New Age Spirituality And Psychosis

New age spirituality and psychosis both have become more and more prevalent over the years. Is there a connection between the two? In this article, I will show you how the new age spirituality can be a possible cause for psychosis.

What Is Psychosis?

Well, according to WebMD, “Psychosis is a condition that affects the way your brain processes information. It causes you to lose touch with reality. You might see, hear, or believe things that aren’t real. Psychosis is a symptom, not an illness. A mental or physical illness, substance abuse, or extreme stress or trauma can cause it.”

Now, many psychologists have different takes on psychosis and why it occurs. Without a doubt, psychologist know that it is an altered state of consciousness. I experienced episodes of psychosis. Especially when using LSD. I felt completely disconnected from external reality. It’s as if, whatever I thought became my own special inner-reality. To say, everything around me seemed false, but anything within me was real.

The error of this, left me delusional. Coming out of psychosis almost felt like waking up from sleep. Sort of “getting your mind back.” I see modern day psychosis as similar to what people back then referred to as “losing your mind.”

Spiritual Emergency

“Spiritual emergency” was a term created by Stan and Christina Grof. Dr. Stan Grof is a psychiatrist located in Prague. His goal has been to merge the “ancient wisdom of the east” to the science of the west. He actually believes psychosis is a sign of spiritual transformation.

In fact, many kundalini spiritualists believe this to a different degree. You see, kundalini gurus say that those who are not properly guided into kundalini yoga, meditation, and other practices often go crazy. Why?

What the psychologists and gurus of the world don’t understand is that kundalini energy does exist, but it comes from evil spirits. We do not have “dormant” energy that can be awakened. This “energy” when “awakened” is actually evil spirits manifesting their powers to your soul and body. When we have our chakras closed, they protect our souls from spirits entering into them. Yet, once these are opened, spirits are allowed to enter and use them. And since these chakras are also connected to the body, it explains the issues people experience. Of course, especially with the brain.

The Kundalini Crisis

Now, in this day, countless people are reporting psychosis and psychotic episodes due to spiritual practices. The new age spirituality and psychosis appear to have a connection.

As previously mentioned, the issue is not whether or not a guru has properly guiding meditations. The problem is the spiritual practice entirely. When you open your chakras you allow evil spirits to invade your brain.

Alternatively, this connection links to the charismatic, Pentecostal, non-denominational religions as well. Not only that, but the Holy Spirit is being imitated by the same kundalini spirits involved in the eastern religions. Those falling over in churches, put into trances on the floor are opening their chakras. As a result,  many Christians are now reporting mental illness, and episodes of psychosis.

What Can Be Done?

To conclude, major healing is required to those involved with the new age spirituality and psychosis. Our ministry offers that very healing without any spiritual repercussions.

Spiritual healing is only safe by the Holy Spirit. Think, when you need a doctor you are not going to go to some homeless man’s ally in the street for help!! No, you want the best.

So, give us a call at 838-217-0104 and ask for Evan for more information and how you can be helped.

Check out, “Beware Christians: Dangers of Kundalini” if you are curious about the chakras, spirits, and supernatural revelations.

Hits: 1788

Overcoming Temptation

Religion As A Strong Temptation

Religion can be a strong temptation because it strokes our narcissistic need to display a compulsion  to control others through deception, manipulation and domination. Consider those in your life who insist that you go to church.  Why do they do so?  Is  it a conscious or unconscious attempt to save your soul, or is the subliminal pleasure achieved in being the one you look to to guide your every step? Actually, the enemy often uses people whom you look up to or those who “hold your strings” in order lead you into religious temptation.

The bottom line is that you have to stand before God based upon what He has revealed  TO YOU as you  have no family and friends group ticket to heaven.  With God, we are all on our own.  On occasion, the  significant promptings of family, friends and church members can be helpful but if its controlling, dominating and overly critical, you can easily  be led into religious temptation by the people in your world. Remember that even though we wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers, we must resist the temptation to “give in to get along with folk.” And once you give in to please,  religious folk will tempt you to heed their beliefs and instructions, know that  you will be submitting to the world—the religious world.  Remember.  The world is God’s enemy.  The Lord warned in Matthew 10 that the enemy shall be those within our own household, that could result in a false conversion. 

Tempted to Love the Religious World

Religion is habitual once we become conditioned to it by ritualistic behavior and routine. We become trained like puppets to be who we are not, to do what we cannot do and to not do what we ought to  do.  Its a deception of what we believe to be good and right in our own eyes.  Religious people try to act humble when in reality, they are proud and disdainful of others.  Yet they have no testimony because they have not personally been touched by God.  

As a result, a religious testimony begins and ends the same way–repetitive and without life, ornate rhetoric, filled with hot air! Like  “Giving honor to God blah, blah blah!”  Religious testimonies that begin this way  reveal very little about the one who is testifying, other than that he or she is quite religious!   Such fluency in religious rhetoric is actually  lukewarm, grandiose  yet simultaneously spiritually dehydrated.   “Speechifying” testimonies   appeal to the religious tendency to hide the truth about who God really is or is NOT  in our lives , devoid of even a glimpse of what the Holy Spirit has helped us to overcome. 

Therefore, as a comfortable place to hide from self, others and God, religion is a peril that can lead you into sin and temptation.  For the legalism of man and the accusations of the devil can  lead a seeker   down a dark,  blind path, where ultimately, you will hear Jesus say “I never knew you.  Depart from Me!” 

The Way of Escape

The road to freedom is to love the truth, no matter how much it hurts.  Once you get a taste of freedom, you will desire more truth and as the Lord Jesus said “you shall know the truth and the truth shall MAKE you free”.  First and most important, this ministry will guide you toward the truth about yourself. As your love for the truth increases, you will successfully resist the devil and he will flee from you. The enemy  will have to devise more sophisticated ways to tempt you.  

Through deliverance counseling sessions, books and other virtual learning products, PSM is prepared to help you to break the shackles of religion and find spiritual peace and wisdom in God.  

To set up a Zoom session, send an email to 

For books and other online products,click here.

Hits: 259

Fallen Angels Want to Speak to Me!


Sometimes the Holy Spirit will give you a revelation regarding something you once knew, adding  a fresh , present day spin to it.  I published the paperback and ebook entitled  “the New Idolatry” back in the year 2011.  Wow, that was 10 years ago.  With various case studies under my belt, I came to realize the differences between a fallen angel and a demon, which I have previously written about.  In a nutshell, a fallen angel really does not want to permanently live inside of any human being for its “a walk in.”  It comes and it goes, while a demon wants to remain inside  human body and not have to leave until its vessel has died. 

So if an entity  is flamboyantly loud,  noisily crying out  for attention, with a message to express or relay, it is undoubtedly not a demon but a fallen angel.  If it makes bold statements  like “this one is mine and I am not coming out,” this is assuredly a fallen angel.  You need to know that we have no authority to cast out fallen angels. Freedom is achieved when  the captive  has been armored with with truth over a prescribed period of time.  Once we have edified the client’s knowledge and built up his or her willpower, we can  then stand in agreement with him or her in prayer, and whatever we ask of the Father, He will do as long as that fallen angel does not have legal rights to  what he considers to be his legitimate prey.  Be aware that if  you have applied the blood of Jesus to a demon yet it did not budge at the all powerful name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, then it was not a demon.  It was a fallen angel, of much higher rank. 

What the Book "the New Idolatry" (pgs 106-122)
Reveals About the Book, "the Fake Jesus"

Click Book Cover
Click Book Cover
Fallen Angels Are the Messengers of Satan:
Demons Have No Messages to Bring

To summarize, Latonya (not her name) became my client after fallen angels had been using her as a channel to her pastor who was also a deliverance minister. A CHANNEL DELIVERS MESSAGES FROM FALLEN ANGELS TO HUMANS.   It turns out that Latonya, an adept channel,  would lay down on a cot in her  church basement, wherein she frequently  delivered all kinds of provocative, mocking rebukes concerning church members— messages that exposed  not only the pastor and his particular congregation, but graduated to revealing Satan’s end time agenda for the entire church system worldwide. 

It turns out that much of what these beings exposed was  also revealed by me in the book the Fake Jesus back in 2007.  When the spirits found out about this book from LaTonya, they became outraged at me, its author.  So with each session of our deliverance counseling sessions, the fallen angels tried to speak to me through her.  However, each time, I  verbally shut them down , refusing to allow them to speak.  I refused to listen to their message.  

 After all, since I too am a minister, I expected that  the entity wanted to mock, criticize and harass me as well.  Walking  in and out of LaTonya there continually tried to speak,  disturbing our counseling sessions on more than one occasion. Each time a being  spoke, I rebuked it and commanded it to leave in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and it did so immediately. However, once  I made a decision to close LaTonya’s case, my suspicions were confirmed. On that very day, a determined  fallen angel  used her mind and her fingers to send me an email.  The intent of the email was to tell me that even though I thought I knew “so much,” I did not know the full extent of their purpose and their capabilities.  The full email is recorded in the New Idolatry, but the few  sentences  represent its  opening address: 

KISS MY ASS, PAM! This fruitcake (LaTonya) is over here trying to figure out what she should do because she is confused. She has been struggling since she started reading your fucking book, “the Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us.”

 My first point is that an easy  way to discern whether or not the main evil spirit is either a demon or a fallen angel, is to ascertain if the entity has a verbal  message to deliver.  If so, then its a fallen angel that cannot be cast out because it is not IN its vessel 24/7.  Let us not forget that the Apostle Paul was assigned a messenger of Satan.  He wanted it cast from him but the Lord did not do so.  Instead, Paul was informed that God’s grace is sufficient to deal with fallen angels.  Also note that the spiritual armor of Ephesians 6 is “the way to go” with principalities and powers, the rulers of the darkness and spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies surrounding earth’s atmosphere.  
To be continued. 
To see the full letter from the fallen angel  and to learn so much more, you need these ebooks, The New Idolatry and the Fake Jesus.  They are very reasonably priced at $10 each.   To review our  products list , click here.
To book a one  time session with no obligation to continue, send an email to 
 These days and times are immediately available, on Eastern Standard time from anywhere in the world. Mondays at 8pm, Tuesdays at 9pm. Weds at 3pm, Fridays at 9pm, Saturdays at 4 pm and Sundays at 8pm. 

Hits: 1769

The Dilemma of Occult Practitioners, Now “Christian.”

When as an ex New Age occultist I  first became a bit undeceived, the enemy realized that his authority in my life was threatened. Consequently, his access to me had to change from direct contact through channeling to hidden deception.  As a result, my assigned fallen angel changed his tactics to subtle deception from a religious perspective. For example,   those whom the Lord saves who were accustomed to supernatural experiences like healing,  telekinesis, poltergeist and other magical  types of manifestations will try to explain such phenomena  with scriptures. They  will reason, rationalize and continue to believe that  psychic phenomena  are  the biblical gift of the Holy Spirit, akin to God’s gift of miracles.

For example, as a former psychic, when  I was just born again a year or so,  I spoke to a storm and it seemed that I stopped it.   It was one of those summer storms.  My clothes were drying on an outside line and I had just settled down in my backyard in a lawn chair with a cool drink when the sky got dark and the winds kicked up.  I stood up, spoke directly to the storm and commanded it to leave.  I kid you not, it rained all around my backyard, but not a drop fell where I dwelled.  The sun came back out, shined only above  me, while the entire neighborhood was flooded with rain. It was quite a deluge. 

 So of course, I connected this incident to the Lord speaking to a storm and what He said about speaking to mountains as my biblical “confirmation.”   I look back now and I realize that this manifestation was probably not from God.  The Satanic motive?  To make me  into a signs and wonders, charismatic freak. The fallen angel responsible was quite successful.  It didn’t take much to turn me into granola—a fruit, a nut and a flake!

My life has been supernatural since 1974, from necromancy to channeling, to poltergeist and divination. Once in Christ, I first entered into preaching, prophecy,  laying on of hands, tongues, slain in the spirit, casting out demons, healing and “more.” I personally bear witness to  how easy it is for a former occultist to gravitate to all things supernatural within religious systems. 

Once I got born again in 1977, it seems I got through life for decades without being bored due to my daily dreams and supernatural experiences sent by the Holy Spirit and also Satan. In the first two decades, if I gave an account of a particular happening, people would have to ask me “was that a dream or did that REALLY happen? I used to dream 10 dreams a night in those days.  In this the 4th decade, I simply KNOW things and I don’t focus on HOW I know them.  I just do. Since around 2004,  I only have about 10-20 dreams a year, most of them are from God and those few sent from the enemy are soon recognizable, and most often forgotten. 

Once I left the occult, the nature of the supernatural changed in the 25 years I served in an  institutional church. I still had a plethora of dreams but what stands out about those years is that  I became hooked on what my destiny would be, well before I heard the messages of destiny mega-preachers. What I did not realize is that my ministerial destiny is more like an online depiction  of the prophet Moses  and also akin to the Apostle Paul.  In fact, I am not aware of any present day models or comparisons. 

So how did I detox from both the occult and religion?

It is quite simple. I just accepted the truth. Once I did, the supernatural has  become natural. In fact, i move forward day to day noticing but not reacting or being distracted by what is of the supernatural realm. 

A part of my particular evolution is that I live  in the here and now and the only supernatural event I look forward to is the return of the Lord Jesus Christ to the planet earth!  His return to rule is the supernatural event of human and world history. Furthermore,  I have reclaimed both my will power and my practically grounded  commonsense. The word PALEEZE became a well used word in my vocabulary. I am a skeptic who walks by faith and trusts in God.   I don’t expect to hear from God until He is ready to take me a step higher on my spiritual ladder. I don’t ask for anything supernatural. I leave it up to Him. What He wants me to know, He continues to  share in due season. 

it would seem that I would be bored without the supernatural to lean on. Not really. I enjoy the peace I have a lot more than the stress that comes from Satanic supernatural experiences. For peace in these times is truly a supernatural phenomena as it by passes all human understanding. In fact,   I actually lean more on God now than I did 20 years ago. 

Sometimes a former psychic  ends up trusting more in a sign or a wonder than we  trust in God Himself.  I don’t need to see Him, I don’t beg for a closer walk with Him. I walk by faith and the Holy Spirit guides me along the way. What is truly supernatural in my life presently is to witness how God answers my prayers on behalf of those He sends to me to serve.  

Personally speaking, I just BE!!!

After all, the biggest supernatural thing that ever happened to me, I did not seek! God just SHOWED UP!” When He did, in a split second, I was born again.  Nothing has been the same since March 29, 1977 at 4 pm on a Monday!!! .  As a new creature or “creation,” I continue to evolve, even faster than before. My life remains a quietly  supernatural walk in the spirit, decade by decade, day by day. I await the Lord’s return in my lifetime, a supernatural event that is beyond anything the occult or charismatic religion has to offer. 


Hits: 425

What Christian Former Psychics Need to Know!

By Pam Sheppard

This article echoes a common story among those in Christian ministry who were once dabbling or deeply entrenched in what is known today as “the New Age.” This common  story is a call to those who have walked this path by presenting you with a list of common signs and circumstances that if you don’t take heed, will scar and mar your spiritual life as a believer in Jesus Christ.  : The possible outcomes are  that you will think and act like you are born again but your rebirth is either false or pre-mature or that you are truly  born again but your spiritual fruit become seriously damaged. Then there are those who escaped New Age due to torment, ran into charismatic churches because what they teach and practice remind you of New Age.  You may have left the occult but your soul is still under its sway. 

Common Rationalizations

  1. God will not allow me to be deceived because I am born again.
  2.  I was ignorant and therefore God forgives me as I was deceived.
  3. I have had psychic abilities as a child and so I was born gifted by God. 
  4. I was into white magic, doing positive work including healing. God understands.
  5. My grandmother was a psychic so I have a generational curse. Not my fault.
  6. I don ‘t hear from the devil since I have been born again.
  7. My gift of knowing the future is God’s gift of prophecy. 
  8. Because I have gifts, God is called me to minister to others. 

Witchcraft as a Lust of the Flesh

Those whom the Lord saves who were accustomed to supernatural experiences like telekinesis, poltergeist, predictions, healing and the like are targets of evil spirits for the rest of their lives. 

Here is the crux of the problem. 

 As a product of New Age occultism, Christians with psychic phenomena in their past remain ignorant of the deception of the mighty foe.  So once born again, each of us has been assigned a religious/witchcraft spirit entity whose job is to seek every opportunity to buffet us with counterfeits of the gifts of the Holy Ghost that seem to be from God..   The assigned fallen angel or demon waits for an element of the flesh  to manifest itself in the new believer, in order to gain his master’s end.  The Apostle Paul calls that aspect of our flesh by the name of witchcraft.  Like Simon the Sorcerer, we carry in our flesh a lust for the supernatural that the enemy works with. Since  occultists are trained to expect the supernatural, hidden in our flesh remains the same desire AFTER we are saved.

How did I overcome? My story is in “Come Out of Her, God’s People.”

This book exposes the   many dealings of the flesh—many trials, tribulations and The sin we occultists are born with is a predisposition to witchcraft and idolatry in our souls, which is a major part of what the bible refers to as “the flesh”. Until we actually crucify our flesh entirely, our struggle with New Age will  go on and on.  Overcoming is not accomplished  in one mighty stroke.  The Holy Spirit covered all bases, first dealing  with my ambition for the 3 p’s of prestige, prominence and power.   What helped me is that even when I was a sinner,  I was  a lover of the truth.  So I became one who sought spiritual truth at all cost. Also,  as Paul was assigned a religious evil spirit–a thorn in his flesh–to develop him, so was I. You have such a being assigned to YOU also.  

I am an overcomer because the assigned  religious fallen angel  presented me with trials and temptations  to overcome. From 1977-2003, —26 years–this entity was in the driver’s seat  regarding charismatic manifestations due to the fact  I was completely duped.  Yet in 2003—, once I prayed “Lord, show me the darkness that is around me,”—  all things continue to be exposed.

In every test, I had the choice of going down and being crushed by the spirit of the Antichrist or rising up in spirit with  victory, fully empowered by the Holy Spirit.  I ROSE UP!

If you are looking for freedom from New Age practices, PSM is here for you. Be warned that  overcoming is not a quick fix as we have no magic wands to wave.  In fact, its the sort of  work that is  not easy but its doable.  if you are willing to humble yourself before the mighty hand of God, send an email to or call 888-818-1117 We are firm, strong, yet loving in the spirit of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 

Hits: 479

Freedom From Occult and Religious Practices

The Testimony of a Former Channel and Astrologer

Ascended Masters will try to use you in Christianity through deception!

By Pam Sheppard

I have been  born again since Monday— March 29, 1977 at about 4pm. Yet, once I wrote the book “the Fake Jesus” about 14 years ago, I found myself cleaning out my own temple from the deceptive influence of Sananda, St. Germain and perhaps other so called ascended masters. You see, once the demons lost me to Jesus Christ, they immediately set out to derail His plan for my life. Through dreams and other supernatural experiences, I was deceived on many levels for almost  three decades. The occult doorway was still partially open due to the fact that for  3 years BEFORE I was born again, I had been  steeped deep  in the occult. For example, St. Germain had transmitted a portion of his  healing powers to me. Furthermore,  I was able to see into the future through astrology and other means. Once born again, my occult powers carried over into Christianity without my knowledge primarily because I was ignorant of Satan’s devices.

Resist the devil and he shall flee from you. If you have ever been involved in the occult, principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world will not give up on you. THEY WANT YOU TO WORK FOR THEM BY TARNISHING WHAT CHRIST STAANDS FOR.  THEY WANT TO CEMENT A PLACE FOR THEMSELVES AMONG THE ELECT, THROUGH YOU!!!!  After all, they once HAD you in the palm of their hands, and so they will try every deception at their command to win you back. My testimony attests to the fact that its a lifetime process. At the present moment, I have 44 years of experience under my belt so I can tell you that eventually they DO flee. 

Whether in ignorance or by design, when a person has made an appeal to Satan’s services by either a formal pact or an informal agreement, that person has unwittingly submitted himself to the powers of darkness.. When signs, wonders and strange religious practices that did not emanate from the Holy Ghost are accepted as divine, a spiritual invitation is made to the fake Jesus. Without hesitation, the fake Jesus pushes his way through the doors of your soul. My testimony is too long for one article. However for the sake of the subject matter at hand, I can testify that I was  one who ignorantly made an informal pact with the fake Jesus by not properly severing ALL of my ties to my pre-conversion New Age  practices of healing. astrology  and channeling. As a result, the first 30 years of my Christian walk was tarnished by deception, particularly in the area of discerning God from the devil. 

Through presumption, I assumed that once born again, ALL of my New Age  practices of the past were behind me, since I had burned all of my astrology and occult  books in 1983. My personal testimony is a classic example of how the fake Jesus and other fallen angels  can fool a true Christian by deception, capitalizing on its target’s ignorance of certain spiritual  matters. Hosea’s word continues to ring true.(Hosea 4:6) God’s elect are overwhelmingly deceived and if we are not careful, ultimately destroyed by a lack of knowledge, namely, that  “all spiritual manifestations are NOT from God!” 

The primary  reason why I share various aspects of my own personal testimony is to give you hope and confidence that the principalities and the powers of heaven shall not win. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony and I am an overcomer.

Here is just one of several examples. I received tongues at a meeting held in Albany New York through the ministry of the late Kenneth Hagin. Hagin is really the founder of the word of faith movement as it is operating today. I have no idea whether or not Hagin was a false prophet or a deceived one. I simply look around as I view Charismania, and I know Hagin by his fruits. Anyway, I never truly embraced the way that I received tongues because it had no resemblance to the way the early church received this gift as revealed in the book of Acts. Yet, I grew to speak prolifically, at my own will, what charismatics call in “a prayer language.”

The reason why I have not been convinced about tongues is that for 25 years, I was not  able to find a bona fide interpreter, nor was I able to interpret myself. So I ask, “Where are the interpreters?” The Holy Ghost does not expect me to throw away my commonsense. If I have prayed off and on for decades to receive the gift of interpretation of tongues as Paul suggests that we all do, 25 years  passed and I still found  no one, including myself to interpret my “prayer language”, good sense  suggested  to me that the tongue that I received in 1983 is not from God. So if it is not from God, then who did it come from?

Well, its obvious. It didn’t come from me. I suspect that it came from one of the Ascended Masters, perhaps Sananda or Ashtar. What would be the reason for the demons to desire to imitate tongues? Well, if we don’t know what we are saying when we speak in an “unknown” tongue, we could very possibly be used by fallen angels  to “decree and declare” that their will, purposes and agenda be done on earth, rather than that of the will of the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the One, True and Only Creator–the one that Lucifer rebelled against in the first place.

In conclusion, I have been involved in almost all of what is passing itself off today as emanating from the Holy Ghost. Early on, I was groaning and weeping in very strange ways beginning in 1979.. Kenneth Copeland provided me with the explanation that I was looking for, confirming to me that my strange experience was a manifestation of intercessory prayer. Kenneth taught that the strange weeping and groaning that I did was a sacrificial work for the lost and the bound, emanating in travail from the Holy Ghost. TD Jakes and his “wailing women” seminars concur with Copeland. So Copeland, Jakes and others had  me convinced that God was using my travail to break yokes and bondages, ie. setting captives free. Since I believed that the Holy Ghost was using me to intercede, it is only natural that I held on to this strange work.

My mind was certainly unfruitful when I travailed and so often I tried to guess the reason behind it. I convinced myself that much of my groaning and weeping was for sinning preachers to repent. After 40 years, it did not work. Those who called themselves  just kept on sinning. I also laughed wildly in the spirit before I even heard of Hagin and Brown’s practice of what is called “holy laughter.”. My laughter was different, as I believed that the Holy Ghost was using me to laugh at the devil. When I laughed, I cried also. I found several scriptures to support my style of holy laughter and so I never tried this phenomena to see if it be of God. I just assumed that it was. The only supernatural experiences that I have not personally experienced is holy dance and shouting, African American style. Perhaps that is because I have no cultural background in the South and I was not raised in an African American Church or any church. In other words, holy dancing was not a part of my ancestral upbringing.

Furthermore, even though fallen angels  could no longer “step into me and speak,” some of my mediumistic traits DID survive my Christian conversion. If you have had any significant experience with even ONE occult practice, whenever  a counterfeit practices is exposed by the Holy Ghost, the former occult practitioner is  duty bound to remove it by repenting and disavowing it. For example, for at least 3 years, I could heal BEFORE I was converted. I was able to suck  pain out of people with my hands, particularly my left hand—proof that my healing gift was mediumistic and not charismatic, NOT OF THE HOLY GHOST. This was not exposed until the Lord Himself spoke to me in 2007 and quietly said “Pam, your healing gift is NOT from ME!” 

What did I do? 

I DO NOT TOUCH ANYONE, EVER!   I  repented, rebuked, resisted and renounced it. THAT WAS IN 2007. the name of my ministry for 25 years was Healing Waters.  I removed it from EVERYTHING and I shut down a website that was prospering.  Recently it has been revealed that I do not need to lay hands on anyone.  My ministry is entirely virtual.  I anticipate that the healing power of God will manifest when by faith and under the unction  of the Holy Spirit, I will call healing forth and people I never see shall be healed by the power of God. so if you have been a New Age person, be prepared to give up your “gifts.”  Totally.    Just keep   on cleaning your spiritual house as you  press toward the mark of your  high calling and truth will flood down upon you like rivers of living waters. this is how you resist the devil and he will flee  from YOU as he has fled from ME!.


Hits: 349

The Supernatural Side Of Reincarnation

Reincarnation is a belief that we have not lived once, but many lives. This belief and it’s interpretations run deep in the Eastern world. Some cultures will not even kill a fly because it could be the life of their dead grandpa. Many believe in reincarnation because of the supernatural side of reincarnation.

The Supernatural Side?

There are countless stories of people, specifically children who recall events of dead people they no nothing about. This is when the supernatural side of reincarnation comes to play.

Many parents have reported their children as Buddhist monks “reborn.” The reason they believe this is that these children speak memories, facts and teachings of these monks from hundreds of years ago. What is reported is that these manifestations only occur from age two to four, and then fade.

Now, these children will often report memories, feelings of things about what these monks experienced. Not only, some of them are brought to old destroyed temples of where these monks meditated. The children are fully able to recall what the temple was like, and what the monk taught and practiced.

What Is Really Happening?

What is really happening with the supernatural side of reincarnation? Well, to begin, we must understand that reincarnation, despite the supernatural happenings is a false doctrine. I will show you why, for I use to believe in it.

In my early childhood I would constantly have “deja vu” and had an irrational fear of chickens. Literal nightmares of them. According to the new age these are “signs” of a past life…

I believed my past life was Tupac Shakur in my late teen years. Save the laughs for later… but I was serious! Why did I fall for this? Well, Tupac died on Friday September 13th, 1996. I was born the following Sunday, September 15th, 1996. Not only, him and my birth-father had the same exact birthday, June 16th, 1971. Tupac was a Gemini, I am a rising Gemini. So on, so forth. I took all these truths and made an assumption that “because” of these truths, the “truth” must be he is my past life…

Once I believed this, I felt a supernatural connection to Tupac. So much so, I got his name tattooed on my neck.

The Supernatural Set Up

One thing, if you take away anything from this article is this: EVIL SPIRITS CAN IMITATE ANYTHING, ESPECIALLY HUMANS DEAD OR ALIVE. See the book, “Face The Devil!” For more about how evil spirits operate.

So, that connection I had to Tupac and all the similarities was an evil spirit. The spirit would put the same ideas, feelings, and experiences Tupac had in his life into my mind. Me believing this allowed the spirit more access into my life and mind. The same thing goes for everyone, child or adult who recalls facts and experiences of the lives of any dead person. It’s not the dead person, but an imposter spirit.

How do the spirits have this ability? Evil spirits have supernatural intelligence and record everything we do. So, the children that recall the lives of dead monks are evil spirits who knew those monks closely, and then place information about them supernaturally in the child’s mind. Unfortunately, children and most parents are not spiritually discerned and go along with the supernatural side of reincarnation.

We Got One Life To Live

One of the most important truth in regards to all of this is: “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgement, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many,” (Hebrews (9:27).

What all people who believe in reincarnation must realize is your body, soul and spirit is personally YOURS. And, when you die it will still be YOURS. And, when judgment comes Jesus Christ of Nazareth will raise YOUR body and judge you for what YOUR soul has done in it! Not only, but if reincarnation was true, NONE OF US WOULD BE BORN-AGAIN AND CHRIST WOULD HAVE DIED IN VAIN.

True rebirth is not about past lives, no, it’s about your spirit meeting the Cross of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and believing in His Resurrection. Everything else is counterfeit.

Believing in reincarnation can lead us into spiritual bondage. For, it opens us up to imitating spirits who want to demonize us, deceive us and deceive others.


Hits: 435

Deliverance from Sin: A Christian Counseling Perspective

Deliverance Counseling Strategies:
Dealing With Temptation

It is amazing that a major Christian Counseling strategy is to guide  and  prepare believers  to overcoming temptation is built right into the Lord’s prayer, particularly the statement, “lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.”  It is Satan’s job to tempt and it is the work of the Holy Ghost to keep us from being led into temptation.  So it is really a matter of commonsense to focus Christian counseling toward practices that reveal  how the devil tempts each of us as individuals and to ensure that we do not grieve or quench the Holy Ghost as He protects us from yielding to temptation. Since He is our Helper during Christian counseling, we have to create and maintain conditions conducive to receiving His assistance.

ICertainly, repeated sin should raise a counselor’s eyebrows about a client’s  salvation because as  the Apostle John stated,    Without a knowledge of the law, there is no  sin.  So the first step to effective Christian counseling is to guide the client to search for the root cause of their particular style or pattern of sin by uncovering the overall temptation strategy the enemy uses against each client. 


1.  The first thing the devil must do to set you up to be led into temptation is to lie about what God has or has not said.  Satan did so with Eve and tried to do so with the Lord Jesus Christ.  He will either out and out lie, or take a scripture out of its context and mis-apply it to your particular circumstances.  

2.  The lie is skillfully planned to coincide with the client’s major character defect.  Consider the root cause of sin for someone as being a lack of patience.  So deliverance counseling, the first sessions will focus  on how and when.  For example, sessions may uncover that a particular  client is set up by “prophetic words” uttered by Christian leaders.  For example, the client’s pastor uttered  a so called “word  from the Lord,” and then caused the client  to have to wait so long, that ultimately  he   took matters into his  own hands to “make things happen.”  After many, many mistakes, the client’s  virtues or fruits  will develop  patience.

3.  False assumptions cause the enemy to “not have to work so hard.”  For example, if your client is   a woman  who assumes that just because she has the desire and the need for a mate, that God is going to send  her  a man fit to be her husband, she may be  already “set up.”  No where in the bible does God declare that every woman has a divine soul mate.  In fact, there are several other assumptions that God’s people make from submitting their souls to the doctrines, teachings and practices of false and or deceived prophets and ministers.  The devil’s purpose is to use these people to cause the elect  to make the false assumptions necessary to “lead each of them  into temptation.”  In deliverance counseling, we examine your dreams, visions and prophecies to find the set up.

4. Another way of seeking the Father to ”deliver  our clients  from evil,” when the client is ready, we ask the Father to expose ALL of the darkness that is around him or her. God  may not expose the darkness unless the client sincerely desires to know the truth, wherever truth will take him or her.  

5. What keeps darkness from being exposed is a client’s “rose colored glasses.”  As long as darkness is not exposed, the believer  will not overcome sin. To remove the veil of deception, learning from the discipline of the Holy Ghost means that after a person has experienced the hand of the Lord dealing with him, he  is gradually broken by the Lord.  When this process is complete, Christian clients  will be delivered from their  former state of murmuring, fretting, complaining, personal opinions, self interest,  into a state of peaceful obedience.

According to the Apostle John, We have 3 enemies that lead us into temptation: the world, the flesh, and the devil.  According to experience, the world is the first to be overcome.  If you can overcome the  temptations brought to you by the world, then you are on a path leading to your  victory to overcome sin. Next is the flesh.  The Holy Ghost, through breaking and crucifixion will lead you to walk in the spirit and not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.  To deal with the devil, you will need to uncover his agenda, a specialized  set-up that is specifically designed to cause YOU to sin.

To do so, we need to always keep in mind that the demons assigned to both the Christian counselor  and the client will resist unity  at every turn with the very elements of the world and our flesh that are already against us.  Such elements are in the very makeup of our personalities.  Therefore, at the end of each counseling session, we consistently  seek God in prayer in order to know ourselves better than the devil knows us.  We need to understand ourselves so that we know how to act and walk in humble dependence upon the Risen Lord for protection from the evil one–a protection which can only operate as we look to the blood of Jesus. 

Therefore, the Lord’s prayer can function as  an outline for not falling to temptation that leads to sin, particularly, “lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from evil or “the evil one.”   If you find that you have resisted and refused any specific ground and you still cannot get rid of it, you must seek light  from God regarding the cause. The cause can often be found in your past thoughts and beliefs.  When God exposes the darkness and you have repented by refusing to act and function in former ways, the enemy has to give up the ground.  However, he won’t give it up until you have disavowed it. Disavowing the temptation is not only verbal descent.  All ground is not necessarily removed at the moment that you have expressed your refusal.  No!  Your refusal must be reasserted by your actions or lack thereof, and you’ve got to  stand your ground until each point of captivity is detected and refused. Faith without works is dead.

6. Another significant weakness that all of the elect must overcome is the power of rejection. In Face the Devil,” you will find these words: 

Evil spirits obviously attack their prey with accusation, condemnation and guilt. Yet, rejection is a more subtle demonic strategy of choice. Deliverance ministries teach that there are demons called the spirits of accusation, condemnation and guilt. My belief is that accusation, condemnation, guilt as well as rejection are strategies or tools and are not demons themselves. The unseen being behind such attacks is the spirit of the Antichrist, aka religious fallen angels and demons.
Many people who have faced rejection when abused as a child, grow up with unresolved emotional wounds. Rejection is the unveiled cause of those wounds, which if not cleansed, will grow and fester into spiritual wounds (such as a lack of forgiveness, envy, blaming God, jealousy, etc.). Spiritual wounds fester, opening us up to evil spirits which love to take advantage of this opportunity to invade us.
The goal of the enemy is to get us built up with emotional baggage inside our souls and negative feelings in our hearts against one another, ourselves, and God. The first step to devising a spiritual warfare plan is to deal with the emotional issues of our own souls so that the weapons of spiritual warfare will work for us. Why? Because rejection as a spiritual warfare issue produces a harvest of evil fruit which can widely vary from one person to another. Some of the common symptoms of rejection include: rebellion, fake personas, the need to fit in, a desire to always want to be a part of everything, inability to be corrected or to receive constructive criticism, self pity, being love starved, a tendency to blame God for being rejected, pride at being rejected, opinionated personality and a need to always be right, seeking of parental approval, envy, jealousy, insecurity, prideful independence, not able to depend on others because you expect rejection.

To book one  exploratory trial deliverance counseling session, email or call PSM at 838-217-0104 and ask for Evan 

Hits: 678

Fallen Angels Have No Mercy

I recently watched a documentary called “Jesus Camp” were hundreds of children (and more) are indoctrinated to be evangelical pentecostals at a camp in Kansas. The shock, and horror of this film grieved me. What I realized is that, fallen angels have no mercy. 

Fallen Angels Mimic

Fallen angels are under Satan’s governing command. They operate under his rule and statues. With that being said, as revealed in the book, The Fake Jesus, “fallen angels specialize in false religion. One particular demon masquerades as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only begotten Son of God. Very often that demon comes into persons who have experienced being slain in the spirit.” And that demon is a fallen angel, the spirit of the Antichrist. 

What I’ve come to realize is that, they do not have morals. Whenever they see an opportunity to spread their darkness, they seize it. Over 250 million worldwide Christians claim to be Pentecostal. In the U.S. there are about 90 to 100 million American Evangelicals. What does this mean? It means that fallen angels have taken over both the international, and national levels of religion.

Fallen angels have mastered the art of deception, and infiltration. They will target any age, any sex, any person who is open to their direction. It’s clear we see the occult connection spreading through these avenues of religion, as well as the mixing of worldly politics and religion.

Fallen Angels Can Be Nice

Well now, Satan can come as an angel of light. He and the fallen angels were at the throne of God. They know about virtues, and such things. But, when it comes down to it, their nature is not godly. 

Fallen angels will get along with you if you agree with them. It’s like a mafia deal. “You do your part, I’ll supply the money.” But, mess up “your part” and they come after you! Fallen angels have no mercy. Although they may initially appear merciful when mimicking God, but beyond that facade is a godless nature.

Also, we can see the “benevolence” too with fallen angels interacting with the New Age. They come as ascended masters of wisdom, and appear to be peaceful, enlightened, as noted in the book, The Fake Jesus, “Channels are demonically gifted to receive messages from a “teaching-spirit” of advanced wisdom known as ascended masters.”

When Hell Came To Me

Hell came to me when I needed escape from my occultist ways. Yet, when I entered the church it was like my soul became abused. 

Since I was in agreement with occult fallen angels and demons, when I entered religion I was “breaking my contract.” To say, that I stopped practicing occult things, which angered them. Me stopping those practices did not give them as much access. And, instead my new “religious” practices gave new beings, new access. 

Did they care about my soul? No, they just wanted to use me up. I was just a pawn in Satan’s chess game. I was an “innocent” young man, but the powers of darkness could careless—I was in their zone for use. 

That’s Why

Satan does not care about us, as in our well being. He only cares when he can use us, steal us, destroy us, and deceive us. 

Why? Because Satan is an unauthorized ruler over the world. He wants vengeance against the punishments and pending sentences he has received from God. So, Satan does what he can to achieve his goal. 

That’s why him and his fallen angels have no mercy because their time is short. They are using children as their pawns. Twisting their flexible minds to have false imaginations about God. We see children being used as military soldiers across the world. Children also being lured into meditations and occult practices. It’s no wonder why many children suffer from nightmares and terrors and other psychological issues. 

With the number mentioned above, they are only growing. The entire earth is deceived by the Devil as prophesied in the Book of Revelation.

Be Prepared Not Unaware

Our ministry is here to help you detox. Detox from ALL the negative things of both religion and occult. No matter how long you’ve been in it. My emotional, mental and spiritual health was saved by God using this ministry. And I was in the occult for seven years and two years in religion! 

I used spirit boards and tarot cards regularly at age thirteen… 

I literally use to tell every guest I checked in (some days over 100), “Jesus loves you” because I feared condemnation if I didn’t. My entire mindset was brainwashed to only focus on religious indoctrination, and everything else was “the Devil.” 

If you are seeking for relief, feel free to check us out. You can call 838-217-0104 and ask for Evan who is a coordinator of Pam Sheppard Ministries.  

Hits: 442

Nigerian Witchcraft and It’s Dangers

     Written by Abbi


Nigerian witchcraft and it’s dangers is something my Nigerian family often mentioned to me. Growing up in America, I remember hearing about Nigerian witchcraft; there was so much that I didn’t understand, especially why it was so popular. Some of the things I saw were professing Christians practicing witchcraft type behaviors and seeing nothing wrong with it. I saw Nigerians blend witchcraft practices into their everyday lives. Eventually, those same patterns of occult witchcraft started to influence me, particularly when I was emotionally stressed. This led to turmoil and unhappiness in my life.

The Problems of Nigerian Witchcraft Are Commonly Known Among Nigerians

Many Nigerian families have had conversations about Nigerian witchcraft and it’s dangers. It is portrayed in Nigerian movies; whether as a parody or used as a life lesson warning about why it is so dangerous. I became used to hearing stories of disturbing or unusual potions put together to achieve some desired goal. The inevitable result was; tragedies happening to that person who started those potions and it was the talk of the town. Other Nigerian Americans I knew had similar experiences hearing these stories.

Nigerian witchcraft and it’s dangerous risks are still present despite the knowledge of it’s damaging effects. The love of money, fear, desperation, greed, pride, lust, and generational influences may drive witchcraft behavior. Generational influences that promote witchcraft as acceptable can be passed down. Parents can influence children to believe in witchcraft. The expectation and pressure to continue any cultural witchcraft can be strong.

Fear is an emotion that can lead people to witchcraft. This can grow to the point where the individual loses common sense judgment to make sound decisions. I believe that fear is important for everyone to address. It’s also key to identify what are your deep fears; this knowledge can reduce the risk of seeking witchcraft.

The Damaging Attacks and Control

Witchcraft can cause evil spirits to attack that individual who partakes in it, leading to emotional pain, mental aguish, and repetitive harmful choices in ones life. Demons and fallen angels coming in control of ones life can lead to spiritual torment; evil spirits will continue to fight your individuality, and they will work to try to destroy you in whatever way they think they can. The individual who partakes in witchcraft can be controlled in a way that they lose sight of who they are, and become bound to evil spirits, as if they are in prison. It is noteworthy to point out; since demons and fallen angels hate all humans, the end result is that those evil spirits will eventually turn on you.

I am happy that God saved and protected me from witchcraft. Amazingly, despite my unwise participation; he intervened. What’s even more wonderful is that; miraculously, God caused me to have an unforgettable salvation experience in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Regardless of how long it took for me to realize that all forms of witchcraft and occultism is a recipe for disaster, it was a powerful lesson learned. I am grateful that God saved me from the dangers of witchcraft occult.

Resist Nigerian Witchcraft Practices

It’s important to take action against Nigerian witchcraft. Resisting it’s practices helps one break free from this evil. No matter how small the act is or how meaningless it may seem, these practices risk having a long lasting harmful presence in your life. It will grow into a burden of continuous darkness. I also believe that superstitious behaviors can influence a person to do witchcraft behaviors. This should be examined and addressed to see if it’s a problem that needs to be overturned in your life.

Nigerian witchcraft can begin at a young age. Parents can invoke fear to children that witchcraft is a last resort when things go wrong. This can continue on as an adult. When it comes to prayer, it can be used as a form of witchcraft; some are taught that this is acceptable. Those who do controlling prayers to cause harm to another person are doing a form of witchcraft.

Examine Yourself

Professing Christians who do witchcraft type behaviors likely do not realize they had a false born again experience. Deceiving spirits strongly influence these individuals. It’s up to the Holy Spirit to give that person a wake up call that it’s deceiving spirits who strongly influence these individuals. A professing Christian’s faith must be examined, especially if the individual finds that he or she is drawn to seducing spirits.

Spells, magic, curses lead to the dark world of evil and can ruin an individuals life. These acts attach the person to the evil spirit realm causing one to be the devils toy. Plus, it gives the enemy permission to control their life. The goal of evil spirits is to eventually destroy the individual in whatever way they can. Many are blind to the fact that evil spirits do not like humans at all. They may try to allude to trying to help the individual, but their ultimate goal is to try to take you down, no matter who you are.

Human Sinful Desires

People use Nigerian witchcraft to get something they want. The sinful nature of all humans are reasons that often lead one to Nigerian witchcraft and it’s dangers. Examples are that a person’s goal may be to steal from others or get rich quickly. Other times it could be to find love or lust. In Nigerian witchcraft, the practicing person, intends to cause harm to another. Nigerians grow up hearing stories about ghastly witchcraft outcomes. Time after time, the story ends with the person who did witchcraft, going through dangerous despair themselves as a result of the witchcraft practiced.

The many angles of Nigerian witchcraft can become filled with patterns of unrealism and thoughts. When a person becomes drawn by these thoughts, the individual becomes a captive to the idea of witchcraft. They let witchcraft take over their lives and cause fear in them. As a result, the aspects of witchcraft, controls their life. That individual must learn to remove the obsession and fear of witchcraft and renounce it.

The Importance of Rejecting Nigerian Witchcraft

I am glad to hear about Nigerians who want to stop the spread of Nigerian witchcraft and it’s dangers in Nigerian society. I urge Nigerians to continue to be alert and cautious to the many ways that witchcraft still exist. The controlling aspect of witchcraft often goes unnoticed, and it puts those who are easily influenced, at risk of being subjected to witchcraft personalities.

Despite generational impact that Nigerian witchcraft can have on a person, the good news is that one can rebuke those witchcraft influences! This is one of the most encouraging things that I learned when I came into Pam Sheppard Ministries; the truth strengthened me as I rid myself of occultist desires.

Nigerian witchcraft can lead to a road of spiritual torment, especially if the individual chooses to mix Christianity. Pam Sheppard Ministries is able to help with any sort of struggle like this.

Get Help So That You Can Overcome

Pastor Pam helped give me the strength to overcome witchcraft influences. She was formerly involved in the occult and became born again in Jesus Christ of Nazareth on March 29, 1977. She coached and counseled me so that I can recover from the aspects of witchcraft and many other spiritual problems. I also read her various meaty books. Those books gave me in depth insight about the deceptive witchcraft evil spirits, coming into individuals lives.

A helpful book to read is: The New Idolatry. This is a book that really helped me. For this book, click the book image below. To contact PSM, call 1-888-818-1117 or email

Hits: 1903

How the Holy Spirit Speaks

He Spoke to Me Through a Deer

What I am about to share with you is deeply personal. It was just last “Tuesday, March 23, 2021 when the Lord spoke to me through my face to face encounter with a deer. 

You are probably wondering how the Holy Spirit used a deer and also what message did He send.  What was so unique about this deer was that he or she was simply not afraid of me as I was approaching him while driving.  I slowed down, and the deer boldly looked me in my face as he stood still in the center of the road, pranced, turned around in a circle, and then disappeared into the woods on the other side the street, 

Deep in my spirit I knew there was a an important message in this, yet I was completely oblivious as to what the Lord was revealing. To understand this, you should know that day before, a sudden pain hit the bottom of my foot. I was concerned so I looked it up. Simply  put, it could be a serious sign. tied together with other signs, a thought popped up, where I was wondering if I would spend my latter years in a wheelchair.  It was a fleeting thought because once I applied ice to my foot, 95 percent of the pain disappeared in 5 minutes. 

However with  the deer on my mind, I decided to search the scriptures.  Not  surprised, very little on the deer could be found in the Bible.  Yet I was shocked by one outstanding and quite personally relevant considering the ailment in my foot just the day before:

Though the fig tree may not blossom, Nor fruit be on the vines; Though the labor of the olive may fail, And the fields yield no food; Though the flock may be cut off from the fold, And there be no herd in the stalls— 

Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. 

The Lord God is my strength; 

He will make my feet like deer’s feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills. 

Habakkuk 3:17-19 – NKJV

To fully comprehend the profound significance that this scripture has on my life as I am about to celebrate 44 years born again on March 29, 2021, coupled with 10/25 being my 40th year in ministry, you might get a glimpse of what the Lord is speaking to my spirit.  yet in reference to the deer and his prancing feet, the Lord has actually answered my unspoken question, “will I end my days in a wheelchair?.” With the prophecy of Habakkuk, He says an emphatic “No Pam, you won’t.”  

Amazingly, with a deer boldly staring me down in the middle of a road, the Lord has answered a repetitive question that I have not even asked Him in prayer. Yet this is not the first time he has done so.  It was a March 25 to March 29, 1977, my first  “born again” long weekend. On March 25, I heard from an angel who introduced himself by turning a bright sunny day to immediate wind and  darkness, then back to sunny in a few split  seconds. Then Saturday morning I dreamed of Jesus and the cross. I remained in denial. Then I got behind the wheel  in the afternoon, when  the crosses on church steeples in the neighborhood loomed so large, that I feared they would fall, hit and break my windshield. I arrive to my destination and as I get out of the car, twigs fall from the nearby trees and land  on top of each other in the shape of a cross. 

God  has done and is still doing spectacular things within the nature that He created. 

Part of the PSM mission is to help inform and protect the elect of God   by providing accurate and balanced information on the ever-changing world of spirituality and religion. It is our hope that our models and products serve as a valuable resource furthering that goal. We would welcome providing you help to  perceive what the Holy Spirit is saying to you within the daily context and circumstances of your own personal life. Deliverance counseling plays  a vital role in   this endeavor. 

For spiritual insight, growth and development, Contact PSM at 888-818-1117


Hits: 375

The Lord Will Sustain You

Who do you go to in times of trouble? Who do you turn to with problems that are out of man’s control? When you have overwhelming burdens- you are to cast them upon the Lord and the Lord will sustain you.

My Burdens

A long story, but let’s just say my apartment was a “last minute” grab in the midst of a pandemic. My job as well, both things that I needed and were not easily available within my limits.

My apartment, was ghetto and I do not use that word often. The building smelt like urine, mice and roaches roamed the floors and bats flew among the ceiling. Crazy mentally ill men walked around the building, mask-less. Nicki Minaj and Lil Jon blasted throughout the building. The neighbors above me fought so loud my room would shake and tremble. While the neighbors next me, smoked cigarettes that stunk up my room due to the worn-down walls. Soon enough, the ceiling above my bathroom would collapse disabling me from showering for months.

My job, well let’s just say we got a rough crowd. Working in hotels is normally and regularly stressful, but in the midst of a pandemic it’s awful. Especially because this company I worked for is cheap. They would not hire anyone, leaving people overwhelmed with the responsibilities of other departments. I became the security guard, mandating mask wearing, and social restrictions. I received threats, mockery, and insults on a regular basis.

After months, this will grow on you. Not getting any sleep from your ghetto apartment and having all your energy drained from your consuming job. The stress was wearing me down, yet the Lord would soon reveal, “The Lord will sustain you.”

The Deliverance

It amazes me how the Lord sustained me through all of this. Giving me supernatural long-suffering which enabled me to do my job well, not leaving a trace of self-suffering to those I checked in. The times I struggled is when I tried to persevere in my own strength.

The night of March 15th came, I had not slept well for days. I needed sleep but my neighbors above me were blasting their music and fighting. Keeping me up all night.

My mind was racing with all these thoughts, with everything going on. And I went to the Father in prayer and thanked Him for my salvation in Christ. I threw ALL my burdens upon His Throne in Jesus Christ of Nazareth’s name. I just gave them to Him, and asked for wisdom.

What amazed me, is that He graciously received them. In a way, I had a moment were with God deeply revealed to me, “I care for you because you are in Christ.”

Instead of trying to catch up on sleep, the following morning March 16th the Lord woke me up (using my noisy neighbors) to sustain me! I got two job offers, my property manager got me a new apartment—all in hours that I normally sleep. Both of which are a complete upgrade from what I have now. The Lord delivered me all within hours! So yes, when you cast your burdens upon the Lord, the Lord will sustain you!

Burdens Not Being Lifted?

When I had a false conversion, or when I thought I was born again I had no relief from my burdens, especially my spiritual ones. My burdens and stress always remained because I was not in Christ in the spirit. So, at that time all things just could not work together for good.

Now, being in Christ in truth and spirit, I see how all things God uses for your benefit and good. To teach you, equip you, and to bring thanks. That is why the Apostle Paul said, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard you hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Come to our ministry you who are weary, whether you are dealing with demons, in poverty, have an occult background, does not matter, if you are chosen for salvation, Jesus will give rest for your souls. The Lord will sustain you.

Looking for deliverance? Check out this article to see if you are worthy.


Hits: 298

Take Back Your Invitation to Evil Spirits

I have been “in the spirit” since 1974: first as a psychic medium or channel and then as a born again Christian.

In 1981, I entered Christian ministry. So I have experienced and witnessed a few things with a lot more “on the way.” Lots of mistakes made from which I have learned the most. The supernatural world is more prevalent in these times for the simple reason that we have invited evil spirits to “get in touch with us” by the actions we have taken. One way or the other, we opened the gateways of our souls, widely referred to as “chakras.” Knowingly or ignorantly , the truth of the matter is that we made an invitation so as a result, evil spirits, sometimes pretending to be guardian angels or good spirits from the departed dead, we opened the doors so we have to close them.

Its as simple as THAT! You see, I was ignorant of the spirit realm when I made a few “invitations.” It began with studying and and practicing relaxation  therapy aka hypnosis, followed by plotting astrology charts which led to divination, and finally, I kicked the door to my soul wide open when initially playing around, I succumbed to conducting a seance and an “entity” appeared.

Quickly, one thing led to another and without asking me for permission, spirits began to enter  me when they chose to speak to anyone gathered.My spirit was outside of my body screaming “Let me back in,” but the people assembled could not hear me and the evil spirits  used m soul and my body as a rag doll until  God intervened wherein  I rose up and shouted, “this is ENOUGH!”

What I know to be true for the last 4 decades is that the  very first mandate to successfully uninviting evil spirits, crucial to your freedom  is THIS:

                                                                BE NOT AFRAID!

At Pam Sheppard Ministries, we have tools. If you are one who wants to work alone, we have ebooks, courses and workshops. If you need assisted self study, we have online groups. If you want continual help, we have one on one deliverance counseling on Zoom.If interested,  call 838-217-0104 and ask for Evan.  Send emails to 

Just be aware of this most important step. In every case, YOU made the invitation. So, “YOU have to take it back!”

It aint easy but it  is doable!!!! Jesus Christ said it quite simply yet quite profoundly: you shall know the truth and its the truth that will MAKE  you FREE!!!




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Are You Worthy of Deliverance?

Are we to cast out demons from EVERYONE who needs it? What did the Lord say?

What Does the Scripture Say?

When the Lord Jesus Christ sent out the 12 Apostles to do the work of the kingdom which includes the casting out of devils, He gave them some specific instructions as recorded in  Matthew Ch 10:

These twelve Jesus sent out and commanded them, saying: “Do not go into the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter a city of the Samaritans. But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven [c]is at hand.’ Heal the sick, [d]cleanse the lepers, [e]raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. Provide neither gold nor silver nor copper in your money belts, 10 nor bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor staffs; for a worker is worthy of his food.

11 “Now whatever city or town you enter, inquire who in it is worthy, and stay there till you go out. 12 And when you go into a household, greet it. 13 If the household is worthy, let your peace come upon it. But if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you. 14 And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet. 15 Assuredly, I say to you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city!

How Does the Scripture Define "Worthy?"

In the original Greek, the word “TASSO” is translated as “worthy” or “worthiness.” the use of “tasso” suggests character or weightiness, a person, place or thing as having weight or substance. Not trivial or foolish.  
“Tasso” also implies in a practical sense that the apostles were perceived as serious, gifted  men who operated in the power of God and therefore must not be taken lightly.  Consequently, though not yet born again, the worthy of deliverance  are believers.  The manifestation of a believer’s  worthiness 2000 years ago is  that  these folk  do not scoff at the fact that evil spirits exist. Believers who are worthy are also sympathetic to the cause of Christian ministry and therefore will provide for the temporal needs of God’s servants who have been sent to deliver them for “the workman is worthy of his meat.”  In other words, while the apostles are living in their communities, their temporal needs are met. 
It should  be noted that during the 3 years of the Lord’s earthly ministry, the gentiles including the Samaritans were not yet ready to be considered worthy because they knew little to nothing about the Jewish Messiah, a ministry that the Apostle Paul  carried  out about 10 years after the Lord ascended— an age when the Gentiles   would “become worthy” of deliverance over the last 2000 years and counting. So the Jews  of that particular dispensation considered worthy were serious people who paved a way for the 12 Apostles, receiving them as messengers of glad tidings. 
Even though  the apostles were not yet born again until after the Lord was resurrected, He gave them a new spirit and heart by breathing  on them as recorded in John 20: 
19 Then, the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were [e]assembled, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them, “Peace be with you.” 20 When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord.
21 So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” 22 And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.
So not yet born again,  the 12 Apostles  were ordained by the Lord Jesus Himself at the very moment He personally gave them power  to cast out demons from those they had  ” found worthy. ” Two thousand years ago, while He Himself was on Earth, the Lord sent forth His called out ones to preach and deliver the captives. 
 What has changed today is that those who are not born again believe that they are   “deliverance ministers.”   These deceived imposters  assume that they have been given  power over evil spirits who pretend they have been “cast out” in order to fool and pacify the ignorant . Today, these “not worthy  ministers and preachers”  have  experienced false conversions.  Consequently, most “so called” deliverance ministers    do not really have the power to cast out demons because they are not born again. 
What of the manifestations?  
Evil spirits have the capability of impersonating and imitating any person, place or thing they choose. 
Here is an example. 
 I made a mistake  10 years ago, when I cast out a demon by telephone from someone I will call Ron who really  was NOT worthy.  Simply put, he did not respect me, assuming that because I am a woman, Christ  does not empower me to be a minister.  As was his habit, Ron  spent most of his time in my ministry subtly undermining my authority as pastor.  So one day, suddenly and unexpectedly, I cast out demons from him  and he was instantly  delivered. Three months passed and he remained  normal.  All of Ron’s torment gone.  Then out of lust, pride and disrespect for the anointing that is upon me a mere “woman,”  Ron  decided to “test the spirits” by sinning. Immediately, the demons came on him with a vengeance, his situation worst than before. So Ron  asked me to cast out demons from him  a second time and I responded with an emphatic “NO!”  
In Ron’s own words, the demons used their powers of illusion to impersonate me and he believed them.  Ron wrote: 
Pam, I hear your voice in my head, telling me that I am a sucker and that you are a witch and that now I am in bondage to you and that I am going to hell and there is nothing I can do about it.  It is YOUR voice Pam, clear as day.” 
This would not have occurred if “Ron had been worthy”  by simply humbling himself. If I had recognized at the time  that Ron was actually sent by the devil to destroy my faith and my confidence, I would not have confronted Ron’s demons and  this situation would have been stifled.  
So you see, worthiness  is quite the dilemma in these times. 
 Ironically, , its the deliverance workers of today– apostles and disciples-  who themselves are not worthy. 
 So how do they cast out devils? 
They don’t! 
 Its a charade in the form of delusions and illusions, set up by the devil himself. 
 Click Here To know more click here!

Hits: 348

PSM Needs More Workers!

PSM's Work is divided by our mission: deliverance counseling, writing, training, coaching and mentoring. When all available counseling slots are filled, we will need others trained and prepared to serve our clients.

Those who seek  deliverance counseling  are  often young, of all races, genders  and backgrounds who have more or less dabbled in the occult with or without religious influences. we have only a few  available hours left on our monthly calendar. As this is no quick fix, each client requires an hour a week for from 3 months to a year or more.

Those who are most qualified  to become  deliverance coaches and mentors have been in deliverance counseling themselves for at least  two years, between 2019-2021, who have recently  entered into “on the job training” online with PSM. Once certification is conferred, to start, the fee will be no less than $20 an hour, perhaps more.

To enroll, send an email to or call 888-818-1117. 

Hits: 170

The 3 :P’s: Parables, Plagues and Prophecy

To learn more, click the image

Jesus certainly desires that His people prosper for it is
one of the important reasons for His first coming. He
said so Himself. Satan comes to kill, to steal, and to
destroy. But the Lord declared that He has come so
that His people may have and enjoy life in an

Even so, the Lord knows who are His. Since He wants
His people to prosper, He cried to the Apostle John
from the Book of Revelation, “Come Out of Her, My People, less you partake of her sins. Lest you receive
of Her plagues
.” (Revelations 18:4)

A plague is a curse. A curse is the opposite of a
blessing. God’s people are being cursed because “they
simply don’t know where Satan’s seat is.” Without a
knowledge of church history, Satan’s seat is hidden
and the true gospel of Jesus Christ is veiled. For if our
gospel be hid, it is hid to them who are lost, lest the
light of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ should
shine on them.

The Lord predicted that the wheat and the
tare would grow together in each generation. Yet in the
last generation, we cannot uproot the tare from the
wheat primarily because we simply can’t tell the
difference between the two. The time has come in
human world history, where the wheat and the tare look like,
think alike and live alike.

The clue is how we interpret the Lord’s last word to His followers as recorded in the first 3 chapters of the book of Revelation. As the IC train rolled down her track of recorded time, the Lord looked through and beyond her historic tunnel into decades of centuries. As the
omniscient God, Jesus saw how the religion would
evolve into the false religious system. In fact, Jesus knew where
Satan’s seed was while He ministered on the shores of
Galilee. It was among the religious hypocrites whom
the Lord called vipers declaring, “you are of your
father, the devil.”

Therefore, Jesus veiled his foreknowledge by hiding
the truth in the kingdom of heaven parables of Matthew. The entire 2000 years of 7 spiritual ages are symbolically
hidden in that ONE chapter. First, there is the mustard
seed that grew into a huge tree, followed by the birds
that came to live in her many branches. The religious
hypocrites of that time did not understand the parables
but Jesus took private time to explain their meaning to
His disciples.

The mustard seeds are the handful of His followers that
would miraculously spread the gospel throughout the
entire known world in the first century. The huge tree
began to form itself a few hundred years after His
ascension, until toward the end of the last age,
the trunk of that huge tree became Catholicism and all
of the many “branches” OR denominations are the
Protestant churches.

And lets not forget “the birds.” Jesus explained that the
flying creators are symbolic of demons, — fallen evil
spirits that work for the prince of the power of the AIR!
Yes! The Lord knew exactly how Satan would establish
His seat in each of His 7 church ages. And through the
Apostle John, Jesus both informs and forewarns each
organized religious system that we call “the church.”
The wheat and the tare, the children of god and the
seed of Satan, grow together in the world.

God’s people should be separate from the world and the Harlot. are. However, there is a true Bride and there is a false Harlot. . The true Bride, the Lord’s Body consists of only born again people. The Harlot is a mixture of the true with the false. As to the mixture, In His parable, the Lord posed a rhetorical question for which He already
knew the answer. In the parable of the Sower, the Lord
asked “who has done this thing???.” And the reply?

While we were sleeping, the enemy—Satan—came into
the vineyard and planted weeds of deception.
The elect have been sleeping for many more centuries
than she has been awake.
In the last of the last days, the wheat and the tare cannot be
distinguished one from the other. This is a fulfillment of
prophecy. For to the symbolic religious system that the
Lord named “Laodicea,”

Jesus actually predicted our future. To the 7th age, the Lord predicted that Laodiceans would boast that they are rich and in need of nothing. This is the false prosperity gospel of our times, In fact, the expression “I’m blessed” fulfills Laodicean boasting. But those who remain in darkness lie naked before Him, most certainly ASLEEP!

Satan’s deception in the last age is utterly pervasive. Spiritual discernment has been blocked for more than a century because as the Apostle Paul also warned, many have already departed from the faith. They have given heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. (I Timothy 4:1-4)
Since traditional and charismatic worship have fallen hook line and
sinker for Satanic deception over a total period of about 19
centuries, believers cannot be translated out of her darkness
into the light of God without repentance.

The problem is that because institutional worship is entrenched, trapped if you will, both financially, emotionally and politically, repentance is not possible for the system itself. Consequently, the Lord is opening up the blind eyes of His people, one by one. He is speaking directly to a believer’s heart with an urgent message of “stand up, move out and move on.”

This is an important purpose of PSM: when believer’s hear the trumpet sound loud and clear in the spirit, we have the anointing of Moses to prepare them for both the exodus from the worldly system and for the return of the Lord in His second coming.

He is expecting His people to be waiting for Him, fully prepared.

Hits: 199

Shake Your Salvation Tree!

What I am about to ask you to do is to “step outside of your personal situation” and see the broader picture for a brief moment. The problem
for all of us is that it is natural for us to be egocentric. In other words, everything that goes on in the world revolves around us and our
immediate situation. Therefore, I’m asking you to step outside of the boundaries of your own self-created circle and consider the overall state of institutional spiritual assemblies from an historical not
an “hysterical” perspective.

In so doing, imagine that an operation was done in a hospital on a person who had a communicable disease but no one knew he was infected at the time. The doctors and staff were extremely skilled,
the hospital was reputable. They simply did not know that the person that was operated on had a disease that would spread and affect everyone.

So the operating room was contaminated in spite of their usual efforts to scrub and sanitize it. The contamination spread throughout the
hospital. Everyone who came in there was innocent, not knowing what was going on. Disease continued to spread from one person to
the other, because no one properly investigated the cause.

This is the nature of the ecumenical age of our Laodicean spiritual reality. Everyone worldwide in the last 2 centuries has been contaminated by false and mixed doctrine and practices for at least 100 years or more. In fact, everyone has been deceived, across the board.

Who is to blame? Is it the hospital? The one with the disease? No. It is the enemy. The devil and his underlings have successfully planted confusion and via mis-information. within the entire system of worship and legitimate spirituality. ALL are affected by it. There are no exceptions or special cases.

Imagine if you would, the horrific shock of faithful believers who after they died, they heard the voice of the Lord Jesus Christ somberly say to them, “I never knew YOU!”

Wow. Consider that more than 75% of their entire lives was spent either on a pew or even behind a pulpit.

Does it blow your mind? I can’t even speak any further on it. Yet, these very words are recorded in the book of Matthew as said to people who have claimed to cast out devils in His name. How were they able to set the captives free if the Lord Jesus never knew them?

Commonsense reveals that such believers thought they cast out demons, but they didn’t. Demons merely used games and trick to deceive people into believing that demons were cast out whenthey were not.

Demons are skilled at playing possum.

The first STEP INTHE SHAKING is to “examine your
faith.” Jesus advised Laodiceans to “buy gold” from Him that has been tried in the fire. ” In other words, examine the root of the Tree and its fruit and simply go back to the day that you believe you got born again and thoroughly scrutinize your salvation tree from top to bottom.

Bringing this right down home into your own personal backyard, where do YOU stand in the midst of a spiritual conspiracy theory that is
mind boggling, to say the least? For if your spiritual tree was shaken, would any of the fruits of the Spirit be made manifest for all to see?

In other words, shake that tree and see if your salvation can withstand the shaking.

PSM IS ABOUT personal shaking to build a solid foundation in Christ. Deliverance counseling can prove to be a hard thing in the beginning. What we have found is that there are stages and changes some go through, including but not limited to denial, defensiveness, anger at us but mostly at God, and worst of all, fear of going to hell.
We will love you as expressed in our sincere work to provide help yet for your very sake, we cannot spoon feed you. We try to be as gentle and as supportive as we can but we refuse to hide the truth. There will come a time when it becomes obvious that a client is not born again. Just know that PSM is compelled to warn you for your eternal sake. For if you are among the elect, the Holy Spirit will quicken our words
to you at the appointed time for you to “be shaken.”

To avoid this most crucial “shaking,” would be like trying to mend
an old garment with a new piece of cloth. It will rip and be torn. So, we waste no time starting that fire that will bring about the shaking. My ears have become accustomed to familiar cries of complaint, like—
“I gave up the sin of fornication, packed my bags and stopped living in sin, I went to church regularly, and so on and so forth.” They often come back at us with yet another defense, like “Well,
I had a distinct change in lifestyle and personality. All things became new. So why is it that I am still not a new creature?”

Surely, its complicated because Satan has put his hand on the doctrine of salvation and as would be expected, he has brought about much confusion. We will feed you with truth that will set you free. For the gospel of Jesus Christ, though profound, becoming born again is simple, bearing much fruit.

To set up your first Zoom deliverance counseling session, send an email to or call PSM at 838-217-0104

Hits: 389

Protecting Your Soul From the Thief

In the quotation below, taken from the words of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, “the house” is symbolic of man’s soul. Today, many have been bound, feeling like their very souls are in jeopardy. Fear is running wild around the entire world. Yet the Lord said about these times, “Fear NOT!’

How can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house.
Matthew 12:29 –

Protecting the body is extremely important to natural living, as our eternal nature of spirit and soul cannot function on earth without our bodies. The more our bodies age, the more committed we need to be toward protecting it. Nevertheless, not neglecting the body, our concentration in Pam Sheppard Ministries (PSM) is threefold, with an emphasis on two parts, spirit and soul.

Protecting what is totally invisible can be quite challenging. The first thing you need to become aware of is “the thief.” The thief is a Satanic agent that has been assigned to both you and to me from the moment of our birth. He is always there. No need to fear him because if he could have “taken us out,” he would have done so already. His objective is to keep us on the broad way to destruction so that the light of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ will not shine on us. .However, once the Holy Spirit selects “your hour,” Satan’s agent has failed to “steal your soul.”

Since the agent assigned to you has been watching you since birth, he knows you, sometimes better than you know yourself. Deliverance counseling is designed and implemented to cause you to know yourself better than the thief knows you so that you can protect yourself spirit, soul and body.

Who is the strong man the Lord is referring to?


At PSM, we ‘unbind the strong man” and we see to it that you are not bound again!!!!

To experience your first deliverance counseling session, you can call PSM and ask for Evan at 838-217-0104 or send an email to

Hits: 315

Why Demonic Attacks Occur

When attacks from evil spirits occur, we MUST know WHY they have come. If we have not a clue, then we need to ask God in prayer to reveal the cause. It is important that we fight back with the correct weapons. As we continue to gain victories over deceiving and lying spirits, our strength of spirit will grow stronger.

Using myself as an example, I have been associated with deliverance ministry since 1983. It is my recollection that I was often attacked until I ingested a major mouthful of truth in 2004. In that particular year and for the next 17 years, personal attacks from evil spirits have significantly and noticeably diminished. In fact, I am usually at peace. Then came a dream I had early this very morning, March 9, 2021.

To put the cause of the dream into perspective, i should mention that I posted a selfie on Facebook taken on December 28, 2020. ITS THE PIC ABOVE. I was having some technical difficulties transferring the picture from my cell phone to my iPad, so I USED Facebook AS A CONDUIT to make the transfer happen. I have done this maneuver several times before without any thing special occurring. However, on this occasion, the response from men of all ages and races was surprising and unexpected. Since Dec 28, I have received as many as 300 friends requests a day from men only. Some young men seeking contact are young enough to be my grandsons. This unusual amount of male friends requests has continued until this very day, as I have had to delete Messenger. So consider this situation as a backdrop to the dream:

It seems I was at a conference with former colleagues, several assembled who had once been jealous backstabbers “back in the day.” I was to make a presentation. Rather than go into all the detailed dream drama, I appeared in the dream as a ridiculous buffoon, looked down upon in derision and not allowed to make the presentation. One of several reasons was because I was wearing a huge menstrual pad upon which there was no blood. I was depending on pantie hose to help the pad stay in place, but they were too small. So I was shown walking with tight knees to keep the pad from falling to the floor.

So what is Satan’s message? What is his purpose?

He is being insulting, suggesting that I am pretending to be decades younger than I actually am, , and in so doing, he implies that my present day associates on facebook—-the women, in particular—-are mocking me with “Pam, you may look youthful but you are an old woman, so stay in your lane and stop pretending you are young!”

Ordinarily when I find a dream disturbing, once I am awake, I can’t go back to sleep. Yet, not today. I did not interpret it immediately, instead I vowed to remember it as I fell back to sleep, for I was determined not to lose any sleep over it. As I re-examined it later on today, my enemies of 20 years ago symbolize those I have met since I have been ministering online.

Based upon current circumstances and events recently manifesting within my deliverance counseling practice, the enemy is really suggesting to me that “deliverance counseling does not work. “. In the dream, his goal was to block me from making a presentation. To block me from working! In other words, TO STOP ME FROM CASTING OUT EVIL SPIRITS. His intent is to discourage me, cause me to look within and assume that the problem lies in my personal pride and vanity. SUGGESTING I AM AN OLD WOMAN, HIDING BEHIND a youthful face,

Well, I am not stopped. Satan knows that trying to shame or humiliate me is not the best strategy of choice when confronting someone whose soul is as mine has become.

My truth is this.

Deliverance counseling works for “those who do the work.”

Truly, I offer no promises to the passive. Furthermore, I do not succumb to pride and vanity. I KNOW I am an elder, a senior. As such, I got no time to waste on such foolishness. For whether or not men are attracted to me is no where on my priority list IN THIS SEASON. Also, I don’t expect deliverance counseling to work for people who remain dull, lukewarm and passive.

Upon this ground, PSM stands:

I am not the Deliverer. The Holy Spirit is the Deliverer in His representation of the Father and the Son on Earth. My job is to expose lies and to prepare the elect to walk in and remain in truth. So none of my “presentations” are really about me. Instead, PSM is designed to cause seekers like you to understand and take authority over the ground you have opened so as not to give evil spirits an opportunity to work in you again. Of course, PSM provides an intelligent knowledge of God so that you can learn how to cooperate with Him.

To know more about dreams and other ebooks, workshops and courses, click here.

To schedule your first session and to learn more about what PSM offers, send an email to or call 888-818-1117.

Hits: 440