Biblical Support to the Theory of Evolution

It is assumed that the biblical creation theory and scientific evolution are hopeless contradictions, never the Twain shall meet. Yet I believe they are both aligned without any major diversions from the real truth. In fact, the way to bridge the gap rest on how one interprets Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. For who knows how any years passed between the time God first created the heavens and the earth and the season when the earth became dark, uninhabited and without form? A million years? More? A trillion? The Bible does not say. Only God Himself knows.

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Yet there are clues because the Bible prophetically speaks of a major event—-the war between God and Lucifer, aka Satan. Jesus is recorded saying to his disciples that He saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning. (Luke 10:18) The disciples understood the effects of lightning. In our times, we are familiar with nuclear explosions that devastate and destroy. So is it not possible that the rest of Genesis Ch 1 is a re-creation of Earth? For the question can be asked “Did the original earth fall as a result of “the lightning” of Satan’s fall?

There are a few other clues in the prophecies of Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14 which provide additional information in regards to the fall of Lucifer aka Satan.

Let us start with Ezekiel.

The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre and say to him: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: “‘You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: carnelian, chrysolite and emerald, topaz, onyx and jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared. You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you. Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones. Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings. By your many sins and dishonest trade you have desecrated your sanctuaries. So I made a fire come out from you, and it consumed you, and I reduced you to ashes on the ground in the sight of all who were watching. All the nations who knew you are appalled at you; you have come to a horrible end and will be no more.’”
Ezekiel 28:11-19 –

Here is the word of Isaiah which adds more detail to the war between God and Satan. Including what was and what is to come;

How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit.
Isaiah 14:12-15 –

When you consider two of the bolded lines above, Ezekiel reveals that God THREW Satan to earth. When? Somewhere between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. When did Satan desecrate his sanctuaries through dishonest trade? Somewhere between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2. Isaiah adds to this interpretation, indicating that Satan laid low “the nations.” What nations? The nations that existed somewhere between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.

At the moment, Satan is the prince of the power of the air, not yet in hell. So when will Satan be brought down to the realms of the dead? When Jesus throws him into the lake of fire at the time He defeats the devil at the war of Armageddon, just prior to the beginning of the Lord’s 1000 year rule of this planet after He has restored it.

So even though God began the restoration of life on earth just 6000 years ago when He created a new species called “humans”, it seems the earth and various nations existed on earth long before humans did.

How long?

God does not tell us.

When we who are 50 years old and above perceive and consider that the year 2020 was undoubtedly the worst we have ever lived through, the possibility of the soon return of Jesus Christ of Nazareth in no way seems remote. The Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, asteroid impact, worldwide financial collapses, and of course, the potential for nuclear explosions contribute to end time fear of the extinction of earth and her inhabitants.

However, the good news is revealed in the Bible and in the gospel of the Son of God. For humans and the earth MUST continue to exist because Christ is returning to rule the entire planet for 1000 years. So the Bible assures us that planet Earth will not be destroyed. Here is what happens to the planet:

Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”
Revelation 21:1-5 –

A major goal of PSM is to prepare the elect of God not to be foolish virgins, but to be wise as we wait on the Lord’s return during the tribulation. We do so online with the 4C’s of counseling, curriculums, courses and community. 888-818-1117

Hits: 279

Satan’s War Ship

Satan has been at war with God for a very long time. From the very beginning Satan‘s job was to worship God as the most prestigious of his angels. He was to worship the Almighty God day and night without question, without complaint and without doubt. Over time, Satan became jealous of the attention and worship that others gave to God and he wished to have that for himself. This is when Satan also known as Lucifer decided to begin convincing other angels that God was not the top authority and he started campaigning for heavenly political office. Satan’s ability to deceive the other angels and convince them that God Almighty was not so and that he who is God’s servant and chosen worshiping Angel should be in charge instead. This act is the ultimate smack in the face to God in terms of the position that Satan was given as a favored angel. Satan was full of lust for power, full of pride that fueled his efforts to thwart the power of The Lord.

Satan is a jealous bastard. The father of the son of perdition. Satan is the original dragon, the original serpent seed. Satan is the leader of citizen Caine. Satan is full of envy and hatred. Satan was extremely vain his attempts to usurp the power of the Almighty God. Satan is a clever con man. Satan is charismatic scum. Satan uses wrath and deceptions against the children of God. Satan has worked to create the gluttony of all goods and services, has brainwashed many through media, education and politics. Satan has encouraged the idolatry of materialism, the enhancement of narcissism via social media, Satan keeps people pinned down in a stupor with the daily assignments of his legion of demons. Satan encourages and torments all who are of and all who are not of God. Satan is a demonic salesman that is looking to convince you to buy his best deals. Many have signed their names in blood, paying homage to the angel of Death.

Satan was given the authority on earth by Almighty God. Satan abused his authority in Heaven to be a worshipper and leader amongst God’s most beloved angelic beings. Satan abused his position and he abused his place in the heavenly kingdom and was therefore cast out to his utter embarrassment. Due to Satan being cast out of heaven and sent down to earth and the flame of fire to rule this place, Satan has been looking for worship from human beings since the beginning of time. Satan is the root cause of all things that are not of God. Satan or Lucifer has been given permission to rule and reign with destruction and manipulation and lies on this planet. Everything that Satan and Lucifer due to the human beings of this place has been permissions and commissioned by the God Almighty. What’s interesting, is that Lucifer once held the highest position of Angel and now he is a lowly earthly worker in the third dimension with Jesus Christ of Nazareth being held in higher regard than he is, as a human born son of man and the son of God simultaneously who is also God Almighty himself.

Satan has no power in this place other than the permission that has been given him from God to torment his people. The earth is Satan’s war ship where he wants all of his inhabitants to worship him. All idolatry, all false practices, and all false religions want to misguide and misdirect and mislead earths inhabitants into worshipping something that is not of God. Satan is the father of lies and so many people have been born into systems of lies, grew up believing in lies, have lived lives full of lies, spread lies to others and promoted lies within their own family members and children, they have been lied to by the false doctrines of the church, they have been lied to about the false doctrines of government, they have been lied to by the false doctrine of human law, they have been lied to by Satan and his followers.

Satan has turned the earth into a war-ship, a battle ready battalion, sitting upon the earthy firmament and aimed directly at the heavenly firmaments. Satan is building armies of destruction that have been designed to destroy the people of God. Satan has been and will continue to wage war against God at every moment and he works against God at every chance for eons and beyond. Satan wants the love of earths people that leads to spiritual, mental and physical destruction and damnation. Satan is sitting in the Institutional Church, he is sitting in top global positions, he is sitting close to the disobedient and the tormented, he could be sitting close to you. Satan want to control us, he wants our dedications to be given to him at any cost. Satan will never deserve worship from anything, even himself.

She Warrior of God

Hits: 763

THE 3 WOES: Satan and The Spirit of Death

The fallen angel called the spirit of death is named Abaddon in the Old Testament and Apollyon in the New Testament. I suspect that this fallen angel was among the 1/3 who fell to the earth at the time of the war between God and Satan, a war that destroyed all life prior to God’s creation of Adam and Eve. Jesus gives a clue when He revealed to His disciples that He saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning. As Satan fell to the earth, Apollyon was locked up in the pit. He serves Satan from his headquarters beneath the earth to kill, steal and destroy.

For additional clues regarding Apollyon , let us examine the meaning of his name. Like the great dragon was once Lucifer, —-the angel of light in heaven before his fall—-, so too was Apollyon an angel of light, yet hideously transformed into the Angel of death, for his name literally means Death, the Destroyer. As Satan is the prince f the powers of the air, Apollyon is the prince of hell, a place where he tortures the unsaved dead. We read about him in Revelation 9

The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss. And out of the smoke locusts came down on the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth. They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. They were not allowed to kill them but only to torture them for five months. And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes. During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them. The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human faces. Their hair was like women’s hair, and their teeth were like lions’ teeth. They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle. They had tails with stingers, like scorpions, and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months. They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer). The first woe is past; two other woes are yet to come.
Revelation 9:1-12

Yet, Apollyon will be released: When? At the time of the sounding of the 5th trumpet.


The second woe is revealed after the sixth trumpet judgment.

This woe begins when a voice commands, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates” (Revelation 9:14). These four angels are in addition to Apollyon, original spirit beings cast from heaven DURING THEIR WAR WITH GOD! . Satan has NOT YET BEEN bound like these other angels were but his time is short! God is right now keeping those angels additional imprisoned until their appointed time of release. (Revelation 9:15; cf. Jude 1:6; 2 Peter 2:4). These angels and their armies are released to kill a third of mankind (Revelation 9:15-16).

After the second woe passes (Revelation 11:14), the victory of the elect is at hand, with the announcement from heaven, “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ” (Revelation 11:15). In other words, this final stage of judgment will be the end, and righteousness will be restored to the earth.

The third woe is revealed after the seventh trumpet judgment. This third woe marks the completion of God’s judgment on sin; it occupies the book of Revelation through the 19th chapter, when Christ’s Kingdom is established on earth. Incorporated within this third and final woe are the seven “bowls” of God’s wrath, described in Revelation 16:1-21. This series of judgments is the greatest horror the people of this planet have ever witnessed. Jesus said, “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive” (Matthew 24:22).

So where do the plagues, namely Covid-19 fit into all of this? I suspect it marks the time of the tribulation. We could overcome Coronavirus. Nevertheless, this plague sets the stage and remains a sign that the Lord Jesus Christ is standing up, looking down and preparing to descend and return to earth.

Come Lord Jesus!

Hits: 470

Saying No To Passivity Leads to the Path of Freedom

Get rid of passivity and be led to freedom

When it comes to deliverance, saying no to passivity leads to the path of freedom. Passivity refers to inactivity, particularly inactivity of who you are, your thoughts, decisions, and free will power. The topic of passivity is so important during these times for several reasons: one of them is that passivity is providing an invitation to evil spirits and as a result, there are people suffering. People all over the world are experiencing the spiritual battles that fallen angels and demons are igniting.

Christians Influenced to Be Passive

The church system promotes that Christians should be passive in order to be blessed by God. Their teachings lead to heavy influences. This causes people to let go of their common sense thinking. Christian religious followers who believe in false doctrines, rely on a false god to make decisions for them. In addition, when the dark forces of evil spirits pretend to be of God, a professing Christian is at risk of accepting any messages that imposter sends to them.

When I was an avid churchgoer I thought I needed God to make basic, common sense decisions for me. I depended on God to decide almost everything for me. What words I should say, what choices I should make, what housing I should live in, and so on. The passivity continued spiritually when I would assume that all supernatural type experiences were from God. As a result, I without hesitation, listened to the messages. That turned out to be a disaster because those messages were not from God but from evil spirits pretending to be God.

Passivity Leads To Attacks By The Enemy

The evil spirits weapon of choice used against me were futuristic dreams, visions and hearing of voices. This caused a lot of damage to a time in my life that I had to recover from by the grace of God’s help.

As I continued in a church system that never provided me the spiritual truth, depth, or meat I was looking for, I became lost in who I was. It took the grace of God and the help of the Holy Spirit to show me that I had a false salvation experience when I followed the alter call.

I realized that I was worshipping the fake Jesus. How did God reveal this to me? He led me to find Pastor Pam Sheppard, who had the knowledge to teach me that because I had been obeying a religious and witchcraft spirit, it had gained such access to my soul, and I provided them with fuel to continue to torment me. With her help, I learned about the tricks and deception that evil spirits were spreading in the church system and all over the world. Others were not able to teach me and help me like she did.

Darkness in The Church System

I realized that tricks of evil spirits where hidden within the church system and they even attempted to influence my family members. Fallen angels and demons can use people that you know to influence you. If allowed, they can speak through to people at times. They often use those who are deceived about the manipulation that Satan is causing in the institutional church system.

Some religious believers professing to be Christian can unknowingly spread Satan’s agenda. As a result, it leads to spoken words that appear to be Godly, or prophetic but are false, psychic predictions. The devil spreads lies and tries to cause ruin in their targets life. The person who accepts these words without testing these words are an example of that individual being passive.

Unbeknownst to many, there is an enormous population that are worshipping a religious evil spirit. When this happens the enemy strikes and can cause spiritual manifestations. Manifestations like hearing voices, tormenting visions, spirit rape, demonic nightmares and even physical torment are just some examples.

The Invitation

Passivity invites evil spirits inside a person’s soul when they go into an altered state. Being in an altered state is a very specific form and doorway to passivity. In the religious church system, certain acts induce an altered state and a passive mind, and thus usher in the worship of a religious evil spirit. Holy dancing, being slain in the spirit are a few examples that happen in the institutional church system.

Those who engage in meditation, yoga, Buddhist, and Hindu practices may have heard about chakras. People are trying to open their chakras and channel Kundalini energy. This claims to enlighten the person. These acts are one of the popular forms of spiritual passivity happening in many parts of the world. People are also doing this in the United States, and it can be very dangerous! For more information about this topic, click here for this article. One of the big takeaways about the subject matter of passivity is that in order for demons to get into your soul, being in an altered state gives demons that doorway access.

Passivity can occur in all walks of life because the world has a tendency to say in various ways, that their ways are the best. In addition, there is a frequent push to promote that your free will common sense needs to be tossed aside. When one gets involved in the religious church system, the risk of being passive, becomes 10 fold.

Resist Passivity

When I continued counseling with Pastor Pam, I strengthened up my will power to be able to fight for myself in a healthy way. It was assertion that she helped me build up. Saying no to passivity leads to the path of freedom and I used my free will to resist the devil and all his tactics. Building up my free will led me down the road to recovery. I received freedom from the bombarding words of evil spirits speaking to me continuously.

When a psychic approached me after I had been in counseling with Pastor Pam, I ignored the psychics advances to try to give me a a psychic reading because I knew that by stopping to listen to that woman say words that supposedly predicted my future, it was an attempt of setting me up by witchcraft evil spirits. They attempted to manipulate me by trying to get me to listen to their words for a long time, and cause danger. See scriptures on the dangers of fortune tellers and psychics ( Deuteronomy 18:9-12; Leviticus 19-31; 1 Chronicles 10:13-14: Isaiah 8:19, 2 Chronicles 33:6)

I shed that religious expectation that I needed to be passive at all times. Importantly I got rid of that religious thinking that I had to accept every religious prediction, religious prayer, and “special message.” That sort of teaching promotes one to accept every word of faith doctrine, laying of hands, “thus sayeth the Lord” message. When your safety is in jeopardy, it’s important to think about your safety and be careful not to agree to what is malicious.

Breaking Free From Passivity

Your talents and personality that make you different than others, become preserved when you continue to break free from passivity. One must be aware to the wiles of the enemy in all systems, including the institutional church system, so that you do not fall prey to demonic and fallen angel spirits that try to ensnare you by getting you to worship them.

My pastor, Pam Sheppard, continued to mentor me and my passivity lessened. The religious have tried to influence me. Some tried to put strange ideas in my head that did not originate from me. When this happened, I would stand my ground. I encountered pushy people at work, and some random strangers. It started to become easy to say “No that is not what I believe, No this is not what I want.” The devil has tried it’s different methods to use people to try to influence me in ways that would be harmful to my well being, however, saying no to passivity leads to the path of freedom. Not being passive was the key to my strength in this arena

The Importance of Your Will Power

After I left the institutional church system, tormenting religious evil spirits started to lessen. Evil spirits will try to send messages to you, so the will power must be utilized at all times. The goal is for your mind to resist and block away any of these messages and prevent you from being under demonic control. Your will power is essential to getting you down the road to recovery. It is one of the biggest components to deliverance.

Evil spirits will take advantage of those who are both passive in the natural and spiritually passive. Getting rid of passivity is the armor that you will need to break free from the bondage of captivity by evil spirits. Learning to stop being passive can take time and you may likely need help with this. You can receive help from PSM. We offer coaching, counseling and mentorship to help you with any spiritual battles you may be experiencing. You can also get the help that you need by reading books by Pastor Pam. In particular the book: The Church of the End time Zombies, is a great resource for you when it comes to learning about passivity and getting led down to the path of freedom.ed

Click the Image Below for the Book: The Church of The End-Time Zombies

Hits: 952

Prepared and Protected in the Spiritual House

Your spirit and your soul are invisible. Not surprising, protecting what is totally invisible can be quite challenging. The first thing you need to become aware of is “the thief.” The thief is a Satanic agent that has been assigned to both you and to me from the moment of our birth. He is always there.

No need to fear this agent because if he could have “taken you out,” he would have done so already. His objective is to keep you on the broad way so that the light of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ would not shine on you. However, once the Holy Spirit selects ” your hour,” Satan’s agent has failed. Even so, he never gives up. However,, as I have
discovered after 44 years born again, if you resisted him successfully. most of the time, he is “in flee”mode.

Every human being is assigned a Satanic agent whether it be devil
or demon. A devil is a fallen angel that has never been
human. Demons are the spirits of the offspring of fallen angels and
the women of Noah’s day. When their physical bodies died in the
flood, their spirits roamed the earth, seeking human flesh to live in
once again. Devils cannot live in a human being so they walk “in
and out” at an unexpected hour, sometimes sending people crazy
for the rest of their lives. Demons don’t really want to leave their
host, yet, some demons kill their host with sickness and disease.
Once their host is dead, then they find someone else and “make
that person its home.”

Other than for wreaking havoc for 6000 centuries or more, Satanic
agents have yet another agenda. They are planning to help Satan
pull off the grandest hoax of them all, when all those who are alive
on earth shall hear the voice of the Anti-Christ, proving that he is
omnipotent, omniscient and omni-present—-simply put, all powerful, all knowing and everywhere simultaneously. No one can do this but
God. Satan is going to fool the world through the help of his
agents, planted everywhere on the planet earth.

How will Satan’s last days plan come to fruition?

For centuries now, the agents, both devils and demons, have
been preparing each of its targets in the development of a
worldwide capacity to enduce an altered state of consciousness. There is an important chapter on this subject in “Come Out of Her God’s People,” continued further in “the New Idolatry.” However, it’s the Fake Jesus that lays out Satan’s agenda in detail.

In both 2011 and in 2016. I dreamed of political events that came to pass in progressive, consecutive segments, between the years of October 2016-Feb 2021. As of this week, the last event came to pass.

In the first dream, I saw the Russian hacking of the presidential election. In the second dream that occurred on 11/11/2016, I saw the fall of Trump on Election Day Nov.3, 2020. Not in detail though. I heard what Trump would say after he lost his re-election.” On January 6, 2021, I heard Trump say what I had heard him say in a dream 4 years earlier. He said “We love you.”

I also saw what was at stake: a military coup. I did not see Covid, nor the insurrection. I only saw their results.

There remained only one thing left unfulfilled in the 2011 dream: the lack of power that affected the water supply. Also that the churches would serve as the headquarters for food and water. This event happened this week in Texas, February, 2021.

So the entire dream sequels have now been fulfilled. So what does it all mean?

I suspect both Dreams were a prophetic “trial run,”—-a test to see how I handle prophetic information. For the last 10 years, i simply watched, prayed and waited.

This is how we are to try the spirits to see if they be of God. Actually, before Biden even got into the presidential race, I had already chosen him as the winner. Once he entered the race, I KNEW he would win in spite of his slow start. How did I know? I don’t know!!! Yet on the day he won, I recognized his outdoor headquarters on Nov. 11, 2016. I did not know it at the time, but in the 2016 dream, I saw Donald Trump fall from a huge tower building that had a large parking lot in front of it.

On the morning after the Biden-Harris win, I looked at the TV in daylight and recognized the parking lot used by Biden as his campaign headquarters. In the 2016 dream, Trump fell in Biden’s parking lot! As B iden would say “here’s the deal.” If it were not for Covid 19, Biden would not have been campaigning in a parking lot, speaking to the electorate in front of honking cars!

So the only hint of Covid in the two Dreams was the parking lot and the closing down of most businesses. I saw the shutdown in 2011 but I was not given the reason for it. I was not shown the plague itself.

I suspect that when the Antichrist comes on the scene, I could be alive. As such, the Holy Spirit will reveal to me who is the man of perdition and He will give me orders as to how to protect His people.

This is why PSM identifies so strongly with Moses. Moses waited 40 years to fulfill his calling. I have already waited 40 years. I was called to ministry on October 25, 1981.

Knowing God as I have come to experience Him, I suspect that how I handled the prophetic info over the last 10 years was my last test and I passed!

So stay tuned.

Hits: 241

Idolatry and the Impact of Plagues Upon Christianity

By Pastor Pam

As I pointed out in several of my books, the practice of idolatry— whether purposeful or in ignorance— is an open gateway to the plagues. Easy believism, aka the “I accept Jesus into my heart”practice is at the top of the list of the most pervasive practices of idolatry in the churches. Closely followed is the speaking in tongues, the prosperity gospel and closet homosexuality among the clergy. Truly, the list of idolatrous practices is very long. Blasphemous doctrines are the most glaring including those that add to or detract from the gospel of Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord. As Paul warned the Galatians, to add to or detract from the gospel brings a lasting curse with it. (Galatians:1:8) A curse is synonymous with a plague.

In my book called “the New Idolatry,” you will find these words:

“I perceive some basic principles that can be gleaned from an exploration of how God delivered His people out of the hands of Pharaoh to understand how He will also deliver the remnant elect out of the hands of the Antichrist when He opens the 7 vial and the 7 seal judgments outlined by the Apostle John in the book of Revelation.These judgments or plagues are listed in the 8th chapter: earthquakes, the sea becomes blood, 1/3 of the creatures of the sea die, 1/3 of the rivers and waters are contaminated, darkness with 1/3 of the light turned off of the moon, the sun and the stars, locusts that torment the unsaved for 5 months, and 1/3 of men killed by war. Endtime plagues certainly bear noticeable similarities to the 10 wonders that came upon Egypt, ie. the contamination of water, weather disturbances aka climate change, death of sea creatures, darkness, and death, with God’s people being protected.”

What are the plagues? The worst plague is a curse of spiritual blindness caused by delusion and demonic deception. The worst of the worst is to be duped into believing that you are going to heaven, and to die and find yourself in hell for eternity. For what does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world yet loses his soul? (Matthew 16:25) The fact that countless people have been indoctrinated into the “I accepted Jesus” practice aka the “make a decision” for Christ gospel are the worst abominations of them all. For this form of idolatry distorts the word of God to such an extent, than I am willing to estimate that 95% of churchgoers believe that they are born again , yet they are not. Counterfeit spiritual births at the altars of God are the absolute worst plague, the fruit of idolatry. This horrendous sign is pervasive throughout the organized church worldwide—a huge, gaping hole for demonic infestation and other horrendous plagues to enter with ease.

In “the “Tribulation: Signs to Wonder About” a salient warning is presented:

Just because you have not yet felt the ramifications of a plague, does NOT mean that you have escaped it. It may manifest at the end of your life or even in the lives of your children and grandchildren. For example, freemasonry in the church is a major outrage of how the Fake Jesus has established a seat in countless organized religious systems. In fact, many of mainline denominations were even founded by practicing freemasons, with freemasons pervasively established in the pulpits yet today.

In the ebook Social Distancing and the Out of Church Movement,” Covid 19 is considered as a special warning relative to idolatrous teachings and practices built into Christian religion. Case in point, the following quotations loudly amplifies the warning:

In the month of March 2020, the Holy Spirit made things quite clear. What is impossible with men is possible with God. God is using the social distancing requirement of Coronavirus to empty the churches. ALL AT ONCE, HE HAS OPENED THE RED SEA. Its a dangerous time. If you remain disobedient, you will go down with the sinking ship. If you return to the churches after the crisis has passed, you will be like Lot’s wife, looking back at what God is destroying!

You may ask why.

Your question is both logical and understandable. To cut to the chase, the reason God wants His people to “come out of Her,” is because the spirit of the Antichrist has progressively crept into religious institutions for centuries and every last person, down to the preacher has continued to be just plain unaware. Spiritually blind, in fact. After about 1700 years, these religious buildings are comparable to haunted houses. Though invisible, church buildings are filled with evil spirits who specialize in religion.

It follows that plagues that can destroy the soul are actually worst than those that debilitate the body only. Sickness and disease are certainly among the plagues, but there are several others. In our times, there are plagues that were not around in other generations: Covid-19, HIV/AIDS, crack, violence like drive by shootings, missing children, the domestic violence cycle and so many more.Addiction of any kind is a plague primarily due to the dysfunction within the human will. As previously addressed, besides the mind and the emotions, the soul also consists of the will. Whenever the human will is in any kind of bondage, a plague is in operation which follows that the soul is seriously damaged.

The simple truth is that a plethora of plagues, aka pandemics shall play a crucial role in the last days before the Lord Jesus Christ returns to earth, wherein He will destroy all plagues as death itself is destroyed. In the meantime, The Lord God has left us a list of instructions. the most important one being “Come out OF HER MY PEOPLE, lest you partake of Her sins and receive f Her plagues.

Her? Who is SHE? That is the question. To answer that question, we must also ask “where are The Lord’s People?”

When you have received the answer to these two questions, then you will know what to do and what NOT to do.

Hits: 1325

Fear No Evil: A Reflection

Whether born again or not born again yet, we all can benefit from this audio by Pastor Pamela Sheppard. It’s encouraging. There is reassurance with passionate delivery, as this subject was taught. I am reminded of how faith in Christ gives a born again person unforgettable strength. Both spiritual and resilience in many ways. Based on my experience, this strength grows and grows.  Christ defeated death himself, so it makes sense that a born again person in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, does not panic when it comes to the idea of death.

The saved born again person relies on God’s plan and has peace because of faith that God will fulfill his purpose with his elect before their time comes. One day those born again elect, their bodies will be immortal and Spirit is eternally changed.

The devil wants us to panic and he gleefully and easily wreaks havoc when it comes to curses. Fear of curses are prominent in Africa. I’ve heard of many stories from my own family. It seems like every part of Africa has that same thinking that if a series of bad things are happening then it means that someone put a curse on them. Once that thought is planted in the person’s mind that they have been cursed, this is when the chaos gets worse. The panic occurs. The fear, and drastic behaviors that can even put them in harms way, start to happen. So, the person doesn’t realize they are pretty much working along with the so called curse to happen or just straight up cursing their self.

There are many other races that allow themselves to believe the same things that Africans do about curses, including black folk. One lets the devil win when they allow a supposed curse to come to life in their minds. 

After listening to this I thought, yes! Those born again in Jesus Christ of Nazareth are warriors. We are fighters. Faith in Christ means you do not whimper in fear when things go wrong. Instead, you are encouraged and empowered because you have faith in Christ. For example, personally speaking, I understand the love from God that he has given to us because of Christs sacrifice and then his powerful resurrection. Ones entire nature changes when you get born again. Translated out of darkness and out of that tendency to be fearful like the world so often tries to cause. A true born again person is a soldier. A fighter that is spiritually strong and filled with courage. This audio is a great message.

For more about the subject of fearing no evil, click below for a copy of Kindle Book: Face The Devil.

Hits: 1201

Become a Couch Warrior!

Online Deliverance Training from the Comfort of Your HOME!!

A Word from Pam

It is my conviction that most of our religious world is deceived, even those who propose to “cast out demons in the name of Jesus.” The Lord Himself warned us in the word of God that the vast majority of humanity would enter the false door of religion and travel the broad way to destruction.

So therefore, once you decide to enroll  in  “Deliverance Essentials Prep” , I commit myself and every resource of PSM to teach you the demonic tricks of the spiritual warfare  trade, so that you will be able to know the truth and the truth itself will enable YOU to set the captives free!

Did You Get WORST After Deliverance? Here is the Cause! NO POWER

Isaiah 44:20 He feeds on ashes, a deluded heart misleads him; he cannot save himself, or say, "Is not this thing in my right hand a lie?"

Isaiah 51:22 23 I will put it into the hands of your tormentors, who said to you, ( 'Fall prostrate that we may walk over you.' And you made your back like the ground, like a street to be walked over.

The Condition of Present Day Deliverance Ministries Tweet


Six (6)  individual courses, including  free links to 4 ebooks.  The courses include Deliverance  Prep ,Salvation, False Conversions, Torment and Irrational Fears, The Religious Demon and Religiosity, and Altered States And Chakras.  The 4 ebooks are free links inside the document: The Church of the End Time Zombies, Faces of the Religious Demon, Come Out of Her’ God’s People and Be Delivered From Deliverance Ministries.

DEW 101 The Deliverance Essentials workshop (DEW) consists of 12 lectures, short answer and essay  tests, and special projects , using  4 essential E-booksThe titles of each workshop are: Know How Satan Tempts YOU, Know WHO Satan sends to You, Know How Satan Deceives YOU, and How to Stand and Not Stumble. 

DEW 201 Walking in the Spirit. This workshop sheds light on what is required to be more than a conqueror in these times.  The Deliverance Essentials are twofold: to know yourself as a soul who lives in a body to be led by your spirit, for God is a Spirit, and He communes Spirit to spirit. This course defines the differences between your soul and your spirit and how to operate and benefit from both, particularly your free will. 

You will learn how Satan and his wicked spirit powers of the air, and demons can be overcome. The only way to be ultimately saved, and delivered from these powers is through the Gospel

Hits: 158

Understanding the Spirit

Deliverance Counseling:
Ruling Your Own Spirit!

King Solomon wrote a very interesting proverb, actually, a mere sentence in the 16th chapter and the 32nd verse: HE THAT RULETH HIS SPIRIT IS BETTER THAN HE THAT TAKETH A CITY.”

When I consider what would be involved in taking a city in Solomon’s lifetime, this small line within the overall text suggests to me that Solomon’s analogy was meant to imply that “ruling one’s spirit is a hard thing to do.”

In order to rule ANYTHING, we need to know “what it is and how it functions.” Off of the top of your head, what do YOU know about the spirit? Thinking right along with you, the first thought that comes to my own mind is that the words of the Lord Jesus is the place to start. He said that out spirits MUST be “born again.” 

Once that task has been accomplished in our own lives by the cross and by His resurrection, Jesus points us to the Holy Ghost. When we are born again, the Holy Ghost enters into our spirits, lives there eternally and we become “the temple of God.” At some time in the near future, the Holy Ghost that is IN us will respond to the Lord’s shout, and as the Holy Ghost raised Jesus from the dead, the Holy Ghost will raise us from the dead, Glory Be to God!!!

Yet, back to Solomon, how do we rule our spirits? The first thing I believe we should remember is that when Solomon wrote what is known as “the Book of Proverbs,” he did not know about the born again experience. So within Solomon’s frame of reference, ruling the unregenerate spirit was certainly “a hard thing.”

For those of us who have been saved, we can look to the letters of Paul, John, Peter and James for some clues. For example, Paul taught that the spirit and the soul are wrapped together very tightly,—so tightly that it is only by the word of God that we can divide or separate the spirit from the soul. Did Paul mean “the bible?” I don’t believe so for one simple reason. The bible was not published until several centuries later, under the regime of King James. Our next clue is with John.

John writes that JESUS IS THE WORD MADE FLESH. So the word is Jesus Himself.

So how do we who are born again RULE our spirits? Let’s go back to Paul. Paul laid out a few steps, shared with the Roman Christians in the 8th chapter, outlined briefly in this order: 

1. mind the things of the spirit
Deliverance counseling restores and renews the mind by focusing on exposing deception so that truth can be revealed.

2. mortify the deeds of the flesh. 
Deliverance counseling identifies the deeds of the flesh for each of our seekers of deliverance and rebirth. For all personalities are different. 

3. Be led by the Spirit of God. 
Deliverance counseling prepares the way for each seeker to experience his or her own revelations, as the Holy Spirit leads. First and foremost, overturning a false conversion. 

Furthermore,  to the Galatians, Paul reflected on the battle that goes on in us between our spirits and our souls. In deliverance counseling, seekers learn how to fight in the spirit through facing the truth about the seeker’s soul.

In addition, to the Galatians, Paul amplifies on the 3 points he made to the Romans.  We are to crucify the flesh with the affections and lusts and if we do so, we will “LIVE” in the spirit and “WALK” in the spirit. This is the work deliverance counseling in all its forms: one on one, group, mentoring, fellowship, training: everything we do is to prepare all seekers to live and walk in the spirit. 

This ministry’s foundation in Christ is that the ability to  rule our spirits is overwhelmingly  connected to the quality of our relationship with the Holy Ghost. THE WORD HIMSELF, Jesus the Christ taught us that He had to leave this earth so that the Holy Ghost could come “into us.” If Jesus didn’t leave, the Holy Ghost would not have come. Simply put, if we grieve or quench the Holy Ghost, we will have no rule over our spirits. And even though we may be born again, the enemy will have enough access to us to keep us from ruling our spirits.

Like Solomon implied, having rule over our own spirit can be as hard as TAKING A CITY,” even if we are born again. Surely, Solomon knew that having WISDOM is the key to ruling our spirits.  The Holy Ghost, the source of ALL  wisdom, has ALL of the answers that you and I need, to rule our own spirits.

With each individual, group or training session,  deliverance counseling helps seekers  to rule their  spirits by  focusing on the mandate of the Holy Spirit, which is  how to discern good from evil. Jesus made things very simple. He said “look to the tree. If the tree is evil, then the fruit will be evil.”

 Our problem today is that the trees are so ornate and “decorated” that it is hard to recognize an evil tree throughout various camouflaged systems. Recently, one of my mentees had a dream that she saw a gorgeous tree, that from a distance looked as if it were baring equally beautiful fruit. However, when she got up close, the fruit were ugly looking mushrooms.

That’s it, Beloved. In this crucial time in history, we have to have 20/20 spiritual vision! Deliverance counseling aims to improve your spiritual vision! We are living in the age of Laodicea, an age of rampant spiritual blindness and religious counterfeits. NONE OF US ARE EXEMPT. Deliverance counseling  will progressively prepare you  to “discern good from evil” in your life and know how to death with both. 

So to all seekers who desire to rule their own spirit, if you express yourself well by writing, you can certainly  send PSM an email to Also call  888-818-1117


Hits: 135

Christian Zombies: Piety, Pretense, Pride and Phoniness

Religious Pride is Ugly!

I have found that Christians who are constantly apologizing for being “who they are” “doing what they want to do” and saying “what they meant to say,” generally are in bondage to  obeying  the word by the letter of the law rather than by the spirit. Since they are very “image conscious”, they worry that they may be perceived as  unloving or unmannerly and therein “not Christ-like”.  I view  excessive demonstrations  of this kind of anxiety as being a victim to the  4 false “p”s”  They are:  piety, pretense, pride and phoniness.

Here is a recent example.

On one my videos, I warn about the speaking in tongues. In the video, I admit that I once spoke fluently in an unknown tongue for 25 years when God revealed that the tongues spoken today are “not of Him.” What does the commentator do? In piety, she warns me that I should not be teaching and reminds me of the scripture “women be silent in the church.”

Unable to address the points I made,  she has hidden behind the pretense of her own ignorance and confusion. For if women are to keep silent and not teach, why is she breaking silence in an attempt to “teach ME?” Does not the scripture also apply even to herself? Too prideful to address the points I make which are either truth or lies, her supercilious belittling  of me is in itself “phony.’ In other words, to digress from the issues based upon WHO is bringing them is itself a cop-out. Incapable to address the points I made regarding false tongues,  too proud to deal with the challenges themselves, she digressed to attack my right to remove Pentecostal and Charismatic deception, rather than focus on the  salient issues at hand. 

One of the greatest revelations that I have   discovered out of  years of the 5 “T”S of  testing, temptation,  trial, tribulation  and trouble is that “we are never  as advanced as we believe ourselves to be.”  Merely having spiritual experiences does not make us “spiritual.” What makes us “spiritual” is abiding in Christ. To abide means to live, move and have our being in Him, consistently and steadfastly.  In other words, to abide is ” STANDING STRONG, PRESSING FORWARD AND NOT LOOKING BACK UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN YOKED TO JESUS AS A VINE IS  TO A BRANCH!!!”

 I admit that in the  first two decades, I had more spiritual experiences than I can now count or even remember. One gets “spiritual” when one can face the truth without flinching. Moreover,  what I have learned is that  when truth explodes upon  the  mind, it is not  an agreeable experience, nor is it easy to disbelieve absolutely, what we have consistently  believed so thoroughly.  Once I committed myself to truth, I find that I  no longer depend on signs or  supernatural experiences.  The knowledge and wisdom received in the last 3 years, and even more so, the last 3 months have been astounding. 

If you have been a zombie for Christ , when your eyes have finally been opened, look out!!!  Being deceived  can be taken as  a personal insult. To perceive that we have been duped: bamboozled, run a muck, gone astray, hoodwinked,  made a fool of. Don’t even go there in your thoughts  about all of that hard earned  money we put into the hands of religious demons.  Lord, Help!!!! 

 In “the Church of the End-time Zombies, we will examine the ways and the reasons why some have  invariably become “Zombies for Christ.” 

In this important book, you will learn how to deal with pious, proud, pretensive phonies who call themselves “Christian.” 

Hits: 208

Stories of Hope and Faith – “God Saves Online”

A sunrise behind  the text "2021" representing a brand new year of hope and beginnings. The 1 is replaced by a cross. Here, it's symbolic for Christ's Resurrection becoming the upmost important for maintaining a peace of mind during this uncertain timeframe.
“In a dark but difficult time, let these stories of hope and faith give you something to rejoice about what God is doing in the world.” -Pastor Pam Sheppard

As 2020 draws to a close, it leaves behind a trail of destruction in its wake. Everyone was left helpless as they watched the world plunge into a state of perpetual despair: Death after death; disaster after disaster; and calamity after calamity. Amid the Coronavirus, a plague that has brought over 2.05 million people to their graves, lively churches have shut their doors. Their inner walls a scene of utter emptiness and desolation. Stemming from the pandemic, many Christians remain in despair from an inability to worship God. They may fear for their mental wellbeing, they may fear for their salvation. Nevertheless, the book “God Saves Online” is proof that the Lord isn’t restricted to a building and truly He is an omniscient, perfect God. Beloved, if you’re in need of reassurance during one of the darkest periods of the modern era, let this gem of faith ease your mind.

Most Christians attempt to walk a road of painful stones under their feet to prove themselves more justly saved than their non-religious counterparts. In an attempt to please God, they block themselves from loving the sin, yet they hinder themselves from loving the sinner. In doing so, they cast judgement upon those they deem fit. Such religious behavior leads to a life of spiritual self-harm, attempting to reach a pinnacle of perfection that cannot be made by man’s efforts alone.

Consequently, we need to experience a full spiritual rebirth, transforming our very essence into the ability to walk in His will. Otherwise, we may feel that we are never good enough for God’s standards. We live our lives as though in an infinite loop of repentance and sinning: No improvement of our spiritual condition in sight. Worse, we may internalize our own frustrations and lash out at other people: Homosexuals, false converts, mentally ill, the occultists, and those hearing voices or other supernatural experiences are among those whom God shall save. 

 Yet God has a plan for each one of His Elect. No matter if they were the greatest sinner or the most virtuous saint, He endowed each individual an unmovable, special time stamp to become born again. He has selected these pivotal times before He laid the very foundations of the Earth. The time when a person is called by the voice of God to be His child. Their old, sinful selves are fully rinsed clean to walk the straight and narrow path with grace and ease.

“God Saves Online” brings promising testimonies of hope to all walks of life. Even those who some may consider the most wretched of souls. The Lord has a special plan for reaching each one of His Elect. Pam Sheppard Ministries has witnessed a recent rainfall of individuals rinsed clean of their former nature and translated into the kingdom of God. A unique commonality amongst these testimonies are these people’s previous connections to witchcraft, the occult, and idolatry.

The Holy Spirit saves a former New Agist, gender-confused man after he heard the powerful story of the Gospel, emphasizing Christ’s Resurrection. His rebirth experience didn’t take place in the church but at his own home—the Holy Spirit used YouTube videos to save his spirit for eternity! Another instance includes a woman, who was born again live on a Zoom broadcast. The features of her face changed in front of Pastor Pam’s very eyes after she heard the Gospel, reaching a deep place of godly sorrow: Her past as an ancestral worshiper, dabbling in reiki, and yoga all wiped away by the wind of the Holy Ghost. The words, “I accept Jesus” never even left her lips. God found her! Opening chakras, singing bowls, receiving a voodoo doll—None of these events disqualifies nor prevents His Elect from hearing the sound of His call.

Read for yourself the book’s chapters written by 5 newly found sheep, “for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45). Be edified in your faith, trusting that God is seeking lost members of His flock, no matter how entrenched into the world they are.

If you ever think God has abandoned you, or you’re beyond saving—the Lord is the God of possibilities. Right now, He’s ushering people into His Kingdom online in a 21st century way, beyond the circumstances of the pandemic or anything else thrown in our midst. Don’t forget who the universe’s maker is! He is the ultimate decider of one’s eternal destiny. No one else has that right to determine who is too sinful and who is not to be born again. All that is required of a non-born-again member of the Elect is to wait for God’s timing: No other work is necessary to be graced with salvation. 

If you’re inquiring to join our virtual ministry, perhaps you may consider our Facebook group, “Let My People Go” linked here. It is constantly updated with day-to-day posts, including helpful videos providing essential information for those needing spiritual guidance. There is also a constant crew of ministry members willing to give additional support and encouragement for people requiring attention. You also can call Pastor Pam at 888-818-1117 for a private, phone session if you’d prefer one-on-one deliverance counseling. Compassionately, God has ways of reaching his Elect far beyond that of a church building. He continues to console His church through uncertainties and perils.

Amazon kindle:


Hits: 243

What Babes in Christ Ought to Know!

Born Again Online:
Words of Wisdom for YOU!

Recently, God has moved in this ministry by causing members to be born again on Zoom, in their homes, in my home, anything but “church as usual.”It is the job of the pastor to nurture the sheep with godly wisdom via the word of God, to prepare them to escape the clutches of wolf.”  Yet the problem to day is that many pastors are wolves in sheeps clothing that lead  lambs into serious trouble.  For example, when I got born again in 1977, I was sent to a man brhind the pulpit who was actually  wolf.  So everything I know has been gained from trial, tribulation and trouble, in my effort to overturn error in my quest for the truth.  so let me share with you from my own born again experience  that led to spiritual maturity over the last 44 years in Christ: 


1.When saved online, do not go searching to find a church.

 In 1979, I received 3 dreams that sent me to a particular pastor and I assumed those dreams were sent by God because they seemed “so holy.”  Once I found this man and joined his church, it became clear that not only was he a closet homosexual, but he was also a witchcraft practitioner, skilled in the practice of Obeah. Be warned that this minister could really preach and bring forth a spirit of repentance that seemed genuine but it was not, for no one really repented in the church he pastored.  Practically all were sinning so there was no capacity for his members to spiritually grow in Christ.  

 2. Avoid works of the flesh. Don’t whitewash sin.

As a babe in Christ, I did not know how to try the spirits.  You won’t either.  So if the Lord did call you to Himself from some church pew, then you are going to have to learn on your own about the works of the flesh.  I am amazed at the people who have had a false conversion believing that it is “okay” to fornicate as long as they  don’t penetrate.  What a farcical deception! If I had a pastor who looked me in my face and declared “Pam, you are in sin,” I would have spiritually matured at a faster pace. 

Now even though fornication was my major sin,   I was not  really quite  that stupid to whitwash a work of the flesh.  Where I lost ground was by church association.  If I had been under the pastorate of a mature shepherd, I would not have compared my walk to that of his long time members.  They fornicated with impunity so I thought  to myself “they are prospering more than I am.  They all own homes, drive expensive  cars, but  my life just does not compare to how blessed their lives seem to be.”  So even though I stopped sinnng, I had a grievance with God in my heart, because from my vantage point, he was profusely blessing this sinful congregation while I was always a step away from poverty. 

Which brings me to number three.

3.  Never compare yourself with anyone else who claims to be a born again Christian. 

In church in the early 80’s, ministers were after me like sex crazed, ravening wolves.  In other words, I was prey for the hunt, especially when I entered into ministry myself in 1981.  I stood strong for a while but I began to once again, compare myself to others, particularly church women.  I began to covet what appeared to be a glorious life of a First Lady, a ministers wife.  I lusted after having  one of these “low-life” ministers for myself.  As a pastor , I wanted a man’s  spiritual covering.  In other words, I desired to be just another “Adam’s Rib.”  So I fell back into the sin of fornication. 

Looking back, I see now that it was a major fall from grace that God used to prune me so that I could bear more fruit.  When He picked me up from  my fall in 1983, He said in an audible voice 3 powerful words to me:  Come Out!  Separate!!! Come Out! Separate!  Come Out!  Separate!!!!

I say the same thing to YOU!!!  Come out!  Separate! Especially if you the reader are a woman.  You need to consider that it  is quite possible that there is “No Adam’s Rib” for you.  I married 3 times and looking back, I see clearly that God has other plans for me that do  not include  an exclusive partnership with anyone.  For I perceive that God has called me to be  a midwife for Christ, assisting the Holy Spirit in the birth of “new babes.” 

There is more to come. 

 I am just “getting started.”  this may develop into a new ebook. 






Hits: 250

Born Again Is Simple

The Call

Today I write this article as if I am speaking to you. Talking to you face to face. I desire to keep  that which is spiritual, SIMPLE! I start by saying that to be born again is the total work of the Holy Spirit.  He will draw you to the cross and the resurrection  in a moment in time. Yes,  God actually calls you, the Holy Spirit calls you and in a blink of an eye, He changes your spirit, He comes into your spirit, makes your spirit His temple in your body, and there’s no way He can come into you and you not really know it. So “accepting Jesus and asking Him into your heart” is ALL WRONG!!!!  It is dry.  A dry birth.  Way too dry for your salvation to stand against demonic oppression. YOU WILL FOLD!!!!

And the Holy Spirit gives you – He actually gives you the faith to believe on the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ!!! . Now  that’s all in the bible. LOOK IT UP YOURSELF!!! The faith to believe is not ours. The faith to believe is given to us by the Holy Spirit at the moment we ar born again. And He will order our steps to the cross and to the resurrection of the Lord. Once you  get directed to the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, ,there will  be no fear. Why? Because the scriptures say that for the born again, God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, power and of a sound mind.

Be warned that the enemy has perfected ways to simulate a born again experience.   Most who seek my help at PSM believe they are born again already.  When I ask them for details, their salvation testimony proves that they  have not yet   experienced a true rebirth. 

So my first task is to bring you the truth in a way that eventually you will confess that you are not born again.  THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF  OUR  WORK!  To  move forward, you must resolve in your mind and declare to yourself  “Ok, I’m not born again YET. What’s the next step?” The next step is what I call “detox from religion.” 

This step is based upon the harsh reality that several doctrines and practices have been taught  in the churches for at least one hundred years or MORE.   Anywhere you go in the world, you will hear that  salvation is ours to have and so therefore, it’s our choice to be BORN AGAIN!!!. WE make the decision to be God’s child even those His word says that HE CHOOSES THE ELECT.  A decisional gospel is  what is preached today, around the entire world, thanks to American missionaries and mega preachers. When I came to church in 1979, I was already born again for two years, yet a babe in Christ. So, as a babe, I assumed that  seasoned churchfolk  knew things of the spirit  better than me.

After all,  I had been an atheist, never raised in church at all, and so I went along with church leaders and members. But what I said to myself was, “Oh, so that’s how they do it. It didn’t happen to me like that, but I guess God’s got more than one way. Ok, so they’ve got to ask Jesus into their heart. They’ve got to accept Him. Ok.” 

So, I bought into the “I accept Jesus” practice in obedience to my church elders, even though I did not get born again “that way.” Two decades passed,  when  the Lord renewed my mind on salvation, using scripture to validate “how I  myself got born again.” . The wisdom of God revealed that  just like it happened for me, to be born again  is not our choice. For does not  the bible reveal how God chose everyone that He would choose before He framed the worlds? (Ephesians 1_1-7)

We are 3 in ONE: A Trinity

We are a three-part being: spirit, soul, and body. When we get born again, our spirit is immediately changed, and it’s made new. That’s the whole concept behind being born again. What is born again is not your body, it’s not your soul; it’s your spirit. And when your spirit gets born again, the Holy Spirit comes into your spirit and lives there. And as He is living there in your spirit, no demons can be there. You become “the temple of God” because the Holy Spirit lives in your spirit!
Now, in regards to the soul, I suspect that  demons can be in the soul hiding there when you get born again. But ultimately, soon, it will be revealed, and in essence, they will either leave on their own, or you can cast them from yourself, or someone else like myself could cast demons from you.
So, what I’m saying is that in the body, anybody can have a demon in the body. Think about the fact that Jesus came to the synagogue, and there was a woman who was in the synagogue constantly who had been bowed down for eighteen years by a spirit of infirmity. What did that spirit of infirmity do? It caused her to be crippled. That can happen in anybody’s body, whether they’re born again or not.
But, if you are born again, then you have power to command demons and at least keep them off of you. Think about it.  Have you been trying to cast evil  spirits from you and nothing happened? Did your condition worsen?  If so, you are not alone as I hear this all the time. 
You may tell me “Sometimes I feel better, but it doesn’t get completely better.”
 What the enemy will do is he will trick his subject to think that they are getting better, and the way he does that is he just takes his hand off of them for a minute. And so, when he takes his hand off of them, they will feel better. But it doesn’t last, because his hand is coming back. And that’s his way of tricking you into thinking that what it is you’re doing is having some success. It’s a setup; it’s a trick to keep you bound, doing the same ineffective things cause “you got better.” 
So, the evil spirit says, “Alright. I’ll lay my hands  off of him or her  for a minute.” And then everybody you know greets you with hopeful but useless words of praise and comfort like, “Oh, you’re doing so good.” And then, that spirit puts his hand right back on you. Why? Because he’s playing. He’s using his captives as a plaything. Why? Because they don’t know any better. They don’t know the truth. Its a set up.
So, the bottom line here is: with your will, you have power to take back any invitation that you made through a shaman, through theosophy, through reiki, hypnosis, through a psychi, an astrologer, through necromancy— whatever invitation  you made with your free will, you have the power to take it back.
 God gave the power of freewill to US! we are superior to demons and evil spirits in this regard, because God did not give them the same stature or level of free will as He has given human beings. You made the choice to follow after these demonic beliefs and practices. Yes, you were deceived. Yes, you were tricked. Yes, with your own free will, you made invitations. Yet in spite of all your bad, evil decisions, you  STILL have the power, as a human being, to use your free will and say, “No.” You say that the enemy is coming at you and asking you for your soul. Even while you are asleep, you have been given  the power to say, “No.” That is the power of YOU FREE WILL!!!

 Now, here’s the thing. All you really need to say is, “Ok. I’ve got the truth now. I realize that I made some invitations. Well, with my free will, I take this back and that back. I rebuke it. I tear up the contract. I annul the invitation. I command evil spirits to leave me.” Not in Jesus’ name unless you are born again, but by the power of your own free will, you declare “I won’t accept this.”
 What evil spirits attempt  to do is control us. What they’re looking for is ground. It’s like territory. It’s like the military, when soldiers are out there fighting to take a piece of land. These forces, these evil spirits, are out to take your ground, your space. And in order to do that, they’ve got to get your will. And that’s why they’re coming at you with, “Give me your soul. Give me your soul.” You can’t even give them your soul to be honest with you. God gave it to YOU. The only way you’re going to get rid of it is if God takes your soul away.

A part of your soul consists of your mind, your emotions, your personality; everything that makes you CH, that’s different from everybody else, that’s your soul. And a part of your soul is your free will. Your mind, your emotions, your free will, and your heart also is a part of your soul. That’s the essence of who you are as a person. That changes over time. Your spirit when you get born again changes immediately within the space of a second. What happens after you get born again is that your mind is renewed by the word of God, and through trial and testing and tribulation and blessings, your soul begins to transform and change. Over time.

 There’s certainly good in your soul, and there’s evil in your soul also. And those things are going to be worked out, the scripture says, with fear and trembling, meaning with respect and seriousness, that your soul begins to get worked out, conformed into the image of Christ. 
We are always working on our souls, whether we are born again or not. We actually make the decision in our souls as to whether or not we’re going to grow or whether or not we’re going to use drugs, whether or not we’re going to be a thief, whether or not we’re going to be a President. We work that out. 

That’s the nature of who we are. And everybody’s soul – even twins, their souls are different. It’s the essence of who you are. Nevertheless, evil spirits will have access to your unregenerate spirit. Access to your spirit is obtained  when you engage or invite them through supernatural means, like astrology, like reiki, and all of that.

Now,  those whom I have counseled remember that  my story began in 1973, when I  enrolled in a seminar, called relaxation therapy. Relaxation therapy is  really hypnosis with a nice name to it. I caught on quickly:  I became skilled at hypnotizing myself and others. And I liked it. And just like you, I thought I was going to benefit the world  by knowing these techniques and using them in therapy. That’s where I started.
However, hypnosis took me deeper. with psychics. I  went to them.  From visiting psychics to astrology you might say prophesied to me, did my astrology chart, and told me some fantastic things about my life. You see, an astrologer was used by the enemy to draw me into divination. Let us not forget my  graduate school   curriculum that included  hypnosis. So, that’s how the door opened, in very natural, socially acceptable, normalized ways  practices: school and college and career, and a popular, socially acceptable astrologer.
Then, the invitations got deeper.  Actually, they got really, really deep. Objects were moving around. Poltergeist. Gravity being defied. Fallen angels were  able to speak through me, and as I left my  my body. I stood in the corner of a room and watched some other being walking around in my body and speaking through my throat. I could feel them speaking, but it wasn’t my voice.
So, I got deeper and deeper into “making more and more invitations to the spirit realm.”
Now, was I a religious person? No, I was an atheist. But, I want to say this: when God came for me – I didn’t seek Him; He JUST came, uninvited!!. LOL When He came for me, all psychic power left me. All of it left me at once. But here was the mistake: after I got born again, I started to carry over some of the stuff that I had gotten from the spirit realm and mix it in into Christianity. And that way, they were able to deceive me on various things, until God opened my eyes and showed me the deception in 2007.
But what I’m saying is: nobody has ever cast out demons from me. I have never cast out demons from myself. God did it. Just whoosh! Now, did I have demons? I don’t think so; I had fallen angels. Like Sananda, Maitreya, Germain and that bunch. And what they would do is step into me at various points. It only happened about five times, and it was all before I was born again. What I’m saying is: once you get born again, there are things that evil spirits can no longer do. So, what they have to do is find a way to deceive, and to take you off of the narrow path with God and ease you over into the occult realm.
 I loved the occult realm. Evi spirits  did not torment me. Were they trying to drive me crazy? It’s possible, because I was allowed to see things that no human being would admit could happen and  not go crazy. So, I don’t know if they were trying to send me crazy. It was just that every new thing that happened, I was like, “Oh!  Give me some more! Give me some more! I want to see some more!” So, I was never afraid.
The issue that is empowering Satan’s kingdom today is FEAR.  Fear is key because as long as you have the fear, they have control. So, what should wipe away the fear is truth, your ability to accept the truth. And the very first place is to accept the truth is to try the spirits by examining what you believe is your evidence that you are born again.   Otherwise you will remain in the enemy’s hands.  
So you need to be made ready to accept thar your religiosity availed you nothing but demonic torment.  As such admit that  you are not born again. 
Does it mean that you are not God’s child? No, it doesn’t.Once you get rid of the old wine, the Holy Spirit will pour new wine into your spirit the day He calls you to Jesus Christ of Nazereth.

Hits: 1465

Conspiracy Theories: Send the Junk to PSM

Conspiracy Theories: Be Mentally Sound in Crazy Times!

How PSM Deals with Conspiracy Theories:


By Pam Sheppard
It’s one thing to hear about   conspiracy theories  and it’s another thing to grab a hold upon them , believe the substance of the fake news or report  immediately, and then begin to progressively send yourself crazy as you run your little fingers around the world by googling and pulling the crazy mess all together.  Consequently, , with my mentally challenged, fearful clients, I tell  them to send all of their conspiracy theory junk to PSM for review and assessment, keeping their minds unclogged from matters dangerous to their mental health. 
I serve as THE FILTER. I have trained others of PSM to do so as well. 
Take conspiracy theories about Covid as a good example.
 To a client I might say , “Look. Does it make sense that China would risk killing ALL of its people ???– Let us not forget that a noteable segment  of China’s own population were among the first to die of Covid-19. So does it make sense that China would risk its own natives,  just to destroy the rest of the world?” The anticipated response is “Well, China made a mistake! They dropped the specimen and Covid went around the world by accident!”
My response is: Ok. Is there any proof of this? Show me the proof. Don’t show me what this one thinks and that one thinks and this one said and that one said. Where is the proof? China is about selling and making money. If they kill off the entire world, especially the USA, how can they make their money???”
For those who have some semblance of sanity and good sense, they will say Thank you Pam, thank you Pam. I’m glad I have YOU so that I can come to you and just lay this all out before you.”
(The truth is that they know that if alone, they will be bugged out and crazy right now. So I take the heat. I look at the mess with a rational mind.)
So to our  clients, we say , Send the junk to PSM!!
Here is the deal. If you have been mentally challenged, you have to decide that you are going to control your own mind. That’s what you have to decide. So say to yourself “Come hell or high water, I’m not going to allow myself to become crazy again.”
Where conspiracy theories go, your next step is that you’ve got to focus on is rational thinking. “Show me the proof. You don’t have the proof, bingo, I delete this conspiracy theory, I wont even put put you in another file because I am not going to ruminate over this.” THE END!!!!
That’s it.
If  you need PSM to help you maintain a sound mind and help you to block you from being hospitalized AGAIN? Then you know what to do. 888-818-1117 and/or

Hits: 575

When Religion Cooperates With Evil Spirits

Witchcraft As A Lust of the Flesh for Sensory Manifestations

When I first communicated with evil spirits in 1974 , I did not know who they were because at the time, evil spirits  pretended to be the spirits of the dead—people who I knew and loved  who had died.  For 3 years, fallen angels impersonating the dead loved ones  tried to cause me to be religious, offering ‘Buddhism and Hinduism, since they knew how loathsome I found Christianity to be.   A staunch atheist “who could not be moved by anyone. but Christ Himself” , I became born  again in my livingroom on Monday, March 29, 1977 at 4pm in the state of New York. 

However, three years before God “sent me His call” to my spirit,  a form of mutual cooperation was established between  me and the evil spirits —a connection  that paved the way for physical, soulical and spiritual   manifestations to occur. The bible descibes this predisposition as lusts of the flesh for sensory, supernatural  manifestations  referred to in the bible as both idolatry and  witchcraft. 

So I know the sensations  of present day  generational  seekers. Its a feeling or energy  of ascendence to  super human power which uplifts an average  human being into a magical  realm of what appears to be ‘”the  miraculous.”  Case in point, I recall how elated I was when I saw my keys defy gravity, suspended in mid air for minutes, and then hurled to the ground as if an invisible person threw them down to me. Such a  feeling of ascendency  is akin to  a “superman” kind of persona.  Yet having lived in both the 20th and the 21st centuries, I have perceived a scriptural commonality and compatibility   with all idolators: it is  a lust  for sensory manifestations also known as “mysticism.” 

Those seeking “uniqueness” today have fallen prey to a  spiritual addiction akin to mysticism or in every day language, to MAGIC!   Yet what did not happen to me back in the early 70’s  is propelling   countless   present-day seekers toward debilitating, tormenting manifestations  around the world.  In my case, the fallen angels  pretended to be guardians, teachers and helpers.  They claimed their goal was to train me to be a psychic superior to both Jean Dixon and  Edgar Cayce. Even though I did not know what a psychic was, the lust of my flesh  liked the sound of “all things supernatural.” 

Yet only once did these spirits  threaten me  and it was in a manner that an earthly parent attempts  to scare a child “not to disobey.” So I was neither  mentally, physically or spiritually tormented during my three years within the occult world.     On the contrary,  today’s vulnerable seekers upon  entering  into the supernatural, spiritual realm  are  are most immediately and often  relentlessly  attacked in  spirit, soul and body. 


Its because religion has armed the occult.

It seems that religion and the occult do have a strong connection perhaps because the major intent of evil spirits is to defy God by either imitating Him or blaspheming Him as the spirit of the antichrist.    Since I had refused God and all that religion entails, it seems I was safe from torment.  

So that you understand what being tormented in spirit, soul and body is like, take the case of Martina.  Martina has a lust in her flesh for the occult which the bible calls “witchcraft.”  So she joined a church where the pastor was teaching that everyone can see Jesus face to face.  He even wrote a book on it, a man who has some significant worldwide notoriety  within in the religious sector.  So Martina was ever present in his church, where the pastor laid hands on her and she fell out more than once, slain in the spirit as well as she spoke in tongues.

Martina’s next communication with the spirit world began like this.  She was sitting at  her kitchen table when suddenly she heard  beautiful angelic voices singing a refrain of “Holy Master, Holy Holy Master, Master.” She also heard a male voice say “My Holy Spirit is with you now!”

For a few weeks, Martina was loving the supernatural singing, hearing voices and such,  until the pleasantness began to drastically change. The voices turned against her and changed the language to “I am Lucifer.  You belong to ME!!!!”

What followed was indescribable torment, including out of body experiences, hearing voices 24/7 and nightmares.  In Martina’s own words:  “As soon as I fell asleep each night, I was taken out of body, I flew around the room, and I could feel my physical body being choked. I sensed that I was descending down to hell.  I could hear multiple voices as they mockingly laughed at me.”  As time went on, every day the voices commanded me to kill myself.”

This is merely a small taste of the religious torment that produced manifestations not only on Martina’s  physical  body, but also created an  instability in her soul that led to the crisis intervention of the  mental health system where she was diagnosed and prescribed medication.  There is nothing mentally ill about Martina.  She simply had supernatural manifestations that her mind could not handle at the time and caused a temporary dysfunctional mental health crisis.  

Be advised that Martina never took drugs nor was she deeply involved in new age occultism as I was in 1974.   What she has in her soul  is the same thing that I have. Its a  lust of the flesh that the bible calls “witchcraft” which was triggered by charismatic, mystical Christian religion. 

If you find yourself in similar circumstances, reading a book can help.  I have been informed that the book “The Church of the End time Zombies,” has actually set people free while they were reading it.  I also recommend to you the Amazon Kindle book entitled “Face the Devil.” 

To enter into deliverance counseling. send an email to or call 888-818-1117.

Hits: 1941

Born Again – George

Come, let us join Christ in the wondrous golden field of flowers!

The Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth is my God and Master and I am His servant, George.

Glory be to the Lord Jesus Christ who showed me mercy and delivered unto me the precious and perfect gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus. I write this text to serve as a documented testimony to the power and glory of the One True God. I pray that I might be given the words that will be pleasurable in His eyes and that they might encourage His sheep to know that their time is coming and that there is much to look forward to.

I was born on November 13th, 1992. Friday the 13th. To a loving mother and father, they would tuck me in bed. And above my head on the wall was a crucifix with a figure of “Jesus” that one sees in paintings, watching over me every night as I slept. I wandered through adolescence and was spoiled as an only child. I would be given gifts and toys with very little resistance from my parents. I even remember being thrown a wonderful birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese, with all of my preschool friends and classmates being invited.

I had the childhood that any young boy would want.

Yet there was an undercurrent to my adolescence and upbringing. It would make itself known loudly by interjecting every Sunday of the week where I would find myself in a plain looking room with rows of red chairs lined up next to each other: church. My father had been going to a non-denominational church since his 20s and, having met a previously-Catholic woman in my mother who claimed to belong to Jesus Christ, wanted to raise me in it. They would bring me and sit me down next to them where the congregation would sing hymns and read from the Bible. The elders in the church would take turns leading its members in prayer and the breaking of bread and drinking of wine.

My religious upbringing manifested in the same way that the Christian subculture in America has been instructing its members to worship for the past few decades: pray every day and read your Bible. I would pray before my meals and before bed. I did not read much on my own time, concluding that I could learn from my church. During the summers, my mother and father would send me to Bible School, a recreational program where the children would engage in the same activities as church as well as more kid-oriented ones like water balloon fights. I engaged in all of this out of obligation and instruction, but running around with the other kids and doing art projects with them as a child was fun.

One day I experienced a moment with my father which would shape and mold me with fear and misunderstanding for the large majority of my life: I walked into his room and there he was, reading his Bible. My dad was my hero and I always loved to spend time with him.

“Dad, what are you reading?” I asked.

“Mmmm….I probably shouldn’t show you this, but here,” he said.

I leaned over and looked at the text. It was the passage about the unpardonable sin, where the Lord Jesus Christ rebuked the Pharisees and told them there would be no forgiveness in blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Fear settled into me and I hurried out the room. As I lay in bed readying for sleep, a barrage of blasphemous thoughts came battering into my mind like a storm of arrows raining on its target. The horrifying reality sunk in: I had damned myself by committing the unpardonable sin and I was damned for all eternity. Fearful and sad, I chose not to say anything to my father and went to sleep.

For the next 10+ years, I quietly struggled with fear about the unpardonable sin under the assumption that I was damned forever. It would most often creep into my mind as I lay in bed alone at night, as a fear of hell would settle in. My experience with the church during this stretch of time is a story for another time as I expedite to God’s glorious redemption of me.

It was in April of 2016 that I met Pastor Pamela Sheppard. I got to know her and she got to know me. She showed me wisdom, guidance, and patience as she worked on various issues that I had in my own soul. We built a great relationship as she taught me about God and what it is to be a Christian. We spoke on a weekly basis for the better part of the next 4 years. One of the first things she taught me was that I never had really committed the unpardonable sin and that in my early 20s I experienced a false conversion. For those who do not know, a false conversion is a fraudulent born again experience wherein the recipient is shown heavenly things to make them think they are born again, yet they are actually are not.

Pastor Pam and I dealt with a myriad of spiritual issues: intrusive thoughts, fear of hell, confrontations with fallen angels, etc. She taught me that God saves His people at His own timing. I learned about the corruption and infiltration of religion and the churches across America and the world. I learned more about Who Jesus Christ really was and what He does for His people. I learned how to stand in truth and rebuff demons and fallen angels who come to bother, torment, distract and destroy the children of God. I learned how to counsel others in spiritual warfare. It gave me an unbelievably strong foundation and understanding of what it meant to stand firm. It taught me how to stick up for yourself against these vast forces of evil running to and fro across the earth, running circles around the people on it due to the same reason God said His people are destroyed: for a lack of knowledge.

Yet as time went on, I wondered, why am I not born again yet? God would show me my true character and sin in dreams: arrogance, pride, highmindedness, vanity, ego and more. And as I persisted, Satan would come and try to use me against Pastor Pam and her ministry and it was revealed that I had a huge, dark fallen angel assigned to me who would insert blasphemous thoughts into my mind on a regular basis. He would also set up various situations in my own life to lead me into deceit and come to me with thoughts and dreams that seemed to be from God, but were designed to destroy me.

On top of this, I struggled with a number of my own issues due to my nature: anxiety, stress, guilt, fear and even suicidal thoughts. Beyond this, I also had a myriad of personality traits that was harmful to both me and others. I was prone to getting offended easily due to my high ego and was also vindictive against anyone who crossed me. I had narcissistic traits which was evident by thinking of myself higher than others, requiring and wanting excessive admiration, envy of others and more.

I had made a lot of headway over the years in terms of working on my soul and character. But I felt like I was reaching a breaking point: I had so much stress to the point that my heart rate jumped by 25+ beats and I felt a constant pain in my chest. Meanwhile, I was coming to terms with the fact that I was lukewarm towards the things of God and the ministry. I became like I was in church: attending out of obligation and putting on my smile that looked pleasing on the surface, yet no feeling or love in my heart as I said whatever pretty words I knew sounded pleasurable to fit in.

I remember painting one day when my spirit spoke to me and showed me the overarching attitude I had towards life: apathy. Sheer, pure apathy towards everything. The microexpression on my face that defined me was one where my lips would droop, betraying my innermost feelings: indifference towards life. I simply did not care about much. I was like the tinman from the Wizard of Oz: I could help others and even banter with them and they would like me, but I had no heart.

Fast forward to 2020 and I had moved to New York for a new job, living near Pastor Pam. My birthday, November 13 — once again on a Friday the 13th like my birth date — was nearing. I told her that I would like to spend some time with her and other members of the ministry for my birthday. She agreed and after my shift at work, I drove an hour and a half up to Albany for the night.

I arrived and Pastor Pam ushered me in and we engaged in pleasantries and discussion about the new job and the cultural climate of the United States. Shortly after, Abbi and Evan – two workers of Pam Sheppard Ministries – arrived and welcomed me. They were all so kind to me, buying my favorite flavored cake of red velvet for me and getting some Chinese food that I liked. We had a pleasant meal and moved to the living room where we had a discussion about God.

Pam looked at me and after having a conversation, decided to begin a prayer for me.

I must be honest: I had not assumed that anything immediate would happen from this prayer. I had been prayed for before, especially to be born again, and it had not happened yet.

“Father God, I come to you on behalf of George,” she began.

Sitting there on her couch with my head bowed, I listened.

“God, you had put it on my mind today that George might be born again today,” she proclaimed boldly.

Those words hit my spirit like a gut punch.

“What?!” I shouted out. I was dumbfounded. Because as she said those words, I began to have a spiritual and emotional experience so joyous and glorious that it will stay deep in my heart, soul and spirit for the rest of eternity in pure joy over the Lord Jesus Christ. And as she spoke, I was beginning to experience the presence of God in the spirit.

She continued to pray for me and from the deepest recesses of my soul, I began to sob and weep. I could feel my chest swell up and the sound of my voice in a deep cry as God showed me who I really was: a pitiful, wretched and decrepit sinner. A repugnant and putrid pile of sin, disgusting and shameful. This spiritual revelation hit my soul and I could not believe what a pathetic human being I was. I make no exaggeration when I state that in that moment I felt like less than a worm in the earth. My friends, what I was experiencing was the beginning of Godly sorrow.

And as I sat there weeping and in the spirit, I suddenly found myself inside the earth. I was experiencing what it was like to be a piece of dirt in the earth: dead and dirty. Yet in a moment, I saw a glorious, great, big hand reach out towards me. And it touched me. The moment it did, I experienced in the spirit what it is to be born again. The hand touched me and while I was a piece of dirt in the earth, I instantly bloomed into a flower and experienced life for the first time.

And as I blossomed into the earth, in the spirit I saw my surroundings. I was in a beautiful field of flowers, yellow and gold, so magnificent that they were sparkling perfectly. And near me was a Figure in a robe. It was at this point that I witnessed the Resurrected Jesus Christ of Nazareth before my very eyes. I was in awe at what I saw, my mouth gaping open and my eyes shot wide open with tears running down them and my fingers cupping my face in amazement.

It is at this point where I will try to do my best to explain what I experienced, but words cannot truly justify the glory, awe, and perfection that I saw in the spirit. Nonetheless, here goes.

God began to impart unto me a spiritual experience where I realized I was finally alive through the Lord Jesus Christ and I experienced emotions in the spirit that transcends anything we can experience in the physical realm. I felt a deep, Godly love strong within my spirit, sobering me. As God interacted with me, I felt a glowing warmth emanating from His perfect Body. The closest I can explain it is to try and imagine as if you were right next to the sun, but it didn’t hurt, it just nourished you and gave you life instead. There was a sense of holy and heavenly light coming from Him and it was glorious.

I began to receive understanding from God in my spirit the various parts of His character that has been written about: He is merciful. He is kind. He is loving. Here stood the God Who created all things on earth and life itself standing before me in an intimate moment between just us two to make a statement: I love you, George. I died for you and your sins, and I rose again so that you may have life. The Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth is a God of honor and justice and here I was, approximately 2,000 years after He ascended to heaven. I was seeing Him do what He always said He would: that He came so that His sheep would have life, and have it abundantly.

As I received my new birth and experienced the Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I began to cry out in the physical realm.

“WHAT MERCY! WHAT KINDNESS!” I bellowed out. The glory of what I was witnessing was so astonishing that I could not help but cry out as the greatness of what I was seeing was awe-inspiring.

Love, happiness and joy began to flow through me. These were Godly emotions that sunk deep into my soul.

“FOR ME? FOR ME?” I both questioned and exclaimed at the same time. I was in complete and utter awe that God had taken time out of HIS day to bring me NEW LIFE. To bring me JOY. To bring me HAPPINESS. To DELIVER me from my sins. To reach into the dirt where I was a dead, pathetic pile of sin and with a simple touch bring me life for all of eternity in the safe and secure presence of GOD. On my own birthday, the Lord Jesus Christ showed me kindness and mercy as He graciously translated me from the kingdom of darkness into His kingdom of light.

As my time with God in the spirit continued, I began to experience His Body. Flowing from Him was the anointing of the Holy Spirit and it was made known to me several things about God. I experienced and felt His Perfection and Glory. I felt a warm glow from Him of Holiness. And lastly, I learned that He was POWERFUL and INVINCIBLE! I experienced His power in the spirit and I could feel in the spirit that His Body was invincible. I could make no exaggeration of this if I tried: a nuclear bomb could touch the Risen God and it would bounce right off him like a pitiful plaything. The glory of such knowledge dawned on me and I continued shouting out in glory and praise of God.

The chains of my soul have been broken and snapped into nothingness through the power of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I opened my eyes. My vision was blurry, with tears flowing through them. I peeked them open between my fingers and looked around the room. Straight ahead of me was Pastor Pamela Sheppard. The tears and weeping of sorrow I had experienced a mere moment ago had transformed into tears of joy and sounds of deep laughter as I realized what was happening. I was laughing like a manic man, relieved and ecstatic that the Lord Jesus Christ is risen.

“You are my mother!” I yelled out to her. She, Abbi and Evan began to laugh in joy as they partook in my new birth.

“You are my brother. You are my sister,” I said to Abbi and Evan. They smiled at me as we shared in happiness together.

I looked around the room and in the spirit I saw that it was a delivery room, with surgical equipment around like you see in the hospital. My legs felt heavy, like I was walking for the first time. My eyes could see and it was like I was seeing for the first time. Near us I saw what appeared to be a small crowd of people with a cloud enveloping them, saints.

To my friends reading this who are waiting on God: take courage. As Pastor Pam has said before me, as Evan has said before me and as Abbi has said before me, I echo their message: No amount of sin, evil or wrongdoing is too much for God. I was so pathetic in my old state that in my rebirth experience God likened me to the dirt of the earth. Here are some definitions of dirt:

  1. Any foul or filthy substance, as mud, grime, dust, or excrement.
  2. Something or someone vile, mean, or worthless.
  3. Moral filth; vileness; corruption.

Who among you, when walking over the earth and ground, pays attention to the dirt and worms being crushed underneath their feet? Yet God in his infinite and vast glory, mercy and peace took this piece of dirt, touched it and had it grow and blossom into a beautiful flower. Here are the definitions of what it is to bloom:

  1. to produce or yield flowers
  2. to mature into achievement of one’s potential
  3. to flourish in youthful beauty, freshness, or excellence
  4. to shine out : glow

I am still in awe that He actually gave me the perfect gift of eternal life on my birthday. What a loving and kind God He is. I am now His. Any and all imperfections in me have been made perfect by His Spirit that dwelleth within me.

Since then, I am at peace. Godly peace. Things like arrogance, pride, ego are distant from me as I crucify my flesh to instead walk in the Spirit. I can look at the old George and rebuke his fleshly temptations and desire for sin. I can use the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer to worship God, rebuke fallen angels and demons and strengthen myself. I have experienced joy and happiness to a degree I never have before all thanks to the Lord. God took my sin and deadness of spirit, squashed it into nothing, and gave me eternal life.

There is more to come. There will be other pieces of dirt and sin who will blossom and be with Christ in that beautiful field of flowers ‘til the end of the age unto all eternity. We have a lot to look forward to. The Day will come when He descends unto the earth and rules it with an iron rod, where all will know that Jesus Christ is GOD. Please Lord Jesus, carry out Your will on earth for Your children and lead them in Your plans as the Day of the Lord nears. I echo John from the Book of Revelation and the cry of all children of Christ on earth: come, Lord Jesus. All glory be to Your Perfect and Holy Name, the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Hits: 1399

Jesus Is The Name Above All Names

One of the major goals of the Enemy is to blow believers off course. He blows believers off the true path of salvation. How does he do it? He does it by operating through religion. His main goal is to twist
scripture by either passing off an outright lie or by mixing the Truth. We live in a society full of Information Overload. He interweaves spiritual lies in with a little of the truth to make the misinformation of lies palatable and believable. The goal is to get the believer to never suspect the lie or mixed truths. Mixed truths are pushed through religion to manipulate the minds of a sincere believer.

Mass Manipulation

Jesus warned us in the gospels that “false Christs” will arise and many will believe in a “Fake Jesus.” Satan and his henchmen have been using religion for centuries to distort scripture. One way he does this is by minimizing the divinity of our Lord Jesus. He manipulates believers through by placing emphasis on our
Heavenly Father while downplaying the divinity of Jesus. He does this by manipulating the minds of false teachers. False Teachers help spread lies that Jesus either has no divinity or is not the center of our worship. The Enemy uses clever techniques by shifting the emphasis on what names we shall call God.
Some religions like Jehovah’s Witnesses put great emphasis on calling God “Jehovah” while other religions insist on calling our Lord a Hebrew name like “Yahshua.” Despite religion, our Heavenly God makes it simple he commissioned that the name of Jesus is the Name above All names. This is one of the problems with religion is that religion complicates things but God intended for us to keep things simple. When we place our worship on the Father we actually quench the Holy Spirit. The Enemy loves to stir up confusion.

Stirring Up Confusion

Some religions only place Jesus at the back of worship teaching that Jesus is just a messenger or the Son God with no divinity. God is one depth but One that teaches simplicity that even a child could understand who Jesus truly is. However, our Heavenly Father makes it plain to us in the Hebrews that he
takes great delight in his son being God and keeping his son’s name simple. The Enemy minimizes the divinity of our Lord Jesus by complicating matters by distorting the name of God. The Enemy loves to gain worship for himself. He does this by minimizing our Trinity God as the true God and tricking
believers in worshipping “another Jesus” with a little ‘g’. When believers fall for ‘another Jesus with a little ‘g’ then Satan has accomplished his purpose and that is to deceive.

Come Out of Confusion

God is waking up his chosen Elect and he has instructed us to “Come out of Her.” When God says to “come out of her” he means that we wants us to come out from religion and mass confusion. You will need to detox and dry out from religion. More importantly, you will need to come out from serving “another
Jesus” with a little “g.” If you have fallen for false doctrines like the ‘I accept’ doctrine or perhaps the prosperity doctrine then you have fallen prey to a mixed truth and mass deception. If you are ready to break out of religious
confusion, consider purchasing this book. Buy Spiritual Gold, get this book! Or, if you have questions or if you would like to be counseled, call Pastor Pam toll free at 1-888-818-1117 at Pam Sheppard Ministries.

Hits: 589

Self Awareness In Spiritual Warfare

Self awareness in spiritual warfare is something we can overlook. Self awareness is really, self-knowledge or what truth you know about yourself. I know from personal experience that religion can often blind us of our true selves. It also frustrates the ability to change and grow in self-awareness and be better vessels for the Lord.

My Lack

My lack of self-knowledge or self awareness causes many issues. If I am not aware of my soul’s weaknesses, this leaves me open for the Devil to “sift me like wheat.”

For example, I did not realize the depths of my people pleasing nature in my flesh. This huge weakness in me, and the lack of self-awareness did not 1) allow me to contend against and resist the Devil effectively and 2) allow me to further improve the sanctification of my soul.

If I was alert, and persistent at learning and observing myself or having self awareness in spiritual warfare; I would be ready. Ready to fight. Ready to improve.

Our Ministry

Pam Sheppard Ministries teaches and exhorts everyone to grow in self-knowledge. To understand yourself, and know more about you. This often comes by counseling. I know much about me because in my sessions a lot of things about me are exposed.

We cannot be afraid of the truth about ourselves, but we must be open to the realities of our souls. I know a great many people who will often deny the simple realities of themselves. Simply because it contradicts the delusion they have of themselves.

Our ministry what’s you need to improve with self awareness so that self awareness in spiritual warfare won’t be used against you, but will be a weapon for you.

The Fruit Of Self Awareness

When I was religious, Pharisee-like I really lacked self-awareness. I was too caught up with the religious crowd. Too caught up in what others thought. Distracted by all the music, messages, and noise that I never had time to look within.

I would often find myself hypocritically judging others. Or, complaining about the faults of others, when I had faults of my own. I never was aware of the pain I caused others. I couldn’t see how my religious actions and speech made so many uncomfortable.

So, you could say the bad fruit of lacking self-awareness would include: being deceived, hypocrisy, insensitivity, quick to finding faults in others but not yourself, spiritual blindness, not knowing your place, loose boundaries—both your own and disregarding others.

Whereas the good fruits of having self-awareness are knowing your limits and capabilities; being aware of potential set-ups from the Devil, good judgment of self and others, solid boundaries, sensitive to others needs, boundaries and feelings; transforming into a better person, and spiritually awake.

Do you see how self awareness in spiritual warfare effects you?

Another Example

Someone in my professional life has almost a zero sense of self-awareness.

“Alex” does not realize the frustration, annoyance and irritation he causes others because he is not aware of the weaknesses of his soul. Being very religious, he has strong opinions. Opinions in which he shares “as facts” that can potential deceive others, and even offend people.

He often criticizes other people, and calls out the flaws of others yet does not see his own. And when he is corrected he either denies the reality about himself, gets offended and even angry. His lack of self-awareness allows Satan to sift through his soul’s weaknesses and hurt others, and even Alex himself.

Gain Self-Awareness!

I really exhort you to find some time and STUDY YOUR SOUL. Your will, your emotions, your thoughts. Learn and observe how you respond to the world or the “darkness of this age.” Are you aware of your self? Or unaware?

Learn how to properly gain self awareness in spiritual warfare with Pam Sheppard Ministries! Don’t let the Devil use you!


Hits: 554

Be Set Free!!!

The goal of the enemy is to get us built up with emotional baggage inside  our souls  and negative feelings in our hearts against one another, ourselves, and God. The strategy of deliverance counseling is  to devise  a spiritual warfare plan to arm you  to deal with the emotional issues of your  own souls so that the weapons of spiritual warfare will work for you.. 


Because rejection as a spiritual warfare issue  produces a harvest  of evil fruit which can widely vary from one person to another. Some of the common symptoms of rejection include: rebellion, fake personas, the need to fit in, a desire to always want to be a part of everything, inability to be corrected or to receive constructive criticism, self pity, being love starved, a tendency to blame God for being rejected, pride at being rejected, opinionated personality and a need to always be right, seeking of parental approval, envy, jealousy, insecurity, prideful independence, not able to depend on others because you expect rejection. 

The list of the  plethora of effects of rejection is mighty long. 

Traditional deliverance ministries assume that rejection is a demon.  Not so. 

Don’t let anyone fool you into believing that rejection can be cast out by as a demon.  Emotions of the soul cannot be cast out. Rejection is an emotion of the soul that evil spirits take advantaged of to keep you bound. Certainly, evil spirits  attack their prey with accusation, condemnation and guilt in order to stir up the emotion of rejection. . 

Yet, rejection is  a more subtle demonic strategy of choice. Deliverance ministries teach that there are demons called the spirits of accusation, condemnation and guilt. Deliverance counseling teaches that   accusation, condemnation, guilt  as well as  rejection are strategies or tools used by evil spirits and are therefor not actual demons with those names. The unseen being behind such attacks is the spirit of the Antichrist, aka  religious fallen angels and demons. 

Deliverance counseling works to renew your soul and put the power over ALL of your emotions back into YOUR  OWN HANDS so that you will never seek to be set free again by any deliverance ministry!! 

To know more about how to resist the devil , you need this book.
So click the cover!

Hits: 2527