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The Spiritual Warfare Library of Pam Sheppard Ministries


Do you need more practical understanding of how to prepare yourself and others for deliverance and spiritual warfare? After going to a deliverance worker, has your condition gotten worst?Have you sought your church for help to no avail? If any of these apply to you, we provide 2 options.  Either join one of our affordable membership levels or use the Spiritual Warfare Library for self study and preparation. These videos and articles will bring you enough truth, so that you will be prepared to stand against the enemy. You may want to call to set up a phone session. Call 888-818-1117

All 9 books and all 11 courses are crucially important. But if you can only obtain one book, then it has to be The Church of the End time Zombies. Some of my readers have reported that evil spirits left them as they were actually reading this book. 

 For all books, click here

The spiritual warfare library library consists of hundreds of articles and videos free to each visitor.


Within the Free Spiritual Warfare Library, you will find  hundreds of articles that date back to 2012 to present day on any number of Christian categories.  Just use the search box and every article written with your keyword will be available to you. Keywords to use are deliverance ministry, deliverance counseling, the resurrection, false conversions, salvation, the fake Jesus and much more!

Here is an example of a search with “demonic torment” as a category.  Click here

the Spiritual Resource Library consists of the  study and experience of PSM since 1983, starting when  Pam was first called into deliverance ministry.   Referred to as  “deliverance prep,” articles, videos and books are geared toward a 4 part process: Know God, Know the devil, Know religion and Know yourself. PSM recommends the Free Spiritual Warfare Library to those who choose not to become members and  those who want to self study on their own.



deliverance Ministry

Within the Free Spiritual Warfare Library, you will find unique truths that may define what you learned in traditional deliverance ministry teachings. 

Within the Free Spiritual Warfare Library, you will learn how to be undeceived by false doctrine you may have digested from the religious world.

Understanding narcissism is key to your survival in these times. Free videos and articles will cause you to become wise as a serpent, yet harmless as a dove. 

If you are a non-member of PSM,  and you  want to learn more THROUGH SELF STUDY, THIS IS THE PAGE FOR YOU. You can register at the top of this page to keep in the loop.  Current articles, videos and revelations will be sent to you so as to  keep you informed of “what is going on.” 

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