The Holy Spirit is NOT Instrusive


Intrusive behavior of religious leaders often puts churchgoers into bondage. When I say that The Holy Spirit is NOT Intrusive, I mean this:

When I was in the institutional church, I remember feeling PUSHED to do certain things. My personal space was intruded upon, and my life felt bombarded. It felt Intrusive to me. I didn’t like it because it didn’t seem like I was led to do certain things, but rather FORCED. Fear was often a tactic used by the enemy through leadership, so therefore, at the time, before I knew any better, I gave in and submitted to the intrusive “authority” of religious leaders and practices, unlike the Holy Spirit. This was probably one of the few times I can recall giving up my will to do things I really did not want to do. The Intrusive Behavior of Religious Leaders left me feeling intimidated.

Being Intrusive tends to come from a “works based” mindset, that leads the one intruded upon to believe that if he/she refuses to commit, penalties will have to be paid by him/her. There were also times when I would feel bullied into doing things because in my mind, that’s what I thought I was supposed to tolerate in my life in order to get results. I was being manipulated and controlled into being a certain way or engaging in certain religious practices that would give one a false sense of security because I thought that God was involved. It was not the Holy Spirit, like I thought because the Holy Spirit is NOT Intrusive like that.

You will mostly notice the intrusive behavior of religious leaders to be very prideful. These religious zealots   are led to believe that they are tasked by the Holy Spirit with converting others; through forcing people to pray with them when those people are vulnerable with them about their circumstances. Or, they might out of the blue, choose to lay hands on people without their permission. They give unsolicited religious advice. And they make you feel like you must do what they suggest, or else you won’t be blessed by God. THE HOLY SPIRIT DOES NOT OPERATE LIKE THAT. Religion is INTRUSIVE like that. The Holy Spirit is NOT Intrusive.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peaceforbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23, NIV)

Anytime you feel pressured or coerced into doing something for your spiritual benefit, know that it is NOT the Holy Spirit, but rather a religious spirit being intrusive.

I remember being in church feeling pressured to do certain things. It made me very uncomfortable, and had me questioning those practices. I didn’t feel “led” to do many of those things; rather I felt that it was an expectation, since I was supposed to be a “Christian.” There’s no freedom in that.

 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1, NIV)

We should feel free to do what we are led to do. If you feel forced, or like you are in bondage, GET OUT! That is not of God. If you are not certain about a certain situation or practice, let it go. If it is from the Lord, he will reveal it to you. When in doubt, throw it OUT! AND RUN LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT, BECAUSE IT DOES!!! THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT INTRUSIVE!!!

If you feel you need to get out,  Pam Sheppard Ministries is a great place to run toWe are here, ready to welcome you with open arms and give you the support you need.

Here are 3 different ways you can reach out:

1.) Call us at 888-818-1117

2.) Email us at get

3.) Join our RESCUE Fellowship discussion group on Facebook at


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Evil Spirits and Hearing Voices

to portary how evil spirits cause us to hear voices,

by gailatrescue


Evil spirits and hearing voices came into my life 5 years ago. I struggled with contention against them. At that time, evil spirits and hearing voices constantly and consistently appeared, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. It all started gradually when they would say one word every 5 to 10 minutes. They would say things like “leave”. Later on, it gradually turned into constant, long running words telling me to do things and talking about Jesus.

Those evil spirits and hearing voices grew stronger after I visited a psychic, who claimed that she could help me. The voices started telling me to leave my job and not to go back into that building. One day, I obeyed those evil spirits and I left my job. That was a big mistake. As soon as I obeyed them, I gave them authority and control over me, and with that, those evil spirits continued a 24/7 harassment, and not giving me any breaks or pauses.

Then, I discovered an article online written by Pastor Pam Sheppard. I called her and when we spoke about my situation, she had knowledge about evil spirits and hearing voices, and understood what was happening to me. One of the ways her knowledge was evident was when she made it clear that me obeying those spirits was the absolute wrong thing to do. She discerned fear coming from me, and she also knew that I was not really born again, even though I thought I was.

Eventually, Pastor Pam started counseling me and I watched many of her videos, read her articles, and read her books. One of the many great things that Pastor Pam and the Holy Spirit did for me was help me take back my free will. Like she says in the video below, we worked and worked and worked until I took back my God given free will!!! And yes, I am holding it dear to me.

There’s more. After being in counseling and mentoring with Pastor Pam for 5 years I have progressed tremendously. Those evil spirits and hearing voices dramatically decreased to the point where I would go days without hearing from them. To me that is a true miracle. I have found multiple jobs and have been able to easily work in different areas that I felt was a better fit for me, compared to before where I was living in fear about being unemployed and unsure of when I would ever receive another pay check again.

Then on July 21st, 2019 at 12 pm God did something tremendous for me. He gave me a true salvation experience, which was truly supernatural, and absolutely not of my own doing. I had no idea I would become born again that day and was definitely not expecting it.

You see, years ago as a teenager I “accepted Jesus”, when prompted by the preacher to walk down the aisle and do such a thing. Yet looking back I realized I accepted Jesus out of pressure and fear to do what was expected of me and because of the promise suggesting I would be saved just by accepting him.

Yet when those evil spirits and hearing voices, came to harass me, my prayers, church attendance, and reading the Bible only made the voices come stronger and led to an increasing mention about what Jesus thinks I should do. Yet their words about Jesus didn’t make sense. Everything they wanted me to do was not fruitful, did not help me in my life whatsoever. In contrast, anything I listened to them about, put me in danger. After being in counseling with Pastor Pam, she taught me that I had a false conversion and everything that I felt didn’t quite add up during my time of being religious, started to make sense to me. I was worshipping the fake Jesus and praying to him and when I found that out, I stopped worshipping the fake Fake Jesus completely, and I removed myself from all religious behaviors that had been deeply rooted in my life.

One of the ways I advanced against those evil spirits and hearing voices harassing me, was when I renounced my false conversion. Not too long after that, I no longer heard voices in my head saying “Jesus thinks this”, “Jesus thinks that”. At that point, my goal was to get those evil spirits and hearing voices to leave me alone and not talk to me about anything at all because they were still commenting about everything I was doing. Thankfully, the sound and hearing from them reduced significantly and dramatically as I continued being counseled and mentored by Pastor Pam and I was feeling relieved and grateful for this.

As far as true salvation, I learned from Pastor Pam about waiting on God’s call to cause my salvation. Besides, there was plenty of work I needed to do on my soul, due to all the years, since childhood, of damage, pain, insecurity, and worries lodged deep inside me.

Then, my day arrived. On July 21st, 2019, at Pastor Pam’s annual workshop, after she preached an incredibly powerful sermon the day before, a sermon so powerful that after hearing it, the next day, the Holy Spirit led me to think about Jesus. Next, the Holy Spirit led me to repent, have Godly sorrow, GAVE me a clear understanding of the resurrection, and GAVE me the pure awe, shock, happiness, and excitement that Jesus actually is alive!! I went from loudly sobbing and to joyful astonishment that Jesus is actually alive. As this was all happening, all who were in attendance at that workshop were cheerful and encouraging witnesses to this occasion.

Now today, I know that I am a new creation in Christ. His grace of everything he has done and the power that is Him with the faith given to me that He defeated death, has a resounding and continuing impact on me.

As for those evil spirits and hearing voices, even before I got born again, they had already dramatically reduced. Since my rebirth less than 2 months ago, I have observed even more change and improvement. My salvation experience is so unforgettable, that it is my weapon and shield against them. The peace that I have is wonderfully more consistent than before I got born again and the evil spirits and hearing voices continue to decrease even more and more than before. Each week, I notice even more improvement against them, in that their presence has and continues to diminish.

One would wonder was waiting for Five years for the Lord and my born again experience worth it? It definitely was. Why? Because in the first few years, once I realized I had a false conversion and was progressively undeceived, I realized how much of a gift that it was to be undeceived and aware of all of the devils schemes, plots. His countless and often hidden tactics to destroy have been uncovered and as a person who became privy to this information, I used this knowledge to my healthy advantage, going about my life, safely altering, adjusting my life decisions based on what I knew about Satan’s deception tactics. God has blessed me with the truth of all the enemy’s deception and I am continually grateful for that. So in the midst of waiting for my salvation experience, that gratefulness was sweet to have in itself, just like the first bite into your favorite fruit you’ve been longing for, that sweetness of truth was and is refreshing.

So over a five year period, I overturned my false conversion, realized that salvation is a gift from God, not of mans own doing, and I did not waver but remained steadfast to what I continued to learn from the help I received in weekly deliverance counseling sessions.

With guidance and counseling from Pastor Pam Sheppard, her teaching, experience, and own born again history, Once flighty, I am now resilient. I know that God intended to cause me to eventually enter His family.

For me, Being born again is worth all the waiting I have done, because the new creation that salvation in Jesus Christ has given to me is extremely fulfilling, rewarding, and sustains me. The grace of salvation by Christ is everlasting and irreplaceable of anything the world offers. The peace the Lord has given to me , I am thankful for it and will always be thankful for it. The Lord has taken me out of Satan’s dark world and and into his light of truth.

Pam Sheppard Ministries is THE place to be if you are lost and in the dark. The answers you have been looking for are right here. There are people who have been struggling with torment of all sorts whether by demons, fallen angels, or the family members and friends the enemy is using against them. Call 1-888-818-1117 if you would like to know more about Pam Sheppard Ministries and what help you can be offered.

To view Pastor Pam’s testimonials, click here.


Hits: 2438

Common Sense VS Religion

Being religious has caused me to lack a lot of common sense. In the past, I was so blinded by religious rules, that I found it quite difficult to use my common sense to make daily life decisions. As a result, I have had to deal with the consequences of many significant life decisions I made all in the name of religion. There were times when I KNEW what to do, but because of some religious belief, second guessed myself, and made a different decision. Also, there were times when I would have a difficult time coming to a decision because I relied too heavily on waiting for some supernatural sign from God, not realizing it was just a religious belief inspired by the devil.

I can recall many occasions where I would lack confidence in my own God-given natural ability to make practical life choices, because I was afraid that using my common sense to make certain choices would somehow affect my “relationship with God,” or make me less of a Christian or candidate for heaven. Would you believe it if I told you that areas like politics, relationships (marriage included), careers, where to live, etc., are not necessarily areas that we need to be “consulting God” in? You see, God operates in SPIRITUAL MATTERS. But, religion has taught us to seek the supernatural in EVERYTHING that we do, and in EVERY aspect of our lives, that it is second nature to many of us. We fail to realize that often times, it is the ENEMY behind those decisions!!!

When detoxing yourself from religion, it is important to note that you must restructure your entire thought process. You must change your value system. You must determine new morals based on truth and common sense. I have effectively accomplished this by learning from people like Pam, who have never really been religious to begin with. For those of us who have been either raised religious, or have been heavily influenced by religion, religion is all we know, and has become the foundation for the morals and values we have today. It will have us wondering why we even make some of the decisions we make! LOL!!! That needs to change. When you encounter that WHY question, it’s time to suspect that religion is the culprit, and that it is time to do some serious investigating, which is an important part of the process of undeception. And as you go through the process of detoxing yourself from religion, use your God-given common sense, along with TRUTH to help you develop your morals and value system that will be based on TRUTH vs. false religious beliefs. Then and only then will you be able to see clearly, and start getting religion out of your system for GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thoughts? Can anyone out there relate to this?

Hits: 390