Meet the Founder

Born and raised  in Harlem, NYC, Pamela SHEPPARD exudes a spiritual yet pragmatic realism  in a bold, fearless way as    an ordained minister, a professional counselor and  a non-fiction author of 18 books. Miraculously becoming  born-again in 1977, Pam set  sail on an incredible  journey. She has experienced deep supernatural realities and uncovered  important hidden  mysteries that have compelled her to become a self-published author. In her third book entitled “Faces of the Religious Demon: Freedom Through Deliverance Counseling, she laid out the  the essentials of  her biblical counseling model. 

Obtaining her Masters Degree in a therapeutic field of study, she became certified and then  licensed in her field of study.   Entering Christian ministry in 1981, she became ordained in a well known denomination where she served as both a pastor and evangelist  from 1981-2004. 

A powerful believer in Christ and a faithful child and servant of God, Pam’s long-standing expertise and  divine anointing  have empowered her with special skills  to expose deception, unlock chains of bondage, and set people free by shedding  light upon unseen realities. Her vision as an author continues to be sharp, deep and prophetic as she remains watchful and alert in this season. Truly, Pam Sheppard is a chosen vessel of God for His purpose of letting His People Go!

Why Deliverance Counseling?

To know more about deliverance Counseling, you need "Faces of the Religious Demon: FREEDOM THROUGH DELIVERANCE COUNSELING
For the book, click the image.

I trained to be a high school teacher when I appeared to stumble into counseling shortly after I graduated with a bachelor’s degree.  it was the summer of 1968 when I went with a friend to to pick up her welfare check and I noticed that the agency was looking for case managers.  I applied that day and in a few weeks, I was working as a case worker within public assistance.  After 5 years, I decided to take counseling to the next level so I entered into a masters degree program which led to certification and then a license to practice.  So I have actually been engaged in some form of counseling for over 50 years.  Once I became an ordained minister, as a pastor in the church, I began  to fuse secular counseling experience with spirituality.  In the church that I founded in 1996 called Healing Waters, I set up my private practice in an office in the  church’s building. I began online work in 2002. 

I find that a  major difference between secular therapies and deliverance counseling is centered   in the biblical reality of the existence of evil spirits and their impact upon human personality.  I know of no other approach like deliverance counseling, other than the work of a psychiatrist, the late M. Scott Peck, who passed in 2005.  In his book “People of the Lie” published in 1983, Peck describes the cases of several of his clients who came to him whom Peck found resistant to any form of help. 

Peck  then entered into a study of evil and began to collaborate with Catholic priests who were specialists in exorcism.  Peck began to think that there is a special category of people who are just plain evil and before he died, Peck described the essence  of evil in psychological terms, suggesting that evil could eventually become a psychiatric diagnosis.  Peck was one of those secular therapists that pointed to narcissism as a type of evil, with narcissistic personality disorder recently becoming quite popular online.

Intercessory Prayer and Deliverance Counseling

Deliverance counseling goes a lot further than any strategy Peck considered. For  from a strictly  biblical perspective, all human beings are sinners, with all having fallen short of the glory of God. I have found that casting out of demons and preparing the captive to fight in mental health cases  may not be the intervention strategy of choice. If it is the work of dignities aka fallen angels who cause various seekers to miss the mark  when they came  to Jesus, as a deliverance counselor, I must be the one to prepare the case for intercessory prayer and ask the Lord to rebuke the fallen angels  for the sake of the client. In other words, I fall on the mercy of the court of heaven  by coming boldly before the Throne, sometimes in the midst of the deliverance counseling session, and in prayer, present the client’s case to the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. For as the scripture declares,it is the Lord Jesus who  presently serves as the main Lawyer, in His role as the Advocate.  

Research and Investigation

Among the clients of deliverance counseling i have served since 1996, several have been those who were diagnosed by the mental health system who took on medication. Enabled with a semblance of normalcy by their prescription drugs, these clients  still remained under constant demonic torment.  Deliverance counseling has been able to either significantly reduce and in some instance totally remove the tormenting conditions. 

Our first stage of emphasis is research and investigation. In the natural, when a district attorney has taken a case to court, this is the culmination of a thorough investigation that has exposed the breaking of a law.  In deliverance counseling, united together in agreement, the client and the deliverance worker gather evidence against what fallen angels have presented to the Father against the client.  Our spiritual position within the research and investigation stage is akin to the “expert witness,”  Together, counselor and client receive light or “enlightenment.”

Client enlightenment is our primary goal.  Enlightenment is the potential for truth to be revealed, an essential condition of vision.  For we search for every demonic wile that evil spirits have set in motion to keep the counselor in the dark about each client’s true spiritual condition. We seek accuracy in discernment by being able to perceive character, detect trends and uncover unseen motives.  There are those divinely chosen occasions when the Holy Spirit reveals “what has been going on.” 



I find in deliverance counseling that demonized clients heavily under the influence of evil spirits will be tricked into using the innate rebellion of their soul to be resistant to ME.  In such cases, evil spirits have  fed the client’s  oppositional defiance to hinder their counseling experience. Over the years, I have learned not to be rushed into closing their case. Nevertheless, just because a client continues to show up for sessions in itself is not an indicator of compliance. What tends to happen is that an oppositional client will simply jump from one problem to another and gain only disconnected, irrelevant insight. Such  defiance will ultimately “catch up with him” as he continues to listen to his negative thoughts about me. 

Eventually, I will take “a pause for his or her cause” and enter into prayer. Some clients think I am stern but the truth is that I caring, yet serious and practical. Ultimately, if its not too late, I wait until the client has developed some respect for me and my time. Deliverance counseling should remain a good friend to fall back upon rather than as the hard task master as in my flesh, I am prone to be. As such, I walk in the spirit. So as not to fulfill the lust of my flesh. 

Just as a friendship must be cultivated and respected over time, the client must see that deliverance counseling sessions must be taken seriously so that the process can bear fruit. If the time does not come where the client stops playing destructive games and realizes that he must resist the enemy and stop coming against ME, I will have to close the case. This is rare, but “it happens.” 

So if you want to “give it a go,” call 888-818-1117 or send an email to

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