos on the Internet to alleviate severe Eczema. Usually, I had a set number of channels that I would receive the reiki from: There was about 3-4 of them that I preferred. However, I sought a new user that could offer stronger ‘benefits.’ The subsequent Youtuber I found claimed that he could open all 72 chakras of the body through various spirits and reiki symbols, which he would send to those viewing his videos. He also had an assistant with him that would amplify the effects.

Now moving back slightly earlier in the week, my mother had just recently started reading the Bible and gotten increasing religious. She quoted the verse Deuteronomy 18:10-12 and wished for me to refrain from New Age practices like she had, “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, practices divination or conjury, interprets omens, practices sorcery, casts spells, consults a medium or familiar spirit, or inquires of the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD.” Personally, I felt like the occult had more meat, love, and understanding than any Christian church that I had ever seen. So, I was resistant.

Needless to say, after watching the Youtuber, I felt increasingly ‘off’ for the next 1-2 days. The symptoms were like a spiritual cold: I felt inexplicably weak, drained, and off-center. It was when I had to admit, my mother was probably right: The New Age was no good after all. Therefore, I threw out all my New Age stuff and got ready to start a new leaf as a dedicated, religious Christian. (At that point, I thought ‘religious’ was potentially a good word. I’ve come a long way since then.)

A major problem was my mother had no idea about how repentance worked. She claims at each night, we should ask God to forgive us and cleanse us of our sins. We must make it our resolve to be clean in the sight of the Lord and pray constantly for the spiritual wellbeing of ourselves and our loved ones. The latter is understandable. Although, it also echoed the behavior of Job, whose fear and lack of trust in the Lord resulted in him becoming self-righteous, fearful, and most of all RELIGIOUS. Everything seemed to be like more of a perfectionistic performance where no one garnered any enjoyment, let alone bear any fruit.

I was choking on all the sins that I would do throughout the day. I was counting them up like ants. Not to mention, I was struggling with changing my mindset from the laxity of the occult to the rigidness of religiosity. It seemed like every thought seemed like the wrong one. Then, I heard a doctrine where the Lord hears your thoughts and uses them to place judgment upon you from a pastor, who also joked about people sent to Hell if they didn’t accept Jesus. That’s when I got really torn-up on the inside: I felt incredibly guilty for my involvement in the occult and most of all, I was afraid. Terrified of myself and everyone around me. Scared to death of my mistakes and other people’s.

That is when blasphemous thoughts ramped up in my mind. All day. Every day. Every hour. Things got so bad between the endless onslaught of thoughts against Christ and worshiping the Devil. I was throwing up after nearly every meal from anxiety of where my salvation stood. I lost twelve pounds. A doctor mentioned that my blood pressure was low, likely from the lack of food.

I started attending church to curb my ceaseless torment from what I felt was a spiritual attack from the Enemy for leaving the occult. From what I understood, the Enemy couldn’t attack you in church. Yet, I was. It didn’t make sense to me. The deeper I was falling into religion, the deeper I was falling into insanity.

It was in this severe condition that I found Pam Sheppard Ministries through an article that I found on opening chakras and torment. After some deliberation, I took the leap to question everything I have ever known and embark on a spiritual journey (which I still continue today.)

Making that comment asking for Pastor Pam’s help was the best decision that I’ve ever made in my life.

From Pastor Pam, I learned that I wasn’t born again. It wasn’t my job to make myself repent to Christ. I had to wait on the Holy Spirit to rebirth my spirit on the Lord’s time. One bad thought wasn’t condemning than any other thought that I’ve had. I also learned God wasn’t looking for perfection. He often uses mistakes for spiritual growth and development. If people could reach perfection like religious people (myself at one time) tend to, then why did God need to die and be resurrected at the cross to cleanse His Elect’s sins?

Most importantly, my torment was virtually defeated by this simple lesson:

Trust in the Lord. He knows you better than you know you. If there is no defeat, there is no getting saved. He /loves/ you.

You got to understand, Pastor Pam saved my life with her love, guidance, and experience. She’s always patient and kind, telling the truth in love. I owe the bright, young woman that I am today to her. She gave me the affirmation which said, ‘In Christ, there is nothing to fear, and HE says perfect love casts out fear.’

It’s an honor to be a part of Pastor Pam’s ministry and serve under its namesake. I know without the Lord guiding me here, I might not be walking the planet nor find unfathomable trust in Him for my salvation.

Here is the link to Pastor Pam’s article that overhauled everything that I’ve ever known about religion and the occult: It started the journey that led me here.…/christians-who-open…/

Hits: 1191

Prayer, Sermon and Song

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness” (Matthew 7:21-23).

A sermon is crucial for tying a service together. It provides the primary source material for the topic at hand. In the embedded video above, Matthew 72:21-23 are essential verses to having those with a religious background understand that ‘accepting Jesus’ will not guarantee their salvation nor forthcoming in the name of the ‘true’ Jesus in the first place. The sermon is coupled with Pastor Pam’s commentary of personal experience, providing the head to a spear in the Zoom video fittingly titled, “Does Jesus Know You?”

Without listening to the sermon above, the rest of the recorded Zoom discussion will not hold as much merit to a listener, who hasn’t heard of Pam Sheppard Ministries nor its teachings offered. The subsequent discussion would be like a stick without the flint or metal enabling it to become a spear, a weapon of choice during a time of monumental spiritual warfare between the Lord’s truth and the lies of the Devil.

In this case, two examples of churchgoing women becoming demonized on the payroll out of institutional church should make a person’s ears wide to hear. If a top-tithing, tongue-speaking churchgoer rises out of her wheelchair, under the control of evil spirits, then those individuals practicing these activities should also pay particular attention. Just recently, someone became demonized decades simply by hearing a prophecy given to them on church-grounds. Put these two events with the context of Matthew 72:21—23, it should make a person stop to think about their current list of experiences in the church-system.

The latter example happened only within the previous week, and there are other people with similar testimonies of becoming tormented after attending church-services too. With such in mind, it becomes increasingly plausible Jesus ‘doesn’t know’ the typical churchgoer, who are adhering to daily religious activity modeled by today’s churches. Otherwise, the aforementioned cases of the demonized Christians would not exist according to the traditional beliefs of popular denominations. 

Pastor Pam’s sermons are similar to essay introductions everything develops and flows. The discussion chronicled throughout the rest of the recording session would not hold the same gravity without her cultivated, background knowledge.  They are like spears slicing through the thick deception for those currently at odds with the Institutional church. (So, I’d very much hope you’d pay close attention throughout subsequent Zoom sessions for them.)

Anyone inquiring about the interpretation of Matthew 7:21-23, should look no further than the embedded YouTube video above or here via YouTube. Prepare for a spiritually nourishing service that demonstrates the proper composition of a church service: a soul-riveting prayer; an insightful, perceptive sermon; and a riveting song to soothe the spirit during the Corona epidemic. The goal is to set God’s people free from the rampant, spiritual darkness occurring in the church age of Laodicea.

Take heed to the words of Pastor Pam, who has liberated numerous individuals from religious bondage and supernatural torment in over thirty-five years of experience. The folks at church may know you, but find out why that doesn’t signify that Jesus does. The price of that knowledge won’t require paying a tithe, consuming communion, or becoming slain-in-the-spirit; but only requires time to listen. Occasionally, spending time with the Lord requires faith to let go of the noisy spiritual clutter to see things clearly for their true nature. The simplistic, sincere elements found in the worship services of early believers are a far cry from the churches still attempting to remain open today. Yet, the recorded service above takes Christian service back to its roots with a prayer, sermon, and song all based on a word to hear: “Let my people go!”

Hits: 423

Religious Superstitions

Do this, and this bad thing will happen. Don’t do that, and that bad thing will happen. RELIGIOUS SUPERSTITIONS. They incite fear, and bring about a sense of paranoia in people, which keeps folks in bondage. Religious superstitions are not real. They are fear based.

To me, this where the occult and religion tend to join forces. You have the religious side, where you are led to believe that something bad will happen to you if you do a certain thing…and then you have the occult side that encourages you to engage in an occult type of practice, in order to either avoid a bad thing happening, or to try to yield positive results in your life. That is in essence, witchcraft. Both incite fear, bring about a sense of paranoia, and keep folks in bondage. They are beliefs based on BELIEFS, rather than being based on truth. Evil spirits also prey on such situations, and will have you believing all kinds of crazy, untrue things, just to get you to live your life in fear.

Many times, these religious superstitions originate from experiences people have had in the past that they have not effectively dealt with, and therefore they create a fear-based conclusion, rooted in a negative experience they had related to that item or situation they are superstitious about.

It is similar to the, don’t step on a crack or you’ll break your mother’s back OR don’t split the poke syndrome. Now, those examples are quite elementary, but I’m sure you get my drift, here.

They do it a LOT in churches…particularly with the prosperity gospel. We all have seen those late-night religious shows, where folks are making claims that because they gave some exorbitant amount of money, they are magically healed or blessed. So they give and give and give…until they become poor. Unbeknownst to them, it actually RUINS their lives and creates MORE problems for them. People are led to believe that if they don’t contribute a certain amount of money, they won’t be healed or blessed. RELIGIOUS SUPERSTITIONS. God heals and blesses us IN SPITE OF what monetary amount we choose to give or not to give. I am not talking about legitimate counseling sessions, where it is customary to pay for a service you are receiving. I’m speaking about false church-based prosperity teachings that incite fear in people and lead them to believe that they must contribute a certain large sum of money in order for certain situations to improve in their lives. Or thinking you are “cursed” because a certain difficult situation happened to you. Maybe that’s just LIFE. We weren’t promised that everything in this life would be easy.

Another example is that if you don’t say “Grace”, “bless the food,” or pray for your food before you eat, your food will not be good for you to eat or may be tainted in some way or something. Saying “Grace” before meals is a RELIGIOUS PRACTICE, often rooted in RELIGIOUS SUPERSTITIONS. JUST EAT YOUR FOOD!!! When God created the earth and all that is in it in 7 days, he declared, “IT IS GOOD!” So, it is already blessed. If you get sick from eating something, it is not because you didn’t pray first. Sometimes these things just happen. Doesn’t have to have a supernatural reason behind it.

Here at PSM, we believe in helping people to break free from religious (and occult) bondage so that they can live their lives freely, according from the truth based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Nothing we do here is based on Religious Superstitions, but rather on TRUTH. If you are in bondage to Religious Superstitions, and feel that you need to be set free, shoot us an email at:

Hits: 448

Legalism Produces Cookie Cutter Christians

Legalism is nothing more than a list of do’s and don’ts. Satan is the god of this world and he has found a way to pollute the hearts and minds of the sincere. He pollutes the hearts and minds of believers by instilling undue fear. Undue Fear often stems from being told that a person must “beware of this or that.” Believers are wrongly taught to operate from a religious checklist.

Is A Religious Checklist God’s Way?

A religious checklist goes like this. Don’t eat pork. Don’t wear makeup. You must “accept God” in order to evade hell. The Enemy entices a believer with either a half truth or with an outright lie in order to get a person to react in a religious manner. Satan masquerades as an “angel of light” in hopes of getting a believer to accept a lie. Once a lie is accepted,  he then steals that person’s God given free will.  The Enemy’s goal is to gain worship for himself.  In turn, the religious trap is set. The trap is to make a person appear holy without any real divine power from God. For instance, he may trick people into believing that they must God consult on trivial matters. For instance, some believers fall for the lie that they must consult God on what shirt to wear. Something similar happened to me.

Leaving Legalism Behind

When I was a child, I grew up under a legalistic, religious group. Under this religious group, I picked up a legalistic mindset.  For instance, I was told that getting a college degree was useless because the “end is coming.” Nevertheless, I am glad I let commonsense prevail and I got my degree. Secondly, I believed their falsehoods about Jesus. For instance, I fell for the lie that Jesus is just the Son of God and not God. In fact, I learned through this ministry that Jesus is fully divine as God in the Flesh. Also, I falsely believed that I had to attend church or that I had to do some religious activity to know God. In fact, God does not want our vain, religious works. Instead, God that calls us and he orders our steps towards HIM by the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Dare To Be Different

Religion teaches people that the way to Christ is meeting a checklist. Eventually I left that group and I now realize that God does not want robots. Legalism is a poor attempt to legislate morality. God wants us to be unique, real, and open to bare our souls. Are you ready to challenge yourself? Do you dare to be different? If so, I recommend that you watch this video. In this video, Pastor Pam addresses the pitfalls of legalism.

Pam Sheppard Ministries is a safe place to bare your soul and we are here to help you detox from the toxicity of religion.

Here are 3 different ways you can reach this ministry:

1.) Call Pastor Pam toll free at 888-818-1117

2.) Email us at

3.) Join our RESCUE Fellowship discussion group on Facebook at

Hits: 1435

What About Speaking in Tongues in Laodicea?

Religious Hypocrites Contend Over Tongues

this image portrays the religious hyprocit who contends over tongues

Pam Sheppard Ministries has almost 500 videos on a YouTube channel of the same name.  As much as I like to comment, I really don’t have the time for it.  Yet this morning as I lay in my bed resting, a YouTuber  “”engaged me.”  I thought his comments were noteworthy for the following reasons: 1.religious hypocrites contend over tongues 2.  such contention is consistent  with the church age of Laodicea  3. In Laodicea, hypocrites will use tongues to persecute anyone of a different spiritual undestanding, similar to the  “fictional narratives” aka “fake news” embraced  today in American politics. 

Since the YouTuber  has the power to wipe out the entire commentary by simply deleting his original comment, i have chosen to memorialize the thread as it now stands. After all, I can’t waste 2 hours of God’s time. 


Do YOU Speak In Tongues? Ask God About it!!!

The video above was produced about a year ago.  On today— Sunday, 11/24/19 , I was laying in my bed, about to  watch  AM Joy on MSNBC, when  the following comment caught my eye:

This whole video is of the Devil and is contrived of you attempting to make a name for yourself apart from the truth of God. In this era, God is restoring to his church that which was lost in the dark ages due to men supplanting the power of God with the wisdom of men. Wake up, sister, go back to the cross, to your first love, and do the first works again before your end comes and you come up short before Almighty God.

 In spite of the condescending quality of this comment, I did not delete it  in order  to demonstrate how evil spirits operate in a religious person. The approach is to accuse and condemn, even to slander as opposed to focusing on the subject matter, which in this case, is tongues.   A religious evil spirit  tends not to debate on substance but rather, on flesh.  Simply put, the hypocrite will  digress, deflect, condemn and accuse.” 

So check what I have underlined in the Youtuber’s comment  above.  Ask yourself this question. Where in the bible does it say that God in this last church era,  would restore ANYTHING to the age of Laodicea? In fact, the bible warns that the conditions at the end of the age will “wax worse and worse” men deceiving and being deceived.(2 Timothy 3:13) and many children of God will be deceived, possibly destroyed, because of a lack of discernment, becoming unconscious vessels for the enemy to use in the DAY of his power. (Matthew 24:10). 

Unfortunately, we are not prepared for what is happening among this generation’s religious people.  Whether in church or absent from Her, Satan is pulling out all  his last stops. Speaking in tongues is just one of various key practices the enemy is using to divide the church, and to draft God’s people into his own ranks.  Satan’s last stops also consist of  spirit rape,  hearing voices, intrusive blasphemous thoughts and horrifying visions to let religious folk know, that he is in control of them. 

Religious Fictional Narratives

We are in the age of THICK deception. It is   the Laocidean age where we believe we have it all and we know it all. In Laodicea, most nominal believers  naively  assume that various supernatural experiences are from God, yet in 1 John 4:1-5, we are advised to TRY THE SPIRITS TO DETERMINE WHETHER THEY ARE OF GOD. Look at the words of Jesus to the Laodiceans when He warns that they are both blind and naked.  So consider another  logical,  simple question. Why would God restore tongues to a deceived, lukewarm  people? 

We  cannot just make an assumption that just because we  experienced tongues  in church, or because it “felt” good, or because it “appeared” to be good, that it was from God! Don’t you realize that one of the enemy’s greatest weapons is DECEPTION?! OPEN YOUR EYES, People!


Hits: 890