The Dichotomy Between Mental Health and the Wiles of the Devil

Humans are comprised of three different components: spirit, soul, and body. Consequently, there are professional fields specialized to maintain these areas of the human condition. Doctors treat a person’s body using scientific reasoning. Psychologists, therapists, and counselors resolve issues related to a person’s soul, which comprises of their will, mind, and emotions. Deliverance ministers dedicate themselves to protect, heal, and console a captive’s spirit by combating unseen, oppressive forces of the devil.

That said, deliverance ministry is often mocked and ridiculed as evidenced by the recent toxic treatment of Dr. Stella Immanuel, a board certified physician as well as a deliverance minister. Dr. Immanuel’s credibility as a doctor was attacked on the basis of her belief in the existence of demons. Simply put, the world does not want to recognize the existence of evil spirits. The globe’s harsh reaction to Dr. Immanuel for embracing the existence of demons is akin to repudiating someone for believing in ‘the germ theory.’

Nevertheless, Dr. Immanuel is not the only clinical professional to be convinced of an otherworldly evil. The late M. Scott Peck, a famous psychiatrist, also pondered the existence of the devil. At first, he was firmly convinced the devil did not exist: An attitude shared with “99% of psychiatrists and the majority of the clergy.” Peck was led to come to terms with the undeniable reality of evil spirits after he was involved in two exorcisms.

Physicians must have at least eight years of medical school to treat a body; and psychologists and other therapists must have 6 or more years of college to treat a mind. On the contrary, deliverance workers are mostly without training in a fully established school that specializes in deliverance as a means to set captives free. They often must depend upon Self Study of scriptures and books written by a select group of Christian authors. Towards this end, Pam Sheppard Ministries currently offers its expertise. 

PSM has overseen hundreds of online deliverance cases since 2002. Having trained a cadre of former captives set free by deliverance counseling, once delivered, several have been equipped and armed with spiritual revelations and insights cultivated and documented by Pastor Pam Sheppard since 1983. former captives now serve as deliverance coaches, certified and supervised by Pastor Pam, who was called and ordained in 1981.

Join our Facebook group for fellowship by clicking here. If you’d like one-on-one deliverance counseling call Pastor Pam at 888-818-1117, or send an email to

Hits: 433

Deliverance Essentials: Workshops For Self Deliverance and Online Deliverance Workers!

Deliverance Workshop Description

The Workshop Model consists of a list of essentials that serve as the foundation of all spiritual warfare if captives are really going to be set free, and most of  all, REMAIN FREE! 

Each  Workshop (DEW) consists of 5 lectures, several articles, short answer quizes, Q and A and  narrative essays, using  1  essential E-book per workshop essential.

Specialties & Expertise

  • PSM expertise  includes but is not limited to hearing voices. narcissistic personality disorders
  • mental health versus demonization
  • fallen angels and the spirit of the Antichrist;
  • altered states, hypnosis, necromancy, 
  • cults, ancestral worship, Satanic wiles and strategies of
  • spiritual warfare and intercessory prayer,
  •  spirit, soul and body
  • the occult and charismatic witchcraft,incubus, spirit rape, 
  • MUch more and still learning!!!

Although DEW is designed like a college virtual course, it is clear and simple enough for anyone who can at least read at an 8th grade level. You will also be assigned your own personal coach trained and certified by PSM, who will:

  1. 1. Grade each student’s tests.

2. Assess the weak areas and develop an individualized deliverance treatment plan based on needs.

  1. 3. participate in certification of potential deliverance ministry candidates.
  3. 4.Make referrals

  Workshop Topics

Know How Satan Tempts You, Know  Who Satan Sends to You, Know How Satan Tricks You, Know Your God Given Rights, Know How to Fight and much more!

Once registration is complete, the DEW will be automatically sent to the student, as a Power Point Presentation. Each workshop last a month. 

Workshops Are Monthly and Ongoing!

Pre-Registration is Without Obligation


Hits: 1087

Seeking Approval From Others

Seeking Approval From Others: A Closer Look

Are you a Christian seeking approval from others? Are you bending over backwards, trying to fit in somewhere? There are some that are anxiously seeking approval from others. This can lead to a lack of identity. It can also lead to people pleasing a group or a person so that they can fit in. There can be this expectation that one must morph into an unrealistic person. Yet time and time again, life shows us this is unhealthy. Being who you are and accepted for that is the beauty of true friendship and love. Many times I have seen in Christian religious settings how badly people pretend to be who they are not.

The Role That Church Plays

The church system in today’s age has a part in all this. Countless individuals lose their sense of self. They spend time trying to be a person that they are not. For example one of the most common things the church pressures is to have instant faith in Jesus.

Individuals not yet born again in the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth are trying to create instant salvation. The person may do this in order to impress their peers in the church. This results in a false conversion and false faith. However, the person continues to sin over and over again. In addition the person is subjected to unknowingly worshipping a religious evil spirit. These spirits will find a way to wreak some sort of unhealthy chaos in their life.

The Real You Matters

The Real You

It is common to feel the need to be appreciated but pretending to be who you are not doesn’t help a real relationship grow for the better. A group, friend, or any type of relationship you value should be allowed to see the real you and if there is fear of showing who one really is, that needs to be examined and prodded into why this is so. An individual acting different than who they are becomes a secretive person. Then the one on the receiving end has no idea who this person really is.

Wanting Approval in Church

Unfortunately a lot of this is going on in the institutional church system. People are putting on a fake persona and may do religious practices as a result. To add to this people have the idea that attending church regularly makes you automatically “good”. A person can trick their mind into thinking that doing habitual religious church practices means they are holy but unfortunately that persons dark sinful nature likely gets excused away.

Churches, historically in the Bible were meant to teach and preach the gospel of Christ, in addition edify born again Christians who were given faith to believe in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and warn true believers of evil among their environment. Now in the church system, they are about promoting people to “accept Jesus” and making it seem like an individual can make a decision to be a born again Christian. Many actually have no desire for Christ at all.

It is human pattern to want varying types of relationships. When it gets to the extent that a person becomes desperate for acceptance we need to stop and think why we are doing this. What is the underlying issue? An individual struggling with seeking approval from others should evaluate their selves. Has it gotten to the extent where one is pretending to be who they are not? Is this a self esteem issue? Are we incapable of facing our fears?

Seeking Approval

Seeking approval from others was a problem for me in the past. I had to fight against this issue. Years ago I went to church consistently. I didn’t get the support I was looking for and could not find real genuine love and encouragement from people that claimed to offer this. There was a struggle with standing firm with who I was. I tried to fit into the idealism of who the church system thought I should be. This didn’t help me at all. In fact it worsened my struggles with this issue.

Thankfully, the Holy Spirit led me to Pastor Pamela Sheppard and her Ministry. I learned to detox from religious bondage. I broke free! Pastor Pam realistically empowered me to strive to be the best me I can be. As she has continued to mentor, coach and counsel me, she has shown what true support and love is and that being the real me is valued. I understand the importance of being my true self.

Seeking Approval: Help Is Available

At Pam Sheppard Ministries we have the ability to help you if you are struggling with this problem. Also, we are able to provide counseling for your specific target problem areas. If you want our help, call 1-888-818-1117 or email We also have many resources that can help you, including varying books, e-books, and Kindle books that can guide you. The Kindle Book Beware Christian: Religion Produces Zombies is certainly an eye opener!

We also have another website: Resurrection Solutions available for you to learn the uncovered truths that have been hidden to many. You can view our membership options and select which choice you think is best for you.

Hits: 1460

Experience The True Freedom Of Christ

Pam Sheppard Ministries is no ordinary ministry. We are a ministry of zeal, hope, wisdom and peace. What makes our ministry unique is how we operate deliverance. This year, we are offering a special service, a workshop designed to get you delivered to experience the true freedom of Christ.

Deliverance Essentials Workshop

The Deliverance Essentials Workshop is our finest work we are going to offer to any person seeking freedom. I am sure, that you may be the “helpless” person in bondage. Looking “land and sea” for some compassionate person of understanding to deliver you from the grip of demons.

It’s a touchy subject. And, there is a lot of unfortunate fear regarding the Devil and his schemes. However, we have a gentle approach. And the Deliverance Essentials Workshop is going to be a life changing event.

If you want more information of the deliverance workshop click here. The main purpose of our ministry is to experience the true freedom of Christ. And, our workshop is going to do just that.

What Makes Us Different

Our ministry is not looking at immediate results. I know by personal experience of being involved in deliverance ministries the “immediate deliverance.” I know how the instant feeling of freedom feels like, yet, soon enough it fades.

We are committed to the long-term fruit. “Fruit that remains.” In other words, we are going to be available to watch and observe you grow. We are going to honestly, and in a down-to-earth way ask, “How’s your deliverance?” And see if you are maintaining freedom. Yet, we will also expect that YOU will reach out to us, and maintain connection.

During my “deliverance” experiences, I never had anyone ask me “How is it going?” No one followed up. And, no one really exhorted me to keep in touch. This led me to further spiritual issues, and my inner-man left out, in torment, and in need.


This may just be the experience you have been looking for. Perhaps your failures, and never wanting to share your demonic torment was for your protection. Many religious people can look down on vulnerability, and not know what to do with it…trust me been there!!!

If you are interested in signing up, or looking to experience the true freedom of Christ please click here.

Hits: 284

Reflexions on How to Try the Spirits by Dream Interpretation

In this crucial season, God will communicate to His elect to both advise and warn you on what is about to happen. this book will teach you how to try the spirits to see if they be of God.
As I was finishing up this book, I received future knowledge about the Coronavirus which actually confirmed that my dream was from God.

I wrote the word’s below a few months ago in an article. I think of it as the Ugly Gray Kiddie Covid 19 CAR. This dream was fulfilled yesterday, July 9, 2020. It has been clearly determined who sent this dream, was it God or Satan:

Here is the excerpt from a previous article:

Then in early March of 2020, as I was in the final stages of finishing the book “The Tribulation: Signs to Wonder About,” it was  noticed during the editing process  that I was mispelling the Covid-19  plague based on the sound of it, and writing CARonavirus.  Eventually I was “corrected” and I edited the book’s typos   accordingly to  the correct spelling, CORona. Yet it is important to note  that  both God and evil spirits  pay unwavering  attention to all things in my life,  including my typos.

Just a few days after the book’s publication, I dreamed that I was driving in my car on a one way highway with my daughter Zee, chatting and smiling as we usually do when we are sharing a ride together. The only difference from reality is that my daughter is usually driving, as she has the better car while I drive a rusted out 2003 PT Cruiser. Anyway, while driving in the dream, suddenly a dark gray “kiddy car” came out of no where and was about to hit us head on.

There was no driver behind the wheel of this “thing.” Also, the gray headlights covered by darkness, could only be seen about six feet away, because the size of the car hindered visibility. Before my instincts to swerve rose up, the little gray car suddenly swerved to the left which was my right. As it disappeared, and I woke up, the interpretation popped up in my mind, reminding me of my book’s typos. THE LITTLE GRAY CAR WAS CARONAVIRUS. The message? The plague shall “pass you by, Pam.”

Was this dream from God or the Devil?  

At this point, I am still trying the spirits as I do not know yet for sure. It could be either one. 

So in spite of the positive message within that CAR dream, I have continued to seriously practice social distancing.

Nevertheless, on July 4th, my daughter Zee got involved in all of this. I see now why she was in the dream. In the dream, I was the driver and she was the passenger. That means that I am the one in control. On July 4, I was in attendance at her small pool party. Well Christina had cancelled on the pool party because she had been having symptoms of a cold. She was advised by a Covid 19 hotline not to come to the July 4th gathering and to schedule a test for the following Monday.

Well, Zee got on the phone, considering that Christina was being ridiculously over cautious and my daughter actually persuaded Christina to come out to the pool party. Zee did not ask me about this but when she hung up the phone up, she yelled to all “Christina is coming.”

All in attendance yelled in glee. Everybody but ME. I felt I should have been consulted on this because I thought that Christina had made a wise Covid 19 choice and I thought Zee had made a presumptive play on this. But I said nothing.

We had a good time and I thought I had sufficiently kept up social distancing requirements. Yet two days later, I get a sore throat. I could not swallow. My history is that I really don’t get sick in the summer and if I feel a cold coming on, I suck on a lemon and it’s gone from me quickly.

Yet this flair up was different. The back of my throat was filling up with saliva and it felt like I could not breathe. Since I could not “cough it up” it felt the way Covid 19 patients describe how they feel. I began to think I was headed for a ventilator.

Thoughts came into my mind like “Well, if this is how I am going to “go out” I don’t know why God would do me this way, but I will find out bye and bye, for yet He slay me, I will trust Him.” I will still love Him. Can’t wait to see Him face to face. So all is still good.

Yet suddenly then I remembered the “Gray kidding car dream” that I wrote about a few months ago. I realized that it was about to be determined who that dream was from. if that dream was from God, I did not have “Car”ona virus. If that dream was from the devil, I have it and Satan decided to mock my faith in God. So off to my doctor’s office I went.

The first thing I planned in my mind to do once I know if I have a Corona” death in my near future is to design and sign a contractual agreement with an attorney for Abby and Evan to take over the ministry. I will turn over half of my life savings to them to do the work, and “move on out of here.” But first, I want to find out the results of Christina’s Covid 19 test.

To my dismay, Zee had been so persuasive with Christina, not only did she defy the advice given to her by the hotline on attending the July 4th pool party, Christina actually canceled the appointment to take the test. So if the dream is from Satan, I am not in the driver’s seat. Zee is and I am being mocked. So I need my own Covid -19 test. This “two plus two equals four” type of reasoning was suggesting to me that I was now Covid positive.

My doctor, Elizabeth SANDEL has this Corona thing on lockdown. You come to the office and stay in your car. A nurse comes outside and pokes you with some swab sticks up your nose. You are not released to come into the office unless you are not Covid positive. The test takes 15 minutes to produce results. I got the call and told “come on inside. You do not have Coronavirus.”

When I got inside, my doctor said “you may not have Covid 19 but what you DO have is a kiddie disease”, a huge abscess is behind your right tonsil that is causing this. I am afraid that the antibiotics I can prescribe will not work fast enough to kill the infection and your throat will increase with the mucous and cause you to feel like you are drowning in your own spit. Therefore, I am sending you to the ER to get that abscess cut and drained.

I thank God that Abbi, a registered nurse, was with me from 1 pm, spending the night at my house since the doctors in the ER were trying to get me to stay overnight and I had told the ER doctors “no thank you.” LOL”

Evan will be over today to give me the Christian fellowship I need to rejoice in God with me. For I was wondering if God had sent him from Florida to NY and also Abbi from California to NY to take over this ministry from me, because I may soon pass on to be with God. Well, not yet!!!LOL

I have lived my entire life in NY, 18 years in NYC and Almost 5 decades in upstate NY. So believe me, most in NY want to move to either Florida or California, just because we have cold weather for 3 out of 12 months!!!! Up here, we get no more than 2 serious snow storms in winter. Between the earthquakes and forest fires in Cali and the humidity and tropical storms in Florida, I LOVE NEW YORK!!!!

What I have which is quickly getting under control Is a bacterial ailment mostly suffered by children. THUS, THE KIDDIE CAR! All I have been doing, as children do in the summer, is swim. Every single day that the Sun is out, I am in Zee’s pool. they keep that pool immaculately clean. But who knows. The sun has been out here almost every single day in June. I follow the sun. Like the kiddies do. So since I still have my tonsils, I picked up a “kiddies disease.” I was also told that the bacteria could have come from a piece of meat.

Who knows. But What I have a kiddies disease. Just like my kiddie car dream suggested. It came up on me suddenly, looked like CARonavirus, but It took a swift turn to the right. A right turn in a dream is always an indication of a positive outcome.

So what is the moral of the story?

Where a dream of the future is at hand, stay in doubt and simply wait to find out if it is from God, the devil or your one soul. Also on a practical standpoint concerning the times in which we are now living, GET A CORONAVIRUS TEST.

I feel increased freedom having had the test. I had a few social distancing scares . I will allow no compromises on social distancing any longer.

For the dream book and the Tribulation book and other kindle ebooks, visit For paperbacks visit

Hits: 819

The God Of Peace

God is not of confusion, but peace. Confusion can also mean disorder, corruption, and misunderstanding. God is not of any such thing, but is of order, just, harmony, and peace. God is the God of peace!


Peace is not just some “bliss” sensational feeling. Nor is it some hippie movement about love and getting trippy. Any true and enduring peace can only come from God Himself.

God came in the flesh of Jesus as the “Prince of Peace.” And the fruit of the Spirit is peace. So much of God’s Truine nature is peace. So, where does confusion and chaos come from? God revealed through the prophet Isaiah the He is the Lord “who makes peace and creates darkness” indicating He is Lord over good and evil. Yet, He Himself is not of evil, but sovereignly uses evil for good. And, all evil will be dealt with soon enough…


During my times in the visible church, oh how confused I was. So much disorder, and chaos. Most of all, there was no peace. As in, enduring peace that lasted.

The only “peace” I experienced was blissful emotional sensations coming from the music, sermons, and so forth. Then, soon enough the feelings would pass.

None of the sermons had any substance that brought lasting fruit. Simply, they were “left overs” thrown out. And even the zealous passionate speakers never brought the Gospel to the table. Leaving me starved of peace…

The Simplicity Of The Gospel

In Pastor Pam’s video, she goes on to explain just how simple the Gospel is. She also exposes that confusion is of the Devil.

And that was my problem: I never knew the simple, pure, Gospel of peace. Which, is an essential part of the full armor of God. And without the Gospel strapped on your feet, you will walk unstable. In no way do you stumble—for the peace that a born-again Christian receives they KEEP FOREVER.

Fruit Of Peace

I remember when I became born again, after being counseled for four days. The peace I received was indescribable.

I can only say, that the peace that comes from Christ is such a wholesome substance. Pure, eternal, powerful, and simple. This peace finally was sort of that “at last” or “alas” moment. That moment when you can finally rest.

Everyday of my life attending the visible church, I never knew this peace…

Searching For Peace?

Many people in a un-peaceful world search for peace. Yet, the Devil steals them from finding it, because they “jump the gun” and think peace is something you can choose. The real peace from God, is a gift according to His “surprise.”

Too many, have made their own gifts and are left without peace by trying to save themselves by believing in counterfeit gospels. If you are looking for peace, you finally come to the right place! Check us out, to know what true peace is.

Hits: 924

The Writing on the Wall: A Vision in the Fire

With each passing day, the world sinks deeper into the spiritual deceitfulness of the end-times. Wisdom becomes increasingly necessary to navigate the deceitful church age of Laodicea. Otherwise known as ‘eleventh hour,’ it is defined by a time of chronic, rampant idolatry. Christians have partaken to corrupt doctrines of the Enemy’s design as they attempt to enroot their faith in the material world.

Popular teachings such as the Prosperity Gospel, ‘I accept Jesus’ movement, ‘falling slain in the spirit,’ and speaking tongues are just some of the ways that the Enemy has successfully managed to infiltrate the institutional church system. It’s on the same level of corruption and toxicity as today’s worldly institutions. 

People walk without realizing that the ascension of the Antichrist is near and the time of the Lord is at hand. Watch the embedded video above for insight into how to obtain god-given wisdom. Use the newfound knowledge for interpreting the cataclysmic, current events that correlate to those described in the biblical book of Daniel and Revelation. Learn how not to be caught unaware by the Lord’s subsequent return. Recall, He will turn to many Christians and declare at the gates of Heaven, “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” (Matthew 7:23). 

In a well-delivered, timely sermon, Pastor Pam compares the majority of today’s individuals similar to the Babylonians chronicled in Daniel 5, who were unaware of their spiritual impropriety. King Belshazzar brought holy gold and silver goblets from Jerusalem’s temple for wine-drinking during a royal feast. At which, those present had praised gods of the material. Suddenly, a hand of human fingers appeared and wrote a message on the wall. Yet, no one had the wisdom nor discernment to understand the message sent by the Lord.

More than two millennia afterward, God is writing a message through the unprecedented developments occurring across the Earth. No one can discern their figurative meanings as to how they exactly correlate to the broad scope of God’s plan. However, it’s still important to remain as alert and prepared as possible to survive the daunting times ahead. No matter how seemingly peaceful, the Lord’s return still draws closer every day.

Two weeks ago, a mysterious photograph was taken of a burning building. Various shades of the bright flames: a light amber; medium orange; and dark red-orange. They coalesced into several images that are relevant to ongoing headlines in the media. The contents are also disclosed within the video, specifically with am interpretation crafted through Pastor Pam’s experience of walking with the Lord for more than forty years.

During the video recording, she steps into a role akin of the prophet Daniel, deciphering the vision in the fire for all ears willing to hear. Two members of ‘the unholy trinity’ are named for everyone to know. The date which reveals the antichrist’s identity is provided, at least forty days away.

After Pastor Pam’s sermon, the following discussion provides information about how the Enemy has successfully infiltrated the institutional church by a lack of knowledge. The members of Pam Sheppard Ministries testify how humbling themselves provided them with newfound clarity. Someone must be willing to start from scratch if they truly yearn for godly wisdom.

They also provide relatable testimony of having to walk the delicate line between the Lord’s truth and the Enemy’s realm. Learn how obtaining wisdom edifies the soul to look beyond one’s fleshly desires to escape the devil’s temptations. The only one stopping you from receiving a potentially life-changing message about acquiring godly wisdom is you

This is a call to wake up during the time of the eleventh hour. Christians must be wise, and we have to be open to partake in new ideas. Many times religious individuals have a “stiff-neck” which causes a narrow, funnel vision and a closed-minded, “zero debate” mentality that disregards any possibility of truth or revelation from God. 

If you want to be wise in these times, you have to be “open to reason.” Open to the fact that you might not have a clue who God is, and what He wants from us or wants us to know. For one-on-one counseling to address how you may acquire wisdom and discernment for your spiritual development, Pastor Pam is available by phone call, toll-free at 888-818–1117.

Eye-opening Kindle Books

Hits: 1025

And That Means By Grace!

One thing that I didn’t understand when I became religious is the concept of grace. Especially, in regards to salvation. I never deeply understood, that God could save me by grace, and although I intellectually knew the Lord is gracious, I never tasted it. So, being saved by grace and that MEANS by grace! Not by smarts……

Grace Is From God

God is the One who “gives grace.” He can give us different kinds of “graces.” I know, looking back at my life God has been gracious, and done so much for me. Yet, the most important grace to know, and experience is the grace of God’s salvation in His Son—Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Too many mistake this grace for something else. For example, when I was religious I could never recall “that moment” of grace. You know, the saving grace, the “amazing grace.” I could only emotionally and intellectually think I had experienced grace but really I never knew the spiritual grace of God. This grace is directly from God Himself through His Son, that causes salvation. For it’s not by works we are saved but by grace and that means by grace!

Revelation Of Deception

Pastor and author Pamela Sheppard received revelation about the times we are in. God has anointed her by His Spirit to be a prophet in the Body of Christ in the 11th hour.

The Lord revealed to her the status of the physical church. And how, He has judged her, primarily because they forsake the “simple service to Christ” by preaching the Gospel and were beguiled by the craft of Satan and abandoned the Pure Gospel.

The Gospel is the power unto salvation. No Gospel, no salvation. And it’s this reality as to why so many Christians, including once myself become deceived and never experience the grace of the Lord.

Salvation Is A Gift

Salvation belongs to God, and only God can give salvation by grace and that means by grace. There’s nothing we can do to earn it, nothing we can say to have it. God gives it.

Our ministry is a bold witness to the truth of the Gospel. And, we are boldly declaring the truth, destroying the lies of the enemy. The biggest lie I believed in was that I knew God’s gracious salvation. But, because of the truth that lie was destroyed.

Eventually, over the course of four days God broke down my belief system. And, I knew I was not saved. After the moment during my counseling session, Pastor Pam preached to me the Gospel via the salvation videos. I was led to the Cross that awaited me, as I mourned and repent facing Jesus as my Savior. And within the hour, faith came to my spirit to reveal to me the most astounding reality that Jesus of Nazareth, though He died, was brought back from the dead to life in an indestructible and immortal body.

Through that Resurrection I became a new creation, and in that moment I tasted the grace of the Lord.

Taste And See

I never tasted nor saw that the Lord is gracious in the physical church. Only until I came to the ministry and heard the Gospel. I’ll never forget the moment where this indescribable insensible taste came upon me, that was so sweet, precious, and delightful.

I didn’t even know what I was experiencing until I read the Scripture: “Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious” (1 Peter 2:1-3)

God revealed to me on my rebirth day that you cannot intellectually grasp His grace.

It’s such an overwhelming experience that you must taste. Taste, means metaphorically to experience, to intimately know. Since of all the senses, taste is one that’s so intimate, personal, and not very intellectual. A person can touch, smell, look, and even hear food, but none of those can compare to actually tasting it.

If Indeed

The Apostle Peter would not have wrote the “if indeed” if people’s salvation experience were sincere.

The if indeed implies that we must test our salvations, and examine ourselves. I have examined even my rebirth experience to make sure I’m in the faith. And the times I go through, moment by moment I don’t find an error.

Pastor Pam writes this in her book, Beware Christian: Religion Produces Zombies,

“Present day deception is not new. In fact, it has been going on for centuries. So just be happy when God wakes you up. Don’t get all offended. God resists the proud. So receive your grace by your humility.”

Being humble is how we receive instant grace from God. It’s the relief, or nourishment after all the strength it takes to be humble.

Hits: 304

Laodicea, the Parables and Satan

As soon as the clock struck midnight of January 1, 1901, Rev. Pamela Sheppard suspects that the world’s descent into the biblical church age of Laodicea began, and therefore the 21st century marks the end of the 20th century’s Laodiceans age aka the age of the gentiles. 

As predicted in the scripture, the Lord describes the lukewarm Christians of the Laodicean-era as “neither cold nor hot” (Revelations 3:15)—-a boastful generation of material wealth and prosperity. Does not this scripture point to the popularity of the present day “prosperity gospel?” 

Why are church leaders continuing to assemble in spite of evidence of deadly outbreaks of the Coronavirus’s claim on the lives of both clergy and congregates alike? The phenomenon is reported by the media in numerous headlines. In fact, pastors determined to keep their churches open are dying of the disease. Unfortunately,  the lives of congregates are taken alongside them. False healers are themselves sickened. 

Nevertheless, religious churchgoers cannot remain in their homes on Sunday, as they itch to seek a boundless, infinite God within the confines of a building. Keep in mind, these individuals are supposed to be the most zealous and faithful of the Lord’s crop. Why would He allow the Coronavirus to circulate amongst His own households of worship?  Could it be that His protective spirit wasn’t present in the first place? 

Enter the church age of Laodicea, where professing Christians crave material and monitorial wealth from the Lord. Yet, they have no discerning knowledge of false doctrine nor a solid understanding of the Lord’s resurrection to keep themselves safe from the wiles of the Enemy. For you, dear reader, that can change right now. The key to surviving through the eleventh hour before the Lord’s Return is at the touch of your fingertips in the embedded video above.

Listen to Pastor Pam provide a brief chronology of previous church eras, within a clear commentary of the consequences resulting from when Constantine organized the Institutional church system in the fourth century AD.  Watch as she also unravels the simple, yet hidden meaning behind the Lord’s parables such as ‘the Mustard Seed’ and ‘the Foolish Virgins.’ 

Learn for yourself, if you unknowingly need your empty lamps full of oil. For you will discover how to buy gold from the Lord, His request to all those living currently during the church age of Laodicea, forged in such a way that any fiery darts of the Enemy shall be quenched. Simply put, “using gold” from the Lord through the likes of the Prosperity Gospel by ‘sowing’ any seed through a tithe is a foolish teaching. 

Within their discussion, Pastor Pam’s disciples will challenge professing Christians to ponder their own spiritual journey. you will be inspired and motivated By their personal experiences of the Enemy attempting to sabotage their livelihood, particularly through religion after attending church or “accepting Jesus.” During the eleventh hour, an increasing number of Christians are becoming tormented through blasphemous thoughts, obsessive behaviors, unexplainable visions, or distortion of their sexuality. 

Pam Sheppard Ministries offers a unique curriculum of deliverance counseling to combat the Enemy’s assault on the Elect, while he still has access to them during his temporary reign on the Earth. Each disciple in the video presents a living testimony of how the Institutional Church failing to meet the quintessential needs of the sheep. You may see yourself within the testimony that each disciple presents. As they were and ill-equipped for the Enemy’s subtle trickery as religious churchgoers, each disciple has reclaimed the ground of his or her soul that was previously held hostage. Besides deliverance and healing,  under Pastor Pam’s tutelage and pastoral counseling, they continue to be prepared to fulfill their role as eleventh hour workers, the last of God’s stewards to His flock before His inevitable return to the Earth.

As a licensed master degree counselor by profession since 1973 and licensed to preach in 1981, Rev. Pamela Sheppard was ordained in 1988 by a presiding Bishop within a well known denomination. She has over 35 years of experience as a pastor and numerous years treating those in bondage to the Enemy’s wicked schemes.  The  founder of a Christian model called deliverance counseling, Pastor Pam’s  methods stand firm by helping clients examine their salvation experience and pinpoint any possibility of a false conversion (salvation which isn’t granted by the Holy Spirit but through man-centered actions, such as “accepting Jesus” or religious sacraments such as “baptism” as a child.) Next steps involve an assessment of the religious or occultic doorways necessary to shutdown and dethrone, followed by the crafting of a treatment plan designed to ensure that all demonic doorways are permanently closed.  Those set free are provided with their very own spiritual tools to manage and keep the Enemy’s schemes at bay long after sessions are over. 

Consider those who are becoming spiritually freed from the shackles of the Enemy outside of the institutional church system. One should wonder about the invisible forces responsible for “the Holy dance,” “slain in the spirit,” or the “miraculous healings” that occur there, especially if God’s spirit has been quenched or grieved. the truth is that the Enemy masquerades as an angel of light.  How is that possible? The institutional church system no longer has clergy who can properly treat those infected by spiritual illness. Nor do they possess the sound advice necessary to free their members from the Enemy’s simplest of deceits.

Something is seriously wrong in Laodicea. There are at least 31,000 Protestant denominations each with their own path to the road of salvation. Though one denomination, the Catholic Church, 3.1 billion members.  It’s wise to gain some wisdom of how to burn hotly for the Lord during a time of spiritual disease and murkiness. 

Don’t we need to use our God given commonsense? For if the church age of Laodicea is as affluent in the spirit as it has been in the material, then all its denominations should all agree on a common Gospel and a proper salvation experience. The first place to start is to agree that salvation does not occur with accepting Jesus into your heart. 

So, what’s the one true, narrow path? Watch the embedded video above to find out! Better find out the truth here than to risk the Coronavirus amongst lukewarm pews.

Relevant Reading

Hits: 851

Christians Ruin Gender Re-Transition

Many transgenders who undergo a sex reassignment surgery later have regrets. They have regrets about their sex change decision after the operation. Fundamental Christians have now used this in their “argument” about transgenders that “they are right.” So now, fundamental “Christians” ruin gender re-transition. Specifically, because now trans-genders who re-transition are seen as “betrayers” and are “allied” with the religious “told you so’s.”

Invasion Of Privacy

This destruction began when a woman who underwent surgery to be a man. She later had regrets and wanted to change back to her original sex.

Her message was primarily to warn other transgenders about the operation. Not only, she wanted transgenders to look at the root of their issues and not just get a gender transition operation. Upon her public announcements, Christian ministers pounced on the scene. Completely invading her privacy: writing books about her, doing sermons, and so on. “Proving their point” that transgenders can’t change their nature.

From here, the transgender community then rejected her and said she was helping their “enemies” aka the religious zealots. She lost a lot of support. It should be understood that it’s not anyone’s business to publicly talk and write to thousands of people about someone’s personal life, using her name. Fundamental Christians ruin gender re-transition because they created the malice, and this tension in the first place…

The Shock

There are now many testimonies of people who have underwent a transition surgery and are now in regret.

Many transgenders in this position become extremely depressed. And can you imagine? The thought and idea is THIS is the operation that will change you forever. But, come to find out there’s an “ever desire” for more. More hormones, more plastic surgery, more and more; there is dissatisfaction.

Not only, but many people who are in regret are “stuck.” Stuck because of the pressure from the trans-community, stuck because of family and friends. There’s shame, and despair involved that keep people entrapped, unable to go back to what they were or find hope.


Our ministry offers a sexual healing service for those who are both in regret, de-transitioning, or seeking escape. We are not the fundamental Christians ruin gender re-transition and bash bibles on the skulls of people. We are simply a ministry of truth to help your needs.

We have the correct skills that can bring you encouragement, and comfort. All designed to allow you to grow into freedom. Since we have all “been there done that” there’s no judgment or criticism. In fact, I myself have been confused about gender, and somewhat know what it is like. Feel free to contact us at 888-818–1117 for more information and assistance!

Hits: 272

A Parable, A Prophecy and A Plan

Coming out of a Latina-Catholic background, the majority of toxic ‘Machismo’ culture seems to have come out of the Catholic Church’s tendency to undermine women and make them subservient to their male relatives (including their husbands, their fathers, or their own sons) out of religious motivation. That mainly comes from the interpretation of the verse, “Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire [shall be] to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee” (Genesis 3:16). Traditionalist Latinos and Mexicans often refuse to acknowledge or even think that a woman could take on a leadership position of power such as a priest or a minister. It’s a hypocritical culture of ‘no’s.’

‘No, a woman cannot become an authoritative figure in the church system.’

“No, you have too much of a past…”

‘No, you’re too young to know what you’re talking about.”

“No, you’re too old…”

Thankfully, Pastor Pam has brought forth a liberating message for women around all around the world in this video. God can use your gifts and talents for His glory, no matter your age, history, ethnicity, or gender. Where man is unwilling to use you, He certainly would. As she spoke, “The first shall be last and the last shall be first.” As long as God is intent on using them for His purpose, the eleventh hour workers shall know no visible mold nor will be limited by location. The Internet has enabled the Lord’s Elect to connect with the leadership which He has appointed and vice-versa. The Body of Christ may now come together regardless of location and have each person treated according to their needs in a live, time-efficient format. An eleventh hour worker may have sheep encompassing the globe from Nigeria, France, to even Japan.

I’m the utmost grateful for working as an eleventh hour worker during this perilous time. And I’m continuously thankful to have found Pam Sheppard Ministries during the darkest of time in terms of my spiritual walk. Each person here is exceptionally gifted and talented; and I’m beholden to be in their midst…especially Pastor Pam, who has interwoven all our stories together by God’s purposeful hand.

Yes! We are are the Lord’s eleventh hour workers; and I cannot wait until the clock strikes twelve. That shall be a time when we will stand united upon the Lord’s Return as one cohesive unit and family. I look forward to that day with the joyful zeal and happiness in my heart until then!

Take a look at the embedded video above for Pastor Pam’s unprecedented interpretation of the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16), the Prophecy of Joel (Acts 2:17-21), and the Lord’s commentary on the end-times (Matthew 24) that reveal that the workers of the eleventh hour shall be unlike any of their predecessors. See if you can find solid-footing and commonality with the brethren recorded as they provide their own personal testimonies and observations of the unparalleled times of today. They themselves undergoing training to become ministers, mentors, and group leaders under Pastor Pam’s tutelage as her disciples.

If you require one-on-one attention during the spiritually perilous time of the eleventh hour, you may call Pastor Pam for one-on-one counseling sessions at 888-818-1117 or ask questions by email at

Hits: 634

Discipleship: Detoxing from Religion

The original gatherings of early Christian believers comprised of sermons, singing, and praying. Numerous churches have elaborated on these elements in some sort of fashion. Some denominations have even added specific practices making their sect’s services solely unique from others. Nevertheless, today’s churches have lost sight of a crucial component in their worship gatherings: The camaraderie.

Listen to Pastor Pam’s disciples provide their personal testimonies of their experiences with the Institutional church system. Each person has a relatable, enduring narrative for any ear willing to hear:

Evan: A bright, young man on a personal quest to find something more than the superficialities of religion. While he manages to stumble out of the darkness of the occult, he finds something much more disturbingly sinister in the very place where he attempts to find spiritual nourishment. Hear Evan’s firsthand account of his alarming experience that has become typical across the country.

Christina: An earnest, young lady, who had no peace over salvation after saying the Sinner’s prayer and trying to repent multiple times. Instead of feeling the liberation of Christ, she felt increasingly under religious pressure to act out a ‘Christian’ lifestyle and the burden of leading her relatives to God. Discover how Christina’s soul found solace in the Lord’s eternal plan for salvation. 

Abbi: A sincere, candid woman, who had a history as a regular churchgoer. Over time, she began to realize her church’s passive, lukewarm nature. It wasn’t long before her spiritual life starts to head downhill after stating the Sinner’s prayer to receive salvation. Uncover Abbi’s path to discovering the power of her divine free-will and overcoming the religious spirits, who attempted to block her from receiving salvation. Listen to her past testimony in the above video. Then, read about her own born-again experience, after waiting five years at Pam Sheppard Ministries.

George: A well-spoken, thoughtful individual, who found himself ensnared with the religious foundation that he grew up with as a child. It was the Enemy’s weapon of choice to prevent him from the salvation experience by which he is currently awaiting. Listen to his experience in the institutional church system that left his starving spirit yearning for sufficient meat. The praying, singing, and bible-studying that he had absorbed into practice was no match for the evil spirit that appeared to him as an angel of light. Listen to George’s testimony of (the false) Jesus appearing after his prayers for salvation but leaving him with a feeling of damnation.

Danielle: As a young girl, her pastors always seemed to preach a different Word than what her Bible read. Over the years, she found herself wanting to scream at times, “You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Nevertheless, she was still drawn back to the Institutional church for her love of music and a desire to share her vocal talent. After finding Pastor Pam, learn how she becomes bold enough to leave her own church, bringing alongside her brother.

The members featured in the embedded video are currently in training to become ministers, mentors, group leaders, and bible teachers, and deliverance workers while also learning to work as a team. Their testimonies mainly involve receiving a false conversion, trademarked by thinking one has received salvation that hasn’t occurred. (It mostly happens out of people not completely understanding nor hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ. His bodily Resurrection is often the most distorted portion.) Each person has in-training sessions with Pastor Pam on a bimonthly or weekly basis for their individual development and growth.

They provide his and her insights as they share their testimonies regarding the subject “Does Jesus Know You?” Observe the harmony and solidarity amongst one another as they reveal some of their most personal, vulnerable spiritual moments. Think of your personal church experience and recall if similar support has ever been extended by the leadership of deacons, bishops, ministers, or priests.

Testimonies like these do not weave themselves together in the blink of an eye. They come from the persistent diligence of Pastor Pam, who has conducted deliverance counseling through her experience both as a licensed counselor by the profession and a minister by ordination since 1973 and 1981 respectively. Conducting private sessions online since 2002, Pastor Pam added virtual group deliverance counseling on April 14, 2012.  She also began facilitating group work as early as eight years ago. Her own personal experiences are documented and written by her own hand in a myriad of books: The Fake Jesus, Church of the Endtime Zombies, and Come out of Her God’s People among others. They were motivated after a series of events involving divine, godly intervention. Two of which are the supernatural nature of her born again experience after 33 years of atheistic views, as of 43 years ago; and later, God’s call to leave the institutional church system after twenty-five years of service. The nature of her work as a deliverance counselor also is included.

At PSM, not one person is put to ridicule or shame for their past. So, they’re liberated to grow spiritually and obtain spiritual sustenance per their specific needs through daily counselor sessions and constant fellowship support.

Take a glance at the group discussion that demonstrates the possibilities produced from honest camaraderie in ways that churches were meant to support and educate their fellow constituents! (In other words, the way that the church should be today and should’ve always stayed.)

Click here to hear Pastor Pam’s riveting sermon that inspired the questions answered in the recording! Perhaps you may also find yourself motivated to select a book culminated from her personal experiences and otherworldly inquiries such as “The New Idolatry” which uncovers additional information about spiritual fallacies occurring in the Institutional church system and increasing amalgamation with the occult.

Part 1: Prayer, Sermon and Song

Hits: 1123

Run To Win The Race

ON YOUR MARK, get set, GO! As the blast of a gun goes off. The moment you become born-again you are qualified for the race of a lifetime, literally. Yet, you gotta run to win the race…

You Have The Strength

Once you are born again, you receive grace. A grace “in which you stand” that empowers you to run with boldness, power, and might. You receive talents, gifts, and at the end of the race is a “calling” or the “prize.” Namely, the “inheritance” of the Kingdom of God.

God would not enter us into a race, and not give us what we need to finish and win. No, He has blessed us with everything we need. Yet, “if we lack wisdom” just ask in faith and He will give. Of course, if we doubt His power then we begin to waver and lose our footing.

The Israelites also were in the same race and heard the Gospel. They were delivered by the Son Himself. On the course to “the promise.” But, they lost faith and got distracted…


Every runner is zoned in on the goal. When you run to win, you are not comparing yourself to the person next to you. Not looking at the cheering or booing crowds. But, you are fully focused on overcoming and being the victor of the race.

I know, from personal experience the Devil operates with distractions. All designed to get me to run with uncertainty, and apathy. As of now, I have to watch myself as he tries to captivate my attention on things that do not matter. Things temporary, perishing, and not abiding.

How do I overcome this and run to win the race?

Faith Helps The Win

A prime example is our Pastor, Pamela Sheppard. By faith, Pastor Pam left all behind, only keeping her salvation upon leaving the corrupt visible church. She lost everything but was in no way “disqualified” from the run. She brushed-off “the dust” and is pressing on to the hope of her calling in Christ. Full speed ahead.

One of our members is also an example. By faith, she left the fading riches of San Francisco to be with the ministry. Knowing, something greater lies ahead.

Another member too, by faith gave up her comfort and moved closer to the ministry to help, as she awaits her salvation. Also, knowing a greater hope abounds.

I now too can join, and say by faith, I left behind the sub-tropical paradise of Florida. All to focus more on the Lord and the ministry He called me to. Knowing that the calling of Christ is greater than beaches and nice weather.

Yes, there are more examples of faith in our ministry. But, the question that needs to be asked is:

Who is running the run to win the race?


Of course, we don’t run in selfish ambition nor in vain. But, we run, knowing that we are the last church age. The final generation of believers who carry the relay baton to the finish line.

In the secular, the fastest racers are usually placed at the final hand-off. Known as “the anchors.” In other words, we need to be at a zealous pace as we approach the finish line.

We cannot be “fast and slow.” By fast, it’s important (as I am learning) not to be overlooking fundamentals. Or, trying to skip ahead, and miss important processes. But, running fast is simply running the run to win the race.

Need Encouragement?

Every serious, professional, winning racer has a trainer, a coach. Someone who cheers, corrects, disciplines, shapens-up, and encourages the racer—all part of a design to help you run to win the race. The danger of a runner is if they lose connection with their coach. Since, how can a runner “be challenged” to win (metaphorically speaking) ?

Our Pastor wrote multiple books all written to help you win. And, she has telephone counseling available to enhance your training to the max. As well as our ministry power groups.

We are here to help you run! So, if you are in the race brethren, run to win the race! Whatever weight the Devil has placed on your ankles. Whatever distractions stand on the side. Get rid’ of it. Keep your eyes on the prize. And get the help you need from your coach. Go!

Hits: 247

Prayer, Sermon and Song

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness” (Matthew 7:21-23).

A sermon is crucial for tying a service together. It provides the primary source material for the topic at hand. In the embedded video above, Matthew 72:21-23 are essential verses to having those with a religious background understand that ‘accepting Jesus’ will not guarantee their salvation nor forthcoming in the name of the ‘true’ Jesus in the first place. The sermon is coupled with Pastor Pam’s commentary of personal experience, providing the head to a spear in the Zoom video fittingly titled, “Does Jesus Know You?”

Without listening to the sermon above, the rest of the recorded Zoom discussion will not hold as much merit to a listener, who hasn’t heard of Pam Sheppard Ministries nor its teachings offered. The subsequent discussion would be like a stick without the flint or metal enabling it to become a spear, a weapon of choice during a time of monumental spiritual warfare between the Lord’s truth and the lies of the Devil.

In this case, two examples of churchgoing women becoming demonized on the payroll out of institutional church should make a person’s ears wide to hear. If a top-tithing, tongue-speaking churchgoer rises out of her wheelchair, under the control of evil spirits, then those individuals practicing these activities should also pay particular attention. Just recently, someone became demonized decades simply by hearing a prophecy given to them on church-grounds. Put these two events with the context of Matthew 72:21—23, it should make a person stop to think about their current list of experiences in the church-system.

The latter example happened only within the previous week, and there are other people with similar testimonies of becoming tormented after attending church-services too. With such in mind, it becomes increasingly plausible Jesus ‘doesn’t know’ the typical churchgoer, who are adhering to daily religious activity modeled by today’s churches. Otherwise, the aforementioned cases of the demonized Christians would not exist according to the traditional beliefs of popular denominations. 

Pastor Pam’s sermons are similar to essay introductions everything develops and flows. The discussion chronicled throughout the rest of the recording session would not hold the same gravity without her cultivated, background knowledge.  They are like spears slicing through the thick deception for those currently at odds with the Institutional church. (So, I’d very much hope you’d pay close attention throughout subsequent Zoom sessions for them.)

Anyone inquiring about the interpretation of Matthew 7:21-23, should look no further than the embedded YouTube video above or here via YouTube. Prepare for a spiritually nourishing service that demonstrates the proper composition of a church service: a soul-riveting prayer; an insightful, perceptive sermon; and a riveting song to soothe the spirit during the Corona epidemic. The goal is to set God’s people free from the rampant, spiritual darkness occurring in the church age of Laodicea.

Take heed to the words of Pastor Pam, who has liberated numerous individuals from religious bondage and supernatural torment in over thirty-five years of experience. The folks at church may know you, but find out why that doesn’t signify that Jesus does. The price of that knowledge won’t require paying a tithe, consuming communion, or becoming slain-in-the-spirit; but only requires time to listen. Occasionally, spending time with the Lord requires faith to let go of the noisy spiritual clutter to see things clearly for their true nature. The simplistic, sincere elements found in the worship services of early believers are a far cry from the churches still attempting to remain open today. Yet, the recorded service above takes Christian service back to its roots with a prayer, sermon, and song all based on a word to hear: “Let my people go!”

Hits: 423

The Coronavirus and the Churches

Produced on Sunday, 5/3/20 on Zoom, this Christian virtual Zoom meeting  includes, prayer, scripture, song, a sermon and a group discussion within a space of 1 hour and 20 minutes.  Within a series of messages called “Let My People Go,” the primary subject of the second production  is to explore a major reason why “the doors of the church are now CLOSED!  So sit back and learn about “the Fake Jesus!”

Learn More About the Fake Jesus

From the days when Lucifer fell from heaven because of his rebellion against God, what compells Satan is that he desires to be worshipped like God.  As such, he will go to ANY lengths to obtain it, even deceive people who think they are worshipping the Son of God when in actuality, they are worshipping one of Satan’s cohorts, the fake Jesus aka Jesus Sananda Immanuel.   

Sananda is the god of both the occult and the false church. 

Hits: 659

To Understand Our Ministry

Some notes about the Holy Thursday washing of the feet - Diocese ...


Feet washing was a common act of service. In the ancient middle-east, sand would constantly dirty peoples feet and get in the house. So, feet washing would help to get rid of the sand and dirt.

It’s highly important that you, whoever you maybe, as you read, to understand our ministry. This article is going to explain our ministry, our goal, and what we have come to find out. ‘Diakonia’ (διακονία) is the Greek word for ministry. The word broken down in it’s singularity is used to describe a “servant of a king.” So “ministry” is sort of the collection of servants of a king.

Who Is Our King?

Our King IS, the King of all possible kings, JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH, the SON of GOD. And we are His servants. The King has called us to serve, and set us apart as a particular “service” for the people of God.

Our service is not typical. And our servants are not typical either. Pamela Sheppard is the first servant of the ministry who by the Lord’s leading inspired the ministry. After years of deception in the visible church, she would leave everything but her salvation behind and take up the call to online service. Soon enough, God would send her His people, and one by one the ministry began to grow.

To understand our ministry, our King, has earnestly warned us that these are the last days. The last days would be filled with corruption, wickedness, but primarily spiritual deception.

Liberation From Deception

To understand our ministry, our goal, as servants of Christ is to undeceive His people using the truth He has revealed to the ministry. Since, truth is what set’s people free, this is our mission: to spread the message of truth.

Truth about what? All things. However, our primarily operation is to preach the True Gospel, expose the invisible idolatry of the visible church, and expose the prophetic doctrine of demons that would take place in her. Here is what author Pamela Sheppard writes in her book “The Fake Jesus:”

“Our goal with this book is to warn and arm the elect of God and to undeceive those who unknowingly are worshiping the fake Jesus. The information we have gleaned from the ascended master teachings suggest to us that we are living in the last days, where some would depart from the faith and give heed to seducing spirits and doctrine of devils. Those who are lukewarm shall be spit out of the Lord’s mouth, for they are poor, blind, and naked.”

This is the essence of what our ministry is about! Why? Because we want the world to know the TRUE KING OF KINGS, and not some limited, unsaving imposing evil fallen angel.

Get Past The Differences

To understand our ministry and get through differences here is what you must know. Differences arise from divisions caused by haughty intellectual disagreement. When I arrived to the ministry, I had to set-aside my intellect. NOT my commonsense, but my “intelligence” or what I thought I knew (ie. assumptions).

Once I was able to set aside my intellectual pride, I could see the truth that this ministry preaches, teaches, and practices. If you can remain intellectually humble, our ministry will be able to help. But, because we have separated ourselves from the visible church; and clung ourselves to our identity with the True Invisible Church of Christ, we are different.

We are different in a way that we each have our own individuality. We are individual servants who share a Great King. Yet, we are all becoming “like” our Great King, and therefore have a commonality. As citizens of the Great King’s government, we are qualified to aid His people who are lost and deceived in the endless routine of traditions of men and vain worship.

The Personality And Nature

The personality and nature of our ministry is unique. We are all a combination of passionate, caring, hopeful, zealous, yet calm, collected, fighters, bold, wise, honest, free, loving and confident people.

All of God’s true people are “strangers” and “aliens” in the world. The word in Greek alludes to “not belonging” or “not fitting in.” And indeed, all of God’s people in the eyes of the world are unique.

Questions Of Examination

Have you been wavering in your salvation? Feeling as though you aren’t saved? Do you feel oppressed? Burdened and under-pressure? Are you in confusion? Keep sinning? Or do you have to suppress and restrain so hard every sinful urge within you? Do you just go about the motions of religion and feel empty? Are you always craving the ecstasy like sensation of worship? Are you always singing and worshiping in order to escape your fears?

Don’t you find it not coincidental that the visible churches closed on Easter Sunday, globally, at the advent of COVID-19? Do you feel in your heart of hearts that something is not right with the visible church? Are you constantly desiring freedom, but only have a liberty that lasts temporarily? Does fellowship love feel wax-cold? Have you grown weary of the routines of the visible church?

Listen if you are in church and if you have ears:

“Because you say, ‘I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and know not that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked,”

“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, ‘Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues,'” for,

“The Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall…have a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away (lit. “avoid”)”

Contact Us

If this article and questions and Scriptures spoke to you, please feel free to reach out to us by clicking here.

We are here to help you. In a world that the people of God don’t belong to, we need to belong to Christ. Part of your rejection could be that you are trying to belong to a system and people that you were not chosen to part-take with. Heed the call to come out, separate and depart from the visible church heaped with iniquity for,

“‘Let every one that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.‘”

Finally, to understand our ministry, we were not meant to take on the heavy loads of church ministers who lift not one finger to relieve. Christianity was not meant to be an oppressive burdened haul of pressure, sins, uncertainty, fear and slavery. This is why He says again,

Come out of her My people, lest you partake in her sins and receive her plagues” and,

“Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Hits: 300

The Tribulation and the Coronavirus

Tje purpose of this image is to recommend that people practice social distancing

Practicing Social Distancing

At the beginning of 2020, I had never even heard the the term “social distancing.” Yet looking back, it seems that I was subconsciously practicing social distancing in preparation  for what was to almost immediately transpire within a few  weeks. In Christian circles, we call this “led of the Spirit.” When we walk by faith, the Holy Spirit will order our steps by guiding  us into all truth, even in those areas where the facts are unknown to us. 

 By example, a  social person by nature, I found it unusual that I was becoming uncomfortably checked in my spirit by  what seemed totally out of character for me. My normal comfort zone has continued to embrace   regular weekend in-house vistations. In fact, my home has a kind of “nestling quality to it” where visitors arrive in the afternoon  and enjoy staying until after midnight!  Nevertheless, I was a bit troubled in my spirit, feeling like I really wanted to be alone.  In fact,  I found myself   arranging that  regular visitors settle in the back of the house, while I remained in the front, several feet away. I now realize the  spiritual truth—  I was actually unknowingly  practicing  social distancing a few weeks  BEFORE I was aware of Covid-19. 

Then in early March of 2020, as I was in the final stages of finishing the book “The Tribulation: Signs to Wonder About,” it was  noticed during the editing process  that I was mispelling the Covid-19  plague based on the sound of it, and writing CARonavirus.  Eventually I was “corrected” and I edited the book’s typos   accordingly to  the correct spelling, CORona. Yet it is important to note  that  both God and evil spirits  pay unwavering  attention to all things in my life,  including my typos.

Just a few days after the book’s publication, I dreamed that  I was driving  in my car on a one way highway with my daughter, chatting  and smiling as we usually do when we are sharing a ride together.  The only difference from reality is that my daughter is usually driving, as she has the better car while  I drive a rusted out 2003 PT Cruiser.  Anyway, while driving in the dream, suddenly a dark  gray “kiddy car” came out of no where and was about to hit us head on.  

There was no driver behind the wheel of this “thing” Also, the gray headlights covered by darkness, could only be seen about six feet away, because the size of the car hindered visibility.  Before my instincts to swerve rose up, the little gray car suddenly swerved to the left which was my right.  As it disappeared, and I woke up, the interpretation popped up in my mind, reminding me of  my book’s typos.  THE LITTLE GRAY CAR WAS CARONAVIRUS.  The message?  The plague shall “pass you  by, Pam.” 

Was this dream from God or the Devil?  

At this point, I am still trying the spirits as I do not know yet for sure. It could be either one. 

So in spite of the positive message within that CAR dream,  I have  continued to seriously practice social distancing.  In fact, only my daughter and my son-in law come in briefly, to deliver my groceries  or fix things around the house and on those infrequent occasions,   we remain 6 feet away from each other.   I do not allow anyone else through my front door. A friend who is like a daughter to me works in an outpatient clinic.  I was shocked to learn  yesterday that  several of the staff who surround her tested positive for Coronavirus, but  she tested negative. 

This wonderful news is certainly  in keeping with the message of the recent dream. Nevertheless, I will continue to maintain social distance from her.  Why?  Because the dream could have been a trap, a demonic setup, to cause me to drop my guard, and the day I let her in, unknown to herself, was the day she  picked up the virus and passes it on to me. 

Hello!!!!  Covid 19 is as serious as cancer!!! I am well aware that  the devil wants to take me out before my time.  Vigilance requires that I continue social distancing and not let up— not one inch! 

So take my advice and you continue to do the same.  The Lord Jesus Christ is returning very soon.  If you die now, your body  won’t have long to be in the grave.  Yet if you can live, what a thrill to be alive on earth when He comes!!!! 

A Question
"The Tribulation: Signs to Wonder About

The wheat and the tares are undistinguishable in as both the works of God and the works of the devil stand side by side  in the world and in the organized church. Yet the Almighty knows His own. With this comforting thought in mind, is there anything that we should do in the natural to prepare for upcoming environmental disasters that cannot be denied in the prophetic words of God?”


Hits: 471

To Be A Babe In Christ

baby lying on fabric cloth

I first of all, am beyond thankful for Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Son of God, in fact the whole Triune of God. Because, as of recently I have been going through deep changes that I am not all too aware of. For my rebirth day, the Lord gave me the gift of understanding more of His will. And, I am thankful for the GRACE of GOD to be a babe in Christ the Beloved.

My Journey

I arrived to Pam Sheppard Ministries having not one clue about deception, sin, salvation, God, myself, and the Devil. Only hitting the tip of the iceberg during a four day period before being born-again, let’s just say I was very ignorant of many things after my salvation experience.

This ignorance did not destroy me, because thankfully both the help of the ministry and the Holy Ghost working through His people, I can stand closer to the image of Christ.

I must confess though, that only as of recently do I feel this way. Some of my walk, to be frank was carnal, and worldly. Part of my problem was simply I rationalized what I was doing to be right. My affections at times were drawn to “the lust of the eyes” and the pride of life. At times, I would desire the life of the world, and begin to slightly conform to how the world thinks, behaves, loves, and works.

Passivity Problem

My main problem was I did not fully understand passivity. At least “spiritual” passivity. In the natural I understood passive nature. But, in the spirit, NOT AT ALL. The Holy Spirit recently revealed to me through what Pastor teaches and Jesse Penn’s book, War On The Saints:

“Passivity! How many have fallen into it, little knowing their state! Through the passivity of their faculties much time is lost in dependence upon the help of outward circumstances, and environment. In the lives of so many there is much “doing,” with so little accomplished, many beginnings, and few endings. How familiar we are with the words, “Yes, I can do that,” and the impulse is moved, but by the time the need for action has come, the passive man has lost his momentary interest.”

After this deeper unveiling occurred ALL of what Pastor Pam teaches about passivity became crystal clear! I finally am BEGINNING to understand MY passivity.

What Is Passivity?

There are three states in which a faculty (ie. spirit, soul, body) rests in: activity, inactivity, passivity. From my understanding now, the condition in which we want our members to be in is activity. Activity comes from conscious decision to chose, determine, and then act from the will.

“Inactivity” of a member, is not necessarily passivity. Inactivity can just be sitting, resting, sleeping, and so forth. Passivity, is then the further proceed from inactivity. It is not only “inactivity” but an “allowing” of activity. Passivity is inactivity and activity without the use of will. It is the “automatic” or “autonomic” expression of faculties, or members of our being.

The difference between inactivity and passivity, is inactivity comes from an active will to be “inactive.” Whereas passivity comes from no place of thought or choice to be active or inactive. Passivity “does” whatever the circumstance or environment pressures the passive person into.

This summed up, some areas of my life. My habitual routines from arising to departing. Eating to sleeping, talking, to walking; routine and routine. My active thought and will became dormant, as “whatever” was going on became a means of action for me. My dependence became upon circumstances, people, and events taking place for me to “make a choice” or “give thought.” I was not operating out of independent thought, choice and will. All of this was occurring in very undetectable forms…

Still Learning

I can’t say I have overcome passivity, because to be honest: my entire life has been PASSIVE! Passivity takes time to get out of, because it took time to get into it. But now, I can recognize my passivity as revealed and RESIST this “sin of omission” and obey the call to be active and, “Yield my members as instruments of righteousness alive from the dead unto God.” To say, that my members should be in active use of my will to be weapons of righteousness unto God. And, that I should be “dead to passivity” or dead to not using my members by my will…

To be a babe in Christ I have discovered is to accept your place as a babe, but “desire the pure milk of the Word” and grow up into salvation. The milk of the Word is not laboriously studying the Scriptures. But, it is the revealed Word, led by the Spirit to be worked into your spirit and delivered into your mind through the words of the Spirit.

To be a babe in Christ is also to move on from mistakes with God’s grace. I have made some errors. But it’s written that, “If we walk in the light as He is in the light the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin.” As I walk in the light, my faults unknown to me will be made visible, cleansed by the Blood of the Lamb. I then can confess, “shake of the dust,” and press onto more of the light of God. And in this degree do I also overcome Satan, since it’s by “the blood of the Lamb” the saints overcome the Dragon. The path of righteousness is made more visible by this active walk too. Making the “breastplate” of righteousness more formidable.

A Ministry Of Growth

I would have no idea what it means to be a babe in Christ. In fact, I would not be a babe if the ministry had not preached to me the Gospel unto my salvation. I also would have not known about passivity, if our ministry had not warned the dangers thereof.

How has your growth been over the years or even months? What can you say and share and encourage about being a babe and how to grow? I know that our Pastor is one who “feeds the lambs.” And I can attest that she has through counseling sessions, fellowship Zoom calls, and the Rescue Group has fed me the spiritual milk of the Word.

However, we have to co-operate in growth. We must desire to press onto maturity, despite what we may face. Growth does not just happen “automatically.” We must “work out our salvation with fear and trembling.” Of course, “God gives the increase” of all growth, but we need to actively seek the “watering” of the word (ie. via counseling, Scriptures as led by the Holy Spirit, testimony, fellowship and assembling together). Therefore, ask God to give you the grace to will to press onto active work, growth, and maturity with all strength from the might of His power!!!

Hits: 316

Their Knowledge Of The Foe

“…Some, however, discover that their bitter experience may be turned into light for the Church in its fight with sin and Satan, and as those who have been in the camp of the enemy and heard all his secrets, they become a terror to the forces of evil on their emergence to liberty, with the result that they are assailed with intensified malignity on account of their knowledge of the foe” (Jesse Penn-Lewis, War On The Saints).

A Terror To Evil

Pamela Sheppard is both a pastor and author. She was snatched out of the enemy’s camp by the Hand of the Lord four decades ago, and made born-again by the Holy Ghost. Much in a Moses-like figure, she has inspired a ministry to help deliver the people of God from the hands of the Devil.

Pamela was snatched out of the occult, then made born-again. Three years in the direct field of darkness, and then was supernaturally led into the indirect field of darkness. That is the religious buildings, or what people today call “church.” Despite all the trials of nearly 25 years in the religious camp and then led out of it, it has equipped her to be a terror of the forces of evil. Since, now it has advanced her with knowledge of both sides of the Devil’s darkness: the occult and religion.

With such vast experiences, she is a “living encyclopedia” of deliverance and knowledge of the foe. And, she has shared this knowledge with her ministry. Not only, being a ministerial deliverance counselor she has gained knowledge from thousands of torment and bound Christians over the years. Simply by listening to their experiences.

We Know The Plots

How can you defend against an enemy if you do not 1) know how he attacks and 2) if you have no experience of his attacks?

Most of our ministry workers have been through the occult and slaughters of Satan. Not only, but almost all of us have been through an avenue of religion. We all have been deep in the enemy’s camp. And, not just “one field” of it, but many different sides. All of which, combined create a formidable defense and attack against Satan’s works.

I Was Defeated

In both my life in the occult and religion, I was a defeated person. There was always a chain linked to my ankle. At different points in my life the chain would be “loose” or “tight” but…there was still a chain…

I had left the occult after going way too deep into it for too long. Eventually, I needed help, deliverance and freedom. But, going to the church I did not find that, in all the different ones I went to. Messianic, Methodist, Charismatic, Non-Denominational, evangelical street preachers, “land and sea” to find deliverance but, to no avail.

Some of these places talked about spiritual warfare, but not to a fruitful effect. I “learned and learned” and practiced but, no liberation. As much “power” these so called Christians had, it was superficial and not true liberating power promised from the Spirit of Truth.

My condition grew worse, and worse only until I arrived at Pam Sheppard Ministries did I receive ever lasting results, because of their knowledge of the foe.


When I arrived to Pam Sheppard Ministries I felt understood. To say, they had the knowledge and experience to understand where I was. Once I realized that the reason for my defeat was because I had a false salvation experience, things changed.

Once I discovered the truth, and learned about deception, I became free. A literal invisible scale-like peeling was uncovering off my face as I read “Church of the Endtime Zombies.” Soon enough, I would receive an unforgettable salvation that would allow me to STAND IN CHRIST.

From there, I no longer felt ashamed of my occult past, and religious vanity. All the sins were cleansed in the Blood of Jesus and the power of His Resurrection released me from the bondage of my sinful condition. Since, I finally was given faith in His Resurrection and I no longer laid helplessly in my sins (see 1 Cor. 15:12-19).

I can now stand in a position with Pam Sheppard Ministries and their knowledge of the foe, and confidently say that I am not ignorant of the Devil’s devices. Ignorance is to be unaware and without true knowledge. That’s not me anymore!

The Enemy Steals

Satan usually steals people away from reaching the ministry by tainting the people of God. When I first came to the ministry, I received all kinds of “suspicions” about the ministry. Which, I endured through somewhat knowing it to be of the Devil. I reasoned, “Why is it with these people I am finally starting to feel free and delivered from demons? And now, all of the sudden there’s “something wrong” with them?”

Thanks be to God, that He gave me faith that did not fail me. BECAUSE I AM NOW GROWING INTO MORE AND MORE FREEDOM EVERYDAY WITH THEM AND THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF THE FOE! And I was revealed the truth that they are of God within four days, because I became born-again.

Look, Satan knows us and our ministry and how we expose his schemes. Think, does a dictator reveal his mind and thoughts about an attack to his national enemy? And, what would this dictator do if his devices and plans were exposed? Would not, an evil dictator do everything in his power in order to destroy their knowledge of the foe from spreading? Yes, yes he would…

THEREFORE, if you have an ear, let them hear! We are HERE to help you and minister to your very needs.

Hits: 322