Idolatry and the Impact of Plagues Upon Christianity

By Pastor Pam

As I pointed out in several of my books, the practice of idolatry— whether purposeful or in ignorance— is an open gateway to the plagues. Easy believism, aka the “I accept Jesus into my heart”practice is at the top of the list of the most pervasive practices of idolatry in the churches. Closely followed is the speaking in tongues, the prosperity gospel and closet homosexuality among the clergy. Truly, the list of idolatrous practices is very long. Blasphemous doctrines are the most glaring including those that add to or detract from the gospel of Jesus Christ as both Savior and Lord. As Paul warned the Galatians, to add to or detract from the gospel brings a lasting curse with it. (Galatians:1:8) A curse is synonymous with a plague.

In my book called “the New Idolatry,” you will find these words:

“I perceive some basic principles that can be gleaned from an exploration of how God delivered His people out of the hands of Pharaoh to understand how He will also deliver the remnant elect out of the hands of the Antichrist when He opens the 7 vial and the 7 seal judgments outlined by the Apostle John in the book of Revelation.These judgments or plagues are listed in the 8th chapter: earthquakes, the sea becomes blood, 1/3 of the creatures of the sea die, 1/3 of the rivers and waters are contaminated, darkness with 1/3 of the light turned off of the moon, the sun and the stars, locusts that torment the unsaved for 5 months, and 1/3 of men killed by war. Endtime plagues certainly bear noticeable similarities to the 10 wonders that came upon Egypt, ie. the contamination of water, weather disturbances aka climate change, death of sea creatures, darkness, and death, with God’s people being protected.”

What are the plagues? The worst plague is a curse of spiritual blindness caused by delusion and demonic deception. The worst of the worst is to be duped into believing that you are going to heaven, and to die and find yourself in hell for eternity. For what does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world yet loses his soul? (Matthew 16:25) The fact that countless people have been indoctrinated into the “I accepted Jesus” practice aka the “make a decision” for Christ gospel are the worst abominations of them all. For this form of idolatry distorts the word of God to such an extent, than I am willing to estimate that 95% of churchgoers believe that they are born again , yet they are not. Counterfeit spiritual births at the altars of God are the absolute worst plague, the fruit of idolatry. This horrendous sign is pervasive throughout the organized church worldwide—a huge, gaping hole for demonic infestation and other horrendous plagues to enter with ease.

In “the “Tribulation: Signs to Wonder About” a salient warning is presented:

Just because you have not yet felt the ramifications of a plague, does NOT mean that you have escaped it. It may manifest at the end of your life or even in the lives of your children and grandchildren. For example, freemasonry in the church is a major outrage of how the Fake Jesus has established a seat in countless organized religious systems. In fact, many of mainline denominations were even founded by practicing freemasons, with freemasons pervasively established in the pulpits yet today.

In the ebook Social Distancing and the Out of Church Movement,” Covid 19 is considered as a special warning relative to idolatrous teachings and practices built into Christian religion. Case in point, the following quotations loudly amplifies the warning:

In the month of March 2020, the Holy Spirit made things quite clear. What is impossible with men is possible with God. God is using the social distancing requirement of Coronavirus to empty the churches. ALL AT ONCE, HE HAS OPENED THE RED SEA. Its a dangerous time. If you remain disobedient, you will go down with the sinking ship. If you return to the churches after the crisis has passed, you will be like Lot’s wife, looking back at what God is destroying!

You may ask why.

Your question is both logical and understandable. To cut to the chase, the reason God wants His people to “come out of Her,” is because the spirit of the Antichrist has progressively crept into religious institutions for centuries and every last person, down to the preacher has continued to be just plain unaware. Spiritually blind, in fact. After about 1700 years, these religious buildings are comparable to haunted houses. Though invisible, church buildings are filled with evil spirits who specialize in religion.

It follows that plagues that can destroy the soul are actually worst than those that debilitate the body only. Sickness and disease are certainly among the plagues, but there are several others. In our times, there are plagues that were not around in other generations: Covid-19, HIV/AIDS, crack, violence like drive by shootings, missing children, the domestic violence cycle and so many more.Addiction of any kind is a plague primarily due to the dysfunction within the human will. As previously addressed, besides the mind and the emotions, the soul also consists of the will. Whenever the human will is in any kind of bondage, a plague is in operation which follows that the soul is seriously damaged.

The simple truth is that a plethora of plagues, aka pandemics shall play a crucial role in the last days before the Lord Jesus Christ returns to earth, wherein He will destroy all plagues as death itself is destroyed. In the meantime, The Lord God has left us a list of instructions. the most important one being “Come out OF HER MY PEOPLE, lest you partake of Her sins and receive f Her plagues.

Her? Who is SHE? That is the question. To answer that question, we must also ask “where are The Lord’s People?”

When you have received the answer to these two questions, then you will know what to do and what NOT to do.

Hits: 1325

Religious Superstitions

Do this, and this bad thing will happen. Don’t do that, and that bad thing will happen. RELIGIOUS SUPERSTITIONS. They incite fear, and bring about a sense of paranoia in people, which keeps folks in bondage. Religious superstitions are not real. They are fear based.

To me, this where the occult and religion tend to join forces. You have the religious side, where you are led to believe that something bad will happen to you if you do a certain thing…and then you have the occult side that encourages you to engage in an occult type of practice, in order to either avoid a bad thing happening, or to try to yield positive results in your life. That is in essence, witchcraft. Both incite fear, bring about a sense of paranoia, and keep folks in bondage. They are beliefs based on BELIEFS, rather than being based on truth. Evil spirits also prey on such situations, and will have you believing all kinds of crazy, untrue things, just to get you to live your life in fear.

Many times, these religious superstitions originate from experiences people have had in the past that they have not effectively dealt with, and therefore they create a fear-based conclusion, rooted in a negative experience they had related to that item or situation they are superstitious about.

It is similar to the, don’t step on a crack or you’ll break your mother’s back OR don’t split the poke syndrome. Now, those examples are quite elementary, but I’m sure you get my drift, here.

They do it a LOT in churches…particularly with the prosperity gospel. We all have seen those late-night religious shows, where folks are making claims that because they gave some exorbitant amount of money, they are magically healed or blessed. So they give and give and give…until they become poor. Unbeknownst to them, it actually RUINS their lives and creates MORE problems for them. People are led to believe that if they don’t contribute a certain amount of money, they won’t be healed or blessed. RELIGIOUS SUPERSTITIONS. God heals and blesses us IN SPITE OF what monetary amount we choose to give or not to give. I am not talking about legitimate counseling sessions, where it is customary to pay for a service you are receiving. I’m speaking about false church-based prosperity teachings that incite fear in people and lead them to believe that they must contribute a certain large sum of money in order for certain situations to improve in their lives. Or thinking you are “cursed” because a certain difficult situation happened to you. Maybe that’s just LIFE. We weren’t promised that everything in this life would be easy.

Another example is that if you don’t say “Grace”, “bless the food,” or pray for your food before you eat, your food will not be good for you to eat or may be tainted in some way or something. Saying “Grace” before meals is a RELIGIOUS PRACTICE, often rooted in RELIGIOUS SUPERSTITIONS. JUST EAT YOUR FOOD!!! When God created the earth and all that is in it in 7 days, he declared, “IT IS GOOD!” So, it is already blessed. If you get sick from eating something, it is not because you didn’t pray first. Sometimes these things just happen. Doesn’t have to have a supernatural reason behind it.

Here at PSM, we believe in helping people to break free from religious (and occult) bondage so that they can live their lives freely, according from the truth based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Nothing we do here is based on Religious Superstitions, but rather on TRUTH. If you are in bondage to Religious Superstitions, and feel that you need to be set free, shoot us an email at:

Hits: 448

The Holy Spirit is NOT Instrusive


Intrusive behavior of religious leaders often puts churchgoers into bondage. When I say that The Holy Spirit is NOT Intrusive, I mean this:

When I was in the institutional church, I remember feeling PUSHED to do certain things. My personal space was intruded upon, and my life felt bombarded. It felt Intrusive to me. I didn’t like it because it didn’t seem like I was led to do certain things, but rather FORCED. Fear was often a tactic used by the enemy through leadership, so therefore, at the time, before I knew any better, I gave in and submitted to the intrusive “authority” of religious leaders and practices, unlike the Holy Spirit. This was probably one of the few times I can recall giving up my will to do things I really did not want to do. The Intrusive Behavior of Religious Leaders left me feeling intimidated.

Being Intrusive tends to come from a “works based” mindset, that leads the one intruded upon to believe that if he/she refuses to commit, penalties will have to be paid by him/her. There were also times when I would feel bullied into doing things because in my mind, that’s what I thought I was supposed to tolerate in my life in order to get results. I was being manipulated and controlled into being a certain way or engaging in certain religious practices that would give one a false sense of security because I thought that God was involved. It was not the Holy Spirit, like I thought because the Holy Spirit is NOT Intrusive like that.

You will mostly notice the intrusive behavior of religious leaders to be very prideful. These religious zealots   are led to believe that they are tasked by the Holy Spirit with converting others; through forcing people to pray with them when those people are vulnerable with them about their circumstances. Or, they might out of the blue, choose to lay hands on people without their permission. They give unsolicited religious advice. And they make you feel like you must do what they suggest, or else you won’t be blessed by God. THE HOLY SPIRIT DOES NOT OPERATE LIKE THAT. Religion is INTRUSIVE like that. The Holy Spirit is NOT Intrusive.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peaceforbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-23, NIV)

Anytime you feel pressured or coerced into doing something for your spiritual benefit, know that it is NOT the Holy Spirit, but rather a religious spirit being intrusive.

I remember being in church feeling pressured to do certain things. It made me very uncomfortable, and had me questioning those practices. I didn’t feel “led” to do many of those things; rather I felt that it was an expectation, since I was supposed to be a “Christian.” There’s no freedom in that.

 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1, NIV)

We should feel free to do what we are led to do. If you feel forced, or like you are in bondage, GET OUT! That is not of God. If you are not certain about a certain situation or practice, let it go. If it is from the Lord, he will reveal it to you. When in doubt, throw it OUT! AND RUN LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT, BECAUSE IT DOES!!! THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT INTRUSIVE!!!

If you feel you need to get out,  Pam Sheppard Ministries is a great place to run toWe are here, ready to welcome you with open arms and give you the support you need.

Here are 3 different ways you can reach out:

1.) Call us at 888-818-1117

2.) Email us at get

3.) Join our RESCUE Fellowship discussion group on Facebook at


Hits: 461

Fear of Failure

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Most often, the WISEST one in the room is the one who makes the MOST mistakes.

I used to have a fear of failure. It stifled me. And it caused a form of bondage that I did not like. I felt like I was being suffocated. I could tell that my growth and progress was being hindered.

Pastor Pam has helped me SO MUCH in this area. Her example of embracing her mistakes and not being phased by them, but rather seeing the lesson in them has helped me to understand the importance of humility, as well as how mistakes can help us learn and grow. I used to be so indecisive because I was worried about the outcome. I am no longer ruled by my anxiety of what may or may not happen. Life goes on. Ya live and ya learn.

God is so amazingly patient with us. As mistakes happen, I believe that he watches us, and allows us to keep falling, so that we can figure out our mistakes, fix them, and apply what we have learned to the next similar situation.

Humility is KEY here. You have to allow yourself to fall, so that you can see where you messed up, and examine yourself to see how you handle certain situations, and what you can do better next time. The more mistakes you make, the WISER you become.

Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you.

“The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.” (Proverbs 4:6-7)

God does not expect us to look perfect before him. BE YOU! Allow yourself to mess up. Even our best is like filthy rags to God, anyway. You don’t have the power to cleanse yourself. Only God can do that. Perfectionism is from the enemy because it tricks you into thinking that you can’t make a mistake. And then it makes you feel like you have to do religious works in order to appear righteous, Holy, and perfect.

Don’t let the enemy keep you in bondage just because you made a mistake. Allow yourself to GROW!

Hits: 1243

The Devil Knows the Bible Too

Don’t Be a Bible Thumper!

Knowing the Bible inside and out, thinking you have ALL the answers and believing that you are to use it as an instruction manual for your life may not necessarily the smartest thing. Why would I say that? Well, from personal experience, I have learned that Bible knowledge does not save you. In can be helpful in your spiritual growth, and God can certainly use the Bible in your walk, but reading and knowing the Bible is not a path to salvation. How do I know this? Because before I was TRULY born again, I was one of those people who thought I was saved because with all my Bible Knowledge, I “thought” I had all the answers that led me to salvation. Boy was I WRONG! I needed to take SEVERAL SEATS! All I had was puffed up pride in me, boasting in my own power to somehow obtain salvation, because of knowing lots of scriptures. I did not consider that the devil knows the bible too. 

No cross, no repentance, no resurrection in my testimony. I was not really born again, and did not even know it. I had taken my supposed salvation into MY OWN HANDS. I read certain scriptures that, according to my old church leaders, were “supposed” to be the scriptures that would lead me to salvation. And instead of worshiping God, I worshiped the bible, thinking every scripture and verse I “happened” to land on was for ME. I took Bible scriptures out of context, misinterpreting those scriptures, and basically tried to work up my own salvation using those scriptures, not realizing that many of those scriptures I read were not even for me. They were written to a particular audience at a particular time, for a particular purpose. What I did was something called “Bibliomancy,” which is witchraft using the Bible…YES, THERE IS SUCH A THING! THE ENEMY IS ALL UP IN THAT! Look it up!

AND, since Satan knows the Bible, he will use Bible scriptures against you. Contrary to what the churches have taught many of us about how to use the Bible, I have learned that the Bible is NOT meant to be used as a instruction manual for your life. Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for HIS guidance will ALWAYS go hand in hand with God’s intended purpose for the Bible. When Jesus Christ ascended back to heaven to be with the father, he left us the Holy Spirit as a guide and counsellor for us. The Holy Spirit will reveal things to you at the right time.

Know This:


Consider this quote by Pastor Pam”

“Practically everything I know was acquired by personal experience. Now some may think that personal experience is not the best way to learn spiritual matters and so I am expecting that the bible thumpers will say that you try the spirits by “the word.” You need to know that the enemy knows the word better than we do. The enemy even knows how much YOU know about the bible. So he can line up the experience or communication with scriptures, the way YOU interpret them.”

Sure, we can learn a LOT from the scriptures. The Bible is an amazing book…but it must be used CORRECTLY, in the correct context. Bible knowledge is great, but it does not save you. The Holy Spirit does that, in His own will and own timing.

Hits: 997

What is Worship?

Defining Worship From Scripture

What IS Worship? Well, I’ll tell you What worship is NOT.

~Worship is NOT being “drunk” or “high” in any way shape or form in the spirit.

~Worship is NOT zoning out into Zombieland, passively being controlled or lulled by a beat or mesmerizing song into engaging in strange behaviors and allowing spirits to take over your mind, body, and soul.

~Worship is NOT having a seance in church, chanting and speaking in tongues, in order to get a reaction from the spirit world.

~Worship is NOT lusting after the supernatural and aiming to call it an “experience with God.”

~Worship is NOT romancing Jesus, making him out to be your husband and you personally his bride…FOR WHAT???

~Worship is NOT getting caught up in your fleshy emotions in your attempts to present yourself to the almighty God.

~Worship is NOT a religious, churchified lifestyle, but rather a life of humility, and of a willingness to learn God’s way versus the religious way, accepting the fact that the religion you have been taught may not be the way to the truth you seek.


John 4:24 (NIV) states, “God is SPIRIT (emphasis added) and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”

So, it takes 2 things to worship God: 1. Spirit and 2. Truth.

I have come to learn that TRUE worship to the Lord is in my everyday spiritual life. That means, keeping in step with the Holy Spirit; Taking up my cross and denying my flesh daily; and living my life based on the TRUTH, as opposed to a watered down religious gospel that lacks the power of the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I LOVE music, and I LOVE to sing. But I used to minimize worship to being some “experience” I would seek through many self-focused Gospel and Contemporary Christian songs played in church. (*Not all Gospel and Contemporary Christian songs promote false doctrines, but many DO, and are fleshly in nature, so you have to be careful and make sure the song is centered on Christ and the Gospel.

Then I realized that it was all a FLESHLY LUST FOR THE SUPERNATURAL. I wanted to FEEL SOMETHING. I wanted to take part in supernatural experiences, due to my weakness for and attraction to witchcraft and the occult. It wasn’t about wanting God. It was about GETTING A SPIRITUAL HIGH. Yes, God is a spirit, but that was not the type of “spirit” I was seeking after. I wanted to FEEL SPECIAL…as if I had something no one else had, or as if everything revolved around ME. God does not do that. The enemy does. He uses the supernatural to make us feel SPECIAL, and then he puffs us up with all kinds of thoughts about ourselves, so that we can think we are filling voids of insecurity, worthlessness, rejection, and lack of acceptance in our lives. 

But God’s message through Jesus Christ is not centered around you and me, and what He can do for us and how he can “wave his magic wand” to make us feel better about ourselves and give us what we want out of life. Instead, it is centered around the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. Ask yourself: “Do I even KNOW what the true Gospel of Jesus Christ is?” Hint: The TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ is not even taught in the church!!! Start there.

In closing, I’d like to leave you with something to chew on:

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:1-2)

It’s about being A LIVING SACRIFICE. It’s NOT about being self-absorbed like the world (including church & religion) falsely teaches. It’s NOT about YOU. Humble yourself before the LordAllow the Lord to show you a NEW thing. Seek the TRUTH.

Hits: 1361

Common Sense VS Religion

Being religious has caused me to lack a lot of common sense. In the past, I was so blinded by religious rules, that I found it quite difficult to use my common sense to make daily life decisions. As a result, I have had to deal with the consequences of many significant life decisions I made all in the name of religion. There were times when I KNEW what to do, but because of some religious belief, second guessed myself, and made a different decision. Also, there were times when I would have a difficult time coming to a decision because I relied too heavily on waiting for some supernatural sign from God, not realizing it was just a religious belief inspired by the devil.

I can recall many occasions where I would lack confidence in my own God-given natural ability to make practical life choices, because I was afraid that using my common sense to make certain choices would somehow affect my “relationship with God,” or make me less of a Christian or candidate for heaven. Would you believe it if I told you that areas like politics, relationships (marriage included), careers, where to live, etc., are not necessarily areas that we need to be “consulting God” in? You see, God operates in SPIRITUAL MATTERS. But, religion has taught us to seek the supernatural in EVERYTHING that we do, and in EVERY aspect of our lives, that it is second nature to many of us. We fail to realize that often times, it is the ENEMY behind those decisions!!!

When detoxing yourself from religion, it is important to note that you must restructure your entire thought process. You must change your value system. You must determine new morals based on truth and common sense. I have effectively accomplished this by learning from people like Pam, who have never really been religious to begin with. For those of us who have been either raised religious, or have been heavily influenced by religion, religion is all we know, and has become the foundation for the morals and values we have today. It will have us wondering why we even make some of the decisions we make! LOL!!! That needs to change. When you encounter that WHY question, it’s time to suspect that religion is the culprit, and that it is time to do some serious investigating, which is an important part of the process of undeception. And as you go through the process of detoxing yourself from religion, use your God-given common sense, along with TRUTH to help you develop your morals and value system that will be based on TRUTH vs. false religious beliefs. Then and only then will you be able to see clearly, and start getting religion out of your system for GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thoughts? Can anyone out there relate to this?

Hits: 390

The Smoke and Mirrors

Learning the truth through Pam Sheppard Ministries has rocked my religious world! What I thought was the truth was actually just my religion masquerading as truth. It was a form of Godliness that denied the power of Jesus Christ. Just about everything that I thought was based on truth has actually turned out to be a false doctrine. The Lord showed me the smoke and the mirrors. Once again, if you want the TRUTH, then any religious thing you have ever believed or practiced (i.e. practices in the church, church activities, anything you have learned from the church, etc.) HAS GOT TO GO!!!!!!!!!

What do you think are some religious practices that one needs to let go of, in order to find out the truth?

Hits: 334