Common Sense VS Religion

Being religious has caused me to lack a lot of common sense. In the past, I was so blinded by religious rules, that I found it quite difficult to use my common sense to make daily life decisions. As a result, I have had to deal with the consequences of many significant life decisions I made all in the name of religion. There were times when I KNEW what to do, but because of some religious belief, second guessed myself, and made a different decision. Also, there were times when I would have a difficult time coming to a decision because I relied too heavily on waiting for some supernatural sign from God, not realizing it was just a religious belief inspired by the devil.

I can recall many occasions where I would lack confidence in my own God-given natural ability to make practical life choices, because I was afraid that using my common sense to make certain choices would somehow affect my “relationship with God,” or make me less of a Christian or candidate for heaven. Would you believe it if I told you that areas like politics, relationships (marriage included), careers, where to live, etc., are not necessarily areas that we need to be “consulting God” in? You see, God operates in SPIRITUAL MATTERS. But, religion has taught us to seek the supernatural in EVERYTHING that we do, and in EVERY aspect of our lives, that it is second nature to many of us. We fail to realize that often times, it is the ENEMY behind those decisions!!!

When detoxing yourself from religion, it is important to note that you must restructure your entire thought process. You must change your value system. You must determine new morals based on truth and common sense. I have effectively accomplished this by learning from people like Pam, who have never really been religious to begin with. For those of us who have been either raised religious, or have been heavily influenced by religion, religion is all we know, and has become the foundation for the morals and values we have today. It will have us wondering why we even make some of the decisions we make! LOL!!! That needs to change. When you encounter that WHY question, it’s time to suspect that religion is the culprit, and that it is time to do some serious investigating, which is an important part of the process of undeception. And as you go through the process of detoxing yourself from religion, use your God-given common sense, along with TRUTH to help you develop your morals and value system that will be based on TRUTH vs. false religious beliefs. Then and only then will you be able to see clearly, and start getting religion out of your system for GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thoughts? Can anyone out there relate to this?

Hits: 390

The Smoke and Mirrors

Learning the truth through Pam Sheppard Ministries has rocked my religious world! What I thought was the truth was actually just my religion masquerading as truth. It was a form of Godliness that denied the power of Jesus Christ. Just about everything that I thought was based on truth has actually turned out to be a false doctrine. The Lord showed me the smoke and the mirrors. Once again, if you want the TRUTH, then any religious thing you have ever believed or practiced (i.e. practices in the church, church activities, anything you have learned from the church, etc.) HAS GOT TO GO!!!!!!!!!

What do you think are some religious practices that one needs to let go of, in order to find out the truth?

Hits: 334

Setting Captives Free is the Purpose of My LIFE!

I used to work in prisons and jails for 17 years as a state employee. I monitored and assessed my state’s correctional institutions according to minimum standards, some of which I also personally wrote.

I was in correctional facilities 8 hours a day or longer, , 10 days out of each month for several years. I entered each facility waving my official badge. While a state employee, I married a prisoner in 1988. So for 8 years, I was in prison every weekend, leaving my badge locked up in my car, entering the gate as just another prisoner’s wife.

Once I left my state job in 1997, I once again found myself “in prison” as a group counselor on Thursdays and a preacher on Sundays with male prisoners, a ministry of 7 additional years. Some of these years overlapped but in total, I have at least 25 years of diversified correctional experience as a state manager, a group counselor, a prison wife and a minister.

I have not been “in prison” for about 12 years. Recently, I dreamt that I was behind bars once again, not as a state worker or a wife but conducting my ministry and programs as I do today. So when my work for the day was done, as I was about to head for the gate, I heard a voice say that I WOULD NOT BE ALLOWED OUT.

I TOOK NO HEED TO IT, AND I WENT ON THAT LONG WALK I took for 17 years, from the back of each prison complex to the front gate. In the dream, I did so, unescorted and no one tried to stop or harm me.


As I was laying in my bed upon waking, I received the interpretation.

It was revealed that my actual life of 17 years “inside” of over 30 correctional facilities as an official manager with statewide authority is symbolic OF MY SPIRITUAL LIFE. My work for the Lord is to use the authority bestowed upon me by Jesus Christ of Nazareth as I continue to enter into the spiritual dungeons of the devil. Each time I enter, I confront the enemy, release the captive, and come out myself, completely unscathed!

The officer in the dream who “let me out” of the spiritual prison house is my angel. He protects me by the power and the authority of the Holy Ghost.

So call me. 888-818-1117. Or Write me.

My books set captives free also. Visit LULU  or Amazon,

Hits: 389

Pam Sheppard: Professional and Ordained

 I have been a licensed therapist since 1973 and an ordained minister since 1981.  Most of the  demonically tormented people who I have counseled in the last ten years were active members of charismatic and Pentecostal churches.

Some of them were set free but others remain tormented. So it no longer comes as a surprise to me that some of them will never find relief from demonic torment.  In pastoral counseling, it is an empirical fact that white magic practitioners who attend Christian churches are so shackled to the sin of idolatry, that release from demonic captivity is unobtainable without a thorough confession and renunciation of charismatic witchcraft.  As a consequence, the spiritual pride deeply rooted in the charismatic movement remains the stumbling block as “God resists the proud.”

In the book the New Idolatry,”  a lecture concerning demonism and psychotherapy by  German psychiatrist Alfred Lechler shed a somber light on demonic captivity: In the words of Dr. Lechler:

“What then must we regard as the cause of demonic enslavement or possession?  If we enquire closely from such people as bear the marks we have just mentioned, we very often find in their background the use of magic means such as are employed in black magic–acts of charming or being charmed, the sin of fortune-telling or visits to fortune tellers and card layers, and participation in spiritist sessions.  Black magic is much more prevalent than is ordinarily assumed…When we look into the Bible, we note that it too is well acquainted with enchantment.  It is in Acts 19 described as a ‘prying art.’ (here we also find mention of magic books.)[1]

   I must concur with the late Dr. Lechler, a German who practiced psychiatry before I was born.  Five or more decades later,  what I have found astounding is that in practically every case of demonic torment among my own Christian clients, a common factor is that 95 percent of them were not demon possessed BEFORE they went to a charismatic, “word of faith, non-denominational  church. 

Some passive Christians are like helpless zombies, unable to take corrective action where necessary.  On the charismatic side, good people have been deceived into accepting all things supernatural as “of the Lord’ and consequently, they have made ‘a voice from God’ as the deciding factor in every matter, both trivial and important.  Passive believers have also suppressed their personalities to such an extent that they can’t distinguish their own persona from the demonic influences that bind them.[1]

The difference between charismatic divination and occultism lies in the fact that generally the dreams, visions and prophetic messages of charismatic practitioners are usually spontaneous experiences, which “come over” or “overtake” the professing Christian without apparent preparation or mental volition on his or her part.  For this reason, the gullible and unsuspecting assume that the supernatural information must be from God.  On the other hand, psychics make use of omens, potions, amulets, tarot cards,  the I Ching, tea leaves, crystal balls, Ouija boards and a plethora of other tools to interpret the signs believed to be in them  to predict the future.

     Charismatic diviners have the same purpose.  They simply use tools that they claim are the nine biblical gifts of the Holy Ghost, particularly those labeled “the revelation gifts:” a word of knowledge, a word of wisdom and the discerning of spirits.  What charismatic teachers fail to understand is that Paul wrote the Corinthian letter about these gifts without defining them or explaining any specifics as to how they operate.  In fact, no texts in the Bible actually define these gifts.    

   In the midst of crowds of gatherers, people come to be led by shamanistic men and women who know how to “turn them on” with just a wave of a hand. On more than one occasion,  I watched in amazement as  well-known TV evangelist TD Jakes ordered apparently sensible people to turn to their neighbor and with a wave of their hand, shake their neighbor’s problems away. To watch the people immediately obey without thinking at all was a scary thing indeed. Anyone with a sound mind would know that problems do not “fly away” by a wave of the hand.

If you are either demonized or tormented, we offer you hope that your torment is a sign that if you have experienced a false conversion and you are presently being tormented, the torment itself is a sign that God intends to save you.  Demons and fallen angels do not torment those whom  they KNOW will never be saved. It is only the deceived among the elect of God who are under torment right now.  If you are one of God’s people who has been deceived while attending a Pentecostal, Charismatic or a Denominational Church, we can help you break the contract that you made with the fake Jesus.

So call us to arrange for your first telephone session at 888-818-1117.

[1] P. Sheppard,  Come Out of Her, God’s People,” 2010, pg. 198

“Together with spiritist activities, magic stands in a class of its own in relation to other sins, when it includes an appeal to Satan’s services or even a formal pact with Satan.  The Bible speaks of this too (Isaiah 28:15-18).  For by invoking Satan, man yields himself unequivocally to powers of darkness, in that he attempts by magic and the help of Satanic power to gain something that God has forbidden or withheld.”[2]

[1] Printed in Great Britain by Gospel Press, South Molton, Devon, pg.

[2] Dr. Alfred Lechler, “Demonism and Psychotherapy” Lecture given to the conference of doctors and pastors at Hohe Mark on 7/5/1949.

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