The Holy Spirit is NOT Instrusive


Intrusive behavior of religious leaders often puts churchgoers into bondage. When I say that The Holy Spirit is NOT Intrusive, I mean this:

When I was in the institutional church, I remember feeling PUSHED to do certain things. My personal space was intruded upon, and my life felt bombarded. It felt Intrusive to me. I didn’t like it because it didn’t seem like I was led to do certain things, but rather FORCED. Fear was often a tactic used by the enemy through leadership, so therefore, at the time, before I knew any better, I gave in and submitted to the intrusive “authority” of religious leaders and practices, unlike the Holy Spirit. This was probably one of the few times I can recall giving up my will to do things I really did not want to do. The Intrusive Behavior of Religious Leaders left me feeling intimidated.

Being Intrusive tends to come from a “works based” mindset, that leads the one intruded upon to believe that if he/she refuses to commit, penalties will have to be paid by him/her. There were also times when I would feel bullied into doing things because in my mind, that’s what I thought I was supposed to tolerate in my life in order to get results. I was being manipulated and controlled into being a certain way or engaging in certain religious practices that would give one a false sense of security because I thought that God was involved. It was not the Holy Spirit, like I thought because the Holy Spirit is NOT Intrusive like that.

You will mostly notice the intrusive behavior of religious leaders to be very prideful. These religious zealots   are led to believe that they are tasked by the Holy Spirit with converting others; through forcing people to pray with them when those people are vulnerable with them about their circumstances. Or, they might out of the blue, choose to lay hands on people without their permission. They give unsolicited religious advice. And they make you feel like you must do what they suggest, or else you won’t be blessed by God. THE HOLY SPIRIT DOES NOT OPERATE LIKE THAT. Religion is INTRUSIVE like that. The Holy Spirit is NOT Intrusive.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peaceforbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23, NIV)

Anytime you feel pressured or coerced into doing something for your spiritual benefit, know that it is NOT the Holy Spirit, but rather a religious spirit being intrusive.

I remember being in church feeling pressured to do certain things. It made me very uncomfortable, and had me questioning those practices. I didn’t feel “led” to do many of those things; rather I felt that it was an expectation, since I was supposed to be a “Christian.” There’s no freedom in that.

 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1, NIV)

We should feel free to do what we are led to do. If you feel forced, or like you are in bondage, GET OUT! That is not of God. If you are not certain about a certain situation or practice, let it go. If it is from the Lord, he will reveal it to you. When in doubt, throw it OUT! AND RUN LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT, BECAUSE IT DOES!!! THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT INTRUSIVE!!!

If you feel you need to get out,  Pam Sheppard Ministries is a great place to run toWe are here, ready to welcome you with open arms and give you the support you need.

Here are 3 different ways you can reach out:

1.) Call us at 888-818-1117

2.) Email us at get

3.) Join our RESCUE Fellowship discussion group on Facebook at


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The Devil Knows the Bible Too

Don’t Be a Bible Thumper!

Knowing the Bible inside and out, thinking you have ALL the answers and believing that you are to use it as an instruction manual for your life may not necessarily the smartest thing. Why would I say that? Well, from personal experience, I have learned that Bible knowledge does not save you. In can be helpful in your spiritual growth, and God can certainly use the Bible in your walk, but reading and knowing the Bible is not a path to salvation. How do I know this? Because before I was TRULY born again, I was one of those people who thought I was saved because with all my Bible Knowledge, I “thought” I had all the answers that led me to salvation. Boy was I WRONG! I needed to take SEVERAL SEATS! All I had was puffed up pride in me, boasting in my own power to somehow obtain salvation, because of knowing lots of scriptures. I did not consider that the devil knows the bible too. 

No cross, no repentance, no resurrection in my testimony. I was not really born again, and did not even know it. I had taken my supposed salvation into MY OWN HANDS. I read certain scriptures that, according to my old church leaders, were “supposed” to be the scriptures that would lead me to salvation. And instead of worshiping God, I worshiped the bible, thinking every scripture and verse I “happened” to land on was for ME. I took Bible scriptures out of context, misinterpreting those scriptures, and basically tried to work up my own salvation using those scriptures, not realizing that many of those scriptures I read were not even for me. They were written to a particular audience at a particular time, for a particular purpose. What I did was something called “Bibliomancy,” which is witchraft using the Bible…YES, THERE IS SUCH A THING! THE ENEMY IS ALL UP IN THAT! Look it up!

AND, since Satan knows the Bible, he will use Bible scriptures against you. Contrary to what the churches have taught many of us about how to use the Bible, I have learned that the Bible is NOT meant to be used as a instruction manual for your life. Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for HIS guidance will ALWAYS go hand in hand with God’s intended purpose for the Bible. When Jesus Christ ascended back to heaven to be with the father, he left us the Holy Spirit as a guide and counsellor for us. The Holy Spirit will reveal things to you at the right time.

Know This:


Consider this quote by Pastor Pam”

“Practically everything I know was acquired by personal experience. Now some may think that personal experience is not the best way to learn spiritual matters and so I am expecting that the bible thumpers will say that you try the spirits by “the word.” You need to know that the enemy knows the word better than we do. The enemy even knows how much YOU know about the bible. So he can line up the experience or communication with scriptures, the way YOU interpret them.”

Sure, we can learn a LOT from the scriptures. The Bible is an amazing book…but it must be used CORRECTLY, in the correct context. Bible knowledge is great, but it does not save you. The Holy Spirit does that, in His own will and own timing.

Hits: 997

You’re Not Dead Yet so Examine Your Salvation!

Praying To Accept Jesus
A Fallacy!


Paul’s time was chosen for him, not by him.

Someone once wrote, “In this day and age, MOST professing Christians are too proud and stubborn to consider the fact that the religious teaching they have grown to love Are All a Lie…and have NO IDEA about the darkness that has taken over the organized church.”

The enemy has long ago entered the visible church and propagated the lie that if a Christian has faith, speaks positively, and gives donations to religious causes, that financial blessings, “health and wealth, “ is assured as the will of God and that material wealth would even increase.  Many Christians continue to chase this carrot while the enemy laughs.  This is actually very simplistic and childish thinking.

And that isn’t the only or worst of false doctrines that have taken over the visible church.  The single most damaging practice that has even spread throughout the world is, “praying to accept Jesus and asking Him into one’s heart.”  This is otherwise known as the, “sinner’s prayer. ”Yes, that’s right.  Please take a moment to consider, (throughout this article, all references to, “Jesus,” refers only to Jesus Christ who was born in Nazareth .”  If that seems odd, it will be explained in a future article.),  Jesus is actually, now, in His physical body, sitting at the right hand of the Father.  He cannot enter any one’s heart.  And the critical, “work,” of salvation is in no one’s hands but God Himself who draws one to their salvation.

 On the contrary,  the following scriptures appear to dictate that He already knows who will be His.  And at any time during one’s lifetime, even to the last breath, one would have their time of visitation by the Holy Spirit.  I site the following verses: Romans 8:29–30; Ephesians 1:5, 11; Colossians 3:12; 1 Thessalonians 1:4; and 2 Timothy 2:10.

Also know that the most important point in the understanding of the salvation experience is in understanding that without the physical, bodily resurrection of Jesus into immortality—there is no salvation. One must know  and understand that it isn’t just His suffering on the cross that is critical, but His being raised up into immortality in His actual physical body.  Remember, upon His return to His disciples, He spoke with them, ate with them, and Thomas was even able to physically touch Him to enhance his belief that this was truly Jesus.  To further advance the monumental occasion of His resurrection was the fact that at that time, as we now read in Matt. 27:51-53:

…“Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split, and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many.”      As Paul warned the Corinthians, if one has a wrong belief, or does not believe in His resurrection or the resurrection of the dead, then there is no salvation. As Paul said in 1 Cor. 15:17,  And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.

Also, consider that anything monumental that had ever been done for the ultimate benefit of man was done by God Himself. Refer to His leading Israel out of Egypt;  His crafting His covenant with Abraham—remember, He gave Abraham instructions, but then put him to sleep while He cut the covenant (Gen. 15:9-18); and for us, salvation in Christ Jesus of Nazareth through the visitation of the Holy Spirit who convicts us of sin and gives us the faith to believe in the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ.

He, “calls,” us by the Holy Spirit, who chooses the time of His visitation and convicts us to repentance in much sorrow for who we ourselves are by our sin-nature that put Jesus on the cross.  Again, He, “convinces,” us that we are sinners deserving of punishment but soon afterwards also brings our spirit to life with absolute joy in Him giving us the necessary faith to believe in His bodily resurrection. So praying to accept Jesus is an offense to God Himself.

This great work is done by Him, not us.  We cannot convict ourselves nearly to the extent that the Holy Spirit does. We cannot produce our own faith as the Holy Spirit gives.  This is totally His work.  Not ours. Anything critical to man He does Himself so that—if you will—man would not mess it up.

My next post will further illustrate this point with my own testimony. But here now, please know that my own Pastor was an atheist from the word, “go.” And did not attend any house of institutional religion but one time in 33 years.  For as long as she could remember she was an atheist until the Holy Spirit came upon her, quite out of the blue and convicted her of her sin-nature, gave her the faith to believe in Jesus’ suffering and bodily resurrection, and she became born again.  What I didn’t say was that at the time she was deep into the occult!  He saved her without a sermon, tract, or anything else but Himself.  

Me, I was a false conversion, believing that I was, “saved, born again, etc.” because I repeated a, “sinner’s prayer.  I “parroted,” a prayer based on intellectual knowledge, no true faith required, no true, through and through, into the marrow of my bones realization or acknowledgement of my sin nature, so did that count?  No.  But I went through all of the motions, attended a house of worship, did what I was told, etc., and was not, as I came to learn, was not born again.  That came much, much later…

Finally, , take a moment and do as Paul had admonished, examine your salvation to see if you truly are in the faith. (2 Corinthians 13:5)


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