Stories of Hope and Faith – “God Saves Online”

A sunrise behind  the text "2021" representing a brand new year of hope and beginnings. The 1 is replaced by a cross. Here, it's symbolic for Christ's Resurrection becoming the upmost important for maintaining a peace of mind during this uncertain timeframe.
“In a dark but difficult time, let these stories of hope and faith give you something to rejoice about what God is doing in the world.” -Pastor Pam Sheppard

As 2020 draws to a close, it leaves behind a trail of destruction in its wake. Everyone was left helpless as they watched the world plunge into a state of perpetual despair: Death after death; disaster after disaster; and calamity after calamity. Amid the Coronavirus, a plague that has brought over 2.05 million people to their graves, lively churches have shut their doors. Their inner walls a scene of utter emptiness and desolation. Stemming from the pandemic, many Christians remain in despair from an inability to worship God. They may fear for their mental wellbeing, they may fear for their salvation. Nevertheless, the book “God Saves Online” is proof that the Lord isn’t restricted to a building and truly He is an omniscient, perfect God. Beloved, if you’re in need of reassurance during one of the darkest periods of the modern era, let this gem of faith ease your mind.

Most Christians attempt to walk a road of painful stones under their feet to prove themselves more justly saved than their non-religious counterparts. In an attempt to please God, they block themselves from loving the sin, yet they hinder themselves from loving the sinner. In doing so, they cast judgement upon those they deem fit. Such religious behavior leads to a life of spiritual self-harm, attempting to reach a pinnacle of perfection that cannot be made by man’s efforts alone.

Consequently, we need to experience a full spiritual rebirth, transforming our very essence into the ability to walk in His will. Otherwise, we may feel that we are never good enough for God’s standards. We live our lives as though in an infinite loop of repentance and sinning: No improvement of our spiritual condition in sight. Worse, we may internalize our own frustrations and lash out at other people: Homosexuals, false converts, mentally ill, the occultists, and those hearing voices or other supernatural experiences are among those whom God shall save. 

 Yet God has a plan for each one of His Elect. No matter if they were the greatest sinner or the most virtuous saint, He endowed each individual an unmovable, special time stamp to become born again. He has selected these pivotal times before He laid the very foundations of the Earth. The time when a person is called by the voice of God to be His child. Their old, sinful selves are fully rinsed clean to walk the straight and narrow path with grace and ease.

“God Saves Online” brings promising testimonies of hope to all walks of life. Even those who some may consider the most wretched of souls. The Lord has a special plan for reaching each one of His Elect. Pam Sheppard Ministries has witnessed a recent rainfall of individuals rinsed clean of their former nature and translated into the kingdom of God. A unique commonality amongst these testimonies are these people’s previous connections to witchcraft, the occult, and idolatry.

The Holy Spirit saves a former New Agist, gender-confused man after he heard the powerful story of the Gospel, emphasizing Christ’s Resurrection. His rebirth experience didn’t take place in the church but at his own home—the Holy Spirit used YouTube videos to save his spirit for eternity! Another instance includes a woman, who was born again live on a Zoom broadcast. The features of her face changed in front of Pastor Pam’s very eyes after she heard the Gospel, reaching a deep place of godly sorrow: Her past as an ancestral worshiper, dabbling in reiki, and yoga all wiped away by the wind of the Holy Ghost. The words, “I accept Jesus” never even left her lips. God found her! Opening chakras, singing bowls, receiving a voodoo doll—None of these events disqualifies nor prevents His Elect from hearing the sound of His call.

Read for yourself the book’s chapters written by 5 newly found sheep, “for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45). Be edified in your faith, trusting that God is seeking lost members of His flock, no matter how entrenched into the world they are.

If you ever think God has abandoned you, or you’re beyond saving—the Lord is the God of possibilities. Right now, He’s ushering people into His Kingdom online in a 21st century way, beyond the circumstances of the pandemic or anything else thrown in our midst. Don’t forget who the universe’s maker is! He is the ultimate decider of one’s eternal destiny. No one else has that right to determine who is too sinful and who is not to be born again. All that is required of a non-born-again member of the Elect is to wait for God’s timing: No other work is necessary to be graced with salvation. 

If you’re inquiring to join our virtual ministry, perhaps you may consider our Facebook group, “Let My People Go” linked here. It is constantly updated with day-to-day posts, including helpful videos providing essential information for those needing spiritual guidance. There is also a constant crew of ministry members willing to give additional support and encouragement for people requiring attention. You also can call Pastor Pam at 888-818-1117 for a private, phone session if you’d prefer one-on-one deliverance counseling. Compassionately, God has ways of reaching his Elect far beyond that of a church building. He continues to console His church through uncertainties and perils.

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Perfect Love in Christ Conquers Fear

A person successfully conquers a mountain of  fear, rejection, evil, and temptation through love: It alludes to how the love of Christ helps overcome all obstacles and turmoil of the world.
“Love takes no pleasure in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Corinthians 13:6).

While I’m not born-again, here is a testimony of how I came across Pam Sheppard Ministries and how I learned love and trust in the Lord conquers fear.

My mother and I were extremely into the occult. We read the books of Edgar Cayse, bought healing stones, visited psychic fairs at his headquarters, etc. I myself was particularly involved in the New Age Movement through receiving energy healing (reiki) through videos on the Internet to alleviate severe Eczema. Usually, I had a set number of channels that I would receive the reiki from: There was about 3-4 of them that I preferred. However, I sought a new user that could offer stronger ‘benefits.’ The subsequent Youtuber I found claimed that he could open all 72 chakras of the body through various spirits and reiki symbols, which he would send to those viewing his videos. He also had an assistant with him that would amplify the effects.

Now moving back slightly earlier in the week, my mother had just recently started reading the Bible and gotten increasing religious. She quoted the verse Deuteronomy 18:10-12 and wished for me to refrain from New Age practices like she had, “Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, practices divination or conjury, interprets omens, practices sorcery, casts spells, consults a medium or familiar spirit, or inquires of the dead. For whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD.” Personally, I felt like the occult had more meat, love, and understanding than any Christian church that I had ever seen. So, I was resistant.

Needless to say, after watching the Youtuber, I felt increasingly ‘off’ for the next 1-2 days. The symptoms were like a spiritual cold: I felt inexplicably weak, drained, and off-center. It was when I had to admit, my mother was probably right: The New Age was no good after all. Therefore, I threw out all my New Age stuff and got ready to start a new leaf as a dedicated, religious Christian. (At that point, I thought ‘religious’ was potentially a good word. I’ve come a long way since then.)

A major problem was my mother had no idea about how repentance worked. She claims at each night, we should ask God to forgive us and cleanse us of our sins. We must make it our resolve to be clean in the sight of the Lord and pray constantly for the spiritual wellbeing of ourselves and our loved ones. The latter is understandable. Although, it also echoed the behavior of Job, whose fear and lack of trust in the Lord resulted in him becoming self-righteous, fearful, and most of all RELIGIOUS. Everything seemed to be like more of a perfectionistic performance where no one garnered any enjoyment, let alone bear any fruit.

I was choking on all the sins that I would do throughout the day. I was counting them up like ants. Not to mention, I was struggling with changing my mindset from the laxity of the occult to the rigidness of religiosity. It seemed like every thought seemed like the wrong one. Then, I heard a doctrine where the Lord hears your thoughts and uses them to place judgment upon you from a pastor, who also joked about people sent to Hell if they didn’t accept Jesus. That’s when I got really torn-up on the inside: I felt incredibly guilty for my involvement in the occult and most of all, I was afraid. Terrified of myself and everyone around me. Scared to death of my mistakes and other people’s.

That is when blasphemous thoughts ramped up in my mind. All day. Every day. Every hour. Things got so bad between the endless onslaught of thoughts against Christ and worshiping the Devil. I was throwing up after nearly every meal from anxiety of where my salvation stood. I lost twelve pounds. A doctor mentioned that my blood pressure was low, likely from the lack of food.

I started attending church to curb my ceaseless torment from what I felt was a spiritual attack from the Enemy for leaving the occult. From what I understood, the Enemy couldn’t attack you in church. Yet, I was. It didn’t make sense to me. The deeper I was falling into religion, the deeper I was falling into insanity.

It was in this severe condition that I found Pam Sheppard Ministries through an article that I found on opening chakras and torment. After some deliberation, I took the leap to question everything I have ever known and embark on a spiritual journey (which I still continue today.)

Making that comment asking for Pastor Pam’s help was the best decision that I’ve ever made in my life.

From Pastor Pam, I learned that I wasn’t born again. It wasn’t my job to make myself repent to Christ. I had to wait on the Holy Spirit to rebirth my spirit on the Lord’s time. One bad thought wasn’t condemning than any other thought that I’ve had. I also learned God wasn’t looking for perfection. He often uses mistakes for spiritual growth and development. If people could reach perfection like religious people (myself at one time) tend to, then why did God need to die and be resurrected at the cross to cleanse His Elect’s sins?

Most importantly, my torment was virtually defeated by this simple lesson:

Trust in the Lord. He knows you better than you know you. If there is no defeat, there is no getting saved. He /loves/ you.

You got to understand, Pastor Pam saved my life with her love, guidance, and experience. She’s always patient and kind, telling the truth in love. I owe the bright, young woman that I am today to her. She gave me the affirmation which said, ‘In Christ, there is nothing to fear, and HE says perfect love casts out fear.’

It’s an honor to be a part of Pastor Pam’s ministry and serve under its namesake. I know without the Lord guiding me here, I might not be walking the planet nor find unfathomable trust in Him for my salvation.

Here is the link to Pastor Pam’s article that overhauled everything that I’ve ever known about religion and the occult: It started the journey that led me here.…/christians-who-open…/

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Legalism Produces Cookie Cutter Christians

Legalism is nothing more than a list of do’s and don’ts. Satan is the god of this world and he has found a way to pollute the hearts and minds of the sincere. He pollutes the hearts and minds of believers by instilling undue fear. Undue Fear often stems from being told that a person must “beware of this or that.” Believers are wrongly taught to operate from a religious checklist.

Is A Religious Checklist God’s Way?

A religious checklist goes like this. Don’t eat pork. Don’t wear makeup. You must “accept God” in order to evade hell. The Enemy entices a believer with either a half truth or with an outright lie in order to get a person to react in a religious manner. Satan masquerades as an “angel of light” in hopes of getting a believer to accept a lie. Once a lie is accepted,  he then steals that person’s God given free will.  The Enemy’s goal is to gain worship for himself.  In turn, the religious trap is set. The trap is to make a person appear holy without any real divine power from God. For instance, he may trick people into believing that they must God consult on trivial matters. For instance, some believers fall for the lie that they must consult God on what shirt to wear. Something similar happened to me.

Leaving Legalism Behind

When I was a child, I grew up under a legalistic, religious group. Under this religious group, I picked up a legalistic mindset.  For instance, I was told that getting a college degree was useless because the “end is coming.” Nevertheless, I am glad I let commonsense prevail and I got my degree. Secondly, I believed their falsehoods about Jesus. For instance, I fell for the lie that Jesus is just the Son of God and not God. In fact, I learned through this ministry that Jesus is fully divine as God in the Flesh. Also, I falsely believed that I had to attend church or that I had to do some religious activity to know God. In fact, God does not want our vain, religious works. Instead, God that calls us and he orders our steps towards HIM by the Power of the Holy Spirit.

Dare To Be Different

Religion teaches people that the way to Christ is meeting a checklist. Eventually I left that group and I now realize that God does not want robots. Legalism is a poor attempt to legislate morality. God wants us to be unique, real, and open to bare our souls. Are you ready to challenge yourself? Do you dare to be different? If so, I recommend that you watch this video. In this video, Pastor Pam addresses the pitfalls of legalism.

Pam Sheppard Ministries is a safe place to bare your soul and we are here to help you detox from the toxicity of religion.

Here are 3 different ways you can reach this ministry:

1.) Call Pastor Pam toll free at 888-818-1117

2.) Email us at

3.) Join our RESCUE Fellowship discussion group on Facebook at

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Is Salvation Dependent On Natural Faith Or Divine Faith?

It is important to understand that there are two kinds of faith: natural and divine or God’s own  faith, given to human beings. This article will explore the difference between the two kinds of faith. So the question becomes…is salvation dependent on natural faith or divine faith?

Consider what Pastor Pam wrote about faith:


Natural Faith Is Inherent in Us

The bible suggests that faith is evidence of what you actually believe. If it is snowing out real hard, and you stand at a bus stop waiting for the bus to come, that is natural faith. Your standing there is evidence of your faith in the bus company. This kind of natural faith is based on the fact that you have some experience with the bus company that supports the fact that snow does not stop them. If you did not know that, then standing there for hours without any sort of proof would be blind, irrational faith.

We go to bed at night, expecting to wake up in the morning by natural faith. We go to work, expecting a paycheck because we have a history with working first and receiving a paycheck later. The fact that we work without pay for two weeks or more is the evidence of our faith in our employer’s ability and inclination to pay us AFTER the fact.

When we get born again, we are given divine faith to believe on the bodily resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. No one can believe in the resurrection on human faith or natural based faith because we have no experience in the natural with anyone dying, coming back to life, never to die again. Certainly, we read about this in the bible but we have not experienced it ourselves. So God has to give us the faith to believe it.

To walk in the spirit, we do so on divine faith, given to us in a measure by the Holy Spirit. The more experiences and dealings with God we have, the stronger our faith becomes because it is built on trust.

Divine Faith

Part of trust is understanding that the Holy Spirit must be the one to bring to into reality a supernatural faith of substance that pleases God. Our own human based faith is simply deficient. Unfortunately, this current church system has wrongly taught that salvation is man’s choice to choose God. Nothing can be further from the truth, we have no ability to choose nor accept Jesus. Instead, we must wait on the divine calling of the Holy Spirit. It is the sole job of the Holy Spirit to cause the Elect to believe in the bodily resurrection. We can not truly walk in the spirit until the Holy Spirit gives a believer divine faith that is sufficient in the Eyes of God.

Our natural faith on its own can not reconcile or regenerate a dead spirit. A false conversion is spiritual conversion built on a religious lie. If this describes your current spiritual walk, there is very good news. Our mission is to Help you get on the right track and on to the narrow path of salvation. As you await salvation, Truth can help boost up your natural faith in order to have the patience to wait on the Holy Spirit’s timing and prompting to real salvation.

I was once like you, I believed so many religious lies. However, it is was my torment that caused me to understand that something was wrong with my spiritual walk. In fact, this ministry helped me get passed my torment and I became born again not by my doing, but by the Power of the Holy Spirit. If you feel that God is showing you that “something just ain’t right”. I highly suggest that you examine your salvation. This ministry offers a  course in examining your salvation where you receive 2 ebooks plus a video course. If you are interested in taking this course, click here.

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Religious Parents Taking Matters into their Hands: Are Babies Born Sinners?

Religious parents either think their children are devils or angels. Therefore, they treat them as such with less than stellar results in term's of salvation's sake.


The Lord knows ourselves better than we do.

The Fall of Adam and Eve resulted in the totality of mankind to be spiritually entrenched in sin. Consequently, anyone born of the flesh must be spiritually reborn to be reconciled with God. Needless to say, the process is triggered by the Holy Spirit’s timing. When a person’s spirit becomes born again, the Holy Spirit first inspires a Godly sorrow. From there, they would be led to Lord Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. Then, they supernaturally realize that their sins were paid by the blood of the Christ. So, they spiritually rejoice for His Resurrection upon their rebirth.

That is the only path to salvation as validated in the Bible, “Jesus answered, ‘I tell you the solemn truth, unless a person is born of water and spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit…The wind blows wherever it will, and you hear the sound it makes, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going. So, it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit” (John 3:3-7).

However, that doesn’t stop religious parents from taking matters into their own hands. They attempt to usurp power from the Holy Spirit through rituals like baptism. However, the truth is simple. Through God’s grace, salvation comes from the Holy Spirit’s revelation. Babies might be born sinners, however, that doesn’t mean they are not one of the saved.

Religious parents still attempt to strike salvation into their children in vain. Often, their strategies involve capitalizing on the fear of Hell. Other times, they passively lead their babies into receiving half-hearted baptisms or making their children speak an impartial creed. However, these supposedly helpful rites of passage often triggers spiritual hindrance by the child becoming frightened about committing sin, augmenting judgmental behavior, and fretting loved ones’ salvation.

Since a true conversion of the Lord can only be led by the Holy Spirit, these religious parents often lead their children into a man-made, false conversion. Once a false conversion takes place, intricate work must usually be done to undo the façade before their true conversion takes places. Consequently, religious parents trying to force their faith onto their youth results in more harm than good. Out of fright or malice, they throw their metaphorical baby birds off the cliff without knowing if they are truly ready to fly. Hence, there is an importance of understanding that the all-knowing Holy Spirit must lead the salvation process. He is the only one who knows when a person is truly prepared for conversion. 

Many religious parents fail to understand that salvation is not for a human to seek themselves. Rather, a person must focus to avoid the alluring influences of the occult and the false doctrines of the church-system. Hence, a parent’s responsibility to their child isn’t to enact their salvation but to clear the path for an easy spiritual rebirth process. That way, the child’s spirit might be easier for the Holy Spirit to rebirth without receiving spiritual lies.

The possibility begins to diminish for a quick deliverance when parents attempt to teach ‘spiritual truths’ that might actually be fallacies. Keep in mind, the Holy Spirit knows everyone’s rebirthday. So, no one is going to get left behind that wasn’t supposed to. It is not the fallen nature of the human spirit to revive itself. That would be like thirsty flowers trying to water themselves. If a parent is actively still concerned, they may teach their children the basics of the Gospel, but they must leave out the urgency for repentance. Babies may be born sinners, but they can still be led to the light in time.

These days, everyone wonders why the suicide-rate is so high among children. The answer is the increasing number of non-benevolent caretakers. Most parents think they know best, but they still hold the responsibility to examine the fruit of their parental-style. If their son or daughter is acting out or having mental issues, parents must look to themselves to change their strategy. Sadly, often parents are too stubborn to change. So, everyone pays the price once the parent’s child consequently snaps and finally takes things into their own hands.

Indeed, there is a balance between planting seeds of faith in a child’s spirit and screeching religiosity into a child’s ear. It is not a parent’s job to force their children to want God. While the Enemy might charm the child’s sinful nature, a faithful parent must trust that the Holy Spirit will guide them out of their vices. All in all, salvation is out of everyone’s hands. Instead, it lies in the Spirit of the Lord. At first, babies are born sinners, but they just might be saved by the wind of the Holy Ghost on His time. 

At Resurrection Solutions, there is a fellowship group offered on Facebook for people willing to detox from religion.

Based on the topic, members have written:

“The love of God is grace and control is counterproductive to grace. As a parent I try to be careful not to be controlling and to allow my children to make their own mistakes and try to help them learn from it.”

“[I had] a mother who used religion to control me. I remember feeling suicidal as a child because I felt unloved and misunderstood. People are sincere but being controlling is not love. Thank God, I grew out of how I was feeling at the time.”

If you’re like-minded and would like to join our Facebook page, the link is here:

For further studying, check out these books:

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The Idealized Self Image and Salvation

picture reveals the idealized self image

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