Mental Disorder or Evil Spirits: How to Discern

Mental Disorder, or Evil Spirits---or BOTH?

to show how demons can be in the mind causing mental disorder. Self assessment and motive.

On a case by case basis, noteworthy psychiatrists have consulted   with Catholic priests from a mental health diagnostic prospective, advising  this segment of the professing  Christian community relative to   demonic possession.  However, as a “two in one”  professional counselor and a minister for almost 4 decades,  I am not committed to an “either/or point of view. ” For my unique  experience and perspective continues to be that a person can be both mentally ill and demonized simultaneously.  I find that both conditions are not necessarily  mutually exclusive. Each case must be individually examined based on the prevailing evidence. 

The prevailing distinction between mental  illness and demonic oppression  is whether or not the symptoms are either organic or if they are supernatural. The Lord Jesus plainly  used the phrase, that which is flesh is flesh.  That which is spirit is spirit. What is of the flesh is visible and common to man.  What is spiritual is supernatural or , common to a different species of life which include angels, evil spirits and demons. 

The first place to start is “is to ask “Is this behavior common to man or not?”   in other words, where is the human element? Is this behavior or symbol compatible with the mind, emotions and the will of this person?  Who is in control? Very simply put, the flesh or the material is usually where symptoms applicably  coincide with  the elements of a particular diagnosis in conjunction with   a significant   percentage of the population whose symptoms  are practically the same.  In colloquial terms, if it barks like a dog, if it chases a cat, if it is man’s best friend, then  its a dog. 

Where the spirit or the supernatural is concerned, there are only 2 sides: God or the devil. The questions to ask are “where is this particular delusion or  hallucination  coming from?  Is it God or is it the devil?  What is its motive or goal?  Is it to confuse, weaken,  kill, steal and destroy?  If the answer is YES to even ONE of the above,, then this is the work of the devil.

Here is a very simple example. You are hearing voices telling you to kill yourself.    Is this a part of your mental disorder or is it the voice of an evil spirit?  How do you discern?  First, I  uncover  through counseling all the details to see if this suicidal thought is coming from the person’s soul.  Is this  symptom a part of the person’s persona or diagnosis?  Perhaps.  But what if this person has always been a survivor and has NEVER considered suicide before, as its alien to his or her belief system?  That is easy.  ITS THE DEVIL’S WORK! 

Although this process may seem simple to discern, it isn’t.  Why?  Because knowledge of God, Satan and his strategies,  and the intricate nature  of the person at hand  are the most important variables of this dilemma and briefly  put, “it takes time.”

 One thing is for sure. You can be mentally ill and demonized simultaneously.  How this plays out is that you have an organic dysfunction, either physical, mental or emotional that evil spirits  take  advantage of.  First they use your life’s circumstances including your DNA weakness to cause you to become mentally ill, and then  they turn around and use your mental illness  to demonize, possess or destroy you. 

We  offer help through deliverance counseling by phone and in online groups.


Hits: 248

The Holy Spirit is NOT Instrusive


Intrusive behavior of religious leaders often puts churchgoers into bondage. When I say that The Holy Spirit is NOT Intrusive, I mean this:

When I was in the institutional church, I remember feeling PUSHED to do certain things. My personal space was intruded upon, and my life felt bombarded. It felt Intrusive to me. I didn’t like it because it didn’t seem like I was led to do certain things, but rather FORCED. Fear was often a tactic used by the enemy through leadership, so therefore, at the time, before I knew any better, I gave in and submitted to the intrusive “authority” of religious leaders and practices, unlike the Holy Spirit. This was probably one of the few times I can recall giving up my will to do things I really did not want to do. The Intrusive Behavior of Religious Leaders left me feeling intimidated.

Being Intrusive tends to come from a “works based” mindset, that leads the one intruded upon to believe that if he/she refuses to commit, penalties will have to be paid by him/her. There were also times when I would feel bullied into doing things because in my mind, that’s what I thought I was supposed to tolerate in my life in order to get results. I was being manipulated and controlled into being a certain way or engaging in certain religious practices that would give one a false sense of security because I thought that God was involved. It was not the Holy Spirit, like I thought because the Holy Spirit is NOT Intrusive like that.

You will mostly notice the intrusive behavior of religious leaders to be very prideful. These religious zealots   are led to believe that they are tasked by the Holy Spirit with converting others; through forcing people to pray with them when those people are vulnerable with them about their circumstances. Or, they might out of the blue, choose to lay hands on people without their permission. They give unsolicited religious advice. And they make you feel like you must do what they suggest, or else you won’t be blessed by God. THE HOLY SPIRIT DOES NOT OPERATE LIKE THAT. Religion is INTRUSIVE like that. The Holy Spirit is NOT Intrusive.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peaceforbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23, NIV)

Anytime you feel pressured or coerced into doing something for your spiritual benefit, know that it is NOT the Holy Spirit, but rather a religious spirit being intrusive.

I remember being in church feeling pressured to do certain things. It made me very uncomfortable, and had me questioning those practices. I didn’t feel “led” to do many of those things; rather I felt that it was an expectation, since I was supposed to be a “Christian.” There’s no freedom in that.

 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1, NIV)

We should feel free to do what we are led to do. If you feel forced, or like you are in bondage, GET OUT! That is not of God. If you are not certain about a certain situation or practice, let it go. If it is from the Lord, he will reveal it to you. When in doubt, throw it OUT! AND RUN LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT, BECAUSE IT DOES!!! THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT INTRUSIVE!!!

If you feel you need to get out,  Pam Sheppard Ministries is a great place to run toWe are here, ready to welcome you with open arms and give you the support you need.

Here are 3 different ways you can reach out:

1.) Call us at 888-818-1117

2.) Email us at get

3.) Join our RESCUE Fellowship discussion group on Facebook at


Hits: 461

Why Jesus Does Not Come Into Your Heart

The Difference Between Soul and Spirit

The Difference between the soul and the spirit: Because the spirit and the soul are not separate but  tightly knitted or braided  around each other as are  the ligaments, marrow and joints in our legs, it is difficult to discern the difference between the soul and the spirit.  The soul is easiest to recognize because the concerns and needs of “self” are generally apparent.  We recognize the “body” side of the soul because we can see the results through the activity of the natural frame.  We can see selfishness, ambition, competition, and jealousy  because the body,  through material and natural things, will engage in scenarios that expose self striving.   

However, where we fall short is in our ability  to discern the soul from the spirit, which is also “flesh.” I am considering a gospel account of the words of the Lord when a funeral procession went by. He turned to his disciples and said, “let the dead bury the dead.”  How can the dead bury the dead? What Jesus was actually saying is “let the spiritually dead bury the physically dead.” 

The understanding is this. You can be  alive in both your  body and your  soul, yet  have a dead spirit.  To be dead in spirit does not mean a lack of movement or activity.  A dead spirit is one that is separated, alienated, and without God in the world.  That is a dead spirit.  

In fact, the spirit of the lost is quite active  in the kingdom of darkness, but he or she is alienated from the kingdom of heaven. A dead spirit  makes itself known through various nightmares and irrational fears, open to the hellish dark world of evil spirits ruled over by the Prince of darkness. When it is both active AND powerful, a “dead” spirit is capable of a variety of supernatural feats including but not limited to clairvoyance, clairaudience and astral travel or out of body experiences.

The Soul and Spirit in Salvation

When a lost or alienated person “accepts Jesus” and ask Jesus to “come into his or her heart, it can’t be the spirit who does so because remember that   the spirit  of that person is dead, alienated, and walking according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that works in those who are disobedient by the lust of their flesh.  

In such a condition, the soul has to take over with its mind, emotions, and volition or will power.  In the lost, the soul actively fulfills the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and the lost person has the nature of self consciousness.

So since a dead spirit cannot “accept God,” the soul takes over in its parts: mind, emotions and volition or will and says, “I accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and with my free will, I ask Him to come into my heart.” ” 

Therein  begins a religious ritual that imitates intimacy and relationship. The working of the enemy through the mind or ideas of man quenches the work of the Holy Ghost to quicken that person’s spirit.  For the powers of darkness are keenly clever in working alongside of and simulating the born again experience.

When a person is REALLY born again, the soul takes a back seat.  The Holy Ghost “quickens” the spirit through repentance. As defined by Paul to the Ephesians, to quicken means to be made alive.  As Jesus Christ was raised from the dead physically or bodily, to be born again is to be raised from the dead spiritually. In other words, a dead spirit has been raised to becoming a vessel for the Holy Ghost.  

Yet another fact to consider is that since the spirit does not have a will, volition is a choice or decision made only by the soul.  What the spirit has is intuition and conscience. Paul revealed that the reason the spirit is raised from the dead is because “God is rich in mercy.” So the resurrection of the spirit begins in the intuition and  conscience and then translated into  understanding  by the mind of the soul.

Consequently, when the soul “accepts Jesus,” the spirit remains dead but with great acting skills, the soul can religiously  imitate the things of God. The fallen spirit of man, alienated and separated from God is sunk down into the soul so that the soul manifests as intellect or sensuality, often in both. In such cases, the soul reigns over both the spirit and the body. The way that the new life reaches the spirit is shown in the Lord’s own words: You must be born again.  The Holy Ghost “breathes” where ever He chooses. This is not the decision of man but the will of God.

The believer who has been raised from the dead in the spirit to newness of like is born of the Spirit or “born again.” The Holy Ghost, who takes up a dwelling place in the reborn spirit, has given the believer a revelation of the Cross and the Lord’s resurrection. This revelation is first received in the spirit. As James indicates in his letter, the wisdom that is from above—from the Holy Spirit—is pure, peaceable, gentle, merciful—without any element of the life of the soul—opinions, self views, strife-jealousy. So when a person is born again, the spirit imparts  understanding  to the soul through the mind, will and the emotions.

What is happening among those who claim that “they accepted Jesus,” is that they have done so through the soul and therefore, their spirits have remained dead.  The intellect of one whose spirit is dead is decidedly fallible and becomes the most dangerous of the soul’s gifts because God seekers use their minds, their emotions and their culturally trained opinions and perceptions  to understand spiritual truths.  The scriptures reveal that the soulish man cannot receive the things of the Spirit, because they can only be spiritually discerned.

So what must one do who has accepted Jesus and asked Him to come into his or her heart either once or several times? We must do what the Lord told us to do.  If our right hand offends us, “cut it off.”  Membership within a resurrection power group of PSM is the way to go! 

Hits: 482

How to Pray: Exposing Misconceptions

Most people don’t realize there is lack of knowledge when it comes to how to pray. Many assume that we need to tell God how he must handle our lives and the lives of others. This often leads to controlling, witchcraft like prayers that only do more harm than good. The underlying problem, first of all, that is causing people to have problems on knowing how to pray according to God’s accord, is that there are countless, untold masses that have had false conversions.

Before, establishing faithful prayer with God, those who have had a false conversion must realize they had one, renounce it, and overturn it.

The false conversion was started by a preacher named Charles Finney who in the 1830’s, introduced the I accept Jesus practice. Before the persuasion to “accept Jesus” took over, the gospel of Jesus was focused on and there was knowledge that salvation is given to us by God not of ourselves.

A historic document was prepared in 1689 called the Second London Baptist Confession, and was written by Particular Baptists, who held to a Calvinistic Soteriology in England to give a formal expression of their Christian faith from a Baptist perspective. This confession, like the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) and the Savoy Declaration (1658), was written by Puritans who were concerned that their particular church organisation reflect what they perceived to be Biblical teaching. Because it was adopted by the Philadelphia Association of Baptist Churches in the 18th century, it is also known as the Philadelphia Confession of Faith. The confession was first published in London in 1677 under the title “A confession of Faith put forth by the Elders and Brethren of many Congregations of Christians, Baptized upon Profession of their Faith in London and the Country. 

This document highlights man, by his fall into a state of sin, has completely lost all ability of will to perform any of the spiritual good which accompanies salvation. In short, the document shows that man is not reliable enough to choose God because his free will is too corrupt. So clearly, the Holy Spirit was in the church, prior to Charles Finney and the sinner’s prayer treachery. 

So when you accept Jesus, what is happening is many are worshiping a fallen angel religious evil spirit, pretending to be Jesus and that fallen angel is interepting their prayers. This leads people to be led astray when it comes to how to pray. The devil is confusing them, keeping them in darkness, and preventing them from praying with faith in God instead of fear. There is also the tendency to pray according to what one wants to satisfy their own flesh, wants, and needs, oftentimes these needs are entirely selfish and is not in line with what God has in store for them.

Want to pray to God in a way where you are able to be led in truth and down his path? When you pray, ask the Lord to expose the darkness surrounding you. You may be surprised what God reveals to you, as many who have done this have been shown just how much darkness and deception Satan has kept them in bondage to. He may also reveal what you are doing to repeatedly keep yourself in the dark and allow yourself to be easy prey to the devils schemes and deception.

Whether born again or not, you can learn a lot about God when you pray, yet praying according to God’s will is important. For the born again Christian, prayer is a special way to communicate with God and continue to build in your understanding of his ways so that you may better serve him but it is crucial to find out if you mistakenly are worshiping the fake Jesus.

During salvation, God comes to you, he calls you in his due time, he will show you your true wicked ways, when he is ready, and the Holy Spirit will lead you to repent. The key thing to understand is that God and the Holy Spirit shows this to you. Yes mans free will is granted and one of the multitudes of gifts from God, but when it comes to the grace of salvation from the life, death, and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, this gift is a supernatural experience, a gift entirely given by God; it is not of our own doing but God and the Holy Spirit leads us to salvation. He gives us the faith to believe in the death and ressurection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Such confusion about how to pray often has to do with folks underestimating God’s wisdom and fear often intertwines among this thinking. We then often think we must tell God what he must do for us in order to fix everything, leading us down the wrong path when it comes to how to pray. Often times when trouble arises in life, fear sets in, all common sense goes out the window, and leads to frantic prayers that may draw more fear, misunderstanding to your life.

Prayer IS a valuable form of communication with God, but it is essential to be conscious of whether we are going about it the wrong way. So let us consider wisdom when we come to terms of whether we even need to pray or not.

Many fail to understand that part of wisdom is being careful, observant, and knowing when to speak and when to listen (Proverbs 29: 3-11). An example that you may have already received God’s wisdom, would be, God revealing to you that you have put yourself under bondage to the devil by doing witchcraft, occult practices ( yoga, visiting psychic mediums, meditation, reading tarot cards, ) and yet still professing to be a Chriatian, as a result this is the reason you are battling with demons.

For help on how to pray, focus on exposure of what is hidden and what is God’s will, what does he intend for you. If you realize you where worshipping the fake Jesus and still struggling with ritualistic prayer, try letting go of expectating your every need and desire to be granted to you. Recognize that God does not grant us our every wish. Sometimes what we think is best for us, God may not think the same. Take hold of your God given common sense as your guide when you are making decisions, even difficult ones; when they are difficult remove your emotional hang ups and try to decide with logic, reasoning, and rational thought: and when you do this you may find that you may not need to pray. Allow yourself to be rid of a false conversion and worshipping the fake Jesus, so that one day God will birth you in his due time to be a new creature in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Then, enjoy prayer with an established faith and foundation with God.

For help regarding this topic, contact 1-888-818-1117 or email

The Fake Jesus is an excellent resource and may answer many more questions you may have; click on the book title link.

Are you interested in arming yourself with spiritual warfare? Click here

For courses, click on the link below

Hits: 894

Fear of Failure

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Most often, the WISEST one in the room is the one who makes the MOST mistakes.

I used to have a fear of failure. It stifled me. And it caused a form of bondage that I did not like. I felt like I was being suffocated. I could tell that my growth and progress was being hindered.

Pastor Pam has helped me SO MUCH in this area. Her example of embracing her mistakes and not being phased by them, but rather seeing the lesson in them has helped me to understand the importance of humility, as well as how mistakes can help us learn and grow. I used to be so indecisive because I was worried about the outcome. I am no longer ruled by my anxiety of what may or may not happen. Life goes on. Ya live and ya learn.

God is so amazingly patient with us. As mistakes happen, I believe that he watches us, and allows us to keep falling, so that we can figure out our mistakes, fix them, and apply what we have learned to the next similar situation.

Humility is KEY here. You have to allow yourself to fall, so that you can see where you messed up, and examine yourself to see how you handle certain situations, and what you can do better next time. The more mistakes you make, the WISER you become.

Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you.

“The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:6-7)

God does not expect us to look perfect before him. BE YOU! Allow yourself to mess up. Even our best is like filthy rags to God, anyway. You don’t have the power to cleanse yourself. Only God can do that. Perfectionism is from the enemy because it tricks you into thinking that you can’t make a mistake. And then it makes you feel like you have to do religious works in order to appear righteous, Holy, and perfect.

Don’t let the enemy keep you in bondage just because you made a mistake. Allow yourself to GROW!

Hits: 1243

Is Salvation Dependent On Natural Faith Or Divine Faith?

It is important to understand that there are two kinds of faith: natural and divine or God’s own  faith, given to human beings. This article will explore the difference between the two kinds of faith. So the question becomes…is salvation dependent on natural faith or divine faith?

Consider what Pastor Pam wrote about faith:


Natural Faith Is Inherent in Us

The bible suggests that faith is evidence of what you actually believe. If it is snowing out real hard, and you stand at a bus stop waiting for the bus to come, that is natural faith. Your standing there is evidence of your faith in the bus company. This kind of natural faith is based on the fact that you have some experience with the bus company that supports the fact that snow does not stop them. If you did not know that, then standing there for hours without any sort of proof would be blind, irrational faith.

We go to bed at night, expecting to wake up in the morning by natural faith. We go to work, expecting a paycheck because we have a history with working first and receiving a paycheck later. The fact that we work without pay for two weeks or more is the evidence of our faith in our employer’s ability and inclination to pay us AFTER the fact.

When we get born again, we are given divine faith to believe on the bodily resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. No one can believe in the resurrection on human faith or natural based faith because we have no experience in the natural with anyone dying, coming back to life, never to die again. Certainly, we read about this in the bible but we have not experienced it ourselves. So God has to give us the faith to believe it.

To walk in the spirit, we do so on divine faith, given to us in a measure by the Holy Spirit. The more experiences and dealings with God we have, the stronger our faith becomes because it is built on trust.

Divine Faith

Part of trust is understanding that the Holy Spirit must be the one to bring to into reality a supernatural faith of substance that pleases God. Our own human based faith is simply deficient. Unfortunately, this current church system has wrongly taught that salvation is man’s choice to choose God. Nothing can be further from the truth, we have no ability to choose nor accept Jesus. Instead, we must wait on the divine calling of the Holy Spirit. It is the sole job of the Holy Spirit to cause the Elect to believe in the bodily resurrection. We can not truly walk in the spirit until the Holy Spirit gives a believer divine faith that is sufficient in the Eyes of God.

Our natural faith on its own can not reconcile or regenerate a dead spirit. A false conversion is spiritual conversion built on a religious lie. If this describes your current spiritual walk, there is very good news. Our mission is to Help you get on the right track and on to the narrow path of salvation. As you await salvation, Truth can help boost up your natural faith in order to have the patience to wait on the Holy Spirit’s timing and prompting to real salvation.

I was once like you, I believed so many religious lies. However, it is was my torment that caused me to understand that something was wrong with my spiritual walk. In fact, this ministry helped me get passed my torment and I became born again not by my doing, but by the Power of the Holy Spirit. If you feel that God is showing you that “something just ain’t right”. I highly suggest that you examine your salvation. This ministry offers a  course in examining your salvation where you receive 2 ebooks plus a video course. If you are interested in taking this course, click here.

Hits: 684

Religious Parents Taking Matters into their Hands: Are Babies Born Sinners?

Religious parents either think their children are devils or angels. Therefore, they treat them as such with less than stellar results in term's of salvation's sake.


The Lord knows ourselves better than we do.

The Fall of Adam and Eve resulted in the totality of mankind to be spiritually entrenched in sin. Consequently, anyone born of the flesh must be spiritually reborn to be reconciled with God. Needless to say, the process is triggered by the Holy Spirit’s timing. When a person’s spirit becomes born again, the Holy Spirit first inspires a Godly sorrow. From there, they would be led to Lord Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. Then, they supernaturally realize that their sins were paid by the blood of the Christ. So, they spiritually rejoice for His Resurrection upon their rebirth.

That is the only path to salvation as validated in the Bible, “Jesus answered, ‘I tell you the solemn truth, unless a person is born of water and spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is born of the Spirit is spirit…The wind blows wherever it will, and you hear the sound it makes, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going. So, it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit” (John 3:3-7).

However, that doesn’t stop religious parents from taking matters into their own hands. They attempt to usurp power from the Holy Spirit through rituals like baptism. However, the truth is simple. Through God’s grace, salvation comes from the Holy Spirit’s revelation. Babies might be born sinners, however, that doesn’t mean they are not one of the saved.

Religious parents still attempt to strike salvation into their children in vain. Often, their strategies involve capitalizing on the fear of Hell. Other times, they passively lead their babies into receiving half-hearted baptisms or making their children speak an impartial creed. However, these supposedly helpful rites of passage often triggers spiritual hindrance by the child becoming frightened about committing sin, augmenting judgmental behavior, and fretting loved ones’ salvation.

Since a true conversion of the Lord can only be led by the Holy Spirit, these religious parents often lead their children into a man-made, false conversion. Once a false conversion takes place, intricate work must usually be done to undo the façade before their true conversion takes places. Consequently, religious parents trying to force their faith onto their youth results in more harm than good. Out of fright or malice, they throw their metaphorical baby birds off the cliff without knowing if they are truly ready to fly. Hence, there is an importance of understanding that the all-knowing Holy Spirit must lead the salvation process. He is the only one who knows when a person is truly prepared for conversion. 

Many religious parents fail to understand that salvation is not for a human to seek themselves. Rather, a person must focus to avoid the alluring influences of the occult and the false doctrines of the church-system. Hence, a parent’s responsibility to their child isn’t to enact their salvation but to clear the path for an easy spiritual rebirth process. That way, the child’s spirit might be easier for the Holy Spirit to rebirth without receiving spiritual lies.

The possibility begins to diminish for a quick deliverance when parents attempt to teach ‘spiritual truths’ that might actually be fallacies. Keep in mind, the Holy Spirit knows everyone’s rebirthday. So, no one is going to get left behind that wasn’t supposed to. It is not the fallen nature of the human spirit to revive itself. That would be like thirsty flowers trying to water themselves. If a parent is actively still concerned, they may teach their children the basics of the Gospel, but they must leave out the urgency for repentance. Babies may be born sinners, but they can still be led to the light in time.

These days, everyone wonders why the suicide-rate is so high among children. The answer is the increasing number of non-benevolent caretakers. Most parents think they know best, but they still hold the responsibility to examine the fruit of their parental-style. If their son or daughter is acting out or having mental issues, parents must look to themselves to change their strategy. Sadly, often parents are too stubborn to change. So, everyone pays the price once the parent’s child consequently snaps and finally takes things into their own hands.

Indeed, there is a balance between planting seeds of faith in a child’s spirit and screeching religiosity into a child’s ear. It is not a parent’s job to force their children to want God. While the Enemy might charm the child’s sinful nature, a faithful parent must trust that the Holy Spirit will guide them out of their vices. All in all, salvation is out of everyone’s hands. Instead, it lies in the Spirit of the Lord. At first, babies are born sinners, but they just might be saved by the wind of the Holy Ghost on His time. 

At Resurrection Solutions, there is a fellowship group offered on Facebook for people willing to detox from religion.

Based on the topic, members have written:

“The love of God is grace and control is counterproductive to grace. As a parent I try to be careful not to be controlling and to allow my children to make their own mistakes and try to help them learn from it.”

“[I had] a mother who used religion to control me. I remember feeling suicidal as a child because I felt unloved and misunderstood. People are sincere but being controlling is not love. Thank God, I grew out of how I was feeling at the time.”

If you’re like-minded and would like to join our Facebook page, the link is here:

For further studying, check out these books:

Hits: 211

The Devil Knows the Bible Too

Don’t Be a Bible Thumper!

Knowing the Bible inside and out, thinking you have ALL the answers and believing that you are to use it as an instruction manual for your life may not necessarily the smartest thing. Why would I say that? Well, from personal experience, I have learned that Bible knowledge does not save you. In can be helpful in your spiritual growth, and God can certainly use the Bible in your walk, but reading and knowing the Bible is not a path to salvation. How do I know this? Because before I was TRULY born again, I was one of those people who thought I was saved because with all my Bible Knowledge, I “thought” I had all the answers that led me to salvation. Boy was I WRONG! I needed to take SEVERAL SEATS! All I had was puffed up pride in me, boasting in my own power to somehow obtain salvation, because of knowing lots of scriptures. I did not consider that the devil knows the bible too. 

No cross, no repentance, no resurrection in my testimony. I was not really born again, and did not even know it. I had taken my supposed salvation into MY OWN HANDS. I read certain scriptures that, according to my old church leaders, were “supposed” to be the scriptures that would lead me to salvation. And instead of worshiping God, I worshiped the bible, thinking every scripture and verse I “happened” to land on was for ME. I took Bible scriptures out of context, misinterpreting those scriptures, and basically tried to work up my own salvation using those scriptures, not realizing that many of those scriptures I read were not even for me. They were written to a particular audience at a particular time, for a particular purpose. What I did was something called “Bibliomancy,” which is witchraft using the Bible…YES, THERE IS SUCH A THING! THE ENEMY IS ALL UP IN THAT! Look it up!

AND, since Satan knows the Bible, he will use Bible scriptures against you. Contrary to what the churches have taught many of us about how to use the Bible, I have learned that the Bible is NOT meant to be used as a instruction manual for your life. Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for HIS guidance will ALWAYS go hand in hand with God’s intended purpose for the Bible. When Jesus Christ ascended back to heaven to be with the father, he left us the Holy Spirit as a guide and counsellor for us. The Holy Spirit will reveal things to you at the right time.

Know This:


Consider this quote by Pastor Pam”

“Practically everything I know was acquired by personal experience. Now some may think that personal experience is not the best way to learn spiritual matters and so I am expecting that the bible thumpers will say that you try the spirits by “the word.” You need to know that the enemy knows the word better than we do. The enemy even knows how much YOU know about the bible. So he can line up the experience or communication with scriptures, the way YOU interpret them.”

Sure, we can learn a LOT from the scriptures. The Bible is an amazing book…but it must be used CORRECTLY, in the correct context. Bible knowledge is great, but it does not save you. The Holy Spirit does that, in His own will and own timing.

Hits: 995

The Idealized Self Image and Salvation

picture reveals the idealized self image

Hits: 629

A Religious Fool: Passivity of Judgment and Reason

Passivity of Judgment and Reason

Passivity of judgment /reason defines Religious Fools


Religious fools  manifest passivity of judgment/reason and therefore need their minds renewed so as to understand that  the first step to truth is “to doubt.” The problem is how faithful Christians define “doubting.” Religious Christians oppose doubting because they  think that doubting is like wavering.  The bible says that wavering is being tossed to and fro, filled with confusion. So wavering is perceived as a lack of faith. No one wants to waver. 

 Yet doubting on the other hand is what is necessary to reach the truth. Actually the first step to try the spirits to see if they be of God is stand still and maintain a neutral position which is a form of doubting.   It is our capacity to doubt that makes us free because the first doubt is a step closer to the truth, and as the Lord said, its the truth that MAKES us free.  

When I was an ordained minister within the institutional church for 25 years,  I did not doubt–EVER!. In fact,  I was very sure of things that were later proven to be wrong.  For example, I never doubted slain in the spirit. Never questioned it not one time in a decade.   Without doubt, we tend to make assumptions. So I assumed that slain in the spirit was a good thing from God so I lusted after it.  Once I got the power to cause members to fall on their backs when I touched their foreheads or waved my hand at them, shortly after,  doubt set in.  

Doubt usually  begins with a question. So my first question was: “Why is it that the people who are constantly slain in the spirit around me cannot stand solid in Christ? “This  was my first bit of doubting.  In short, I ASKED MYSELF AN IMPORTANT QUESTION. My doubt erupted about the slain in the spirit practice because church members that I pastored   were constantly falling in their spiritual walk.  

So this particular situation caused me to begin to doubt the slain in the spirit practice.  Also “War on the Saints” assisted me in  doubting.  IT WAS A GOOD THING.  Here is what this great woman of God who has influenced Christian ministry in 3 centuries wrote about called “passivity of judgment  and reason”: 

Passivity of judgment and reason, which means that the man in this condition has closed the mind to all arguments, and statements upon which he has come to settled conclusions, and all effort to give him further truth and light is regarded as interference, and the person attempting it as ignorant, or intrusive. The believer in this stage of passivity lapses into a state of evil positiveness, and infallibility; from which nothing can release the “judgment,” but the rude shock of seeing that he has been deceived, and possessed by evil spirits. To undermine the deception of a believer in this condition, almost means the re-laying of the very foundations of his spiritual life. Hence the few–called “fanatics” and “cranks” by the world–who have been saved out of this degree of the deception of the enemy. (From “War on the Saints.)

This particular post began with a phone call.   A woman is doubting her salvation after watching some of my videos. I told her that chances are, if she is doubting her salvation, it did not happen. Why?  Because assurance is a major component of a bonafide  born again experience.  So,she is on the track to truth because she is defying her own passivity of judgment and reason.  I asked yet another question. clearly she is not born again because when I asked her to define the resurrection, she gave the wrong answer.

It’s better to doubt than  to be a blind fool.  What say YOU? 


Paul’s time was chosen for him, not by him.

Someone once wrote, “In this day and age, MOST professing Christians are too proud and stubborn to consider the fact that the religious teaching they have grown to love Are All a Lie…and have NO IDEA about the darkness that has taken over the organized church.”

The enemy has long ago entered the visible church and propagated the lie that if a Christian has faith, speaks positively, and gives donations to religious causes, that financial blessings, “health and wealth, “ is assured as the will of God and that material wealth would even increase.  Many Christians continue to chase this carrot while the enemy laughs.  This is actually very simplistic and childish thinking.

And that isn’t the only or worst of false doctrines that have taken over the visible church.  The single most damaging practice that has even spread throughout the world is, “praying to accept Jesus and asking Him into one’s heart.”  This is otherwise known as the, “sinner’s prayer. ”Yes, that’s right.  Please take a moment to consider, (throughout this article, all references to, “Jesus,” refers only to Jesus Christ who was born in Nazareth .”  If that seems odd, it will be explained in a future article.),  Jesus is actually, now, in His physical body, sitting at the right hand of the Father.  He cannot enter any one’s heart.  And the critical, “work,” of salvation is in no one’s hands but God Himself who draws one to their salvation.

 On the contrary,  the following scriptures appear to dictate that He already knows who will be His.  And at any time during one’s lifetime, even to the last breath, one would have their time of visitation by the Holy Spirit.  I site the following verses: Romans 8:29–30; Ephesians 1:5, 11; Colossians 3:12; 1 Thessalonians 1:4; and 2 Timothy 2:10.

Also know that the most important point in the understanding of the salvation experience is in understanding that without the physical, bodily resurrection of Jesus into immortality—there is no salvation. One must know  and understand that it isn’t just His suffering on the cross that is critical, but His being raised up into immortality in His actual physical body.  Remember, upon His return to His disciples, He spoke with them, ate with them, and Thomas was even able to physically touch Him to enhance his belief that this was truly Jesus.  To further advance the monumental occasion of His resurrection was the fact that at that time, as we now read in Matt. 27:51-53:

…“Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many.”      As Paul warned the Corinthians, if one has a wrong belief, or does not believe in His resurrection or the resurrection of the dead, then there is no salvation. As Paul said in 1 Cor. 15:17,  And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.

Also, consider that anything monumental that had ever been done for the ultimate benefit of man was done by God Himself. Refer to His leading Israel out of Egypt;  His crafting His covenant with Abraham—remember, He gave Abraham instructions, but then put him to sleep while He cut the covenant (Gen. 15:9-18); and for us, salvation in Christ Jesus of Nazareth through the visitation of the Holy Spirit who convicts us of sin and gives us the faith to believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ.

He, “calls,” us by the Holy Spirit, who chooses the time of His visitation and convicts us to repentance in much sorrow for who we ourselves are by our sin-nature that put Jesus on the cross.  Again, He, “convinces,” us that we are sinners deserving of punishment but soon afterwards also brings our spirit to life with absolute joy in Him giving us the necessary faith to believe in His bodily resurrection.

This great work is done by Him, not us.  We cannot convict ourselves nearly to the extent that the Holy Spirit does. We cannot produce our own faith as the Holy Spirit gives.  This is totally His work.  Not ours. Anything critical to man He does Himself so that—if you will—man would not mess it up.

My next post will further illustrate this point with my own testimony. But here now, please know that my own Pastor was an atheist from the word, “go.” And did not attend any house of institutional religion but one time in 33 years.  For as long as she could remember she was an atheist until the Holy Spirit came upon her, quite out of the blue and convicted her of her sin-nature, gave her the faith to believe in Jesus’ suffering and bodily resurrection, and she became born again.  What I didn’t say was that at the time she was deep into the occult!  He saved her without a sermon, tract, or anything else but Himself.  

Me, I was a false conversion, believing that I was, “saved, born again, etc.” because I repeated a, “sinner’s prayer.  I “parroted,” a prayer based on intellectual knowledge, no true faith required, no true, through and through, into the marrow of my bones realization or acknowledgement of my sin nature, so did that count?  No.  But I went through all of the motions, attended a house of worship, did what I was told, etc., and was not, as I came to learn, was not born again.  That came much, much later…

Finally, , take a moment and do as Paul had admonished, examine your salvation to see if you truly are in the faith. (2 Corinthians 13:5)


Hits: 636

When Doubt is Important to Faith

this image signifies the struggle between doubt and faith as a personal struggle.

When Doubt is Important to Faith

Recently, I received an email from a man who asked me to provide him with proof concerning unique revelations I have received that he finds both disturbing and even frightening. Clearly his written words show that he has been reading my articles and watching my videos for a certain period of time. Why? Because he reports that he tried to dismiss my revelations but returned to them again. In fact, I have perceived between his lines that my videos and my articles have created spiritual doubt that is important to faith.

What I respect about this truth seeker is that he made it plain that if I have the truth that is from God, he better not defy or contend with me. So I respect that he has a fear of the Lord and a respect for truth, which causes me to believe that he is on the path to “walking in the Spirit” and that God will reveal the truth to him.

Consequently, rather than focus on his specific concerns, I want to make clarifications regarding doubt and faith. Aware that Christian Charismatics have persuaded multitudes of believers that doubt is the opposite of faith, once again, I have a different perspective. For we MUST doubt, in order to believe and ultimately receive truth. Without some doubt, we are nothing more than passive religious zombies. For if you believe  primarily because of the influence others from your family or your religious community  have set either by example or subtle or covert pressure, then your faith is vain and you are STILL in your sins.

So I open this discussion by reflecting upon what serves as the burden of proof where spiritual matters are concerned. Legally speaking, there are 3 levels of proof in court proceedings: Preponderance of evidence, Clear and convincing evidence, and beyond a reasonable doubt. Criminal trials that evaluate evidence by beyond the reasonable doubt standard have proven that each juror will evaluate the evidence from a personal perspective. What is proof to one juror may not be proof to another.

This is true when we consider our personal doubt in connection with faith. THE FAITH WE HAVE AS A HUMAN BEING CAN ONLY GO BUT SO FAR. WE ARE NOT BORN BELIEVING IN GOD OR IN THE BIBLE. We are not born believing on the Lord’s resurrection, but in order to be born again, we MUST believe it or we are headed toward the broad way to damnation.

Yet in our generation and every generation ever since His tomb was found empty, no one has met even ONE person that had overcome death in his or her flesh. NOT ONE. For there is no evidence on a natural level that can prove by a preponderance of the evidence, clear and convincing evidence or evidence that is beyond a reasonable doubt. In fact, the evidence that  we actually have points us to trillions who  have died since Christ was resurrected, with out our seeing even one person return from the dead.

This is quite the dilemma. A catch 22 situation. For I am equally damned if I believe the proof in the Bible, that the Lord was seen walking around in His resurrected body by over 500 witnesses as the one who sees this “proof” in the Bible and refuses to believe it. So even though our ultimate truth is what is written in the Bible, there is a personal component called FAITH that causes us to believe what we have not personally seen, simply “no visual, tangible proof. 

From childhood until I was 33 years old, I did not believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I actually did not believe in His existence much less that He died and came back to life in His physical body and that He promises that when He returns, if I am in the grave, I AM COMING OUT IN MY BODY!!!.

Yet I perceive my doubt as necessary to receive faith from God to believe this outlandish, quite frightening  revelation that JESUS IS RAISED FROM THE DEAD.

How did I believe what I perceived as “such nonsense?” I don’t really know how to explain HOW. All I know is that God placed faith in my spirit where doubt once lived , and I had nothing to do with it.

So I conclude that doubt can lead to faith IF GOD MAKES IT HAPPEN. Spiritual proof is EVEN MORE personal than legal proof because spiritual evidence is revealed and explained by God Himself. With the revelations I have received, I originally and personally received them as quite outlandish, opposed to my personal goals, objectives and expectations, yet compelling, none the less.

Actually it took me a year to believe what I received as being from God. I said to myself, “if what I have received is from God, proof will be revealed by studying church history.” My research became a book called “the Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us.”  

So as soon as my personal revelations were received by my spirit as truth,  my faith was increased beyond measure in spite of my original doubt. Why? Because the main reason why I ultimately believed my revelations was by my own interpretation of the scriptures as my foundation  or “proof.” . The written word confirmed and revealed what I had received first by doubt, and then by faith a year later. Yet I suspect that my doubt set me on a spiritual journey  that actually increased and strengthened my faith.

Sorry, I can’t cause anyone to enter into my space of faith where I rest and remain stress free.  Since spiritual proof is personal, the only one who can provide you with personal proof is God Himself. With deliverance counseling,  my job to is present the knowledge as I received it, the wisdom as I interpret it,  and leave it up to  God prove that He is the author and finisher of your faith and observe in awe how He transforms your need for proof into pure faith.

Its amazing how He does this!!

Hits: 397

Evil Spirits and Hearing Voices

to portary how evil spirits cause us to hear voices,

by gailatrescue


Evil spirits and hearing voices came into my life 5 years ago. I struggled with contention against them. At that time, evil spirits and hearing voices constantly and consistently appeared, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. It all started gradually when they would say one word every 5 to 10 minutes. They would say things like “leave”. Later on, it gradually turned into constant, long running words telling me to do things and talking about Jesus.

Those evil spirits and hearing voices grew stronger after I visited a psychic, who claimed that she could help me. The voices started telling me to leave my job and not to go back into that building. One day, I obeyed those evil spirits and I left my job. That was a big mistake. As soon as I obeyed them, I gave them authority and control over me, and with that, those evil spirits continued a 24/7 harassment, and not giving me any breaks or pauses.

Then, I discovered an article online written by Pastor Pam Sheppard. I called her and when we spoke about my situation, she had knowledge about evil spirits and hearing voices, and understood what was happening to me. One of the ways her knowledge was evident was when she made it clear that me obeying those spirits was the absolute wrong thing to do. She discerned fear coming from me, and she also knew that I was not really born again, even though I thought I was.

Eventually, Pastor Pam started counseling me and I watched many of her videos, read her articles, and read her books. One of the many great things that Pastor Pam and the Holy Spirit did for me was help me take back my free will. Like she says in the video below, we worked and worked and worked until I took back my God given free will!!! And yes, I am holding it dear to me.

There’s more. After being in counseling and mentoring with Pastor Pam for 5 years I have progressed tremendously. Those evil spirits and hearing voices dramatically decreased to the point where I would go days without hearing from them. To me that is a true miracle. I have found multiple jobs and have been able to easily work in different areas that I felt was a better fit for me, compared to before where I was living in fear about being unemployed and unsure of when I would ever receive another pay check again.

Then on July 21st, 2019 at 12 pm God did something tremendous for me. He gave me a true salvation experience, which was truly supernatural, and absolutely not of my own doing. I had no idea I would become born again that day and was definitely not expecting it.

You see, years ago as a teenager I “accepted Jesus”, when prompted by the preacher to walk down the aisle and do such a thing. Yet looking back I realized I accepted Jesus out of pressure and fear to do what was expected of me and because of the promise suggesting I would be saved just by accepting him.

Yet when those evil spirits and hearing voices, came to harass me, my prayers, church attendance, and reading the Bible only made the voices come stronger and led to an increasing mention about what Jesus thinks I should do. Yet their words about Jesus didn’t make sense. Everything they wanted me to do was not fruitful, did not help me in my life whatsoever. In contrast, anything I listened to them about, put me in danger. After being in counseling with Pastor Pam, she taught me that I had a false conversion and everything that I felt didn’t quite add up during my time of being religious, started to make sense to me. I was worshipping the fake Jesus and praying to him and when I found that out, I stopped worshipping the fake Fake Jesus completely, and I removed myself from all religious behaviors that had been deeply rooted in my life.

One of the ways I advanced against those evil spirits and hearing voices harassing me, was when I renounced my false conversion. Not too long after that, I no longer heard voices in my head saying “Jesus thinks this”, “Jesus thinks that”. At that point, my goal was to get those evil spirits and hearing voices to leave me alone and not talk to me about anything at all because they were still commenting about everything I was doing. Thankfully, the sound and hearing from them reduced significantly and dramatically as I continued being counseled and mentored by Pastor Pam and I was feeling relieved and grateful for this.

As far as true salvation, I learned from Pastor Pam about waiting on God’s call to cause my salvation. Besides, there was plenty of work I needed to do on my soul, due to all the years, since childhood, of damage, pain, insecurity, and worries lodged deep inside me.

Then, my day arrived. On July 21st, 2019, at Pastor Pam’s annual workshop, after she preached an incredibly powerful sermon the day before, a sermon so powerful that after hearing it, the next day, the Holy Spirit led me to think about Jesus. Next, the Holy Spirit led me to repent, have Godly sorrow, GAVE me a clear understanding of the resurrection, and GAVE me the pure awe, shock, happiness, and excitement that Jesus actually is alive!! I went from loudly sobbing and to joyful astonishment that Jesus is actually alive. As this was all happening, all who were in attendance at that workshop were cheerful and encouraging witnesses to this occasion.

Now today, I know that I am a new creation in Christ. His grace of everything he has done and the power that is Him with the faith given to me that He defeated death, has a resounding and continuing impact on me.

As for those evil spirits and hearing voices, even before I got born again, they had already dramatically reduced. Since my rebirth less than 2 months ago, I have observed even more change and improvement. My salvation experience is so unforgettable, that it is my weapon and shield against them. The peace that I have is wonderfully more consistent than before I got born again and the evil spirits and hearing voices continue to decrease even more and more than before. Each week, I notice even more improvement against them, in that their presence has and continues to diminish.

One would wonder was waiting for Five years for the Lord and my born again experience worth it? It definitely was. Why? Because in the first few years, once I realized I had a false conversion and was progressively undeceived, I realized how much of a gift that it was to be undeceived and aware of all of the devils schemes, plots. His countless and often hidden tactics to destroy have been uncovered and as a person who became privy to this information, I used this knowledge to my healthy advantage, going about my life, safely altering, adjusting my life decisions based on what I knew about Satan’s deception tactics. God has blessed me with the truth of all the enemy’s deception and I am continually grateful for that. So in the midst of waiting for my salvation experience, that gratefulness was sweet to have in itself, just like the first bite into your favorite fruit you’ve been longing for, that sweetness of truth was and is refreshing.

So over a five year period, I overturned my false conversion, realized that salvation is a gift from God, not of mans own doing, and I did not waver but remained steadfast to what I continued to learn from the help I received in weekly deliverance counseling sessions.

With guidance and counseling from Pastor Pam Sheppard, her teaching, experience, and own born again history, Once flighty, I am now resilient. I know that God intended to cause me to eventually enter His family.

For me, Being born again is worth all the waiting I have done, because the new creation that salvation in Jesus Christ has given to me is extremely fulfilling, rewarding, and sustains me. The grace of salvation by Christ is everlasting and irreplaceable of anything the world offers. The peace the Lord has given to me , I am thankful for it and will always be thankful for it. The Lord has taken me out of Satan’s dark world and and into his light of truth.

Pam Sheppard Ministries is THE place to be if you are lost and in the dark. The answers you have been looking for are right here. There are people who have been struggling with torment of all sorts whether by demons, fallen angels, or the family members and friends the enemy is using against them. Call 1-888-818-1117 if you would like to know more about Pam Sheppard Ministries and what help you can be offered.

To view Pastor Pam’s testimonials, click here.


Hits: 2438

You’re Not Dead Yet so Examine Your Salvation!

Praying To Accept Jesus
A Fallacy!


Paul’s time was chosen for him, not by him.

Someone once wrote, “In this day and age, MOST professing Christians are too proud and stubborn to consider the fact that the religious teaching they have grown to love Are All a Lie…and have NO IDEA about the darkness that has taken over the organized church.”

The enemy has long ago entered the visible church and propagated the lie that if a Christian has faith, speaks positively, and gives donations to religious causes, that financial blessings, “health and wealth, “ is assured as the will of God and that material wealth would even increase.  Many Christians continue to chase this carrot while the enemy laughs.  This is actually very simplistic and childish thinking.

And that isn’t the only or worst of false doctrines that have taken over the visible church.  The single most damaging practice that has even spread throughout the world is, “praying to accept Jesus and asking Him into one’s heart.”  This is otherwise known as the, “sinner’s prayer. ”Yes, that’s right.  Please take a moment to consider, (throughout this article, all references to, “Jesus,” refers only to Jesus Christ who was born in Nazareth .”  If that seems odd, it will be explained in a future article.),  Jesus is actually, now, in His physical body, sitting at the right hand of the Father.  He cannot enter any one’s heart.  And the critical, “work,” of salvation is in no one’s hands but God Himself who draws one to their salvation.

 On the contrary,  the following scriptures appear to dictate that He already knows who will be His.  And at any time during one’s lifetime, even to the last breath, one would have their time of visitation by the Holy Spirit.  I site the following verses: Romans 8:29–30; Ephesians 1:5, 11; Colossians 3:12; 1 Thessalonians 1:4; and 2 Timothy 2:10.

Also know that the most important point in the understanding of the salvation experience is in understanding that without the physical, bodily resurrection of Jesus into immortality—there is no salvation. One must know  and understand that it isn’t just His suffering on the cross that is critical, but His being raised up into immortality in His actual physical body.  Remember, upon His return to His disciples, He spoke with them, ate with them, and Thomas was even able to physically touch Him to enhance his belief that this was truly Jesus.  To further advance the monumental occasion of His resurrection was the fact that at that time, as we now read in Matt. 27:51-53:

…“Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many.”      As Paul warned the Corinthians, if one has a wrong belief, or does not believe in His resurrection or the resurrection of the dead, then there is no salvation. As Paul said in 1 Cor. 15:17,  And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.

Also, consider that anything monumental that had ever been done for the ultimate benefit of man was done by God Himself. Refer to His leading Israel out of Egypt;  His crafting His covenant with Abraham—remember, He gave Abraham instructions, but then put him to sleep while He cut the covenant (Gen. 15:9-18); and for us, salvation in Christ Jesus of Nazareth through the visitation of the Holy Spirit who convicts us of sin and gives us the faith to believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ.

He, “calls,” us by the Holy Spirit, who chooses the time of His visitation and convicts us to repentance in much sorrow for who we ourselves are by our sin-nature that put Jesus on the cross.  Again, He, “convinces,” us that we are sinners deserving of punishment but soon afterwards also brings our spirit to life with absolute joy in Him giving us the necessary faith to believe in His bodily resurrection. So praying to accept Jesus is an offense to God Himself.

This great work is done by Him, not us.  We cannot convict ourselves nearly to the extent that the Holy Spirit does. We cannot produce our own faith as the Holy Spirit gives.  This is totally His work.  Not ours. Anything critical to man He does Himself so that—if you will—man would not mess it up.

My next post will further illustrate this point with my own testimony. But here now, please know that my own Pastor was an atheist from the word, “go.” And did not attend any house of institutional religion but one time in 33 years.  For as long as she could remember she was an atheist until the Holy Spirit came upon her, quite out of the blue and convicted her of her sin-nature, gave her the faith to believe in Jesus’ suffering and bodily resurrection, and she became born again.  What I didn’t say was that at the time she was deep into the occult!  He saved her without a sermon, tract, or anything else but Himself.  

Me, I was a false conversion, believing that I was, “saved, born again, etc.” because I repeated a, “sinner’s prayer.  I “parroted,” a prayer based on intellectual knowledge, no true faith required, no true, through and through, into the marrow of my bones realization or acknowledgement of my sin nature, so did that count?  No.  But I went through all of the motions, attended a house of worship, did what I was told, etc., and was not, as I came to learn, was not born again.  That came much, much later…

Finally, , take a moment and do as Paul had admonished, examine your salvation to see if you truly are in the faith. (2 Corinthians 13:5)


Hits: 417

What is Worship?

Defining Worship From Scripture

What IS Worship? Well, I’ll tell you What worship is NOT.

~Worship is NOT being “drunk” or “high” in any way shape or form in the spirit.

~Worship is NOT zoning out into Zombieland, passively being controlled or lulled by a beat or mesmerizing song into engaging in strange behaviors and allowing spirits to take over your mind, body, and soul.

~Worship is NOT having a seance in church, chanting and speaking in tongues, in order to get a reaction from the spirit world.

~Worship is NOT lusting after the supernatural and aiming to call it an “experience with God.”

~Worship is NOT romancing Jesus, making him out to be your husband and you personally his bride…FOR WHAT???

~Worship is NOT getting caught up in your fleshy emotions in your attempts to present yourself to the almighty God.

~Worship is NOT a religious, churchified lifestyle, but rather a life of humility, and of a willingness to learn God’s way versus the religious way, accepting the fact that the religion you have been taught may not be the way to the truth you seek.


John 4:24 (NIV) states, “God is SPIRIT (emphasis added) and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

So, it takes 2 things to worship God: 1. Spirit and 2. Truth.

I have come to learn that TRUE worship to the Lord is in my everyday spiritual life. That means, keeping in step with the Holy Spirit; Taking up my cross and denying my flesh daily; and living my life based on the TRUTH, as opposed to a watered down religious gospel that lacks the power of the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I LOVE music, and I LOVE to sing. But I used to minimize worship to being some “experience” I would seek through many self-focused Gospel and Contemporary Christian songs played in church. (*Not all Gospel and Contemporary Christian songs promote false doctrines, but many DO, and are fleshly in nature, so you have to be careful and make sure the song is centered on Christ and the Gospel.

Then I realized that it was all a FLESHLY LUST FOR THE SUPERNATURAL. I wanted to FEEL SOMETHING. I wanted to take part in supernatural experiences, due to my weakness for and attraction to witchcraft and the occult. It wasn’t about wanting God. It was about GETTING A SPIRITUAL HIGH. Yes, God is a spirit, but that was not the type of “spirit” I was seeking after. I wanted to FEEL SPECIAL…as if I had something no one else had, or as if everything revolved around ME. God does not do that. The enemy does. He uses the supernatural to make us feel SPECIAL, and then he puffs us up with all kinds of thoughts about ourselves, so that we can think we are filling voids of insecurity, worthlessness, rejection, and lack of acceptance in our lives. 

But God’s message through Jesus Christ is not centered around you and me, and what He can do for us and how he can “wave his magic wand” to make us feel better about ourselves and give us what we want out of life. Instead, it is centered around the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. Ask yourself: “Do I even KNOW what the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is?” Hint: The TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ is not even taught in the church!!! Start there.

In closing, I’d like to leave you with something to chew on:

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:1-2)

It’s about being A LIVING SACRIFICE. It’s NOT about being self-absorbed like the world (including church & religion) falsely teaches. It’s NOT about YOU. Humble yourself before the LordAllow the Lord to show you a NEW thing. Seek the TRUTH.

Hits: 1361

Experience is the BEST Teacher!

Sometimes we just don’t “get it” or understand until we have had an experience. And it is also very valuable to rely on the experiences of others to help us learn a thing or two. This is what Pam Sheppard Ministries is about. Just like in the Bible, providing accurate accounts of experiences is one major way that the Lord shows the truth to people through us.

The Bible is a FACTUAL book. It provides us with accurate accounts of the birth, life, death, crucifixtion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, as well as countless stories of events that happened before his birth and after his death that we can reflect upon and learn from. The Lord uses Pam Sheppard Ministries in this very same way. We preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, AND we share accurate accounts of our personal experiences to help others who are searching for the truth in their own lives.

In this ministry, we write and we share…in an effort to help others who may be going through the very same things and need answers.

In addition, Pastor Pam has written SEVERAL books about her experiences as a Christian Counselor and Pastor to others, so that we can look at our own spiritual lives and utilize helpful tools that will aid us in finding the truth in this HIGHLY DECEPTIVE age.

Some of you may never meet us or Pastor Pam face to face, but you will learn and grow from the experiences we share about. And it is our hope that you take the baton and share the truth you are learning with others. So read, learn, comment, and contact us if you feel led.

If you have any questions, would like help from Pastor Pam, have some experiences to share about and would like to join our discussions on Facebook, shoot us an email at, and we’d be happy to fellowship with you!

Hits: 6851

The New Age Movement vs. Christianity

How’s your spiritual palate?

During the 19th century, American grocers could infuse whatever they wanted into their products. However, the Pure Food and Drug Act was established to prevent things like cyanide to be served at the dinner table. Sadly, spiritual food isn’t near as regulated as the food that we put in our mouths. Every day, countless Christians consume false doctrines of deceiving cults/religions. One of the most notorious. toxic “grocers” is the New Age Movement. Adhering to East Asian, Middle Eastern, and other religions of the world, the New Age Movement has blossomed into a particularly dangerous conduit of deception. 

An amalgamation of many cults and religions, the New Age Movement hides behind a masquerade of Christian ideals. However, it’s chimeric origin plays to numerous false doctrines. With an “everything goes” attitude, the New Age Movement has become an occult-converting factory, encouraging the use of tarot cards, energy healers, psychic mediums, and countless other forms of idolatry. So, here are some pointers to differentiate the false New Age Christianity (and other worldly religions) and biblical Christianity.

Simply put, the New Age Movement attempts to glorify the self. Meanwhile, Christianity glories God. The deadly, attractive poison of the New Age is that people are baited into acting on anything that pleases their flesh. When trying to get people to open their sacral (sex) chakra, I recall a reiki healer saying along the lines of, “Don’t be afraid to be sexual, just let go! There’s no shame in your sexuality. ~ Is that really the right thing though, or is that something they’d would want the right thing to be?

If a belief system is attempting to get someone to actively indulge their bodies, it’s absolutely the opposite of Christianity. As according to the Bible, “…offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God–this is your true and proper worship.” In other words, your flesh is meant to be ‘cut out’ in favor of developing your spirit to be free of sin, instead of smothered in it.  The New Agers say, “Follow your heart and do what makes you happy.” Meanwhile, Christianity counters, “Follow and obey Jesus for the heart is deceitful.” 

The New Age Movement also enforces the concept of “self-saving”, in other words, taking matters into our own hands. Instead of trusting and following in the Holy Trinity, the New Age turns to ascended masters, spirit guides, astrology, and angels for their personal guidance. (When in reality, these are empowered by malevolent spirits who disguise their evil in their messages of good.) Particularly, such divination practices demonstrate how the New Agers attempts to predict and control their lives, especially the future. Hence, they display that they aren’t really at peace, but rather they are in the illusion of peace.

To put bluntly, there wouldn’t be enough horoscopes to give them a peace of mind, there’s always a worry for tomorrow. They’re anxiety is constantly cycling without end. So, they always need a word from someone, somewhere, or anywhere. Although, without spiritual discernment, they play a game of Russian Roulette. It’s a trap of unregulated food products when you get into divination as evil spirits are quite listed on the box of crystal stones, the label of the tarot cards, or the latest Ouija board.  

The New Age Movement also distorted the message of the Gospel. This is like the way Charles Finney deceived the institutional church in the 19th century with the ‘I accept Jesus’ practice. Graphing such easy believism into their narrative, the New Age Movement has added their own variations of Finney’s guide to salvation, adding to the palate’s menu yet more false doctrines of cults/religions.

In fact, many of the New Age Movement claim that Jesus Christ is a meager “ascended master” or a laid back, enlightened individual. While the TRUTH is that Jesus was fully God and fully man during his walk on the Earth. Continuously, they negate the essence of Christ’s teachings, the existence of sin, hell, devil, and demons. Meanwhile, these lessons are a badge of honor to those following true Christianity.

More so, that badge is earned once people are redeemed by the blood that Jesus shed on the Cross, born-again, and SAVED from their sins for eternity. There is no reiki, subliminal, or astral projection that would ever produce that kind of supernatural release from the world. Of which, many in the New Age Movement still seek after, not even realizing that they make their own bondage by trying to make peace with their flesh, an insatiable animal.  With so many in the dark, these individuals do not know the taste of proper spiritual food to decide whether their own doctrines are safe or poisonous. 

If you need help refining your spiritual palate, Resurrection Solutions provides countless posts, articles, and commentary on false doctrines, as well as 9 absolutely essential books. You’d know the Enemy’s lies so well, you wouldn’t even need to ponder if something sounds legit or not. After I left the New Age Movement, I felt so confused and conflicted, who was the God that I was trying to serve? Is he merciful? Is he judgmental?

Through Resurrection Solutions, I’m learning step-by-step, no hassle or rushing. You learn at your own pace. When you have questions, there are numerous, welcoming people waiting to answer questions, including myself. So, you’ll never feel lost or overwhelmed. At Resurrection Solutions, we offer a place of soulful clarity and spiritual rest! Give us a chance at:

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Common Sense VS Religion

Being religious has caused me to lack a lot of common sense. In the past, I was so blinded by religious rules, that I found it quite difficult to use my common sense to make daily life decisions. As a result, I have had to deal with the consequences of many significant life decisions I made all in the name of religion. There were times when I KNEW what to do, but because of some religious belief, second guessed myself, and made a different decision. Also, there were times when I would have a difficult time coming to a decision because I relied too heavily on waiting for some supernatural sign from God, not realizing it was just a religious belief inspired by the devil.

I can recall many occasions where I would lack confidence in my own God-given natural ability to make practical life choices, because I was afraid that using my common sense to make certain choices would somehow affect my “relationship with God,” or make me less of a Christian or candidate for heaven. Would you believe it if I told you that areas like politics, relationships (marriage included), careers, where to live, etc., are not necessarily areas that we need to be “consulting God” in? You see, God operates in SPIRITUAL MATTERS. But, religion has taught us to seek the supernatural in EVERYTHING that we do, and in EVERY aspect of our lives, that it is second nature to many of us. We fail to realize that often times, it is the ENEMY behind those decisions!!!

When detoxing yourself from religion, it is important to note that you must restructure your entire thought process. You must change your value system. You must determine new morals based on truth and common sense. I have effectively accomplished this by learning from people like Pam, who have never really been religious to begin with. For those of us who have been either raised religious, or have been heavily influenced by religion, religion is all we know, and has become the foundation for the morals and values we have today. It will have us wondering why we even make some of the decisions we make! LOL!!! That needs to change. When you encounter that WHY question, it’s time to suspect that religion is the culprit, and that it is time to do some serious investigating, which is an important part of the process of undeception. And as you go through the process of detoxing yourself from religion, use your God-given common sense, along with TRUTH to help you develop your morals and value system that will be based on TRUTH vs. false religious beliefs. Then and only then will you be able to see clearly, and start getting religion out of your system for GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thoughts? Can anyone out there relate to this?

Hits: 390

The Smoke and Mirrors

Learning the truth through Pam Sheppard Ministries has rocked my religious world! What I thought was the truth was actually just my religion masquerading as truth. It was a form of Godliness that denied the power of Jesus Christ. Just about everything that I thought was based on truth has actually turned out to be a false doctrine. The Lord showed me the smoke and the mirrors. Once again, if you want the TRUTH, then any religious thing you have ever believed or practiced (i.e. practices in the church, church activities, anything you have learned from the church, etc.) HAS GOT TO GO!!!!!!!!!

What do you think are some religious practices that one needs to let go of, in order to find out the truth?

Hits: 334

Setting Captives Free is the Purpose of My LIFE!

I used to work in prisons and jails for 17 years as a state employee. I monitored and assessed my state’s correctional institutions according to minimum standards, some of which I also personally wrote.

I was in correctional facilities 8 hours a day or longer, , 10 days out of each month for several years. I entered each facility waving my official badge. While a state employee, I married a prisoner in 1988. So for 8 years, I was in prison every weekend, leaving my badge locked up in my car, entering the gate as just another prisoner’s wife.

Once I left my state job in 1997, I once again found myself “in prison” as a group counselor on Thursdays and a preacher on Sundays with male prisoners, a ministry of 7 additional years. Some of these years overlapped but in total, I have at least 25 years of diversified correctional experience as a state manager, a group counselor, a prison wife and a minister.

I have not been “in prison” for about 12 years. Recently, I dreamt that I was behind bars once again, not as a state worker or a wife but conducting my ministry and programs as I do today. So when my work for the day was done, as I was about to head for the gate, I heard a voice say that I WOULD NOT BE ALLOWED OUT.

I TOOK NO HEED TO IT, AND I WENT ON THAT LONG WALK I took for 17 years, from the back of each prison complex to the front gate. In the dream, I did so, unescorted and no one tried to stop or harm me.


As I was laying in my bed upon waking, I received the interpretation.

It was revealed that my actual life of 17 years “inside” of over 30 correctional facilities as an official manager with statewide authority is symbolic OF MY SPIRITUAL LIFE. My work for the Lord is to use the authority bestowed upon me by Jesus Christ of Nazareth as I continue to enter into the spiritual dungeons of the devil. Each time I enter, I confront the enemy, release the captive, and come out myself, completely unscathed!

The officer in the dream who “let me out” of the spiritual prison house is my angel. He protects me by the power and the authority of the Holy Ghost.

So call me. 888-818-1117. Or Write me.

My books set captives free also. Visit LULU  or Amazon,

Hits: 389

Pam Sheppard: Professional and Ordained

 I have been a licensed therapist since 1973 and an ordained minister since 1981.  Most of the  demonically tormented people who I have counseled in the last ten years were active members of charismatic and Pentecostal churches.

Some of them were set free but others remain tormented. So it no longer comes as a surprise to me that some of them will never find relief from demonic torment.  In pastoral counseling, it is an empirical fact that white magic practitioners who attend Christian churches are so shackled to the sin of idolatry, that release from demonic captivity is unobtainable without a thorough confession and renunciation of charismatic witchcraft.  As a consequence, the spiritual pride deeply rooted in the charismatic movement remains the stumbling block as “God resists the proud.”

In the book the New Idolatry,”  a lecture concerning demonism and psychotherapy by  German psychiatrist Alfred Lechler shed a somber light on demonic captivity: In the words of Dr. Lechler:

“What then must we regard as the cause of demonic enslavement or possession?  If we enquire closely from such people as bear the marks we have just mentioned, we very often find in their background the use of magic means such as are employed in black magic–acts of charming or being charmed, the sin of fortune-telling or visits to fortune tellers and card layers, and participation in spiritist sessions.  Black magic is much more prevalent than is ordinarily assumed…When we look into the Bible, we note that it too is well acquainted with enchantment.  It is in Acts 19 described as a ‘prying art.’ (here we also find mention of magic books.)[1]

   I must concur with the late Dr. Lechler, a German who practiced psychiatry before I was born.  Five or more decades later,  what I have found astounding is that in practically every case of demonic torment among my own Christian clients, a common factor is that 95 percent of them were not demon possessed BEFORE they went to a charismatic, “word of faith, non-denominational  church. 

Some passive Christians are like helpless zombies, unable to take corrective action where necessary.  On the charismatic side, good people have been deceived into accepting all things supernatural as “of the Lord’ and consequently, they have made ‘a voice from God’ as the deciding factor in every matter, both trivial and important.  Passive believers have also suppressed their personalities to such an extent that they can’t distinguish their own persona from the demonic influences that bind them.[1]

The difference between charismatic divination and occultism lies in the fact that generally the dreams, visions and prophetic messages of charismatic practitioners are usually spontaneous experiences, which “come over” or “overtake” the professing Christian without apparent preparation or mental volition on his or her part.  For this reason, the gullible and unsuspecting assume that the supernatural information must be from God.  On the other hand, psychics make use of omens, potions, amulets, tarot cards,  the I Ching, tea leaves, crystal balls, Ouija boards and a plethora of other tools to interpret the signs believed to be in them  to predict the future.

     Charismatic diviners have the same purpose.  They simply use tools that they claim are the nine biblical gifts of the Holy Ghost, particularly those labeled “the revelation gifts:” a word of knowledge, a word of wisdom and the discerning of spirits.  What charismatic teachers fail to understand is that Paul wrote the Corinthian letter about these gifts without defining them or explaining any specifics as to how they operate.  In fact, no texts in the Bible actually define these gifts.    

   In the midst of crowds of gatherers, people come to be led by shamanistic men and women who know how to “turn them on” with just a wave of a hand. On more than one occasion,  I watched in amazement as  well-known TV evangelist TD Jakes ordered apparently sensible people to turn to their neighbor and with a wave of their hand, shake their neighbor’s problems away. To watch the people immediately obey without thinking at all was a scary thing indeed. Anyone with a sound mind would know that problems do not “fly away” by a wave of the hand.

If you are either demonized or tormented, we offer you hope that your torment is a sign that if you have experienced a false conversion and you are presently being tormented, the torment itself is a sign that God intends to save you.  Demons and fallen angels do not torment those whom  they KNOW will never be saved. It is only the deceived among the elect of God who are under torment right now.  If you are one of God’s people who has been deceived while attending a Pentecostal, Charismatic or a Denominational Church, we can help you break the contract that you made with the fake Jesus.

So call us to arrange for your first telephone session at 888-818-1117.

[1] P. Sheppard,  Come Out of Her, God’s People,” 2010, pg. 198

“Together with spiritist activities, magic stands in a class of its own in relation to other sins, when it includes an appeal to Satan’s services or even a formal pact with Satan.  The Bible speaks of this too (Isaiah 28:15-18).  For by invoking Satan, man yields himself unequivocally to powers of darkness, in that he attempts by magic and the help of Satanic power to gain something that God has forbidden or withheld.”[2]

[1] Printed in Great Britain by Gospel Press, South Molton, Devon, pg.

[2] Dr. Alfred Lechler, “Demonism and Psychotherapy” Lecture given to the conference of doctors and pastors at Hohe Mark on 7/5/1949.

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