Important Articles


Deception in end times is the most prevalent theme of the most read articles of Pam Sheppard ministries.  The top article is “Christians Who Open the 7 Chakras are Demonized.” An overall connection  among the titles is an overlap  of the occult and religion. In a nut shell, the word “idolatry” stands out. 

click image for course

Those who have practiced meditation, yoga and who have submitted themselves to various chakra initiations within Eastern belief systems have unknowingly  opened themselves to scores of demons. 

If you are a practicing Christian  and you are experiencing various energy pulls, shifts, sensations of heaviness, heat and cold, if you find yourself frequently out of control of various body parts, bodily functions  and/or  other manifestations, you are experiencing the outward signs that suggest that you need to be delivered “inside” your spiritual body. 

Here is why. You have made an invitation to Hindu gods, aka, evil spirits aka demons and fallen angels. Here is a summary of “what has happened.”


The False Conversion Via the "I Accept Jesus" Practice

Once the Lord opened my eyes to the false conversion epidemic more than a decade ago, the truth was so powerful and compelling  that I did not do any research as to whether or not other believers supported my claims–not until today.

I found an article entitled,  False Conversions and the “Sinner’s Prayer”: A Damnable Epidemic in the Modern Church! written by Landon Chapman on  9/ 9, 2014. I fully agree with almost the entire article, other than for the last sentence.  What stands out for me as complete truth is the excerpt quoted below:

Paul Washer has mentioned numerous times that he has “declared war” on the sinner’s prayer. He contends that it has sent more people to hell than anything else on the face of the earth. You may be asking, “how can he say such a thing?” The answer is quite similar to David Platt; search the scriptures and tell me where anyone evangelized that way. The scripture does not say that Jesus Christ came to the nation of Israel and said that the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand, now who would like to ask me into their heart?! No, he said repent and believe the Gospel. 


I know you have heard a lot of talk on religious spirits.  If you are new to church (as we know it), or if  you’ve been in church for over 40 years, this term may baffle you because you have been taught that – as the song goes ‘Religion—SO SWEET!! ’

We all have been lulled into a semi- or fully-delusional state where we are drugged into believing something we know deep down inside ‘just isn’t right.’  We just went to church and went along with the programs to get along.  We didn’t want to rock the boat, so to speak, out of fear that we would be labeled ‘rebellious,’ ‘unfaithful,’ ‘unteachable,’ or a host of other names leadership likes to place on thinking people who were blessed with common sense AND wisdom to know game when they see it.

Yet even the most discerning, the most wise, the most street-wise of us check our brains in at the door of a church once we enter therein.  We erroneously think that we are NOT supposed to use the wisdom and common sense GOD HIMSELF has blessed us with once we walk through the doors of a church.  We erroneously believe that God does NOT deal with our minds at all.  So any inkling deep down in our guts and minds that game is being played we suppress that, thinking that it’s the devil trying to get us ‘out of the ship.’

How do we properly discern a Religious Spirit?

Well, for starters, I want to present to you that after we are born again, we should not check in our brains at the door.  EVERYTHING that God has allowed you to learn-whether it was via books and a teacher, or on the streets, or by life experience-EVERYTHING has been allowed to happen in your life so that you can LEARN A LESSON from it.  The good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful.  We have to learn to not have any regrets…even over mistakes.


I never studied Reiki but once you have  watched  the video, you will see the similarity between  my former occult healing powers and this Asian healing practice.

Developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui, which since has been adapted by various teachers of varying traditions, Reiki  uses a technique commonly called palm healing or hands on healing as a form of complementary therapy and is sometimes classified as oriental medicine by some professional medical bodies. Through the use of this technique, practitioners believe that they are transferring universal energy (i.e., reiki) in the form of ki through the palms, which allows for self-healing and a state of equilibrium. There are two main branches of Reiki, commonly referred to as Traditional Japanese Reiki and Western Reiki. (wikipedia)

to read on, click here

How Witches and Warlocks Manipulate Our Dreams

As  I continue to read the book of a former grandmaster occultist from  Nigeria, I am amazed at the power of the name of Jesus Christ of  Nazareth over ALL the power of the enemy. 

“Erik emphatically reports that  none of his nefarious practices ever worked against a true Christian  but only what he refers to as WEAK Christians.  In my estimation, a weak  Christian is no Christian at all.  This is an unsaved person who has  been duped.  The reality is that he or she has a form of godliness that  denies the power of the Holy Ghost.

Anyway, since dreams and  dream interpretation have been a specialty of mine for years, I was  interested in what Eric had to report about them.  He reported that he  manipulated  those under his control by sending them demons to disturb  their dreams.

To read on, click here


to portary how evil spirits cause us to hear voices,

End time deception is rampant as it is global.  PSM has the background each day, with deliverance counseling  resources, experience and the love for God’s people to undeceive with the truth.

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