Pam Sheppard: A Spiritual General

Pastor Pam is our general reporting directly under Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our Lord and commander-in-chief. Most people know that a general is an army’s highest ranked soldier as they work to critically analyze and cultivate strategies to combat the Enemy.

Similarly, Pastor Pam is also our dedicated General who helps untie believers from the masts of false doctrines and practices. By examining someone’s history, she formulates a unique battle plan to rid them of both mental confusion and spiritual torment. Overall, her role involves developing other disciples to continue to spread Truth. Single-handedly, she has written 9 books and numerous articles and she recorded over 400 videos to feed the epidemic of spiritually starving people who do not have an understanding of the Gospel. 

Far too often, believers have unknowingly or knowingly allowed the Enemy to plunder their soul by receiving religious falsehoods. So, they have become canon-fodder of the Enemy. As the Bible reads, “In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house without first tying him up. Then he can plunder the strong man’s house” (Mark 3:27). Consequently, the absolute goal of Pastor Pam is to craft the damaged spiritually wounded into capable spiritual warriors. She helps to untie folk with the truth, so they can defend their own house, which is themselves and what belongs to them!

As one of our members writes: “Without Pastor Pam, I wouldn’t have begun to understand how important my free will is against combating evil spirits. The simple word ‘no’ carries more weight than people realize. No, I’m not going to put up with torment. No, I’m not going back to church. No, I’m not looking back…No, I’m not going to sweat the little stuff. Without Pastor Pam, I would not have learned the utmost capability of my free will and the substantial power of ‘no.’ Thanks to her, I can walk with my head held high. I cannot begin to thank her enough for her service to the Elect and myself. Thank you, Pastor Pam!”

The person quoted above  (Laura) was plagued with haunting whispers and intrusive thoughts from evil spirits. One of her major weaknesses was her fear of judgement, resulting in crippling anxiety that left her bedridden for a short period of time. The Enemy’s evil spirits had no problem with terrorizing her through her religious tendencies and perfectionistic personality. So, Pastor Pam, like with her previous clients, helped with identifying and subduing these strongholds, so that Laura could make a recovery at a breakneck pace. 

Needless to say, there are many analogies to illustrate Pastor Pam’s role as our ministry’s General. Disclosing the Enemy’s strategies to the Lord’s troops, she arms the Elect with critical ammunition to defend against diverse forms of spiritual attack. Not limited to a purely offensive function, Pastor Pam also fulfills the duty of supportive caretaker by acting as a parent to the spiritually orphaned. Amongst her disciples, she also acts as a wise counselor and seasoned healer, providing guidance throughout their walk with the Lord. 

Overall, Pastor Pam’s calling as General cannot easily be constrained to one word, aside from perhaps ‘leader.’  Leaders establish direction, expanding upon a new, contemporary perspective to create something mesmerizingly original. Her leadership is found upon helping the Elect navigate themselves to spiritual victory, receiving salvation upon the Lord’s appointed time. 

One of the most pervasive problems that plague many believers today is the counterfeit rebirth known as a false conversion. A false conversion occurs when a person is led to believe they became born again, but they were never actually born again in the first place. As a spiritual leader, Pastor Pam helps guide believers into examining their salvation experience. If a false conversion is determined, she will help a believer overturn it. Even if you’re a non-believer in Christ, she will still examine what drew our Adversary to you and help you close that doorway. Unless you turn her away first, our leader will do everything that she possibly can to help you. She is a true General who fights for everyone if you’re willing to give her a chance! 

As a seasoned Godly General, Pastor Pam has over 35 years of experience as a pastor and countless years as a deliverance counselor. 

…So what can a person expect from deliverance counseling?

Pastor Pam will:

• Examine your salvation experience 

• Assess what religious or occultic doorways need to be closed

• Draw up a treatment plan to close ALL demonic doorways

• Provide you with   tried and true spiritual tools to keep those doorways closed

If you’re a spiritual POW and would like to have an audience with our General to help map out strategies and treatment plans to gain true freedom in Christ, call Pastor Pam at 1-888-818-1117. She will help monitor your progress, and help you stand on your own two feet, so we can stand as soldiers in Christ together. You may watch this video to know what to expect by clicking here. There are no promises of a quick fix; but the truth of Lord Jesus Christ and his General Pastor Pam has the power to heal and set you free! 

Hits: 399

Meeting Of The Brethren

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During the times of the early believers, they had an “assembly” of saints. A time when they would gather together in Christ for a “meeting.” Many times Church people hurl the phrase, “do not forsake the meeting of the brethren.” However, they do not understand the context. Let’s take a look at what is the meeting of the brethren.

What Is A “Meeting”?

“Not forsaking the meeting of the brethren, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another. And so much the more, as ye see the Day approaching” (Heb. 10:25). This word in Greek can also mean “assemble, gather together.”

Paul mentions in other letters to churches he oversaw about a “gathering” in the name of the Lord (1 Cor 5:4). So, it’s apparent that believers both then and now where to assemble together in fellowship to exhort each other.

The Assembly: Further Analysis

Let’s consider that when this Epistle was written, it was written to a group of Jews. These Jews were believers and expelled from the second temple (hence why the writer had to explain much about the terms of the New Covenant). They had no church, no organized building to go to. They themselves gathered together as a group without a building.

In fact, this is how it was all across the land of the believers in Christ. There was no buildings. They would often meet or “gather” in homes of other people. Since, they most likely understood that they themselves were the “building” or church of Christ and did not need to construct a building for God. This assembly, seen in the Scriptures is simply a physically united individual believers in the Lord.

The Meeting In Our Times

God works in mysterious ways using things to achieve a way for His people. Even in different times. God does not change, but His light that shines down to us can change in order to work for a particular situation for His name.

Since our ministry is not a church, nor are we an organized religion. We nevertheless are a physical diaspora of believers in Christ. And therefore are not to forsake gathering together. God has provided a usable resource for use of light with the invention of modern technology. We now can meet together on social media and other platforms to exhort one another and prepare for the glorious moment of the Lord’s return.

The Cost Of Forsaking

Many times people do not realize that forgetting about meeting together can disturb your spiritual growth. Part of “exhortation” is also to prevent sin’s deceit from hardening you heart. When you do not join the simple social media gatherings, or even if you are there but don’t participate you set yourself up for deceit!

There still is an assembling, even if you are detoxing. However there is a COUNTERFEIT assembling and a TRUE gathering of born-again believers and follower of Christ. We cannot force anyone to come and join the meeting on our social platforms that God has graciously provided. But, we ask you to join for YOUR benefit. Therefore brethren, I urge you to continue gathering with us and participating as we approach the Day CLOSER AND CLOSER!

Hits: 645

When Satan Threatens Your Daily Bread


When Satan Threatens Your Daily Bread

When Satan threatens your daily bread, one may wonder how to handle this. Most of us maintain our daily bread by earning a living every day. I’ve wondered why for some, work life can be challenging, filled with distressing emotions: from anger, fear, to disappointment, embarrassment, and envy the list goes on and on. I’ve asked myself, is it stemming all from our mistakes? Is it everyone else’s fault and not ours? Or is it the devil?

 The answer is we ourselves can play a part in the down fall and decline in our work life based on our choices, difficult colleagues can make it a challenge to achieve success (if we allow them to), AND the enemy can play a hand in this as well. He can appear to threaten your daily bread. 

 When Satan threatens your daily bread, fear and worry are emotions that may ensue. The individual must realize this is what the enemy wants! He wants you to be afraid and think the worst of the worst is going to happen, whether at work or any other aspect of your life. 

We must not make every lecture, correction, mistakes pointed out seem like a catastrophic event and allow sheer panic to occur. This type of panic allows fear and worry to control us, to the point where we then may make errors that were avoidable. 

Your Daily Bread:The Influences of Religion and Fear 

Years ago, I used to often attend church on Sundays. I prayed, read the Bible, and requested for prayers. No matter the Christian religious activities I did, I was a fearful person, in every aspect of my life. To make it worse, I did not use my common sense when making decisions. I was religious and went to God for problems I could have taken care of myself by using the free will He gave me. Instead, I expected things would run smoothly without having to put much effort. 

I was passive and so religious that it caused me to overlook all the ways I could change for the better. When you use your God given free will, instead of religious passivity, you can improve in many ways. You can improve how you handle stress at work and your overall life. Instead of facing reality and working on strengthening areas that needed help, I unknowingly allowed fear to be my main fuel. That fear became a habit.

It was not until I discovered I had a false conversion that I realized how contradictory it was to profess to be a Christian but be so filled with worry and fear all the time. 

When you become truly born again in Jesus Christ of Nazareth and you walk in the Spirit and not the flesh, you have all the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23). With these fruits fear or worry will not rule you in any aspect of your life. 

When you have not conquered your fears, Satan takes advantage of this and plants thoughts of uncertainty in your mind. As your fear continues; confusion, distraction, irritation, anger, sadness, may also occur and this adds nothing but more heavy stress and worry in your daily living. 

The Nourishment: Jesus Rejects the Devils Temptations 

Our jobs give us our daily bread, but when Satan threatens our daily bread, we risk not staying focused because of worry. When this happens we can be tempted by the devil to make foolish decisions. Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and afterwards the devil appeared to him with temptations. Jesus was tempted by Satan at the wilderness, mocking him by saying, if you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread. Jesus responded with: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). Satan was trying hard to put thoughts into the Lord’s head. Despite Satan’s mockery, Jesus held strong and said he would not do that. 

Jesus did not have to prove anything to the devil. This was a clear temptation tactic to get Jesus to sin. Jesus knows what he can do, he knows what he is capable of, and he refused to let the enemy tell him to do something that was not right. This was clearly a set up to try to convince and coerce the Lord. The Lord not only refuses to turn those stones to become bread but he gives a strong answer representing his faith and certainty of God’s truth. 

Moreover, the Lord is telling the enemy: life is more than what you the devil are obsessing about. What’s important is not about showing off to you what I can do, what’s important is the word of God, it’s not about money, but God’s word is what fulfills me. God’s word is fulfilling and will sustain me even though right now I have no food. God gives me what he knows I need. 

The Lord was tempted to be a show off and try to prove himself. He was tempted to even feel insecure about God’s support of him, yet he didn’t fall for any of it. The Lord values God’s word more than trying to eat when he was not ready to eat. 

To all out there who are gaining from the truths you have learned at Pam Sheppard Ministries, the Holy Spirit may be giving some the belief and understanding about Satan’s deceptions, including in institutional church settings. It’s important to not let the devil distract you from what’s important. Our daily bread is certainly needed but when it appears to be threatened, panic is not the way to go. In fact, fear can cause you to unknowingly put yourself at risk of having an unhealthy way of living. 

The word of God is truth.The Lord’s truths are sustaining, nourishes, and supplies you with all you need, including your daily bread. 

How to Take Action

It’s important to not excessively worship the actual bread itself but be thankful for it.

We must in addition, be careful and evaluate how we think we got born again, because a majority of those that say they are Christians may have had a counterfeit birth experience. Those that may be waiting for the Holy Spirit to lead them to have a true salvation experience may be allowing themselves to worry unnecessarily. As he has done with me, when God chooses to show you your problems with fear, he gives you the opportunity to face this problem and leads you to a path to overcome it. 

So examine yourself, your salvation experience and how you think you got born again. Does fear run every aspect of your life? Do you think your daily bread is being threatened? Do you suspect you may have had a false conversion? Pam Sheppard Ministries can help you see if you’ve had a false conversion, and take you to the next steps to overturn it. If you want our help, call 1-888-818-1117 or email

The book The Church of the Endtime Zombies will open your eyes to all the ways deception and darkness has infiltrated the professing Christian world; including church, Christian TV, books, famous evangelist teachings, and all related to this. Click HERE

We also have a must see website that talks about how the devil has caused people to not understand and undervalue the resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It reveals how Satan and his cohorts twisted this essential part of the gospel, causing worldwide false conversions. Our website also offers membership levels and more details about this are available when you click HERE

Hits: 1064

Works Of The Flesh And Fruit Of The Spirit

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The Apostle Paul goes into detail of the war between the flesh and the Spirit. He also writes concerning the results of those who “walk according to the flesh” and those who “walk in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16-25). The English language does a decent job at portraying the words the Apostle chooses to describes these two different lifestyles. But, a detailed look into the Greek with give a further insight to exactly what the words mean. The works of the flesh, and fruit of the Spirit will have some more insight by this study.

Works Of The Flesh

“Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these:…

…Adultery, which is specifically having sex with someone who is married. Or having sex with another person who is not your martial spouse (Modern pornography and other sexual pleasures apply to this too). It should also be noted that, “Anyone who looks at a women with lust has committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matt. 5:27).

…Fornication, which is simply premarital sex or having sexual experiences outside of martial sex (pornography, masturbation included in this too).

…Uncleanliness (akatharsia) the root word indicates moral uncleanliness. Living in lust, and being unclean in thought and deed.

…Lasciviousness (aselgeia) this word is used to describe “unbridled lusts.” It’s used as in “excessive” desires for morally filthy things.

…Idolatry is when something other than the Holy One acts as a “god” over you. Since an idol is a “carved image” that’s made as a god. In essence, it’s “making things” as god. Rather than God being the Source and Head of all things, the things “carve” you away from God.

…Witchcraft (pharmakeia) or “sorcery.” The word in Greek usually gives the idea to the use of potions (or drugs) for influence and power. In essence, this work is having power and influence over others, by whatever means it is achieved.

Works Of The Flesh Continued…

…Hatred (echthra) or “enmity.” The word is used to describe an “enemy.”

…Variance (eris) or “strife.” This word is used in other places for “quarrel, debate, and contention.”

…Emulations (zēlos) comes from the root word “fervent.” However in this instance it’s used to describe jealousy, and envy. Or a passionate contention.

…Wrath (thymos) or “fierce anger.” Note, this can be manifested in short outbursts of “fierce anger.”

…Strife (eritheia) figurative for “to put oneself forward.” This word is specifically used for ones who create fractions.

…Seditions (dichostasia) or “divisions.” Found in other places of Scripture alluding to “disunion, dissension.”

…Heresies (hairesis) or ” a sect.” The concept of heresies were sections or “a party.” A heretical person is one who “sections off” from the truth.

…Envyings (phthonos) comes from a root word that means “corrupt.” It also can be used to describe “ill-will.” Primarily used for envious people.

…Murders, but it also should be noted, “Anyone who is angry with his brother without cause shall be in danger of the judgment” (Matt. 5:22).

…Drunkenness, not simply being “tipsy” but heavy intoxication.

…Revelings (kōmos) is used to denote “rioting.” But, more specifically “carousing around while intoxicated.”

…And such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have told you in the times pasts, that they which do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.”

Fruit Of The Spirit

“But the fruit of the Spirit is:…

…Love, the greatest example of this is Jesus Christ and the work He achieved for His elect. Selfless love, and Paul describes much of this love in 1 Corinthians 13. Much could be said about this manifest fruit of the Spirit!

…Joy (chara) the Greek word is similar to “grace” and “thankfulness.” It also can be used to describe “gladness.”

…Peace (eirēnē) in this instance is not blissful emotions. The Greek language uses this word to describe “being set at one.” In other words, “wholesome.” Also, it’s used throughout the Bible to describe nations that were at war, but became “tranquil and safe.”

…Longsuffering (makrothymia) interestingly it means “long-nose.” It’s a metaphor to describe someone who is patient, and has a calm-breath. Also, it means “forbearance” or “not avenging after received wrongs.”

…Gentleness (chrēstotēs) the Greek word really means “moral goodness or kindness.” Also, it’s used to describe, “integrity, benignity (tolerance toward others).”

…Goodness (agathōsynē) this word denotes the idea of “uprightness of heart and life.” This word can be used for someone with high virtues.

…Faith, which can also mean “trust or believe.” For example, “Love believeth all things” [“believeth is the same word in the Greek “pistis”] (1 Cor. 13:7) which tells us that it can mean trusting others.

The Exhortation

Now that we specifically have seen the works of the flesh and fruit of the Spirit, let’s conclude with this exhortation from the Apostle:

“This I say, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law… And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.”

Do you have a greater understanding of what the works of the flesh and fruit of the Spirit are?



Hits: 1450

Guarding Our Hearts In 2020

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The heart is the seat of thought, desires, emotions, and our relationships. “From it is the springs the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23). If we are to look back at our 2019, we can see that perhaps many of our issues of life sprung from the heart. Our choices, and desires that caused “issues.” This is why it’s time for guarding our hearts in 2020.

Relationships Primary Issue

I’d say, that most of our issues can arises from our hearts making poor relationship choices. Who we trust, give our time to, share our thoughts with, in other words share our heart with: the “who” is key…

Many times, our hearts can crave emotional satisfaction. And at times, certain people can come in and “fill” that void, and need. But those people (that seem good) may be actually holding you back from your well-being and future. This emotional desire comes from a “lack of guard.” Since, guarding your heart allows you to fulfill that desire for social connection and emotional satisfaction with the right people who will better you.

Guarding, Not Cutting Out

I’m not suggesting you take a radical approach with your relationships and “cut every person out.” I am simply exhorting you TO GUARD YOUR HEART from people. Think of it this way. Your heart and relationships operate much like a neighborhood. In Hebrew, the word for heart is “levav” which is made up of two “Bets” or “Beth” which means “house.” Your heart works as a “home” in a neighborhood. Your neighborhood are people you have “near” your heart. Then there are people, you invite into “your home.” Do you see where this analogy goes?

For example, cutting out people would be if you were to “remove the houses” in your neighborhood. And yes, there are times when some people need to be “removed from your neighborhood.” But, more importantly the “doors” to your home should have “HOMELAND SECURITY” WITH THEM! Because when you let a person into your heart or “your home,” you give them access to your “treasures,” your secrets, your emotions, your “keys,” your desires, your plans, your thoughts. And not only that, but you receive their desires, secrets, emotions, treasures, and I think you get the idea…

Keep Your 2020 Relationships On Guard!

With all that’s been said, common sense simply teaches us that if you guard your heart. And by guarding (practically speaking), if you are diligent, careful, cautious, and wise in WHO you share your heart with and allow into your “home,” guarding your heart from the subtle wrong relationships… you will have a year with VERY LITTLE ISSUES!

On that note, we are all in this together with guarding our hearts in 2020. I hope with all my HEART you have a wonderful NEW YEAR! And, remember you always have the “‘Home’ of Pam Sheppard Ministries” to go to for relationships that will aid you in all things! Cheers!

Hits: 887

How To Stop Being Irritated With Irritations

Irritation is subtle bitterness to the soul.

Man, I know there are times when people, circumstances and things irritate me. That, “You have got to be kidding” sigh. Irritation is of the flesh, the “little anger burst.” Irritation tends to creep up on our souls, and grooms us overtime to set us up into anger and bitterness. Let’s see how to stop being irritated with irritations.

Dead To Flesh

As with any fleshly problem, or sin, we must stand on Romans 6. Being dead to sin. Death of the flesh, that is being in the likeliness of Christ’s death is how to overcome any work of the flesh. We must not be ignorant and know that our old man and all it’s irritations have been crucified with Christ and buried with Him.

Ultimately the flesh is already dead. It’s our understanding of how truly dead our flesh is that can be sluggish. It’s a matter of the mind be renewed to grasp the reality of the Cross and what it means for the nature of the flesh.

Put Off The Old

There now is an active “putting off.” “For those who have been baptized with Christ have put on Christ” (Gal. 3:27). At rebirth and baptism the old has been “put off” and the new (that is Christ) has been “put on.”

We must “put off” (or “cast off”) the irritations of our flesh. Whether certain behaviors of people, objects, circumstances, and so on. All the things that provoke you must be cast off. Instead “cast on Christ” which is patient and loving. “Love is not easily provoked” (1 Cor 13).

The Devil Loves To Irritate

Now, there is a wicked agenda to irritation. Satan’s craft and cunningness is to set the elect up into sin. His strategy with irritations is ultimately progressive. “A little irritation here, and little irritation there.” A sort of “light sprinkle” of tiny irritable circumstances and traits of other people come showering your way from the enemy.

This is to provoke the elect to ungodly anger and impatience, and even bitterness. “Watch lest any fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness spring up and contaminate many” (Hebrews 12:15).

Finally, recognizing satanic plots to cause irritation is important. You must be watching. Be ready for that “sprinkle shower” of irritations the devil will rain on you and around you. Yet, if you are truly dead to sin and cast off the old and put on Christ you will be able to resist and overcome irritations. That is how to stop being irritated with irritations.

Hits: 298

Sanctification: Distinct in the World

Sanctified Stranger in the World

To show the need to define the words sanctification and distinction

Sanctification is not an easy doctrine to understand mainly because when we are born into this world, we become “attached” to people, places and things.  Yet the bible reveals that the elect of God, a  chosen one, is a sanctified stranger in the world.   To clarify the definition, like Jesus, we come from outer space and this world is not our own. We are from above, not from beneath. So to be sanctified is connected to the world and the children of God’s separation from it both instantly and progressively. Another word that describes the elect of God’s place and position in this world is the word “distinct.” A nuance of being sanctified is to be different, standing out in the world without having to explain or be explained.

Nevertheless, the  elect  come into this world, growing as wheat while  developing alongside Satan’s tares. Yet not yet  born again, the sons  of God may not be    visibly distinct due to times and seasons of sin, where the elect appear non-distinguishable  from all others in the world.  Yet God knows who we are. So does the enemy because  the Lord’s  seal remains    implanted into our foreheads by the Holy Spirit before the Lord framed the worlds.

 Two centuries ago, Jesus Christ prayed that all of God’s people be sanctified or distinct in the world, in the world but not of the world. It is the job of the Holy Spirit to lead us to live as if we are sanctified. At rebirth, we receive His call.  All who are   chosen become   “called out” ones for  it is the calling that causes us to be distinct or sanctified. Both God’s calling and His sovereign choosing or election is the foundation for sanctification. 

The day we are born again, we have come out of the world as new creatures. Old things have passed away. All things have become new.  One of the new things is the progressive development of distinction and our detachment from the world both suddenly and over time. Even though we  live in this world, each waking day confirms that  we don’t belong to this world because  we   have a new home.  We come from above, and not from beneath. We have a new distinctive origin as citizens of heaven.


Sanctification and Purpose

to highlight a 1951 science fiction movie that serves as an example of the meaning of being a sanctified stranger in the world.

I perceive in the classic movie of 1951  the deep meaning of both sanctification and distinction. A black and white science fiction movie called “the Day the Earth Stood Still”  presents an alien from outer space  in the form of an average looking human being. Once he landed on earth, the alien  came out of his spaceship and moved into a boarding house. Mixing and mingling with the other boarders,   the spaceman  appeared  both normal and human, yet he was a  sanctified stranger  in the world. 

As the movie progresses, it even appeared to be an attraction brewing  between the alien and  one of the women who lived in the boarding house with her young son.  Though pleasant and engaging,  the alien remained detached and distinct in the world, primarily because of the purpose of his mission. For he  was sent to Earth to warn  inhabitants about ending the  wars that were destroying this planet. When the time to fulfill his mission was at hand, he gathered together every world leader, and they all  heard the message in their own language.  Once his message was delivered ,he entered the spaceship and he took off into the skies, without the movie’s love interest or  her son.

As the plot evolves, the distinction and sanctification of this alien was achieved because in spite of the world’s distractions, he remained dedicated to his mission and his purpose. He did not mix and mingle with the world yet he also did not cause  his neighbors to be uncomfortable, in spite of their  persistent inquisitive antics.  Set apart and remaining distinct, the alien prioritized   the task at hand. His  purpose took precedence over his emotions or any temptation that would draw him into a strong attachment to the world. The alien remained distinct. 

Today, the times are even shorter than 1951.  Therefore to overcome deception, the elect of God must be both sanctified and distinct—- sanctified strangers in the world.  This does not mean that the elect must be perfect.  For even though we are sanctified immediately at rebirth, with maturity anchored to purpose,  our sanctification will continue to grow and mature.

An important ongoing process of deliverance counseling and discipleship is to edify the elect of God by focusing on sanctification in a quest to reveal divine purpose. When  Jesus Christ is the barrier set in place between you  and the world, our ministry can help you to take a vital place in the world as a bearer and an example of light and truth. If you are ready to know more, contact us. 







Hits: 279

Divine Destiny and Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual Maturity and Predestined Purpose

this image symbolizes spiritual maturity to find one's pedstined purpose.

Spiritual maturity and  predestined  purpose  in the life of a  chosen one, not yet called  are centered in the thoughts and desires of the person’s  soul.  Nevertheless,   the purposes of  God are spiritual. In fact, without our knowledge, various  innate predispositions and unsuspecting life circumstances  often  foreshadow   the nature of our divine purpose.  For who we are and the traits  we manifest are  frequently foreshadowed by    God’s divine   will for us in the body of Christ. Our predestined purpose will  fit  perfectly within His overall plan  and  His ultimate goal.  Nevertheless, spiritual purpose is often unknown for decades , frequently remaining hidden within the inner parts of our spirits.  For there are things we do, including internal leanings and personality traits, that spiritual maturity will eventually unfold to our conscious minds. 

 The problem with religious purpose is that it usually masquerades as  divine when in reality, it is nothing but  “self-fulfillment” and not God fulfillment. For the purpose of religion is soulish while  God’s purpose is in the spirit or “spiritual” . When the time is right, God will reveal His purpose to the chosen ones.  The elect of God   will be surprised to see that He has implanted His purpose in our   DNA, manifested soon after we are born.

My Story: A Predestined Purpose

it was not possible for me to either conceive or understand  my predestined purpose when I was born again in 1977. Four decades ago, God’s will for how I  am to serve Him  was beyond my limited  scope and comprehension because  “I had to go  through some things.”  I will simply say that seeing through a glass darkly, I have only recently ingested the breath and depth of my divine  purpose.  Simply put, to fulfill my purpose for God, it is mandatory that I  be equipped to stand alone and not be distracted by public opinion. So I was led on a long journey to find my predestined purpose and spiritual maturity. 

Consequently, I have been internally designed for my purpose as manifested almost as soon as I could talk. I walked and talked earlier than most toddlers. I am built to be a pioneer, which means being a standing  alone person, ahead of the crowd, public opinion and protocol. In the earlier years,  I secretly wanted to be accepted and popular but I was not internally equipped for that. Looking back, I Understand now why I DID THINGS AND SAID  THINGS THAT CAUSED PEOPLE TO RISE UP IN ARMS!!! 

Hindsight shows that I was actually practicing along the path of for “such a time as this.” Here is an example. 

 When I was a child, my father introduced me to JA Rogers books. Rogers  wrote exclusively about black and African history and accomplishments. So when I got to school in the late 40’s, I was compelled to constantly lift up subjects that NO ONE WANTED TO HEAR. Early on, I was smart enough to realize  that I  WAS NOT POPULAR. Yet I continued to  blurt out  Rogers’ teachings the classroom in spite of anyone’s resistance. I UNDERSTOOD THAT MY COLORED PEERS WERE EMBARRASSED . MY eyes were opened to watch black children  PUT THEIR HEADS DOWN ON THE DESK AND COVERED THEIR EARS when I said “Negro” or “Black” .  

Even though THE TEACHERS WERE CLEARLY ANNOYED, I DID NOT STOP !!!! So as a child,  I was Negro and not “colored” , followed by being black and proud almost two decades BEFORE  Afrocentric life   was fashionable among “colored” people of my generation. You see, what I understand today is that my predestined purpose mandates me to be ahead of my times and to stand against compromise and conformity where God’s truth is concerned.  

As God’s purpose for me  requires, early on, I demonstrated as a child and a young adult  an ability to confront the world and not run from rejection and disapproval. I perceive today  that built into me from the start of my life is  an implanted inclination in my DNA  to confront worldly systems. From the time I was 5 years old,  I  willingly adapted to  being the most unpopular kid in school without compromise or regret.  I was fine with that because to me, THE TRUTH HAD TO BE TOLD. TRUTH HAS ALWAYS BEEN FIRST WITH ME. Being a truth teller is at the  center of my divine predestined purpose. 


Deliverance Counseling And Spiritual Maturity

Some assume that deliverance counseling is solely about freeing people from evil spirits.  Its not.  Truth not only sets captives free from demons and fallen angels, but it also helps you to “work out the salvation of your soul with fear and trembling.” In keeping, a central focus of the work includes:

  • identifying those factors within the soul which hinder maturity, toward the end of balance;
  • gaining a more realistic perspective on self by limiting wavering between self praise and self degradation;
  • overcoming passivity with a spirit of activity toward the goal of assertiveness without offense, overcome doubt and fear
  • losing excessive expectations while remaining hopeful and courageous
  • gaining an appreciation of being alone while at the same time, developing an appreciation for loving friendships
  • taking control of negative emotions that cause you to be depressed, agitated, guilt stricken, hostile, irritated, and tired.  

Depending on the natures of your divine purpose, it will be important to work on the salvation of your soul, to get prepared for your predestined purpose. I have designed Deliverance Counseling to  help you uncover your divine predestined purpose via spiritual maturity.  I perform my work by phone and online.  Call 888-818-1117 or email me at

Hits: 208

Freedom From Evil Spirits is In Your Dreams!

Deceived by Religion and the Religious

two alligators in a dream represent two evil spirits

If you have been a zombie for Christ in your church,when your eyes have finally been opened, look out!!! Being deceived by religion and the religious can be taken as a personal insult. To perceive that you have been duped: bamboozled, run a muck, gone astray, hoodwinked, made a fool of is formidable. Don’t even go there in your thoughts about all of that hard earned money you  put into the hands of religious demons. Nevertheless, when truth explodes upon the mind of PSM members, it is not always an agreeable experience. But for those who bow down to the truth, the Holy Spirit responds agreeably. 

 For some,  it is quite challenging  to disbelieve absolutely, what they  have consistently believed so thoroughly. With God, their resistance and complaint will avail them nothing, as they go around the same circles over and over again, pridefully defending the lies and half truths they ingested while “religious.” However, once my clients start to habitually commit themselves to being detoxed from religion,  the Holy Spirit begins to speak to each client in their dreams.  The knowledge and wisdom has  set each client free almost immediately for the few, yet the effects for most  become obvious around 3 months or 4 months.  

Here is the pattern or trend I perceive developing for those who succeed. 

When the Holy Spirit reveals various details  to tormented clients about the evil spirits and   demons that have been manifesting in their lives, He often sends my client’s dreams where animals   confronted them. Some of these   animals types were once worshiped as gods in the old testament. The animal itself describes the nature of the evil spirit.  Most animals are the ferocious proud ones like lions and tigers, snakes, frogs, rats and various kinds of bugs and insects.  Not only is the nature of the animal descriptive of the demonic torment, but the total number of the animal in the dream is indicative of how many evil spirits are involved.  In addition,  the results of the spiritual fight is also clearly apparent in the dream. 

With this in mind, interpretation of these kinds of dreams is quite easily. Here is an example. KS has been in deliverance counseling for 30 minutes, once a week since August 2019, about 4 months now.   Just this week, KS sent me a dream by email.  In short,  two huge, hideous, monster type animals, that looked like alligators entered into battle with her in  her home. She used the close button in her garage to defeat them: One lay dead in her driveway while the other looked at her, turned around and left.  she writes: “it was almost like it KNEW it couldn’t win anymore.” 

Actually, KS interpreted her own dream:

“This is what is happening to me. Torment is decreasing, deception is being revealed, and I WON’T TOLERATE LIVING THE LIE! I keep moving forward, knowing there is a light at the end, and knowing I am in the right place, being led and delivered BY TRUTH.”  

Here is my interpretation as written to KS and her response: 

“This is quite encouraging.  your dream is revealing to us both that two evil spirits have been involved in your case.  One has left and the other is broken down as evil spirits don’t die.  The death means that he is powerless.  So as I thought, they were not IN you and therefore there was nothing to cast out. Our work TOGETHER did it.  This sounds like God.  If its Him, all blockages to your being born again have been removed and it should happen soon.”

My interpretation brought even more joy to KS who writes “

 Thank you Pam. This is incredible! The amount of relief I feel about this dream is tremendous! The torment has drastically decreased! I am seeing and thinking more clearly. My legalistic religiosity is melting away! I am being released from the shackles of the Antichrist.” 

KS may not realize this, but her last sentence is yet a deeper truth.  Those two evil spirits have the Antichrist to answer to for their failure and their loss!!! 

  MY  DREAM OF A 12 MILE LONG LINE ON A HIGHWAY in                                           the 90’s

Pam Sheppard Ministries is committed to excellence in every service that we render. We focus on deception, those deceived by religion and the religious.   With deliverance counseling and coaching, we provide  hands on, personalized  and individualized mentoring and coaching, with scheduled and spontaneous  chat sessions, emails and telephone calls. Some of you may even visit us at our home site in Albany New York.  We want to develop associations and teams that will work together around the country and around the world.

It was at least 25  years ago that I had a dream of 12 miles of a highway where people were standing “on-line”, single file, at arm’s length.  It has only been recently that the meaning of this dream was revealed.  The “highway” is the Internet and you, the people, are “on-line!”  While sitting at a computer providing deliverance  counseling by email, the Holy Spirit revealed the resurrection power of a dream.  He spoke in 2002 and said “Look at what you are doing Pam. You are now ministering online, just like I revealed it to you, when you did not know what the Internet was!”


As end time frontline warriors for Christ, the mission of PSM  is  to be used by the Holy Spirit to build up an international body of Christ-centered self-assisted deliverance capabilities.   Setting captives free  in these times is not as simple a matter as commanding and expelling. Some of the evil spirits  of today are extremely clever and sophisticated and unfortunately,  “religion as usual”  is poorly equipped for the demonic onslaught that the people of God are facing in these times. We can no longer be deceived by religion and the religious.   Our goal is to equip the Body of Christ through training people like yourself who will “stand, having done all to stand, STAND THEREFORE!” 






Hits: 498

Recognize And Overcome Service Hinderances

Recognize and overcome service hindrances upon being born-again children of God is important because we have been called to service. God’s service involves an active fulfillment, “For if the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of a heifer, sprinkling the unclean, sanctifies for purifying of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? (Heb. 9:13-14). Indeed, in Christ you are a priest of God and of Christ (Rev. 20:6). Therefore let’s see how to recognize and overcome service hinderances.

The lord has flames in his eyes

God doesn’t need us to do anything. In truth, God can do everything on His own. We are the ones who need God. And God has called us to service while needing Him. Although, we can miss out on the call because of lukewarm passivity.

God has equipped all saints and placed in us the will to work, but when there is not fulfillment nor execution we become lukewarm in God’s work. Lukewarm mentality will be hot and cold, on and off. Highly committed at one point and then completely off target or cold.

This is why the Lord with flames in His eyes says, “You cannot be hot and cold. Therefore repent, be zealous and choose before I spit you out of My mouth” (Rev 3:21 paraphrasing). Repentance is the key to overcoming lukewarm passivity and then being zealous or fervent (ie. Hot).

Hinderance 101

Satan comes as a hindering thief. He knows exactly the things to introduce into your life to block you from either seeing your call to service or fulfilling it. He also knows how to install thoughts and mindsets that keep you away from service. What the Spirit desires you to walk in, the adversary-lion will “roar” various things into your mind, preventing you from either understanding the desire of the Spirit or continuing in the Spirit’s desire.

Being born-again means our sinful debts are paid by Christ, yet we are still debtors NOT to live according to the flesh but to the Spirit (Romans 8:12). And the Spirit has led us to ministry and given us talents that we are to be stewards of and abound (Matt. 25:15).

Satan will bring in certain people, things, circumstances, “burdens,” thoughts, feelings, desires into your life all designed to prevent you from your call to service. But these are not excuses. Look at Christ! Did He allow the people hating Him, mocking Him, betraying Him and throwing stones at Him to become an excuse to not do God’s service? No, He endure through and resisted Satan’s hindering tricks and fulfilled the “good works God prepared Him to walk in.”

Take heed then

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God created beforehand that we should walk in them” (Eph. 2:10). “Workmanship” can also mean “product.” Beloved, do you truly see yourself as a product of God, that is being used by Him for hot good works?

At times we can ignore the conscience of our spirit trying to be led by the Holy Spirit. We can disregard that intuitive understanding that we are not zealous for serving God and fulfilling the ministry we were called to. Recognize and overcome service hinderances.

Easy Yoke no jOke

The Lord said His yoke is easy. “Yoke” is a metaphor for service. Truly, the “spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” This service to the flesh is weak, complicated, “difficult” but to the spirit it is easy, light and simple. Truly doing the Lord’s service by the leading of the Spirit is easy! The flesh makes it complicated…

If you are struggling to recognize and overcome service hinderances, it’s written in prayer, “The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation of knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling…” (Eph. 1:17-18).

Remember, it’s His calling and not yours, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you” (James) and He will draw near with His calling He has prepared for you, as you draw near inquiring.

Hits: 266

the Mind and Fornication

to show how demons can be in the mind causing mental disorder. Self assessment and motive.

Self Assessment and Motive

Self assessment and motive are really components of a process of hindsight. Simply put, to learn how to assess motive in the current moment, we should go back and “practice.” Working backwards, we examine  a past sin or weakness with our current wisdom.  Simply put, we focus on a sin or a weight that we have already overcome by using what we know about ourselves NOW, as we recall who we were “back then.” For such a time as this, I will address my own struggles with fornication as a born again Christian.  

Re-Focus Your Mind!

What I have learned via self assessment and motive is that what keeps us from walking in the spirit of holiness is self-consciousness.  What  I find that strongly affects our knowledge of why we fornicate, — a true  motive or reason for fornication— is that we think way too much about sinning. Excessive thought of this kind  plays a strong role in leading us to commit the very sin we fear and set out to avoid. What we must do is re-focus our mind from   constant thinking about sexual sin to constant thinking about righteousness or “right living.” For those who live with their minds on the flesh will sin. (Romans 81-14)

A part of right living is right knowing of the fact that if we as  babes in Christ fall into fornication, God Himself is righteous and He will move the Holy Spirit to  immediately convict us.  I know this conviction well. Godly conviction feels like a hole in your chest, a weight pressing hard from within, like the wind of God is blowing from inside your spirit. 

As your mind is being renewed, this, hollow, oppressed feeling will immediately leave you and once again, you will feel as if you have been washed or cleansed from that sin.  So all we need to do is simply believe the scriptures.  Once we receive the truth, we can sin but we won’t sin! In child like faith, we simply have to believe and trust God on this. The problem with fornication is that it is instinctively addictive.  Get too caught up in sex, the Holy Spirit will be grieved and you will not be able to experience His conviction. 

My Personal Story

in 1981, I was a divorced, single parent.  As a woman in ministry, I received what was meant to be a subtle message which was, “a woman in ministry needs a husband to cover, or oversee her.” So consistently pressured to marry, I also did not want to fornicate. So these issues were constantly in every thought and every prayer. As a result,  in my mind, marriage was simply the safest way to minister to church folk  as a woman,  while successfully avoiding fornication. 

Recently I was asked why I married not one incarcerated felon, but TWO!  So I had to exercise self assessment and motive as I reflected on this question.  Years ago, I would have journeyed down the noble road with a  rather sacrificial, yet ministerial  motive.  I would have sincerely  declared  that because I was called to prison ministry, I needed a Christian husband who could serve in a couple’s ministry, providing both wisdom and authority to my sheepfold of male offenders who “have been there and done that crime,” an area of life where I only could attest to criminal justice experience. 

 Another verbal spin I  could have conjured up is my sincere love and affinity for the downtrodden, the broken, the hurt, etc, etc, etc. My strong desire to be “Adam’s Rib” to someone who needed my help and support.  Sounds good. I lived that role for 17 years with two  different sociopaths. One marriage lasted 9 years and the  last marriage ended after 8 years. 

Yet looking back with a different self assessment  lens today,  I know now for sure that God did not call me to a prison ministry. So there goes my argument and the motive of my  former assessment.  Clearly, hindsight contradicts  such an apparently   credible  motive or reason. Yet I perceive  now that a subconscious motivation was at play 30 years ago. Why? Because  the real truth is that I have never been “big on marriage.”  Before I was born again in 1977, I simply wanted to date and have sex.  I did not want to live with anyone.  I am not really suited for marriage. 

The honest truth is that becoming born again did not stop me from wanting to have sex ‘on occasion” as I was never sexually hot or “burning.”   What became a new thing  for me  was an inner desire not to fornicate and a commitment  to obey God’s word.  So subconsciously, along with the devil’s help, “I  inadvertently  created a plan.” I perceive today that my choosing men to marry  with long prison sentences conveniently enabled me to live as if single at home, but to be legally married on paper. To address its needs,   my own soul  actually sentenced me to 17 years of Fridays and Saturdays in  prison visiting rooms, just  to avoid fornication, while simultaneously remaining  the one who wears the pants in my own house.

Not so noble,  but its true.  Even so,  the truth has its own kind of nobility. For the truth is also righteous. Once I was ‘married,” I no longer had the inclination  to focus  my thoughts on  avoiding sexual  sin because adultery is not a temptation for me.  In truth, I reveal NOW  what may sound shocking.  My biggest sin was putting my faith in visions, dreams and prophecies that did not come from God.  With fornication, God forgave me, cleansed me  and healed me. 

By experience, I have come to learn that deception is much, much worst.  Deception is to think and believe that  you have not sinned, not knowing that you really have, and your life has been in grave danger but for the grace of God!  

Hits: 651

What About Speaking in Tongues in Laodicea?

Religious Hypocrites Contend Over Tongues

this image portrays the religious hyprocit who contends over tongues

Pam Sheppard Ministries has almost 500 videos on a YouTube channel of the same name.  As much as I like to comment, I really don’t have the time for it.  Yet this morning as I lay in my bed resting, a YouTuber  “”engaged me.”  I thought his comments were noteworthy for the following reasons: 1.religious hypocrites contend over tongues 2.  such contention is consistent  with the church age of Laodicea  3. In Laodicea, hypocrites will use tongues to persecute anyone of a different spiritual undestanding, similar to the  “fictional narratives” aka “fake news” embraced  today in American politics. 

Since the YouTuber  has the power to wipe out the entire commentary by simply deleting his original comment, i have chosen to memorialize the thread as it now stands. After all, I can’t waste 2 hours of God’s time. 


Do YOU Speak In Tongues? Ask God About it!!!

The video above was produced about a year ago.  On today— Sunday, 11/24/19 , I was laying in my bed, about to  watch  AM Joy on MSNBC, when  the following comment caught my eye:

This whole video is of the Devil and is contrived of you attempting to make a name for yourself apart from the truth of God. In this era, God is restoring to his church that which was lost in the dark ages due to men supplanting the power of God with the wisdom of men. Wake up, sister, go back to the cross, to your first love, and do the first works again before your end comes and you come up short before Almighty God.

 In spite of the condescending quality of this comment, I did not delete it  in order  to demonstrate how evil spirits operate in a religious person. The approach is to accuse and condemn, even to slander as opposed to focusing on the subject matter, which in this case, is tongues.   A religious evil spirit  tends not to debate on substance but rather, on flesh.  Simply put, the hypocrite will  digress, deflect, condemn and accuse.” 

So check what I have underlined in the Youtuber’s comment  above.  Ask yourself this question. Where in the bible does it say that God in this last church era,  would restore ANYTHING to the age of Laodicea? In fact, the bible warns that the conditions at the end of the age will “wax worse and worse” men deceiving and being deceived.(2 Timothy 3:13) and many children of God will be deceived, possibly destroyed, because of a lack of discernment, becoming unconscious vessels for the enemy to use in the DAY of his power. (Matthew 24:10). 

Unfortunately, we are not prepared for what is happening among this generation’s religious people.  Whether in church or absent from Her, Satan is pulling out all  his last stops. Speaking in tongues is just one of various key practices the enemy is using to divide the church, and to draft God’s people into his own ranks.  Satan’s last stops also consist of  spirit rape,  hearing voices, intrusive blasphemous thoughts and horrifying visions to let religious folk know, that he is in control of them. 

Religious Fictional Narratives

We are in the age of THICK deception. It is   the Laocidean age where we believe we have it all and we know it all. In Laodicea, most nominal believers  naively  assume that various supernatural experiences are from God, yet in 1 John 4:1-5, we are advised to TRY THE SPIRITS TO DETERMINE WHETHER THEY ARE OF GOD. Look at the words of Jesus to the Laodiceans when He warns that they are both blind and naked.  So consider another  logical,  simple question. Why would God restore tongues to a deceived, lukewarm  people? 

We  cannot just make an assumption that just because we  experienced tongues  in church, or because it “felt” good, or because it “appeared” to be good, that it was from God! Don’t you realize that one of the enemy’s greatest weapons is DECEPTION?! OPEN YOUR EYES, People!


Hits: 890

Overcoming The World

Overcoming the world is both something past and present. The world is the system on earth that does not have Christ as it’s God. Instead, “the whole world lies in the power of the wicked one” (1 John 5:19). There are two results: the world overcomes us, or we overcome the world.

Warning, And One Of The Upmost Importance

The Apostle John warned, “Little children do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world the love of the Father is not in him,” and the Apostle James said also, “Whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God” (1 John 2:15, James 4:4). The world is a serious subtle threat to us. “The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life,” are in the world, and not of the Father, but of the world. The world contaminates us, draws us away from Christ—making us enemies of God, and lures us into ultimate destruction. We not be friends with the world, but even if we “wish” to be, we make ourselves enemies of God…

At times we can be “standing tall” and think we are doing well at hating the world, and loving God. But, I can honestly confess that like Lot’s wife, although all my “possessions” are left in “Sodom” I nevertheless still “look back” within my heart from time to time. My soul clinging to self-preservation and self-seekingness that the world offers. It’s been my constant battle to overcome the world, but in order to presently overcome, I need to look at what has been overcome.

Believe It Or Not, You Have Overcome

“For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that overcomes the world: our faith” (1 John 5:4). 1) If you are born-again you have overcome the world by God’s gift of salvation given to you and 2) the faith He gave you to believe in Jesus Christ “is the victory that overcomes the world.” This is where you must first stand, in order to overcome the world. Next, “But far be it from me,” the Apostle Paul says, “to boast except in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world” (Galatians 6:4). This is the next ground to stand, personal crucifixion to the world. Notice Paul says, “to me”? Paul considered the world crucified to him, and him to the world. You personally must embrace the world crucified to you, and you to the world— more importantly, realize that it has been at the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, for he says “by which.”

Don’t Forget There Is A Present Overcoming

Since you have overcome, there is now an “overcoming” to fulfill. “And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever,” this is why the Apostle Paul says, “Be not conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that by testing you may be able to discern what the will of God is; what is good, perfect and acceptable” (1 John 2:17, Romans 12:2-3). 1) You must recognize the world’s lusts, and pride are not eternal substances. There is nothing the world has that lasts, but everything in it is perishing 2) You must first, stop conforming to the world by resistance, then submit your mind to be renewed in the truth and Word in order to understand with testing what God’s will is and 3) Once you know His will, do it and you will “abide forever.”

Simplicity In Overcoming

This really is the simple essence of overcoming the world: 1) Being born again 2) God’s faith given to you to believe in Christ 3) United in Christ’s death at His Cross, realizing your personal crucifixion to the world and the world to you 4) Be not conformed to the world, but be transformed in mind and 5) Do the will of God.

Pam Sheppard Ministries has such rich experience in how to overcome the world. We offer exhortation, counsel, and wisdom to bring light and truth to your walk in the world and not being of the world. The Lord prayed that His disciples not be taken out of the world, but that the Father keep them from the evil one (John 17:15). We cannot run away from the world and live in a cave. We must be in the world and do the will of God. Contact 888-818-1117 if you are struggling with the world, temptation, and oppression. We can help!

Saints, continue to be found, “overcoming the world.”

Hits: 302

Why the Doctrine of Election is Hated

The Religious Are Not the ELECTED!

this pic shows a sample of the religious who are not elecected because the "accepted" Jesus.
This picture is a microcosm of the total number of people who have "accepted Jesus" in the 20'th and 21st centuries and who remain the religious and not the elected.

Have you noticed that many people who don’t profess Christ seem to have better character than those who do?   In fact , Over 4 decades of  reviewing  my Christian history, there is evidence that  I have trusted unsaved people in matters of morals and business better than I have trusted the merely “religious.” Perhaps that is because most of  the religious are not the elected. In other words, those who were in my Christian environment  and experience were merely those who professed Christ but they were not chosen or elected by Him. 

Yet the Bible says that all human beings have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Certainly as measured by human standards, there are people in the world who are quite eligible for public honor and trust. Nevertheless, some of the most moral and honorable people in every generation have not been   chosen by God for salvation. So it’s understandable why many   resist the doctrine of  election by promoting and believing in the doctrine of self-willed decision by “accepting Christ.” .

For the last 43 years, I know this problem pretty well, as I was  an atheist for 33 years who thought she was “a good person”  for various reasons: I tell  the truth, I have a bold, courageous nature in my fight for the humanistic causes of the downtrodden, and I am real, not a phony in any way. I can also  be depended upon to keep my word. I may not tell you everything, but I will not lie to you.  As a lover of the truth from the time I was 3,  I can even recall my words at that age.  I told my family, “Why don’t y’all stop lying to me.  I know there is no Santa Claus because I was with you when you brought those presents and I watched you wrap them.” 

 I am as real as real can get in any human being, dead or alive! 

So when an angel from God spoke to me on March 25, 1977, and called me a materialistic sinner, I was highly insulted and I passionately defended myself to him. I argued by pointing out  that I periodically opened my house to the homeless and that too many times to even recall,  I helped people who were “down on their luck.”  Therefore,  I was  in no way materialistic. Nor was I a sinner. Yet in  spite of my many  arguments, 4 days later,  March 29, 1977,  that angel clearly proved to  me  that I was a materialistic  sinner  from an entirely different perspective, one that  I had not even considered. This is how sin is.  It has innumerable sides, styles, and trends.  We also sin in our thoughts, not necessitating action or behavior. 

If we look at the problem closely, we are inclined to admit that if God had destroyed the first two humans who fell into sin, He would have been perfectly justified in doing so. If He had waited for centuries for mankind to populate the entire world for 20 centuries  and then He swept everyone into hell without exception, He would have been justified in doing so, for all departure from righteousness deserves God’s wrath. None of us are “good.” 

So I ask everyone who boasts that they accepted Jesus, “How do you sound, fool?!” How is a sinner who can do nothing to please God have nerve enough to say that he or she accepted God????  The reason why you hate election and predestination is because even though you live and the world sees you as “a good person,” you are dead in your trespasses and sins, many of which you do not even have a clue that you consistently commit, even in your  daily thoughts and even while you dream! 

The first apostles and Disciples were CHOSEN! They thought they chose Him by their free will but Jesus actually chose THEM.  So  the Lord Himself announced the great hatred of election when He declared these words to them 20 centuries ago  and to us today: (John 15)

18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have CHOSEN  you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.  

 If you love the “I accept Jesus, come into my heart”  doctrine and practice that has been preached worldwide for decades now, and you hate the doctrine of election, namely that God has elected or chosen His people for salvation so that they might not boast that they chose HIM, 

The religious are not the elected.  Yet some simply responded to what they were taught and they “accepted Jesus.”  That situation can be overturned for the truly elect, the chosen of God.  Are you one of  the religious who  not the elected? If so, remember that  according to Jesus Himself,  you are a hater! 

Hits: 1075

Having Faith In Perilous Times

It’s without doubt how we are emerging into what will be the most perilous times. Times never seen on the history of the earth. We will see specifically why they are perilous, to have faith, and to overcome. It’s either have faith in perilous times, or fall away…

The Prophecy Of Paul—Last Days Wicked “Christians”

Wickedness is not new under the sun. There has always been wicked times in the world. However, the wickedness in the world is unique now, because of the overall working of lawlessness. Fallen angels interfering with men. The global deception. And specifically, “God’s people” departing from the faith, and wicked men claiming to belong to Christ.

The Apostle Paul warned about men in the last days who would come in, claiming to be followers of Christ. Many Christians erroneously think that Paul is talking about the “unsaved” but Paul is speaking to Timothy and giving counsel on how to oversee God’s people. It says,

“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men (professing Christians) will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” (2 Tim. 3:1-5)

The overall denial of the faith from the majority professing to be Christian is a huge reason for why there’s peril. This Scripture is Paul’s prophetic insight in the last days, and this is why times will be hard, “for Christians will be as these.”

Having Faith To Leave The Perilous Environment

Notice how he says, “turn away from people like this”? And how many people, churches, and “believers” who profess Christianity are as these? And indeed, we must turn away from Christians who are like these. We must have faith, and leave. Having faith is the key to walk through trials and the fires that surround them. Even in our unique wicked times, it’s the way to overcome.

At Pam Sheppard Ministries we are a place that you can run to. Every church is the reason why the times are peril, because of “men like these,” the overall apostasy of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel, and their religious works of death. We are here for you, as a ministry to help you have faith in these times. To encourage you, by the grace given to us.

Overcoming Means Being Surrounded By True Believers

This is how you overcome, “to be encouraged by one another day by day” (Hebrews 3:13). It’s within each day of encouragement that sin does not deceive us and make in us a harden heart. Our ministry, is a ministry if you are trying to overcome the perilous times, remain faithful, and not be deceived.

You will not overcome the peril of the last days if you are surrounded by a bunch of “lovers of themselves, money, pleasure” and so on. How can you? “Bad company corrupts good morals.” You can not possibly think that being surround by end times Christians as Paul prophesied about and not be effected by them.

We understand, for most of us here were once in the religious system. Contact us at 888-818-1117 if you need help, counsel, and are struggling with your faith, and feeling overcome by the peril. God did not design His people to be overcome by evil, but for His people to overcome evil with good.

Hits: 1077

The Great Falling Away: False Conversions

this picture shows the mega preachers who teach the accepting Jesus easy believism doctrine
Charismatc ministers have led the great falling away through the teach and the practice of easy believism, aka "I accept Jesus" tradition

How Did the Great Falling Away Occur?

How Did the Great Falling Away, Accepting Jesus Happen?

The great falling away, accepting Jesus, has been occurring for about 200 years. In fact, it  has  already occurred in practically every church around the globe.  I   believe that it was  the traditional congregation’s invitation, of “opening the doors of the church,” that  ushered in  countless demons into the visible church system.  

The  founding fathers of Methodism  instituted a superior practice of placing those who seek to escape the wrath that is to come  on a probationary  membership status. The Methodists were wise enough to not only create a procedure to  ensure a bona fide salvation but also to protect the church from fellowship with unbelievers.  However, over time, the full enforcement of this practice became ineffective, as people were brought into permanent church status without having manifested fruits of salvation.  I personally believe that when converts can demonstrate that they are truly disciples of the Lord, then we can fellowship with them as brethren, and not before.  It was never the Lord’s intention that the wheat and the tares would grow together in the church!

       Yet another open door to the religious demon is the coined spiritual phrases.  A  Christian idiom most frequently expressed is  “the Lord led me.”  In a book called “Unholy Devotion,” the author aptly warns of the danger of spiritualizing:

At first glance the phrase sounds quite spiritual, but a close examination of Scripture reveals that it is not always biblical. On several occasions the phrase is used by or to describe false prophets or deceptive people. Jacob deceived his father by spiritualizing issues. Esau, Jacob’s brother, had just gone hunting. Too quickly, it seemed, Jacob, claiming to be Esau, brought the killed game to his father. “How did you find game so quickly?” Isaac asked. Having usurped Esau’s place, Jacob lied to his sick, blind father. But notice Jacob’s very ‘spiritual’ response: ‘The Lord your God gave me success.” (Gen 27:20) Jacob was playing dangerous games, spiritualizing in order to manipulate someone he knew would believe such words. Jacob wasn’t a false cult leader or prophet; he was God’s own chosen servant”.

Christians often think that the seeds of heresy are found only in cults and in off-beat sects of Christianity. But John, in his first letter, and Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, reminded us that heretical teachers are often found within the church itself. Jesus notes that the dormant seeds of heresy can be buried in the lawns of the church. In Matthew 13, Jesus tells a parable of the kingdom of heaven: The enemy sowed sees within this kingdom. In our desire to discover and understand the doctrines of cults, we may forget that potential gardens of heresy lie within our own walls. Remember: Sun Myung Moon was raised a Presbyterian; David Berg, founder of the Children of God, was once an Evangelical pastor; Jim Jones pastored a Christian church; many leaders in the People’s Temple and Jonestown were former members of Nazarene, Roman Catholic, Baptist, Methodist and Assemblies of God Churches.” 1 (HL Bussell, pg.111)

      Besides the altar call, the invitation to Christian discipleship, and the various professions of faith, there are  other  coined religious platitudes and phrases like “Jesus, come into my heart” and “I accepted Jesus into my life”  that  lead to  counterfeit births.   I myself have not been able to find any scriptures in the bible that suggest that we should ask Jesus to come into our hearts.   I believe that when the Lord says that we must abide in Him, He means that we must stay in Him without wavering, in other words,—- to continue, to dwell, to be present, to remain. This is the essence of the Greek word,  that was translated “abide” in John 15.  Accordingly, baring fruit in Christ is a manifestation of a believer continuing and remaining in Him.

Yet Satan’s plot against the organized church  actually took shape  under the ministry of a preacher called Charles Finney.

this image shows the founded of the I accept Jesus practice as Charles Finney is the founder.

Charles Finney: the Father of The Great Falling away

Finney was quite a wicked looking man, as you can see the devil all up in his face. The man lived a long time when you consider that in his lifetime, the average live span was  from the late forties to about 65.  Finney lived to be 83, from 1792-1875. A fiery New York preacher, Finney’s impact on church traditions and practices has been  so profound, that his influence is still spreading globally almost two centuries later.  Finney’s notoriety is that he is the one who brought the entire church the “make a decision for Christ” through repeating the sinners prayer and the altar call.  A practicing freemason for 8 years, Finney eventually disavowed it.  Yet  freemasonry is witchcraft. And you just  don’t walk away from witchcraft without a struggle.

Anyway, in a nutshell,  Finney believed that human beings were capable of choosing whether they would be corrupt by nature or redeemed, referring to original sin as an “anti-scriptural and nonsensical dogma.”  In clear terms, Finney denied the notion that human beings possess a sinful nature. Therefore, if Adam leads us into sin,  he does so not by our inheriting his guilt and corruption, but by our  following his poor example. This position leads logically to the view of Christ as not having died for sins but for some lofty, moralistic reason.

Well, this was the man who started the altar call, invitation to Christian discipleship, “I accept Jesus,” practice that has led to the greatest falling away—the one that Paul himself predicted would transpire.  Consequently, due to Charles Finney, souls have probably not been saved within the organized church system for at least 150 years!!!!

The great falling away where accepting Jesus has become the traditional based on a doctrine that has  primarily affected the Protestants much  more than the Catholics. A fallen angel called  Mother Mary had a different strategy for THEM. The “make a decision, accepting Jesus gospel” has so permeated all Protestant Church tradition, a problem that baptist preacher Paul Washer is diligently trying to correct, to no avail.  Washer is correct on this score but there  are errors in his teaching as well, which is yet “another story.” 

Another practice that Finney started was to use the preacher’s invitation at the end of a sermon to evoke an emotional response, in other words to create a charged up atmosphere to manipulate a false conversion. So Finney also  opened the door wide to charismatic witchcraft.

Hits: 693

Tearing Down Strongholds

this image shows how a stronghold can effect thoughts and emotions.

One of the steps or stages  in the deliverance counseling  process is uncovering and tearing down strongholds which includes identifying blockages and focusing on  personality defects.

What is a stronghold?

“A stronghold is a blockage, a hindrance  or a stumbling block consisting of  an interconnection of a people , a places and /or things,.  A stronghold can also be an event, a personality defect or a thing that evil spirits  consistently use as a tool to cause us confusion, weakness and defeat.  At times, there is something in our personality or character that draws us  either by attraction or manipulation via  seduction to  first believe then DO something detrimental to us or others. 

A stronghold also  functions  as a doorway for particular constellation of evil spirits. Usually the stronghold is upheld by a particular sin but most often a belief system, a skillfully  woven web of thoughts and emotions  that serve to stimulate or activate   the ever-present weight that continues to beset us. The weight is the anchor to the stronghold. 

Uncovering and tearing down strongholds may consist contending with one demon or a constellation of evil spirits under the authority of a fallen angel.  The more widespread  the stronghold, the more unproductive the client’s spiritual life will be. Upon searching for strongholds, we prepare  the captive to face them squarely by recognizing factors and issues that may lie in either his subconscious or even the unconscious mind. In this regard, dream interpretation is an important tool in uncovering subliminal strongholds, the deliverance coaches I  train seek the Lord in prayer, asking Him to uncover that which is hidden so that the captive can receive a powerful insight that might be earth shattering. 

Uncovering A Stronghold: Blockages

Consider a woman who was raised in the church. She strongly believes and assumes  that she is born again  because of her church affiliation and the fact that she speaks in tongues. She never, ever  suspected that she was not able  to   successfully contend with evil spirits  is because she never got born again, in spite of her faithful church attendance. 

However, during deliverance counseling,  the Lord revealed to her   that He has allowed the demons to torment her because her eternal salvation was in the balance. Simply put, God used the  torment drive her to us to seek  help, so that He could open her  eyes so that she could perceive her true spiritual condition.

Tearing Down Strongholds:  Spotting Issues and Defects

 Another facet to a stronghold of this kind is that very often, religious people are very invested in maintaining the power of their stronghold, even though they would like to be relieved from torment. Consider a person who is out on the ledge of a high rise apartment house, trying to get into the window of her apartment which is several feet to the left of her. In order to reach her destination, she must avoid looking down or to the right to avoid getting dizzy or distracted and end up falling to her death. 

Similarly, anyone  bound by a stronghold may try to avoid any deviation from his or her usual patterns for fear of either falling or failing.  The course that the captive has developed over time consists of unconscious defense mechanisms, designed on a subliminal level to keep the captive on his path, even though the captive would agree that the path he has chosen is destructive.

Another example is a woman  who is dependent upon an abusive partner will be hindered from making any independent moves of her own. As such, those in the bondage to a stronghold can  lack spontaneity of feeling, thought and/ or willpower, making the  soul weak and unstable. Each stronghold will create a specific fear or doubt as well as an accompanying behavior of his self concept and pride system. 

Those  who are in bondage to their own self-created stronghold will often attribute the strength of the stronghold to evil spirits , when in fact, casting out the demons will not bring any  substantive relief. In a case of this kind, the stronghold is  deeply embedded  within the personality defect,  subsequently providing evil spirits unhindered access to the soul. Through deliverance coaching and/or counseling, it is imperative to deal with the personality defect prior to casting out demons evil spirits who will eventually return.

The  approach at PSM is to first  successfully deal with the defect, and to not   be surprised if the demon walks away on its own.”

For a deeper understanding of deliverance issues, click here for Faces of the Religious Demon, Be Delivered from Deliverance Ministry,  The New Idolatry, And Church of the End-time Zombies for both ebooks and paperbacks. Click here for Amazon/Kindle

CAN YOU IDENTIFY ANY STRONGHOLDS IN YOUR LIFE THAT NEED TO BE TORN DOWN? If so, contact PSM at 888-818-1117 or send an email to

Hits: 526

The Reason For Counseling

“Image from Small Council”

King Solomon, next to Christ, was the wisest man who ever lived. In the Proverbs he wrote by the Spirit, “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisors there is deliverance,” and, “Plans are established by counsel; by wise guidance wage war” (Pro. 15:22, 20:18). This is the reason for counseling: success.

In our day and age deliverance is not as simple as it seems in the Gospels. Only one person who had demons cast out of her, remained an active follower of Christ, Mary Magdalene. All other accounts of demonic deliverance we don’t hear of them more in the Scriptures. Of course, they may not have needed to be mentioned, but regardless this is to tell us something.

The reason why deliverance is more complicated now, is because of the highly unusual amount of demonic activity in the world. There simply is too much occult, religious, and spiritual deception at work that makes casting out demons potentially futile if all the grounds of Satan are not exposed and taken back and recovered by the captive soul.

Many people, like those in the Gospel, simply want to be “free” from the grip of demons but they ultimately ignore what true freedom is, namely Christ. Their vision of freedom is only to the extent of their bondage being broken, but not seeing that further down the line of freedom is the ultimate deliverance of being born-again in Christ and becoming an heir of salvation.

This is why at our ministry, we do not simply “cast out demons.” Although we have the authority to do so, we are more centered on Christ and desiring that you experience the ultimate freedom of being born-again. This entire concept does require counsel.

Counsel is in essence “guidance.” Guidance is for one who is “lost” and confused and needs to find the right way. This is what our ministry achieves, and why there is a success of long-term freedom for those who comply. Because if one does not receive counsel, even after being delivered, as Solomon says, “their plans will fail.” The plans will fail because they don’t have the resources provided by advisors to keep them in step on the right path. This is why an abundance of advisors there is deliverance, because plans are achieved and succeed. The “failure” or “fall” that could have happen is absent, and the person is able to walk in freedom and succeed, the reason for counseling.

Spiritual warfare cannot be achieved without wisdom and that wisdom comes from the wise and counselors. Since counselors are able to give “wise guidance” in order for you to “wage war.” You cannot wage war with Satan, the Deceiver of the entire Earth, if you don’t have wise guidance given by someone with experience and skilled in righteousness. What’s horrible to see is someone think they can do it all without counsel, and then become “devoured” by the adversary lion that Satan is because simply the person was not “sober” in mind, and they forgot the reason for counseling.

Sober mindedness is achieved by heeding to the warning of others, and remember the reason for counseling. Warning comes from one who is skilled in counsel, and has wise guidance. You see where this goes? Either be sober and listen and receive counsel and achieve; or be not-alert and hard-hearted and ignore counsel and thus fail…..

Hits: 922

Can A Narcissist Become Born Again?

This pictures shows a sinner, who could be a narcissist at the cross of Jes.

Can a narcissist become born again? Is that possible?

If the choice belonged to the narcissist to hear the Gospel, accept that he or she is a sinner, and repent, then no– it would not be possible for a narcissist to become born again. But thank God, the choice does not belong to any of us to become born again. This article explains why it is possible for narcissists to become born again in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Not by THEIR choice, but by the choice of God.

What is Narcissism?

Narcissism is a personality disorder. Narcissists are typically self-centered, proud, high-minded, unfeeling, and judgmental. For the most part, they do not sense any emotion other than anger, rage, offense, and narcissistic injury; they find it difficult to feel compassion, empathy or care for another person. They rarely ever perceive themselves to be wrong. They don’t tend to experience guilt or sorrow for their deeds. So, how can a narcissist repent?

Godly Sorrow vs. Human Sorrow

The truth is that NONE OF US can repent on our own. Repentance and godly sorrow that leads to salvation is GIVEN to us by the Holy Spirit. We cannot convict our own selves of sin and decide to repent.

There are plenty of people who believe that they are born again, but they never experienced true repentance and godly sorrow. What they experienced was human sorrow. Human guilt and sorrow does not result in salvation. Only godly sorrow, given to a person by the Holy Spirit during their salvation experience, can lead to rebirth. For the most part, narcissists don’t really experience human sorrow. But that doesn’t mean that God cannot impart to them in a divine way, godly sorrow.

ALL Have Sinned

The bible states that “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked” (Jeremiah 17:9). This scripture is not just talking about the heart of the narcissist. This scripture is talking about the heart of EVERY HUMAN BEING! EVERY human being is born with a sinful nature, separated and alienated from God, with a deceitful, desperately wicked heart and a dark, dead spirit. NONE of us are worthy of salvation, whether we are a “good” person by human standards, or an “evil” person by human standards. ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).

The Lord died for sinners. Are not narcissists sinners? ANYONE whom God has chosen can be born again, narcissists or any other kind of sinners. We cannot earn or merit salvation. Salvation is about God’s choice, a choice which He made before He framed the worlds (Ephesians 1:4). If you are chosen by God to be born again, He chose you before He even laid the foundations of the Earth, before Adam and Eve were even made. It has nothing to do with our decision or choice.

A New Creation

If God has chosen a narcissist for salvation, that narcissist will be born again at the Holy Spirit’s timing. God is able to break that narcissist down.

During their born again experience, the Holy Spirit will reveal to the narcissist the DEPTH of the sin of who they are, and cause them to mourn over their sinful nature. The Holy Spirit will give the narcissist godly sorrow – sorrow for Jesus Christ of Nazareth having died on the cross for their sins. And the Holy Spirit will give the narcissist supernatural faith to believe in the bodily, physical resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. This is the SAME process for those who aren’t narcissists.

During your born again experience, the Holy Spirit shows you your sin and your sinful nature, causes you to repent and mourn over your sin, gives you godly sorrow for Jesus Christ of Nazareth having died on the cross for your sins, and gives you supernatural faith to believe in the Lord’s bodily resurrection. God does ALL the work in our salvation.

At the moment a person becomes born again, they are immediately translated from darkness to light. The Holy Spirit gives that person a brand new, clean spirit and a new heart, and a portion of the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in that individual’s born-again spirit. Once a narcissist is born again in Christ, he is NO LONGER a narcissist. He is a new creation. Old things have passed away and all things become new.

Know that none of us can “choose God.” Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God (Romans 8:7-8). Many people believe that because they “made a decision for Christ” or “accepted Jesus” that they are born again. THIS IS ERROR. The truth is that salvation is granted as a GIFT to sinners, so they cannot boast, “I repented and accepted Jesus, but YOU did not!” Salvation is God’s choice, not ours. Whether you are a narcissist or not, if you have been chosen by God for salvation, He will make sure you are born again at His timing.

We  offer help through deliverance counseling by phone and in online groups. Give us a call at 1-888-818-1117 or send an email to for counseling, questions, or concerns. 

Hits: 3543

Ministry in End Times

Ministry is Different From Church

this photo shows how ministry in endtimes is different from church in buildingd.

 Pam Sheppard Ministries has  existed for 38 years.  Experience has schooled us that ministry is different from church. As a woman born again at home in 1977, two years later I had 3 consecutive dreams that directed me to a particular church.  Then in 1981, I was called to ministry by several dreams and visions. 

New to all religion, I did not know that a woman behind the pulpit   was a “no-no” in the institutional church. Once vehemently resisted and subsequently  informed,  I never argued with anyone whether or not women should be preaching or not preaching. In all honesty, I really didn’t know. I only new what I believed the Holy Spirit had  revealed to me in a personal way.  

Familiar early on  with an ability to hear  from God directly, I sought Him on the matter. As such,  I was prepared to step down at anytime in obedience to the Lord, if my stepping forward to preach was presumptuous. I read the same scriptures from the letters of Paul that antagonists used to deny women as ministers, yet I was not convinced by their interpretations that “a woman ought not to teach in the church.”

Just before my trial sermon, I was given a vivid dream.  I saw that I had ONE vote.  I approached several church members and asked them, “Did you vote for me to be licensed to preach?”  Each one of them responded in the negative.  Then a hand came forward and wrote on the entire wall, “I voted for you, signed, GOD!” Because of that dream, I moved forward and preached. 

 When the vote of the congregation  was taken, to my surprise,  everyone voted for me, even the dissenters. So for the next 25 years,  I simply followed the leading of the Holy Spirit as an ordained  pastor,  evangelist and  teacher, expecting that the Lord would reveal the truth about the woman in ministry matter,  “bye and bye.”

Today, 38 years later, I believe that I know the truth about the “woman question.” The answer to the debate is rather simple. With few exceptions, women were not called to pastor, preach or teach  in church  during almost ALL  of the age of the organized, religious institution,  at least up to the turn of the century  when the doors were swung open to women in the churches. 

Nevertheless,  “what if the church age is over?” The bible reveals that institutional church will continue into end times, become a harlot and then be destroyed. So church can, does  and will exist without God until and through the tribulation. Yet in God’s mind, “institutional church is OVER!” 

Yet called to ministry in 1981, it was in 2008 when I received a rather shocking revelation. In an audible voice, the Lord spoke and  I heard Him say   “Pam, those 3 dreams you had that sent you to that denomination  in 1979, were not from Me. When you joined church in 1979, the Holy Spirit was not there.”

 So  my understanding is that God called me at the end  of the season of  the institutional church to pioneer  the beginning of a new and last season of “ministry not in a building but online!” So my ministry never belonged to the institutional church.  I was not  called to it because I was not intended for it so the “can a woman be a minister in a church is moot, has no meaning and is  no longer relevant. 

So today I understand that when I preached my trial sermon behind a pulpit on October 25,  1981, the institutional church age was already OVER in God’s eyes!!!! 


My interpretation of these matters is THIS!  

Since  the Holy Spirit is not in the organized church, God is not there!!!!. Churches since the first one established in 313 AD by the Roman Emperor Constantine  are like every other  man-made institution.  The people are there but God is not!  

Men are in charge of the church  and have been for centuries.   Yet the ministry of end times  consists of 11th hour workers, including not only women of a particular age but   everybody, everywhere, other than in buildings where a man or a woman  stands behind  a pulpit and speaks to either   a few or a crowd in the name of a God whom he and she DO NOT KNOW!!!

Then came 2003.  The Lord spoke again  in a dream at a time when I was pastoring a church I found within the system in 1996. in the dream,  I saw the bottom of the Lord’s robe moving about as He spoke in a calm, almost “matter of fact” kind of way with : “Pam, see that candle under that bed?  That is YOU.  I cannot use you here.  You must leave.”   Then He turned around and almost like an after thought, He said “But let them put you out!”

I obeyed the Lord  and in June 25,  2004, “I let the religious hypocrites put me out.” It was clear that the Lord knew that these churchfolk could not put me out unless I let them.   So I let weak hypocrites    put me out because He told me to do so!!! !  “Why did they do put me out?”  It was because  of my  first website.  They considered my ministry  potentially dangerous to their existence. In a nutshell, I was speaking way too much truth for them to handle. 

But be warned. Over the last 12 years,  I have noticed a trend where church folk   recognize the frailties, the faults and the inconsistencies of religious organizations, of churches  have heeded the call to ‘COME OUT’ of the church.  Yet onlce  they  leave their denomination, their church, their fellowship, their clique, their group,  they  start a ‘church,’ a ministry, another group or fellowship that mirrors EXACTLY  what they JUST got delivered from or came out of!!!!!

Men as well as women  left  churches and started a ‘home’ group, then turn around and purchased  a pulpit and put it in their house, even purchased some clergy wear, and  some ordination papers, and started the whole wicked, outmoded, outdated, harlot system ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!Then when the crowds came, they purchased  a building.  And what they claim they were delivered FROM, they re-create and put God’s name on it. These new institutions are also “without the Holy Spirit.” 

What I’m convinced of is that most leaders are not aware of the fact that if God called you OUT of the church, it was FOR A REASON.  And it was NOT to perpetrate the same fraud (whether its your intention or not) that was committed within the organization you came out of. Does it make sense that God  called you out of an institution,  a church, an organization- showing you all of its glaring errors, and mishaps—only to have you come out from among them, be separate…and then cause you to reproduce the SAME ERROR you came out of.

 Its important to note that RELIGIOUS DEMONS are attracted to churches.  ANYTHING that looks like a church, ACTS like a church, SMELLS like a church, CONDUCTS itself like a church…you best believe YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE RELIGIOUS fallen angels and demons  flock to your buildings. Beware that if you try online to imitate church and its order of service and manner of preaching and teaching, you are simply re-inventing religion at its worst and you too have grieved and quenched the Holy Spirit. 

So  Brothers and Sisters, what do you do?  

First of all, expand your thinking and realize that you don’t need a building to minister. You are an 11th hour worker, called to preach, teach, deliver and heal in end times.  You can do this work around the world from your bedroom or your living room couch while your dinner is cooking and your kids are asleep. 

Therefore,  wait on the Lord for next steps. God knows what He is doing. Ministry is not the same as church. In this hour,  women, men of all races, the young and the old,  former sinners of all persuasions and backgrounds  are called to do God’s work. We are here to help you prepare. 

If  you need our help, call 888-818-1117 or email

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