Inside A Reprobate Mind

“And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to those things which are not fitting.” What is it like inside a reprobate mind? There are many “interpretations” of what a reprobate mind is, but all we need to understand for now in this article is: what’s going on in there? (For context see Romans 1:18-32).

The Wrath and The People

The Apostle Paul was revealed from heaven “the wrath of God.” God’s wrath is against all ungodliness and unrighteousness. 

Some Christians believe this wrath is directed toward those not destined for salvation. Yet, there is not an exact context of that in Romans. All who are not saved will experience the wrath of God, but also all who are “ungodly and unrighteous.” So, if one is born-again yet are ungodly and unrighteous in their sanctification, the wrath of God is against them also.

As he writes, the ungodly people he is speaking about, “Knew God.” They knew God because He was “manifest in them” and the invisible attributes of God are clearly seen by these people. To me, they sound like Christians. Because, how can sinners “know God” and see his invisible attributes when some don’t even believe in His existence?


Despite not knowing exactly “who” can have a reprobate mind, let’s look inside a reprobate mind.

Interestingly, this Greek word is divided into two root words “alpha” “dokimos.” The “alpha” is a negative particle so it means “without.” Apparently, in ancient Europe a “dokimos” was considered an honorable money-changer who did not “whittle” down the metal when making money coins. This gives context that a Dokimos is a trying, real-person with integrity. So, a reprobate mind is “without Dokimos,” or without a real, honest mind. 

We could also say that since ancient Dokimos worked harder to ensure the money they made was accurate, it’s safe to say they had common sense. So, inside a reprobate mind it does not have common sense, and “it exchanges the truth for a lie or deceit.” And, “it suppresses the truth in unrighteousness.”


It appears that a reprobate mind was not “always that way.” It seems that at some point, they had understanding. They had a conscience, and were intelligible. It also seems that God does not create a reprobate mind. He actually protects us from such a mental place.

Yet, at some point the “pre-reprobate mind” begins. It seems that the mind suppresses the truth about God and becomes unthankful. This mind refuses to see the good that God has provided them. Their minds then begin to think “futile” or “vain” thoughts that eventually darken the heart. At this point in the mind, there is still a “profession of being wise” but a contradiction within them, making them “foolish.” 

In this foolish state of their mind and heart, they engage in idolatry. It is here, God “gives them over” to uncleanness in the lust of their hearts. He gives them up to “vile passions” because they have “lost the safe ground” they had by their self-deception. From here, we see deeds of a reprobate mind rebel against the natural design and construction of human beings. 

Inside a reprobate mind is a heart full of unnatural and bizarre thoughts of lust and evil. 


A reprobate mind in full action is extremely evil and absolutely corrupt. Because inside a reprobate mind “there is no truth.” That which is true is traded for error, this makes them deceptive in nature. In which, the Devil can prey off of, leading these people into wickedness, sexual immorality, envy; into being whisperers, violent, proud, unforgiving, unloving and undiscerning.

Inside a reprobate mind is zero discernment. They can’t tell anything from God and the Devil and themselves. They are lost! This is why God protects us from such a mind! A reprobate mind is in a devastating place, far worse than being “uneducated.”


Can a reprobate mind be restored? Well, once the Holy Spirit moves on a reprobate mind to repent at the Cross of Jesus Christ of Nazareth then yes, I do believe a reprobate mind can be restored, but I am not sure. 

It also seems to me that a reprobate mind (in a way) “gives ground” to Satan to have such a mind. Perhaps if a reprobate mind is able to come to the truth about their developed mental condition they can gain back “a right mind.” But who knows, Satan might have such a strong claim on the mind that God “gave over” that it may not be possible.

Then, maybe the only people who can be restored are those predestined for salvation.

Hits: 2957

You Will Be Disqualified

Paul used the worldly Greek games of his times as a metaphor for born again Christians walking in the spirit. He compared it to an Olympic foot race that was common in ancient Greece. Runners had to qualify for the race, and once qualified—compete. All but one win a “wreath” made of plants and flowers, indicating the victor of the race. Yet, for the Greeks they competed for this wreath that decayed, but Christians compete for a crown of life that is eternal. Now, in your competition, there are certain things that if you continually partake in, you will be disqualified! 


How can you be qualified to run the race in Christ? Well, you must be born again! Why? Because in order to see the Kingdom you must be born again. The Kingdom of Christ is what rests at the “finish line.” How can you run, focused on a finish line you can’t see? You will be running blind!

Being born-again is the beginning “track shot” that fires off the moment you are born-again. Once you have your salvation, you have been qualified to run and you can see “the finish line” in order to receive a “winning prize” of the inheritance of the Kingdom. 


Paul mentions to the church of Corinth the examples of the Israelites and how we can learn from them.

Just as most races have rules in which, if runners break, they are disqualified from running and thus winning. So too, for us there are spiritual boundaries that if we cross, we will not obtain a crown of life and receive the inheritance of the Kingdom. 

Idolatry is the first way out of the race. After the Israelites were taken out of bondage, after they eye-witnessed the most miraculous powers of God…they still fell into idolatry. We may ask, “How was this possible?” Well, they made the golden calf because, “They did not know what had become of Moses.” There was a delay, so they panicked. They could not wait, they were anxious and uncomfortable. So, they turned to what they were used to in the culture of that time: idols. The world of Egypt was ingrained into them.

So, how often do we go to modern idols for comfort to distract our discomfort? How often, despite seeing glorious works of God’s goodness, when trouble and delays come, do we get anxious and escape to some kind of idol? An idol is a counterfeit god that we go to for power, healing, highness, and even love. ANYTHING CAN BECOME AN IDOL! For, we make them! And then, the spirits behind them come to seize us.

If you continue to participate in idolatry, which there are many different forms of, you will be disqualified from running the race!

Other Disqualifications

And so, just like idolatry has shape shifted in our era, so too with fornication. Interestingly, the Greek word for fornication is “porneuo.” Notice the word “porn” is in there? So, porn or “virtual sex” falls under fornication. Not only, but imagining flesh in your mind and masterbating is also fornication. All you have done is removed the porn screen and made it in your head! So, do these similar things and you will be disqualified. 

Another disqualification is tempting God. The example used here is when the Israelites became discouraged in the wilderness. They, “Spoke against God and Moses,” basically accusing God that they were being led to their deaths. To say, testing or tempting God is questioning His sovereignty, and denying His power and divine provision. This is another way you will be disqualified. Also, Jesus was tempted by Satan to tempt God and test His divine power. So, we can also tempt God by behaving foolishly and expect to “be saved.”

The final disqualification is complaining. The example used is when the Israelites complained about being hungry, and missed their past lives in Egypt with pots “full of meat.” A simple, basic need that God provides for birds was being complained about. So, have this kind of discontentment attitude and you will be disqualified from the race! 

Run To Win

At the finish line, is the Kingdom of Christ, or “the land of milk and honey.” We are so near it, we can almost taste it. 

Yet, we have to run with certainty, and focus. Professional athletes train, and discipline their bodies and live all in order to win. So to with us…

Satan knows his time is short so he is rushing his agenda. He will tempt us with all of these disqualifying ways. Especially with idolatry. A book that will help you get your sprint back is, “The New Idolatry.” This book will defeat deception, the number one weapon the enemy uses against us to hinder our race. 

Check out our ministry so you can run that race and win! You can also call our ministry hotline at 838-217-0104 for more information. We specialize in deliverance, deception, false doctrine, etc. Go ahead now, run, but break the rules and you will be disqualified! 

Hits: 1070

New Age Spirituality And Psychosis

New age spirituality and psychosis both have become more and more prevalent over the years. Is there a connection between the two? In this article, I will show you how the new age spirituality can be a possible cause for psychosis.

What Is Psychosis?

Well, according to WebMD, “Psychosis is a condition that affects the way your brain processes information. It causes you to lose touch with reality. You might see, hear, or believe things that aren’t real. Psychosis is a symptom, not an illness. A mental or physical illness, substance abuse, or extreme stress or trauma can cause it.”

Now, many psychologists have different takes on psychosis and why it occurs. Without a doubt, psychologist know that it is an altered state of consciousness. I experienced episodes of psychosis. Especially when using LSD. I felt completely disconnected from external reality. It’s as if, whatever I thought became my own special inner-reality. To say, everything around me seemed false, but anything within me was real.

The error of this, left me delusional. Coming out of psychosis almost felt like waking up from sleep. Sort of “getting your mind back.” I see modern day psychosis as similar to what people back then referred to as “losing your mind.”

Spiritual Emergency

“Spiritual emergency” was a term created by Stan and Christina Grof. Dr. Stan Grof is a psychiatrist located in Prague. His goal has been to merge the “ancient wisdom of the east” to the science of the west. He actually believes psychosis is a sign of spiritual transformation.

In fact, many kundalini spiritualists believe this to a different degree. You see, kundalini gurus say that those who are not properly guided into kundalini yoga, meditation, and other practices often go crazy. Why?

What the psychologists and gurus of the world don’t understand is that kundalini energy does exist, but it comes from evil spirits. We do not have “dormant” energy that can be awakened. This “energy” when “awakened” is actually evil spirits manifesting their powers to your soul and body. When we have our chakras closed, they protect our souls from spirits entering into them. Yet, once these are opened, spirits are allowed to enter and use them. And since these chakras are also connected to the body, it explains the issues people experience. Of course, especially with the brain.

The Kundalini Crisis

Now, in this day, countless people are reporting psychosis and psychotic episodes due to spiritual practices. The new age spirituality and psychosis appear to have a connection.

As previously mentioned, the issue is not whether or not a guru has properly guiding meditations. The problem is the spiritual practice entirely. When you open your chakras you allow evil spirits to invade your brain.

Alternatively, this connection links to the charismatic, Pentecostal, non-denominational religions as well. Not only that, but the Holy Spirit is being imitated by the same kundalini spirits involved in the eastern religions. Those falling over in churches, put into trances on the floor are opening their chakras. As a result,  many Christians are now reporting mental illness, and episodes of psychosis.

What Can Be Done?

To conclude, major healing is required to those involved with the new age spirituality and psychosis. Our ministry offers that very healing without any spiritual repercussions.

Spiritual healing is only safe by the Holy Spirit. Think, when you need a doctor you are not going to go to some homeless man’s ally in the street for help!! No, you want the best.

So, give us a call at 838-217-0104 and ask for Evan for more information and how you can be helped.

Check out, “Beware Christians: Dangers of Kundalini” if you are curious about the chakras, spirits, and supernatural revelations.

Hits: 1788

The Supernatural Side Of Reincarnation

Reincarnation is a belief that we have not lived once, but many lives. This belief and it’s interpretations run deep in the Eastern world. Some cultures will not even kill a fly because it could be the life of their dead grandpa. Many believe in reincarnation because of the supernatural side of reincarnation.

The Supernatural Side?

There are countless stories of people, specifically children who recall events of dead people they no nothing about. This is when the supernatural side of reincarnation comes to play.

Many parents have reported their children as Buddhist monks “reborn.” The reason they believe this is that these children speak memories, facts and teachings of these monks from hundreds of years ago. What is reported is that these manifestations only occur from age two to four, and then fade.

Now, these children will often report memories, feelings of things about what these monks experienced. Not only, some of them are brought to old destroyed temples of where these monks meditated. The children are fully able to recall what the temple was like, and what the monk taught and practiced.

What Is Really Happening?

What is really happening with the supernatural side of reincarnation? Well, to begin, we must understand that reincarnation, despite the supernatural happenings is a false doctrine. I will show you why, for I use to believe in it.

In my early childhood I would constantly have “deja vu” and had an irrational fear of chickens. Literal nightmares of them. According to the new age these are “signs” of a past life…

I believed my past life was Tupac Shakur in my late teen years. Save the laughs for later… but I was serious! Why did I fall for this? Well, Tupac died on Friday September 13th, 1996. I was born the following Sunday, September 15th, 1996. Not only, him and my birth-father had the same exact birthday, June 16th, 1971. Tupac was a Gemini, I am a rising Gemini. So on, so forth. I took all these truths and made an assumption that “because” of these truths, the “truth” must be he is my past life…

Once I believed this, I felt a supernatural connection to Tupac. So much so, I got his name tattooed on my neck.

The Supernatural Set Up

One thing, if you take away anything from this article is this: EVIL SPIRITS CAN IMITATE ANYTHING, ESPECIALLY HUMANS DEAD OR ALIVE. See the book, “Face The Devil!” For more about how evil spirits operate.

So, that connection I had to Tupac and all the similarities was an evil spirit. The spirit would put the same ideas, feelings, and experiences Tupac had in his life into my mind. Me believing this allowed the spirit more access into my life and mind. The same thing goes for everyone, child or adult who recalls facts and experiences of the lives of any dead person. It’s not the dead person, but an imposter spirit.

How do the spirits have this ability? Evil spirits have supernatural intelligence and record everything we do. So, the children that recall the lives of dead monks are evil spirits who knew those monks closely, and then place information about them supernaturally in the child’s mind. Unfortunately, children and most parents are not spiritually discerned and go along with the supernatural side of reincarnation.

We Got One Life To Live

One of the most important truth in regards to all of this is: “And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgement, so Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many,” (Hebrews (9:27).

What all people who believe in reincarnation must realize is your body, soul and spirit is personally YOURS. And, when you die it will still be YOURS. And, when judgment comes Jesus Christ of Nazareth will raise YOUR body and judge you for what YOUR soul has done in it! Not only, but if reincarnation was true, NONE OF US WOULD BE BORN-AGAIN AND CHRIST WOULD HAVE DIED IN VAIN.

True rebirth is not about past lives, no, it’s about your spirit meeting the Cross of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and believing in His Resurrection. Everything else is counterfeit.

Believing in reincarnation can lead us into spiritual bondage. For, it opens us up to imitating spirits who want to demonize us, deceive us and deceive others.


Hits: 435

Fallen Angels Have No Mercy

I recently watched a documentary called “Jesus Camp” were hundreds of children (and more) are indoctrinated to be evangelical pentecostals at a camp in Kansas. The shock, and horror of this film grieved me. What I realized is that, fallen angels have no mercy. 

Fallen Angels Mimic

Fallen angels are under Satan’s governing command. They operate under his rule and statues. With that being said, as revealed in the book, The Fake Jesus, “fallen angels specialize in false religion. One particular demon masquerades as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only begotten Son of God. Very often that demon comes into persons who have experienced being slain in the spirit.” And that demon is a fallen angel, the spirit of the Antichrist. 

What I’ve come to realize is that, they do not have morals. Whenever they see an opportunity to spread their darkness, they seize it. Over 250 million worldwide Christians claim to be Pentecostal. In the U.S. there are about 90 to 100 million American Evangelicals. What does this mean? It means that fallen angels have taken over both the international, and national levels of religion.

Fallen angels have mastered the art of deception, and infiltration. They will target any age, any sex, any person who is open to their direction. It’s clear we see the occult connection spreading through these avenues of religion, as well as the mixing of worldly politics and religion.

Fallen Angels Can Be Nice

Well now, Satan can come as an angel of light. He and the fallen angels were at the throne of God. They know about virtues, and such things. But, when it comes down to it, their nature is not godly. 

Fallen angels will get along with you if you agree with them. It’s like a mafia deal. “You do your part, I’ll supply the money.” But, mess up “your part” and they come after you! Fallen angels have no mercy. Although they may initially appear merciful when mimicking God, but beyond that facade is a godless nature.

Also, we can see the “benevolence” too with fallen angels interacting with the New Age. They come as ascended masters of wisdom, and appear to be peaceful, enlightened, as noted in the book, The Fake Jesus, “Channels are demonically gifted to receive messages from a “teaching-spirit” of advanced wisdom known as ascended masters.”

When Hell Came To Me

Hell came to me when I needed escape from my occultist ways. Yet, when I entered the church it was like my soul became abused. 

Since I was in agreement with occult fallen angels and demons, when I entered religion I was “breaking my contract.” To say, that I stopped practicing occult things, which angered them. Me stopping those practices did not give them as much access. And, instead my new “religious” practices gave new beings, new access. 

Did they care about my soul? No, they just wanted to use me up. I was just a pawn in Satan’s chess game. I was an “innocent” young man, but the powers of darkness could careless—I was in their zone for use. 

That’s Why

Satan does not care about us, as in our well being. He only cares when he can use us, steal us, destroy us, and deceive us. 

Why? Because Satan is an unauthorized ruler over the world. He wants vengeance against the punishments and pending sentences he has received from God. So, Satan does what he can to achieve his goal. 

That’s why him and his fallen angels have no mercy because their time is short. They are using children as their pawns. Twisting their flexible minds to have false imaginations about God. We see children being used as military soldiers across the world. Children also being lured into meditations and occult practices. It’s no wonder why many children suffer from nightmares and terrors and other psychological issues. 

With the number mentioned above, they are only growing. The entire earth is deceived by the Devil as prophesied in the Book of Revelation.

Be Prepared Not Unaware

Our ministry is here to help you detox. Detox from ALL the negative things of both religion and occult. No matter how long you’ve been in it. My emotional, mental and spiritual health was saved by God using this ministry. And I was in the occult for seven years and two years in religion! 

I used spirit boards and tarot cards regularly at age thirteen… 

I literally use to tell every guest I checked in (some days over 100), “Jesus loves you” because I feared condemnation if I didn’t. My entire mindset was brainwashed to only focus on religious indoctrination, and everything else was “the Devil.” 

If you are seeking for relief, feel free to check us out. You can call 838-217-0104 and ask for Evan who is a coordinator of Pam Sheppard Ministries.  

Hits: 440

The Lord Will Sustain You

Who do you go to in times of trouble? Who do you turn to with problems that are out of man’s control? When you have overwhelming burdens- you are to cast them upon the Lord and the Lord will sustain you.

My Burdens

A long story, but let’s just say my apartment was a “last minute” grab in the midst of a pandemic. My job as well, both things that I needed and were not easily available within my limits.

My apartment, was ghetto and I do not use that word often. The building smelt like urine, mice and roaches roamed the floors and bats flew among the ceiling. Crazy mentally ill men walked around the building, mask-less. Nicki Minaj and Lil Jon blasted throughout the building. The neighbors above me fought so loud my room would shake and tremble. While the neighbors next me, smoked cigarettes that stunk up my room due to the worn-down walls. Soon enough, the ceiling above my bathroom would collapse disabling me from showering for months.

My job, well let’s just say we got a rough crowd. Working in hotels is normally and regularly stressful, but in the midst of a pandemic it’s awful. Especially because this company I worked for is cheap. They would not hire anyone, leaving people overwhelmed with the responsibilities of other departments. I became the security guard, mandating mask wearing, and social restrictions. I received threats, mockery, and insults on a regular basis.

After months, this will grow on you. Not getting any sleep from your ghetto apartment and having all your energy drained from your consuming job. The stress was wearing me down, yet the Lord would soon reveal, “The Lord will sustain you.”

The Deliverance

It amazes me how the Lord sustained me through all of this. Giving me supernatural long-suffering which enabled me to do my job well, not leaving a trace of self-suffering to those I checked in. The times I struggled is when I tried to persevere in my own strength.

The night of March 15th came, I had not slept well for days. I needed sleep but my neighbors above me were blasting their music and fighting. Keeping me up all night.

My mind was racing with all these thoughts, with everything going on. And I went to the Father in prayer and thanked Him for my salvation in Christ. I threw ALL my burdens upon His Throne in Jesus Christ of Nazareth’s name. I just gave them to Him, and asked for wisdom.

What amazed me, is that He graciously received them. In a way, I had a moment were with God deeply revealed to me, “I care for you because you are in Christ.”

Instead of trying to catch up on sleep, the following morning March 16th the Lord woke me up (using my noisy neighbors) to sustain me! I got two job offers, my property manager got me a new apartment—all in hours that I normally sleep. Both of which are a complete upgrade from what I have now. The Lord delivered me all within hours! So yes, when you cast your burdens upon the Lord, the Lord will sustain you!

Burdens Not Being Lifted?

When I had a false conversion, or when I thought I was born again I had no relief from my burdens, especially my spiritual ones. My burdens and stress always remained because I was not in Christ in the spirit. So, at that time all things just could not work together for good.

Now, being in Christ in truth and spirit, I see how all things God uses for your benefit and good. To teach you, equip you, and to bring thanks. That is why the Apostle Paul said, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard you hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

Come to our ministry you who are weary, whether you are dealing with demons, in poverty, have an occult background, does not matter, if you are chosen for salvation, Jesus will give rest for your souls. The Lord will sustain you.

Looking for deliverance? Check out this article to see if you are worthy.


Hits: 298

Self Awareness In Spiritual Warfare

Self awareness in spiritual warfare is something we can overlook. Self awareness is really, self-knowledge or what truth you know about yourself. I know from personal experience that religion can often blind us of our true selves. It also frustrates the ability to change and grow in self-awareness and be better vessels for the Lord.

My Lack

My lack of self-knowledge or self awareness causes many issues. If I am not aware of my soul’s weaknesses, this leaves me open for the Devil to “sift me like wheat.”

For example, I did not realize the depths of my people pleasing nature in my flesh. This huge weakness in me, and the lack of self-awareness did not 1) allow me to contend against and resist the Devil effectively and 2) allow me to further improve the sanctification of my soul.

If I was alert, and persistent at learning and observing myself or having self awareness in spiritual warfare; I would be ready. Ready to fight. Ready to improve.

Our Ministry

Pam Sheppard Ministries teaches and exhorts everyone to grow in self-knowledge. To understand yourself, and know more about you. This often comes by counseling. I know much about me because in my sessions a lot of things about me are exposed.

We cannot be afraid of the truth about ourselves, but we must be open to the realities of our souls. I know a great many people who will often deny the simple realities of themselves. Simply because it contradicts the delusion they have of themselves.

Our ministry what’s you need to improve with self awareness so that self awareness in spiritual warfare won’t be used against you, but will be a weapon for you.

The Fruit Of Self Awareness

When I was religious, Pharisee-like I really lacked self-awareness. I was too caught up with the religious crowd. Too caught up in what others thought. Distracted by all the music, messages, and noise that I never had time to look within.

I would often find myself hypocritically judging others. Or, complaining about the faults of others, when I had faults of my own. I never was aware of the pain I caused others. I couldn’t see how my religious actions and speech made so many uncomfortable.

So, you could say the bad fruit of lacking self-awareness would include: being deceived, hypocrisy, insensitivity, quick to finding faults in others but not yourself, spiritual blindness, not knowing your place, loose boundaries—both your own and disregarding others.

Whereas the good fruits of having self-awareness are knowing your limits and capabilities; being aware of potential set-ups from the Devil, good judgment of self and others, solid boundaries, sensitive to others needs, boundaries and feelings; transforming into a better person, and spiritually awake.

Do you see how self awareness in spiritual warfare effects you?

Another Example

Someone in my professional life has almost a zero sense of self-awareness.

“Alex” does not realize the frustration, annoyance and irritation he causes others because he is not aware of the weaknesses of his soul. Being very religious, he has strong opinions. Opinions in which he shares “as facts” that can potential deceive others, and even offend people.

He often criticizes other people, and calls out the flaws of others yet does not see his own. And when he is corrected he either denies the reality about himself, gets offended and even angry. His lack of self-awareness allows Satan to sift through his soul’s weaknesses and hurt others, and even Alex himself.

Gain Self-Awareness!

I really exhort you to find some time and STUDY YOUR SOUL. Your will, your emotions, your thoughts. Learn and observe how you respond to the world or the “darkness of this age.” Are you aware of your self? Or unaware?

Learn how to properly gain self awareness in spiritual warfare with Pam Sheppard Ministries! Don’t let the Devil use you!


Hits: 554

Experience The True Freedom Of Christ

Pam Sheppard Ministries is no ordinary ministry. We are a ministry of zeal, hope, wisdom and peace. What makes our ministry unique is how we operate deliverance. This year, we are offering a special service, a workshop designed to get you delivered to experience the true freedom of Christ.

Deliverance Essentials Workshop

The Deliverance Essentials Workshop is our finest work we are going to offer to any person seeking freedom. I am sure, that you may be the “helpless” person in bondage. Looking “land and sea” for some compassionate person of understanding to deliver you from the grip of demons.

It’s a touchy subject. And, there is a lot of unfortunate fear regarding the Devil and his schemes. However, we have a gentle approach. And the Deliverance Essentials Workshop is going to be a life changing event.

If you want more information of the deliverance workshop click here. The main purpose of our ministry is to experience the true freedom of Christ. And, our workshop is going to do just that.

What Makes Us Different

Our ministry is not looking at immediate results. I know by personal experience of being involved in deliverance ministries the “immediate deliverance.” I know how the instant feeling of freedom feels like, yet, soon enough it fades.

We are committed to the long-term fruit. “Fruit that remains.” In other words, we are going to be available to watch and observe you grow. We are going to honestly, and in a down-to-earth way ask, “How’s your deliverance?” And see if you are maintaining freedom. Yet, we will also expect that YOU will reach out to us, and maintain connection.

During my “deliverance” experiences, I never had anyone ask me “How is it going?” No one followed up. And, no one really exhorted me to keep in touch. This led me to further spiritual issues, and my inner-man left out, in torment, and in need.


This may just be the experience you have been looking for. Perhaps your failures, and never wanting to share your demonic torment was for your protection. Many religious people can look down on vulnerability, and not know what to do with it…trust me been there!!!

If you are interested in signing up, or looking to experience the true freedom of Christ please click here.

Hits: 284

The God Of Peace

God is not of confusion, but peace. Confusion can also mean disorder, corruption, and misunderstanding. God is not of any such thing, but is of order, just, harmony, and peace. God is the God of peace!


Peace is not just some “bliss” sensational feeling. Nor is it some hippie movement about love and getting trippy. Any true and enduring peace can only come from God Himself.

God came in the flesh of Jesus as the “Prince of Peace.” And the fruit of the Spirit is peace. So much of God’s Truine nature is peace. So, where does confusion and chaos come from? God revealed through the prophet Isaiah the He is the Lord “who makes peace and creates darkness” indicating He is Lord over good and evil. Yet, He Himself is not of evil, but sovereignly uses evil for good. And, all evil will be dealt with soon enough…


During my times in the visible church, oh how confused I was. So much disorder, and chaos. Most of all, there was no peace. As in, enduring peace that lasted.

The only “peace” I experienced was blissful emotional sensations coming from the music, sermons, and so forth. Then, soon enough the feelings would pass.

None of the sermons had any substance that brought lasting fruit. Simply, they were “left overs” thrown out. And even the zealous passionate speakers never brought the Gospel to the table. Leaving me starved of peace…

The Simplicity Of The Gospel

In Pastor Pam’s video, she goes on to explain just how simple the Gospel is. She also exposes that confusion is of the Devil.

And that was my problem: I never knew the simple, pure, Gospel of peace. Which, is an essential part of the full armor of God. And without the Gospel strapped on your feet, you will walk unstable. In no way do you stumble—for the peace that a born-again Christian receives they KEEP FOREVER.

Fruit Of Peace

I remember when I became born again, after being counseled for four days. The peace I received was indescribable.

I can only say, that the peace that comes from Christ is such a wholesome substance. Pure, eternal, powerful, and simple. This peace finally was sort of that “at last” or “alas” moment. That moment when you can finally rest.

Everyday of my life attending the visible church, I never knew this peace…

Searching For Peace?

Many people in a un-peaceful world search for peace. Yet, the Devil steals them from finding it, because they “jump the gun” and think peace is something you can choose. The real peace from God, is a gift according to His “surprise.”

Too many, have made their own gifts and are left without peace by trying to save themselves by believing in counterfeit gospels. If you are looking for peace, you finally come to the right place! Check us out, to know what true peace is.

Hits: 924

And That Means By Grace!

One thing that I didn’t understand when I became religious is the concept of grace. Especially, in regards to salvation. I never deeply understood, that God could save me by grace, and although I intellectually knew the Lord is gracious, I never tasted it. So, being saved by grace and that MEANS by grace! Not by smarts……

Grace Is From God

God is the One who “gives grace.” He can give us different kinds of “graces.” I know, looking back at my life God has been gracious, and done so much for me. Yet, the most important grace to know, and experience is the grace of God’s salvation in His Son—Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Too many mistake this grace for something else. For example, when I was religious I could never recall “that moment” of grace. You know, the saving grace, the “amazing grace.” I could only emotionally and intellectually think I had experienced grace but really I never knew the spiritual grace of God. This grace is directly from God Himself through His Son, that causes salvation. For it’s not by works we are saved but by grace and that means by grace!

Revelation Of Deception

Pastor and author Pamela Sheppard received revelation about the times we are in. God has anointed her by His Spirit to be a prophet in the Body of Christ in the 11th hour.

The Lord revealed to her the status of the physical church. And how, He has judged her, primarily because they forsake the “simple service to Christ” by preaching the Gospel and were beguiled by the craft of Satan and abandoned the Pure Gospel.

The Gospel is the power unto salvation. No Gospel, no salvation. And it’s this reality as to why so many Christians, including once myself become deceived and never experience the grace of the Lord.

Salvation Is A Gift

Salvation belongs to God, and only God can give salvation by grace and that means by grace. There’s nothing we can do to earn it, nothing we can say to have it. God gives it.

Our ministry is a bold witness to the truth of the Gospel. And, we are boldly declaring the truth, destroying the lies of the enemy. The biggest lie I believed in was that I knew God’s gracious salvation. But, because of the truth that lie was destroyed.

Eventually, over the course of four days God broke down my belief system. And, I knew I was not saved. After the moment during my counseling session, Pastor Pam preached to me the Gospel via the salvation videos. I was led to the Cross that awaited me, as I mourned and repent facing Jesus as my Savior. And within the hour, faith came to my spirit to reveal to me the most astounding reality that Jesus of Nazareth, though He died, was brought back from the dead to life in an indestructible and immortal body.

Through that Resurrection I became a new creation, and in that moment I tasted the grace of the Lord.

Taste And See

I never tasted nor saw that the Lord is gracious in the physical church. Only until I came to the ministry and heard the Gospel. I’ll never forget the moment where this indescribable insensible taste came upon me, that was so sweet, precious, and delightful.

I didn’t even know what I was experiencing until I read the Scripture: “Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious” (1 Peter 2:1-3)

God revealed to me on my rebirth day that you cannot intellectually grasp His grace.

It’s such an overwhelming experience that you must taste. Taste, means metaphorically to experience, to intimately know. Since of all the senses, taste is one that’s so intimate, personal, and not very intellectual. A person can touch, smell, look, and even hear food, but none of those can compare to actually tasting it.

If Indeed

The Apostle Peter would not have wrote the “if indeed” if people’s salvation experience were sincere.

The if indeed implies that we must test our salvations, and examine ourselves. I have examined even my rebirth experience to make sure I’m in the faith. And the times I go through, moment by moment I don’t find an error.

Pastor Pam writes this in her book, Beware Christian: Religion Produces Zombies,

“Present day deception is not new. In fact, it has been going on for centuries. So just be happy when God wakes you up. Don’t get all offended. God resists the proud. So receive your grace by your humility.”

Being humble is how we receive instant grace from God. It’s the relief, or nourishment after all the strength it takes to be humble.

Hits: 304

Christians Ruin Gender Re-Transition

Many transgenders who undergo a sex reassignment surgery later have regrets. They have regrets about their sex change decision after the operation. Fundamental Christians have now used this in their “argument” about transgenders that “they are right.” So now, fundamental “Christians” ruin gender re-transition. Specifically, because now trans-genders who re-transition are seen as “betrayers” and are “allied” with the religious “told you so’s.”

Invasion Of Privacy

This destruction began when a woman who underwent surgery to be a man. She later had regrets and wanted to change back to her original sex.

Her message was primarily to warn other transgenders about the operation. Not only, she wanted transgenders to look at the root of their issues and not just get a gender transition operation. Upon her public announcements, Christian ministers pounced on the scene. Completely invading her privacy: writing books about her, doing sermons, and so on. “Proving their point” that transgenders can’t change their nature.

From here, the transgender community then rejected her and said she was helping their “enemies” aka the religious zealots. She lost a lot of support. It should be understood that it’s not anyone’s business to publicly talk and write to thousands of people about someone’s personal life, using her name. Fundamental Christians ruin gender re-transition because they created the malice, and this tension in the first place…

The Shock

There are now many testimonies of people who have underwent a transition surgery and are now in regret.

Many transgenders in this position become extremely depressed. And can you imagine? The thought and idea is THIS is the operation that will change you forever. But, come to find out there’s an “ever desire” for more. More hormones, more plastic surgery, more and more; there is dissatisfaction.

Not only, but many people who are in regret are “stuck.” Stuck because of the pressure from the trans-community, stuck because of family and friends. There’s shame, and despair involved that keep people entrapped, unable to go back to what they were or find hope.


Our ministry offers a sexual healing service for those who are both in regret, de-transitioning, or seeking escape. We are not the fundamental Christians ruin gender re-transition and bash bibles on the skulls of people. We are simply a ministry of truth to help your needs.

We have the correct skills that can bring you encouragement, and comfort. All designed to allow you to grow into freedom. Since we have all “been there done that” there’s no judgment or criticism. In fact, I myself have been confused about gender, and somewhat know what it is like. Feel free to contact us at 888-818–1117 for more information and assistance!

Hits: 272

Run To Win The Race

ON YOUR MARK, get set, GO! As the blast of a gun goes off. The moment you become born-again you are qualified for the race of a lifetime, literally. Yet, you gotta run to win the race…

You Have The Strength

Once you are born again, you receive grace. A grace “in which you stand” that empowers you to run with boldness, power, and might. You receive talents, gifts, and at the end of the race is a “calling” or the “prize.” Namely, the “inheritance” of the Kingdom of God.

God would not enter us into a race, and not give us what we need to finish and win. No, He has blessed us with everything we need. Yet, “if we lack wisdom” just ask in faith and He will give. Of course, if we doubt His power then we begin to waver and lose our footing.

The Israelites also were in the same race and heard the Gospel. They were delivered by the Son Himself. On the course to “the promise.” But, they lost faith and got distracted…


Every runner is zoned in on the goal. When you run to win, you are not comparing yourself to the person next to you. Not looking at the cheering or booing crowds. But, you are fully focused on overcoming and being the victor of the race.

I know, from personal experience the Devil operates with distractions. All designed to get me to run with uncertainty, and apathy. As of now, I have to watch myself as he tries to captivate my attention on things that do not matter. Things temporary, perishing, and not abiding.

How do I overcome this and run to win the race?

Faith Helps The Win

A prime example is our Pastor, Pamela Sheppard. By faith, Pastor Pam left all behind, only keeping her salvation upon leaving the corrupt visible church. She lost everything but was in no way “disqualified” from the run. She brushed-off “the dust” and is pressing on to the hope of her calling in Christ. Full speed ahead.

One of our members is also an example. By faith, she left the fading riches of San Francisco to be with the ministry. Knowing, something greater lies ahead.

Another member too, by faith gave up her comfort and moved closer to the ministry to help, as she awaits her salvation. Also, knowing a greater hope abounds.

I now too can join, and say by faith, I left behind the sub-tropical paradise of Florida. All to focus more on the Lord and the ministry He called me to. Knowing that the calling of Christ is greater than beaches and nice weather.

Yes, there are more examples of faith in our ministry. But, the question that needs to be asked is:

Who is running the run to win the race?


Of course, we don’t run in selfish ambition nor in vain. But, we run, knowing that we are the last church age. The final generation of believers who carry the relay baton to the finish line.

In the secular, the fastest racers are usually placed at the final hand-off. Known as “the anchors.” In other words, we need to be at a zealous pace as we approach the finish line.

We cannot be “fast and slow.” By fast, it’s important (as I am learning) not to be overlooking fundamentals. Or, trying to skip ahead, and miss important processes. But, running fast is simply running the run to win the race.

Need Encouragement?

Every serious, professional, winning racer has a trainer, a coach. Someone who cheers, corrects, disciplines, shapens-up, and encourages the racer—all part of a design to help you run to win the race. The danger of a runner is if they lose connection with their coach. Since, how can a runner “be challenged” to win (metaphorically speaking) ?

Our Pastor wrote multiple books all written to help you win. And, she has telephone counseling available to enhance your training to the max. As well as our ministry power groups.

We are here to help you run! So, if you are in the race brethren, run to win the race! Whatever weight the Devil has placed on your ankles. Whatever distractions stand on the side. Get rid’ of it. Keep your eyes on the prize. And get the help you need from your coach. Go!

Hits: 247

To Understand Our Ministry

Some notes about the Holy Thursday washing of the feet - Diocese ...


Feet washing was a common act of service. In the ancient middle-east, sand would constantly dirty peoples feet and get in the house. So, feet washing would help to get rid of the sand and dirt.

It’s highly important that you, whoever you maybe, as you read, to understand our ministry. This article is going to explain our ministry, our goal, and what we have come to find out. ‘Diakonia’ (διακονία) is the Greek word for ministry. The word broken down in it’s singularity is used to describe a “servant of a king.” So “ministry” is sort of the collection of servants of a king.

Who Is Our King?

Our King IS, the King of all possible kings, JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH, the SON of GOD. And we are His servants. The King has called us to serve, and set us apart as a particular “service” for the people of God.

Our service is not typical. And our servants are not typical either. Pamela Sheppard is the first servant of the ministry who by the Lord’s leading inspired the ministry. After years of deception in the visible church, she would leave everything but her salvation behind and take up the call to online service. Soon enough, God would send her His people, and one by one the ministry began to grow.

To understand our ministry, our King, has earnestly warned us that these are the last days. The last days would be filled with corruption, wickedness, but primarily spiritual deception.

Liberation From Deception

To understand our ministry, our goal, as servants of Christ is to undeceive His people using the truth He has revealed to the ministry. Since, truth is what set’s people free, this is our mission: to spread the message of truth.

Truth about what? All things. However, our primarily operation is to preach the True Gospel, expose the invisible idolatry of the visible church, and expose the prophetic doctrine of demons that would take place in her. Here is what author Pamela Sheppard writes in her book “The Fake Jesus:”

“Our goal with this book is to warn and arm the elect of God and to undeceive those who unknowingly are worshiping the fake Jesus. The information we have gleaned from the ascended master teachings suggest to us that we are living in the last days, where some would depart from the faith and give heed to seducing spirits and doctrine of devils. Those who are lukewarm shall be spit out of the Lord’s mouth, for they are poor, blind, and naked.”

This is the essence of what our ministry is about! Why? Because we want the world to know the TRUE KING OF KINGS, and not some limited, unsaving imposing evil fallen angel.

Get Past The Differences

To understand our ministry and get through differences here is what you must know. Differences arise from divisions caused by haughty intellectual disagreement. When I arrived to the ministry, I had to set-aside my intellect. NOT my commonsense, but my “intelligence” or what I thought I knew (ie. assumptions).

Once I was able to set aside my intellectual pride, I could see the truth that this ministry preaches, teaches, and practices. If you can remain intellectually humble, our ministry will be able to help. But, because we have separated ourselves from the visible church; and clung ourselves to our identity with the True Invisible Church of Christ, we are different.

We are different in a way that we each have our own individuality. We are individual servants who share a Great King. Yet, we are all becoming “like” our Great King, and therefore have a commonality. As citizens of the Great King’s government, we are qualified to aid His people who are lost and deceived in the endless routine of traditions of men and vain worship.

The Personality And Nature

The personality and nature of our ministry is unique. We are all a combination of passionate, caring, hopeful, zealous, yet calm, collected, fighters, bold, wise, honest, free, loving and confident people.

All of God’s true people are “strangers” and “aliens” in the world. The word in Greek alludes to “not belonging” or “not fitting in.” And indeed, all of God’s people in the eyes of the world are unique.

Questions Of Examination

Have you been wavering in your salvation? Feeling as though you aren’t saved? Do you feel oppressed? Burdened and under-pressure? Are you in confusion? Keep sinning? Or do you have to suppress and restrain so hard every sinful urge within you? Do you just go about the motions of religion and feel empty? Are you always craving the ecstasy like sensation of worship? Are you always singing and worshiping in order to escape your fears?

Don’t you find it not coincidental that the visible churches closed on Easter Sunday, globally, at the advent of COVID-19? Do you feel in your heart of hearts that something is not right with the visible church? Are you constantly desiring freedom, but only have a liberty that lasts temporarily? Does fellowship love feel wax-cold? Have you grown weary of the routines of the visible church?

Listen if you are in church and if you have ears:

“Because you say, ‘I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and know not that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked,”

“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, ‘Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues,'” for,

“The Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall…have a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away (lit. “avoid”)”

Contact Us

If this article and questions and Scriptures spoke to you, please feel free to reach out to us by clicking here.

We are here to help you. In a world that the people of God don’t belong to, we need to belong to Christ. Part of your rejection could be that you are trying to belong to a system and people that you were not chosen to part-take with. Heed the call to come out, separate and depart from the visible church heaped with iniquity for,

“‘Let every one that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.‘”

Finally, to understand our ministry, we were not meant to take on the heavy loads of church ministers who lift not one finger to relieve. Christianity was not meant to be an oppressive burdened haul of pressure, sins, uncertainty, fear and slavery. This is why He says again,

Come out of her My people, lest you partake in her sins and receive her plagues” and,

“Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Hits: 300

To Be A Babe In Christ

baby lying on fabric cloth

I first of all, am beyond thankful for Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Son of God, in fact the whole Triune of God. Because, as of recently I have been going through deep changes that I am not all too aware of. For my rebirth day, the Lord gave me the gift of understanding more of His will. And, I am thankful for the GRACE of GOD to be a babe in Christ the Beloved.

My Journey

I arrived to Pam Sheppard Ministries having not one clue about deception, sin, salvation, God, myself, and the Devil. Only hitting the tip of the iceberg during a four day period before being born-again, let’s just say I was very ignorant of many things after my salvation experience.

This ignorance did not destroy me, because thankfully both the help of the ministry and the Holy Ghost working through His people, I can stand closer to the image of Christ.

I must confess though, that only as of recently do I feel this way. Some of my walk, to be frank was carnal, and worldly. Part of my problem was simply I rationalized what I was doing to be right. My affections at times were drawn to “the lust of the eyes” and the pride of life. At times, I would desire the life of the world, and begin to slightly conform to how the world thinks, behaves, loves, and works.

Passivity Problem

My main problem was I did not fully understand passivity. At least “spiritual” passivity. In the natural I understood passive nature. But, in the spirit, NOT AT ALL. The Holy Spirit recently revealed to me through what Pastor teaches and Jesse Penn’s book, War On The Saints:

“Passivity! How many have fallen into it, little knowing their state! Through the passivity of their faculties much time is lost in dependence upon the help of outward circumstances, and environment. In the lives of so many there is much “doing,” with so little accomplished, many beginnings, and few endings. How familiar we are with the words, “Yes, I can do that,” and the impulse is moved, but by the time the need for action has come, the passive man has lost his momentary interest.”

After this deeper unveiling occurred ALL of what Pastor Pam teaches about passivity became crystal clear! I finally am BEGINNING to understand MY passivity.

What Is Passivity?

There are three states in which a faculty (ie. spirit, soul, body) rests in: activity, inactivity, passivity. From my understanding now, the condition in which we want our members to be in is activity. Activity comes from conscious decision to chose, determine, and then act from the will.

“Inactivity” of a member, is not necessarily passivity. Inactivity can just be sitting, resting, sleeping, and so forth. Passivity, is then the further proceed from inactivity. It is not only “inactivity” but an “allowing” of activity. Passivity is inactivity and activity without the use of will. It is the “automatic” or “autonomic” expression of faculties, or members of our being.

The difference between inactivity and passivity, is inactivity comes from an active will to be “inactive.” Whereas passivity comes from no place of thought or choice to be active or inactive. Passivity “does” whatever the circumstance or environment pressures the passive person into.

This summed up, some areas of my life. My habitual routines from arising to departing. Eating to sleeping, talking, to walking; routine and routine. My active thought and will became dormant, as “whatever” was going on became a means of action for me. My dependence became upon circumstances, people, and events taking place for me to “make a choice” or “give thought.” I was not operating out of independent thought, choice and will. All of this was occurring in very undetectable forms…

Still Learning

I can’t say I have overcome passivity, because to be honest: my entire life has been PASSIVE! Passivity takes time to get out of, because it took time to get into it. But now, I can recognize my passivity as revealed and RESIST this “sin of omission” and obey the call to be active and, “Yield my members as instruments of righteousness alive from the dead unto God.” To say, that my members should be in active use of my will to be weapons of righteousness unto God. And, that I should be “dead to passivity” or dead to not using my members by my will…

To be a babe in Christ I have discovered is to accept your place as a babe, but “desire the pure milk of the Word” and grow up into salvation. The milk of the Word is not laboriously studying the Scriptures. But, it is the revealed Word, led by the Spirit to be worked into your spirit and delivered into your mind through the words of the Spirit.

To be a babe in Christ is also to move on from mistakes with God’s grace. I have made some errors. But it’s written that, “If we walk in the light as He is in the light the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin.” As I walk in the light, my faults unknown to me will be made visible, cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb. I then can confess, “shake of the dust,” and press onto more of the light of God. And in this degree do I also overcome Satan, since it’s by “the blood of the Lamb” the saints overcome the Dragon. The path of righteousness is made more visible by this active walk too. Making the “breastplate” of righteousness more formidable.

A Ministry Of Growth

I would have no idea what it means to be a babe in Christ. In fact, I would not be a babe if the ministry had not preached to me the Gospel unto my salvation. I also would have not known about passivity, if our ministry had not warned the dangers thereof.

How has your growth been over the years or even months? What can you say and share and encourage about being a babe and how to grow? I know that our Pastor is one who “feeds the lambs.” And I can attest that she has through counseling sessions, fellowship Zoom calls, and the Rescue Group has fed me the spiritual milk of the Word.

However, we have to co-operate in growth. We must desire to press onto maturity, despite what we may face. Growth does not just happen “automatically.” We must “work out our salvation with fear and trembling.” Of course, “God gives the increase” of all growth, but we need to actively seek the “watering” of the word (ie. via counseling, Scriptures as led by the Holy Spirit, testimony, fellowship and assembling together). Therefore, ask God to give you the grace to will to press onto active work, growth, and maturity with all strength from the might of His power!!!

Hits: 316

Their Knowledge Of The Foe

“…Some, however, discover that their bitter experience may be turned into light for the Church in its fight with sin and Satan, and as those who have been in the camp of the enemy and heard all his secrets, they become a terror to the forces of evil on their emergence to liberty, with the result that they are assailed with intensified malignity on account of their knowledge of the foe” (Jesse Penn-Lewis, War On The Saints).

A Terror To Evil

Pamela Sheppard is both a pastor and author. She was snatched out of the enemy’s camp by the Hand of the Lord four decades ago, and made born-again by the Holy Ghost. Much in a Moses-like figure, she has inspired a ministry to help deliver the people of God from the hands of the Devil.

Pamela was snatched out of the occult, then made born-again. Three years in the direct field of darkness, and then was supernaturally led into the indirect field of darkness. That is the religious buildings, or what people today call “church.” Despite all the trials of nearly 25 years in the religious camp and then led out of it, it has equipped her to be a terror of the forces of evil. Since, now it has advanced her with knowledge of both sides of the Devil’s darkness: the occult and religion.

With such vast experiences, she is a “living encyclopedia” of deliverance and knowledge of the foe. And, she has shared this knowledge with her ministry. Not only, being a ministerial deliverance counselor she has gained knowledge from thousands of torment and bound Christians over the years. Simply by listening to their experiences.

We Know The Plots

How can you defend against an enemy if you do not 1) know how he attacks and 2) if you have no experience of his attacks?

Most of our ministry workers have been through the occult and slaughters of Satan. Not only, but almost all of us have been through an avenue of religion. We all have been deep in the enemy’s camp. And, not just “one field” of it, but many different sides. All of which, combined create a formidable defense and attack against Satan’s works.

I Was Defeated

In both my life in the occult and religion, I was a defeated person. There was always a chain linked to my ankle. At different points in my life the chain would be “loose” or “tight” but…there was still a chain…

I had left the occult after going way too deep into it for too long. Eventually, I needed help, deliverance and freedom. But, going to the church I did not find that, in all the different ones I went to. Messianic, Methodist, Charismatic, Non-Denominational, evangelical street preachers, “land and sea” to find deliverance but, to no avail.

Some of these places talked about spiritual warfare, but not to a fruitful effect. I “learned and learned” and practiced but, no liberation. As much “power” these so called Christians had, it was superficial and not true liberating power promised from the Spirit of Truth.

My condition grew worse, and worse only until I arrived at Pam Sheppard Ministries did I receive ever lasting results, because of their knowledge of the foe.


When I arrived to Pam Sheppard Ministries I felt understood. To say, they had the knowledge and experience to understand where I was. Once I realized that the reason for my defeat was because I had a false salvation experience, things changed.

Once I discovered the truth, and learned about deception, I became free. A literal invisible scale-like peeling was uncovering off my face as I read “Church of the Endtime Zombies.” Soon enough, I would receive an unforgettable salvation that would allow me to STAND IN CHRIST.

From there, I no longer felt ashamed of my occult past, and religious vanity. All the sins were cleansed in the Blood of Jesus and the power of His Resurrection released me from the bondage of my sinful condition. Since, I finally was given faith in His Resurrection and I no longer laid helplessly in my sins (see 1 Cor. 15:12-19).

I can now stand in a position with Pam Sheppard Ministries and their knowledge of the foe, and confidently say that I am not ignorant of the Devil’s devices. Ignorance is to be unaware and without true knowledge. That’s not me anymore!

The Enemy Steals

Satan usually steals people away from reaching the ministry by tainting the people of God. When I first came to the ministry, I received all kinds of “suspicions” about the ministry. Which, I endured through somewhat knowing it to be of the Devil. I reasoned, “Why is it with these people I am finally starting to feel free and delivered from demons? And now, all of the sudden there’s “something wrong” with them?”

Thanks be to God, that He gave me faith that did not fail me. BECAUSE I AM NOW GROWING INTO MORE AND MORE FREEDOM EVERYDAY WITH THEM AND THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FOE! And I was revealed the truth that they are of God within four days, because I became born-again.

Look, Satan knows us and our ministry and how we expose his schemes. Think, does a dictator reveal his mind and thoughts about an attack to his national enemy? And, what would this dictator do if his devices and plans were exposed? Would not, an evil dictator do everything in his power in order to destroy their knowledge of the foe from spreading? Yes, yes he would…

THEREFORE, if you have an ear, let them hear! We are HERE to help you and minister to your very needs.

Hits: 322

The Longing For Acceptance

people holding shoulders sitting on wall

In my life, boy can I tell you how much I’ve wanted to be accepted. Specifically, in my early teenage years. But, even throughout my life, I could trace the longing for acceptance. Whether people, or environments I wanted people to love me, and accept me.

Acceptance Seems Universal

With almost every person, religion and spirituality it almost seems that they all speak to the longing for acceptance. Humanly speaking, we almost seem to be “hardwired” to need others to approve us. I know this was the case for me growing up. I had to do A-Z to be considered “good” and when I became religious the same rules applied. If I did something, I was good!

This came to an entire mentality, and belief system that I had to do, try to be, give everything of myself just for another person to approve me. What I never realized is that both my fear of rejection, and insecurity of who I truly was hindered me from being myself. But, it seemed to be the case with everyone around me. Everyone was doing, trying, striving to be someone in reality they aren’t. Whether that “cool guy” or that “super righteous person” only came from the longing for acceptance.

Why We Long

There are so many reasons we long for approval, acceptance, and touch. A lot of times it’s simply because it emotionally and psychologically is satisfying to us to be accepted. We have a mindset that being acceptance is the “ultimate goal” to being loved and therefore feel good. Since from birth we have associated loving, warm feelings by being embraced with our loved ones.

In another sense, at times we feel a longing for acceptance perhaps because since the fall of man, mankind is in sort of a “lost predicament.” And in a way to coop we seek for approval from religion, people and things.

Spiritual Warfare

In the book, “Beware Christians: Face The Devil” Pamela Sheppard goes into detail about how rejection serves as “method” of the Devil. Since, what happens when we aren’t approved? We are rejected. She writes,

“…rejection as a spiritual warfare issue  produces a harvest  of evil fruit which can widely vary from one person to another. Some of the common symptoms of rejection include:”

“…rebellion, fake personas, the need to fit in, a desire to always want to be a part of everything, inability to be corrected or to receive constructive criticism, self pity, being love starved, a tendency to blame God for being rejected, pride at being rejected, opinionated personality and a need to always be right, seeking of parental approval, envy, jealousy, insecurity, prideful independence, not able to depend on others because you expect rejection.”

That Unhappy Feeling

“I’m not happy when I try to fake it” rings true from the Commodores. When we have to “put on a show” to receive applause, we no longer are coming from a place of honesty, but from a place of fear.

I know during so many times in my life, I had to do this and that, act and behave like this, ego here ego there, tired efforts to be accepted because I longed to feel good, and avoid the feelings of rejection.

The Cure

Cure is a strong word, but in the sense of the “cure” for the longing for acceptance is with Christ. However, it is not in the place of YOU accepting Him, but HIM accepting you! True acceptance MUST come from God. You see, I had serious issues of needing to be approved, which made me stuck in the false religious system AND me believing in the false gospel. All of which left my longing for approval untreated.

Once I heard the true Gospel preached by Pastor Pamela Sheppard, I became born-again and at that moment I was accepted by God. What had happened to that desire to be accepted is that it lost it’s power. Of course, do I still have to face acceptance and rejection? Yes, EVERYDAY. However, I am no longer emotionally dependent on others to make me feel good by approving me and what I do.

Get The Help You Need Now

I know that destructive things come from the longing for acceptance and fearing rejection. My insecurities in who I was ran wild, making me do foolish things to be loved.

It’s fair to say that some of us struggle with the longing for acceptance and fear of rejection. I know I did. But, we do not have to struggle and be in bondage to it our whole lives! Our ministry has a task force and the correct equipment for you to be free from people pleasing. We have various services that can aid you fight to simply be who you are and not have to try so hard to be someone you’re not. Check us out!

Click the image to get your copy today!

Hits: 1121

A Gathering Of Testimonies

It was absolutely powerful to hear Pastor Pam’s testimony of being born-again 43 years ago. The incredible leading moments to what would be an unforgettable experience here in 2020. Not only did she speak, but lovingly gave everyone a time to share. It was a gathering of testimonies.

What Is A Testimony?

“Testimony” is defined as a “recounting of experience; a statement; a declaration.” It’s similar to how one testifies in a court of law to what they witnessed happen. You simply “testify” what you have experienced.

Our ministry is an online ministry who gathers together IN the NAME OF JESUS by Zoom. We do this in order to edify the body of Christ UNTO perfection and conforming to the image of Christ in unity. Part of building each other up is by testifying, or sharing “the word of our testimony.” The very words that overcome the Devil. We truly had a gathering of testimonies that individually and collectively overcome the Dragon.

Irresistible And Incredible

It’s absolutely amazing, in fact I am left without words with what the Lord has done with each of us. Amazed. How He has delivered us all out of the Wicked One’s camp, and INTO HIS Kingdom, despite US. I feel more connected to Jesus as the LORD OF LORDS. The King Who is Victor, and is WORTHY.

I also see more of the hope of His calling, especially our ministry. We are living in times never seen before in the history of mankind. Darkness is thick in the air. There are both occult and evil-religious forces working powerfully to deceive the entire earth. The Devil pulling all strings possible. Fallen angels have returned as the days of Noah. Yet, here is our ministry emerging and “shining like stars” in the night. Fighting, standing, and resisting.

You see, in order to the see the stars you have to be away from the city. Away from the place where artificial light, chaos, and worldliness rests, all of which block the light the stars emit. In this way, do we shine. Although the false light of the Devil shines as the world lies in his power, OUR LIGHT FROM THE LORD IS NOT PUT OUT. And, SHINES BRIGHT. God just needs to lead you out of “the city.” In no way does the false light of the powers of darkness out shine us. NO! For if the lights of a city can be seen on earth, how much more can the stars of the heavens be seen which are not even close to earth!

Our Light Shines

Why does are light shine? Because we are a gathering of testimonies. Our light shines because we know the glory of God THROUGH the true Jesus Christ of Nazareth OF THE GOSPEL. The light of the Gospel is why we shine like stars. Think about it, where else do you see this light? It’s not at work, the streets, businesses, the churches. Truly, the Gospel understood is like a pearl lost in the “field” of the populated world…..

BUT WE, PAM SHEPPARD MINISTRIES HAVE THAT “PEARL.” The Gospel is the power of salvation to all who believe not by man’s will but by God’s will. The church fails to preach this Gospel, but instead preaches another “gospel” with another “jesus.” And is unable to save. I never heard the Gospel in church, and despite all I achieved, I never was saved.

Examine And Test

Our ministry is well aware of the powers of darkness surrounding the earthly atmosphere. And is why, we have all “been there done that.” Or to say, we can help you. Help you figure out why you don’t have rest. Why you are depressed, anxious, or feel bound and not free.

I was one who had to live off the ecstatic, ecstasy-like high of soulish worship to feel good. The addiction of religion sadly worked as a new altered state of consciousness I craved for. Yet, this ministry by the help of God RESCUED ME OUT of religious slavery with counsel. And I know, after all of my insanity, addictions, fear, deception, and bondage I was delivered from, you can be delivered too. As long as you are humble, for,

“God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

Our Pastor has written an excellent book on the dilemma of false conversions. In other words “false salvation.” A detailed book that sheds light on what true salvation is, contrasted to what is not of God.

Learn what it means to be a gathering of testimonies! 

Hits: 391

Awaiting A Mighty Government

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Here I am, looking at our government. Elephants and donkeys, police academies, military and businesses. There’s little good, but a lot of corruption and greed. A ever increasing gap between the rich and poor. Poverty, hardships, ghettos, and crime. Whether in the allies, or behind the CEO desks, this world is full of violence and corruption. So, I am awaiting a mighty government! It’s no question we are in the season, the last days before the return of the Lord.

Here is a quote from author and pastor Pamela Sheppard, “Those who are called to salvation and live in the end of the age just before the return of Christ will be able to recognize the times in which they are living. If one is able to recognize the prophetic meaning of the events recorded in books like Daniel and Revelation, one should be able to recognize these events unfolding, the enemy operating behind these events, and is not deceived into continuing to make the mistake of worshiping and serving a false god like in the churches and in the occult. Being able to recognize these things should also give one a measure of assurance and peace of mind as to the final outcome of the terrifying times spoken of in these prophecies.”

What Kind Of Government?

”And the government shall be upon His shoulders…”

In Hebrew this word “government” comes from the root word meaning “rule.” It’s used to describe dominion. When Jesus Christ of Nazareth was risen from the dead, He walked out of His tomb and ascended above all powers, and dominions. He sits at His Father’s right hand as victor, prince of peace. He has destroyed death and Satan.

All things are subjected to Him spiritually, yet physically we are awaiting for a mighty government ruled by Christ. Where we will see all the kingdoms of the earth become the kingdoms of Jesus. And all the nations will not be deceived any longer because Satan and all his wicked angels will be bound for a 1,000 years. TRUTH WILL BE KNOWN AMONG THE WORLD.

It will be a government where both religion AND the occult are VANISHED. There will be righteousness, justice, peace, and harmony on the earth. Yet, of course this is only a GUESS because, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard ALL the things that God has in plan for everyone who loves Him.”

A Change Is Gonna Come

Otis Redding’s “a change is gonna come” rings true. There will be change, however we need to remember the order of change. Before the Lamb’s Kingdom is established, we first will have to overcome the Antichrist’s “government” that will precede.

While I am eagerly awaiting a mighty government OF GOD to come, I also need to be prepared for the hardest times on earth to come. The “birth pangs” will be the most grievous times ever known to mankind. But, just like a mother forgets all the pain that occurred once her child is born, so too when the Lord comes!

Daily Reminders

I think everyday I should keep in mind, no one knows the day or hour. For then, I am both preparing mentally which will result in other aspects of preparation.

Speaking of daily reminders, each day is a day closer to THE DAY OF THE LORD. And, each day is a day closer to the tribulation. Truly, the Devil’s time is short and he is going to have to pull all sorts of “last minute improv” to deceive the entire earth.

Are You Ready?

The question of your soul should be “are you ready?” And, this ministry is unlike any ministry I have ever encountered. I can tell you I was not ready on ANY level when I was in the church: spirit, soul and body.

I was still in deception, false conversion, and not even preparing for the tribulation. I would definitely be the foolish virgin with NO oil in my lamp! But, this ministry is helping me to take advantage of this season of oil-filling so I am ready for the Bridegroom’s wedding celebration. I can truly be found awaiting for a mighty government.

We are here to help you NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE spiritually, mentally and physically. We meet you where you are to get you ready for the Lamb’s return. Check us out if you need help, deliverance, and preparation skills.

Hits: 260

Hold Onto The Faith!

HOLD ONTO THE FAITH! BECAUSE FAITH IS WHAT ALLOWS US TO SEE THE UNSEEN. When we are walking by sight, our hope does not rest upon the invisible substances of Christ which are eternal, BUT upon the passing and fading temporal “riches.” OUR spirits which were regenerated BY FAITH in the Gospel become weak when the visible supersedes the invisible.

The History Of Faith

FAITH IS WHAT PRESERVES the people of God! It’s the “faithful ones” on the path to the preservation of the soul. Or, the “perfecting” and conforming to the image of Christ. Every soul written in the Lamb’s Book Of Life and belonging to the Kingdom of God is because of faith! This faith is from God, since Jesus Christ IS THE ONLY AUTHOR of ALL GENUINE FAITH and the FINISHER of faith. The Lord is the “Faithful Witness” who witnesses His truth with His faith by His sovereignty and grace.

People in the ancient times who pleased God were ones who had been given faith from Him. All the faith was centered on God and His “substances hoped for.” They were not afraid. Their confidence was in God because God gave them the CONVICTION to have assurance in His truth. THUS, allowing them to have a hope, full of substance. So, even the saints of old who lived by the Law, understood the concept of faith in the promises of God. Evermore, they knew by faith that the Messiah would come to defeat death and longed for the day.

WE WAVER when our faith comes from ourselves, AND when we lose sight of the hope that comes from faith given to us. You see, God will give us faith. However, WE MUST HOLD ONTO THAT FAITH. Standing, in His faith. This is why the saints of old pleased God, and why some perished. Those who perished LOST sight of faith, which resulted to harden hearts.

Today If You Hear His Voice

WE CAN’T ALLOW Satan to attack our faith. Since our faith is the “anchor of our soul” that takes us to the “inner-chamber” of God’s presence. When we let go of faith, and hold onto sight, we become unstable, double-minded, and lack the filling of the Holy Ghost.

“Taking up our faith” is practically recalling the faith God GAVE us. This ignites the “personal history” of how God’s gift of FAITH to you has preserved you to this present moment!! Which then brings PLEASURE to God and Christ who authored that faith and who WILL finish it. Upon the revelation of the precious gift of faith, passed down to you, the enemy’s fiery arrows sizzle and become quenched. And, because the Gospel is “the power of God’s salvation to all who believe” your HELMET is also up!

The spirit of the Antichrist is another operating force against our faith. Just as the troubles of the wilderness were against the Israelites, so with the Antichrist. Despite the darkness, we have been given light to overcome BY FAITH. This “light” is both past, current, and future. AS WE WALK by faith, we walk in the light of the Lord and more darkness is exposed around us. Allowing us to overcome the invisible wiles of the Devil.

Rejoice And Rejoice!

It seems strange to rejoice during “the testing of your faith.” However, when we walk by faith, our HOPE is in the promise of God. What promise? “That the testing of faith PRODUCES PATIENCE.” And the perfect working of patience is what makes us whole, without nothing.

This is why the Apostle Paul said, “Rejoice, I’ll say it again rejoice!” Despite being in prison and suffering. He had such joy in the Lord because HE KNEW in his spirit, intimately, like the Apostle James did; that his faith being tested was only for production of patience and further completion and perfection. True patience can only happen from your faith being tested. Therefore, those who are full of patience are strong in faith. And rich in experiences from all the “tests.” This is why both Apostles say “count it all joy” or “rejoice always” since “all things work together for good to those who love God.”

Brush off the devil’s “rain” and gloom BY FAITH. Don’t let the “testing” effect get to you, but take note to rejoice in the midst of your circumstances. For, was it not the day God gave you His faith you receive an eternal joy with it that is “inexpressible beyond words”? Therefore, “rejoice”!


We must examine ourselves to see “if we are IN THE FAITH.” Too many professing Christians waver and doubt, and are stuck in bondage because they don’t have God’s faith. Just as the Isralites went about and “established their own righteousness” so too professing Christans have “established their own faith…..”

We can help you examine your faith, but of course YOU must come to the conclusions for yourself….Those who are in the faith, HOLD ONTO THE FAITH!

Hits: 227

True and Self Righteousness

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I NEVER UNDERSTOOD what righteousness was in the church. In fact, I did not know what it meant to be righteous. I thought it simply meant “doing what’s right” but it’s a bit more specific than that. There is no question there is a HUGE difference between true righteousness and self righteousness. Let’s look.

My Self Righteousness

“Self” can also mean “soul.” It’s simply the place of self-consciousness, self-life and thought. Every soul has a “moral compass” of right and wrong. In fact, the conscience comes from the spirit (which the soul is a vessel of) born again or not. When I was supernaturally told to read the Bible by a voice (that later turned out not to be God) I began my walk as a self-righteous person.

Even though I had renounced my occult practices upon reading the Law, and repented with tears, I did not have true conviction of the Holy Spirit. It was merely my “soul” and surfaced in nature. A combination of accusing religious spirits “convicting me” of my sin. It was more like an “old fashioned” Old Testament repentance of “turn from wicked deeds, and walk with God.” My repentance then, because it was not of God meant that I was not righteous. You see, you have to BE righteous in order to achieve true righteousness. The error of my self-righteousness was that I did not have this blessed BE from God, but from ME, MYSELF AND I.

Self-Righteousness—A Further Analysis

The “foundation” of self-righteousness entirely RESTS upon the person’s own soul (or self). All the “righteous deeds” done are from the SELF, and therefore “filthy rags” because they are done under the old creation or “flesh.”

I also noticed that, I did not understand what it MEANT to BE made righteous. During my self-righteous era, I was confused about the Gospel. I thought that the Cross and Christ dying is what made me righteous. “Eh” kind of. But, let’s see the full truth about this and the difference between true and self righteousness.

The truth is the blood of Christ of His death on the Cross atones for the sins: spirit, soul, and body; but the actual “being made” righteous comes from the faith of God given to you to BELIEVE in the RESURRECTION OF JESUS OF NAZARETH. Because the Resurrection of Christ from the dead by the Spirit is what JUSTIFIED HIM before the Father. “And being made in the likeness of His death” and so forth with His Resurrection, WE HAVE THAT JUSTIFICATION CHRIST ALSO HAD (STILL HAS) BEING MADE ALIVE FROM THE DEAD!

But, I did not have true godly faith in the Resurrection when I was self-righteous, and therefore “still in my sins” and unjustified and “unrighteous.”

Real Convicition

When the Holy Spirit led me to repentance, it was surreal. First of all, unlike my other “repentances” I was actually drawn to the Cross of Jesus of Nazareth during it. It was like I was facing the Cross, alone. As I was “approaching” His Cross I received simple revelation that, despite my goodness, I was far separated from God. Literally “cut off.”

Before I repented, I was first brought to this sorrow. It was like I was the reason Christ was on the Cross. I wept for the pain I caused Him BECAUSE OF MY SIN. It was so deep, I didn’t even speak. Everything in me was sorrowful. From there I moved into an inward repentance. This repentance though, wasn’t anything crazy. The best way I can explain it was the Holy Spirit flipped my remorse into repentance, sort of like a coin being flipped. Once that godly sorrow kicked in, “flip” repentance occurred.

All of this happened in the farthest parts of me, and felt timeless (although it was just a moment). I didn’t even have words. I just knew at that moment deep within how my sinfulness personally hurt the Lord. Then the Holy Spirit brought in me repentance. Soon enough after that, I was given faith to believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. And BAM, I became a new creation. I remember looking at my hands in shock, like “What just happened?!”

Satan’s “Convictions”

I recently had an occurrence were I thought I sinned. And I thought I willingly sinned, and therefore was on the merge of losing my salvation. It was a supernatural set-up.

I woke up one morning in a very passive state of mind. Almost like between sleep and wake. In an instance, I had a strong sexual rush and feeling come upon my head. I felt like I needed to resist it, but I tapped into it for a few seconds. I imagine a women with nice breasts and then in seconds (without touching myself) I had an orgasm.

Right after it happened I was terrified, lost my peace, because I was “convicted” I masturbated essentially. I “repented” and cried and was sad. But, after that no peace. Accusation after accusation about it continued and it was killing me. Soon enough I talk to Pastor Pam about it, and got some clarity. Well, I NEVER SINNED. What happened was my body simply released it’s bodily functions. My body was going to naturally do this (ie. nocturnal emission) while I was sleeping. But I slightly awoke RIGHT as it was happening. Hmm….. too good of timing?

One thing that struck me with all this was when Pastor Pam asked about the repentance, “Did that come from the Spirit or your self?” And, for a moment I HAD NO CLUE. And upon her counsel, I realized that it was entirely of my SELF as well as the enemy working. This is why we must distinguish the difference between true repentance; and true and self righteousness.

Final Words

I received revelations from this instance. Satan has an agenda working with the Antichrist to bring false repentance at any spiritual stage. This repentance is not inspired of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is DEEP with conviction and will lead you to a place of TRUE inward sorrow centered on CHRIST. Whereas the counterfeit remorse and repentance is SURFACED, emotional, centered on SELF and based from accusations and not conviction.

What then occurs as a fruit of Satan’s counterfeit repentance is a deceived righteousness. And, not to mention following after “the voice of another shepherd (ie. The Antichrist).” Satan ultimately wants us to follow his Antichrist in spirit or when revealed in the flesh. Even if it’s because of listening to his accusations and establishing a self-righteousness.

WE must be on guard and know that true righteousness is a STATE OF BEING from God by His faith given to us to believe in the RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH. There is no other way man can be considered righteous before GOD! Also, we must discern the difference between true and self righteousness. True and self repentance, lest we be deceived!

Hits: 756